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STONE MEMORIES by Theano Giannezi

Stone Memories

Solo Exhibition by Theano Giannezi


18 June - 4 July 2021

Presented in Krack Studio

Every man carries within him, unconsciously the memory of ancient civilizations Similarly, the stone is the fragment of the World’s memory. - Carl Gustav Jung, Memories

In ancient civilizations, it is believed that the stones have witnessed the spectacle of life long before the existence of human kind, making them the collectors of the memory of life cycles. They carry memories just like humans do and the layers of information that are accessible to humans, help revealing the stories of our past or more precisely from their past.

Karema 29,7 x 42cm Screen-print on Aquarella Paper 300g 5 Editions | 2021

They have the ability to record all the historical and emotional scenes they silently witnessed through the millennia and the “visibility of trace” encourages the perpetuation of collectivelyheld knowledge of the world.

Lahir dari batu | 200 x 73 cm | print on paper | stone | wall installation | 2021

In my search of creating connection between distant forgotten memories I attempted to give light to the ever changing collective believe. I realized that wherever we are in time, the meaning of Life and Death will always find a special place in our existence, regardless the tradition, the essence will live for eternity.

Theano Giannezi is a visual artist. Her art practices focus mainly in drawing, paper installations and the creation of three dimensional forms where she incorporates elements of nature by engaging subjects as the pursuit of the meaning of human existence, with the intention to idealize it and explore its connection to the natural environment and the urban lifestyle. Her artworks have been presented in solo and group exhibitions in galleries and cultural institutes in Europe and Indonesia and she has participated in art seminars and residency programs.

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