The Antlerette Volume 98 Issue 6

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The Antlerette

Effects of California Minimum Wage Increase

The recent minimum wage increase in California has sparked a mixed response, with both positive and negative effects reverberating through the state's economy. On one hand, proponents argue that raising the minimum wage improves the standard of living for low-income workers, allowing them to afford basic necessities and reducing income inequality. This boost in purchasing power can also stimulate local economies as workers have more disposable income to spend on goods and services. However, critics express concerns about potential job losses, especially in industries with thin profit margins; such as, hospitality and retail. Small businesses, in particular, may struggle to absorb the increased labor costs, leading to possible layoffs or reduced hours for employees.

March 2024 Volume 98 Issue 6

Additionally, the minimum wage hike could spur businesses to explore automation and technological solutions to offset rising labor expenses. While these advancements may increase efficiency and productivity in the long run, they could also lead to displacement of low-skilled workers in the short term. Moreover, there are fears that the wage increase could contribute to inflationary pressures, as businesses may pass on higher labor costs to consumers through price hikes. As California navigates the aftermath of this wage adjustment, policymakers will need to carefully monitor its impacts on employment, inflation, and overall economic growth to ensure a balanced and sustainable outcome for workers and businesses alike.

While technological advancements can enhance productivity and efficiency over time, they may also displace low-skilled workers in the short term, exacerbating unemployment and income insecurity.


Man Receives First Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Transplant

On March 16, 2024 at Massachusetts General Hospital, Richard Slayman, a 62-year-old man living with end-stage kidney disease, became the first person in the world to receive a genetically modified pig kidney.

Slayman, a manager with the state’s transportation department, suffered years of failing kidneys, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension. He had previously received a kidney transplant from a deceased human donor in 2018 after being on dialysis for seven years prior. Approximately five years later, this transplanted kidney showed signs of failure and his quality of life quickly began decreasing as he had to resume dialysis. As a last ditch effort, scientists at the hospital partnered with biotech company eGenesis to genetically modify a pig kidney by removing harmful pig genes and adding certain human genes in hopes of improving its compatibility with humans. Richard Slayman returned home less than three weeks after the pioneering surgery, and says he feels just fine.

This successful procedure is a historic milestone in the emerging field of xenotransplantation, the transplantation of organs or tissues from one species to another. This leads many people to believe that there could be a potential solution to the worldwide organ shortage. As of right now, Slayman represents a beacon of hope for many individuals who are waiting for organ transplants, not just due to end-stage renal disease, but possibly other life-threatening conditions as well.


Hawaii Housing Crisis

The housing crisis in Hawaii is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed urgently. With skyrocketing house prices, limited affordable housing options, and an increase in homelessness, many residents are struggling to make ends meet. The lack of affordable housing has led to overcrowding, substandard living conditions, and increased competition for limited resources.

One of the main factors contributing to the living crisis in Hawaii is the high cost of living. The state has one of the highest costs of living in the nation, with expensive housing, food, and transportation prices. This makes it difficult for lower-income residents to afford basic necessities and secure stable housing.

Additionally, the tourism industry in Hawaii has led to an influx of visitors and investors, driving up property prices and pushing out long-time residents. Many locals are being priced out of their own neighborhoods, forcing them to either move to cheaper areas or live in overcrowded and substandard conditions.


Homelessness is also a significant issue in Hawaii, with a growing number of individuals and families living on the streets or in temporary shelters. The lack of affordable housing options and support services for the homeless population has exacerbated the problem, leading to a cycle of poverty and instability.

To address the living crisis in Hawaii, there needs to be a multi-faceted approach that includes increasing affordable housing options, implementing rent control measures, providing support services for the homeless, and investing in sustainable development projects. It is crucial for policymakers, community leaders, and residents to work together to find solutions that will ensure a better quality of life for all Hawaii residents.


Cancer Strikes the Royal Family

On September 8th, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II passed away at the age of 96. This tragic loss marked the end of the queen ’ s 70 year reign over the United Kingdom and the various nations that make up its commonwealth. Her eldest son, Charles, ascended to the throne, taking on the title of King Charles III. At the time of his coronation, King Charles was 74 years old, making him 47 years older than his mother was when she was crowned as queen. Due to King Charles’ age, it is only natural that his reign will be significantly shorter than that of his mother. Time is not the only thing not in Charles’ favor. While his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, and his father, Prince Philip of Edinburgh, both lived relatively healthy lives up into their late 90 ’ s, the remaining members of the royal family have not been so lucky.


Eighteen months after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, death still looms over the royal family. In the past few months, not one, but two royals have received a tragic diagnosis: cancer. In February of 2024, King Charles was officially diagnosed with cancer. While the exact type and stage has been kept a palace secret, this has not stopped the tabloids from speculating over the monarch’s condition. The King appears to be doing well, all things considered, but he has still had to take time away from his royal duties in order to undergo treatment for his cancer. This has led some to believe that King Charles’ cancer is more advanced that what he has led the public to believe. In the event of King Charles’ unfortunate passing, the throne would be inherited by his son, Prince William of Wales, whose wife has also been diagnosed with cancer.

While there is a certain degree of speculation surrounding the King’s health, those rumors are nothing compared to the internet conspiracy theories that emerged on the internet in recent months. In January, it was announced that Prince William’s wife, Kate Middleton (the Princess of Wales) had entered the hospital to undergo an unnamed abdominal surgery. Kate’s exact procedure was not revealed in order to preserve her privacy, but people on the internet took this as an invitation to invade her privacy and spin wild conspiracy theories surrounding the royal’s life. Some interpreted Kate’s lack of public appearances as a sign that she had died, while others theorized that the royal had undergone a cosmetic surgery that went horribly wrong and was hiding her results from the public.


In an effort to extinguish the internet storm that had ignited over her sudden disappearance, Kate Middleton released a photo of herself alongside her three children for mother’s day. At first glance, the picture didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary, it just looked like a picture of a mother with her children. However, internet sleuths quickly discovered that the picture had been altered. When the picture was enlarged, it was clear that it had been badly photoshopped. In the picture, there appears to be a chunk missing from Princess Charlotte’s sweater, and the princess’ hand does not line up with her sleeve at all. There are pieces of hair floating unnaturally, and Kate Middleton’s hands are blurry while the rest of the picture is crystal clear. These photo editing errors only added fuel to the fire, as the conspiracies continued.

While people were making fun of the situation and making jokes about Kate’s death, the 42-year-old royal was going through a very serious health scare. During the abdominal surgery she underwent in January, it was discovered that Kate Middleton had cancer. On March 22nd, 2024, Kate Middleton put an end to the conspiracy theories and rumors by announcing that she too had been diagnosed with cancer. Like King Charles, Kate Middleton did not specify what kind of cancer she had. The royal simply asked for some privacy while she navigated this scary medical diagnosis with her three young children. Immediately, the internet turned from cracking jokes about Kate to apologizing. Many felt immense guilt over their participation in the conspiracy theories over the royal’s health.


Both King Charles and Kate Middleton are currently undergoing treatment for their cancer. With time, hopefully the two royals will make a recovery. While the King’s diagnosis brought up discussions of Prince William becoming king, King Charles has shown no signs of deterioration and appears to be recovering. In the end, nobody is immune from cancer. It can affect anyone and everyone, and it is an incredibly painful and stressful time for all families. Unnecessary speculation and theories from cruel strangers on the internet only makes this process more difficult from a family still grieving from the loss of their queen.


NFL Off-Season Recap

After the Kansas City Chiefs 3rd Super Bowl in five years, the other 31 NFL teams are looking to respond to the dynasty with one of their own. Using the off-season period, some teams have made major moves in an attempt to win it all next year. Some teams have leaned towards the draft while some teams have made some big splashes in free agency. Here are some of the biggest pickups, but also some of the biggest losses so far in the 2024 NFL off-season.


Starting off with the big moves: the Houston Texans snatched one of the league’s premier receivers, Stefon Diggs, for just a second round pick in next year ’ s draft. The Texans, a young and already Super Bowl-contending team, will be led by second-year quarterback and Rookie of the Year CJ Stroud, who just got a huge weapon in Diggs. Saquan Barkley, one of the league’s best young running backs, also made a new home in Philadelphia where the Eagles look to improve their contending chances and build a better foundation for a championship run. Quarterback-wise, the Atlanta Falcons found their leader of the team in veteran Kirk Cousins, who’s a proven starter and can definitely help the young Falcons team as they attempt to make their first playoff run in years. Unfortunately, in the off-season, there’s a chance of losing players for these teams too due to retirement. The Los Angeles Rams took a huge hit when Aaron Donald, arguably the greatest defensive lineman of all time, announced his retirement in mid-March. Philadelphia also lost a generational talent when Jason Kelce, star center and commander of their offensive line, announced his retirement after the Super Bowl.

Overall, this off-season has been a wild one for the league as many big players have found new homes. The teams who are relying on the draft for new additions also have a great chance of success due to a pretty stacked 2024 NFL Draft Class, with big rookies like Caleb Williams and Marvin Harrison headlining the group.

Altogether, next year for the NFL should be extremely entertaining, and a big off-season full of big splashes and pickups only contribute to the hype that builds around the 2024 season.


The Book Internet

Specifically over the course of the last four years, the internet has grown on the subject of books. Book content has grown significantly on most social media platforms including TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest. Although mostly consisting of the genres YA romance and fantasy, you can find content on mysteries, thrillers and horror books.

Stemming from the beginning of the pandemic, BookTok specifically has become a major role in the discovery of books. With over one billion regular users, BookTok is a great way to consume ratings, reviews, recommendations and even edits of books you have read, heard of, or have yet to hear about but are now wanting to put it on your to-be-read list. Although many have mixed feelings about BookTok and its content, it is a great way to connect with other readers who love the same books as you.

Not restricted to only TikTok, this content reaches other platforms as stated before. There are many compilation videos on YouTube that can range from one short video to a whole video consisting of many book edits. These edits could be of the same book or of different books in the same genre.

Similar to TikTok, Instagram is a similar place to consume book content. With the option to scroll through video after video, many readers will consume edits on books they love or recommendations on books in the same or similar genre.


Like Instagram, you can scroll through post after post on Pinterest. You can receive videos or photos including topics on books. Pinterest offers the ability to save these posts and save them to a folder called a board. You can make as many as you want and save however many posts as you want in each. This is a great way to save your favorite quotes or videos on your favorite books.

All of these platforms offer the same thing and are all great for readers of mostly YA romance and fantasy, although still offering other genre content. If you have one social media platform but not the others, you don’t have to miss out. So if you ' re interested in getting into reading romance or fantasy or even books with romance as a subgenre, check out these social media sites to help you get started.


Why is Easter Celebrated?

Easter has been celebrated for thousands of years and is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly A.D. 30. Though the commemoration of Jesus’ Resurrection probably occurred earlier, the earliest recorded observance of an Easter celebration comes from the 2nd century. This year, Easter was held on Sunday, March 31. However, Easter falls on a different date each year.

Easter is celebrated by Christians as a joyous holiday because it represents the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament and the revelation of God’s salvific plan for all of humankind. In commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus, Easter also celebrates the defeat of death and the hope of salvation. Christian tradition holds that the sins of humanity were paid for by the death of Jesus and that his Resurrection represents the anticipation believers can have in their own resurrection.


The name of the holiday goes back to the 6th Century when the author of Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (“Ecclesiastical History of the English People”), St. Bede the Venerable, explains that the English word "Easter'' comes from Eostre, or Eostrae, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. Other historians maintain that “Easter'' derives from in albis, a Latin phrase that's plural for alba, or “dawn," which became eostarum in Old High German.

Today, Easter is still being celebrated and always falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25, specifically, on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the spring equinox.


Araki Potrayal of Masculinity

Hirohiko Araki is a manga artist drawing the manga of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. In the 1980s Araki started drawing his first character, Jonathan Joestar, featured in part one of Jojo’s, as a typical buff guy. During the 80s, the male beauty standards were strong, muscular, and macho men. Along with all of the other characters, like the main character Johnathan Joestar in part one, the trend of muscular guys continued through parts two and three until parts four and five. During those later parts, the male characters in it were more lean with a strong build. But unlike the characters in the earlier parts, the male characters are more expressive in their makeup and clothing.

Now let’s get into the reasons why Araki decided to change his art style to become more expressive. Although other anime focus more on cuter art with their characters, Araki’s characters have defined lips, expressive clothing, and very fashionable poses. As Araki designs his characters based on Vogue models, the characters are very fashionable. But anyway, a common hate that Jojo's character gets is their design, as many call it “ gay ” because they wear lipstick and expressive clothing. While I sort of see where their point of view is, I believe it is wrong.


Even during the art style phases where the characters were muscular, Araki didn’t portray them as muscle meatheads who have no emotions. Now this ties back to the later characters when they’re more feminine; just because they’re feminine doesn’t mean they’re less of a man. Because the real virtue of a man is to be able to express who you really are, regardless of societal standards.


The Psychology of Dreams

Ever had a dream that made no sense? A dream with random people doing random things? Dreams are one of those things that humans still don't fully understand, but more research continues to be done. Multiple theories have been made about dreaming, some being that dreams are a form of wishful thinking or they are an expression of one ’ s mind. There’s even people who say that dreams are helpful to real life situations and provide you advice. It’s really something that isn't determined, and you can interpret it in your own way.

Of course every dream isn't the same, so each theory won’t match up to every dream one has. The average adult dreams for about two hours in the span of an eight hour sleep. The “REM” stage is the most active, which is basically when the body processes information and goes through memories. Many people report dreams to be what they wish they had or what they want in their reality. Which makes sense, given that everyone has heard the expression “follow your dreams,” implying it’s something your brain is longing for and since a person would think about it often, it comes up in their dreams. With the REM stage bringing more serotonin to the brain, these wishes make you happy.


Another theory is that the brain expresses itself in a certain way while you sleep. That the unconscious mind is expressed through a series of metaphors and symbols. Maybe this is why we sometimes wake up and think about how we had the most confusing random dream. It could be that our mind is trying to speak its own language. Carl Jung's theory also states how dreams serve two purposes: to both guide the person in a certain direction and anticipate the future. Although there’s an argument that dreams are just random thoughts put together with no real meaning at all, recently there has been more evidence to debunk that theory. Knowing all this, we still haven't come to a real conclusion.

Dreams can be interpreted in any way one wants them to be. These theories are, again, just theories so if you have a dream that inspires you or you think has meaning, you don't need to doubt it.


Effects After a Breakup

It's over. There is no ‘ us ’ anymore. How could it be over so easily? These questions are what heartbroken people ask themselves when they are in search of answers that they probably will never receive. When you are young and in love, the only thing on your mind is your future with your person, but when that is all taken from you on an unexpected Monday night, you have no choice but to ponder over what has just happened and if it was all real.

When you break up with someone, your heart yearns for them. All around the world people get their hearts broken everyday, and everyone has a different reaction to it. Some don’t care, some cry, some are angry, and some think. The list goes on but those are the usual. You tend to go through the five stages of grief even though the person may still be here, your mind tries to pretend they're not.

People tend to leave when they are unsure of what they want, leaving the other person confused. Many are scared of commitment, especially in this generation, so therefore they want to keep things casual and the other may not. There are so many things that go into a relationship, and people tend to end something that's good just because they aren't sure of themselves. Once they are gone for a while you seem to find the pieces of you that they took with them, and when another comes along, this time you are more careful.


Am I Immune?

Andre Murrey, Staff

After school, I go to find Christian. I could really use his comforting presence. Between what happened on the way to school and at school, I don’t think I will be able to sleep as easily as I normally do. I know I have to tell someone what I saw and I don’t want to tell my mother because she would ban me from going out. After a while of walking around, I finally find Christian. He has his shirt off and is shooting hoops in the neighborhood. He catches eye, and I quickly turn away, my face flushing red. I walk into the house.

After some time, Christian finally comes into the house. He isn’t my brother or anything, but we just housed him because his family got sick and they threw them out into the deadly snow. I’ve always had a crush on him and being in the same house as him 24/7, 365 doesn't make things any better. At this point, I think it would be better if I told him how I feel.

“Hey Viola, how was school today?” he asks.

“It was fine, but there is something I need to tell you, ” I whisper.

“Oh, ok,” he whispers back. We go into the kitchen and close the door behind us.

“You remember the man I saw out in the snow right?” I ask.


“Yeah, but what does that have to do with…”

“Just listen to me!” I snap.

“Ok, ok, jeez, calm down,” he defends.

“Ok well, there was a girl in my class who threw up. Then two guys in hazmat suits dragged her out of the classroom. My question is: is she going to be ok?”

Christian scratches his head for a moment. “I am not entirely sure about that. If she just didn’t feel good, she may be evaluated and just quarantined,” he says.

“What if she threw up?” I press.

“Well if she threw up, I can’t help you there,” he says with a shrug. “Anyway, Viola, can I talk to you about a less heavy subject?” Christian asks.

“Umm…Sure?” I ask, starting to turn beet red.

“Do you like me?” he asks. This totally catches me off-guard. I wasn’t expecting this question but I guess now is the time to come clean and admit the truth.


“Yes?” I say it like a question.

“Ok, cause I just wanted you to know that I like you too,” he responds.

“Great, so what does that mean?” I ask.

“I think the next step is a relationship,” he says.

“Awsome!” I respond. Now that my feelings are out of the way, I can worry about saving this girl.

“What do you think will happen to her?” I ask.

“If they determine that she is too sick to continue to live inside the border, she will be thrown outside the border into the snow, ” Christian says.

“I can’t just let her die and do nothing about it. If she isn’t sick, they will probably throw her out into the snow anyway, ” I protest.

“Viola, don’t do anything to get yourself killed. I would love this relationship to last more than a week,” Christian argues.


Captain’s Log: New Addition

Captain: We’re picking up a new passenger today. [pause] I understand the need for tests to see if new species can cohabitate with the rest of us effectively, but why we were chosen I’ll never know. You’d think they’d at least share their reasons with the captain of the ship they’re dumping this on, but apparently not. [pause] Looks like we ’ re docking soon, guess I should prep for a formal meeting. [under breath] Haven’t had to use that stupid outfit in years. This human better be real special.

Captain: The human is… strange. She looked harmless enough as she entered the airlock, though bizarre. Bipedal and no fur or scales, not even an exoskeleton, just exposed skin and no visible defenses. But when she saw me and my crew, she immediately bared her teeth! She did sound apologetic when my crew, understandably, panicked, but I’m not sure I believe this “smile” thing. What kind of… insanity results in a show of teeth as a sign of NON-aggression. [sigh] It’ll be a while before anyone on this ship can relax.


Captain: [long pause, the captain’s digits pressed to their face] The human… attempted to “ arm wrestle” various members of my crew in the mess hall. There was nothing more than a few scrapes and bruised egos, but it did not help the tension between our… guest and the rest of the crew. There may have even been a brawl if I didn’t intervene. If I have ever encountered a species deserving of the term “alien,” this woman is it. She is wildly unpredictable, easily excited, and prone to… mishaps, shall we say. I have decided to keep a very close eye on her.

Captain: Five minutes. I left her alone for five minutes and she managed to explode the kitchen. [to someone off screen] What were you trying to do again?

Human: Build a coffee maker?

Captain: Ah yes, to make your incredibly deadly concoction that “gives you life.” You need a designated quarantine zone just for you and your “experiments.” …Maybe I should start writing a human handbook.

Human: [growing faint] Not everyone is like me though, humans are all different.

Captain: …How different?

Human: [unintelligible]

Captain: …WHAT?!


stationary predator

The house must eat.

Blood creeps slowly down over peeling, yellowed wallpaper. Beneath it is the crawling rot, overtaking the foundation of the place. The flame that burns in the fireplace is small, kept fed by the scraps that the house deigns to give it. It is a pet at best, and nothing more than a rat that should know its place otherwise.

The house prepares.

Silverware clatters excitedly in drawers, forks and knives and spoons becoming a jumbled, twisted mess. The house spits it out into the sink, where the blades of the garbage disposal shriek against the metal. It too is consumed - but it is repurposed, the small, deadly shards becoming spikes jutting up towards the ceiling from the floorboards. They edge out old ones, rusted and still bloody, like teeth.

The house waits.

Ratty curtains drop the corpses of spiders onto the floor. The house spreads them out - hidden under the covers of worn beds, in the dark corners where blood pools, in the flickering lights with shades of bone. It will consume the spiders too when they have served their purpose, though they have not. Yet.


The house opens.

Five warm, living, squirming bodies come through the front door. The house cares not whether they are shoved in or if they enter under their own power. It smells flesh, and the stench of fear is only a bonus to it. The fact that they don’t know what will come next is what truly gets it off.

The house is patient. It will feed.


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