Rascal Vol. 2 #1

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Commitcee Nai.odnaya

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'{.i r.)i:rI!: ;rriu Lg, u(r$ ;rriu u(J$ '{..i r.)i:rI!: L!L* t;;i.lr)/ sr,;. L!L* r;;i.lrv Sr.;. -t ilz-_. t.ta$ pil c:i.-:ai C:i.-:ai eil( efl( il_ ld{J$d t,"l"mel l"l"me has il;ril h!;v a-i.'! .,rr ',t'ai'tt i.l t ira;:i': l,iieri'Dit,ri, vlhe Lrarii;old{Jsd made i"r: €.nc .i(J mur.jlr f ur1,,, .I a-l"so 'vr6,ii," 'i r: i,iy,::il.,, iiiig r.,,r;;,1ij 'rj;:r) i. lr i,ir t! lreJ p. t'ii itasca) aripear hy sllbg: j119 o* tl:) fl-i,r,rrr j t u, ;ii :'s:ir,lg , :,,ea ir,aleci 'iCIi'tc:/, a$dl ($$.tf. crf ail ',,;t.rlt,e al.,:;i i:-i *it , I'jti..,:, {.n j..,i |,ler.e i,,r l,,CIt^rrl trul- ouL flhers thr"ougli 't, )."1e {naj.1 :.}:i;iil,rj j* ir.rr:,'i,: -iri t,}re flr.st, i**i"e of a Iied y' ear,,- vo i.t.t.rnt: . t *'ff, tk;e ;.'i.ai:i i rl t,$ )tt.lE:,p ori app-. sa rinf J"n- thl: i'orinat;,, aor:Llr).3'. j..t I ,:i:ri .,i:.is'i: 4i: ',.irai, ,l ,,1L' iie ha*py, i:'l.oase keap lrr tcilch.,..,

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.t$?'f !,frta n r4' qutu-'


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l"leywooc. ai'r,;:i:; i;.:i:i :, 1r'r .;; ci;r iinS; 'r.lre, il+m:tLock

\,, i855 .:ue,ene V" ilebb; t.,o:,.;i ,1, ittg? [orothy Jay coi:.ri Itr, "iBd7 Hayrnarkel- ar,.arch.i*rt.; I ) , 1"86 "5 Lou s ijii e i. snu rqr: :i"e,J Lg . I9"t 5 Joe tli }jt. murd*r:erl






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,.1., 1$?0 ALexanciel" EerrfiilEn }il, ]8":f ".€Fi{ .fwain born

!;or.n I I I

____ - "All_$!itj"cal t,enrl't,s anri parl-:res ri{it.i.r:rhrt44g!!gqg._.1!9 * -r-,*""tlutrron c:n i:E t?u"-ty'-*.::1d:'rl;haii,*ilj)"



,;rrf.;; t$; enilha""ic vets ijFo& a-r"l tr}arrny and *eni;rel"iB&'Li(:,n, ,,*ilir i:€L(:rriineciJ.y strirres ,;o ll;* e 'r;i-;c relro}.L1Li.en a. real ?"*r,e-i ut. ; i,li of, a.1"1- econor,'ri * ilr:il *or"':-al ',, ii -i"i;eB ltot i$ere srJrllst":1.L* ut"iei,rr CI.{' one poliuae*.} )iirt::f fol. a:uolner" in 'ilire ccntnrl. oJl 'r;r'ir: '{}uernrfien"{,,

nct th*


c,i ai;r,<lc"racy by -rroletarian

-;)r.+.enjii not,_t,tie dicLat':r$h.1p q1'a ilc,.,r *1.a.$;s ov#r o.n cld on{:,r Ii{}l lr.,l:i.ti.*u} :icene sh i-f.'ti,ng ;:f' ;t:l.y i;i.ncl,, bLii; i.he e omol.eLe r*v!,t'.*ii.{J, ofl il}1. Litr':se eut;horit-a.i:'j.an pr.inc:-1::.1.*s uiilj a}Orie ir:l{-v(r Ltie f i},jt)J ijt,-i-on. i-:fititii i]*irtrnan






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i{AV* y0tl euef i:{r:ts);i1L*i:i- a it.i-ri',r\.; Ui}i1 :a*.}'rt:^:,ii- ,:r:ir' j'e"}ai"f gu'i.iltil [i:aL actus,ll"y had a cJ"e;ar tl;rpiarrai.:i.i::.: ilj.' i:c'l.i ]:r; co]'r"e y$u$ pr#b* lem'J lEan3t *i' [heee ]iandy *,.tiicie:] s?*&i.i; iirj"i,ii *"i.rip,X-e senterr**s] tira& ;rsua}.Iy assums orre has an e*glrt*erine: <:drg.r'**. f 'rvouid [i]J{',fl-" es! *hat, peoplo with erig3.rieering cegree* dcii'L n*:e,.i. 1ltow [,ei man* uai.sr ;*nyuay" (firsit t,hey can a.f'fcrci t,: iLar''s $oflar,tiiln6 $3s* :r*.,,, paJ,r wira&s needs ropa*r:i:rg ;rnd **rccndl.;r 'ihey i:ou:j,d protiabl"ir flg,ur*e tt aut7\, f,'rrr nct S;ir+ if"r,,rCI ar'* rteal.tl:rrg; r*j"r*i, a r:*r*11Fir,.aery here but t{: $uro smeils l.lk;* rii:l*,, f,.r m1. qase i:?rrr surre *1 i; rr:iriy.t bis sone lnbread fear *f teth-, ilo).ogy that prevents sie f :'*in Ji;si hash3.*g an*y at chings ta i ig* urâ‚Ź thgtfi oltta Th*n on t;ire *ther h.anr] L;rier: *iiat onga* J. was re;*+v*rg the interir:r uphr"ll,*'i;el.:ed ci.*ei: panrl on try .tq?& Fl.at,* i had ,;e*;t told .1 cculti sav.d i:lcrl*y by x'+pla*a:;ig the r+indoid ctr&.= nstnfl .{gf f gS my*elf .. idel},, liren-t he d u*t qeBti.ed I had t'desarcy.ed't ff i65"'l$ baek dorrr panel aLl be*ause'*:e*.ali,i"C cgnt plaetis *llp* had snapped" 'isa manual had eid 'r.firsL rcil[cirs dc]or paneitt t*hm n.alru*l should have e*ld ?tgo t* *h* deal â‚Źr acl,l buy a neu rioor panel because He arenrt g*ing L'o t,ell ;n.*ir l:o'.*r t* praperlSn yu*ouu s{xdr cld one" tt Thls }ra$ IrI r.:;peri.enr:t ni'ren 3. started tg*rk r-ll--q}: Xe$,, ltre wars ;'oLng to repai,:f *.he brakes *n h$,s Flql'a,, rJanacttArr T'Lre sald tb llouLd cost; $e$il.,0'i" I,lc'-s Ken l"rl;s ha rl more nech.an.*lr:al *:rperience than I trrrt 3 flh'lrrk'*;e b,:*h f*aricC Sfle dreadfirl f:rake ,j$b. ,re expecLed great mliit$.rtem, Lhe nee.cl f *r speclal (Ie, e;vpensivei aeciran:t*al" booi.s.. nct t* ment;ion posoihle cieattr ar dtsr:embernent, ,rBl-I it teiok '*r.r less iha.n iraif, an hourLm .dn qlne brake anrj l{e ;rre b'oiir aliue to u e}}, 1,:i:*: r;aLe. r/s fl.n.i.sfied {he oLhei'si.de t,hatl evr*ning usia6 S}ooC lamp* +ut on i(enr* dirJ.ve.. day {we lo*keri }ike e*r' Lhieveii,i " i'or le:rs i}ran .rl+0,0(} i.n .rar9* arr.l a .few hours we had rr*ed,e i.i past $i:e repa.l.r $udd#s flrsfr gentgnceg I'l'trsL r*fliovr* br...ke rirr.$r,,u Tire [:r'ak*rl a::+l n*vi fun*t,'" l+nl.ng and no one die**

I ie&rneri fr'*;a th** y*u :ray? xiveryttme sre do re"rai"r ;-,,e lrll,J. be i:liai nu.*t: iilo::e ii:riei::*nde:'It,., i r"ea.],* ir* th* brake j*b r.:l' t85 d*ell*tt r'ank upl':iiei';x i,r: eocl*.i. si"g* '*o r''*ad, but, j.eiinc* qii' teaching *iU_rr. t.he iiir.:;rriifr-1.3i1s il;3c,er":;i:"*: -*t t*;i'vtep in t.he rig,|rt Eire*aicr:.,a-irci in an3; ssciet,y" S"a*ep &*ie.y f::ora corpnrate" *taB*" ;ind _*hurci: s!]snp;{Jr*.,i nu*b*r,"* and 11*;:end*ncy ls ii. ste;1 f'*x"r*ai-r:t" {f'l'*.:.-fl sie;i, J,lre ;*J"thr:ut thts nqri hhat' have



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irl;.:.llitl'i..:; ;l-' r;: : r. .: -'. ., . :,., i..: i.1.,r::r:ii.. -*frN;';;1 .rar,1,;.':.;ri' ,::i,'.:,..:i..' '.r, i: .; r, ' i: :t ; t): t...- -i .r i i( iJ ir 'll tl ,+ 'i: j t).:: ;; i' : ,r i .., .. r: .: :r 3${r.li:ir"htii:*i',l..i':',i...1i,1.1,'.1l.rl,^jl'ii r{};.r.;': *2Bti hi.il: i,,:,,c;,,,1 . 1:. rr;,; . l.rr,i, ; ;;' :. .l;i;'r ir{ - ':i, 1... eirt::h^l i.}.,r-:, fi,rl iI . f$ '{'j:tr..., };,..} ;.,. 'tlF ; f,qluXr:iiL$,fi !0 rjig Lr:ir-,, i r;:,1'! -i 1 1..; riX .nj.;ii,i. I i':i,.r,. "i;r1] wal"l lilo*r,1 Uri.t, r...1,&rrpL.::; sl..'.11. i, (l i;r'r.;,.: ;irii. ,,]^




thg innovstj-:.irc &iit {url*g}xr.i)4lt

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Ytr,erlng pcoirlq of, ssa{,}trr} sr uorae$, fcr *x$naB}e, us nor*lly lnfrlrlor lg €IBer}.v ta$ugn$riti. [hle t"a au obvloBs'ir*lsfi to An*rr:hlats, teaE obvloBs 1e 0hB ax"Lrtence r*EO ?he s,ec6aslty to fight *lertita, ihile th* DroblGEB of s1*sllaEE oceBI,r"Ga $Eo1l1sa 4!c,ns.. lEusrrcca ln Yarrylag degreeas tblr r€fi,llsation la often rfot ft*sots* o€ tLir pre-EL*.s=.- E&*, fo+ ex*oc-u;-+;,^.s*- p "Etgd by lrTtprog.rBsEtva't hsr&4s tha .lEterqo.l+aattg,rr. ira*toent Df F&(r-irm on ,'ali in t&a laml l;"il lhrle 1t! el.elBlti 84Bu16 Lc teft un{uoEtl{rnsd, &c*s.lsm, r*r.1sm g,n{t \ ir.I"aralrr hoceve r dooa Aqt juot srtetl raeo6rrlula6 !aaquall ty, t* *;.. \-/ qulret Betioa, Btlt coBsurreJrt rlth ths rs*egnlttort of lneiuxLlty sf #r'irtrtunitJr anon8tt large Eeerofa of the;roda?.rcElL tluat $om,$ trls {ior!:nr(';r }ovs as{ ths rsc6lioitlun of ggrt hei-u6 fuskad t,y ?1 "S}9. }copIo ths e# ttGrn {*ltrstt-ln vtrrylng d.e6ress} . So tf ,e EeTf oru io -;;;;;1. lrrl€rsa$ and ch.r[8o ra nuet bclj,eve ln thu innste 6lodnflo.e Oi. {ijil. ''1.'r,. inrenl r!'go vf,ar Srry d!.vergeaca frcn hum,.clatte I.*ro ef beh,o*lor. eo s+.rlaI . SoslCtaI lnrtlnututoris,, rot aludiclduelE ahou.Ld, thmr(rf,sr* !s*r th? brung uf our l*ttac& : ffe ehou.Xd then, oppogo th,, crE ttons of f,aI"ror ljrod.trosa, 16E that, &sr6!y rritaqB ludtvlelua.X tostetql nouberE ffuctr as the elrLli,n6 I of'' l,4lctduaJ' pr:lri:o r.s 'rprgan,. Tha porlqo force o8 s', rne$rtu*i"q,,ri stroul0 ba lrtt{LqEed,, hutrtla6..,LLB ,rolB slav6s} $s llaa,[s .rs psFa.nbla., Jr;ur"s1s lnoquuilty ahc,uld ue ;ftU"cftsd, rr,1L-rJ r,id.dle si*e6 lndlstq.jurB,L & l'ioul d nrll ' ThB r9.rI thy r u IrrJCIl ttorr of pri**lego sli&u.ld be ffitilor|S u& hdtLng ths flr:h,., Hiro baVe beeil traiagd bpr ou.r r..,lan6e* l*ll*r"s 1u thalr rlghtful privri€sed, pscitlnrn, te *tror;Idsoe:.161, *a #err,r iJr*igr*;olvc elia&gia not bee$use sB hate the rlch t a,E jt.. $. !ls[]A a*,ssd .\] s*t ft*uriuaa ,a--lj-r!-,ttg,r-s-.p.-{..-=!jBllh -.r:if ll.lfago-at-fi,1 rrl,l ttrda

* qi"r..-,ret tc--**.*1."""c;H'-',---ir..,..:,.

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Tht raarleat s&')our$6aman't of & Givea$eat riar s,;r:lh 5rJ eJ,*r:der:iriS remarku" chouLd'oe oir+iiangod- Phua I srqta thls ertIq].s i..c]. !:*nvoilco to ths "dat tha rll:rr'r ,f--,enirts I Er",*: whi*h ir-;;ii';..; "*act v'a!{ suiir. ugm.ptom sf thls rulo46utd,ed dlresllre



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