The Digger 'For a Christian Commonwealth' #7

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lriAY 1986







h 7



/b, s I i

"Happy are those who are persecuted bocause thoy are goodn for the I(lngdoo of Heaven ts ihelrs" 'nJherr you are reviled and persecuted and lted about beeause ybu are uy foll.ovrars ryonderfirll Be happy abouu 1tg Be very gladl for a tremendous rerrard awalts Xour and renenber ti're anclonB pnopheti ners persecuted tooo (

i'latnew 5 r, LO



In 6he templo area He sa,., merchants selltng eattle, sheep, and doves for sacrlficesn and mi,ney chan;ers behind thetr eounters" iesu.l made a whlp froin rooe ropes and cirased theu all out, and drove out the sheep and )xerr.,

scattâ‚Źring the

over the fl,oor and turnlng over the t,ibl.esl Then go1n5 over to theu ho salrl ilGet Lhese ihlngs money


of herao Donf t turn Fatf,ers into a rnarketl n John 2t lt+ - 16


;i:':,5'3r"*# ii"'liro;fr: fl fdd[;5"'* of ths norld and offered them

K55UE#*ft}fi ffiM &* 'rV ,{*# J*





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irvrL heen fe*ling *. Iot cf e.nger j".fltelyl A'ti+u'h tir$.i:fiy.,, s#cren years I g;uee*.i !,;/eii ;rriu?ve felt, it i;**" <I* ire li* abpu* lt? Y*u dr.:st?t:r**rf" "q dcctor 1;+ t*i.} y*ar it hurt,** "i* hu.i:'r,* Llre *,ugrr r.t** .gnd the r"*r:S-pieriE o5' &hat eilg*i'*, is a.r'lgsr ali L'ad? San tue fe*I ailger vrf;i:ou* t* tre fr"r.?^i" of reu*rsits srrâ‚Źr ie? tlan e.nger irave i'r:o usem'? fha6 ki '*,rhr.l* .trre ere ta-3"kiag about thi.s lssue* il,ir+ariy Ed,& tlg& (i:*r'tihe ccv*r-! tirai rtrc" Lord f*i* &nge*', f.'rl"t i,u o*ltenr fi$

y,rel} x* all- uhe olihe'a' orrqrtlone lle BH.s p"fs). i;*, *rs a " irurian being* Jeeu,si anger ,louLd ha:"diy be ss:I"i, i"*r GaC *nnnoti Lre, dc, *r feal e'.ri.l yeir He.Cid feel Erlg*E!"o Io ba,* i"o,:r iiile $aney charrgers. irr the fallow*ng excerpt Barbara Ii*'rui,-n$ co:if,iiotrts on aag*r' and further" a poen ior prsyeri rleiallrr6 wj.ih angeso I s,uat admi', that ?his j.ssue q?res & gi:*a-t deal to tA Pir;cb oj' $*itr {$mile Jesu,* i*ves You, il*r*munJ,&y of l{oslrri6lenegs 89.}t" lritr:ryl..t Edo, [i:r,{'*"r'd, Eng"} Selld tils your eomffientrs,i i^if 3'fAKE:i I{iY $AY [u hsar i'x'om ]roue 1.,$v0

.*ld firier.*hy

**N lt,

from: r0rr fin6er:



Paciflsrs t,o be a$gry

try Barbara

, ...$tany rad:lcale feel $hat, we are not qulte healthS'., y' fee}. thaf, Uhere is health ln anger'" Tn the wornen ?s mc",rem*nt,. & song tras been written thBL sl$Irs up thelr pos* i.Ei.rre feel.lngs abou& ic; r0ur an6ei: is eh.r.* our fa*eun rJrnr arrger is changirig our lives., l they sâ‚Źle anfsr ao a nss+Iss&ry em.otion if thsre is to be anlf .:liang6, T think 'hltere i.* BOme truth in this* I think tha'i there in cLear"* i.f a kind cf anger [hat is kreai[]ry" It ie bhe con*entrat* j"E:n r:f on,*?s hrhols being in the tlil.* niusi, '"fiie



?irts kJ.nd of ange:' is nofi in itself iri*l-ant, .* even iL .raises it,.'r voise {'*frfci': :lt *ornel;irres does}; aud b:'ings ab,:ut agiBagl*u, cont"r"cnta0i+n iwtrici lt ahvay* rir*e#]*" it con&afu:e both re$pect for onesr;lf and re$peet fox' f'r:r th,* obl-le::, 'Ic orie*ei..f tt $ays: ?I mu*i1 *Frange piayirrg {"he .par[ *f tLre $i{rve " to 'ilhe cther I liave he*n it t,ays ?Yau rii.z.sL *t:;lnge s. frr y*u hart* beierrr rr.layi.rrg; '*1:,e p.*r't +f *a+ tyra*.t" ? Ii. rorti*.ii:s Lhe ec*q'ir:r;i*r:' t"he1-- *h,*i];ii,, i.,* ;r** lq -. J'*v h<ii.}:r *i.Cee 1 *:Tci ::"L i.* r:i:,rprth)"t' +f.l ?.:rat-"r'*:*. rnii:Lilig h.:j.s *r;uvj-*&ioc i;c r;?:.nere, ir:u*hf.;:g ttr:..*:x '*rill'l '[i.l*, 3e lqherr

r;*X.g5. ,":,i'

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L, ,."ji,l j'*.

fir+:ii.. hs**aus* ihe-:-e i.s a*other kicr{i cf anger, yery fa;*-. t"hat ls noE healt!:y, that i.s an afflleti-on, '',',ri:i.,::i:r hi"'"i;he way., :ls Ahe first synonym for anger &h*a"L ie DieEionary" fnis ;:i'veri i,*. .;h.e big *ebeterrs International?You 1;o a$*,*i:' a$eiit?r'fls no'c: must change end 3r6s 6u* th*nge ? .' h'r*-L tycur ve::y exigtence is a threat to my very sxistence*t :t speaks not hop* but fear. l['he .fear is; Jiou f,ei-l?t; eherige - and I camet change lf you. are st,i.trl there" i.'u a*,rsert:r n l; *?ramge but : d.rop deact& .i.l-iai,:- 'i"r": *s,

Tiie one engâ‚Ź:' L$ healthy, consentrates all omePe ener* gi.esl th* othcs" one trembllng, because it is murderorls..",,Sec,Buse we rk'eau of a new society in rvhich murder has

it die'Surrbs that drea*s" Our Eask, of cour$eo is te transoute Bhe anger that, is afi.l-:.ct;ion j,n'bo the angec' that, is determlrratlon Co br:ing a.boi:,f, change* I think, in fact, that one coul-d gire thls ias. & eiefi.nition of rerrolution.,. n*









it, ls a self.-evident truth that rlfl freedom is ts c 3qually by all .- even physicaJ-ly the weakes.L, the and Lhe - they must be able t,o contrlbute an-equa1share in i'[s Qu.}t orr;fense., l{ow that can be possible w}ren r,elianer,s ts pl,aced, oir a,rmarnents, my plebian mi.nd' f'ail"s to understand" .I ther:ef*u"e $wear and shalt- continue to swear lry non-vi.olance hy satyagrahar_ or soul force" rn iu physilat ince.paclt;p i*., i^s mo handicapr ild exren a,fralI uoman qr i i:rrita can pit hes'*el-.f or irihi.erf on equal terns agalnst a glanL armed with the most powerful it'r;apons,, "lre

T'o m*



Ile-li*f in non*vioiencl i:t*"d on rhe assumprr+* rhar, natxi"*-, i"ts e$,s,,n*e is orre *oo ttrererore uni*iilngly .r'e*p*nds 'io Bhe advance of' love*,o I'he non-violeni-[ecnns-* q?* rjoes i:.+t <i*pend f'or $ucces$ on the g;od"iir" -or -un*tnu "f cr a non*.qiol-en? resietei: clepenHs on ttre 5l|1.egt"ors, l':f-ii::ir1{g_ asslstance of r.}od whLch sustains- him t}rrcug}iout" i"ilf .i'i.*i*lii*s lqd:ri*}i woukl otherwise be e onsidered ifriurmo*nt* l'i*mgrv:

t* Lr.:




TI{E Ji5*GEfiS *sti}3#

i-n -L{i+$ fl;; S'r, '}eurg*a i':'.}--iu A ragged hand *he;l *a*ileii Bhe Digge:rs ffame-*o sl:+vr Lh* peoplels will"; Ttrey d"ef ied the lirrrd)-ords; Bhey defied the laws; ?hey nere the dlspoesessed reclaiming,' was tire:lrs Feaeett they said ?to dig and sow" t in rtlxl* eo&e to work the land in coguasn Ar:d t'o make the wastegrounds grows This earth dividedr HB wili make 'r'iho1e $o ie will be a cofoinon treasury for a11,, trThe sin of property we do disdain: !{o one has any iight to buy or seLl the land for private galn"n i?By theft and murder lEey took the J-and, Now everlrwhere the wal1s sprlng up at their gonmarld" n nTlhey uake the laws to chain us r*e111 The elergy dazzles us with heaven they damn us into heI}, or ttWe rsilL mot *rorship the god they serve? The god of greed ufrib feeds tttie rlch r,,*ril.e poot' folk sl,arve." t' ,$l.r.Ie



tfWe itorkE wB eat togeEher, we need no '*Je not bow unto the uasters pa;y Clr" rent unto the lords, tltough we arâ‚Ź poor' We are free



f'olk, all. Stand up for gIory, stand rp rrowo tr From the mâ‚Źn of propert1 the order$ came; Ttrey sent the men and troops To wipe out the Oiggers nqme; lrTear'down their co[aagest Destroy t'heir cornln They werB dispersed, but stil} the vision llngers oD., Yeiu poor take courage; you rich take care; This earth was made a eonmon treasury For everyone to sharel &.11 bhi.ngs trn sonmon; al"i. people orleo ?tWe come in peace" n The orders came to cut thern down AnC stlll thre vision llngers ono !'rom Pinch of iaLt You Diggers

Tt nouid be atroclous).y dishonest and wr$ng to wai* fcr soei"al irnprovement t,o follow man?s mcral p*rfeefl5"ng; we mueB wcrk ecbively fo-r t lre s"eform of soc.lety" Nichoias Berdya*v

.leremi.air Orealiaghar:s FiSh* 1ls,ary

*u:ring his early csr€e"r as a counEry priest in $suah ilor'ku l:'elaad, Fathei Jereftlak Ot0ailaghan !rad, pqtd Ll"tral* af usuryr g{ Eire pre*€iee cf e,'&tenti*n lo ttre queetion -+ri icaBe' Arcu::id 1S19 hos'euer at Ehe *liargi.r:g ictereas ag* cf tiriruy.-nine the practice began to t;"ouble him" The fiirilrer $ack i.n tliatcry he read in eeeleslastical* f,he rFir:r16 firmS"y he fsilsrd i.t, s&ated iliat usury h€,s cuntrary Bo





.Finerlly tri.s *onvi.etion Led hj.u ta s'efusa iaeE rites to a wealthy csrn uerehant ulro practiced usury to great finan*ia1 benefl.i;" itis arg:a,*aeri coavinced the man and he oE:deeed i:,ls *--<e+utore to nake amenda f,o aL1 he had e!:larg;ed* T?ie man Laf,er recol'ered bui refused to change irle rnl"nd arrri to his l"mmenss credit made restitton and joi.n-:d the battLe against loaning at_lnf,eresto .luch radir:l-,i aca:Lvi*y *f cours& ca$e t,o O?CaiJ.aghanes superiors *n,* he #.asi rarr.ied *,+ drop tlre subjeet, w*hich h* refused t'$ do kn,-.ninH lie r*as right ii-l ihe eyss of 0od altd thlg led him to be moveri froo pllIar tc post,, to be shelved in the ehircii hierarchy and ts be dlsalisrrcd from saying m,?s!$" 0?CaS"iaghan put &l"s case to the Vatleatr aryd reeleviag no replS' he sali-ed in IB.?3 for Amerlca" The ban against htr"l oF course foliqved hiro and he wae aCvised by tne bi"tt:,:p cf }ie,r Y<lrk to uCIee on go Uanada where s_upposed* }.y the chrrr*h toak a flrmer stand against usuryo -He- iras i,i.i" and the harsh elinate plagued trim anci r*orEt of ali h* fsrul$ vsry little solace from the chureh ln 6anada. I{e !:arl t* live on alars for surviva}" hrhi}e she}tering l"rl It!s.s1s;"q:&L he r*rcte tris book ttUsury cr tenciin6 at In'Lere$t*, Ecclesiastical Pr.*t'** t,c Be BepugnarrE t,o the SJ.rrlne anri ir i,aw anri Dest,l'uctive to Civll lioclety. khlle in Car:ads he reeLened word s'rram';nlng hJ-n t'c book pub* tlie Tati*an aad, haulng had a small rurr sf hia -,r*ich six*y Ireland for li::hert i:t Hew Toi'ic, he saJ"lei as a and branded hlm *, I{is rep:u'Laiti"sn Preceded act all+rired noL and rafu5.*al" h* wa* detaitr*d *n shipboard st*rp*.d tc F.ieme iray tr*.nil far ien days.-, -La';er on hl"s -ha :i.* I",*nd*ri an,J *i: 5-npuise LefL a fe* c*pies of his b'ook et. il:* Flee+ s:tr*ei r:ffiee *f the populiet leader and putri.."i*l:er i'iii-l:am Cabbeti" Hig vLeit to the 'fatLc*n sra$ e i"ufr &reurrel a*il. a fz"a*re up" $ie r,sas Eied i.ri: f*r flve i;r:.,ri*ir.s a:r.* ir-: i::h*.t &i-me ilcbbett who $as deli,ghted with i,;i**i.i,ag-;h:F:n?": bcok h*d publ"ished a se*ond a$i'Lieri" lie l.*.'l- x:tver arel OYCal.l-*ghran pc3:s nn*"Ly bilt' fldveris*d f*:r hii::::riyin5 h* w*uld b* g3^ad t.r; p&S hie tri; :'+-'gaiti*e"

c*bbett boruowed r*any_poln*s from ce0allagh*Lirs *,*r-ir or*rr i'aght-rrriti: the-prriis.stiiiJ; -refeil;;;;;;; 3n ,+r"der .io r=e*

tn his

of ilhij-ashEn for i'r:.s re*p-ribr*.ch*d hrs ln 1'r3?f at his {}}.rir e.xpeiisee l{hen o;crri**"*urrreri up in Lond+n p*rariLes* ltaving r,** -eorrtii-iicrrow fross fellon



cagT\ pa*r'rengers to gst trru*#n *ai greeied hirn witlr o ti.*.y s,:sr of E*Bey anrJ an iniritati;; i, stirie ulth htr: and liis family, ar"e many anesdotee to sir*w Cobbatts nobtliflv of slrrlr^T[-ere bur as an elampi* +f t,tme1i,l-i*i[r,-:. glven by o*e aut}rsr rc a nothJi,, lri, i*{ ef o?carlag!.ran- in thts in*tance i* rini.,i"uiyErea-tmeitt utt,ra*ti.ue" $tiIl cut' off from the chursh and his duti*s fo'his

standr. CtCa).lsghan r+ae Gnce &ore saved U:.-CaUUet; rt,; paygd hia to become clese.i-cs tutor r.,h hii *in""--ro"rseg he brought, cut anotiier' isxue of tr=* ..t,r**&ure* of lts author., 0?carragkra"lisriry "oai"gnei,u, foiEoi--inl:infi"ejnca of Gobbett and ramalned Eo ti:e-;;a Eis i*l=-L keen parcphLeteer_, Agaln he *m:.gricoa--iocr Anerica an{t1,r'&A $Ant Out to be a mi-ssi.+*ez,y to vermont ldher.s he cal.r-r_.* argue per-euasi-r,ery wiLh the natixrâ‚Źs;., He bullt e ci:us.ttr at surilngton and-*he* his ene&ies burnt rt, ,t"*rr-t;-b.iil..* tr np agaLn, flftgr an..J _actl-u*-Ja*e*r ahe$herding his rittte rlosk he 1.}qrrg died i* rafl *[ r]oiy;i;;; i.d;#;h;e..*er,$e at tire &ge of eI.ght],-one

fhe ffosaie i.ew on the subJect af usr:ry f*und i.n is flrnn ana. frrecise:--'uirr* i-Jt,r*rrg"*. l*::."::l:Ty f3-20upon fnCIw mayest -Lenci u$ury, but. unto tliy brr:ther tri<l.l ;:haJ,t n+i iens upon E;turrr*' 'Jews a*e r h*iefcre {}n to t,a-ke J.ntr;erest fron- b}i*J"r preople but, reay io*u*J",*_, "{,ru,a-oi}r**o, of e*r.trs* a$ f?od?': r:trildren we bugirt Lo fcli;"-trriu-iu**-. a*{i. &$ r.'rel.r-- iil L.+ weii to :,:ernemSer -i.!rat ,r*.oiy i*iri:. means }end.i.n5; at in-rerest.* p*.;,k,dr **, iil- i.:. *irkr:n [e i?iean tooay -, as exces;h,e- ini:erist onl.y. As cobbutt,-;rercieued, the abol"itierr of qld cugt*ms the time of ehe-"*io"*tii,:r, ;;;-the gir*'.r[ii o.f ceritra]., secular porrer which r*iioured'if,l**,eak.. *:re'"t frhe *ative i.nhihj.tion ilgalnst :-rsu:.y. By tne it** gg*rq a1c,ng ee cii[r;-;"s* ];;'Lhe p"**ii**"haij l1l:ll".q.lan r*rirrije so r$+ted^irr s,i.:ieiy thar f o .,.:"sgr:ir allainui jr, HaB l"ittl* mrrre than a t<asle oi' br.*sri;a"- x* ii* on* ir t-,lio** people r.dlc ar* in ihe_righi, anci knavi Lt, end ,*ei: Fi'$1re 1.'L, b*e har.e tlre barl lucfi t,*, be beri.r in i., o.;u-o,-a*n i]$ ,J3i.1 wauts to hear *bout itairi:l 6p66it,icne f,ronr

from Secent::i* Lives enr! pe, b-l' Jai:n }ii*hell", ?hanes *.nd Huet*+:n lad" ., 3-,8'1r}]:1, l?S{.



: '



'r:'Ji] i:,.;,t) j"ibgf.A\AT,,, L*f,fi r'.:r"; ii; e fiy s Er-en$t h


._t*r{" ax.e Liberatcx" j"n }E-icaraglra Liberator j-n jouth ffriea

Jcri,, Lordr are

in the midst of those to shareu to l"earn, ?*--read your lrord, anrt to unike your You are their Liberator" Lord,You are their strength Tl'ris anger, Lordu lnside me has blorrn up like a storm I never saw eoming wantlng to-make mysolf siek ... to purge ny self-hate who meeb



You are my Llberator., Lorri You are my strength ia, liberate me" Lord $lake thls enger'whole

i.iake t"his anger yours So heal me, Lord .lu,ake this broken person wtrole Itiake t,hi.s broken person yours You. are my llberator, Lord You are mv strength

I co want to see enC Bnow your l.gve

t"o shout and sing youi t,o a Sut the bloody oppressors dq


t,art,ure irnci- murder a.nt*mr.ltil-ate And Lfrg ()ppressed ggg" oppres:red blood3,ly cppres*ed ilncl tr do noL know, eometlaee, lf I can love *or, -ll..berate BE; Lord tJ"*,re rne your strength hia|:e thi"e anger whole

iihke thts sadness yCIurs ,$l.,rir* person 'shole ,rr;u'.'i r$e lOVe eS Stfength

i',i:ko ifiJ i.ove sLr.orig Y*rr are ny tJ-beratoro You are my strengttr




from Pi.*,ch of-






illl V0LliHji*tfiY i:tiiib,i"il:Y **r*'Lhy Bay Sdltor'lal JulY 1?39 . o i A nri.est aeked us f,o wribe On filre subject (voluril;'ary j.s*ue


,:f Ehe pap-er" ,ue i*urd ftrl ane-*uuSSioiru-b?t.i.twou1dbeuse,!ess" thal- 'rre &re-rrit,ing, ffi9 perhaps best it ie a. simple truth understood by the el"itt.le ,;nes?, As Che paafunist.-says,, lrThose who aie in honor and withotrt understandingrf"


Co remember:

Poverty is. holy {uhether voluntary ol-lqvoluntary} because our Loirt shared lt, He showed himseLf firs8 ao poor shep* herds o He lra$ a $orker hi-mse1f "

to Lhose who Chris'L Loved" We ro,r*rfr"tG;;u'rro"* poor', wtttr them, share o9r

eat to wlth the we love Ctrrlst in t'ecauss them clothes, our rneans with 't hem. lf Ohrist l.oved them we noust l"ove the&' VoLunbary poverty means that by taking Less oursh?l"ves,1 what we have ln the atlrers cin'have fuore" If we throw nl,et your abundance stipply fed" sor,imon pot I many can be jqrme us earn mare t'hai: of their wintio S[, Paul said, rffhs coat that hangs in others otherS * have more than ' tf the Church of poorp one your cioset belongs to the of ltvlng standard own oui irathers encs saldl We lo,rer in order to i-ifu Ehat of others. Voluntary poverty points out that a man ls a man because' It' of whai fre-is" ritirer than because of what he.has" HoIy of the.temp]e i[*-dienlty of, the person., thg. the of "prtirta" raterialism the Ci,ost,, It is I pritest against choose"


ite cal"i" lipon our readers insofar as they a re able to love poverby and embrace it" It is a surnB way of showlng our * J.orre for God, beca.use *e are tilus showlng it for his creat ureg


N0TE; The spade uprooting the &histle l,d"rictr iras c111 now adornbd the- cover of this paPer has been ehanged to the Alpha and Omega* As Chrlstian anarchists this is a- of the ctr*le (ft anrj ttre Creek letters for 0hrisL. I wlll however be using the spade and thlstle at different timss" Whlfg tc, Dlgger, P.0,Box ?LLbu Peterborough, 0Yttr;* Canada



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