The Digger 'For a Christian Commonwealth' #5

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ffi T'OR









A few waeks a;:o .sn one of rn.rr $L...'r: i* i:,r",iiind 0own, I discovered a cast flrii; ;ri.',* ;tii:i:rvf!. One leg u,aSS off an.i the ftr* l:r i.ri6 llnnlrig was ml$slng;, trrrt aL1 ln a.i-l" ,i,.,,r^,i,i:ido NBetng needful and loahhe tr,. sex ,.r s*yv'tceatlle clece of eeuipment so to *.ire dwnp, I weirt tiack later and pfcken :, i. ,lp and a coup.Ie of daSrs laiier solC J"t, r,: * I'ri,end .for twenty-f lve dol"I"i r"s.: ,,r inay I'j.nd trrlg a ::ad ccruu,.gnt oit rily ,,., ;.',,;yio !..fl you are e l/upj.r-rt nii ...rir,".";h casa you probabJ.i" wouJ.dtrtt tre {',:,ri;i.,-.i.l"ng t"hlg anyi.;ay}, I nve been rdriu*e,J



r:.:iB.rr+ggtn6 for a Ilvin;;., Povert,y ;:,;r,,i ;lesperation dog my f.:rct,steiprn Bu{:"


f,.s no[,


I Lry tCI take llteraLly Jesus serm{,\ri i:li: r":he iilsunt; tn which ile tau;ht ua not t,'., +,':,rry abcirt toutofrow, to stor,e not up i.x si].:l*re.$ t:i: eartir but in the spir*t,ua.)" ;'iid,!.ix: diBsn$ teactttng,s taken Ilteral"ly 'i,,,,i l.h*re is rrri real-Justt6tca.tton J'qi. :,,rx-iii;. Lligu otirervuisei amount Lo a total. ;',,.r.:it,..:i i on,.:.J' t;iie etatus eEBo When we :"":',scL wnr.triiy '**t}.t"h HB show our Father L;r.j.'. ,,{*} LfusL Or fiava falth and when hrqr iJi:r .r;iiJ.$,, Lhere lg rrr:thlrig we c&,n waHi: .i'.ii'. ,-1i* i :j&w that clci ;iood sUoye n(,f,


frs ;{ pl-ec6 *r.fl juuk

br-lb as a glfi fr*m my 5'athon, *'orldJ-y wlsdom 1.1 ntiJ"fness, Lru't, hsw siIl.y nnust thls ldee seem to tha worLdly*

Is pronoted tliat pov* eriy ls anci i,,eal-th ls sii.$e yet tliose ,,r'ho strive for -rrorldly ",*es"'r Ln*rrit;h)"3'' uillrt up with he*rt riiLacxi, .,.)-cer:* $ il*" exlaustl"on "lric [1,,:ished ;)*i,6hes, Ts th.l* ease? : t,nlnk tt j"s ri *[r';e ktnd of easeo i)*vel'ty is dl,r'.f,1cr.rl,t, only ivhen it ls Je{rn a$ a siraniefr-l}. tnirii. riather t,i}arl ,tri a bles*inE r,,rhen it f,t al"Lorued to nurture Jealousy of ltealth. when I.t




i s st;rived a.-lalrrst" -i,,i.certect a*r a LrJ-r*ssin;, acce1:tect as fihe ]-lfsstyle uur Lorcl-choee for hlrsalf tt t; " n:i}t, & hard*hI^p brat, a b,*autj"ftrl Llr'e


and tnankl'uLns*9' I ofteri i'j n-l ;:*yse1f preyLnl, tn tire e.>lrlt iiilo ;l&1r_ 1,6, alw.;y3 be gO., t-ay f ::.),.;;tye be thanrful f,ore,he gifte 6i:r ;tr:race

S'anher glvee ffiea r.jven ,ct 0va3





s1'hs pswer of, &he rnurclenlng antl fllie,*vlni1 svrord formerly as-wel] as now of Iaf,e yedlr$ hauh- set up a gov-



i :

eirnmen$ and mai.ntalns that govern* ii nent; for rr-hat sr.e ilrlson$ arrti put0ln.,:i

to death, but tl"ie power i:.f tn*'-l t;o enforci+ people tb tnae ;:ov* i ernment wliich ivas'..;;oi by conquos[ i and cannut .*tand but by- tho saraE riu.r.- I ciertng Powsf,o'ro*,rrard ,.;t"here ;*wond





The l"dea.




Ue alL know that very of,ten thsre ls a confllct bctlueen the l"aws of man and the law.r of God, l,iost of uv would a6rse that the laws of, Gcld take prâ‚Źcedence over manrs Laws" Jeeur knew thet t'hls ',vouXd be so, an: that ln many cascs adherfng to the laws o-f God would cast Lts Ln the rolei of crfu,iLnals S.n rep:ard to mants or tirE stateta lalvs" ;rd are not U.oo fLrst Usneratton of crlrnlnals of conscLonco6 Throuitrout historv the church (tn ttie ,len66tuof ordlnaiy Chrlstlano rather than thu oarthJ-y church bureaucracy) has been corr* demnsd for rsfusal to fol].ow otatm dr.gtatos" JeguE glves us a few rules of conduct to gutde us ln uhs

confLlct. If you have been arrested for tres.:arsLng at a mllttary Lnstallatlon'or soilethlng of thal naturo and, wlnd up Ln court .Iesus says nDcn?t srakb vowgt, Jay tY6s I will or Ho, any I ironttr. Yolrr :,rond -,rs

enough, To strEngthen ycur pronnlse ',vlth a vow shous that eomething {o 'cr!{Ior i,hth" 5, 31, - 37" The tuakere suJ'fered f or ceirturles over thls" Ilontt ,swear in courto JesuE also say$ ttlou nust stand trial before Covernors and kln;e fgr my sake, nhen you are arested, dontt roomy abou& w+g! !o s?y ar your rrla}, for you w1"11 bo glven tFre rtght w[rrds at, tire rlght tlmeo For tt wonrt be you


{l';i.5it *h"e uaI"k*.ng * .i"r rciLJ. be

tf';'her,c a'",re anar'";htgts vtiiQ newgr :*er;3.e s *pee*l:. antL ngvrtr *arrle*l a ,i":1.;1'.1'd, vri:oia r*e know as our ilrotherla


-;t r{t *.r" yr'^"rr h.eav'*n}y FathCIr t;il-i.;., 3.,i:,1.; &hr*'i;lgJr 'yfru;i!? I,ie,bho L0, l"? *.?{.1"

Iir*ugir perhape tiroy klow not, us" lyo 1 u:"i-1. irame fuho l;L-ve for *vsr, Sl:el}ey, 'i;iie f"lr'sn nf poe$e, were lt noc that ,y'.:',,,, :l"s Gne yct :;ieater thqn h*tu the

r,;irtr"il*r Jesus citieg nu$ eay ,,"..,.1.d irlr:l"t:;, Ie6ai- ,;ounct.,I, :-i' i,.it n*ces;i*r'$.: CouJ.<I

we nhouid iitr says rict ws hirve ,,r hett,e.r,oE.fance uiran. 1et,ti,n61 Giiti ,,;ir*&Ii. Chnoug-h u*? Iut)$ And l.f *l1s t,.,'rtrt't, lhouLd fi,lrd agalns'r, i:g ;',tc,i.i.1'..1 lj.iie'b moun Shat Sod had fai.ied? *f ;j:;r:ire !'JS[s FIo lia* HLS, and ,f i,r::it flidnqb 'rJant tc} wini u;.t ln ceuc'u .":,:,:.i;



of the ;'.Iobe. And rrho oi' c, tyciuld bell.eve thal[ flhe stlnf u,j l:r{:-ar ln our hearts, $ome cf ue, } rll,'i" n;:eal'. at least f'cr cne, J.e the ,.1a;;.;f iaspi,re<i, the moaf, eplrttrraS cha* ': i.*;91,-;6 €yer f,).un5; to yeur obtuse, flat., r;,i..e,i:";),, stertorcLl,$ IJngJ"a.nd,, Ilngl"anctl ut.r.t iJurore , .il,--r,, :,tlt i,.n;-ila.rli. "-l'rii r,,v,;f;idJ-' ,,lhei"o 1s mano Biid^ neur ,i "arr.. [hers ls Our countny* But Uho .n,eiu i'ia.n is tluried ln the c3.d; anq* '.,iit$r?.ier h$ fn hi.s tornb, '*li*rever lro knocks w€ are tht+rs to heln t,+ rJq;*r hirno -,r?ten the gu*rrl* sleep" :liri ri:.* eilsnee cf th6 darnrl rlses the" r];-L.i;.i,",l Chl.i"xt* And {;ho} that ;1r,i..511 at: the ;ravs Ls the angel of, \ trr:h:)'. ', ii,he i';rce


,"iir i.n Ja$.ir or in frcrit' ef a fJ,rJ"na; ::,:ji.rfrds Xo\r vrould not ba f ollowlng i.:,,riitr;q )"av* ;irtryur:;y* yotr nrould bg iayrtgU; irt;l.j firf]d imL]gw*n;I oflJ.''l inanf 5 law.o .:';ir*^li.y tf,rr. nourf Yr:i'rr.ra.y ih.lnk thriL lir.',.i ox!)*6Bs to rouch r:f youo But, iiod i,jri;"r m6itie prov{.sJ.ons f or you ilefore ;+',;"ir up f,n i:Onfr(")nt;itLr.ltlo .Iesu$ ;giry$ Iri'rhtln :flou iifr] pertsectJted Ln ri:rt*


r::t.ty, flee to u he nex.*.n I w'IlI l;'ei;r:ril bet"ore you ha-T{r rea*hsd thom *ll"Iit il'.attl" I$, 23, Ood ltrlll not ,rilli you t,o tirrsw ycur l"Lfe eway uoLii tl.r;rt"l iE no other serlrs;a flpen, and $r;ii, i-*ivdi you i"nt,al}oct," Maryy tLr:.e,S .l"t:r r*,iln;' klayJ nlesUs ra.yg dcnit 'r;e

frqiii a Hode:tr& $ympo**u;n L'y' Go lolyes $t. clc*.noon

$r:upl"{i. tr wI}i. try In furthsr lssu$r+ bi'j' ,*iartfy many otilor aspect,$ of

qirrrlr$ . -:




heaehln6s' i.rr l'efiat',.lr.ln 'l;o our



& cr; r*n




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{Ul*1ffi \.- )riF' iY',/i.;


ii,Ssk$ fti"sl;f tlare nq morc? .for' *its *p3.n*,on gf or,hsrs, or *'or Lhuse vol.ees$ "U* the,Sasg ti"rlnp; en aar"tlr ii*l ;'{--1i -'

;,.:L* .iilii.a$ Blake" ',r'e ars bhotl;;ht r*.s men of [i].ofrll ','je ars houtl.ded over


I l I

-xru'!:h' -*


ti'\ rJ\ \, t q;L \ i ir-. \

l,r1\- . \ -'il '\ -\.\:l t





I 't *i r\l xliiciri

Kll.t${c u$ sLoHI,r

ItnWtthout l:eln5 radlca1 or overl,y l-,oid, 1: w11.1 teil you that the tirird **or'lrl war hag alre;lriy st'art*d u [r ;liettt $ii.ent ware but noL llor reit$on zr,v J.ess This w&F,rls tean* ( ,i: domr Llr'aai.I, Lsetf"n Amerlca, and

At laast 6r.9z8 accldents lnvolving toxlc chemlcals-have occured tn the UoSo ln tho laet ftve years, kllllng more than 135 people, tnJurlng nearly 1500,

and causlne 217./+50 to be evacuated. accordlng to thEr draft of a study comraissr.oned by the dnvi.oronnental ProtectLon Agency early thts yearo Thl,! compLla$1on 1g only a partlal* bucausg data were cirawn only f,rorn ge}ected aroas and lnformatLon banks. IIad thE entlra country beon surveyed, the number of accLdonts l*ouLd be two and a half to three times h16i'rer, BCC-

ordlng to tlre conoultants whet prepared the study. But even thls adrnlttedly1nconrplete ltetLng reportE that ftve acctdonts a day nelcaasd toxtc cheillcal,s from small and J.arge f actlltles, most of thsm Lnvolved ln chenical prod* uctlon or storage totalllne some t)20 mil}l.cns .rouncis of, chEmisals. ONAPS BOYCOTT

!*re Unl.ted Farm'rrorksrs of Amerlea (UfI() aro once agai.n asklng us -to boycott Callfornla grapeoo Tfre j% of rhe grspe wor[eril who belong to the -$O'OO0 UF'd ars under the attack of, the c0al{fornla admLnl.stratton of Gov. DukmeJtan who have reneged on agrlremnts, aid constEtently refuse to tnvest!.gat6 eomplalnto by tlre r.ulcn agalnsE gr&ps"growors, Workers are sttll befnl'sbavt ed '.*tth cheral.cals tn the f,lelds ;nd" trlvlng ln thetn care and truckso Ig?$ a srLnet Jupport the boycotto




*'rractlcally ;rL] of the Chird lr,,or].du In,;feacl of soldiers riyltii;, th*r'e are c:irieiron; Lnstead of rnlli-J"one af r+oumd* *d, thelre are nltll,ons of ui'rer*p)"oyed; fr.rtead of rJ.estrucLlon of krrict,les, Liicre ts the taarlrr.6; dou,in of facborlea,, schocls, I,roepttals, and entlre cofiuilun* i-t,ieg"ooolt ts a war by th* Untted Statee agalnst: tire l"atill Amr:r1..can con* ,'t,inent aili;i the thircl workl, Ii; *s a -,;a,i" ilyâ‚Ź.r th& I'orcll,i;tt debt,, and one 'xi:ii"cl: has ag lt.r rnaln t{eapon a tlsal}* or) rTiore dcadly tiran the alorn bornb noi'e shatterlng than 6 laser beara"r' (i'f6m a sfis.telnent; bY Lut* I6nrrclo .itlva tLlula), tsra zllian l"abur Ioadei l ,,





have rscleved word from the

foronto Catlro}lc '.rorkero 'fhey rAngelus



i"louse*, a. house of, hr:spttallty ln l;he Ch tradltl"on. Th have also opened {or are openlng} a sl.ore front r*hl,ch rvill,. hou$o a c.Iothes roon., sorlc and coffee. coiiru* arionshlp and oI'.fics' spaeeo [aIi t+b9*i+8'17,, or' vi.sic aL l1B2 'luean *aigL, .'{e send theti our Lov'e anrJ ^;t,, prayerg



ITiE s{CII.E? OF tTT$ trA drrrnlien mari who

fal.L ou0 *Il

a cartD thou;h he rtay suffer*, dc,es not ,ite, Hts bones arâ‚Ź th.e s&rne a$ *ther pecr>).es*1 but, ii6" iaeots hl,r accicien$ in a dlffer.ont w*y* H$.s s':irif ls in a conciltlrpir of securll;'i..1 )'li: is noL ccn.gcloue of ri,dln5 Xn tiri ls ire concclous of i Qaf!; neitl:er fallin;" {)ur; of tL; IAdai-oit-It"fs if



be ;or frori Ooa,--i; is tn Orrd thaE Lhe sage seeks hle ref, and so is free from harmo,r @ Chuang


If you_rorrld like

So Hrtte to g#-lfrgg g6nifie anyone uoilId tlo rlfl Ll[e'-Eoitfr " - - It'$al,$J$-o$"fi tr99" so that "r I SZO"fJO can fo f:o to Torolrts ?cronr,o and vigLt ths Cauhollc f,iorker h,cusu


I?d appreclate It"

,.rlte Dl;;ero -

P"O"Box 21&fa Peserb;rro, Or:t,


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