ffiffiffiffiffiffi N
N} .GffiRilS'tr fi A
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c FiltlstiAr,J cCIt'1Fi6NwE A L't"Fl
BCINT l-81- AhlYoNf c.A
r_ Yt) r.r
N* *1
$'l- E R
?kf Rt'AsCIN FoRgtDs
p t xLD,
Ftt rs rEcffita 4
rl l-F-{o ft
l-r" * *oKUNtN
ffi-ffiffi"fu*mmffim jq sl:Eli;ielessly personal
arilele tn r+iricli the edi.tor atfrempts to collect hls e*.af,tered thoughts and present them t0 his frtends and g:"itlcs" A daun.ttng exsrcl,*e and cin* which riany for var"ious râ‚ŹasCIn$ would hesitate tr: r*rciertake. The reader may exsu$s me however inasmuch as uost of whab appears in these pages is culled tnfornnation o$ a vartety of de* *erving people and their
otiilosophlee r*lth Just a snnattering of thE authors ,lwn views and feel"tngs. indeed it le aII to easy to present the vieHn of others -*hi-Ie neglectl"ng to organlue anC present ones orrt vf"ews,
Aetua)"Iy I suppose there is lri?Ff little of origlnal Lhough'r in this philosophy, btrf, that is naturalo there are few ar.r:on,B us wlrr: real}y origr".al* â‚Ź.nir g6*u.c hut pl"agtar* is* fr*nn hist,ory uhat sae$s. nui.bqbJ"e &0 us, and nrold and
**reei.v*s accordinsiy.
A SrJ.end rs-rl"tes, wf rve ffi$Yer understosd lcow fol"I*wI"ng one
is n*re anarchlstic than followtng Bany. t' ?hts t* an tmplled crltlclss which Ceserveg
to be ansuered*
: should f ir*fi sai" thafl Jesus i.s :iot my or &Ryilne,g lea*,er. Jesus doee not 1*4.d, he p**nfis* Perhaps one of the o,*desL things about t,ite ilfe of Jesus i.s that he rei'ris*d to }ead. Tiroe and again in ths gospe}.*, people corse to hj-m for &ns&'ers, aski.ng hfua te Lead thern, and r&* peatedly {aud infur.iatlng}y) he says' ttluhat do you thinkttf Anyone oughs bo know that one clf Jesu,s diueigrles iwhieh does not mea.n foli.owers but pupi"Is)
wfi,s $lmCIn
the aealot,
had be-longed to a radtcal, Jewlsh sect fJ.ghtlng imperlal Rome. Many of
these lrers $urs that
wonld lead them and head
an lnsurrection which r,r'ould sverthrovr the occr"t*
pation aflEy of the Romans and set up a new Soverument. Ihey were dieappolnt,*
edn ,Iesus r.efused to lead them beeausE he kner+ tlrat, 1:heir goYerninent woul"d a*ly l"ead to a new uyrarrrlfo 3n oppo.slt,*.on t,o thm tdea of 6overnruents, Jesus offered the concept of the Hingri*m of Gocl. ThlE ts & Rg$rfr.i not a legal pro*
It, Lren$cends nat* lonalitles a$d notice aftere lt is found * ffThe SLngdom of Ood ls within youttt We are to be nnemhers of the l(lngdom of God whieh Ls not something ex* gr&$Itr
ter*.ai r $st som*thi"xg wri* f;*wyr dow"iru hi:t $osaeflhing 'eyhich 'se f**1, insiC*. i*ru:'ls r .I"ffie Jeeus wants us t$' fcrilo'* ou,r sutrl con;
$ci.ence donst.ie" $ouJids we ere irrheiently
*"hie $o tel: rtght frbnn wreng and outlht gq dp tiret. ,,,rhi"eh ts rightr. soun*s pretBy enarehlstic ri.ght? Ti"rn* and agaln Jesr:n m,peaks f0 our 0?sl3 experi*
stlce * ttYou can tel} the weatlter by the sigusr you can tell a tree by lts fruj"t *tc" Jesus puts the
ha}l i.rr <lur court, the resp*noibtllty ie CIurs, if we follors his t'eacnlngs a*d his ltfestyle whlch are e[erns1 and withln us we are fc)I.kir+lng our owlt best $elves" I"0llowing anyone or anything e1se, even C'01dms.n sr textbosk anarchism wontt do. Thaf, Ls t,rue Chri"st,ianity and t'hat is t!'ue anarchi$m, There ie ns contradl"ction.
r(€ nDJj
ffi-etuw*ffiqW trlhen blrey rejeeted ex* bernal authorltsy, ihe $:akere were *einyinced *hat theSr were plac*ng squax"ely upon bhe indtvi"dual $he
responsfb$.1i"ty f+r his CIslrr iife to an ext.enb t"hat wa* impossttile rxrcler autheri,* tarian rule,, For one thj.ng
th*y argued, n0 external authority was euen adequateg
it eould r,rof prep&r€ & Film to meet aI) tshe diff,tcult* l"es of llfe, nor: ma.]<e his decisions for hi"m in the trivial turns and tr+isfs of,
coruuonplace experience " Ho rnan san go through hhe day nith a book of rules, or the lnjunetion o.f tire confesslonal, and find fn them guidance for al.I his perplexit,ies. And ihough thts is not, 1n facb, the uray that a re)-igious auti:r*
orlty works, ther.e ls sofie ground for the arguement that dependonce on author$"fly tends t ouard legalisru, lJ.t* eraltsm in the fsl"lowi.ng sf rules* It was this danger vrhlch clesus eaw in the Jevr*,* lsh practice, Brld tt i.s a danger w*iictrr besete any re* ligious reguletion" Wtrat ns in the rruIes mus& be falth* fully followed, but the roe& becomee of no grea8 iunpo.rt* &.IIC€
from F rtends Faee Reali"ty by Harold l,oukes
gffiffixgr* FsH At{J} A*.e:$s.T
'Sharit'y, i"n narious f*rme i* one or other of
f,"*e sr"llt,t pl1ed dLsgu*susn sseme fi.o be the only pan* Setsa rqt,fleh oc,:ur$ to ths
$re.&t**o he party ede.,:ealee & urore Si.beraL p++r law; another, shor&*.r' hours of labsur to be asrf*reed by Ia*" In the ,r9*w tf eorne, allotments Bt'e the 0m* thin& need* fr,:"!.i ;'*hi3"e Toung Eng3-arrei sug.gest,s alms glving ln eh* magn$.flcestt snrl hau**rty styLe cf the fendal ESss; and Lord Ashley cc* mrai.ts hia 1atest sol"ecism 5"* gett,ln6 uI) a snctety f*:: th* pr"oteetlon of $istr**,s*d Ne*dlers.oman. Th* i*aime vulgar, shal}ow, arl.st-.oerati.e srror runs thr* ,*rlg;l: mi.I" Sceryone thinks of &ETXHVIHSF no on* cf RAMU\riH$r r,he misshtef " fnq prevai,l$"ng idea evid*nl:iy f;s". " fS GIX,E Btr{Eie IIIT'$ T0 Ali IlifF;RIORs not a+ d* *IUSfICH ttl A IIEI"tr,OW $,i,{N A &[ru ltlelter *n t]ie it*s gm$,its'Ler Review
Your arguenn*nt", ec appt,e my par*sheners$ lE
Eecaums *.n
1y fihey have scanty *rege*r 'ilherefore they shoul"d have
x)* a].ms; b*cause theeâ&#x201A;Ź Lab*urer"s of ,!{*rryenstory, -ar.a
ree{,:'ieued b:r the iarn, frour eny rei5"ef fior:i the rat,e .(taxes) therefore tliey sha}I have no ehari.ty from i;he cirurchi hecause therr have lit'i;tre, tlrerefore rfiey shaij have nc' moreo You insinu* ate that I, e Christ,jan ninister* think elght shi].tr* ings a week sufficient, fosslx person$ during a wj_n* lers weekr &$ though I were desirous to'lirntt the re* soi.t'rees. of my psor parish"" oners to that sllrrc l'1ay C-od forgtue you your" miserir"ble supposibion{ I have alL my life sJ"ncereJ"y, anii not to serve any party_purposfir been an advoca0e of tire cause of the poer, I fon rmny long years, have h,on*
not to
any oo1lticaL ends, denou* nced the unhoJ"y anct crr:.el enactunents of t}'ie new poar
liawker m*y be aceneed of having eonn:ived at a xnon* st,rou$ couupac& by rrhich thqr
hS"gher ordey.s boir.ght ti:e
of $he l"oru'* er wit"h a dole, but tilers isi no d*ubt tha'U he spcrke in a spirit of compassiono He wes propplng up en erri"l system *f soeial sub+rdi"n* atLan by palltating i.te lrorse rS.gourrs. But lt i"s su.::eJ.y boo mueh to expe*t Hawker to have }et hts Fgople starve ln the hope cf thereby eontribirtirrghumble obedience
to the edvent of some $oci.alf"sc utop$"a such as, WIIIlam Moryis was later to en* visage
I do confess, ticwever, h0 respecting anyone uriio rem,sins so blind. Ln todaye sy*tem. u " Hankind m;st rii$y& &ti, and a ret,urn to nhat *ur" socLe0y frorc ,Hawker of Morcalls ?rmor'sl valuestr i,s, lf wenstow: Portralt of a Victor{an Sccentri.c ?ot impossibl-e, highly un* Ilkely. Politi.cs i.s iro plaee 6s â&#x201A;Źa,eafii&,tt, 1'or ethics.
m,rud Abt,eff
So li;he Liberals worlr They t bhe NIJP, but they are
in our polltical
I'i-elr$* They donf t, frighl"en me haLf ae much as the Family Coaliti"on"
Alex Calder and his moralwerknow*what t s-best-foryou party faileo. to triunnph,
i"s on our side'l attiLude ha* no place at Queents Park. An*i"*ahorti*nisbs? FleaseI Ii' cut,laweci, aborLion would fio ba*h i;o happening (quite ?t'")od
?,Y. Evangelts,t.: ItAt, l"as,t f rve found t,he perfect 0hrlstianl tt
-fat,aIIy) in t'actorles and The 0od of money forces us a1leys" Though something to turn our hracks I could n+t do personally, on tire Cod of Christienicv. ,al"r.*r'fli-,:n ioes happen arrd I irave Secause peopJ-e ',trant & God"' ns r^igtrt or riesire to inler*, ' r".ho turne lris back on them" f*r'e. I canrt change thatn lnsteacl of the true Goci * ' and n*iiher can AIex Calder* therefore ma.ny eritici-ae the ' elturch o ,llr* talder holds an equalJ"y they kil1 every movernen0 nieve rliew of homosexuaiity. Eries to destroy false lhat I canrttt0h, $ee groups of people idoLs we i:et&er not be saying and gLve us the true Qod. rl Li'les made enymorâ&#x201A;Ź" Say miberable because of wliaa ts 0ecar Romero bnck
of Calders
ffiffiW rvs besn
*.htnk*.ng of tit* '*.rss ti:ieyes r+tr* were e+:ar:lly,ed aleng wl$h .Yesus*. Yh.*s fo tlie **ory in orrr X
s#:il'ffis* -i'ltt* of them turn* +d tci #esus and mtd HHey
*f are reeliy the s+n ,*f 1,"*u $*d b$.9 slr*a, !r*ry don ?r y*1,r, .g*1; doern off tha.b nnd t.ake u* w{tir '*?'**s It fhe otirer th*ef :r+u.?
i,t*llryd crper ta: the fSrst, rail-i.j'eei.d sYcn idt*t yeur ri+srqt l'lar.e the bnalni to, *ss what ts happeni.ng sven Il*rs* k'e are bo*h *rLrn*rt* *iq* we kmers al"]" *long thaE Liris e*uJ.d happen to us and &*.":,*rding ts ilie law $s Ere gei?:1ng urtrati,s eoming ts us! bie'L khis man hsfi. been frametl h* dtd nothf.ng to deEerve
tt, 3*ou exrd f wlj.l^ mi* r{*wim t+ supper t"a::q|,I in Hs{iver,ofr Hsi{ t ypi ca}"I1, *I,*sus, i{ou typi.*.rI iy hun.*n n*,t,,_Lr+ ih+E af ts,r.: ilen' snq sh+uld Ee a shailot*, ni*e- c.,t*ttS"og f9o1, and ani s,hruld he ; ti:oughi,fu1, ear"f ngl p**emn *
Irce beerr thi-nki.ng thafl we are alL thieve,e" "-${ot that r*e live by *rime oi s,ueal fifioney] but that n$nâ&#x201A;Ź
oi' u$ reaiii' ltves up t,c)
potenriilr ws-u[[*imuch lnore than morley" we steal t.tme f ron ,rur- lc*rred. one$r wâ&#x201A;Ź steal tinre fr,*mr our.
the -things He rea1l.y shouj.d be dotng, and we evbn s;orne*
ttmes steel. another p$rssm$ most pre cious things. j"nte*
grity and indivtrJuliir.v. ttOh
Tom, yew hess a f tfie fello'rr but he has su manv shortconings.ft And yet i'or al"i that, GoC, or" thb unj.* vers&, or the cosmic inflel* J"lgenee, whatever yoLl to ca}.l 1r,- (Jesus' cal want it Father, a beautifu.Ited ner.* eonal tribute to Joseph) wont hold it against i*s if ,( we just do this. ReeoEnize thab sense of hei,n"Eapologiae for being lee.{' than we know lue cail be. anrl in doing this do ir, be6*rl.uu, a strange man called Jesu* said it would be a goad
tltis* I{e ?s {nnoeentt tr Then h* sairi to Jesus, rrRemamber io* wiren you corne lnto your iiinr:dom" rr It ts ebsol_uteiy ::ylri-g61 of Jesus that eveir i"n his dyi.ng he did not' 'rr8sEe time saying to ths iirsL si.an nGo to hell" you hi.q irrcuth"rfl. but made-the r:ffcrrt to tuit to ttre sacmnd &hief and say a1L he eould saf,r t,o give all he give with hts dying -*,:uid to do. Thar?5 aII, lhingand breath, a ray of hope, keep on trylng, :iomeuni"ng to make dytng a llaf_ Sfunple. Iovbl btt more bearable,, tlny. *rFel. ieye
'' llennrl
alone i,her:*
j,li,.:t rl-Oi::* 2,0^^ difgfgnt '-,,"ir-:.i ,r:' re).igiOna. Sc&e
rheir rlght,i o"i-iu
r6e r i"i:,;te bi, i Idi.ngs cost,ing many million* of dol}aris, othere ${t on the side of a hill with legs cros,seu and hands held ouu* r+ard, some handle snakes, othsrs cirinli po.lson, stil1 1o
sthers keep one day-above another, other-,e drink a
litule wi.ne and smoke a liuti.e weed, some belteve tn having two or tirree r+ives, other; are homos6xua}, and the lj.st goes ono A,s far as I am concerned no oetter how radical tt seem$ they have ae muclr right as any large church irr 'uiashington, D,C. where the Congressmen and $enat* ilr".$ go to worship. Xtr"by J ' Henslev ;"ouriil*r" c;,' Univer.laI uhurrh
C0i.;il;G *VEirI?S:
Oct" 5: Rodney Bohilrasho Coni,emporrry Voyage Hist*l'ica1 iief *rencer* at Peter Bobinson lectu::e ha}}
, check for
Oct. 13: Srnie H.egher,
llilltarism and liunger, Pub1ic library, check' Lime
Oct. 14: Pat Adams, orr Aid anC H'.rnger at Charnp* lain College privaLe dinning hall, chec& ttne" Oct, 16t World Food Day, Judith Starup on Food $eLfSufficiency at the Publlc I"ibrary, al-so presentation on behalf of Uni"ted Far^nr trforkers * a video on pesticides on CaJ.. produce" Oct. 15; Pat f{nrgan of
!(a"tlonal. Farm Union on
l:arn ilay" caI ii, Pi'Tt K Rsgly.r(s:1l sf:fi(cii (r]r'nrr'1 0!-J f(t!$,r',t f p,rrl . l,,i r.::'i r.t.i,j.r":ti:,{"11,, \! _i, t' i, i.:i,;-i l" r- ;ir,rirrd"* .5i.:,r,.l^ .i"l;"i i-h,i. e:""."1i1.i, i:i;;,.i'i, :".-,, . ri,1 r:.r,r;;.i,titii hi.ke r a1.}tl Gl.ri:itr;,; r$)si:i,{} *, i;,,ti: r,*. s1"Ls.$ i\.i , n$ r;ily:"1:otlils t,3r-p* , .1cl+C g;;:1 .i';irr.; ,* 5rtp*,rrt"+ liL,::.j,i.:
equal it,3' ar':.i rvii;ienf, righIs.
irelieves in falr deali.ng, but no pushover. *ood
knowlecige Loil6
of htstory, Fam-
iliar with eeveral ancfdrft,
"iffiXlfiBJ{ sti&38* RICE
i/.+ eups cooked browr ric* 1r't *r.lps f,resh corn 0r w*v i'rd,u,en TF{E SLP \-/Ayl **.] frmsh Somatoes, cuhed fO "il s*al}.ions or oniona d;i*ed,, Fo:" t,irr* mo,*t p{rrl, Lflr* t ( *:lrtt-&,ro psa$ue or salad oil tsib1e ${}es llie r;irts,,e $.1' ._t'sr e,*utetr.ng paYert,y beins g::e;eri, wd.ltr , g t*p" paprika, ,*aitr HydeireiL, anci oFp::.er.ln,i"*ri,:lf iirltrie FePper and sny sauue * l.he nl&trses D), :.lr r i. cl:r i *a.rr:* ri ) *je;ius t silate,ii*:::i; '[ttilt, t.i':* ,Ln a ? quart caet iron pool" rsill e}'r/*ys oe wit" hr u* s,ki.Ilet s.a.ute ftrs,t { *ng" i.s n0 cieniaJ cI t".h l; " .i',,:v.- *,+.-- -l in oi} or butfl*;.* r.rnt,il rlce ei'tJ iS irOi. J i.'A.r,Lil ri fjrl'I
*tncJ *i,rJei
ve6gls& are hrorrned,
me,,,rscning*, &nd G,Erire*
i, Adii chopped green anrl i'ed InoI h,et i pepper. ;, Add I cl,ove *f cho,pped g;r;"ii c , chilt 3, Adrt{-1t,ggr" -Ti.elris [.1$hrier,
oi- f,ru worl.cl huL t.rr,] r'ersui.r. o1' t"lie s*in oi oilpres*ir:n anci in jlrsi,i ce {ly i,h*s$
Ihe rjitrle is
p:'tl .juoi-c*o
aga.inst tiie riril at:$ t0r po+r. i'o a iarg* exierrh
weaj-th is seâ&#x201A;Źjn e,s i:+.rl-n;; fron ti"re oppres*iiln ,?l' Li:e I: serrr"ings.. DoQI'. E:icepi, in a l'e,rrr pl;x-
crls, ricnes are nci pr:a:i"seii t ihe weaili:y al*'.j t"i$t, $8*n\ a$ a e,ood exaniple. 'ilie r:j-cn ar'* oJ"tet: sii{}r** L.3 ilc ;,lit.i.t rll.* tr0r:r spiriri.ri: I F+ii'e.f1*r- . lntj esus sily$: ,1,;t i$l* lc y1-j.i ", Ehau are riuh' , lGr. yo; ,,a*e re ceiveci yCIur cr:l'tscrlat j.cu:r rt'oe to you thaf, are ru.l"l now.? anei
iii f ,i like to hear frorn vou" me at llf.gger tf;r, fiirriiefieorge ii*+? St" H., reteii
i;uot'oughr-Urrtu Csn. +end writings l-!f r-!r *j.}.trC*llppl:;*fiul-,", ii*hcrt WfLf,.&ng$
liir,u.io .'Ji,sir*the fliggbr ii,-.nr'rsiian fr,esource Centre; aN 231 Hunt,er $t. *1. Feter r.-r:rough. Lov* iienn
fo:'_y'c,u SrraL1. irun3ier", Li,.lke S; *t+2. -*-rt riish, oeyond '[he h:et liace r