Radical Jesus Manifesto

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Thc Radical Jesus, who prefcrred the poor and outcast, who who who who who

regarded women and men as equals, told people to leavc all to follow him,

rciected establishcd Old Testanrent ideas, opposed authority and powers, was homcless and led a wandering lil'e.

And what about Britain in the 1980s? -l980s. .. Well, in Britain in the Wc have the poor and outcast: Jesus is among them. We still have women oppre-ssed: Jesus is for them. We have people giving up what they have: Jesus sustains them. We have people questioning old religious ideas: Jesus is on their side. We have tiny groups resisting authoritics and powe ts: Jesus's spirit is with them. We have homelcss ancl wanderers by choicc: Jesus's way crosscs thcm.

Our problcm is:Not that the Radical Jcsus is irrelevant to Britain in thc I980s -_ But that most of us havc too many vested intcrcsts which are threatened by him; Not that we do not nccd his dramatic reve rsals of our ideas and commitments But that we would have to change. And we could change. So we are calling for chatrge,

in ourselves, in everyonc, in everything, As Jesus did. And we are inviting people

to join us ln a company of people committed to finding what .f esus's Way means today.

A Manifestt.r is a Call to action. This

is jesus's,

Radical J csus's.

Takc it and Live by it!

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