November 2020

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volume 68 - issue 3 Arcadia High School 180 Campus Dr, Arcadia, CA 91006


november 2020


th e w o rld is o u r c am p u s

@ ah sp o w w o w q u o te o f th e m o n th :

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“ T h e m o r e y o u d o s t u ff , t h e b e t t e r y o u g e t a t d e a li n g w i t h h o w y o u s t i ll f a i l a t i t a lo t o f t h e t im e ”


By JORGE ESPINOZA-GONZALEZ Staff Writer As a student, I know how hard it is to stay on task, especially at home. But we adapt and slowly learn to better manage our time than yesterday. Whenever we are forced to face the consequences of our procrastination and failure to complete assignments, we often antagonize our teachers. They don’t understand what virtual education is like. Right? Wrong. Students often overlook the fact that teachers are constantly changing and modifying their courses. They work from sunrise to sundown to make sure they can make virtual learning as easy as possible. However, our educators often don’t get the appreciation they deserve. One of the ways that the American education system has attempted to increase such appreciation is the ‘Teacher of the Year’ award. This award allowed schools, districts, and even states, to show their true and genuine appreciation towards a particular educator. This year, the Arcadia Unified School District named Mr. Barry Lisbin as our Teacher of the Year. Mr. Lisbin, who teaches in the math department at our very own Arcadia High, was announced as the recipient during a Zoom call earlier this year. According to the Arcadia Weekly, Mr. Lisbin has been teaching in the district for approximately 29 years and continues to educate many of our friends and peers in his various mathematical courses. Mr. Lisbin is also an alumnus of the high school, which I believe made the award extra special to him. Recently, I had a virtual interview with Mr. Lisbin. Personally speaking, I truly felt that Mr. Lisbin wholeheartedly loves his job. I asked him why he decided to teach math, to which he told me that “I started tutoring math during college, so I taught myself math from the very beginning and then


Photo courtesy of INSTAGRAM.COM

FEATURES: Meant to lampoon the specific subset of sweater-loving, pumpkin-spice drinking girls, “Christian Girl Autumn” plays upon the stereotype that white women obsessed with the rustic fall aesthetic are either culturally ignorant, deeply religious, politically conservative, or a mixture of all three.

began teaching it. That is when I discovered my love for teaching.” Mr. Lisbin told me that he loves the ‘people aspect’ of being a high school teacher; that it was also the reason why he wasn’t “working behind a computer, all isolated.” I was a bit curious about the side of Mr. Lisbin that students don’t get to see, the one outside of the classroom. He shared with me that during college, he “played collegiate basketball,” to which he added, “I wasn’t very good but I liked thinking that I was part of a community.” Mr. Lisbin informed me that that was the secret to school: getting involved. “In high school, I liked looking forward to playing for the marching band,” he said. I also perceived Mr. Lisbin as a very optimistic person. When I asked him what his best advice for freshmen was, he replied with “It will get better,” and encouraged everyone to “do the best you can.” From my interview with Mr. Lisbin, I felt like he gave off the father figure kind of vibe, almost like Yoda or Professor Dumbledore. “Barry is just an awesome teacher but really just an amazing human being. He’s the kind of person you want to be around every day and he does whatever it takes to serve our students,” said Principal Angela Dillman to the Arcadia Weekly. Like Principal Dillman, many of our educators around campus have congratulated Mr. Lisbin for his dedication to his students as well as for his award. Mr. Lisbin, along with many of our great teachers, dedicates his lunchtime, afternoons, and weekends to make sure that their students are well-prepared for life. That is something that cannot go unnoticed. Students should be aware of Mr. Lisbin’s award, and all are encouraged to congratulate him. Congratulations, Mr. Lisbin! Photo of ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT


A P P R E C IAT IO N P G . 1 2 -1 3


CAMPUS FOCUS: There are a multitude of things and people to be grateful for, so oir staff expressed this in our annual addition to the series, Arcadia Appreciation.


Deprived of fan revenue, faced with empty stands, and desperate to somehow devise a system to keep all players and staff safe, sports leagues and associations have been scrambling to find solutions to keep their seasons underway.

“Though this was not some grand gesture, it meant the world to some students because they were recognized and acknowledged through efforts made by Mrs. Mynster. This special feeling lingers even when students leave her classroom after a year of her guidance.”

Photo courtesy of ESPN.COM

i n t h i s i s s u e : p o lic y 2 | e d ito ria l 3 | n e w s 4 | o p in io n 6 | fe a t u re s 8 | s t u d e n t life 1 0 | c e n te r s p re a d 1 2 | a r t s & e n te r t a in m e n t 1 4 | s p o r t s 1 6 | c a m p u s fo c u s 1 8





Editors in Chief: Cassidy Chhay, Margaret Lin, and Jocelyn Thao News Editors: Leslie Chen and Rebecca Tao Opinion Editors: Emma Chen and Michelle Lee Features Editors: Abby Choy and Anya Yang Student Life Editors: Robinson Lee and Tanya Lee Arts & Entertainment Editors: Ariana Parizadeh and Jenny Qiu Sports Editors: Enzo Goebel and Zoe Lin Campus Focus Editors: Melody Lui and Ashley Zhao Design Editor: Kate De Prima Photography Editor: Kylie Ha Publicity Manager: Becky Chen

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Staff Writers: Saket Akalamkam, Brandon Chan, Catherine Chan, Amanda Chang, Angela Chien, Lilian Chong, Jorge Espinoza-Gonzalez, Vritti Godani, Joy Herrera, Shirley Huang, Siddharth Karthikeya, Kate Larrick, Bryan Lim, Linda Qiu, Ashley Sioeng, Maggie Sun, Avari Wang, Greg Wang, Janel Wang, Stephanie Wang, Chloe Wong, Kailani Yamashiro, Sean Yang, Madison Yee, and Pamina Yung Design Staff: Catherine Chan, Amanda Chang, Angela Chien, Kate Larrick, Linda Qiu, Audrey Siong, and Avari Wang Photography Staff: Lilian Chong, Janell Wang, Kailani Yamashiro, Madison Yee, and Pamina Yung Adviser: Mrs. Lesley Lee

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letter to the


future president By ANYA YANG, ENZO GOEBEL, KATE DE PRIMA, REBECCA TAO. and ROBINSON LEE Editorial Board Dear Mr. President-elect, This year has seen unprecedented challenges within our nation. From COVID-19 to George Floyd to a highly competitive election, just within a short period, we have experienced so much. As you take the mantle of the presidency, there will be plenty of expectations and many burdens to bear. Thankfully, you have indicated you are looking forward to improving this country with a focus on economic recovery and racial equity and a willingness to confront COVID-19 and climate change. We agree these are valuable topics when looking at the country, but we also want to lay out the expectations that we have as young people. Thus, we have organized a comprehensive letter about the issues which matter most to us. Hopefully, from this letter, you may glean a better understanding of what matters to today’s young Americans from Arcadia, California. Health Services While your Public Health Jobs Corps project is in good faith, it should be comprised of well-trained individuals and not rushed to inflate the numbers of members in the corps— which has been a repeating pattern. We hope you recognize that while the focus on numbers will catch the attention of the people, it is the final result of a healthier nation that protects its citizens, which matters most. We also hope you do not turn a blind eye to mental health in our country. Mental health is not just one thing, one therapy session, one hug—a common misconception—but is made up of all the things going on in an individual’s life. That means accounting for financial hardships, unhappiness at work, inability to land a job, healthcare impediments, inability to afford college, and pay off student debt. There is so much inability, and that crushes the freedoms that we so preach. It makes citizens feel unimportant and uncared for by their country. How can we call this the best country in the world when most citizens are not happy? The solution to creating a happier and sustainable country is not just providing mental health services, but also fulfilling basic human needs. Diplomatic Relations

Currently, democratic governments are being hijacked by nationalists intent on cracking down on civil rights and the prominence of authoritarian nations, like Russia and China, threatening the spread of democracy. Mr. President-elect, as adolescents who want to see a successful, bright future for America, we cannot rightfully claim that our seclusion and hesitancy to assert ourselves on the global stage is proper. We cannot say the fact that other nations are pitying us for our COVID-19 response or the fact that Mr. Trump was laughed at at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly are trademark reflections of how our nation’s reputation should be. Mr. President-elect, we urge you to reverse the diplomatically disastrous course which this nation has taken and focus on repairing our reputation while also standing up against global authoritarianism. We have faith that under your leadership, the U.S. will be able to reclaim our global prominence. LGBTQ+ Rights We also urge you to strengthen your stance on these plans and do not forget or overlook the importance of improving and, in some cases, saving LGBTQ+ lives. Mr. President-elect, the community’s struggles have been ignored or worsened throughout history, and too many proposed improvements have been blocked to appease anti-LGBTQ+ Americans and lawmakers. The past four years have only added to this trend, with hate crimes and violence—especially against transgender individuals—at an all-time high. As you said in a recent tweet and in your speech on Nov. 7, we must “lead not by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.” To “advance global LGBTQ+ rights,” America must show the world that support for the community is unwavering and resolute. Disability Rights Your agenda mentions that you plan to appoint diverse judges throughout your presidency, including judges with disabilities. It’s crucial that you continue working with disabled activists and leaders and listen to their advice and plans. People with disabilities make up 26% of our population and we should not take any law regarding healthcare, accessibility, or equity lightly. While your plan


discusses raising the minimum wage, it is extremely vague on what this means for workers with disabilities. Reports have revealed that the average hourly wage for a disabled individual is just $2.15, compared to the average hourly wage of $24.98 for a non-disabled individual. You’ve expressed before that raising the minimum wage is necessary, and we urge you to extend that stance to insure the same improvements for workers with disabilities. Many disabled Americans feel stressed by the number of requirements to apply for aid, and in some cases, many of the restrictions do not allow them to receive aid. Healthcare should not only be available to those who can afford it; it should be accessible to everyone. Reproductive Rights Abortion is one of the most debated topics in our country today, but such a complex issue cannot be solved overnight. We want to emphasize the fact that abortion must continue to be accessible and legal. Criminalizing it would not lower any numbers; it would only cause more damage. Only 37 states require sex education and 25 of those stress abstinence over other topics. We understand that education is state-based, but we ask you to encourage schools nationwide to offer comprehensible sex education and accessible preventatives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Immigration Throughout your campaign, your outspoken support for immigration and plans for a speedy reversal of President Trump’s policies have made you a beacon of hope for Dreamers and refugees in America. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) opened a pathway to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants raised in the U.S., providing them with the necessary legal protection against deportation. Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric spoke for itself through the multiple attempted terminations of the policy that protected over 800,000 young immigrants, a majority of whom consider America their home. Although the Supreme Court ruled to keep DACA in June, the window of opportunity for the Trump administration to terminate it in the future was left wide open, leaving Dreamers in a state of uncertainty. Please keep DACA in place and protect the Dreamers who have feared inhumane separation since Trump’s presidency. The “Muslim ban” that has barred Muslims from entering the U.S. must be ended. Singling out Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iran, and Somalia has done nothing but fuel anti-


Muslim sentiments, so please do as your campaign has promised by removing this unethical ban and ending the legacy of xenophobia that has accompanied these prohibitions for the past four years. Climate Change The earth is on the brink of becoming uninhabitable, and we will be left to suffer the consequences if we do not listen to facts. Leading scientists around the world have come to the grim reality: we have less than 11 years to act on climate change before we can repair irreversible damage. In 2018, the U.S. contributed 6,677 million metric tons of carbon emissions. During the Trump administration, the U.S. left the Paris Agreement, replaced the Clean Power Plan, and took other steps to obstruct the prevention of climate change acceleration. Mr. President-elect, you have made it a priority during your time in office to tackle climate change. Although your plan aims to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and 100% clean, renewable energy sources by 2050, this is not enough. Even the Green New Deal, which strives to do the same by 2030 with an estimated cost of $93 trillion, will not meet our deadline. What we need is radical action. While it may seem unrealistic — the benefits vastly outway the risks. The U.S. has already spent $350 billion on natural disasters caused by climate change alone. It is truly scary to think that someday the world we inhabit will be unrecognizable. We face a climate emergency, and you at the helm face a massive decision. All we ask is that you think of your children and grandchildren. Mr. President-elect, we have outlined a few of the expectations that we have for your presidency. We have expressed our hopes, observations, and even some of the feelings of disappointment due to America’s leadership within the last four years. The world which you will shape will influence us as we further grow into young adults and contributors to this country. It is no understatement to say that all of our eyes are on you now. So for the sake of the world, this country, and some students from Arcadia, California, please lead us well. Sincerely, The Apache Pow Wow Editorial Board.




Joe bi de n wi ns th e 2020 presi de ntial e lection By AMANDA CHANG

Staff Writer

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., better known as Joe Biden, was projected the president-elect of the U.S. on Saturday, Nov. 7. His running mate, Kamala Devi Harris, was named vice president-elect of the U.S. as well. If the projections hold, they will be the 46th President and Vice President, respectively. Their victory is quite historic, with over 75,000,000 popular votes for Biden. He will be the second Catholic and first Delawarean to be elected for president. The vice president-elect also made history as the first woman, Asian, and Black person to fill the role. Biden’s rival, lame duck President Donald Trump, also received a historic number of popular votes— over 71,000,000. However, their triumph did not come quickly as a winner was not declared until five days after Election Day. This delay was caused by a couple of reasons. The different ways Americans voted across the country affected how the total number of votes per state were counted. Trump falsely told his supporters that mail-in ballots led to fraud and pushed them to vote in-person. Biden encouraged his voters to mail in their ballots, and many did so due to the pandemic. “In the key state of Pennsylvania, state law requires mail-in ballots to be counted after those made in person. As a result, Trump ran out to a huge lead and watched Biden slowly but surely overtake him,” said The Hill. Many key swing states, like Nevada,

Pennsylvania, and Georgia, really did have their votes swinging between Biden’s Democratic blue and Trump’s Republican red. As of Nov. 9, Biden has a slim lead of around 11,000 votes. Though not all states had submitted their final count, it was announced by the Associated Press that Biden beat Trump 290-214 on Nov. 7. “Trump on Saturday continued to make baseless claims that the election was rigged… in a statement made after the race was called, Trump defiantly claimed that ‘this race is far from over’ and pledged to challenged the result in the courts until ‘until the rightful winner is seated’,” reported The Washington Post. However, even if Trump wants to make states recount their ballots, most states have individual laws on how or when to recount. Some require a certain percentage of votes while others need their legislature to agree to a recount. Trump’s announcements have created a stir, especially since most sitting presidents will invite the president-elect to the White House in order to congratulate them and have a small briefing between the two about presidency. This unusual response from the president has created some uncertainty and stress for Americans who already live in a mounting time of unpredictably during a pandemic. Not only has the president’s response created anxiety and uncertainty, but the election has caused this as well, as states remain counting votes. Photo courtesy of NBCNEWS.COM


TE rrorist attacks i n france

Staff Writer

On Oct. 29, three people were killed at a church in the city of Nice, France. The French President Emmanuel Macron has already called this tragic event a “terrorist attack.” Three victims were killed during the attack on the church. A 60-year-old woman was “virtually beheaded” and a 55-year-old man had his throat cut in the church. Another woman managed to flee to a nearby cafe after being stabbed several times, but still died due to the fatal injuries. The people were notified of the attack after a witness in the vicinity raised an alarm set up by the city. “We heard many people shout in the street. We saw from the window that there were many, many policemen coming, and gunshots, many gunshots,” said a witness who lived near the church. According to the French police, a 21-yearold male suspect was shot and detained. The suspect is believed to follow Islam as he kept repeating “Allahu Ackbar”, which means “God is greatest” in Arabic. In response to these attacks, President Macron has already deployed an excess of over 4,000 troops to protect other churches as well as schools. France has raised its national security to the highest level as well as delving into the origins of the suspects. This is due to the fact that there were other attacks either in France or related to the country.

The first attack occurred when a man was shot dead after using a handgun to threaten police in the city of Avignon, while the second attack happened outside the French consulate in Saudi Arabia. These events have caused the French president to believe that the terrorists were after the values of freedom in France as the people are allowed to freely believe in what they want. However, another cause of the attacks may be due to President Macron’s defense of cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. There have been several days of protest in Muslim-majority countries that were brought about by President Macron’s actions. “I say it with great clarity once again today: we won’t surrender anything,” said President Macron. An abundance of soldiers are being deployed all over the country in order to help prevent any future attacks. Although the main motive for the attack on Nice has not been determined, the president is taking every precaution to be prepared for any further attacks. The current terrorist level in France remains high as it was a couple of years ago. These attacks are leaving the French people feeling scared and disoriented. President Macron’s extension of security is only the first step of ensuring the safety of people in France. Photo courtesy of LATIMES.COM




n ew story uwu COVI D-19 Vacci n e Shows Early Signs of Success By LILIAN CHONG

Staff Writer

As both renowned and small companies rush to introduce new COVID-19 vaccines, the American public’s dream may finally come true. Various expert teams, scientists, and other entities across the globe have conducted thorough research and propositions for a new curable vaccine. Despite the innumerable challenges that prevail in providing an effective vaccine to the large public, our only hope in returning to normality is to continue following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and anticipate an abundance of effective cures. The trajectory to a successful vaccine often requires multiple trials and errors along with delays, and many Americans are questioning whether the vaccine will be accessible at all. While there is no promising date, month, or year of when a vaccine will be available, there is clear evidence that our world is on track to recovery. BioNTech, a pharmaceutical company founded by a German couple, initially partnered with Pfizer, an American corporation, to develop a flu vaccine in 2018. However, in efforts to defeat an infectious disease that has killed more than 1.2 million people globally, BioNTech and Pfizer have recently collaborated on developing a coronavirus vaccine. On Nov. 9, the two pharmaceutical companies announced that they have developed a potential vaccine that is “90% effective in preventing the disease among trial volunteers who had no evidence of having previously been infected,” reported The New York Times. While the collaborative vaccine has proven to be nearly effective during the trial process, the results were immediately vaulted. Many experts are optimistic about the collaborative vaccine being the first approved cure worldwide. With the “successful” vaccine, Dr. Ugur Sahin, the co-chief executive of BioNTech, is also quite hopeful about their vaccine being the first approved cure.

“There are not too many companies on the planet which have the capacity and the competence to do it so fast as we can do it,” he continued. “So it felt not like an opportunity, but a duty to do it because I realized we could be among the first coming up with a vaccine.” However, various concerns remain in the eyes of many, including the CDC. Public health experts worry that distributing and prioritizing vaccines may be a concern in delays while incentivizing people to get vaccinated is the biggest hurdle. Joe Biden, the president-elect, and his coronavirus team have agreed on the country’s plans to distribute vaccines globally before providing them to the American people. The Fair Priority Model, a three-phase plan for vaccine distribution, prioritizes “fair international distribution of vaccines” rather than “vaccine nationalism.” The model supports “distributing the vaccine internationally, which means giving away or selling doses of the vaccine before it’s available to every citizen in that country,” oncologist Dr. Ezekiel Emaneul told Scientific American. Even with efforts to push the vaccine as soon as next year, “there may not be enough doses through 2021 to immunize those who need it,” said CNBC. With the deep divisions in Congress, economists say that a relief package is unlikely to pass before the presidential inauguration in January. As a result, many public health experts predict that the first coronavirus vaccines will not be widely available until April 2021. In hopes that vaccines will arrive as soon as the following year, millions of Americans are elated to hear that an optimistic future awaits. However, to ultimately solve our nation’s problems of surging coronavirus cases, our country needs to continue complying with CDC guidelines and mandated orders. Photo courtesy of CFR.ORG

2020 Congressional E lections


Staff Writer

With all the focus on the presidential election this year, it is easy to lose sight of the other elections that are taking place. As Donald Trump and Joe Biden battled to become the leader of the free world, hundreds of Democrats and Republicans were engaged in the fight to hold the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Elections were held for 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives. Prior to this year’s election, the Democrats held a majority in the House of Representatives with 232 out of 435 seats, while the Republicans controlled the Senate with 53 out of 100 seats. As of Nov. 9, 215 Democrats and 198 Republicans have been elected to the House, and 46 Democrats and 48 Republicans have been elected to the Senate. Parties who hold the majority in Congress are more likely to carry out their agendas since it becomes easier to win a vote. CNN projects that Democrats will maintain their majority in the House, while Senate control is still up for grabs. This year’s congressional elections featured exciting progress for many minority groups. A record number of Native American women were elected to Congress. Democrats Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids are entering their second term in the House of Representatives, while Republican Yvette Herrell is beginning her first term. According to a Center for American Women and Politics report, 18 Native American women ran for Congress this year, which is also a record. Overall, six Native

American people, three men and three women, have been elected to Congress. All four of the Democratic congresswomen referred to as “The Squad,” were re-elected. This group includes Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. After President Trump posted a series of tweets saying that they “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to them, they held a press conference to condemn his racist comments. Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, and Pressley were born in the United States, and Omar, a Somalian refugee, has been a citizen for 20 years. They have certainly proven their abilities and are all entering their second term. Sarah McBride became the first transgender state senator in United States history after Delaware Democrats elected her with about 73% of the vote. “Right now in America, we are seeing voices that for so long were pushed to the margins and to the shadows finally being heard,” McBride told The New York Times. Senator David Perdue’s re-election race in Georgia will go to a January runoff. His election and a second Georgia runoff will most likely decide which party controls the Senate. With Biden as president, the Democrats will be able to start the year off strong with victories in Congress, which will likely include repealing some of Trump’s policies. Until January, when the congressional elections in Georgia come to a close, it is unsure which side will hold the Senate majority. Photo courtesy of TIMES.COM



By AMANDA CHANG Staff Writer While the United States has had new daily records of COVID-19 cases, other countries have become increasingly more effective at tracking cases and testing millions. For instance, take Slovakia’s incredible feat of testing two thirds of their country, or 3.6 million people, in just two days. The country also “plans to test every single adult and child older than ten over the next two weeks in an attempt to stem soaring cases,” said the Wall Street Journal. In China, the entire population of Qingdao––seven million people––was tested after just 12 cases were reported. Another area in China called Kashgar has a population of about 4.7 million people. The first case there was detected in a 17-year-old girl whose parents worked at a factory that the virus was later traced to. Unlike the U.S., government officials were flown in to monitor testing after that one case was detected. The outbreak in Kashgar was first reported on a Saturday, and within the day, the city was put under lockdown. “2.8 million residents had been tested by Sunday afternoon. By Monday evening, 4.5 million had been tested… Photos and video s circulating Monday on Weibo showed people lined up on Kashgar’s streets, waiting to


be tested at pop-up booths staffed by medical workers in white hazmat suits. Kashgar schools have suspended classes through Friday. A number of flights in and out of the area were canceled Monday,” reported the Washington Post. However, the Trump administration has taken very little action compared to these countries and has left most of the decision-making to individual state governments in terms of controlling the pandemic. Some states, like Vermont, have been quite strict while others, such as the Dakotas, have been quite loose about it and have not even required masks. Hopefully, the Biden administration will be able to take hold of the pandemic before it gets to a completely unmanageable state. The campaign has promised to set a task force to handle the pandemic. “A decisive public health response that ensures the wide availability of free testing; the elimination of all cost barriers to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the full deployment and operation of necessary supplies, personnel, and facilities,” says the campaign’s website. Will the new administration be able to follow through with its promises?

By SEAN YANG Staff Writer


ting into a college. However, some people may argue that chancing can be helpful, as some people on the subreddit do provide some helpful insight on the college application process and what colleges have usually done in terms of acceptance rates. I would argue against this by saying that there are high school counselors available to students for a reason. Counselors are professionals hired by the school to specifically provide help for students that have any questions about the admissions process or what types of students colleges are looking for. Many high schools, including AHS, also have online resources such as Naviance which provide specific information on how many students from their school got into a certain college as well as displaying their stats. These certified sources will provide more helpful information. In conclusion, instead of friends, family, or random people online to ask about your chances of getting into a certain university, just ask your counselors! I have no doubt that they will be happy to help as their job is to help students with these concerns. If you have any questions about the college process, a certified way to get help will always be to ask your counselors. Graphics ourtesy of EAP.APSVA.US and FONTSPACE.COM

As college application deadlines edge closer and closer, students may have stumbled upon a subreddit called r/Chanceme. This subreddit allows students to submit their stats and extracurricular activities throughout their high school career for other people to guess their chances of getting into a certain school. I believe that the act of chancing can be very toxic for some students as it may discourage them from applying to certain schools. First of all, most students posting on the subreddit are usually there just to show-off their achievements in high school. Most of the students know that their GPA and AP scores are better than the average high schooler and end up creating a post on the subreddit just to receive comments praising how good of a student they are. When students with lower grades see that the poster is applying to the same colleges as they are, they may become extremely discouraged as they feel unable to measure up against others. This system is very elitist Additionally, everything said by chancers is speculation. Although they may have some insight into how colleges work because they were previously high schoolers, they are not actually college admissions officers. What they Graphic courtesy of FONTSPACE.COM say really has no impact on your chances of get-

It turned out that they were monitoring the

make with the protection of their governments regulations at NASA because they don’t want

Staff Writer conversations of the crewmates without their that sponsored space travel. However, private to send bacteria out into foreign spaces where

We are entering a new Space Age. However, this time, the race is being led by private companies like SpaceX. This for many seems like a positive attempt for humanity to reach for the stars, pioneering new research and entering into a new age of space exploration, but as we charge forward into this new era, there have to be considerations for the moral and ethical questions of working in space, similar to any working conditions on Earth. In 1973, there was a mutiny on the Skylab, a mission run by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), during which three astronauts were tasked with a month of 16hour workdays and minute by minute itineraries to complete their tasks. The astronauts arrived exhausted and quickly became overwhelmed by the work with no breaks. To further exacerbate the problem, one of the astronauts came down with a mild cold and the crew opted not to share it with NASA.

knowledge and they called in to berate them for withholding information. This was eventually resolved by the crewmates taking an unauthorized day of rest but the astronauts were prevented from ever returning to space after that mission. This incident quickly made the rounds on Earth as it is the first example of a space strike or mutiny. Abuses of labor like this will only become more common as space travel becomes more accessible. In order to engage in safe space travel, astronauts must place their lives in the hands of the people on Earth. They rely on the knowledge that they are equipped properly and will be given the time to engage in enriching activities like maintaining their bodies for the increased gravity on Earth and maintaining sanity by socializing with crewmates. Furthermore, in an environment as regulated as a space station, there is no privacy or even the illusion of it. This sacrifice is something countless astronauts have been willing to

companies are held to much less strict safety regulations towards their employees. In the early days of air travel, there were countless tragedies as the industry moved to privatization. However, with the possibility of private long-term space missions seeming to be more likely each day, legislation has lagged in putting in protections for these astronauts. Few countries properly condiered the implications of instituting labor laws in space. Space is considered international waters and where sailors have the option to get off at the next port, astronauts would not have this option as they are physically unable to leave the space ship. Without the power to bargain for better conditions, they are likely to be stuck at the mercy of corporations who may not have the best interests of their employees at heart. Take SpaceX, for example, a company that has already made headlines by sending an unsterilized car into space. This is against

there could be the fragile beginnings of life. Although this does not have immediate ramifications for human lives it shows how corporations can be less concerned with ethical problems and are more likely to plunge forward recklessly. Elon Musk, the Chief Executive Officer of SpaceX, has shown his willingness to reach for resources at the expense of humans with his company’s push for lithium in countries such as Bolivia. Privatization of space travel means relying on private business owners to make rational and ethical decisions. History has shown us that when new frontiers are explored, this trust will most likely result in tragedy before reform can happen. I suggest that we get ahead of these tragedies by establishing labor laws for space before we need them. Graphics courtesy of FONTSPACE.COM and EARTH.GOOGLE.COM



By LILIAN CHONG Staff Writer After four years of the Trump administration’s influence over the Republican Party, the GOP in all positions have lots of thinking to do in regards to how the party will move forward with its platform and political values. Trump’s right-wing populist platform has challenged many long-held GOP beliefs. Even though the GOP has traditionally been the party of free trade, it has stood by Trump as challenged trade deals and imposed tariffs. Trump has also fundamentally changed the GOP’s platform by appealing to blue-collar workers, traditionally Democrat-leaning voters, by promising to expand industry and bring back manufacturing. With Trump’s loss in reelection, he refuses to concede his defeat even after the election projected Joseph R. Biden Jr., his political rival, as the winner. As for the party’s loss against the Democrats, many begin to wonder where the Republican Party’s traditional values will end up once the former president departs from office. Although Trump tweeted numerous times about the presidential election being a “hoax” and calling the entire process “rigged,” Twitter claims Trump’s tweets as misguiding. The app has linked several articles claiming that voter fraud is exceedingly rare and that there is no evidence of voting systems deleted. Even with attempts to reclaim his presidential role by falsely claiming voter fraud and threatening to file election lawsuits, the adamant president refuses to concede as he and his administration will face innumerable reckonings in the coming future.

Under four years of Trump’s presidency, many can agree that the president has, thus far, been one of the least transparent presidential candidates in modern history. By now, the Trump administration is encountering an extreme dilemma in facing an open government and a smooth presidential transition. However, in order for a “smooth” transition to happen, the president must provide the sources he has currently concealed from the public eye, such as the precise coronavirus case numbers, to the next president-elect. It seems that the incumbent’s tantrums have created a chaotic presidential transition as Trump recently removed Defense Secretary Mark Esper from office. As a result, concerns also remain in National Security being undermined during this seemingly chaotic transition period. With failure to concede to his defeat in the election, Trump’s unpredictable decisions will continue to lead the nation towards a hectic path. Moreover, the stiff-necked Trump is distraught about the transition as it would lead him and his administration towards a very tortuous route. As he encounters his transition from president to an American citizen, many predict that Trump is to be drowned in lawsuits and criminal investigations. If that was not enough to exaggerate his potential reckonings, Trump could be consumed with hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Soon enough, once the president leaves office, many predict that Trump will become a diminishing figure to the American public. As for the Trump loyalists who wave their flags and banners proudly in tribute to honoring

Post-Election Trump & the Republican Party

their so-called “savior,” they, too, might also face an identity crisis once American democracy strengthens again. Though Trumpism fades from many Trump loyalists’ eyes, some Republicans will have the incentive to help untangle their “prestigious” public figure from the accumulated debts and lawsuits over the four years of his incumbency. As Trump’s four-year term comes to a brief ending, in nearly two months, the public remains curious about where the figure may be in the coming year once president-elect Biden has settled into the presidency.

By LINDA QIU Staff Writer

wellrounded or laserfocused?


During high school, specializing in one or just a few fields of interest is better than dabbling in a number of them. For one, specializing makes you stand out in college admissions. Though 5 to 6 extracurriculars is generally a good amount for college applications, students can do well with significantly fewer activities because admissions committees care much more about quality than quantity of participation. “Although there are ten activity slots on the activity list portion of the application form, colleges don’t expect every student to have ten activities,” said Sue Rexford, the director of college guidance at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School. “No college will expect that a student has a huge laundry list of extracurriculars that they have been passionately involved in each for an extended period of time.” It’s tough to distinguish yourself in common school-affiliated extracurricular activities like orchestra or sports, though it is manageable with passion and dedication. No matter what you choose to do, your goal should be to be the best at it. You want to stand out from the crowd, which won’t happen if you are below average or average in many things. That means dedicating yourself to improving and succeeding in the extracurricular activity or activities of your choice. And you can’t do that if you have too many. Furthermore, specializing guides you to the undergraduate degree program and career that best suits you.

As ironic as it seems, although Trump has filed lawsuits against the election, he himself will be drowned with accumulated debts and suits from years ago, even before his presidency. Whether or not the “Trumpism” Republican Party will erode once Trump loses influence, the problem shan’t remain a concern if the orange incumbent will not have the power to continue torching American democracy. Graphics courtesy of CLIPARTLIBRARY.COM and CUMBERLINK.COM

The more thoroughly you explore a field, the more you understand what you’re walking into. It’s better to delve deeply into a specific field of interest and cultivate a vast breadth of knowledge in that area than to only have a shallow understanding of a wide variety. “For example, a student with an interest in entrepreneurship could demonstrate skill and potential by starting a profitable small business,” wrote Olivia Valdes, founder of Zen Admissions consulting firm. “A student with a passion for arts and education could… teach a painting class at a community center that attracts larger numbers of students every session.” Specialization is also more efficient than diversifying. Investing into fewer activities gives you more time for improvement. It also helps you avoid burnout, as an overloaded schedule with too many activities can leave you stressed. Students too often jump around, trying different activities each year of high school. Though it’s definitely okay to try new things, it’s even more important to stay consistent with core activities that connect to your interests. Your time in high school is limited, and it’s best to invest it into a few activities you enjoy and do well in. Graphics courtesy of CALSTATELA.EDU WEB.STANFORD.EDU WIKIMEDIACOMMONS.COM and WIKIPEDIA.COM



By AVARI WANG Staff Writer High school is a great time for students to start gathering work experience by applying and working at their first jobs. What types of part-time jobs would be suitable for a firsttime worker? What kinds of requirements would a potential employee have to possess? How rewarding would working at a part-time job be? Some typical easy part-time jobs would be waiters/waitresses at fast food restaurants or clerks/cashiers at retail stores. These jobs do not require much prior experience, which most students do not have. These restaurants and stores can be found in many places, so transportation fees would not be too much of a problem. A few examples include Starbucks, Baskin Robbins, McDonalds, Pacsun, and Brandy Melville. To apply for jobs, an online application must first be filled out. Depending on the store, they will provide contact information if you have further questions and concerns. Most likely, the applicants are also interviewed about a set of general questions that talk about the applicant’s background, extracurricular schedule, resume, past experience, and how they would respond to a few in-store situations. Considering that these jobs are entry-level jobs, the bar is not set very high for applicants, which opens up a wide window for many people to apply. However, a good attitude and personality is essential in the world of customer service.

For all students under the age of 18, a work permit is needed to be filled out by the student and his/her guardian in order to be able to get a job. Applications can be issued from their respective schools, and the student must have satisfactory grades and attendance in order to apply. Regarding salary, most fast food restaurant jobs pay minimum wage or slightly above minimum wage. Employees are paid by the hour, and there are laws in place that

restrict minors from working over 40 hours a week. Some slightly higher-paying jobs would require more knowledge and skills than the ones previously mentioned. Being a babysitter requires an extremely well-behaved personality and cooperative child-caring skills. Being a tutor would require sufficient knowledge in the topics that they are tutoring in. Being a lifeguard requires swimming skills and bravery. The difficulty of the job reflects in the salary of the job. The standard set of requirements that every single job position needs includes a good attitude, an ability to work (they’re in good health), time-flexibility, and a kind and forgiving nature. It is always important to let the customer feel welcome and well-cared for, for they are the ones paying the money.

Another part-time job that is pretty unique as compared to working in a chain store is being the owner of a small business. From selling handmade goods to reselling old clothes, there are plenty of platforms out there to reach out to customers who may be interested in what you have to offer. During COVID, many businesses have changed their process of hiring workers and may be in need of fewer employees compared to before the pandemic. Some jobs that would be a good choice during the pandemic would be food delivery jobs, online tutoring, and food service (if you’re willing to have a slightly higher risk of contracting the virus), while jobs that require more in-person interaction such as babysitting would probably not be a good idea. “In addition to the new friends that I meet, working at a small job lets me have a taste of the adult life that is coming in the future,” says sophomore Abigail Depina. Work can teach “the value of money. Without a job, teenagers must rely on other people’s money. Having a job gives students their own money and can help them understand the true value of a dollar” says John H. Holloway from Walden University. Not only experience and cash, but also character building and valuable life lessons can be learned from working at a part-time job. Graphic courtesy of FONTSPACE.COM and FLATICON.COM

By GREGORY WANG Staff Writer At the beginning of the pandemic, things were looking up for the environment. Human activity began to slow, and various signs of improvement began to appear. A video in March made headlines showing the clearing of Venice’s canals. Videos from around the world showed clearer skies and more signs of wildlife. However, many of these changes, while nice, are short lived. At first, the quarantine may appear as though it would benefit the environment. A lockdown would prevent people from going out and traveling, and vehicles would be reducing their emissions. Skies would be clearer, waterways would be cleaner, traffic would be reduced, and wildlife would make its way back into former habitats. This was best illustrated in the aforementioned city of Venice, Italy. With the lack of tourists, very few people used the canals, and the sediment settled, allowing for clearer waters. With clearer waters and a lack of traffic, fish were seen swimming into the canals, a sign that wildlife was returning. However, a lockdown comes with many drawbacks as well. Being at home results in an increase of waste per capita. While emissions from transportation may have decreased, residential power use will instead increase, as people begin to use electricity more at home. The pandemic has also disrupted the economy, which has sent major shockwaves throughout the world. With the economy’s collapse, millions of people have been forced into poverty, as supply chains throughout the world have been broken. “A severe and prolonged deepening of


global poverty is also likely to reduce available resources for climate mitigation and adaptation, increasing climate risks and exacerbating climate-related inequities,” said Dr. Noah Diffenbaugh, a climate scientist. Poverty also forces people to turn to cheaper alternatives for energy, such as coal. This wave of poverty could potentially worsen the climate later on. While the climate crisis may have been somewhat alleviated by the reprieve from emissions, the worst is yet to come. The lowered greenhouse gas emissions were only temporary. As countries come out of lockdown, the greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise, as society reaches a new normal. Restarting the economy may actually worsen the environment, as countries turn to cheaper alternatives for energy. According to National Geographic, China has shown signs of a dirty recovery, and have handed out more permits for coal-fired power plants in March than all of 2019. Despite shifting towards clean energy, the pandemic has shifted China back towards using coal. Since coal is a lot cheaper than clean energy, it was used in order to jumpstart the economy. However, the coal plants are not temporary, and they will continue to pollute even after the economy fully recovers. China’s emissions returned to pre-coronavirus levels, and even exceeded them in some places. If this pattern is replicated in other countries during their economic recoveries, then things will continue to get worse for the environment. Photo courtesy of DEPATURES.COM Graphic Courtesy of KISSCC0.COM and FONTSPACE.COM




: By AMANDA CHANG Staff Writer Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris is set to be the first woman vice president as well as the first Black and South Asian vice president. Her firsts as Vice-President Elect are not the only ceiling-breaking things she’s done. Here’s more about her and her other achievements. Harris as a Student: “After spending her middle and high school years in Montreal, Harris attended Howard University, a historically Black institution in Washington, and then got her law degree at UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco,” said the Los Angeles Times. There, at Howard University, Harris joined the Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc., which, like her school, is a historically black sorority. The institution “profoundly shaped her political vision,” said CNN. She has also mentioned it and other historically black fraternities and sororities during a couple of

By CHLOE WONG Staff Writer If you’ve been on Twitter, Instagram, or pretty much any social media platform in the past year, then there’s a good chance that you’ve seen lifestyle blogger Caitlin Covington before. Even if you don’t know her name, you probably recognize her face and outfit—with her brown ankle boots, seasonal fall scarves, and perfectly coiffed curls, Ms. Covington, bright and bubbly, appears to be fall personified. As rapper Megan Thee Stallion’s “Hot Girl Summer” swept the internet in Aug. 2019, so did an old photo of Covington. Her online fame,

her speeches. Harris as an Attorney: “As a Deputy District Attorney, she also prosecuted cases for homicide and robbery. She worked at that office from 1990 to 1998 before going on to serve in the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office,” according to, California’s Department of Justice. Then, in 1998, Harris was named managing attorney of the Career Criminal Unit of the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office. In her position as managing attorney, she prosecuted three strikes cases and serial felo-

ny offenders. She went on to serve as the head of the San Francisco City Attorney’s Division on Families and Children, says oag. Five years later, Harris was elected as the first female District Attorney of San Francisco and as the first African American woman and South Asian American woman in California in the position. She held this office from 2003-2010. In 2010, Harris rose even fur- ther in the political light as she became the first Black person and first woman to be California’s Attorney General, winning by 0.8 percentage points, according to POLITICO. com.

however, came in the form of “Christian Girl Autumn”. It all started in the summer of 2019 when Twitter user @bimbofication, a transgender woman named Natasha, tweeted out a picture of Covington and a friend. In the photo, the women are wearing oatmeal cardigans and swooping scarves, their arms linked underneath white bell sleeves. “Hot Girl Summer is coming to an end,” the caption reads, “get ready for Christian Girl Autumn.” nat (@bimbofication). “Hot Girl Summer is coming to an end, get ready for Christian Girl Autumn.” Aug. 9, 2019, 4:21 p.m. Tweet. Natasha’s original tweet garnered 50,000 likes and over 12,000 retweets, and thus

“Christian Girl Autumn” was born. Meant to ington’s moral beliefs, political stance, and lampoon the specific subset of sweater-loving, assumed intolerance of minorities, these aspumpkin-spice drinking girls, “Christian Girl sumptions are confirmed to be untrue. Autumn” plays upon the stereotype that white On Twitter, Covington said that she women obsessed with the rustic fall aesthetic wasn’t a Republican, and that she believes are either culturally ignorant, deeply religious, love is love, directly contradicting many politically conservative, or a mixture of all people’s assumptions of her and earning her three. fond nicknames such as the “pumpkin spice “Autumn” is an ironic spoof of Megan queen”. Thee Stallion’s summer smash, which ranked Covington and the other woman starNo. 1 on the Billboard Charts, and features ring in “Christian Girl Autumn”, Emily lyrics such as “it’s a Hot Girl Summer, so you Gemma, have also communicated with the know she got it lit.” But while “Hot Girl Sum- person behind the original tweet and @bimmer” is a song about living your life up without bofication account, belonging to transgender any limitations, the women featured in “Chris- woman Natasha. When Natasha began her tian Girl Autumn” were mocked online as be- transition in quarantine, Covington suping conforming, bigoted, and hypocritically ported her by retweeting the link with her conservative. Online users imagined Coving- surgery GoFundMe. She also donated $500 ton in several hackneyed situations, giving her to the cause. As of right now, Natasha is ala racist, homophobic, and generally irritating most halfway to her $15,000 goal. personality based on her appearance—think of “I can’t deny that I love fall and everythe “Karen” meme, only younger. thing that goes along with it!” Covington Lots n Lots of Jets n Planes (@spoopy- said during an Insider interview. “When it man123). “This picture asked me not to kiss comes to fall, I totally admit to being ‘basic,’ another man in public and [asked] if I could and I’m okay with that. [But] I’m a daughplease leave the restaurant.” Aug. 11, 2019, ter, friend, wife, and an expecting mother. 5:39 p.m. Tweet. I’m a gay rights and Black Lives Matter M (@SodDribble). “This picture goes to supporter, and I think all people should be brunch and gets overly excited to pronounce accepted for who they are.” She also added: ‘huevos rancheros.’” Aug. 11, 2019, 8:33 p.m. “I think if someone sat down with me for Tweet. fifteen minutes, they would see that, too.” When the meme went viral, Covington accrued thousands of new followers, most of them looking to deride her on her page. But Graphics courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM while the internet has made judgments on Covand INSTAGRAM.COM

Harris as Senator: “In 2017, Kamala D. Harris was sworn in as a United States Senator for California, the second African-American woman and first South Asian-American senator in history. She [served] on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on the Budget,” says the website As Senator, Harris has won settlements for California homeowners, helped win marriage equality, defended the Affordable Care Act, and prosecuted trafficking gangs, among other things. As Harris has climbed the political ranks, she has shattered more and more barriers, her future Vice Presidency to be the next. Photos courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM, COMMONS.WIKIPEDIA.ORG, and PNGTREE.COM



By GREG WANG Staff Writer The existence of three environmental clubs on campus has created some competition between them, as they each have similar purposes and hold similar activities. While not apparent at first glance, each club fills a special niche that differentiates it from the others. Campus Environmentalist Club hosts beach cleanups, while Green Team sells succulents, and Student Sierra Club works with volunteer group Amigos de Los Rios. However, recent tightening of club regulations has changed their status as separate clubs. Despite being chartered separately this year, Clubs Commissioner senior Megan Ngo mandated that the three clubs would be merged next school year. Each of the clubs has different plans, and they will have to adapt to their new future. “I hope to continue the community aspect of Campus Environmentalist, providing a place for people with similar interests and a love for the environment to get together and make a difference while also giving back to the community,” said Campus Environmentalist Club President senior Tiffany Zhuo. “I’m a little sad that the name ‘Campus Environmentalist Club’ will be gone, but in the four years I spent here I created lots of memories that’ll stay with me forever, and the differences that we made in the community will always stay. I’m looking forward to the merge as we all have a similar goal of a greener future, and merging will only bring together our innovation and leadership skills and create a bright, successful club.” “I think the decision ASB made makes sense since there are so many clubs on campus,” said


Sierra Club President senior Wendy Wang. “I believe each environmental club is unique, but they all have similar purposes so it makes sense why they would merge.” Wendy added that she was curious how the officer team of the merged clubs would work together. When asked about what she wanted to carry over into the new club, Wendy said, “I hope to see the emphasis on environmental activism carried on from Sierra to the new club. I think Sierra Club is an amazing and active organization that I hope the new environmental club will still keep in touch with or still instill with similar values.” “I definitely want to carry over the educational part of Green Team,” said Green Team President senior Anthony Chiang. “I feel like we place a lot of emphasis on introducing more obscure but still important topics, and we still want to keep that intriguing spark in our club.” Anthony also wishes to keep the connections they have forged with the community. He agreed with the other presidents on the decision to merge, as the clubs all had similar purposes, and a united club would be more effective in spreading their message. The leaders of the three clubs have not had a chance to discuss their plans for the new club. Nothing has been said about the name of the new club, or what its purpose will be. However, they are optimistic for the future of the new environmental club, and hope the merge will be successful. Graphic courtesy of ISTOCKPHOTO.COM and VECTEEZY.COM


By CHLOE WONG Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Without the relief of lunchtime, hallway chatter, and long talks with your friends, distance learning can make schoolwork feel like a challenging and pointless waste of time. Before the pandemic, part of the reason why going to school could be fun was for all the reasons that didn’t have to do with academics—like making friends or exploring a new campus. Now, it’s unsurprising that some students are struggling to find the motivation to complete homework and study for tests, no doubt because of the somewhat jarring online format. And while spending all day in front of a computer screen is understandably draining, it’s as critical for high schoolers to keep their grades up as it was before the pandemic. So how are students at AHS staying motivated during this time of isolation? “I don’t think I’ve ever considered dropping out of online school or anything, and so I don’t have to convince myself [to work]. I struggle more with starting my work, and that motivation comes from due dates and the threat that this will affect my grades and future resume,” said freshman Jemimah Song. “My motivation to keep doing well in school is the satisfaction of being productive when at home,” said freshman Farrah Chan. “I’m motivated by what is to come in the future because I want to be able to accomplish my goals and dreams, like getting into a good college when I’m older.” Farrah also cited outside pressure, such as her parents’ expectations, as reasons for her to perform well in high school. Between a hectic election, a global pandemic, and civil unrest in the streets, online school may seem like a nonessential. But as easy as it might be to focus on other things, students should still find incentives to stay in good academic standing. That doesn’t mean that it’s necessary to devote all your time to homework or studying; it just means to do what you can to help yourself in a year that feels so terribly out of control.

Every year on the first Sunday of November, Daylight Savings Time ends, giving us an “extra” hour. This transition might not be easy for everyone, and can affect students. Daylight Savings’ Time was implemented as an attempt to take advantage of the longer hours of daylight during the warmer months of the year. It also aimed towards a goal of saving energy and utilizing the sun’s natural light instead of wasting electricity. Each year on the second Sunday of March, people set their clocks ahead an hour. To balance this, on the first Sunday of November, people set them backwards an hour. Some students claim that they like this change because it allows them to spend an extra hour sleeping, which may be pretty rare, considering how demanding high school is and how infrequently they get to sleep in on usual days. Freshman Isabella Chen thinks that the time change “isn’t much of a big deal because it’s only one hour. [They] might feel tired earlier and wake up earlier in the morning, but [their bodies] adjust pretty quickly, usually in the span of a few days”. On the other hand, some students say that the Daylight Savings Time change in September has a negative impact on them. When they set their clocks backwards an hour, the sky gets dark a lot earlier in the day. Freshman Vera Wong says that “the dark environment causes [her] to feel drowsy and unmotivated to do homework”. Obviously, this is not beneficial to students’ education. Reduced daylight may also trigger mental health issues. Kate Horowitz from Mental Floss reported that a Danish study once found an 11% increase in bipolar disorder, seasonal depression, and mood swings in the United States after the time switch. Considering that the month of November is commonly known to be midterm season, these mental health issues are definitely not helping students study better for their important tests. In conclusion, some students agree that Daylight Savings is a good thing, while others think that it makes their daily lives more difficult. Graphic courtesy of CREATIVEFABRICA.COM Graphics courtesy of ISTOCKPHOTO.COM and UNSPLASH.COM


By JOY HERRARA Staff Writer The 2020-2021 school year has been unusual for every staff member of AHS, but several new teachers have joined the staff to try to offset the load. We welcome Mr. Gallucio, Mr. Ghezzi, Ms. Huang, Ms. Phillips, and Mr. Plunkett to AHS. Mr. Gallucio and Mr. Ghezzi both are joining our special education department. Ms. Huang is joining us as our new Mandarin teacher, and Ms. Phillips is joining our mathematics staff. Mr. Plunkett joins us as a part of our music department. In this time it is more important than ever to have people willing to help and who are focused on the well-being of our students. Mr. Gallucio says that his greatest aim is helping his students find ways to communicate. Despite the pandemic, he says that they are finding ways to continue learning and growing. He wants to extend a message to all the students at AHS that when physical learning resumes, his classroom door will be open to any students who would like to help out and get to know the students in his special education class. His path to special education was unconventional, but overall he is delighted to be able to impart life skills to his students. “The biggest hurdle of this time is working with our students who are nonverbal who have a lot of orthopedic impairments and who require a lot of hands on work,” stated Mr. Gallucio. “What I’ve done is provide response cards… and we are teaching a lot of sign language for the students to communicate.” Mr. Ghezzi comes to AHS with a wealth of life experience from his time in the entertainment industry. He has since then worked in insurance, found a place coaching at middle schools, and finally found his calling with teaching. He currently teaches an English 11 class and assists Ms. Tedei in Algebra 1 classes by working with special education students. He wants all of his students to know that his number one priority is to advocate for them to be heard and supported. “I want kids to know they have a voice. I want them to know they are heard,” said Mr. Ghezzi. He says that he got into special education because he “roots for the underdog.” Ms. Huang teaches upper levels of Mandarin at AHS. She is an immigrant from Taiwan and has had experience teaching both English and Mandarin Chinese. According to her, she wants



students to walk away with the idea of “No challenge, no change!” “I see myself as a bridge connecting the students and the subject matter, with the mission to make a smooth and engaging pathway for them,” said Ms. Huang. “I try very hard to engage my students in class activities and reward them for their efforts and progress.” Ms. Phillips has always had an appreciation for math, and in her years teaching she has found herself enjoying the relationships she can build with students. She currently teaches Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 and is working hard to find ways to return some normalcy to students during the pandemic. Coronavirus has deeply impacted her, but she is working to find a good work-life balance with the support of her mentors on the staff. Overall she has enjoyed the welcoming environment AHS has shown her. “I like helping people and I really enjoy having interactions with kids every day. Honestly, every day is just new and unexpected,” noted Ms. Phillips. “I don’t think I could do a job just sitting in an office because I really appreciate the camaraderie and rapport that I am able to build with the students and the other staff.” The performing arts department at AHS has had to make massive changes in the wake of coronavirus. This has been hard for students and staff alike. Mr. Plunkett stated that, to him, it feels like they have converted the usually communal environment to private lessons with students having to work more independently. He hopes that despite this, his students in concert band, marching band, and AP Music Theory are able to enrich their love of music and performance. “I really can’t wait to work with the students once we return to campus,” remarked Mr. Plunkett. Despite the wide variety of experiences and expertise that our new teachers have, they are united in their love for teaching and hope for many long successful years at AHS. Photos courtesy of ARCADIA UNIFED SCHOOL DISTRICT Graphic courtesy of FONTSPACE.COM

By JANELL WANG Staff Writer With the onset of the pandemic, schools had to close down and go completely online. While distance learning is a necessity in a situation like this, there are some major concerns that come with it. The concern that I am addressing in this article are tests and seeing how they have been affected. One of the biggest challenges now that everyone is learning from home is that cheating has become more accessible than ever. Anyone could just open another tab or have their phone or a cheat sheet hidden off camera. With so many ways open for cheating, it has become a real difficulty and pretty much near impossible for teachers to moderate tests. Instead, teachers have to rely on and trust the integrity of the students. Of course, there are always bound to be some who end up cheating anyway. This is really unfair for students who really study hard and do their best on the test. It’s also inconvenient for the teachers when they catch it and have to deal with the student’s dishonesty. “Cheating isn’t fair. It’s the student’s responsibility to understand the content the teacher gives you,” said sophomore Sandra Aw. Another obstacle of distance learning is the schedule. At AHS, a new schedule has been implemented with a later starting time, earlier dismissal time, and blocked periods. However, the drawback to this is that since all six periods are on only one day and shorter than the rest of the week, teachers usually designate Mondays as test days. Speaking from personal experience, this can be quite stressful when you have three to four tests on the same day. “Test dates make me anxious and stressed, period,” said sophomore Helena Wang. Lastly, with online learning comes the oh-so wonderful technical difficulties that anyone is bound to encounter at one point or another. There’s always a moment of panic when you are taking a test, and all of the sudden your computer decides that it didn’t want to work and dies on you. Those precious minutes of test time were regrettably wasted. Then there is, of course, the testing format to deal with. Whether inputting answers through Illuminate—which takes forever to do—or waiting forever for your test to upload, especially with a bad Internet connection, it can be a real hassle. Despite all these difficulties, health takes priority. Improvements can still be made, and everybody is working to develop them. Graphics by NYTIMES.COM and SOPHIEBENOITSTUDIO.BLOGSPOT.COM



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Since its ancient roots, poetry has existed, built communities, and even influenced civilizations. Over centuries, it has been studied, split apart, analyzed, and then pieced back together again. But poetry’s core message has always stayed the same—to share a story, a feeling, or an experience. Slam poetry or spoken word poetry takes this message and broadens it to a rhythmic and emotional performance, meant to “bring poetry back to the people”. I first discovered slam poetry in around 2018 when I felt isolated from my peers, as any 8th grader does. YouTube, or rather the cookies and algorithms that stalk everything I do, started recommending spoken word poetry that focused on themes of feminism, otherness, and identity. I would scroll through channels like Button Poetry or Slam Find, clicking on any title that seemed relatable. Since first discovering it, various poets and topics have driven me to educate myself on unfamiliar concepts and have helped me understand parts of myself. Certain poems have helped me realize that my feelings of disconnect and uncertainty with my Asian heritage is something that many Asian-Americans also feel. Other poems have helped me discover various queer activists and movements, which lead to my love of LGBTQ+


history. Some poets even discussed pop-culture theories and fictional characters that I related to and loved. In a time where it felt none of my peers shared my interests, slam poetry was there to have a conversation, there to help me feel seen. Perhaps the best thing about spoken word poetry is its easy accessibility and seemingly simple writing. Before poetry was written, it was originally recited or sung to groups of people, making it a very inclusive event. But the switch from listening to poems to reading them excluded uneducated and lower classes while simultaneously reserving them for upper classes. This created the common opinion that poetry is inherently overly complicated and pompous. Some of the most well-known slam poets deliberately combat this opinion by writing straightforward and simple poems instead of including elusive or connotative lyrics. By going back to the ancient art of performing poetry out loud, spoken word crushes the idea that theatre and art are for the elite, and establishes that poetry is for all to enjoy. The medium exists to share experiences with others in the hope that others can nod, or snap, or cheer in understanding and unity. It truly surpasses its goal to “bring poetry back to the people” because it combines simple elements like dance and speech to create an extremely effective form of communication. I will never get tired of exploring new ideas and new poets through slam poetry, and I am perpetually thankful for the parts of me it has understood and validated.



By ANGELA CHIEN, MICHELLE LEE, and GREG WANG Staff Writers To some students on campus, Mrs. Mynster is another teacher who has built a reputation for her notoriously difficult classes. But to most students, she is more than that. Within the first three days of school, Mrs. Mynster would have already memorized every student’s name on the roster. Then, she would put her knowledge to the test by offering to name the whole class, prompting her students to—consciously or subconsciously—hitch their breaths. This was quite a Herculean task, after all. But Mrs. Mynster would complete it gracefully and effortlessly. With each name being called out correctly, a sigh of relief could be heard, accompanied by a small smile. Though this was not some grand gesture, it meant the world to some students because they were recognized and acknowledged through efforts made by Mrs. Mynster. This special feeling lingers even when students leave her classroom after a year of her guidance. She would still greet students by their names as she walks down the halls of S-Building, extending a smile in their way. Even during class, she would talk about her students from 10 years ago, expressing the care that she has for all of her students, previous and current.

Furthermore, one of the best parts of Mrs. Mynster’s classes are her storytimes, where she casually drops details of her impressive academic career, constantly leaving her students in a state of awe. From receiving the highest scores in the class on her lab reports to never having to pull an all-nighter in college, Mrs. Mynster constantly finds ways to bond with her students and keep them engaged, despite chemistry being such a difficult subject. When teaching a chapter, Mrs. Mynster starts by passing out lecture notes, an impossibly thick packet filled with information to be taught for the chapter. Yet despite the sheer thickness of this daunting stack of examples and problems, the chapter’s lecture notes are completed in under three weeks. With her efficient lectures, Mrs. Mynster teaches the information in fashion that is both fast and easy to understand, followed by the onslaught of examples. However, she works through the examples impossibly quickly, stopping only to ask for calculations or to check for the understanding of basic concepts. Students are encouraged to follow along to score full points in participation, allowing her to breeze through the examples. To ensure her students’ comprehension, she utilizes a combination of quizzes and homework assignments, which although many students fear, ensures that they are prepared for the test. Mrs. Mynster’s quizzes and tests may be difficult, but their difficulty is within reason. For Chemistry Honors, her tests and quizzes cover a majority of the information within what was taught, acting as a


thorough comprehension check. It isn’t difficult to get good grades on them, as stdents only need to study a reasonable amount to get an ‘A’. As for AP Chemittry, her tests and quizzes are extremely difficult, as it is very difficult to get a perfect score on them. However, the test difficulty is scaled to the difficulty of the class, and they give an accurate simulation of how difficult the AP test is. As with Chemistry Honors, all the information on the test can be found in the lecture notes or in the required reading. Despite the bumpy curriculum and the worrisome test scores, it is safe to say that Mrs. Mynster has left a positive impact on all her students. Her welcoming presence and extremely kind smile create a learning environment that allows her students to comfortably explore the realms of chemistry and beyond without apprehension. Her acknowledgement towards students’ individuality and efforts is reassurance to those under her guidance: that at the end of the day, no matter how daunting chemistry (or life) may be, Mrs. Mynster will always be there to help us. Thank you, Mrs. Mynster, for not only being a great teacher, but for really bonding with her students through all great chemistry puns. Graphics courtesy of DLPNG.COM 1001FONTS.COM




By BRANDON CHAN Staff Writer The Great Pottery Throw Down is a British television show that airs on HBO MAX. It is similar to The Great British Bake-Off, but instead of a baking competition, it is centered on creating works of art using clay. This show began in 2015. There are six episodes from season one, eight from season two, and ten from season three. The new season recently began airing on HBO MAX on Sept. 17. This show has a very light-hearted energy as the contestants and judges don’t get too upset over the little things. The two judges, Keith Brymer Jones and Kate Malone, are both pottery masters that understand the intricacies of creating works of art using only clay. For people who have just tuned into the show to see what it’s about, the judges do a fantastic job at explaining why a piece of pottery is either good or bad. For instance, one of the critiques they have given was that the temperature of the kiln (a furnace or oven for baking and firing pottery) was too hot which caused the design of the clay to be rather chaotic (in a bad way). “I watched the Great British Bake-Off and I saw this in my recommended section so I decided to give it a shot as well,” junior Johnathan Liu said. “It’s definitely a solid show because it’s unique. I haven’t seen a pottery show ever.” As with other cooking shows, The Great Pottery Throw Down has a series of challenges, beginning with smaller obstacles leading up to the final task. Falling behind in the earlier challenges can be devastating later on down the road since they are essentially starting from behind in the final challenge. These challenges can range from simply decorating a piece of pottery to creating a whole set of cups. While creating a set of cups sounds easy, watching the contestants struggle with that challenge definitely showed differently. They were struggling with shaping each cup to the same size so designing the cups was rather challenging. Besides just creating cups and bowls, these contestants also have to create large garden sculptures, light fixtures, and even working toilets. All of these intriguing objects they have to make create a lot of suspense in the show because you never know when the contestants might mess up badly. “I remember watching this show in its second season I believe and I found it to be pretty entertaining,” senior Vicky Li said. “I specifically enjoyed watching the contestants use perfect precision to place designs in the clay. I also enjoyed watching the contestants fail, but then create something even better because it showed great perseverance.” Go check out The Great Pottery Throw Down, it’s worth a shot! Graphics courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM and ISTOCKPHOTO.COM

By PAMINA YUNG Staff Writer In March, ten days before the start of filming, Disney put their live-action remake of The Little Mermaid, a classic by Hans Christian Anderson, of the same name on pause due to COVID-19. “While there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on our productions, after considering the current environment and the best interests of our cast and crew, we have made the decision to pause production on some of our live-action films for a short time,” said Disney when making the decision to halt the production. “We will continue to assess the situation and restart as soon as feasible.” The movie is set to begin filming this month at Pinewood Studios in London with Rob Marshall as the director. A few of his other works include Mary Poppins Returns, Chicago, and Into the Woods. Halle Bailey will play Ariel in the Disney remake and Javier Bardem holds the role of Ariel’s father, King Triton of Atlantica. “I was in London at the beginning of the year about to start filming and of course this pandemic caused everyone to slow down,” stated Bailey when updated about the recommencement of the production. “I actually welcomed it because I was really missing my sister who was here in L.A., so I was happy to get back to her and I’m just so very excited for when we start back again.” Lin-Manuel Miranda, the renowned creator of Hamilton will make the film’s music with Alan Menken, one of the producers of the song “Under the Sea” which was in Disney’s 1989 animated version of The Little Mermaid. Miranda holds The Little Mermaid dear to his heart, even naming his son after the comical crab, Sebastian.

However, Anderson’s original tale was much more tragic than Disney’s adaptation. After rescuing Prince Eric, Ariel watched the credit for her hard work be stolen by another woman. Ariel then consulted a sea witch who transformed her mermaid tail into a pair of legs. Despite each step feeling like a sword running through her entire body, Ariel danced every night for Eric’s entertainment. But in the end, the prince fell in love with and married the woman he thought saved him, leaving Ariel forever unable to return to her home in the sea. “We’re just in rehearsals. It’s been an absolute blast,” said Melissa McCarthy who plays Ursula. “Stepping into the world of Rob Marshall, it’s like a fever dream,” she added. Awkwafina will play a gender-swapped Scuttle the seagull while Canadian child actor Jacob Tremblay will voice Ariel’s underwater companion, Flounder, and Hamilton star Daveed Diggs will be Sebastian. Fans are urging Disney to have Gordon Ramsay portray Chef Louis, the cook who makes a frustrating attempt to turn Sebastian into a dish. In addition, Emily Coates, known for being the character “Sister” in Nextflix’s Cursed, recently joined the cast and is most likely going to play Ursula’s human persona, Vanessa, although her role has not been officially confirmed. The movie doesn’t have an official release date, nor are there any official teasers or trailers, but filming is set to resume by the end of the year. There is also a release date spot for an untitled Disney live-action movie on Nov. 19, 2021, which could be for The Little Mermaid, so it’s a probable prediction that the film will come out near the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022. Graphics courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM and PINTEREST.COM

By JANELL WANG Staff Writer

respect, even as expressed by a public domain character—which, of course, belongs to the public, not Plaintiff.” The character of Sherlock Holmes is typically displayed as being emotionless, stoic, and overly analytical. The Sherlock Holmes demonstrated in Enola Holmes is indeed less stoic and more caring. However, Netflix argues that the fictional character Sherlock Holmes is considered public domain so things like his emotions aren’t exactly violating copyright. The lawsuit also sues for trademark violation of Sherlock Holmes, saying that the film’s name being Enola Holmes insinuates that the Conan Doyle Estate is endorsing it. Netflix and other involved parties argue that this is an incorrect usage of the trademark law saying that, “this is not the function of trademark law. Allowing Plaintiff to prevent the creation of new works featuring public domain material runs contrary to the ‘carefully crafted bargain’ embodied in copyright law, and Plaintiff’s attempt to create a perpetual copyright should be rejected.” The significance of this lawsuit will set the tone for future similar cases featuring characters in public domain, involving copyright and trademark laws.

Recently, Netflix was sued by the Conan Doyle Estate for the film Enola Holmes. Netflix has now responded to the lawsuit. The film Enola Holmes is based off of the book series written by Nancy Springer. It is a story about a young girl known as Enola Holmes, the younger sister to the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, who sets off on a journey to find out what happened to her mother. Since author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created Sherlock Holmes, one of the most beloved and well-known fictional detectives of all-time, he has appeared in numerous movies, media, and works of fiction written by others. The majority of the Sherlock Holmes series is now considered to be in public domain. However, the final series of the Sherlock Holmes books, The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, is still under copyright. The Conan Doyle Estate argues that this copyright has been violated, portraying Sherlock Holmes in the way that has only been seen in those stories. Nancy Springer, Legendary Pictures, director Harry Bradbeer, movie writer Jack Thorne, and attorney Nicolas filed a motion arguing emotions do not infringe on copyright. The motion states that, “Copyright law does not allow the ownership of generic Graphics courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM concepts like warmth, kindness, empathy, or and THEVERGE.COM


By CHLOE WONG Staff Writer Sir Sean Connery, whose performance as Agent 007 in the original James Bond series earned him accolade and recognition, has died at the age of 90. According to his son, Connery was ailing with dementia before his death and had been unwell for several years. He passed away on Oct. 31, in Nassau, Bahamas, as confirmed by Eon Productions. “We are devastated by the news of the passing of Sean Connery,” producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said in an official statement. “He was, and shall always be, remembered as the original James Bond whose indelible entrance into cinema history began when he announced those unforgettable words — “The name’s Bond… James Bond” — he revolutionized the world with his gritty and witty portrayal of the sexy and charismatic secret agent. He is undoubtedly largely responsible for the success of the film series, and we shall be forever grateful to him.”

By GREGORY WANG Staff Writer Ufotable’s beloved adaptation of the third route of the Fate/stay night series will finally draw to a close when Heaven’s Feel: spring song begins screening in North America on Nov. 18. Spring song is the last movie in the Heaven’s Feel route, the longest route of the three in the original Fate/stay night visual novel. Fate/stay night tells a tale of mages vying for the Lesser Grail, a crystallization of magical energy that is supposedly an omnipotent wish granter. The mages summon Servants, powerful beings of legend, to defeat other masters and reach the Lesser Grail. Servants are bound to the mages, known as Masters, with Command Spells, which are used to compel Servants to do acts they would normally refuse to perform, such as suicide. As with all visual novels, the protagonist, Shirou, makes choices throughout the story that guide him to one of many endings. The first route, referred to as the Fate route, is the first route available to the player, and is triggered by stopping Altria (Saber) from attacking the Archer class Servant. Choosing this will allow the player to continue down the Fate route, which is the best route for worldbuilding and explaining the mechanics of the world. In this route, Shirou chooses to save his servant, Saber, from her internal struggles about her past. Together, Shirou and Saber fight the two antagonists, Kirei and Gilgamesh, a Master-Servant duo that survived the previous war. The two eventually triumph, and Saber fades away at the end of the war. However, due to the game being marketed as an eroge, the route contains several awkwardly placed scenes, which are removed in Studio DEEN’s 2006 adaptation. While the



Connery was born on Aug. 25, 1930, to Euphemia “Effie” McBain McLean and Joseph Connery in the area of Fountainbridge, Scotland. Connery was of Irish descent and, at the young age of 16, enlisted into the Royal Navy. He served for three years before being discharged because of a medical ulcer. After being employed in various jobs —including lorry driving, laboring, modeling, and coffin polishing — Connery made an additional living by working backstage in theaters and landing small roles in productions such as South Pacific. But his breakthrough came in 1962 in the form of the role of James Bond, a British secret agent famous for his charisma and daring escapades.

Between 1962 and 1967, Connery portrayed the debonair Agent 007 in the first five Bond films: Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, and You Only Live Once. Generally opposed to the commitment of a film series, Bond was reluctant to take the role but did so for the sake of his career. He departed from the job after the fifth movie but returned for the seventh Bond film in 1971, and then once more in 1983. His presence, magnetism, and suave attitude gained him critical recognition, including a Golden Globes Henrietta Award, an Academy Award, two BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) awards, and a knighthood for services to film drama. But despite all the acclaim, Connery had something of a love-hate relationship with the iconic role of 007.

In Andrew Yule’s Sean Connery: Neither Shaken Nor Stirred, actor Michael Caine said, “If you were [Connery’s] friend in these early days you didn’t raise the subject of Bond. He was, and is, a much better actor than just playing James Bond, but he became synonymous with Bond. He’d be walking down the street, and people would say, ‘Look, there’s James Bond.’ That was particularly upsetting to him.” Although Connery will always be remembered for his role as James Bond, he played many parts outside of the smooth-talking English spy. His other notable works include The Man Who Would Be King, Highlander, Highlander II: The Quickening, Rising Sun, The League of Extraordinary Gentlement, Murder on the Orient Express, The Untouchables, and Indian Jones and The Last Crusade, to name a few.

adaptation is able to address many plot points, the lackluster animation and translation have led most within the Fate community to deem it as poor and irrelevant. The second route, known as Unlimited Blade Works, is unlocked after the original Fate route is completed. The heroine in the Unlimited Blade Works route is Rin, the daughter of a former participant in the previous war for the Grail. Unlike Saber, Rin is a mage, and therefore serves as competition for Shirou during the course of the war. However, they form a coalition halfway through the war, and they manage to destroy the Grail, which Gilgamesh planned to use to eradicate humanity. Through S a b e r ’s N o b l e Phantasm (her strongest attack) and Shirou’s newly gained ability of Unlimited Blade Works, Shirou defeats

Gilgamesh and wins the war. In this route, Shirou chooses to stick with Rin, as well as his ideal of becoming a hero for the people. Similarly to the Fate route, the route contains tasteless fanservice, which is removed in Ufotable’s adaptation of the route. Ufotable’s 2015 adaptation is praised for its astonishing visuals and effects, which would be reflected in the prequel series Fate Zero and the adaptations of Heaven’s Feel. T h e final route in the visual novel, Heave n ’ s F e e l , focuses on the last heroine, Sakura Matou. Prior to the events of the war, Sakura was forced to undergo torture from her grandfather Zouken, who used worms to make her a vessel for the Lesser Grail. This resulted in a loss of the

ability to feel happiness, which caused her to become timid and submissive. When Shirou meets her, she is a husk of a person, being timid and almost emotionless. In this route, rather than becoming a hero, Shirou betrays his ideals and vows to protect Sakura. However, he is unable to save Saber, who is corrupted by a strange figure concealed by a veil of black and red tentacles. Through various encounters with the mysterious figures, servants and civilians alike begin to vanish. Eventually, the identity of the figure is revealed to be Sakura, who was goaded into giving into her desires and became a corrupted version of herself. It is revealed that as a vessel for the Lesser Grail, Sakura became Angra Mainyu, a cursed being that bears the sins of humanity. Shirou holds himself true to his promise to protect her, and attempts to free her from the curse, which leads into the third and final part of Heaven’s Feel. Unlike the other two routes, Ufotable adapted more scenes that were unlimited, as they serve as plot points, as well as showing Shirou and Sakura have a different type of relationship. Ufotable’s first and second installments in the trilogy received high praise from the community due to its amazing visuals. “I felt that if you played Heaven’s Feel until the end, you arrived at the grand culmination of Fate/stay night as a whole,” said character designer Takashi Takeuchi. Of the three routes, Heaven’s Feel is often considered to be the darkest, but also best, route within the visual novel, as it fleshes out the details that were neglected in previous routes. Graphics courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM Picture courtesy of PINTEREST.COM Graphics courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM and PINTEREST.COM





By STEPHANIE WANG Staff Writer Ever since the coronavirus started becoming a big deal in the U.S. earlier this year, one of the businesses that has been hit the hardest has been the sports business. Deprived of fan revenue, faced with empty stands, and desperate to somehow devise a system to keep all players and staff safe, sports leagues and associations have been scrambling to find solutions to keep their seasons underway. One league that has managed to successfully pull this feat off is the National Basketball Association (NBA), which was able to close off its season after going months without a single case of COVID-19 inside its “bubble”, an isolated, coronavirus-free space. On the other hand, other leagues like the National Football League (NFL) continue to struggle with controlling the virus’s spread. In order to continue its 2019-2020 season, the NBA opted for an isolation-style approach, setting up a “bubble” for every game on the NBA schedule through early October at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. The idea behind it was that, theoretically, assuming that no one was infected to begin with, if all the players, coaches, and team personnel were gathered in one area with little to no contact with the outside world, the risk of anyone in the bubble contracting the virus would be extremely low, allowing the games to be played somewhat normally. The teams in the NBA bubble included the 16 teams in the playoffs when the season was first suspended in March, along with six other teams that were six games or less behind the eighth seed in each of their conferences, for 22 total teams. Upon arriving, everyone who first entered the bubble on July 7 was required to self-isolate until they received two negative COVID-19 tests, some up to 48 hours. As players and team personnel in the bubble continued to be tested on the regular, those who tested positive for the coronavirus underwent a 14-day period of isolation and treatment, and players would be subject to a cardiac screening two weeks after symptoms cleared (or after the first positive test, for asymptomatic cases). Guest visits were very limited, and anyone who entered the bubble needed to self-isolate and test negative for COVID-19 before being allowed to move freely within the campus. Additionally, to further ensure the safety of everyone in the bubble, the league also installed a so-called “snitch hotline” for anonymous tips about rule violations. Despite the price paid by both players and commissioners alike--the bubble reportedly cost more than $150 million to maintain--the NBA’s strategy showed remarkable results. Although a few players committed violations throughout the season (Lou Williams of the Clippers visited a popular Atlanta

strip club, reportedly to collect some lemon-pepper chicken wings, Kings player Richaun Holmes was also caught collecting chicken wings from a delivery service outside Disney World bounds, and Bruno Cabclo of the Rockers was forced to endure a 10-day quarantine and invasive nose swab testing after breaking his initial 48-quarantine period), no new positive cases were recorded after July 13, and the league was able to work through its full schedule and crown a 2019-2020 NBA champion with few problems. Other leagues and associations, including the

Women’s National Basketball Association, National Hockey League, and National Women’s Soccer League, have also successfully adopted this bubble strategy. Meanwhile, the NFL has continued with a more traditional approach without some of the harsher measures enforced in the NBA bubble, using contact tracing and isolation for infected individuals and requesting that players refrain from engaging in high-risk activities to counter the coronavirus. “We do not feel it’s practical or appropriate to construct a bubble,” NFL Chief Medical Officer Dr. Allen Sills told NFL Network, “Anyone who tests positive will be isolated until medically appropriate to return.” While the standard protocols the NFL have been using to

identify cases and limit spread certainly are reliable and functional to some extent, it’s still nearly impossible--more so than the NBA, at least--to completely cover all bases, especially when this strategy rides on the cooperation of players and team personnel to follow the guidelines. Although the NFL season seemed to be off to a good start with low positive rates being reported throughout the training camp (a period of time for teams to reconvene and practice before the start of the season) and the first few weeks, disaster struck soon after. An outbreak caused multiple players on the Steelers, Titans (a whopping 13 people associated with the Titans tested positive following their Week 3 game against the Vikings), Patriots, and Chiefs to test positive for the coronavirus, forcing the league to cancel their games and isolate everyone infected. While it wasn’t necessarily a person’s fault that they got infected with the virus--some people simply get unlucky--several accounts of negligence and rule violations have been recorded throughout the NFL season. Multiple members of the Raiders organization, including Derek Carr, Jason Witten, and Darren Waller, for example, have been fined after a video of several Raiders players--maskless--at an indoor charity event resurfaced. Raiders Coach Jon Gruden, along with four other coaches and teams, have also been fined for insufficient use of face covering (which the league requires) on the sideline of a game. Needless to say, the NFL has not been doing nearly as well as the NBA did to ensure the safety and health of its teams due to its relatively lax guidelines and lack of discipline among some of its players. The 2020 NBA season certainly ended on a high note, giving the NFL much to think about in its ongoing struggle against the coronavirus. One thing, of course, would be to seriously contemplate the idea of a bubble. While the NFL’s chief medical officer has already shot that idea down, it may soon become the league’s last hope for a full season, especially considering the lack of discipline among some of its players and teams, which provides even more food for thought. Any type of strategy that is being used in the fight against coronavirus hinges on the compliance of everyone involved, so enacting stricter enforcement of the safety guidelines and demanding everyone’s cooperation would be crucial, even without the bubble system. “This virus is a relentless opponent, it needs only a small crack. And even 90 or 95% compliance with our protocols is not enough,” Sills said. “That’s not a passing grade, because it still leaves a bit vulnerable.” Photo courtesy of ESPN.COM and WDBJ7.COM Graphic courtesy of SPORTINGNEWS.COM




By JOY HERRERA Staff Writer Competitive Gymnastics overtakes the world every four years. However, in 2016 the sport was in the news for a reason besides the Olympics. Larry Nassar, the team doctor for USA Gymnastics (USAG) and a professor at Michigan State University was accused of sexual assault. In the following months more than 200 women came forward about the abuse they faced at the hands of Nassar. Among his victims were several Olympic athletes. For many within the sport and in the general public this served as a wakeup call about the flaws of the sport and the systems that helped conceal Nassar’s abuse. According to Reuters, Nassar faces up to 300 years in federal prison. This revelation caused an upheaval in the gymnastics industry as prominent figures like Simone Biles and Aly Raisman revealed the abuse they faced at the hands of Nassar and exposed the complicit culture of prominent gymnastics institutions. In the wake of an 18-month bipartisan investigation, Congress has taken action against further abuses of this kind by passing the Empowering Olympic, Paralympic and Amateur Athletes Act. The bill enables Congress to be able to dissolve the Board of Directors for the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and decertify national governing bodies of sports if they fail young athletes. Furthermore, it establishes a commision to oversee



Staff Writer Love football but can’t play it? Or do you want to experience the competition, socialization, and thrill of football without the time commitment, pressure, or risk of injury it may bring? Your answer just might be fantasy football, where you serve as the manager of a virtual professional football team. Simply put, fantasy football is a pointsbased game based on the production of real NFL players. You earn points when the players on your team put up points as they play in real life. Your fantasy football team will be made up of different NFL players in different positions, and you can pick players from different teams. The players you choose are selected in a draft you participate in with friends or league mates. Fantasy football leagues are usually made up of 8 to 14 players. Once you have your team, you will assign your players to a roster at various positions according to your league settings. Typically, the positions include a quarterback (QB), two running backs (RB), two wide receivers (WR), a tight end (TE), a kicker, a defense, and a flex position, which you can usually fill with an RB, WR, or TE. Some leagues allow a QB to be played at the flex position as well. Each week, the point totals of your starting lineup players are added to your weekly score, and if you have more points than your opponent, you win for that week. Your roster will also have bench players, which also give you points for the week. However, they don’t count toward your overall score. Most leagues allow about five bench spots. At the end of the regular fantasy football season, the teams with the best win-loss records


these governing bodies. The bill also enumerates the penalties for not reporting the sexual abuse of athletes and prohibits retaliation towards athletes, coaches, or trainers for disclosing sexual assault. This portion of the bill works hand and hand with establishing more opportunities for athletes to share their stories and participate in these governing bodies through the U.S. Center for SafeSport. “This law would not be possible were it not for the athletes and courageous survivors who traveled to Washington, shared their stories and demanded change so that future generations of athletes can train, compete and succeed without fear or abuse,” said the joint authors of the bill Senator Jerry Moran and Senator Richard Blumenthal. This reform bill enables Congress to provide oversight that is meant to prevent tragedies like Nassar from taking so long to uncover. They also serve the purpose of preventing the necessity for lawsuits and resignations that have plagued USAG and USOPC. This is the first step in changing the culture that allowed a predator to flourish unchecked for over ten years. More than just the punitive charges against the individual this bill is meant to reform the system to ensure lasting systemic change to the benefit of athletes. Graphics courtesy of WIKIPEDIA.ORG

enter the fantasy playoffs, and the person who wins the remaining games in the playoff usually wins the league championship. All this takes over the course of 15 to 16 weeks. “Fantasy sports leagues draw millions of players… with good reason,” wrote the Imagine Sports Editorial Team. “The leagues offer intense competition, the chance to own and manage your own team, socialization with other sports fans, the thrill of victory, and a hobby that requires little investment but offers great rewards.” You can start playing year-long fantasy football on the NFL, Yahoo, or My Fantasy League website. NFL and Yahoo provide pretty advanced flexibility and features. My Fantasy League allows for more customization, but is more dated. The commissioner of a league usually decides what platform to play on. To get prepared for your first week of fantasy football and beyond, make sure all your starting positions are filled and that you’ve placed the best possible player at each position. Watch NFL games where guys you own are playing, and have fun doing it. Be competitive! The more competitive you are, the more motivation you have to stay on top of everything and dominate your league. “The Fantasy Football season follows the National Football League regular season schedule,” according to Yahoo Sports. The 2020 season runs from September 10, 2020 through January 3, 2021. Unfortunately as the 2020 fantasy football season has already started team registration is no longer available, but hopefully you are now prepared and willing to try fantasy football the next time it is available to you. Graphics courtesy of DLPNG.COM and SUNVALCOATHLETIC.COM





MONTH “Tea is a mild companion compared to the intoxicating coffee. While coffee does have a greater caffeine content, the elegance of tea triumphs over coffee’s sheer strength. Coffee’s flavor is too powerful and quickly overwhelms one’s senses. On the other hand, the flavor of the tea is subtle yet insistent, allowing one to enjoy the drink without feeling fraught with caffeine.”

“Even though it has only been a year since I have met those on my dive team, I feel like I have grown closer to them than anyone I have ever met before. In the past year, we have played numerous games, insulted (jokingly, of course) each other, lifted each other up, and made so many unforgettable memories in the process (my camera roll will be the judge of that).” “Sandwiches are underrated in the way that they seem to be nobody’s favorite food. But what we don’t realize is that sandwiches will always be there for us. We fall back on sandwiches almost all the time, but they never receive enough appreciation.”

Photo courtesy of AVARI WANG Graphic by KATE LARRICK and AVARI WANG Graphics Courtesy of DLPNG.COM

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