APCA 2017 Campus Life Trends Winter Edition

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APCA’s got serious TALENT coming to Orlando for


Michael Grimm

Season 5 Winner of America’s Got Talent, headlining APCA 2017

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APCA STAR: Meet Your Regional Stars Adam Grabowski Artist PROFILE: More Than A Comedian Joe Martin, ED.D. keynote PROFILE: Lance Kennedy-Phillips, Ph.D.


on Broadway


July 21-23, 2017

ONLY $399 per delegate

Times Square Marriott Marquis Hotel, NYC • • • •

Student Life Advisors Institute Featuring Great Keynotes and Networking Leadership and Programming training for student boards Student Government Organizational Training FREE Broadway Show Ticket For First 200 Delegates Registered! The APCA Student/Advisor Workshop 2013 in NYC was an amazing experience for my students and myself. I have been in the field for 10 years and it is not often that I am this refreshed and eager to take on a new year after a conference. The speakers were fantastic and to the point. The staff that coordinated the event could not have been nicer or more welcoming. Overall, it was one of the best conference experiences I have ever had.” Rohry Flood / Chesapeake College / Director of Student Life

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The APCA Campus Life Trends Magazine is published quarterly. Submissions for articles must be emailed to: jamie@apca.com Publisher: Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities Production: Jamie Morton, Hoz Fierro Graphic Design: The Thomas Group The Campus Life Trends Magazine is a trademark of the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. All rights reserved. No articles or images of any kind may be reprinted from this magazine without the written permission of The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. Anyone seeking such permission should forward their request by email to: jamie@apca.com

Editorial: From the Desk Of Hoz


What is APCA?


Spring NE Regional Conference: Hershey, PA


Northeast Regional Advisor of the Year


Be a “Student Farmer�: By Professor Joe Martin, ED.D. 11 BIO: Joe Martin


BIO: Lance Kennedy-Phillips


Cover Feature: Michael Grimm


More than a Comedian: Adam Grabowski


Apcacadabra - Fall 2017 Regional Conferences





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from the desk Of Marketing & Media Specialist Hey! I’m Hoz Fierro, the new APCA Marketing & Media Specialist. I recently graduated from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX! While an undergrad, I was involved in over 15 student organizations.

Hoz Fierro

You read that right…. I pretty much never slept. I’ve worked with everything on a college campus from programming to serving as an orientation leader to leadership trainings, so don’t hesitate to ask me any questions on time management or anything involving campus life. I’m so excited to work with APCA because attending these conferences as a student were some of my favorite memories in college. As the Marketing & Media Specialist my job is to tell APCA’s story. So, I’ll be the guy with the camera around his neck, and always on his phone checking and updating APCA’s social media at conferences. Be sure to grab my attention and say hi! I can’t wait to meet everyone at Nationals in Orlando, FL! APCA BABY! Hoz

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what is APCA ? The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities specializes in low and no cost programming for campus life. Our mission is to help student life departments with limited resources make more of an impact on their campuses. APCA is a staunch advocate of purposeful programming that incorporates meaningful, assessable learning outcomes that can improve retention levels on your campus.

“APCA is a fantastic experience for any institution. Large, medium, and small schools can all benefit from what APCA has to offer. Through my years of attending their conferences I have enhanced my knowledge as a student affairs professional, further developed my student leaders, and saved thousands of university dollars through block booking with neighboring institutions. It’s an unbeatable opportunity.”


Kedrick Nicholas, McNeese State University – Emerald Member, 9 years

Development & Savings! We will keep you up to date on the latest professional development trends and stu- “I cannot describe how excited my students are every year for the APCA Conference. With dent theory, organize and motivate your the discounts that we get from the Co-op student boards, and give you the resources buying process, we are able to save enough to stretch your programming dollars. Our money to pay for the entire conference exevents feature nationally known student perience. Beyond that, however, it’s great to life theorists and cost saving programs to be able to work with the other schools in our keep your campus activities budget under control. APCA also enforces business eth- area in a synergistic way. My students have developed great relationships with their ics and sensitivity standards to protect peers at other schools as a result of the exour conference participant’s programming perience.” interests. All of our agencies and vendors must adhere to strict conduct and ethics Jeff Foote policies set forth and monitored by APCA. Director of Student Life
 SUNY Cobleskill We bring – Emerald Member, 9 Years value! APCA membership fees are the lowest by far in the marketplace, at only $299 per year. That fee covers every club and “I have been a member of APCA for the past student organization on your campus. Our 16 years. During this time, the APCA staff value packed conference fees include up to 4 has always been helpful and supportive hot meals, student life educational sessions of my program. They have provided a safe, for advisors and students, showcases, con- affordable way for us (Student Activities ference swag and access to all conference Directors) to network with agents, events. If you program campus activities share ideas between schools, and book events or facilitate professional or student performers. I am always impressed with development programs, we will help you their professionalism and creativity at the National Conferences year after year. They stretch your dollars! have never hesitated to help me when I have APCA has been needed advice or had questions regarding delivering cutting edge campus activities re- programing or contractual issues. sources and training for over 20 years:

How does APCA help my budget?

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• Quality Educational Experiences • Affordable Entertainment • Community Service Initiatives I would wholeheartedly recommend any school to join APCA.” Lisa Bartram Director of Student Activities Univ. of the Cumberlands – Diamond Member, 16 years

We Guarantee a Positive Experience!

All APCA event delegate fees come with a money-back guarantee of satisfaction. APCA is the only campus activities conference system to guarantee your delegation a positive experience!

APCA – the most value in the campus activities market! APCA is the best decision you can make to further your professional and student development. We ensure the best value for your event programming dollars, and have a long track record of success. We have an excellent reputation for consistently exceeding our delegate’s expectations. Contact us now to incorporate affordable, assessable, and meaningful campus activities resources and training into your campus event programming!

JOIN THE APCA FAMILY TODAY! Visit us at www.apca.com or call us at (800) 681-5031!

Past Showcasing Artists Include… We The Kings - Pop/Rock Kevin Hart - Comedian/Actor Kim Coles - Actress/Speaker Edwin McCain - Pop/Alternative Gallagher - Comedian/Actor Mary Lambert - Music/Alternative Young Joc - Hip Hop / Rap Michael Grimm - Winner, America’s Got Talent  APPEARING AT 2017 NATIONALS

Recent Keynotes Include… Dr. Gwen Dungy

Executive Director of NASPA

Dr. Vincent Tinto

Distinguished University Professor, Author of Leaving College and Completing College

Dr. George Kuh

Indiana University Chancellor’s Emeritus and Director


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N I N N A L P S E I T ACTIVI E V E N T O N E A R T H! Over 50 showcasing artists • More than 40 educational sessions and keynotes 2 lunches and 2 dinners included • Great discounts on Entertainment, Novelties, Speakers, and Training Networking for Campus Life Professionals and Students



Early Bird Registration: $229 (deadline 2/14/17) Regular Registration: $269


Early Bird Registration: $289 (deadline 2/14/17) Regular Registration: $329 ( Delegations of 6+ receive $20 off of EACH registration fee )

BECOME A MEMBER SCHOOL TODAY AND SAVE! Visit APCA.com or call 800-681-5031 to register and for a full list of membership benefits and details.

CLT spotlight


Northeast Regional Advisor of the Year What is your favorite memory of an APCA conference?

I am lucky enough to be able to see the APCA organization from two very different sides…a student and a professional! I would have to say my favorite memory at the conference would be the same for both sides - the involvement. There are so many ways to become involved and have an enjoyable time. I love watching our students volunteering to help others. Personally, I love being able to network with fellow advisors and APCA employees. I love how MVCCpb is becoming part of the family and the culture.

What are some of the goals you have for the future?

De’Anna Hopkinson Student and Residence Life Specialist Mohawk Valley Community College How did you get involved in the Student Life field?

As a student, I was actively involved in clubs and organizations. It was because of my hard work, dedication, and passion that I was called upon, 2 months after graduation, for my current job.

I am currently working on achieving my Bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Once I have that, I would like to further my career in student activities at Mohawk Valley Community College. I plan to move down south eventually to continue my career. I would love to help out more with the APCA organization. Congratulations to De’Anna and all of the other Regional Advisors of the Year! Know another deserving advisor? Nominate that person for National Advisor of the Year TODAY. W W W . A P C A . C O M

What do you love the most about your career?

The students! I love seeing the students’ growth throughout the semesters, both academically and socially.

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Be a “Student Farmer”


Professor Joe Martin, ED.D. As we start a new semester, it’s easy to get discouraged and disappointed about what DIDN’T happen and what you DIDN’T get accomplished last semester. As I reflected on last semester and reveled in all the successes, I must admit, even I started to slide down the slippery slope of self pity, as I thought about everything I STILL didn’t complete. I don’t care how diligent and committed you are to something, it always seems like there’s never enough time to get EVERYTHING done. Well, I was fortunate during a speaking trip to run into one of my former students in the airport, who I hadn’t seen in several years. I was surprised he approached me to initiate a conversation (I had been one of his toughest professors and one of his worst nightmares - according to him). And I must admit, he wasn’t much of a “walk through the park” either. No matter how hard I worked to reach him, counsel him, help him, and almost lose my job for him, he’d only do the minimum to get by. Well, he came up to me in the airport to thank me and apologize for “creating a voo-doo doll” (his words, not mine) of me when he was in my class. He told me that he had experienced tremendous success working for a Fortune 500 company, and he’s now one of their most promising up-and-coming executives. He said my patience and persistence with him paid off.


After recovering from the sudden shock, I realized, as educators, we’re student farmers. Each and every day, we’re planting seeds into what we hope to be fertile soil (the souls of our students). The only problem is that we often lose patience because we don’t always see immediate results. But to know anything about farming is to know that great crops (students) are not produced overnight; they’re produced over time. We have to be faithful in our tilling of the soil, our planting of the seed, removal of the weeds, and our nurturing of the crop. And if we do our part, and let nature do its part. So, I’m asking you, are you being a “Student Farmer”? I realize now that I have a long way to go to harvest my own potential, but I’m just I thankful for the people (and students) who’ve been patient with me.

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2 0 1 7 A P C A N AT I O N A L C A M P U S AC T I V I T I E S P L A N N I N G C O N F E R E N C E MARCH 9TH-12TH, 2017• ORLANDO, FL

Early Bird Member Pricing $299! Early Bird Deadline 2 / 9 / 17 PRE-CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP EXCURSION TO DISNEY WORLD EPCOT – W EDNE SDAY, M A R C H 8 –


ONLY AN ADDITIONAL $50 PER DELEGATE! Discover the Disney Leadership and Customer Service principles first-hand, with an opening keynote followed by an APCA excursion to E P C O T !

THIS YEAR’S SUNSATIONAL CAMPUS ACTIVITIES PLANNING CONFERENCE FEATURES: Over 100 showcasing artists • More than 60 educational sessions and keynotes • 3 dinners included • Great discounts on entertainment, novelties, speakers, and training • Networking for Campus Life Professionals and Students

Register today at www.apca.com or call us at: 865-429-9123! visit us online:

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APCA Nationals

JOE MARTIN, ED.D. JOE MARTIN, ED.D. is an awardwinning, internationally-known speaker, university professor, author, and professional builder of men. He holds a B.A. Degree in public relations (University of West Florida), M.A. Degree in Mass Communications (University of West Florida), and an Education Doctorate in Curriculum Development (Florida A&M University). Dr. Martin had the distinction of becoming the youngest tenured-earning faculty member ever hired to teach at a state university in Florida at the age of 24. He also had the distinct honor of being the youngest professor at his institution to ever be nominated twice for the “Distinguished Teacher’s Award.”

Lance Kennedy-Phillips, Ph.D. Lance Kennedy-Phillips, Ph.D. is Vice Provost for Planning and Assessment at Pennsylvania State University. Prior to joining Penn State, Lance was Associate Vice Provost for Institutional Research at the University of Illinois at Chicago. In addition, he served as Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Student Life at The Ohio State University. Dr. Kennedy-Phillips earned his B.A. from Eastern Illinois University and M.Ed. and Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lance has served in leadership roles for NASPA, ACPA and AIR. He co-authored Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A Mixed Methods Approach in Higher Education and a volume of New Directions for Institutional Research titled, “Measuring co-curricular learning: The role of the IR Office.”

K E Y N OT E S F O R 2 0 1 7 n AT t e r I 2O 0N 1 7 ALS C A M P U S L I F E T R EA N D SP C Aw iN

Michael Grimm COVER STORY Michael Grimm, winner of season five of “America’s Got Talent” will be headlining the APCA 2017 National conference in Orlando, FL. His unique and soulful style has garnered him a very loyal fan base in the college and mainstream audiences. In addition to headlining the final MainStage showcase on March 11, Michael will be taking pictures and hosting a meet and greet with conference attendees for the event. We caught up with Michael in Las Vegas, where he is being represented by BESTAgency, who will also be representing him at the APCA nationals.

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APCA’S GOT TALENT Where are you from originally? I was born in Colorado Springs Colorado but grew up in the little town of Waveland, Mississippi.

How did you get started in music? My grandmother played piano in church and she wanted to get my sister and me to sing old Baptist hymns with her at church on Sundays. She encouraged me to pursue music… And so I did!

Who were your first influences? My first influences were Hank Williams,

George Jones, the Righteous Brothers and Otis Redding. That’s just the result of my growing up in southern Mississippi.

How would you describe your own style? I grew up on gospel,

country, soul, blues and New Orleans funk. I describe my style as Mississippi River music although others in the industry had classified me as southern soul and Americana.

What are your favorite crowds? Each crowd is unique in their own

way so I don’t really have a favorite. Each one brings something special to the performance. So I guess any crowd that fills the seats! LOL

Do you perform with bands or always solo? I’ve had

the honor of playing with the best musicians in the business, so anytime I get to play with my band, I do. Although, I’ll never turn a solo gig down. Just getting to play my music is satisfying!

What was the America’s got talent experience like?

It’s very hard to explain America’s Got Talent experience. Looking back, it feels like an out-of-body experience. I can’t believe what happened! It changed my life in a variety of ways, both good and bad, but overall was a great experience.

Who is your personal favorite artist? I have many

personal favorites but the one that stands out the most to me would be Otis Redding.

Tell us about your representation how our members can reach out to you. Michael Grimm is represented by BESTAgency. For bookings, contact:

David Carlow • 702-960-2677 Dcarlow@best-agencies.com

O R L A N D O, F L M A R C H 9 T H -1 2 T H , 2 0 1 7



The hardest working comedian in the college market is using his time on stage to talk about real topics: depression, mental health, gender, acceptance, and sexuality are all a part of Adam’s award-winning progressive stand-up comedy show.

For booking, please contact info@AdamGrabowski.com or 708-899-ADAM Website: AdamGrabowski.com visit us online: follow us: w w w . a p c a . c o m @AdamGrabowski Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat:

17 17 Adam Grabowski

performed at a record-breaking 90 COLLEGES IN 4 MONTHS during the Spring semes-ter of 2016. He also received 4 YES’s and a standing ovation on America’s Got Talent. Simon Cowell called Adam “the funniest one” in the entire competition…. but that’s not the only reason we are highlighting the 2015 APCA Comic of the Year in this article. Adam is more than a comedian to the hundreds of cam-puses he visits. He’s a student activities guru, a life coach, and most importantly, a friend. Adam is tackling the most im-portant and difficult topics in a way that has previously been unseen in the college market.

Adam does a high quality show that engages students from beginning to end. It’s not far into his show that you realize why he’s won the awards that he has! Elise Michaux Director of Student Involvement Seton Hill University Having performed in 45 States, at over 500 colleges, and for tens of thousands of students, Adam is no longer interested in just getting people to laugh. He wants the laughter to mean something more. He wants to teach students about themselves by explaining the difficulties of adulthood. “I want to share something real andtruthful with my audiences. The more werecognize our similarities and differences, the more connected we feel to each other and this big, scary world we live in. The better we can laugh at our own humanity, the better we can progress as confident, mature individuals.” Since graduating college with a degree in psychology in 2008, Adam has been the most decorated comedian in the college market. Fastest Rising Star, Comic of the


Year, Most Outstanding Associate, Most Booked Artist… These awards are all very meaningful, but according to Adam, none of these honors matter as much as the impact he has on his audiences every day. “The whole point of my career is to have genuine human connection each and every night.” Up to this point, it sounds like we’ve been talking about a motivational speaker. That’s what makes this so special! Despite everything you will learn, it is still a stand-up comedy show. The humor is nonstop and many schools have had Adam perform up to 5 years in a row. Humor comes from truth, and Adam Grabowski seems to be oozing with it. Many times throughout the show, Adam will joke about a specific human behavior while getting the audience to do the exact behavior he’s referencing. To quote Adam, “What better way to prove a point than to get the audience to prove it to themselves. Every show is an experiment! Now age 29, Adam has been touring colleges for 7 years. 1,000 hours of performing for students has shaped this comedy show into something unique. He handles tough topics, but keeps the show clean so that it can work at any campus. “It’s important to connect without offending. People won’t listen if they shut down. The whole point of the show is for people to understand how connected we all are. We don’t need to go through life’s struggles alone.”

It’s wonderful how well our students respond to Adam and his message! On top of that, he performed two completely different shows at our campus in the same day! Ray Weaver Asst. Director of Student Affairs Tompkins Cortland Community College

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2017 APCA


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MARCH 18t h


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rs a t s A PC A l a n io g e R 6 1 l 20 l a f r u meet o

All about APCA Star! APCA Star is a nation-wide talent search held at APCA conferences during the fall semester, with finals held at the APCA National Conference. Competitors are chosen from among the actual student members of APCA attending the conference. In addition to the fall regional winners seen here, we will be choosing one delegate from the national conference delegates to participate as a wildcard winner. The national winner receives a $1000 scholarship, a free showcase at the regional conference of their choice and a representation contract with a major APCA agency. Let’s meet the winners of APCA star from the fall regionals...

THE following students each won y y y y


$250 Scholarship National Exposure in APCA’s Campus Life Trends Magazine and APCA.com 2 comped delegate fees to our Spring 2017 National Conference in Orlando, FL Advance to the Nationals Competition

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Otis Wilson

2016 Southeast APCA Star

Name : Otis Wilson First Performance : School : Polk State College Major : Business Management Classification : Senior What are you excited Hometown : Lakeland, FL about with APCA Star : BIO :

My 1 st time preforming was at my grandmother’s birthday dinner. I would always randomly sing around the house so my grandmother thought it would be cute to have me sing “happy birthday” to her. My family was amazed at my voice, and I haven’t stopped singing since.

Born and raised in Lakeland FL, I’m an active member of the youth council board for the city of Lakeland. I have dreams of starting a nonprofit recreation center for youth.

I’m extremely excited about APCA Star because I feel like this is a great opportunity. I love meeting great people and the networking experience.

Story :

My end goal is to just be great and continue to share my gift with others.

I have been singing since I was about 8 years old. My talent was discovered in the church and was later inspired by my mom. I don’t consider it to be a talent, but a gift!


End Goal :

Advice for others :

If you are thinking about auditioning… THEN DO IT!

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Facebook Page: Tristan Bushman Music Instagram: @tristanbushman

Talent : Story :


My dad has been playing in bands since I was born, so music was always around the house. I started getting up and singing with him when I was 5 years old, and fell in love with performing. Music has been all I have wanted to do from that point forward. I started writing my own songs at 13, and that opened a whole new world to me. I believe I will play and write music until the day I die; it is in my blood.

First Performance :


Tristan Bushman

My first performance was at age 5. It was at a fundraiser at my local park, “Pennies in The Park”. I got up and sang Avril Lavigne’s “Complicated,” along with some old classics. I was accompanied by my dad on guitar and my uncle on drums. It is really cool to watch the video of that first performance and see how far I have come in the last 15 years. It will always be really special to me that I can share my musical passion with my family.

2016 midwest APCA Star Name : Tristan Bushman What are you excited School : Sauk Valley about with APCA Star : Community College Major : Business Classification : Sophomore Hometown : Ashton, IL End Goal : BIO :

I am most excited to perform for and meet some really great people! I hope I am able to gain some fans, and that my music can make a difference for people. That is what I love about music the way it makes you feel and how a song can change your life.

My name is Tristan Bushman. I am a 19 year old Singer/Songwriter from Ashton, IL. I come from a musical family and have been performing since I was 5 years old. In 2015 I released my debut EP “Heartwood” and was blessed with the opportunity to audition for the final season of American Idol and advanced to Hollywood Week. In 2016 I made the top 100 on Season 11 of The Voice. This is only the beginning, stay tuned to see what is next!

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My end goal is to make a living playing music. To be able to live my life doing what I love everyday. I really couldn’t ask for more. I hope to inspire others and make music that people can relate with.

Advice for others :

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, so go for it!! Don’t be nervous, just be yourself, and no matter what happens, you are bound to have a great experience.

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Alisha Marie Fregoe 2016 northeast APCA Star Talent : Name : Alisha Marie Fregoe Story : School : SUNY Cobleskill Major : Communications Classification : Senior Hometown : Adams, NY BIO :

I write and perform spoken word poetry.

I am 22 years old and I grew up in the small town of Adams, which is in Northern NY, in the Tug Hill Region. I have two brothers, Russell, who is older, and Ricky who is younger. I was blessed with two amazing parents Fred and Jen, who have always supported whatever crazy plan I come up with for my life, and there have been a few. I am in my last year of college finishing a bachelor in Communications, and I have about a dozen different ideas of what I want to do post-graduation. I have an amazing support system between my family and my friends, who both inspire and encourage me every day.


I first started writing poetry when I was in sixth grade, for a unit in my English class, and I quickly realized it was something I loved. However, it wasn’t until college that I started writing in the spoken word style. It was actually at an APCA that I learned about spoken word and became inspired. Listening to artists like INK, I thought that maybe I could do that too. So, I gave it a try. Writing was always just something I did to de-stress and get out of my head. I never thought it would take me where it has or open these doors for me, but I am thrilled and humbled that it has.

First Performance :

I had been writing for about 3 years before my first legitimate performance. But after a lot of pushing from my friends Tasha and Chelsea, and my little cousin Caty, I decided to go for it. It was for my school’s talent show; Coby’s Got Talent.

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CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE To say I was nervous would be a huge understatement. I almost bailed a few times, and before the show started I was standing in the hallway shaking uncontrollably, but after much calming and encouraging from Chelsea and my other friend Juntel, I took the stage. I did the performance, and much to my surprise I won the talent show.

What are you excited about with APCA Star :

For APCA Star I am most excited to have the chance to take the stage again. The place that was once a symbol for my biggest fear, has now become a home to me. Poetry is my passion and each poem I write holds a piece of me. To have the opportunity to share a part of me with others is so amazing. For me, it’s all about the experience and having this chance to shed light on issues people don’t want to talk about, or to give a voice to those who feel they have lost theirs. The APCA Star stage gives me that chance, and that is everything for me.

End Goal :

My end goal for my talent is to make some kind of a difference. I was given this gift to be able to write, and speak, and I want to use that as a platform to talk about issues that are facing society as a whole, and individual people: rape culture, racism, drug abuse, anxiety, depression, and so much more. I want to use this gift God gave me and help start a conversation about these topics, and show people who face these issues they aren’t alone.

I’ll sum it up into this, don’t hold back, there is always going to be a voice in your head telling you all the reasons why you shouldn’t. I had that voice in my head for so long, and I’m here to tell you it’s wrong. Never let anyone or anything, not even yourself, hold you back from trying something new or taking an opportunity to show the world what you can do. Sure, maybe it could go horribly wrong, but then again maybe it will go amazingly right. If you don’t try you’ll never know, and APCA is the perfect place to try. You’re surrounded by the best group of people you could ask for. Students, Advisors, APCA Staff, and even Agents and Artists who will never judge you, but simply help you learn for the next time.

Audition to be the APCA STAR! In addition to these fall winners, a wildcard act will be chosen from onsite student delegates to be a finalist in APCA Star. Bring your talent to APCA and audition onsite!

Any advice for anyone thinking about auditioning?


There are so many things I would like to say to someone who is thinking about trying out for APCA Star.

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reading, exploring, and photography.

Talent : Story :


Jhalon Thomas



My passion for performance actually stems directly from my involvement in my local 4-H club many years ago. When I was in the fourth grade I remember going into my very first club meeting and having to get up and say my name and tell everyone where I was from and then run for an officer position. I don’t remember the specifics but what I do remember exactly is the feeling of importance I had whenever I spoke and people listened and what I had to say actually mattered. This was when I learned what it felt like to “command the stage” and that feeling is what I strived to achieve daily. I knew from that moment on that I wanted to have the power to leave an impact on people, I just didn’t know then that being a performer would be my way of achieving that goal.

2016 South central First Performance : APCA Star Name : Jhalon Thomas School : Northwestern State Major : BS Theatre Classification : Sophomore Hometown : Franklin, LA BIO : Jhalon Thomas is currently a 19 year old resident and student at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, pursuing a degree in Theatre with a dual concentration in Musical Theater and Dance Performance. At Northwestern, Thomas is very involved in on-campus activities and serves in multiple capacities as the President of the NSU Student Theatre Organization, the Lagniappe Committee Chair on the NSU Student Activities Board, an N-Sider Student Ambassador, and also serves as the Campus’ Zumba Fitness Instructor. In his free time Jhalon enjoys creating and collaborating with his close friends and classmates,


My first public performance ever was at the Nickelodeon Hotel in Orlando, FL the summer of the 6th Grade. My aunt and uncle brought my cousin and I to participate in karaoke night. We all had to put our names in a “golden toilet” and out of about 200 people only ten names were drawn at random to be able to go on stage and sing a song of their choosing. My name was pulled and that night I sang R-Kelly’s “I believe I can fly”. I love looking back at that video, not to listen at how terrible I was vocally then, but to commend my spirit and confidence for being able to perform that way at such a young age for a crowd of complete strangers. I knew that on that stage was where I truly belonged.

What are you excited about with APCA Star :

Honestly the three things that I’m most excited about are the vast opportunities to network with fellow students and performers, the national exposure of the competition, and the opportunity to represent my amazing university the best way I know how, by performing.

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End Goal :

Being the performer that I am, I would love to say that my life goal is the “Tony”. However, with being in the arts, the opportunities for growth and achievement are unlimited! With that being said, I think that my overall end goal would be to eventually open my own Conservatory or School for the Visual and Performing Arts.

represent it to the best of your ability at all times. You are constantly surrounded by the very same people who will be behind that table judging you whenever you are on that stage; do not forget this. Lastly, APCA Star is not a talent show, It is an experience and as long as you make the best out of YOUR experience, while still being the amazing talent that you are, you WILL go far!

Advice for others :

First, Be 100% yourself at all times and enjoy the process! In the end what they(the judges) are looking for is the best version of YOU and what it is that you bring special to the table. This means being yourself from the moment you step off the elevator to the 50 minutes you sit in on an educational program session. Second, You are your own brand and you should

GOT something to say? Share your expertise with apca conference attendees. Submit a proposal to:


 Topic Examples:

Marketing, Diversity, Leadership, Event Programming, Contracts, Recruitment, Retention, Training New Programming Boards, SGA Issues, etc.

DO YOU KNOW artists, comedians, magicians, speakers,

or anyone with a talent that should be on the APCA Stage? Refer them to APCA Director of Associate Services, Jamie Morton JAMIE@APCA.COM

Get booked in the college market with




APCA Nationals Orlando, FL | March 9-11

APCA Northeast Regional Hershey, PA | March 17-19

Karith.com | @KarithFoster


w i n t e r

2 0 1 7

Coffeehouse, Purposeful Programming, Diversity, Late Night, Value, and MORE!

Planning budget. Includes 3 dinners and great swag!

Register today at www.apca.com or call us at 800-681-5031!

Delegations of 6+ receive $20 off of EACH registration fee

NON-MEMBER PRICING: Early Bird Registration: $359 (deadline 2 /9 /17) Regular Registration: $399

MEMBER PRICING: Early Bird Registration: $299 (deadline 2 /9 /17) Regular Registration: $339



Scholarship, a free showcase, and a contract with a national talent agency!

APCA STAR - National winner receives $1000 THE BEST VALUE for your Campus Activities

( optional preconference add-on. $50 price guaranteed through 2/9/17 )





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