APCA Campus Life Trends Magazine Apr/May 2016

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Interactive Sessions

Roundtable Discussions

Resume Builder


EDUCATIONAL SESSION AT AN UPCOMING EVENT Topics Examples: Marketing, Diversity, Leadership, Promotional Ideas, Contracts, Recruitment, Retention


DO YOU KNOW artists, comedians, magicians, speakers, or anyone with a talent that should be on the APCA Stage? Refer them to APCA Director of Associate Services, Rachel Barnes at rachel@apca.com 2



Connect With Us The APCA Campus Life Trends Magazine is published quarterly. Submissions for articles must be emailed to editor@apca.com. For advertising, please contact associates@apca.com.

Publisher: Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities Production: Rachel Barnes Graphic Design: Designs by Pinkie The Campus Life Trends Magazine is a trademark of the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. All rights reserved. No articles or images of any kind may be reprinted from this magazine without the written permission of The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. Anyone seeking such permission should forward their request by email to editor@apca.com.

2016 Hypnotist of the Year Eric Mina ..........p. 4 The Diary of an APCA Intern .......................p. 6 Aritst Spotlight: ?’s for Landry and Mia ........p. 8 Get the Scoop on the APCA Staff .................p. 10 Our APCA Experience by Atawanna L. Royal Clayton State University. .............................p. 13 Avoiding Burnout in Your Life by Del Suggs, M.S.Ed. .................................p. 14 Creating a Campus Culture of Engagement by Tom Kreiglestein.....................................p. 20 The Best of the Best: Student Life + Cab Earn National Honors Texas A&M University - Texarkana By Carol Langston.......................................p. 24 APCA National Award Recipients ................p. 26 Heart of APCA Award - Althea Jackson Lifetime Achievement Award - Tom Faessel ..p. 28 APCA Notice: Your Campus Life Budget Has Been Cut! ...................................................p. 30



2016 HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR www.EricMina.com Ericmina@ericmina.com It was the great inventor Henry Ford who said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” This quote has inspired Eric Mina to follow his dreams. It was this dream that led Eric to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Penn State University and certification as a hypnotherapist. Whether it’s playing mind tricks in Australia, reading thoughts in Las Vegas, or performing comedy hypnosis in Times Square, Eric’s understanding of the human mind astounds audiences worldwide. His show is a side-splitting, mind-boggling event that will leave you believing your dreams are possible. Eric’s presence is all encompassing, and his powers are real. Eric Mina dares audiences to dream with his comedy hypnosis show that has been performed at over 100 schools. 4 #APCACLT

The audience becomes the show in this unique and hilarious approach to hypnosis. You have never seen a show like this one. It combines comedy, inspiration, and fun to create a once in a lifetime experience. In Eric’s show, you will witness live talent competitions, dance-offs, and even a section where the hypnotized students create their own crazy and hilarious charities. Audiences will be screaming with laughter as they watch what is bound to be your campus’ new favorite act. Eric draws a huge crowd and never fails to amaze students and give them a show that they will be talking about for years. He has been referred to as incredible, mind blowing, and has turned non believers of hypnosis into believers. His performances can be rated from PG to R. He is guaranteed to amaze audiences with his show that you will want to see again and again!



THE DIARY OF AN APCA INTERN with Hoz Fierro of Texas Tech University & Lily Gamble of Amarillo College

What is your favorite part of an APCA conference?

(Hoz:) The people, and just how it felt like everyone was a part of this APCA family. I left the conference having made so many friends that I still keep in touch with to this day. From the first day I arrived at the conference I knew I was going to miss the atmosphere so much once it was over. It was incredible because during my time there I was able to surround myself with so many amazing people from different parts of the country. Having all these entertainers, speakers, etc. in one place was unbelievable. (Lily:) The atmosphere at any APCA conference is like none other. The students, advisers, talent, and staff are all so invested and excited to be there. That’s my favorite part. I find it impossible to leave these conferences without a huge smile on my face and a heart more open than ever before.

What is your most memorable experience from APCA?

(Hoz:) It has to be when I walked into my first conference back in 2010. I really had no idea what to expect from APCA. The first thing I saw were these people giving out free massages, later to find out it was from Campus Spa! I also remember walking into a big room full of students to start the conference and the 6 #APCACLT

song “Club Can’t Handle Me” by Flo Rida was playing. It was right at that moment as I was looking around at all these students who were just having fun and looking so happy when I thought, “college is amazing and I never want this conference to end.” (Lily:) I will never forget the moment when I got on stage at the dinner showcase at the National conference and went to auction off a poster for Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS. Just a few months prior, I was given the same opportunity at the South Central Regional conference, but I was overcome by anxiety and selfdoubt, which lead me to back away from it. At the national conference, I got on stage and proved to myself and everyone in the audience that I could overcome my past obstacles.

What would you say to a student attending APCA for the first time?

(Hoz:) Don’t let this APCA conference end without meeting and connecting with as many people as you can! I’ll say it again… this is an opportunity where you are surrounded by so many incredible people. Especially being a college student, it was amazing to meet so many individuals who are living out their dreams and doing what they love. I’ve never been so inspired to go out and make my dreams come true until I went to an APCA conference.

APCA has inspired me to _______________.

(Lily:) You’re going to LOVE it! The people, the workshops, the performances-it’s all so amazing! Don’t be afraid to meet new people and make new connections. Trust me, this conference is going to be one of your favorite parts of your college career.

(Hoz:) APCA has inspired me to be a leadership speaker. I was so inspired by all the people at the conference who motivated me to be someone who motivates others.

How has your participation in APCA impacted your life as a student leader?

(Lily:) Follow my dreams wholeheartedly. Not just my “realistic” dreams, but my “crazy big” dreams!

(Hoz:) Coming back to my campus after participating in APCA has made me a different person. Ever since coming back, everything I do on campus I put so much energy and excitement in it. I’m a student leader on campus as an ambassador and I give tours regularly. I used to give tours that where pretty basic and just stated the facts of campus. After attending APCA, I now get my groups engaged and excited and have them actually participate in my tour while walking around. Everyone I work with has noticed how much energy I put into everything I do now. I’ve even started hosting leadership workshops on campus to different students groups here because of how impacted I’ve been by APCA. (Lily:) When I was just an attending as a delegate and not an intern, I gained more knowledge regarding leadership in those three days than I had through most of my life. As an intern, I was pushed to complete more challenging tasks in a comfortable atmosphere. Through these challenging tasks, I went beyond what I believed I was capable of and saw my true potential. I carry the lessons learned as a delegate and an intern in every aspect of my life.

APCA has given me the tools to _______________.

(Hoz:) APCA has given me the tools to be the most engaged student on my campus. (Lily:) Believe in myself through all the self-doubt and mental blocks I face.

What was your favorite part of being an APCA Intern?

(Hoz:) I already knew I loved APCA, but to actually be a part of the APCA team as an intern is something I’ll never forget. My favorite part was just getting to be behind the scenes and see how everything is prepared. APCA is a lot of fun, but I loved getting to see and help out with some of the hard work that goes into this conference. (Lily:) As the APCA Staff Intern, I was given many responsibilities that scared me, but I have grown into the type of person that goes for those scary opportunities. Because of that, I was able to experience far more things than imaginable. Those experiences are without a doubt my favorite parts of being an APCA Intern.


APCA has a program called Event Crew and allows students to work behind the scenes. Sign up at your next conference! #APCACLT





Landry and Mia Jackson are Atlanta, GA based comedians signed to Knoxville, TN based Houla Entertainment, 2015 APCA National Agency of the Year. People want to get to get to know them and how do you that? By asking questions, of course. Here are the top questions they both receive from fans. However, just to show you how well they know each other, the BFF’s and former roommates are going to answer four questions on behalf of each other and then a bonus question they will answer themselves. They feel pretty confident they can pull this off. Let’s see how well this goes:

QUESTIONS FOR LANDRY (ANSWERED BY MIA): 1. What are you? A person. An ethnically ambiguous man who could be whatever you want him to be depending on what kind of show you’re having. Here’s the truth...Landry is French Canadian & Jamaican. You heard it here first. 2. What do you put in your hair? Magic. Possibly Herbal Essence. I’ve personally never seen what he does to it, but I do know his bathroom walls are covered with what I can only assume is gel.



3. Are you single? In order for him to remain my best friend, I can neither confirm or deny, but I do know that if you are interested, email me and I will tell you if you’re his type. 4. What’s one thing everyone should know about you? Despite the glorious nature of his locks, it doesn’t start out perfect. Have you ever seen a weeping willow? His hair starts out like that and then somehow becomes a cloud of curls envied by everyone. I’m probably not supposed to say this but he likes when people come up and touch his hair without his permission. Ok that part is not true.


1. How do you get your bangs so perfect? First off. Those aren’t her bangs. Don’t let her cute face fool you. I mean she owns the bangs now, but they came from the head of a Brazilian toddler. 2. How tall are you? Miss Jackson is 6’-4” in heels so it feels like she’s always talking to you from a stage. Short men love her, and try to climb her like a jungle-gym. 3. How many kids do you have? Mia doesn’t have any children that she is aware of. Which is a good thing considering she’s left me in the car without cracking a window many times. 4. What’s one thing everyone should know about you? A lot of people don’t know this but she has to get her bras specially made because her bosom is apparently close to the end of the alphabet. I believe they are lined with some sort of a titanium allow which causes her problems when going through airport security.

BONUS QUESTIONS Actually Answered By Landry & Mia

Landry, What did you think when you first met Mia? I first met Mia in a comedy club and she was walking around with a brown bag full of over the counter prescription drugs. I thought she was a prop comic and they were part of her act. Turns out she just has really bad allergies. Mia, What did you think when you first met Landry? First Impression: Who is this guy? Why is he talking to me? Then after seeing him on his stage discussing his ethnic background...” Why is this guy lying about that?” I can’t be friends with a person who isn’t honest about their background, but alas I was wrong and I’m glad I decided to add him to my real life friends list. Landry and Mia were quite impressed with the accuracy of the answers. Although it must be noted that Landry will not confirm what he does to his hair, Mia will confirm that no toddlers were harmed in retrieving the hair for her bangs. Now you know them and considering they once lived in the same home and still speak to each other, this shows they work well together. Keep them working together and bring them both to your event. Find out how on www.houlaentertainment.com. 9 #APCACLT

GET THE SCOOP ON THE APCA STAFF! Jamie Tilson - Executive Assistant What would you sing at Karaoke night? Beyonce. Who else?! If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ben & Jerry’s “The Tonight Dough” (for real dough…) What is your favorite part of your job? I love seeing artists fill their calendars Jarvesa Rogers with bookings - Executive Assistant and make their What motivates you to dreams a reality! work hard? Challenges, results, and recognition If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Right here in the Smoky Mountains. Its beautiful here and I’m blessed to call this place HOME. GO VOLS! What do you do for fun? Family activities with my Michael Stephenson three little girls, hiking, swimming, bowling and Vice President of Operations just acting silly with my kids. What would you sing at Karaoke night? My go-to Danielle Steckley karaoke song is I Wanna Director of Dance With Somebody by Engagement Whitney Houston What would you sing What is your favorite at Karaoke night? Oh part of your job? gosh! You wouldn’t #PeopleOfAirports (I mean want me to, but it who doesn’t like a good would be “Learning to people watching session?) Fly” Pink Floyd What do you do for fun? If you could choose to do anything for a day, what Spending time with my would it be? I am a licensed falconer so I would husband, Chase and our work with and hunt with my Redtailed Hawk. Miniature Schnauzer, What is your biggest fear? Spiders and Ticks Brinkley. (anything with lots of legs) Rachel Barnes - Director of Associate Services What is your biggest fear? Small holes. It’s called Trypophobia. Look it up. It’ll make your skin crawl! What is your favorite part of your job? Michael Stephenson. What do you do for fun? I watch animal videos and tag my boyfriend in every single one of them. 10 #APCACLT

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Our APCA Experience By Atawanna L. Royal Clayton State University

I serve as the Assistant Director for the Department of Campus Life at Clayton State University in Morrow Georgia. I am also the advisor of the programming board, Campus Events Council. I received a few emails and a phone call from Jarvesa during the fall semester, introducing the APCA Regionals that would be held in Atlanta in November. Upon receiving great information, including the unbelievable cost to attend, I decided to bring some delegates to the conference. The student delegates and I were far more than impressed! From the warm welcoming attitudes of all of the APCA staff, to the smooth check-in, and the hearty meals offered. The sessions were extremely beneficial and the showcases were outstanding!

Of course, we loved the exhibit hall! One thing that I really enjoyed was the opportunity to be recognized by APCA. The students entered items into the Graphics Competition and entered an event for the Event of the Year award and they won them both! This excitement radiated throughout our campus upon our return to Clayton State. With ease we were able to make the decision to attend the APCA Nationals to be held in Houston. We knew what to expect in regards to the APCA Staff and the way everything would run based off of our experience back in Atlanta and they did not disappoint! We met even more schools and performers and gained even more ideas to bring back to our campus.

We even got to see Ran’D Shine, the magician we met at the APCA Regionals in Atlanta, host and perform again, which was a treat because after we met him in Atlanta we booked him to come to our campus! The students entered an-

other item into the Graphics Competition and to their pleasant surprise, we won 1st place. Our win for the Event of the Year at regionals continued on as we won Event of the Year at nationals! As an advisor, I am so pleased with APCA. APCA not only provided the opportunity for the students and myself to reaffirm our passion for programming, but it re-energized us and ignited a flame in us to return to our campus bringing a renewed sense of education to accompany our programs and events.



AVOIDING BURNOUT IN YOUR LIFE by Del Suggs, M.S.Ed. Burnout: a state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. When the alarm clock goes off, do you hit the snooze button and roll back over? Does your life and job remind you of the film “Groundhog Day”? At one time you were excited about your role on campus and eagerly embraced each day. Wouldn’t you like to keep that enthusiasm alive-- or bring it back to life? You need to learn to recognize burnout in yourself, and some simple steps to regain the joy in your life and work. What is burnout? What do we mean by the term burnout? It is state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. There are Four Stages of Burnout: 1. Physical, Mental and Emotional Exhaustion. You might be still holding it together at work, but can you relate to this: As soon as you get home, you head for the fridge, get out the Haagen-Dazs or Ben and Jerry’s, turn on the tube, collapse on the sofa and you’re comatose for the rest of the evening? Doing more with less, having too much responsibility but not enough authority, or juggling an unmanageable schedule is taking a toll. 14 #APCACLT

2. Shame and Doubt. Do you find yourself losing confidence in your ability to do your job? Maybe you feel insecure about the future; and you’re feeling pretty lousy in the present. You may even start discounting your past accomplishments. Is your inner voice shouting, “Impostor!” instead of supporting your competence? And then you catch yourself emitting heavy, labored sighs. 3. Cynicism and Callousness. At this point, some folks feel there’s only one thing left to do: Anything not worth doing is not worth doing well. They develop an ATTITUDE. If you become sufficiently abrasive or obnoxious, people start avoiding you. But this hard exterior can eventually become a burdensome, self-defeating strategy. 4. Failure, Helplessness and Crisis. The constant demands of a job causing Burnout is like trying to race a marathon. Can anyone race 26 miles full speed, nonstop? Of course not. Even Olympic marathon runners must pace themselves. If not, the body parts will break down. And with burnout, over time, the mental apparatus also wears out.

One reason the fourth stage is so disorienting is that a person’s psychological defenses have worn down. You may find yourself depressed, snapping at your loved ones, and miserable. The Good News. The good news is that Adrenal Burnout can be the best thing that happens to a person. It is a wake-up call, letting you know that a major part of your life is out of balance. How do you fix it? With a process I call Attitude Restoration. Here are some simple steps you can take to help you get your old energy, confidence, and joy back in your job.

anyone who doesn’t need to know. Here’s why this silence is important: There are plenty of people who talk constantly about their goals. Psychological studies have found that these people are less likely to achieve their goals. There is a psychological concept known as “social reality.” It seems that if you discuss your goal with others, your mind begins to have a premature sense of completeness. If your mind thinks you’ve achieved it, then it stops working towards your goal. So set your goals, just keep quiet about them.

A happy and productive worker is one who understands that his or her job is not the purpose of life.

Attitude of gratitude. Aren’t you one of the luckiest people on the Earth? Really, you are. There are people living in squalor and poverty around the world who would trade places with you in a moment. There are people out of work who would love to have your job.

So try this little exercise: List three things for which you are grateful at this moment. They might be monumental, like having survived a disease. They might be lesser, like having your car start this morning. Whatever they are, it is always good for your outlook to be grateful. Set Personal Goals. Write them down, and remember your ultimate goal. We’re all working towards a greater goal or dream. But when you write down your goals, do this: keep it to yourself. Don’t tell

Set a schedule. Make wise use of your time. Work on creating “to-do” lists everyday, and using them to complete your tasks. You might also want to consider the “Pomadoro Technique”. You can find it online, and learn all about it. Briefly, it’s a powerful method of concentrating your work for a short period. It can be very useful in completing projects and other tasks. Time Management. Practice “Eating That Frog.” This method of prioritization compares any dreaded task with eating a live frog. Brian Tracy suggests that you do that dreaded task first. You will get it out of the way, you won’t dread it any more, and it will give you energy and confidence the rest of the day. Give it a shot! Reward yourself. Remember why you are working. A happy and productive worker is one who understands that his or her job is not the purpose of life. Go on holiday, use up your sick days, 15 #APCACLT

ask for a temporary leave-of-absence— anything that allows you to recharge your batteries outside of the workplace. No leave--No life. Embrace a morning ritual. Are you starting your day on the wrong foot by waking up late, rushing about, and skipping out the door at the last minute? Try slowing down your morning instead. Get up earlier, enjoy a cup of coffee, read, meditate, whatever. Ease into the day. Stay connected. Family and friends are so important in one’s well-being. Regularly touch base with your family and friends by catching up for a walk, or via phone for a chat. Coffee dates, watching movies, or lunch together can spell a whole lot of difference to your emotions.

Stay healthy. Make sure you eat nutritious meals and have plenty of physical activity. Exercise releases endorphins, which are also called ‘happy hormones.” You don’t have to go to the gym. Try some simple strategies like avoiding the elevator at work, or parking at the farthest parking lot. Eat healthy and exercise. If you don’t feel well, you won’t work well. Pay it forward. Some of the happiest people I know reach out to the less fortunate. Get involved with human service organizations and donate your time to help others. You’ll get even more out of it than they will!

Coffee dates, watching movies, or lunch together can spell a whole lot Sleep. Get 7 or 8 hours sleep each night. of difference It is very difficult to all day if you to your emotions work are not getting enough

Go Out for a Drink. Or a shopping trip, or an ice cream sundae…whatever your guilty pleasure. Socializing and unwinding can do wonders to stop a path to burnout. And it’s fun! Pursue a hobby. A hobby is great thing to do because it is something you love to do and it doesn’t involve your work.

sleep. Studies show that people getting seven hours of sleep each night live longer, too. Learn to say no. Pick what is really important and what you can do well. Delegate with a smile. Get a new job. If all of this fails to correct your burnout, then you may be in a career situation that just isn’t right for you. It’s a good time for a new beginning! Copyright by Del Suggs All rights reserved Del@DelSuggs.com www.DelSuggs.com





LOWEST DELEGATE FEES IN THE MARKET! As low as $159/delegate! MEMBER Early Registration: ...................... $179 Late Registration: ........................ $229 NON-MEMBER Early Registration: ...................... $229 Late Registration: ........................ $279 Graduate Student: ...................... $99 Bringing 6+ delegates? We’ll take another $20 off per delegate! FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER TODAY, CALL 800-681-5031 OR VISIT US AT WWW.APCA.COM. CHICAGO, IL Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2016



DALLAS - TX Oct. 7-9, 2016



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UÊ*ÀiÃi ÌÊ> Ê `ÕV>Ì > Ê-iÃà UÊ6 Õ ÌiiÀÊ i `ÊÌ iÊ-Vi ià UÊ ÌiÀÊV viÀi ViÊV «iÌ Ì Ã UÊ-iÀÛiÊ>ÃÊ>Ê «iÀ>Ì ÛiÊ ÕÞ }Ê À` >Ì À UÊ i>`Ê, Õ `Ì>L iÊ ÃVÕÃà à UÊ-ÕL ÌÊv ÀÊ,i} > Ê Ü>À`à NEW YORK CITY AREA Oct. 21-23, 2016

NASHVILLE, TN Nov. 11-13, 2016




While visiting a college campus on the east coast, I saw a billboard advertisement for a new phone app that promised to deliver food to students in under 20 minutes. Sounds good so far, right? Then I read the tag line, “So you never have to talk to another human being...ever.” I sighed in defeat as I was on campus to do just the opposite—to train student leaders on how to build a campus culture where every student feels welcomed, connected, and engaged from orientation to graduation.

student’s social integration with the faculty, staff, and administration is critical to a student’s academic success. In Shawn Achor’s book, “The Happiness Advantage,” he complied multiple studies concluding that the greatest predictor of one’s success and happiness is their social support network. The research also shows that the rewards of plugging into positive social communities extend to a heightened wellbeing, lowered stress levels, and many other positive benefits. In short, to not focus on building a strong sense of community on your campus is to miss out on one of the greatest reasons why the physical campus space is more important than ever for the development of our students.

...the REWARDS of plugging into POSITIVE


Building a strong sense of campus community isn’t just a wishful kumbaya slogan left over from the 60s. Rather, the research on a student’s sense of connectedness to their institution is very convincing. Academic researcher, Vincent Tinto, says that a 20 #APCACLT

and many other positive benefits.

Over the course of the next year, I’ll be writing a regular column for Campus Life Trends with tips for campus leaders on how to build a strong culture of engagement. To get started, here’s your first tip: CREATE / EMBRACE CAMPUS TRADITIONS Each spring, hundreds of students at Randolph College hang poetry on a cherry blossom tree at the college entryway. Why? Because it’s a campus tradition that dates back to the 60s. I doubt you could get students from other schools to write or hang poetry on a tree, but the Randolph students love it. Traditions are the social habit of engagement. Traditions should be unique to your campus and your students. If you feel like your campus is lacking traditions, here are two ways to pull yourself out of the slump: 1) Embrace traditions already happening – the University of North Florida underwent a yearlong discovery process to learn about what traditions already existed on campus that they could get behind versus having to start their own

parade. The result was a solidified calendar of traditions that both the administration and students got behind. 2) Create Your Own - Prior to speaking at an orientation at UMass Boston, the Provost told the students that they had a tradition on campus that if you saw the mascot within the first week of school, you were supposed to rub his nose for good luck. Of course, moments later on a break, the mascot burst into the room and all the students rushed over to rub his nose. In talking with the Provost afterwards, I asked him where the tradition started and his response was, “Oh, I just made it up.” Genius! Traditions build a sense of shared community through action. Whether your campus has traditions already in place that you could further embrace or you start new ones, don’t wait until it’s too late to build a campus culture of engagement.







The Best of the Best: Student Life + CAB Earn National Honors Texas A&M University-Texarkana By Carol Langston

If what happens in the classroom is the lifeblood of the university, then what happens outside of the classroom is the heartbeat. The Office of Student Life and Campus Activities Board (CAB) at Texas A&M University-Texarkana work collaboratively through the year to provide opportunities for students to become engaged with the campus community. And their efforts have not gone unrewarded. In March, Assistant Director of Student Life Celeste McNiel received the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities National Advisor of the Year award at the 2016 APCA National Conference in Houston. “I was so humbled when they called my name as the recipient of the National Advisor of the Year award. It was such an honor to be recognized in this way by an organization and by other professionals that I really respect and admire,” McNiel said. “I know that all of the professionals in our field give a lot of themselves to their work so it always feels good to know that your hard work is affirmed and valued. It doesn’t change how surprised and honored I was to receive this honor.” McNiel had been named South Central Region Advisor of the Year in No24


vember, and she went on to compete against the best from the nation’s four other regions – Western, Mid West, Southeast and Northeast – to earn the national award. “Celeste has worked hard to create an environment where students can have fun while learning and planning events on campus,” said Carl Grieg, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs. “It is great to see her commitment to A&MTexarkana students recognized on a national level, but if you ask the students that make up CAB, their only surprise would be that it took this long for the APCA to recognize her accomplishments.” The A&M-Texarkana Campus Activities Board also received APCA’s South Central Campus Organization of the Year award earlier in the year. “I have been involved in the Campus Activities Board since 2012, and it has definitely been the best experience I’ve had here at A&M-Texarkana,” said graduate student Dustin Nix, who works with CAB through his graduate assistantship in the Office of Student Life. “This organization has been a large part of helping me become the person that I am today. A&M-Texarkana has a

lot of great things going for it, but the family atmosphere and the tremendous opportunities are my favorites. That being said, CAB shares those qualities by building relationships with members and offering opportunities for learning and growth,” Nix said. “Because of CAB, I have met so many wonderful people between our members and the many artists we bring on campus. I’ve also been given the chance to travel to many great cities such as Atlanta, Georgia, for our conference, where I’ve networked with other activities boards and many fantastic agents. For example, at the last national conference, I was able to meet Cupid, who created the popular line dance song the Cupid Shuffle. Not only that, but this organization has taught me many skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, organization, event planning, communication, and so much more. This organization has been my passion for so long, and the people involved have become my family. Much like a family, we’re not perfect, but we truly care about what we do, our members, and A&M-Texarkana community.”

Texarkana. Each of these students gives us a lot of their time and energy and, frankly, without them, a lot of what we do wouldn’t even be possible.” Nix encourages other students to become active in the Campus Activities Board and student life. “If you’re looking to get involved on campus, become a leader, make friends or simply have fun, this is the perfect organization to join,” Nix said. “Being involved in the CAB is an awesome experience, which has many rewards and opportunities. Membership is free and open to all students at A&M-Texarkana. CAB’s goal is to provide quality programming for the A&M-Texarkana community.”

...many benefits from joining this organization, ...LEARNING VALUABLE SKILLS that can be helpful in your field, BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS with other students, and GETTING REWARDS for your membership.

McNiel is quick to give credit to the students. “I have thought for a long time that I had the privilege of working with some of the best students around,” she said. “I’m thrilled that others are taking notice of the quality of students and programs that we put on at A&M-

Students who participate in CAB can be as involved as their schedules will permit.

“This organization thrives because of its members, and we care about recognizing our members for their hard work. There are so many benefits from joining this organization, such as learning valuable skills that can be helpful in your field, building relationships with other students, and getting rewards for your membership. We use a point system that provides awards for simple things like coming to meetings and helping out at events. Another added benefit is that you have the opportunity to have your voice heard and be part of the event planning process.”



e t a i c o s s A l a n o i t a nts 2016 N ie p i c e R ward



MALE SOLO MATT COREY Cutting Edge Entertainment

COMEDIAN MICHAEL ISSAC Thee Michael Issac Company


JUGGLER TEAM ROOTBERRY Everything But The Mime, Inc.

SPOKEN WORD ODD?ROD More Than Just Poetry



MENTALIST WAYNE HOFFMAN Hoffman Entertainment, Inc.


MAGICIAN RAN’D SHINE Everything But The Mime, Inc.






l o o h c S tional

a N 6 s 1 t n 0 e i 2 p i c Re d r a w A NATIONAL EVENT OF THE YEAR LAKERS AFTER DARK Clayton State University



2016 Heart of APCA Award ALTHEA JACKSON - Louisiana State University- Eunice The Heart of APCA award recognizes a professional in student life that lives to the fullest in positive ways and sets a stellar service example on and off campus. “Althea has been a consistent model of service and commitment to her student population.” says Eric Lambert, the Executive Director of APCA, The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. “Of all our advisors, she consistently represents those who do the most good for their students using limited resources. Her student contingencies represent their school in an outstanding manner at APCA events and she insists on and inspires great competency and pursuit of their passions in her students.” The award is given out annually to one outstanding advisor and is a once in a lifetime opportunity, never given twice. Past recipients have included innovators and pioneers in campus life applications of student developmental theory, long time service oriented members of the organization and high level student life administrators who have like Althea demonstrated a great proficiency in inspiring student success.

2016 Lifetime Achievement Award TOM FAESSEL

University of Akron

So many people can realize why this selfless man deserves such a special recognition. He not only impacts those he interacts with but he also touches the hearts of everyone. He has truly left behind the legacy worth sharing, something that will be very hard to follow by anyone. He has a name that is impossible to forget and an impact that is truly worth remembering throughout lifetimes. A student said, “Having Tom as an advisor is honestly one of the greatest things a college student could have. Tom’s love for the university’s programing is such an encouraging thing. With someone to be so passion-nate about something truly inspires you to do the same. Tom inspires me to be passionate in anything I do. He cares about every single student, cares about all the ideas we have, encourages us to keep growing in the students we are. I am so grateful that I have Tom Faessel as my advisor and anyone who comes along the same path will feel the same.“ -[Sandy Parson, Residence Hall Program Board Historian]






Your Campus Life Budget has been CUT!


Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities


Many programmers have nowhere to turn when they read this announcement. But if you’re like hundreds of other progressive thinking APCA student life advisors, you’ll know exactly what resource to use to combat this problem.

Who is APCA?

The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities specializes in low and no cost programming for campus life. Our mission is to help student life departments with limited resources make more of an impact on their campuses. APCA is a staunch advocate of purposeful programming that incorporates meaningful, assessable learning outcomes that can improve retention levels on your campus.

Why should I participate in APCA? Devel-

opment! We will keep you up to date on the latest professional development trends and student theory, organize and motivate your student boards and give you the resources to stretch your programming dollars. Our workshops and campus event programming conferences feature nationally known student life theorists and cost saving programs to keep your budget under control.


Dr. Vincent Tinto Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University, Former Chair of the Higher Education Program, Author of Leaving College and Completing College



Dr. Gwen Dungy Executive Director of NASPA from 1995-2012

Dr. Connie Boronot Director of Assessment and Evaluation for Dr. George Kuh Student Affairs and Indiana University Undergraduate Chancellor’s Professor Education at Florida Emeritus and Director International University

How does APCA help my budget? We bring val-

ue! APCA membership fees are the lowest by far in the marketplace, at only $299 per year. That fee covers every club and student organization on your campus. Our value packed conference fees also include 4 hot meals, student life educational sessions for advisors and students, showcases, conference swag and access to all conference events. If you program campus activities events or facilitate professional or student development programs, we will help you stretch your dollars!

Who else has tried APCA? APCA has been serving the college marketplace with cutting edge campus activities resources and training for over 20 years: “APCA: Friendly, Family, Affordable and Fun. The staff is professional and genuinely appreciative of school members. They offer quality programming, seasoned educational speakers and affordable conferences to schools of all sizes. Our students enjoy their experiences with APCA and call APCA family!” Yonna Pasch, Director of Student Activities - Northwestern State University “I cannot describe how excited my students are every year for the APCA Conference. With the discounts that we get from the Co-op buying process, we are able to save enough money to pay for the entire conference experience. Beyond that, however, it’s great to be able to work with the other schools in our area in a synergistic way. My students have developed great relationships with their peers at other schools as a result of the experience.” Jeff Foote, Director of Student Life - SUNY Cobleskill “I would encourage all colleges to attend APCA. It’s worth every penny! The staff are extremely friendly and make everyone feel a part of the APCA family. APCA is a great opportunity to see very talented performers from all walks of life and block booking helps to place them in a price range that we can afford.” Nancy Agan, Director of Student Life - Corning Community College

Not happy with your APCA experience? Money back guarantee! All APCA event delegate fees come with a

money-back guarantee of satisfaction. If for any reason you are unsatisfied, by the end of the first day of the event, simply return your conference materials and request a refund of your fees. All fees, minus your prepaid meal costs, will be returned to your school after the event. APCA is the only campus activities conference system to guarantee your delegation a positive experience!

APCA – the most value in the campus activities market! APCA is

the best decision you can make to further your professional and student development. We ensure the best value for your event programming dollars, and have a long track record of success. Our event experiences are guaranteed, with an excellent reputation for consistently exceeding our delegates expectations. Contact us now to incorporate affordable, assessable and meaningful campus activities resources and training into your campus event programming!







Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities PO Box 4340 Sevierville, TN 37864

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