FACTORS BEHIND GETTING THE BEST SALES REPS Finding independent apparel sales reps can be a bit hard. But when you are going forward and looking for one there are a few questions which you must ask that person before hiring. Firstly ask that person how much of an experience he has in this field. That will give you a rough idea of how well they are at their job. Ask them about their monthly commission rate and what they were making at their previous job. Also ensure that the person has a likeable personality. If the person doesn’t have a likeable personality then it is no use since customers will not talk to him, let alone buy anything from him. Excellent verbal communication skill is needed Ask them what their method of communicating is and what are the languages they know. Nowadays any sales rep that doesn’t have a frequent English base is not preferable. They need to have strong communication and verbal skills. Is the person adaptable and how well can that person negotiate? Negotiating is an inherent part of the job of a sales rep and they must be able to convert a prospective customer through this skill. Knowing these factors will give you a good idea of how well the rep can handle their post. They must be able to go ahead and get the job done and increase the sales. Also ensure if you are hiring a clothing sales rep they should have a decent dressing sense. You would not want a flashy person demonstrating your clothing line.