NEWS 1–2
The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933
Volume 22
First Issue
F R E E May 05, 2010
BSU Track and Field makes a splash!
Boise's very own 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Class sizes: How big is too big?
CarShare to help campus parking woes
Stanford students Galaan Dafa, left, and Shadi Bushra picked up a Prius reserved through Zipcar for a run to InN-Out Burger. Boise State plans to implement its own CarShare program starting this fall. David Gasch Journalist
Due in part to construction, parking spaces on campus continue to disappear, and student enrollment is growing. BSU students pay for parking passes, but still
struggle to find places to leave their vehicles. Students living on campus often bring their vehicles to campus with them, but leave them to sit for extended periods of time without use, further clogging campus. To help alleviate these is-
sues, Parking and Transportation Services intends to offer a new resource for transportation at Boise State. By the start of the coming fall semester, it hopes to implement a program called CarShare to help students travel around Boise and potentially
decrease congestion in the parking lots on campus. The program will provide cars, placed strategically around campus, available for students and faculty to rent by the hour. Cost is expected to be somewhere between $10 and $15 per hour. The
fee covers gas, insurance and maintenance for the vehicle. Individuals can rent the vehicles for however many hours they choose, pending availability. Parking and Transportation Services hopes the availability of these cars will persuade and allow students to leave their vehicles at home instead of bringing it to campus and taking up space. “The reason we are going with it (CarShare) is we are trying to alleviate the pressure of cars being brought to campus,” assistant director of Parking and Transportation Services J.C. Porter said. “We are hoping if the cars are already here then multiple people can use it, and it’s one car for multiple people instead of one car for each person. Hopefully it will open up parking spaces for other people to use.” A CarShare company has yet to be chosen, but most charge a member fee of anywhere from $25 to $50, which buys an entry key card, access to the online rental calendar and a few free hours with the vehicles. After a membership is established, individuals can simply reserve a time slot online, swipe their card, take the car and go where they need. When they finish using the vehicle, they park
it where they first got it and leave it there. One fan of CarShare is ASBSU President Stephen Heleker. “I would definitely use this program! I don't own a car and usually bike from place to place," Heleker said. "CarShare would enable me to drive to events that are further away or require me to bring stuff along without committing to a car payment." The CarShare vehicles will be available for dates, errands, ski trips -- basically anything for which they may be needed. They exist as an alternative to individual vehicles and can save money for students that would otherwise be spent on parking permits, gas, personal insurance and more. With CarShare, students only pay when they are directly in need of transportation. “I don't have a car because I am an out-of-state student. I have a car in Arizona, but it's too old to make an 18hour trip to Idaho,” freshman Stephanie Casanova said. “I'd use this program every so often for emergency purposes and getting to service learning places, running errands and going grocery shopping. But if I had a car I'd continue
See CarShare I page 2
Vibrant technology takes learning to new level Sarah Murphy Journalist
Students at Boise State are constantly surrounded with cutting-edge possibilities as new technologies are introduced. As faculty members in the Department of Educational Technology, Dr. Barbara Schroeder and special lecturer Chris Haskell have taken teaching to a new level. They incorporate technology into everyday lessons for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to the outside world. According to Schroeder, they use equipment such as Smartboards, Apple laptops, cameras, Airliner tablets and the Wii -- a videogame console made by Nintendo. The classroom is conveniently
Barnes & Noble’s “Nook” e-reader, released in November, is priced about the same ($259) as Amazon’s popular Kindle.
set up with mobile furniture to be arranged, depending on the lesson for students. “Studies have shown technology to engage students,” Schroeder said. “It’s personal and powerful. It is collaborative and makes students part of a community of learners.” Haskell and Schroeder started a podcast two years ago to enable other professors and K-12 teachers around the world to use technology in the classroom. “We started talking about geeky stuff between the two of us, started recording it in audio and eventually got hosted on iTunes,” Haskell said. Schroeder added, “we wanted an outreach to publicize educational technology and provide technology tools and trends for teachers." E-readers, another form of new technology, have been gaining popularity among students. Schroeder and Haskell try to accommodate by selecting required books that are also available as e-books. Some students like this option and are learning to combine old school textbooks with them. Every semester, students may spend hundreds of dollars buying books and in the end, sell them back for a minimal
See Ebooks I page 2
Benjamin Mack/THE ARBITER
Rays of sunlight poke through the clouds in front of Towers Hall just before a storm Monday. All on-campus residence halls close for the summer at noon Friday, May 14.
New ASBSU President wants change for 'matching fund system'
KATY BUTLER Journalist
New ASBSU President Stephen Heleker is planning for changes in the upcoming year.
During the summer, Heleker, who replaced former ASBSU President Trevor Grigg in April, will be working with ASBSU to build the executive staff for next year and decide on an agenda. “We will be building procedures and job descriptions for the following years,” Heleker said. “I will look at presidents from other universities to help build something a little more durable than we’ve had to work with so far at BSU.” Heleker said his most important project will be re-
examining ASBSU's matching fund system to find new ways to support student organizations. The club fundraiser system is one in which clubs can raise up to $3,250 and ASBSU matches the club dollar-for-dollar after $250. “I am adamant about changing the process, and will be doing my best to revise the clearly inefficient system over the summer,” Heleker said. “We will be looking at the policies of other universities and paying special attention to those that work with a hy-
brid system involving some grant-style funding.” Heleker said he will also look at other universities for ideas on how to improve Boise State. “We're throwing out ideas looking at other successful universities and seeing what kind of system it would take to be up to par with other universities like the University of Washington and Berkeley -- situations with real success and respect," Heleker said. "We think BSU deserves to be looked at in that way (as successful).”
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 05, 2010
Dream [from page 5]
Skippers [from page 5]
What the new addition provides to the student body
at 25-years-old. However, Kelsy is still finding ways to remain a part of the sport. A BSU graduate, Kelsie is now the P.E. teacher at Summerwind Elementary. “Mrs. Hay has been like a second mom to me,” Moe-Powers said. “She’s the one who got me into teaching. I am not sure I would be teaching if it wasn’t for her. It’s amazing to me that I have her job and I am in her office." Moe-Powers is now beginning a career as an ESPN commentator. “ESPN new of me and offered me a job commentating on the sport,” she said. Some years later Reisig came along. He is Hay’s most recent recruit. Reisig had already established himself as one of the world's best before becoming one of the Skippers. “I jumped in Montana for 10 years,” he said. “There was a world competition going on in Australia and they needed a fifth member and they asked me to join.” A freshman at Montana State, Reisig was commuting across state lines in preparation for World Championships. Things immediately clicked with the Skippers and he was asked if he was interested in becoming a full-time member. He was, and after applying to Boise State, Reisig earned a scholarship and soon transferred. Reisig went on to become a leader of the Skippers and ended up graduating first in his class at BSU. Being a top student and jumper didn’t allow Reisig much time for anything else. “I don’t have a personal life,” he said smiling. “It was: go to school, come to practice, do my homework, repeat.” For the athletes one of the main appeals of the sport is its youthfulness in comparison to other sports. Unlike professional baseball or football, competitive jump roping still has tremendous room to grow and evolve. It’s hard for players to be innovative. With jumping, what was revolutionary 10 years ago is now passé. Even world champions have room to push themselves and the sport into new and innovative directions.
“Since pool time in the kinesiology building is getting tighter and tighter the new addition of the pool could not be built in a better time,” Nigrini said. The consideration of the construction of the pool to suit the needs of the fairly new swim team, which has been existence for four years, was greatly discussed but rethought because the needs were not attainable. “They did try to get the needs of everyone met but it was not possible," Nigrini said. "Space limitation was a factor since two main power lines run under the street that was initially kept under consideration to close down to extend the pool to meet athletic regulations for optimal size needed for the swim team.” Since the pool could not meet the athletic regulations, the Recreation Center focused on making the pools meet student needs instead. The aquatic center will have three different heated bodies of water. There will be a lap pool, rec. pool, and hot tub. The lap pool will be 26 feet long, 10 feet deep, have six to eight lanes and a diving board. The rec. pool will be more casual with features for volleyball, basketball and a climbing wall for students to drop into the water. Attached to the rec. pool will be the 120 square foot hot tub. A wet classroom will also be a new addition to the Recreation Center. Since classes that are being taught in the Kinesiology building now are not water proof, there is always the issue of damaging the classroom. The drain in the tile floor and plastic furniture in the new wet classroom it will allow students to come in and out as they please without having to worry about damaging any of the equipment. Solar panels are a part of the construction to help with the heating of the pools. Being eco-friendly will help offset some expenses that could have possibly increased the maintenance costs. Since running a pool and the maintenance is so costly, generating revenue would equalize student expenses and has initiated to conversation of allowing rentals. Holding activities and renting the center for certain events are being kept under deliberation. “We would start off not doing rentals for the pool until we get a feel of students’ schedules but as time progresses, rentals may come into play to prevent drastic increases of student fees to generate revenue for maintenance purposes,” Nigrini said. Student fees will have a subtle increase in the fall of 2010 tuition by $2 to help pay for maintenance operations. If needed, the student fees may rise in the spring semester of 2011 depending upon how things come about. Though student fees may rise again, the Recreation Center still helps students by offering employment. “We are approximating in $85,000 of the revenue will go back into students pockets in terms of employment and we currently budget about $450,000 a year in student salaries,” Nigrini said.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
Go to arbiteronline.com to watch a video of the Summerwind Skippers. Also, listen to Arbiter Sports Talk and Sports Talk with D-Vac -- both with multiple shows weekly. Updates will continue through the summer with blogs, articles and columns from Kirk Bell, Trent Lootens and Joey McCullough.
May 05, 2010
A long time dream being fulfilled Marshell M. Martinez Journalist
The story of Boise State University’s Recreation Center and how it came to be is one with which many students are not familiar. It all began with the dream of two students whose influence brought change and helped create a place for students to be physically active. In 1994 the ASBSU executive branch worked hard to make the Recreation Center a reality. Then ASBSU President Jeff Klaus and his vice president presented the idea of a Recreation Center to then university President Charles Ruch, and suggested their idea to create a place for students to work on their physical fitness. They asked the fee committee and Ruch for a portion of student fees to help pay for the construction of the center. Emphasizing the estimated
amount of $65 from student fees and set aside to construct the center. The proposed fee was denied. They ended up receiving $17 from each student but were told if they kept coming back the next few years, then possibly they would receive the initial request of $65. Both Klaus and the vice president kept pursuing this idea until their goal was reached in full. Thus the construction of the Recreation Center was soon to be started. “The Recreation Center is one of the best physical testaments of student’s tenacity on campus and their ability to influence change,” said Recreation Center director Jennifer Nigrini. “They worked really hard to make it happen.” In 2002, the Recreation Center was open to students, allowing them the atmosphere to enjoy all the different areas of physical endurance
Construction on the BSU Rec aquatic center addition is scheduled to be finished late summer of 2010. mitch esplin/THE ARBITER
they could. Students who took part in the planning of the center looked around at different California university recreation centers to see what they wanted to be integrated into the facility. They came up with a priority list that was student oriented and driven. The original plan initially included a pool area but had to be removed since it was too expensive and would not allow all of the other different areas to be present, such as the weight rooms and basketball courts, if the pool was built. After years of accumulating the $65 in student fees the Recreation
Center finally compiled enough money to fulfill the initial dream of having a pool for the students to enjoy. “It was always was an intent to have a pool in the original recreation center,” Negrini said. In October of 2009 construction ground was broke on the new aquatic center on the south end of
the Recreation Center. The project is expected to be completed during the summer of 2010. Phase two of the Recreation Center development (building of the pool) is near completion. It will soon provide a new aquatic center that students can enjoy.
See dream I page 6
Summerwind Skippers
Competitive jump roping leaps forward Daniel Priddy Journalist There is a place in Boise that is very hard to find. Located in a remote area of West Boise surrounded by a daunting thicket of suburban housing developments lays an aging elementary school. At Summerwind Elementary school there is a small gym where, for more than a decade, some of the most interesting athletes in the world have toiled in relative obscurity. For years this quaint setting has been the epicenter of the Summerwind Skippers, one of the world’s most respected competitive jump roping teams. Though the public at large may only have a passing knowledge of
the Skippers, in the world of competitive jump rope, they are anything but obscure. In their chosen field of athletics Shane Windsor, Kelsy Moe-Powers and Lee Reisig are international celebrities. Though all three are still in their mid-to-early 20s, they are considered by "those in the know" to be time honored veterans and pioneers of the sport to which they have devoted their entire life. Their accomplishments are so vast, it is nearly impossible to break them all down. Winners of numerous national as well as international competitions, they are the best of the very best, the absolute elite. Among the most consistent and versatile athletes in the sport’s history. “Lee, Shane and Kelsy have taken
the sport to a new level,” head Skipper coach Karen Hay said. In the mid-90s, the Summerwind Skippers was formed as a club by Karen Hay, the P.E. teacher at Summerwind. Nobody knew it at the time but what started out as a mere club soon took on a life of its own, snowballing into one of the world's most renowned jump rope teams. “In one of my first team meetings I told the parents I want to try and take this as far as it can go,” Hay said. Windsor and Moe-Powers joined the team when they were still children. They were original members of the Skippers' first elite team. Karen Hay’s real genius was her ability to take talented, young athletes and mold them into passionate per-
nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER
Summerwind Skippers are world renowned for their unique ability to combine jump roping with elite athletic ability. (From left to right) Kelsy Moe-Powers, Lee Reisig and Shane Winsor were members of the 2006 World Championship team. fectionists in a sport that was just emerging. The Skippers have always been a kind of "revolving door" for young athletes. With the exception of Windsor and Moe-Powers, all the members of Hay’s first elite team have long since moved away from
Just a little dip Sophomore Melody Braden (8) runs during the Idaho-Utah border clash Saturday at Bronco Stadium. Braden finished fourth in the steeplechase. Teams consisting of Northwest Nazarene University and BSU combined for a score of 333 to edge out the Utah team who scored 308 points. The Utah team consisted of Weber St. and Utah St. Universities. BSU competes in the WAC Championships May 12-15. robbie milo/THE ARBITER
the sport. Both know why they love the sport but seem unable to fully express their reasons for sticking with it this long. “I really don’t know what keeps me going. I have retired one and a half times officially. It’s just where my life is,” Windsor said. “I haven’t found anything else this rewarding. I have been practicing four or five days a week for 15 years.” Windsor, 23, is an old man compared to the majority of jumpers. He admits his time as a competitive jumper is coming to a close but intends to transition into a coach and judge. “It’s really exciting for me to see the younger players trying to push the envelope the same way that we did when were their age,” Windsor said. Windsor has earned a reputation as one of the fastest speed jumpers in the world. He admits that his goals have changed during the years. “When I first started my main goal was to win. All I wanted was to win,” Windsor said. “Now I just want to help teach others about the sport and to help them realize what it is.” Moe-Powers has a similar mentality to Windsor. She is nearing the end of her career as a competitor
See skippers I page 6
to you: Selig needs to step up to the plate Brendan Sherry Journalist
Unfortunately politics and sports have once again crossed paths and it is going to get ugly. This time it isn’t Jesse "The Body" Ventura or Curt Schilling, no this time it's immigration reform. Immigration has been on the minds of many Americans for years, but most recently the focus is in Arizona. On April 23 Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act. The law makes it a crime to lack immigration papers and requires police to determine whether the individuals they stop are in the United States illegally. This news doesn’t seem like it belongs in the sports section of the local newspaper but when you consider the Latin impact on Major League Baseball
it most definitely does. Latino players comprise around 28 percent of the MLB's rosters. Many of baseball’s biggest stars are Latino. Alex Rodriguez, Vladimir Guerrero, Albert Pujols and Mariano Rivera are all of Latin decent and they are just a fraction of the players. When looking at the minor leagues, the percentage of Latino players jumps up to 46 percent. So it’s obvious the Latin impact will be around for years to come. That is why the MLB Players Association is speaking up about it. Last week the Players Association released a statement saying that it is concerned the law could have negative impact on hundreds of MLB players who are citizens of countries other than the United States. In the statement they stated, “The Major League Baseball Players Association opposes this law as written. We
hope that the law is repealed or modified promptly.” Following their statements many fans and players have started to voice their opinion on the subject. Among the players who have been vocal is San Diego Padres first baseman Adrian Gonzalez, a two-time All-Star who says he backs the Players Association. Gonzalez said he probably won’t play in the All-Star game if the law isn’t modified because he feels it is discriminating. The subject gets even more interesting when the All-Star game heads to Phoenix in 2011. Expect the players and fans to get even more outspoken as that date grows closer. In fact Rep. José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.) has already stated he thinks the game should be moved. With the amount of Latino players in baseball, it is time Bud Selig and his buddies take a close look at this debate. The game is still recovering from
the black eye it received during the steroid era and they can’t afford another blow now. If the law isn’t modified, the MLB should move the All-Star game out of Arizona. The move seems drastic but in 1993 the NFL pulled the Super Bowl out of Tempe, Ariz.because the state did not recognize Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Moving the All-Star game out of Arizona would send the message that the league cares about its players. Bud Selig and the owners need to put their personal politics aside and look out for the best interest of their players and the game. If they don’t act on the issue soon the Players Association could threaten a strike. If a strike occurred, baseball could suffer yet another public image crisis. Baseball might not be able to handle another hit like that.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 05, 2010
ASBSU winners led positive campaigns Steven Mercado Guest Opinion
I’m responding to the recent article “ASBSU campaigning an embarrassment”
(Issue 58, volume 22, Opinion section). This was truly an historic election, regardless of the ups and downs. I agree that a lot of the campaigning from some was very
inappropriate. Did all the students running for ASBSU participate in negative campaigning in this past cycle? Absolutely not. Were all of us bribing people for votes?
No way. With that said, that’s what complaint forms are for. If this was an issue to anyone, please don’t wait next time after the election is over to voice your opinion. Stop it
dead in its tracks if you care that much about this process and follow up on it. I know I will do whatever I can to reshape election code for stricter penalties to prevent this from happening again. I can proudly say that everyone that ended up getting elected did not participate in negative campaigning. We truly have an amazing team for ASBSU and the students. I supported everyone that ended up getting elected towards the end, right along with some that didn’t end up in the re-vote (Lindsey and Lizzy) who didn’t participate in negative campaigning either. I felt this article was overgeneralizing all elections, just focusing on the negative few as the whole, and didn’t tell the whole story of this very different recent election. I’m glad that the sexually suggestive comments were pointed out and any other strategies within negative chalking, but with anyone that participated in this, they shouldn’t shape the students that did get elected into ASBSU respectfully with integrity and that didn’t participate in these actions, nor disillusion anyone from participating in the next election. As for empty campaign promises, using slogans, and not knowing what we represent, I will say this. The election board did a great job at having our platforms available online and next to the
paper ballot voting booth so that you can tell who was promising what, and so you can personally do the research to see if any of the things talked about were possible or not. Speaking for myself, I’ve never promised anyone I could lower tuition. I didn’t hear that from all the candidates I supported in this recent election either. We understand that this is an empty promise if told (lobbying for this cause is a different story though). Regardless of the miscommunication between ASBSU and the Arbiter, the fact that every year panels are held to hear from the candidates so that you can truly know who you are voting for has not changed. Not much coverage was given this year towards these discussion/ debate panels in the Arbiter where students could have really known who they were voting for and who was really just all talk. I’m writing this to make clear though that instead of just laying blame on anyone or just over-generalizing, I would rather come up with solutions going forward. I’m happy to announce that we are in the process of making sure we have five times better accountability and transparency towards ASBSU and future elections. More info will be available very soon. Thank you. Steven Mercado is an ASBSU senator.
Recession [Opinion page 3] choice, as it is less painful, but that can only continue for so long until the inevitable second action has to be taken. During the boom phase, resources were used and people were hired that would have been more productively used and employed elsewhere. The recession, though painful, is the necessary process of shift-
ing those resources to where they will be more productively used. Stimulus packages and trying to increase credit through artificial means only hinder this process. Several economists have said that the government must do something about the problem. I recommend that it does nothing, except get out of the way.
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May 05, 2010
Class sizes up, learning down Eva Hart Journalist
It wasn’t enough to have a tuition increase of 9 percent. Now Boise State class sizes are also going to increase. This will harm the way students learn and the way professors teach. Studies by the U.S. Department of Education, which can be found on ed.gov, used teacher interviews, classroom observation, and other data-gathering techniques to find what happens in smaller classes. These researchers suggest that students benefit from more individualized attention. The teachers know each of their students better, and can keep track of how each student is doing on the learning task of the moment. This knowledge enables the teacher to intervene more effectively to help the individual student make progress. Many other studies on this site show the same outcomes: smaller class sizes are more beneficial to students and teachers. More BSU students will fall through the cracks if teachers can’t give them personal attention. On top
of this, if teachers have more students to teach, they will have more papers to grade. In other words our papers will take longer to get back to us. Students aren't happy with this change. Dioni Wheeler, a sophomore in nursing, said, “I'm against the increase in the size of classes. With this increase, it will decrease the teacher-student ratio and the interaction between the teachers and students. The classes are already big enough as they are now. Sometimes I can't meet with my professor because his, vher office hours don't match what I have available or they are already booked for the day because so many other students are making meetings to talk to them.” Freshman in criminal justice Isaiah Adams also expressed his anger about the situation. “I don't really support an increase in class sizes. Boise State has essentially told their students to 'suck it up' for the new 9 percent increase in tuition, so I think Boise State should do the same, and deal with their losses. I feel that there will be more negative than
good effects on the learning process with increased class sizes. Instructors will be forced to move away from their personal teaching styles, and have to move to a more impersonal approach.” According to Vice President for Academic Affairs Sharon McGuire, “The increase in class size is not due to the budget cut. It is from the increase in demand.” If there is an increase in demand, shouldn't the state kick in more money to help meet that demand? Instead students and instructors must carry the burden. Students will pay more tuition while getting less attention. Instructors will work more for the same pay. McGuire says that BSU is doing what it can to ensure that the educational experience won't suffer. “We’re doing assessments to make sure that a decrease in learning doesn’t happen due to the increase in class sizes,” McGuire says. We can only hope that these assessments are accurate and honest. If they find that learning does decrease, they should shrink the classes back down.
Lights On:
Pornography Haley Robinson Columnist
What causes recessions?
Tate Fegley Columnist
Last week I made the case that recessions are not caused by a lack of consumption. This week I intend to show what the actual cause of recessions is, as expressed by the Austrian theory of the business cycle. As I discussed previously, recessions are caused by mass misallocations of resources in such a way that they are not being used in the most productive manner. While entrepreneurs make poor forecasts often (therefore misallocating resources) a recession consists of many entrepreneurs all making bad forecasts at the same time. The period of recession is the necessary process of liquidating these misallocations into more productive uses. What causes this misallocation is inflation of the monetary supply, which in our case is done by the Federal Reserve through its power to influence interest rates. Interest rates send signals to producers and will influence what is produced.
In a free market banking system, interest rates are based on what people save. The more people save, the more money that can be lent out, and interest rates will be lower. Lower interest rates tell producers that they should invest in capital projects for future production, as opposed to current production, as people are currently saving their money and plan to consume in the future. Higher interest
rates tell producers that consumers are spending their money at the present instead of saving, and therefore they should produce for present consumption. But, as we do not have a free market banking system, interest rates are based on fiat money created by the Federal Reserve, not actual savings. In this way, the important signals that are sent to producers by interest rates are distorted. The Fed
causes monetary inflation by setting interest rates lower than they would naturally be. This causes producers to invest for future production, when in actuality consumers are spending for the present. As this newly created money finds its way into the economy, people will have more money to spend. This increases demand for consumer goods, and in combination with resources being diverted to capital
e ditorial S taff NEWS Editor
Ben Mack
Kirk Bell
Managing editor Bob Beers
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Daniel Priddy Brenden Sherry Kayla Bartling Drew Vatchel
Nate Green
Jennifer Spencer
Evan Bashir Josh Gamble Ashley Harshbarger Haley Robinson Allen Spurgeon Jessica Swider
Zach Ganschow
Photo Editor Nik Bjurstrom online editor Stephen Heleker multiMedia editor Joey McCoullough Editorial advisors Steve Lyon Dan Morris
See Recession I page 4
b usiness
Editor-In-Chief Shannon Morgan
Media manager Glenn Landberg
goods instead of consumer goods, causes prices to rise. This process, referred to as the boom phase of the cycle, can only be sustained through the Fed continuing to increase the monetary supply. From here we have two choices: continue on at the price of rapid inflation or raise interest rates to better reflect their natural level. The Fed likes the first
Sex is something that, by nature, sparks everyone’s curiosity. When an ad for a breast augmenting substance shows up on the computer, it holds your gaze for just a little bit longer than the other pop-ups. Admit it! It’s interesting then that pornography is taboo. The stigma often remains that it is bad or dirty, but statistics suggest that pornography can actually have positive impacts on a society, such as lowering sexual violence cases. An article in The Scientist discussed many of the studies that have been conducted to prove this point. “Over the years, many scientists have investigated the link between pornography…and sex crimes and attitudes towards women. And in every region investigated, researchers have found that as pornography has increased in availability, sex crimes have either decreased or not increased.” Professor of Law Anthony D’Amato at Northwestern Law School also published research in the topic. He asserted that the decline in rape cases in the United States (an astounding 85 percent decline in the past 25 years) directly correlates to the availability of pornography. “The American public is probably not ready to believe it,” D’Amato said. “My theory is that the sharp rise in access to pornography accounts for the decline in rape. The correlation is inverse: the more pornography, the less rape.” The question I have is why is the American public not ready to believe it? Though I'm sure that porn was not the sole contributing factor to the decrease in rape cases, I do believe it played a big part. Suppressing sexual desires and natural urges is unhealthy. And since we can't go around acting like Bonobo monkeys, having sex with anything and everything, some people need a private outlet. Studies on this relationship were not just conducted in the United States. This data is international and just as impressive. A study published in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry found a drastic change in Japan when pornography started to become more readily available in the 1990s. In the decade from the time that pornography began to become more prevalent, rapes decreased 79 percent and public indecency decreased 33 percent. Of course, there is a limit to everything. There are always arguments against porn such as it's degrading to women or violent. It seems to me however that the same could be said of much of the mainstream media in the U.S. Fake boobs and excessive violence are key factors in any slasher film. In the end, as always, it's all about moderation. The utilization of pornography and availability for those who are interested in it often has positive outcomes and should not be looked down on. Now, instead of hiding that classic copy of Deep Throat, let it sit proudly on the shelf.
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Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 05, 2010
E-Books [News page 1] amount of cash. Books take up valued space in a student’s tiny dorm rooms or apartments, and are heavy to lug around from class to class. Occasionally, they are never used to study and
become the most expensive coaster on the coffee table. “E-books are cheaper, searchable, offer multimedia components and some offer audio components to actually read you the book
so you don’t have to read it,” Schroeder said. Although not all textbooks are available, or at least not in their totality, as e-books, there are some out there, explained student and e-book user Blane Holden. Holden owns both the Sony e-reader 501 and 505, and is considering buying the "Nook" from Barnes and Noble. “I purchased an ereader for portability and being able to take any books I wanted with me,” Holden said. Another e-reader user, Chance Requa, agrees.
“I bought the Kindle because it is more convenient and because I don’t want all my books up here at college plus school books," he said. "Plus, you can get some books for cheaper or free." There are many advantages to e-readers aside from saving space and money. “I like the opportunity to switch books anytime I want, anywhere I want,” Requa said. According to Holden, most e-readers can hold up to 85 novel-length books, and memory cards can be put in for extra storage. The battery life of the average
e-reader lasts for 300-500 page turnings, amd most e-readers only consume energy when a page is turned. Unfortunately, with every seemingly great thing, there are also the inevitable downsides. Holden finds not being able to physically flip the pages of a book unsatisfactory. “It’s not a book -- the self satisfaction of seeing how far you’ve gone, like when you’re half way through, knowing that," Requa said. "With an e-reader you have pages but can’t visually see how far you’ve gone."
As a teacher, Haskell agrees. “E-books are more for the semi-casual reader. For avid readers, it’s not about the books you’ve read but the books you display, like bumper stickers,” Haskell said.
For more student technology coverage, visit arbiteronline.com.
[News page 1] to drive my car to school.” The third-party CarShare company will own the vehicles; Boise State will simply offer a location and market for the vehicles to be used. When membership is established, members can rent cars anywhere the company exists -not just on the BSU campus. “We’re trying to promote greenness, carpooling -- that sort of thing,” Porter said. “And to provide another customer service to the students, faculty and staff. Other campuses that have a CarShare program include Stanford, where two CarShare companies -- Palo Alto, Calif. based Zimride and Cambridge, Mass. company Zipcar -- are used. There are 18 Zipcars available in nine different locations on Stanford's 8,180acre campus, and more than 1,200 members. Zimride has approximately 1,400 members at Stanford, which has had a CarShare program since 2007. Other ways BSU intends to make transportation better next year include new, safe bike storage areas in the parking garages. There will be stations where students can purchase items for their bikes as well as using social media resources such as Facebook to set up carpooling opportunities for students and staff. “I think CarShare could offer Boise State the opportunity to act progressively in a time of economic and environmental instability, as well as helping the university look more cutting-edge to potential students,” Heleker said.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
classifieds Classifieds 7
May 05, 2010
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
HOUSE FOR RENT NEAR BSU 1516 Martha Circle.
2br, 1 ba. Carport with storage, washer & dryer. large fenced yard. Dogs OK. $775/ mo. Call 208720-7293
Full size orthopedic mattress Brand new in package, warranty Sacrifice $99. Call 921-6643. 7-Piece Cherry Bedroom set. Brand-new in box. Retail $2250, sacrifice $450. Call 888-1464 Cherry Sleigh Bed Solid wood. Brand new w/ matress set. Retail $1199. Sacrifice $299. Call 888-1464.
Queen Tempurpedic style visco memory foam mattress. Brand new in plastic. Must sell. $225. 921-6643
King size pillow top mattress set brand new in bag. Must sell, $199. Can Deliver. 921-6643.
Leather Sofa plus Loveseat. Brand new in crate with lifetime warranty. List $2450. Sacrifice $650. 888-1464. Brand New Microfiber Couch & loveseat. Stain Resistant. Lifetime warranty. Still in boxes. Retail $1395. Must sell! $425. 888-1464. 9 Piece King Sleigh Bed Set. All wood- dovetail drawers. List $2950. Sacrifice $799. 888-1464 Bed-Queen Pillow Top mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, warranty. Must sell $139. Can deliver. 921-6643.
Accounting/Finance Intern For fall 2010 and Spring 2011. Prefer sophomore or junior standing potential to be hired after internship. For more information e-mail jobs@arbiteronline.com. Graphic Design Intern For fall 2010. Add to your portfolio, work in a fun environment and gain valuable experience. For more information e-mail jobs@arbiteronline.com.
Journalist Duties of a journalist include covering news events, meetings, writing features, analysis and producing multimedia segments. We are looking for reporters who can and will work a variety of subjects and understand the value of community journalism. Photography, audio, video, skills and comfort with WordPress and social media such as Twitter and Facebook are a plus. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline. com. Students can also send a resume but it’s not required. Online Coordinator The Online Coordinator for the BSSMG will work with the Online Editor in managing a team charged with producing content and maximizing the potential of arbiteronline.com and universitypulse. com. They provide a key strategic role in website, multi-media and social media initiatives for the two websites. The Online Coordinator will help update and organize the sites daily with articles, multi-media, audio interviews and other content.
To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline. com. Students can also send a resume but it’s not required. Photojournalist The position is responsible for capturing and editing images for Arbiter Media, produce Soundslides (photo slide shows with audio) and collaborate with fellow journalists on creating media on a variety of platforms, including in print. We will train you and give you the tools, support and encouragement you need to succeed. We are looking for students who can and will work a variety of subjects and understand the value of community journalism. Audio, video, skills and comfort with WordPress and social media such as Twitter and Facebook are a plus. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline.com. Students can also send a resume but it’s not required.
Attention Students!! Summer Work $15 Base/Appt. Positions in entry level sales customer service. Flexible schedules, PT & FT available. No exper. nec., trainining provided. Conditions apply. 17+. Call (208) 344-3700
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The Future BY NANCY BLACK AND STEPHANIE CLEMENT Tribune Media Services Today’s birthday (5/6/10)
Your creative potential comes into focus this year, leading to productivity that covers every last detail. You sense inner processes that had remained hidden from consciousness until now. Develop them now and remember them forever. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is a 6 - Imaginative ideas pop up in the most unexpected places. An older person dwells on details while a younger person applies information and action.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Today is a 7 - Now’s the time to dream up a creative menu. You may need to hunt for ingredients. Do the cooking yourself for best results.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Today is a 6 - People bring all sorts of ideas to the table. You must decide which one to pursue first, then gather the materials you need.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Today is a 5 - You have everything you need to accomplish your goals today. Your unique ideas can easily be shared with the right people. Get moving when you hear “yes.”
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today is a 7 - Without revealing your strategy, get down to details in your assessment of a creative project. Dollars and sense play a big part in determining how to move forward.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today is a 6 - Weigh your urge for independence against your partner’s needs. Creative use of time lets you take care of both.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 - Co-workers address bottom-line issues early. Everything can be worked out with creative ideas. Give everyone time to contribute before final decisions are made.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 9 - An old-fashioned idea grabs hold, and you run with it. Maybe you’ve found an antique, or an old poem that conveys your heartfelt message.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is a 9 - Although you feel the urge to take independent action, you’ll get better results by following the lead of an older associate. You’ll get your shot later.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a 6 -- Every idea that surfaces has potential. You can’t do it all at once, so let a senior person choose. Save the other possibilities for later.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today is an 8 - Ideas focus on small details that can produce perfect results. Each word is a gem that carries more than one meaning. Review both concept and delivery. Today is a 5 - Cast your ideas into
the wind. Associates catch them and weave them into a tapestry of words and images. You love the results.
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Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
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May 05, 2010
The Blood Type Diet Takes the myth out of one-size-fits-all Nikki Houston Journalist
Diet is a word that is all too familiar, yet all too difficult to actually keep up with. Instead of the typical "count your calories, watch your carbs, no sweets and small portions," there is a new diet based on blood type. The Blood Type Diet (BTD) is one of the fastest growing diets, specifically targeted to suit what is best for an individual. Since no one person is the same, what works for one person isn’t necessarily going to work for another. "Eat Right 4 Your Type," written by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo and Catherine Whitney, was first published in 1996. Since then, millions of copies have been sold, and many lives have been changed. By being on this diet, not only is one getting on the right track to losing weight, but also introducing a way toward a healthier lifestyle. “I was diagnosed as a child with asthma, and suffered from allergies all my life. The turning point that led me into the diet was chronic acid reflux and severe digestive problems, loss of energy, and low-grade depression,” said health science major and pre-medical (naturopathy) junior, Eric Morrison. “I am type O,
Visit arbiteronline.com to read about Arbiter journalist Jalene Peterson's experience with the blood type diet.
illustration by eli meuler
and one of the first things the book says about O's is that they don't do well eating wheat products. I knew this doctor was onto something, because breads and cereals gave me the worst digestive pain. I began the diet the next day, and instantly began to feel better. No more mucous when I woke up in the morning, no more headaches. It was Earth-shattering for me.” With the diet being considered more of a "fad diet" than anything else, it hasn't been taken too seriously by society. As we become more aware of our health, with its ins and outs all the while, possible cheat sheets abound
Type A Diet: Suggested foods: Tuna, Yogurt, Popcorn, Soy Bread, Broccoli and Turnips. Benefits: Type A's flourish on a vegetarian diet -- if you are accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate such toxic foods from your diet.
detailing how to get healthy fast. Some food tends to bring on more of an illness for people, such as E. Coli and salmonella, others are quickly realizing a change in eating habits as the healthiest way to go. “I think dieting in general is ridiculous,” said Amber McGinnis, an elementary education major. “(...) with all the health problems I have had over the past few years, I am learning that you need to be health wise, all the time.” The diet and lifestyle is not just for one set of demographics, people everywhere are attempting BTD. “The diet demographic seems to be mostly females from 30- to
Type B Diet:
50-years-old, but surprisingly younger and younger people (including an increase of males) are beginning to pay attention to their health," Morrison said. On the flip side, the BTD is not for everyone. As with any change in lifestyle, one often struggles to maintain discipline. "I believe in sticking to a good balance of all foods and exercise everyday,” McGinnis said. “Like staying away from processed foods and eating organic when at all possible. I know some people can't afford organic, so you have to be really aware of what you're buying.”
Type O Diet:
Suggested foods: Tuna, Whole Milk, Yogurt, Broccoli and Zucchini. Benefits: For Type B's, the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. Each of these foods affect the efficiency of your metabolic process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention and hypoglycemia -- a severe drop in blood sugar after eating a meal. When you eliminate these foods and begin eating a diet that is right for your type, your blood sugar levels should remain normal after meals.
Suggested foods: Beef, Almond Butter, Rice (Puffed), Broccoli and Tomato Juice. Benefits: A diet rich in saltwater fish and kelp helps to regulate the thyroid gland. Bladder Wrack is also an excellent nutrient for Type O’s. This herb, which is actually a seaweed, is very effective as an aid to weight control for Type O’s. Additional info: Type O’s tend to have low levels of thyroid hormone and often exhibit insufficient levels of iodine, a chemical element whose sole purpose is thyroid hormone regulation. This causes many side effects such as weight gain, fluid retention and fatigue.
The Congregation
Boise's self-proclaimed 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Following along with one’s blood type and what one’s body actually needs is beneficial in the long run, according to D'Adamo’s book. “With the Blood Type Diet, although 'cheating' isn't going to be detrimental, there is no calorie or fat-counting and you really lose interest in those former unhealthy pleasures. Believe it or not, your body will stop craving junk food if you stop feeding it junk food,” Morrison said. For more information on Eric Morrison’s story, please visit his website at battleforhealth.com and for more information on the Blood Type Diet, visit dadamo.com
Type AB Diet: Suggested foods: Tuna, String Cheese, Yogurt, Broccoli and Blackberries. Additional info: Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid. All the information pertaining to these diets was found on dadamo.com/program.html.
Make your voice heard!
Ends May 8
Jennifer Spencer Culture Editor
Hey there, Broncophiles. You have opinions and we want to hear them. With the semester (thankfully) coming to an end, it's time to vocalize your thoughts on 2010. Are you goo goo for Gaga? Are you bonkers for Bieber? Where is the best place to eat on campus? Which professor rocks your world (in the academic sense, of course)? Submit votes and musings on the categories below to culture@stumedia.boisestate.edu for the possibility of publication in the last issue of the semester May 10. Send e-mails by Saturday. What made your Spring 2010? E-mail culture@stumedia.boisestate.edu courtesy congregation
Matt Dalley Journalist
The sluggish rise of the Boise hip-hop community hasn't stopped local collaborative rap act, The Congregation, from recording an album and touring around the state. "Surprisingly, out in the rural community, (when) we go to Weezer or McCall, (and do) shows, we get lots of love, lots of turnout, lots of local people," said Trinity Davis, band member and music business major. "I mean, people with cowboy hats (are) saying like, 'You guys are tearing it up right now.'" Davis applies knowledge gained in the classroom to The Congregation’s music. "The music theory BSU offers is excellent. It always ups my music standard to the next level,” Davis said. The group also consists of wordsmiths, June Bug, Sticky Mel D, Red
Bone, J Boi and E-Sip. "We all just come together as different genres and different back-styles and just kinda mesh and try to be different from everybody else," Mike Ricer, also known as June Bug, said. “The Congregation is basically our family. It’s a way we can express ourselves together and have fun and do what we want to do.” Around the state, members of The Congregation have played with the likes of E-40, The Game, Young Buck, Baby Boy, Warren G, Pit Bull, Andre Nickatina and others. "(With) hip-hop lovers, everybody knows Wu-Tang Clan. We're the Boise Wu-Tang,” Ricer said. "I would say (the album has) more of an industry club feel. It’s pretty diverse.” "Shadowville Heist" -- The Congregation's latest album -- will be available June 18. The band is currently taking pre-sales via their MySpace page, myspace.com/smokedoutkid.
Visit arbiteronline.com to hear an audio interview with the Congregation.
Categories: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best
Album Song TV Show Movie Place to Eat on Campus Professor Place to Study on Campus Music Venue Campus Event Place to "Frolf" On Campus Place to Eat at 2 a.m. Residence Hall Pizza Coffee Place to go if your under 21 Place to buy used (or recycled) clothes Place to Hang Meal under $10 Beer place to take a date illustrations by eli meuler
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 05, 2010
De-mystifying lingo: What in the world does 'sustainable' mean? "Free range," a now common term, applies to fortunate chickens that are given access to the outdoors.
Margaret Reimer Journalist
At this point, most of us have heard the words "sustainable," "organic," "natural" and "free range" in reference to the foods we eat. But what do these words mean, and why should we care? Let’s start with the skeptical terms. The term “natural” when applied to food is little more than an advertising slogan. "Natural foods" are often thought to be foods that are minimally processed and
do not contain antibiotics, hormones, food colors or artificial sweeteners. However, the reality is that neither the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nor the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have rules for “natural foods.” In fact, the FDA discourages the food industry from using the term. “Free range” is a label used frequently. It only applies to poultry and simply indicates that poultry has been given access to the outdoors. The USDA regulation that allows companies to label their chicken as “free range” does not specify the duration of time, quality or size of the outside range. So what equates to environmentally friendly, healthy foods and happy animals? You want to look for sustainable foods and-or 100 percent organic foods. Organic foods will come with a seal from the USDA.
In order to be considered 100 percent organic, the food must be free of most synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, food additives, hormones and irradiation. To be certified as organic, the farmland used must also be free of synthetic chemicals for three or more years. Another highly regarded food system is “sustainable agriculture.” Sustainable foods are grown in the most comprehensively environmental, ethical and socially responsible way possible. The Sustainable Food Laboratory of Vermont defines the concept as “(…) a sustainable food system (…) in which resources (natural as well as human) are used at their rate of recovery.” “The key concern of the sustainable foods movement is to encourage the development of sustainability throughout our food system, focusing on not only agriculture but social concerns as well. In this way, our world as a whole is benefited,” Brian Marshall senior English major said. Local businesses are already participating in the
sustainable food movement. Boise State alumnus Casey O’Leary graduated with a degree in horticulture and has since started Earthly Delights Farm in northwest Boise. “We are a green business. We use almost no petroleum, deliver our food by bicycle and do everything by hand,” O’Leary said. As a member of Earthly Delights Farm, you pay up front for a season of produce and they in turn supply you with 18 weeks of fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs. “It is community supported agriculture,” O’Leary said. Another local business that supports the sustainable foods movement is the Boise Fry Company. “I’d wager we use 75 percent (sustainable foods),” Blake Lingle, owner of Boise Fry Company said. The owners of Boise Fry Company have developed relationships with local farmers they trust for everything from
their purple fries to their buffalo burgers. “We want to be a more responsible restaurant. Since as a restaurant we rely on ingredients grown in and nurtured by the Earth, we want to ensure we're using products that don't hurt the Earth,"
Lingle said. To find out where to shop and eat organic and sustainable foods visit eatwellguide. org or to sign up for Earthly Delights go to earthlydelightsfarm.com. To check out Boise Fry Company’s menu visit boisefrycompany.com
'Elm Street' becomes a nightmare to watch
Jackie Earle Haley stars as Freddy Krueger in "A Nightmare on Elm Street." Tony Rogers Journalist
The most recent reboot of the year didn’t live up to its original, though it certainly had its moments. “Nightmare on Elm Street”, the first wide-release film by Sam Bayer, garnered a lavish $15 million on its first day of release, and ended with a $32 million first weekend, according to the IMDb. The remake of the '80s classic tells of a group of teens haunted by the same menacingly burned man sporting a Christmas sweater and knifed glove. When one by one they start to die in their sleep, the remaining few must band together to get rid of him once and for all.
The reimagining of some of the key scenes that so held the audience on the edge of their seats in the '80s was superb, with Bayer including many of the scenes that made the original nightmare so memorable to fans. From the molding ceiling, to the dragging body bag, fans of the original won’t be disappointed with the inclusions. However, it felt like Bayer let many of the other things that made the original great, such as the character development, the depth, and the twists, fall by the wayside. Nancy, played by Rooney Mara (“Youth in Revolt”), focused way too much on the oddball clique, which in turn took away a lot of the power her character ended
mct campus
up having in the original. Also, Quentin, played by Kyle Gallner (”Jennifer’s Body”, ”A Haunting in Connecticut”), looked like he was going to either break out in tears or puke in every scene. Acting aside, the fast pace of the movie deprived the audience of developing a relationship with the characters. During the hour and a half wonder, as soon as you are introduced to a character, they are either taken out of the movie, or are killed, making it more of a blood bath than a plot. Final Verdict: Prepare for the horror that is “Nightmare” and stay at home and wait for the DVD.
Final Rating: 5/10
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