The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933
Volume 22
First Issue
F R E E May 10, 2010
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photos 2 &7, mitch esplin/the arbiter; photos 3 & 6 Glenn landberg/the arbiter; photos 4 & 5 nik bjurstrom
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 10, 2010
The Swede Life
Boise State coaches earn significantly different salaries Rebecca De Leon Journalist
ports fans are talking about BSU coaches' salaries, but not many of them know what the actual numbers are. Recently, the State Board of Education unanimously approved a new five-year, $8 million contract for head football coach Chris Petersen. Under the contract, Petersen will make $1.28 million this year and an additional $200,000 if he is still head coach of the Broncos in February of next year. Under his old contract, Petersen would have made $1.30 million this year and an additional $250,000 if he still holds his position in February 2011. Leon Rice replaced Greg Graham for the Boise State men’s basketball team in March of this year. His five-year contract is set for $400,000 a year. Graham was on a three-year contract with BSU, but was fired before the contract ended. BSU must still pay Graham for the remaining year, which totals
$365,200. Although the numbers look high, the university's football and men's basketball teams earn more revenue than other sports. Together, they pulled in just under $7.7 million, whereas all other sports amounted to a total of $51,850 for the 2010 fiscal year. Even with basketball added to the others, football still far outpaces all other sports. And when it comes to coaches pay, Petersen makes $51,381 more than all others combined. “I think that's a fair compensation,” said Joaquin Lemus, a freshman with an undeclared major. “It's fair what the head coaches for football and basketball get paid. Especially since they have been getting so much national attention in the past three to four years, hitting primetime and going to the BCS bowl games. It's time-consuming to be a head coach because they constantly need to be doing research and recruiting.” Saul Solis, a senior majoring in computer information systems, has a different view.
“Without knowing what the exact salaries are, I think all coaches should get the same percentage their sports bring in; assuming same rank like head coach versus assistant coach and so on from sport to sport. Any additional pay after that percentage I think is fair because of the success of that sport or program,” he said. Petersen and Graham make a small percent of their respective sports profit. Petersen made roughly 18 percent of the revenue from Bronco football in the last fiscal year; Graham made approximately 58 percent. All other head coaches made more money than their sport produced. For example, the budgeted revenue for both men's and women's soccer teams was $4,000. The women's soccer team head coach, Steve Lucas, earned a salary of $49,920. Petersen also will receive a $10,500 bonus for winning the Bear Bryant award last season as the nation's top football coach. Petersen is the only coach to win the prestigious award twice.
Benjamin Mack News Editor
arbiter file photo
The Man in the Blue Hat, head football coach Chris Petersen, is due to make $1.28 million this year, more than the head coaches of all other sports at Boise State combined.
More than 1,100 to walk at commencement May 15 Benjamin Mack News Editor
Approximately 1,881 students will receive 1,974 degrees and certificates at the Spring 2010 Commencement to take place Saturday, May 15 at 10 a.m. in Taco Bell Arena. Of the graduates, 1,150 are expected to walk. The traditional-style ceremony will include a processional and recessional of graduates as well as individual recognition of each person and hooding of the doctoral graduates.
Wide screens will be set up so family members can see the graduates “up close and personal” when their names are called and they receive their handshake and diploma cover from the Dean or Associate Dean of the college. Boise State will also broadcast the ceremony live on the Web for those individuals who cannot attend in person. A reception for graduates and their families will be held immediately following the ceremony on the Intramural Field adjacent to the Taco Bell Arena and the Appleton
You May Be Eligible
Tennis Center. The event is free, and graduates are welcome to invite as many friends and family as they wish. Taco Bell Arena’s seating capacity is approximately 12,380. At the ceremony, an honorary doctorate will be awarded to Velma V. Morrison, a long-time Boise arts patron and philanthropist and close partner with the university in developing and supporting the Velma V. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts. One of the most prominent women in Idaho, Morrison’s extensive accomplishments include her work with the Harry W. Morrison Foundation, the namesake of her late husband, and the distribution of millions of dollars to various foundations and institutions throughout the state. The student speaker will be Brad Smith, who will earn a bachelor’s degree in
psychology with highest honors. As an undergraduate student, Smith is listed as an author or co-author of three peer-reviewed academic publications and has presented the results of his research at three national conferences or invited symposia. A former U.S. Marine and veteran of the Iraq War, he has focused much of his scholarship and research on the experiences of veterans. Also, Stacy Corrie will receive Boise State’s first doctoral degree in geosciences, a program approved by the Idaho State Board of Education in 2006. Parking for commencement is free. Due to limited handicapped parking, those who cannot walk to the arena can be dropped off at entrances 1 and 2, where volunteers will be able to assist them while their families find parking. In addition to the May 15 ceremony, Boise State's deans and faculty will recognize recipients of bachelor’s and master’s degrees from BSU’s Extended Studies Program in Twin Falls at 5 p.m., Tuesday, May 11 at the College of Southern Idaho Herrett Center Rick Allen Room. A reception to congratulate the graduates will follow the ceremony. For more information on the event, contact Shari Stroud at (208) 7362161 or sstroud@boisestate.edu.
Aug. 23, 2010. No, it’s not the end of the world. It is the beginning. It’s the day I leave the country for the very first time, leaving behind everything I have known for the past two decades in pursuit of who knows what. My destination will be Sweden, the land of ABBA, ice, IKEA, and blondes. I will be studying for a year at Linnaeus University in Växjö, a small town (pop. 58,000) that makes even Boise look big. And the prospect of enduring a Swedish winter has me feeling numb already. My trip is largely being made possible by University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC), a non-profit comprised of 33 U.S. universities and which Boise State serves on the Board of Directors. When I first thought of studying abroad, I immediately dismissed the idea as silly; my parents aren’t gazillionaires, and I’m not exactly loaded, either. But that thought, that flicker of inspiration, kept gnawing at me. I decided to speak with BSU’s International Programs Coordinator, Corrine Henke, was astounded to discover that studying abroad is actually affordable (seriously, USAC is hands-down the cheapest study abroad provider out there), and the rest is now history. Let the early stages of hypothermia begin! So why exactly am I doing this, you ask? Going to a place where I barely speak the language, and where golf is actually considered legitimate exercise? Two words: self discovery. Perhaps I will learn something in Sweden. Perhaps not. But the point is that I will be pursuing my dreams. After all, “life is an adventure.” Will it be tough? Sure. Will there be times I’ll wish I could close my eyes and find myself back home? Absolutely. But there will also be times when I’ll wish that time could stand still, and there will be times where I’ll forget where I am and assume that I’m in Heaven. While I’m abroad, I will be writing regularly for The Arbiter, filling you in as I experience the intricacies of Swedish culture. And if I do a good job, I’ll have you shivering along with me. Benjamin Mack is a 20-year-old journalism major from Portland, Ore. studying in Växjö, Sweden. You can follow his adventures online at arbiteronline.com.
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The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 10, 2010
Trials and triumphs at The Arbiter
Shannon Morgan Editor-in-Chief
ear students and Boise State community, Before I began my college career at BSU five years ago, I never seriously considered that one day I would get paid to do what I love. That I would wipe the steam off the bathroom mirror in the morning, and think, “I’m going to work today. Hell, yeah!” I never imagined I’d be recruited for my dream job because of a blog I wrote on MySpace about politics, sex, religion, divorce, motherhood and music. For two years, I’ve had a job that’s encouraged me to develop as an individual, an artist, a student, a friend and a citizen of the world. In my first month as editor-inchief, we learned that our editorial advisor and friend, Dr. Dan Morris had pancreatic cancer. A second devastating blow came when
we learned we were losing half of our funding. Then the economy crashed, ad revenue dropped by 25 percent, and we were told our building was being torn down to make room for a parking garage. Student radio lost its funding completely, and joined with The Arbiter to re-envision student media at Boise State. The foundations of the media industry were crumbling. Everything we knew was changing; there were no models for us to emulate. We were, and are, pioneers in a new media landscape. It was a terrifying time to become responsible for securing the future the Boise State Student Media Group, and its nearly 200 student workers, interns and volunteers. I was scared out of my mind — but also invigorated. I have been blessed with a job that has fully engaged all five senses and tested my intellectual limit — it has demanded all of me. And I’ve been happy to give it, not for the paycheck, but because I spend a majority of my time around people who motivate, inspire and humble me. Together, we serve a vibrant community that has unwaveringly supported us in our transition from newspaper and radio station, to interactive, online daily, multi-platform student run media group. I’ll always be grateful that through the most difficult times in my personal and professional
life, the BSU Publications Board, my advisors, the Vice President for Student Affairs and my staff helped me hold on to my vision and learn how strong I am. They have been there to grab me by the shoulders, look me straight in the eye, and say, “You can do this. We believe in you.” Imagine my joy at collaborating with these individuals to make the Boise State Media Group a reality. Of course, some things we tried failed (miserably), but on the whole, we are on track to becoming the kind of outlet a Metropolitan Research University of Distinction can be proud of. Being editor-in-chief of The Arbiter helped me find my passion. I thought I wanted to be a journalist, but I discovered my true purpose lies in being an advocate of media literacy in a post-industrial age. We have yet to realize the power we now share over shaping reality for the masses. Online interactive multi-platform media has changed the way we consume, create and disseminate information. New media platforms and tools are developed daily. More people have access to publish and participate in information architecture than ever before. Individuals are connected to massive interpersonal virtual networks. People (formerly known as “the audience”) have more freedom to influence the flow of in-
formation, and no longer have to be passive consumers. Many are now creators of content; governments, institutions, corporations and legacy media conglomerates are losing control of shaping our collective reality. Education about media literacy in the new knowledge-worker age is critical to train individuals to be empowered, better informed citizens in the expanding digital landscape and shrinking global society. I confess, I will miss being stopped in the Quad when someone yells, “Hey, Arbiter!” Or by a student in the SUB who read my column last year and asked, “What ever happened with you and 'Dungeons and Dragon Boy?'” But I am happy to leave an innovative Student Media Group financially stable and thriving, and I am excited to embark on a new adventure as an advocate of media literacy. Thank you, Boise State, for giving me the opportunity to serve as the editor-in-chief of student media. It has been a life changing-experience that will forever be a major part in the woman I am, and in the world I will help create.
weekly buzzkill
Hollywood Whitewashing Josh Gamble Columnist
Hollywood has a strange relationship with ethnicity. Typically they rely on minority groups for comic relief and selling Tyler Perry movies, but when it comes to casting main characters, attractive white men tend to be their goto choice. Even in movies, where the main characters are supposed to be part of another ethnic group, they’ll very intentionally cast white people. It seems that according to Hollywood, when it comes to ethnic groups other than Caucasian, a fake tan and a bad British accent does the trick. They did this most recently with the upcoming moving “The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.” Obviously, you’d expect the prince of Persia to be Persian. Instead they went with Jake Gyllenhaal. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jake, but he’s so, well, white. So to remedy this, Disney told him to grow some facial hair and left him under a UV lamp for an unhealthy number of hours. However, something wasn’t right. He wasn’t exotic enough. The solution? They taught him to speak in a British accent. This makes sense because Britain is such an exotic place, what with their large deserts, fantastical quests and abundance of camels. But hey, at least Disney tried. In some movies, Hollywood just ignores other ethnicities entirely. This happened a few years back with the movie “21.” It’s supposedly based on a true story, but apart from being much dramatized and having a moralized ending, they changed the race of the entire group. The movie is about a group of MIT students who make their fortunes counting cards and scamming casinos. In addition, the token Asian kid cracks jokes and the pretty white kids make out. I assume Kevin Spacey watched. One thing they left out from the “true story” was the fact that the entire card counting team was Asian. Oh yeah, and they got away with it. The worst offender, though, is M. Night Shyamalan’s adaptation of the fantasy cartoon “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” The original show was based around four groups: The Air Nomads, The Water Tribe, The Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation. These correspond heavily to Tibetan Monks, Inuit, Mainland China and Japan, respectively. However, the main protagonists are all white. They don’t even attempt to hide it. In fact, the casting call asked specifically for “Caucasian or other.” Originally, they had cast Jesse McCartney as the main villain, who is from the Japan-esque Fire Nation. However, due to massive fan backlash, they recast the entire Fire Nation, the bad guys, as Indian people. Well, except the one who’s a good guy; he’s white too. Some defend the practice of whitewashing by suggesting that Hollywood doesn't look at race and simply picks the best actors. However, in many cases race is accompanied by culture. So when Hollywood makes a movie based off of specific cultures — such as those from Persia or Inuit tribes — maybe we'll one day get to see some representatives from that culture in the movie.
All my best, Shannon Morgan Editor-in-Chief Boise State Student Media Group P.S. She’s all yours, Bob.
Student Voices: What was your favorite thing about freshman year? Aettie O’Rourke “I’d say my favorite thing was living in the dorms and meeting all the new people.”
Ben Swanson “The fact of going home after all my classes.”
Daniel Johnson “Probably the dorms, living in the dorms was really fun!”
John Smith “I really enjoyed getting the whole experience here at the school: explore new areas of the school and meet new people.”
Kelsey Montzka “Just meeting new people and getting to learn a lot about really different topics and just getting accustomed to campus and just exploring.”
Chris Melink “The move from high school to college is a big deal. A lot more things going on, a lot more people. Going to football games, away from home, that kind of thing. ”
Sabrina Sparks
Kelsey Howard
“Meeting a lot of new people and experiencing campus life.”
“Meeting new people and living in the dorms.”
Felyca Itza
Chelsea Hitchcock
“I think I liked living in the dorms the best. It was just a really good way to meet people and it gives you a really good, full college experience.”
“Definitely living in the dorms. That’s where I met the most people, got involved with things, went out—that was definitely the best part.”
Letter to the Editor: Porn affects families In her May 5 column in The Arbiter, Haley Robinson rightly says that humans are naturally inclined toward sex. I was surprised to see that she did not develop this thought about human nature more fully by including in her article a discussion of the effects of pornography on the family, which is a natural extension of our sexual nature. In her survey of the recent research on pornography, Ms. Rob-
inson does not mention a single one of the numerous studies that assert a correlation between an increase in the consumption of pornography and the decline of the family as an institution. For every piece of evidence she trots out in favor of pornography, there is at least one negative effect to follow on its heels. The number of cases of indecent exposure and rape is declining, but so is the rate of marriage; over the last 40 years,
the American public's tolerance of sex in the media has increased, but so has the divorce rate. In deciding whether a society that values pornography is to be praised or blamed, we must consider the effects that pornography has on all parts of society, including the family. Ms. Robinson's conclusion about pornography is not, I think, one that follows from a careful consideration of our sexual nature,
though she suggests it is. Her article does not take into account that society is not a simple agglomeration of individuals. The family is an intermediate, necessary, and above all natural social/political unit no less relevant to debates about pornography than issues like women's rights and sexual violence. Sam Kelley is a senior studying history and philosophy.
e ditorial S taff
b usiness
Editor-In-Chief Shannon Morgan
NEWS Editor
Ben Mack
Kirk Bell
Managing editor Bob Beers
Mitch Esplin
Trent Lootens
Patrick Trujillo David Gasch Chris Bodovinitz Sarah Murphy
Daniel Priddy Brenden Sherry Kayla Bartling Drew Vatchel
Media manager Glenn Landberg Photo Editor Nik Bjurstrom online editor Stephen Heleker multiMedia editor Joey McCoullough Editorial advisors Steve Lyon Dan Morris
Nate Green
Jennifer Spencer
Evan Bashir Josh Gamble Ashley Harshbarger Haley Robinson Allen Spurgeon Jessica Swider
Zach Ganschow
Journalists Tony Rogers Nikki Houston Margaret Reimer Matt Dalley
d esign
General Manager Brad Arendt
production manager Jeremy Oliver
business/ad manager Dwight Murphy
prod. coordinators Lindsey Ward Eli Meuler
Marketing Director Jennifer Orr
Lead Graphic Designer Brendan Healy
Bookkeeper Shae Hanah account executives James Orr Miranda Forcier Jennifer Orr Miguel Varela
graphic designers Bree Jones Audrey Swift illustrator Ryan Johnson
o nline t eam Assistant online editor Josh Gamble
Community Managers Iko Vannoy Brittney Johnson
t o c ontact t he a rbiter www.arbiteronline.com 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554
Guest opinions (500 word limit) and Letters to the Editor (300 word limit) can be e-mailed to managingeditor@arbiteronline.com
The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.
Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
Trent Lootens coaster year for BSU to its monumental 43-42 sets BSU up for the 2010 season with portunity to be playing on the biggest Going to a BCS game can literally too much to worry about with TCU. PoinProducerLast year’s 17-16 say the least. The Bronwin Oklahoma in teams onover its schedule including Vir- stage possible. Both teams are trying build a program, just ask BSU and The stakes are extremely high in this Bowl to Texas After settia an anxious 24 loss cos handled Oregon in 2007 giniathe Tech and Fiesta OregonBowl. State. to prove themselves at the national Utah. Being invited to two BCS games year’s Fiesta Bowl because the winner hour wait, the prayers their first game of the It’sIt’s likely theahead commiteasy to get of ourselves level. We’re going to play each other in four years can take a program to a of this game could potentially end the Christian stillseason lingers. of the Boise in route to a 19-8 of BSU’s here,tee buttook it’s notice hard not to when we’re now and prove ourselves that way,” level that was previously out of reach. year No. 2 in the final BCS standings. 4 State Bron- Lootens cos have finallyTrent been win and were supposed fan about supportaand decid- national BSU sophomore quarterback Kellen talking potential “I know we worked so hard for this With 20-of-22 starters coming back for answered. Boise StateProducer to be the overwhelming ed to pit them against championship run for the Broncos Moore said after he heard the news of opportunity and I know we deserved the Broncos next season, they simply received news Sunday favorite to bust the BCS, Horned Frogs. next the season if they can beat TCU this the Fiesta Bowl’s selection. it. I was just hoping we’d get in some can’t afford to slip up and have a poor Broncos,but this year’s that they For will the be playTCU put Fiesta together time a "Were excited for the around. People tend to forget that the Bowl how and I’m glad it worked out the outing against the Horned Frogs. Bowl isn’t just a chance to prove theming Texas Christian stronger body of work While opportunity," we sit here Boise and speculate Championship committee didn’t way it did,” senior cornerback Kyle “We know TCU fairly well, we know selves to the nation,and it’s passed an opportuniUniversity in the Fiesta BSU in the State sophomore quar-the minds have to invite BSU, and in a way BSU, Wilson said. about next season already, what a tough challenge it will be,” 10,on 2010 ARBITERONLINE.COM ty May toinbuild something that could be said Bowl bowl Glendale, standings. Critics terback Kellen Moore couldn’t is just lucky to be there at all. Sure, the of BSU’s players and coaches Wilson remains the only Bronco left Boise State head coach and Western greater thanThe any BSU player or coach Ariz., Jan. 4, 2010. TCU’s passing of BSU said. "We’re be any further awayexcited from next sea- BCS’s selection to match up Jennifer two non- Spencer who played in the FiestaWest, Bowleach Athletic Conference coach the year theclassic American is- thors through moreofthan one ever game will beimagined. a rematch in the BCS Standings biggest son. playing They’re on stillthe soaking in the glory automatic qualifiers was a sneaky way of 2007 when BSU beat 43- Writers Chris Petersen said. said. “We couldn’t Journalist sue of Oklahoma the “Western book,” Holmes A second Fiesta Bowl win over a of last year's Poinset- all but buried the Bronpossible stage." of being invited to college football’s to ensure that one of them would lose, 42 in overtime. Series” provides a 50-60 have matched founded up against bya page beenAhsahta, team someTCU think should been of playtia Bowl where cos’ chance getting grandest stage. but they both will still get paid the same BSU,any it’s too hard to look toward tougher Trusky opponent, but produces with tough "Do you guys For have introduction on authoritain 1974, a ing for the national twon 17-16. into championship the BCS. “We’re really excited about the op- its either way. in- late ‘Twilight’?" what could be intive 2010. It already has opponents lie range great opportunities out joked prove themselves schedule about next a student teams are trying individuals of Western wide of poetic styles. “We feel great. We got Everything neededLast year’s to the nation, cluding Virginia season during the English Departalready, to prove them-literature. Since 1972, 160 For instance, Rachel Loden’s what we wanted. We got to work out just right 17-16 Publications it’s an opportu- Tech and Oregon the ment mindsHoliday of selves at the na-titles have been published on “Dick of the Dead” contains a great opponent who for BSU to get invited to last Wednesday and nity to build on State. BSU’sSale players tional level. We’retopics ranging from novelist a both humorous and seriPoinsettia some feel should’ve the Fiesta Bowl bowl. something that It’s easy to get and Thursday. coaches going to playZane Grey, desert literature ous take on Richard Nixon. loss played in the national First USC needed Bowl to Holiday andother deco-nowand Laura Ingalls Wilder. could be greater ahead of our- couldn’t be anymusic each Grandmother of cover artist championship game," lose, then Oklahoma rations away adorned the prove secondour- Lynn Lockhart, business Jeff Clark provided the auto Texas than any BSU selves here, but further and Boise State head coach State and finally Nehallway of the Liberal player or coach it’s hard not to from floor next season. selves that way,”manager for the “Western thentic “Dick” signature on Christian Chris Petersen said af- braska on a last second Arts wheresophomore tables Writers Series” and English the cover. ever imagined. when we’re talk- They’re stillBuilding soak- BSU ter the announcement field goal in the Big still 12 lingers. Boisequarterback State publi-Kel-Department account managA second Fi- ing about a po- ing indisplayed the glory of Edited by associate proSunday night. Championship game. Press, “cold-saider, founded the event partly fessor of English, Mitch Weiesta Bowl win tential national beingcations invitedAhsahta to len Moore Trent The Broncos comThis is the first time drill,” “The Idaho over a team some c ha mp i o n s h i p college football’s after Review” he heardto promote awareness of the land, “The Idaho Review” is pleted their second in the history of the Lootens and stage. the “Western Writers think should run for the Bron- grandest the news of thedepartment’s activities. an annual literary journal straight undefeated BCS two non-automat- Producer Series.”really Fiesta Bowl’s se- “I just thought this would founded in 1998. Compiled been playing cos next season “We’re regular season Saturday ic qualifying schools 1970 by the be a really good PR effort,” from submissions by the unifor the national if they can beat excitedFounded about in lection. against New Mexico received invitations toFor the Bron- c ha mp i o n s h i p TCU this time the late Tom Trusky, People "cold-drill"tendshe said. opportunity versity and community, the cos, this year’s State. Despite the win, one of college football’s a graduate-run literary sets BSU up for around. to beisplaying on to forget that the First documented by the issue covers generally feature Fiesta Bowl isn’t there was still just an most prestigious bowl magazine published by the Lewis and Clark expedition, imagery from the West. the 2010 season While we sit the biggest stage Bowl Championjust a chance to outside chance to get games. MastersBoth of Fineship Arts committee (MFA) Ahsahta is a Mandan word with teams on here and specu- possible. Along with the sale of puba spot in the BCS until “We know TCU fairDepartment. According to Ja- for “Rocky Mountain bighorn lications, the Boise State LinTexas beat Nebraska in ly well. We couldn’t cob Powers, a third year MFA sheep.” The sheep’s image guistics Association hosted the Big 12 Champion- have been matched up student in fiction, “cold-drill” adorns every edition of the a bake sale offering muffins, ship game. against a tougher oppublishes a combination of Ahsahta Press, which pub- brownie bites and other Texas Christian ponent. They do a trefiction, poetry and creative lishes single author books goodies such as soup, coco 7 automat- mendous job and are gained the 1 nonfiction from local and of poetry.8 and granola bars. The English ic bid for being the a very good team," Penational authors. Normally Poet and director of Majors’ Association table, highest ranked non- tersen said. $5-$10, at the sale, students Ahsahta Press, Janet Holmes, selling tickets to its annual automatic qualifying A big concern for the could purchase editions for has taught in the MFA proWinter Banquet, featured team, which left the BCS selection commit$2. The publication gram since 1999. homa The MFA playing for the national champi- grandest stage. that oneisofcurthem would lose, but 43-42 inmagnetic overtime.poetry. According Broncos in the pool Lastofyear’s 17-16 tee was fan travel. BSU program stu- it’stotoo onship sets BSU up for the 2010 “We’re really excited rently about on thehiatus theybut bothPowers will still get paid theallows same graduate For BSU, hard to look Lockhart, the toevent proteams hopingPoinsettia for an hasBowl built loss a strong folhopes makeeither enough dents enrolled in publishing season with teams onBSU its schedule opportunity to be playing on to the way.mon-to match ward what could be ainsense 2010.ofItcommunity alnational championship sets up of being invited to college football’s BCS’s selection up two nonsaid. moted at-large lowing over the last few Last selection. year’s 17-16 Poiney through the Going sale oftoovercourses to participate in pubincluding Virginia Tech and Orbiggest stage possible. Both teams a BCS game can literready has too much to worry about forfrom the 2010 season with teams on its grandest stage. automatic qualifiers was a sneaky way Wilson among remainsthe the English only Bronco left to Texas Christian still DepartThis has been roller years stock and T-shirts to provide lishing each edition. Often egon State.Virginia Tech and are trying proveabout themselves ally build a program, just ask BSU TCU. Thement. stakes are extremely settia Bowl aloss to Texasstemmingschedule including “We’re really to excited the op-at to ensure that one of them would lose,withwho played in the“We classic Fiesta Bowl of hope (students) enough to money the Being final authors become published lingers. It’s easy to get ahead of ourselves the national level. on We’re andfor Utah. two BCS in this year’s Bowl be- 43-42 Oregon State. portunity to be playing the going biggest but they both willinvited still getto paid the samehigh 2007 when BSUFiesta Oklahoma have a beat better understanding Christian still lingers. issue.prove games in four yearsby Ahsahta 2-3 times. butahead it’s hard not to when eachBoth other nowareand can take a procause the winner of this game Trent Lootens It’s easyhere, to get of ourselves stageplay possible. teams trying to either way. in overtime. of what the English Departon literature ofthat was “Wepreviously try support ourFor au-BSU, it’send Trent Lootens talking a potential that way,” BSUFocusing sophogram to atolevel could potentially year No. toward Producer here, but we’re it’s hard notabout to when we’re naproveourselves themselves at the national level. Going a BCS game cantoliterally too the hard to look Producer tional achampionship run for the Kellen Moore out ofa reach. the final BCS talking about potential national We’remore going quarterback to play each other now and build program, just ask BSU and Utah.2 inwhat could be standings. in 2010. ItWith already has nexttheseason if next they can For the Broncos, this year’s Fi- Broncos after hethat heard theBSU news of the Being “I know wetoworked hard in forfour20-of-22 starters coming back forTCU. The championship run for Broncos provesaid ourselves way,” sophoinvited two BCSsogames too much to worry about with For the Broncos, this isn’t year’sjust Fiesta this time esta Bowl a chance to if beat Bowl’s selection. this opportunity and I to know wethatthe stakes Broncos next season,high they in simseason they TCU can beat TCUaround. this time moreFiesta quarterback Kellen Moore said years can take a program a level are extremely this year’s Bowl isn’t justprove a chance to prove themWhile we sit here and specuto forget the was themselves to the nation, deserved it. I was hoping we’d ply can’t slip upthe andwinner have of this around. after hePeople heard tend the news of thethat Fiesta previously out just of reach. Fiestaafford Bowl to because selves to the nation, an opportunity late sit about already, it’s anit’sopportunity to buildWhile on we Bowl Championship committee get in some andsoI’m glad outing against the Horned herenext andseason speculate Bowl’s selection. “I know we how worked hard foritthisa poor game could potentially end the year to build on something theseason mindsalready, of BSU’s somethingthat thatcould couldbebe greater didn’t have invitethat BSU,the and in a opportunity worked out and the way it did,” about next the players minds andPeople tend totoforget Bowl I know we senior deservedFrogs. No. 2 in the final BCS standings. With championship setsbeBSU of being invited to college selection toWilson match up two non- “We said.know TCU fairly well, we greater any orplayer coachor national coachesand couldn’t any up further way BSU, is just luckydidn’t tofootball’s be have there BCS’s thanBSU anyplayer BSU coach Lastthan year’s 17-16 Poinof BSU’s players coaches couldn’t Championship committee it.cornerback I was justKyle hoping we’dsaid. get in some 20-of-22 starters coming back for the for the 2010 season with teams on its grandest stage. automatic qualifiers was a sneaky way Wilson the only Bronco left ever imagined.ever imagined. away from next season. They’re at all.BSU, Sure,and the in BCS’s selection to how Wilson remains the only out Bronco know what next aremains tough challenge it can’t be any further away from next seato invite a way BSU, is and I’m glad it worked the way Broncos season, they simply settia Bowl loss to schedule including Virginia Tech and “We’re really excited about thequalop- to ensure that one of them would lose,willwho played in the classic Fiesta Bowl of A second Fiesta winTexas over a Bowl team win still soaking in the glory of bematch up two non-automatic A Bowl second Fiesta over left who played in the classic Fiesta be,” Boise State head coach son. They’re still soaking in the glory just lucky to be there at all. Sure, the it did,” senior cornerback Kyle Wilson afford to slip up and have a poor outing portunity be aplaying thetobiggest they still get beat paid Oklathe sameand2007 whenAthletic BSU beat Oklahoma 43-42 some think should been playing for should the Oregon ing invited to college football’s a team some think been State. ifiersto was sneakyon way ensure but Bowl of both 2007 will when BSU Western Conference Christian still lingers. It’s easy to get ahead of ourselves stage possible. Both teams are trying to either way. in overtime. Trent Lootens here, but it’s hard not to when we’re prove themselves at the national level. Going to a BCS game can literally For BSU, it’s too hard to look toward Producer talking about a potential national We’re going to play each other now and build a program, just ask BSU and Utah. what could be in 2010. It already has championship prove ourselves that way,” BSU sopho- Being invited to two BCS games in four too muchjosh to worry about with TCU. The rasmussen/THE ARBITER josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER run for the Broncos next For the Broncos, this year’s Fiesta season if they can beat TCU this time more quarterback Kellen Moore said years can take a program to a level that stakes are extremely high in this year’s Bowl isn’t just a chance to prove them- around. after he heard the news of the Fiesta was previously out of reach. Bowl because the winner of this 9 for this Fiesta selves to the 6 nation, it’s an opportunity While we sit here and speculate Bowl’s selection. “I know we worked soIthard game could potentially end the year championship run for the Broncos next just lucky to be there at all. Sure, the what could be in 2010. already has to Last build year’s on something thatPoincould be about next season already, the minds 17-16 People tend totoforget the Bowl opportunity and I about knowwith we deserved if they can beat TCU this time BCS’s selection matchthat up two non- too much to worry TCU. The No. 2 in the final BCS standings. With greater than any BSU player or coach season of BSU’s players and coaches couldn’t Championship committee didn’t have it. I was just hoping we’d in get in year’s someenough 20-of-22 money starters coming back for the of poetry. Jennifer Spensettia Bowl loss to Texas around. automatic qualifiers was a sneaky way stakes are extremely high this ever imagined. beWhile any further away from next sea- to invite BSU, andofin a way BSU, is Fiesta through thenextsale how and I’mbecause glad it worked out the way Broncos season,Poet they simply can’t and cer we sit here and speculate to ensure that one them would lose, Bowl the winner of this A second Fiesta win over a team son. They’re still soaking in the glory just lucky to be there at all. Sure, the it did,” senior cornerback Christian stillBowl lingers. of overstock and Kyle Wilson afford to slip up and have a poor outing director of Journalist some think shouldLootens been playing for the about next season already, the minds but they both will still get paid the same game could potentially end the yearT-shirts to provide Ahsahta Press, JaTrent of BSU’s players and coaches couldn’t either way. No. 2 in the final BCS standings. With Producer "Do you guys enough money for net Holmes, has be any further away next seaGoing to a BCS canon literally 20-of-22 coming backhave for the BSU up for thefrom 2010 season with opportunity to begame playing the either way.starters ward what could be in taught 2010. Itinal-the MFA josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER any ‘Twilight’?" a the final issue. Last year’s 17-16 Poin-son. sets They’re soaking including in the glory a program, just ask BSU Utah. Broncos season, they simply can’t teams onstill its schedule Vir- build biggest stage possible. Bothand teams Going tonext a BCS game can literready has tooonmuch to worry about For the Broncos, this year’s Fiesta of being student joked durFocusing literprogram since 1999. invited toOregon collegeState. football’s Being invited to twothemselves BCS gamesat inthe four ally afford to slip up and have aask poor outing settia Bowl loss to Texas ginia Tech and are trying to prove build a program, just BSU with TCU. The stakes are extremely Bowl isn’t just a chance to prove them- grandest stage. 2 ing the English Deature of the AmeriThe MFA program can take a program to a level that and against Horned Frogs. It’s easy to get ahead of ourselves years national level. We’re going to play Utah.the Being invited to two BCS high this each year’sis-Fiesta Bowl be-graduate selves toChristian the nation, it’s an opportunity partment Holiday can in West, allows still lingers. “We’re really excited about the opwas previously out of reach. “We know TCU fairly well, we know here, but it’s hard not to when we’re each other now and prove ourselves games in four years can take a procause of this students game could to build on something that could be portunity Publications Sale be,” sue ofthe thewinner “Western enrolled in to about be playing on the biggest “I know weBSU worked so hard for this gram whattoaa tough challenge it will Trent Lootens talking a potential national that way,” sophomore quarlevel that was previously potentially end the year No. 2 in the courses greater than any BSUProducer player or coach stage possible. Both teams are trying to opportunity and I know we deserved Boise State head last coach Wednesday and Writers Series” propublishing and Western championship run for the Broncos terback Kellen Moore said after he out of reach. final standings. ever imagined. Thursday. videsBCS a 50-60 page With to 20-of-22 participate in provenext themselves at they the national level. it.heard I wasthe justnews hoping we’d get in some Athletic Conference coach of the season if can beat TCU of the Fiesta Bowl’s “I know we worked so hard for year starters coming back for the Bron- each A second Fiesta Bowl win over a team Holiday music introduction on publishing For the Broncos, this year’s FiWe’rethis going to play each other now and how and I’m glad it worked out the way Chris Petersen said. “We couldn’t have time around. selection. this opportunity and and I know we de- cos next season,indithey simply some think the to decorations authoritative edition.can’t Often auestashould Bowl been isn’t playing just a for chance prove ourselves senior cornerback been matched up against tougher While wethat sit way,” hereBSU andsophospecu- it did,” People tend to forgetKyle thatWilson the served it. I was just hoping athe we’d get opafford to of slipWestern up and have poor pubnationalprove championship sets BSU up adorned secviduals thorsabecome themselves to the nation, morelate quarterback Kellen Moore said said. ponent, but with tough opponents lie about next season already, Bowl Championship committee in some how andond I’m glad it worked outing against the Horned Frogs. for the 2010 season with teams its on floor hallway Since lished by Ahsahta it’s an opportunity to on build after the he heard the Fiesta Wilsonhave remains the only great out there for us.” literature. mindsthe of news BSU’sofplayers and didn’t to invite BSU,Bronco and in left a out theopportunities way it did,” senior corner“We know TCU fairly schedule including Virginia Tech and of the Liberal Arts 1972, 160 titles have 2-3well, times.we something that could be greater Bowl’s selection. who played in the classic Fiesta Bowl of coaches couldn’t be any further way BSU, is just lucky to be there back Kyle WilsonBuilding said. a tough willto supOregon than State. any BSU player or coach People where know been what published onchallenge “Weittry tend to next forgetseason. that theThey’re Bowl 2007 when BSU beat Oklahoma 43-42 away from at all. Sure, the BCS’s selection to Wilson remains the only Bronco be,” Boise State head coach and It’s easy get ahead of ourselves Championship committee didn’t have in overtime. tables displayed topics ranging from port our authors evertoimagined. still soaking in the glory of be- match up two non-automatic quali- left who played in the classic Fiesta Western Conference coach here, but Ait’ssecond hard not to Bowl when win we’re Boise State publicanovelist Athletic Zane Grey, through more than Fiesta over to a invite BSU, and in a way BSU, is For BSU, it’s too hard to look toward ing to invited BSU beat Oklaofdesert the year Chris Petersen said. “We Holmes any ‘Twilight’?" a potential student national stock and T-shirts provideto college of poetry.football’s fiers was a sneaky way to ensure Bowl of 2007 when talking about a tions Ahsahta Press, literature one book,” team some think should been play- grandest stage. that one haveIngalls been matched up joked during the English enough money for the final Poet and director of of them would lose, but homa 43-42 in overtime. “cold-drill,” “The couldn’t and Laura said. ing for the national championship Series” provides a 50-60 founded by Jennifer Spencer “We’re really excited both will still get paid the same For BSU, it’s too hard to look to- page against aAhsahta, tougher opponent, but Department Holiday Publiissue. Ahsahtaabout Press,the Janet they Holmes, Idaho Review” and Wilder. Ahsahta, Journalist introduction on authoritaTrusky in 1974, produces afounded fiction, poetry and creative Writers Series” and English cations Sale last Wednesday Focusing on literature of has taught in the MFA proJennifer Spencer courtesy/usa bobsled team the “Western WritLynn Lockhart, by Trusky josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER nated the WAC, winning corum and a history of outKIM KING tive individuals of Western wide range of poetic styles.in 1974, nonfiction from since local 1999. and The Department account manand Thursday. the American West, eacheight is- titles, gram MFA ers Series.” business manager produces a wide JOURNALIST Journalist seven of the last rageous discrimination "Do you guys have any ‘Twi- literature. Since 1972, 160 For instance, Rachel Loden’s national authors. Normally ager,stufounded the event partly Holiday music and deco- sue of the “Western program allows graduate Founded in 1970 for the “Western range of poetic including theWriters 2005 shared have produced unexpectnikdurbjurstrom/THE ARBITER 3 light’?" a student joked titles have been published on 10 “Dick of the Dead” contains "Do you guys have any ‘Twi$5-$10, at the sale, students to promote awareness of the rations adorned the second Series” provides a 50-60 page dents enrolled in publishing by the late Tom Writers Series” styles. For instance, Western Athletic Confer- title with Nevada. ed consequences,” Johning the English Department topics ranging from novelist a both humorous and seridur- authoritacould purchase editions for department’s activities. floor hallway thelight’?" Liberala student introduction courses to participate in pubTrusky, "cold-drill" and English De- Rachel ence of Commissioner Karl joked Afteron an undefeated finish son said. “I didn’t mean to Holiday Publications Sale last Zane Grey, desert literature ous take on Richard Nixon.Loden’s 4 ing the English Department $2. The publication is cur“I just thought this would Arts Building where tables tive individuals ofthey Western each edition. is a graduate-run partment account “Dick of the Dead” Benson praised the recently last season, were leftlishing out alienate or give Often officials the Wednesday and Thursday. and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Grandmother of cover artist Holiday Sale last rently160 on hiatus butbecome Powers published be a really good PR effort,” displayed Boise State publi-Publications literature. Since authors literary magazine manager, founded contains a both proposed ASBSU resoluof the large1972, and well paying wrong impression.” Holiday music and decoLynn Lockhart, business Jeff Clark provided the auWednesday and Thursday. hopeson to make enough2-3 monshe said. cations tion Ahsahta Press, “coldtitles have by Ahsahta times. published by the the event partly to humorous and seriduring the Boise State BCSbeen bowlpublished games and instead, He said his intentions were rations adorned the second manager for the “Western thentic “Dick” signature on Holiday music and decoey through the sale of overFirst documented by the drill,” “The Idaho Review” topics ranging from novelist “We try to support our auMasters of Fine Arts promote awareness ous take on Richard football game against New played TCU in the smaller to motivate change and give floor hallway of the Liberal Writers Series” and English the cover. rations the second stock and T-shirts to provide Lewis and Clark expedition, and the “Western Writersadorned Zane Grey, desertBowl. literature thors through more than (MFA) Department. of the department’s Nixon. GrandmothMexico Saturday. Poinsettia them something toone consider. Arts Building where tables Department account manEdited by associate profesfloor hallway of the Liberal enough money for the final Ahsahta is a Mandan word Series.” The resolution addresses and Laura“AIngalls Wilder. book,” to Jacob activities. er of cover artist Jeff BCS bowl game makes a Holmes “The said. impression is given displayed Boise State publi- ager,According founded the event partly sor of English, Mitch WeiArts Building where tables issue. for “Rocky Mountain bighorn Founded in 1970 by the Lynn Lockhart, business Ahsahta, founded by Powers, a third year “I just thought provided the the Bowl Championship Se- huge impact on the economy that undue preference is givcations Ahsahta Press, “cold- to promote awareness of the land, “The IdahoClark Review” is displayed publiFocusing Trusky on literature of sheep.”a The sheep’s image late Tom Trusky, "cold-drill" manager the in “Western in to 1974, MFA student in ficthis would be a reauthentic “Dick” ries selection process Boise and State andfor results a higher qualen the produces affluent, wealthy, drill,”of“The activities. an annual literary journal cations Ahsahta Press, “coldAmerican West, each isevery edition the Idaho Review” and department’s is a graduate-run literary Writers Series” and the English wide range poeticadorns styles.college tion, “cold-drill” ally good PR effort,” signature on the its history of overlooking ity education,” Johnson said. and ofestablished the “Western Writers Series.” “I just thought this would founded in 1998. Compiled drill,” “The Idaho Review”account and sue of the For “Western Writers Ahsahta Press, which pubmagazine published by the Department managLoden’s a com- she said. cover. smaller institutions in favor “Last year we gained less thaninstance, footballRachel programs,” he said. Founded in 1970 by the be apublishes really good PR effort,” from submissions by the uni“Western Writers Series.” Series” provides a 50-60 page lishes single author books Mastersofofthose Finemore Artsthe (MFA) er, founded the event partly “Dick of the Dead” contains bination of fiction, First documented Edited by associestablished. a million when a bigger bowl “Boise State is still new to this late Tom Trusky, "cold-drill" she said. versity and community, the 1970 byawareness the introduction on authoritaof poetry. Department. According to Ja- timetoinpromote of the much a both humorous and seripoetry and creative by the Lewis and ate professor of EngBenson calledFounded it both could have generated while other teams have been is a graduate-run literary First documented by the covers generally feature lateMFA Tom Trusky, "cold-drill" tive individuals of Western Poet and director of cob Powers, a third year department’s activities. on Richard Nixon. nonfiction from lo- Clark issue expedition, ly and appropriate. lish, Mitch Weiland, more for the university.” ous take around for decades.” magazine published by the Lewis and Clark expedition, imagery West. is a graduate-run literary literature. Since 1972, 160 Ahsahta Press, Janet Holmes, student in“It fiction, “cold-drill” “I just thought this would Grandmother of cover artist cal and national Ahsahta is a from Man-the “The sends a strong mesIdaho Review” According to ESPN, if the Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) Ahsahta is a Mandan word Along with the sale pubmagazine published by the titles have been published on has taught in the MFA propublishes a combination of be a really good PR effort,” Jeff Clark provided the auauthors. Normally dan word for “Rocky is anof annual sage,” he said. “This is about Broncos are selected by the literDepartment. According to Jafor “Rocky Mountain bighorn lications, the Boise State LinMasters of Fine Arts (MFA) topics ranging from novelist gram since 1999. The MFA fiction, winning poetry and creative she said. thentic “Dick” signature on $5-$10, at the sale, Mountain bighorn the game - not expe- BCS to play in a bowl game, ary journal founded cob Powers, The sheep’s image guistics Association hosted Department. According to Ja- Zanethe Grey,the desert literature program allows graduate stu- a third year MFA sheep.” nonfiction from local First itdocumented students could sheep.” The sheep’s in 1998. Compiled rience, strength ofand schedule, will mean aby$4.5 millioncover. student in fiction, “cold-drill” adorns every edition of the cob Powers, a third year MFA saleevoffering muffins, and Laura Ingalls Wilder. dents enrolled in publishing nationalorauthors. Normally Lewis and Clark expedition, Edited by associate profespurchase editions imagea bake adorns quality of opponents. Any- payout. A total of $228 milfrom submissions publishes a combination of Ahsahta Press, which pubstudent in fiction, “cold-drill” brownie bites and other goodLynn Lockhart, business courses to participate in pub$5-$10, one at the sale, students Ahsahta is a Mandan word sor of English, Mitch Weifor $2. The publiery edition of the who remains undefeated lion was paid to colleges by the university fiction, poetry and creative lishes single author books ies such as soup, aforcombination of manager for the“The “Western lishingis each edition. Often coco and could purchase “Rocky bighorn land, Idaho Review” cation is currently Ahsahta Press, and two yearseditions in publishes a rowfor deserves andMountain universities last year. community, the nonfiction from local and of poetry. granola bars. The English Ma$2. The apublication is cursheep.” The sheep’s image an annual literary journal tions for $2. The publication is publishes on hiatus but Powsheep’s image adorns every ediwhich Jennifer Spencer chance.” Bensonisagrees money is a sheep’s image adorns every edi- national publication currently on hiaissue covers generJennifer Spencer authors. Normally Zach Ganschow/THE ARBITER Poet and director of rently on The hiatus but Powers adorns every edition of the jors’ Association table, selling founded in 1998. Compiled Journalist currently on hiatus but Powers ers hopes to make tion of the Ahsahta Press, which single author books resolution was written motivating Journalist tus but Powers factor. hopes to make tion of the Ahsahta Press, which $5-$10, at the sale, students Ahsahta Press, Janet Holmes, ally feature imagery hopes tobymake mon- Ahsahta Press, pubticketspublishes to its annual from submissions by theauthor uni- books to make enough money single Winter author books Sen.enough Chase Johnson and iswhich a market enough“This money through thedriven publishes single could purchase editions for hashopes 5sale taught in the MFA pro- Banquet, featured magnetic ey"Do through the sale of overlishes single author books "Do you guys have any ‘Twithrough the sale of overstock of poetry. passed a overstock you guys unanimously have any ‘Twi-by of system,”and he T-shirts said. “But Boise of poetry. to pro$2. The publication is cur- gram since 1999. The MFA poetry. Poet According Locklight’?" a student joked dur- and T-shirts to provide enough and to director of senate vote Tuesday. light’?" student a student joked during State has already vide enough money for theproven final Poet and director of rently on hiatus but Powers program allows graduate stuhart, Ahsahta the eventPress, promoted aHolmes, ing the English Department money for the final issue. Janet “The purpose of this resoluthe English Department Holiday issue.themselves on the field. If Ahsahta Press, Janet Holmes, hopes to make enough mon- dents enrolled in publishing sensehas of taught community Holiday Publications Sale last Focusing on literature of the in theamong MFA program tion isSale to articulate the student Focusing Publications last Wednesgiven aonchance, will has taught in the MFA program ey literaturethey of the through the sale of over- courses to participate in pubthe English Department. “Weprogram Wednesday and Thursday. American West, each issue of since 1999. The MFA opinion on the day andgovernment’s Thursday. prove they can deliver American West, each issue of since 1999. The MFA program stock and T-shirts to provide lishing each edition. Often hope allows (students) have astudents betHoliday music and decora- the “Western Writers Series” graduate enBCSmusic bowl selection process,” Holiday and decoraways.”Since writing allows graduate students en- enough the both “Western WriterstheSeries” money for the final authors become published ter understanding of what tions adorned the second floor provides a 50-60 page introducrolled in publishing courses Johnsonthe said. “It was drafted tions adorned second floor and asubsequent passing of rolled in publishing courses to issue. provides 50-60 page introducby Ahsahta 2-3 times. hallway of the Liberal Arts tion on authoritative individuthe English Department is to participate in publishing come defense hallwaytoof theto the Liberal Artsof our theauthoritative resolution, individuals Johnson has participate in publishing each tion on Focusing on literature of “We try to support our auBuilding where tables displayed als of Western literature. Since about,” Lockhart said. each edition. Often authors beour univerBuildingfellow wherestudents, tables displayed received criticism the edition. Often authors become the of Western literature. Sincefor 1972, American West, each is- thors through more than one Boise State publications Ahsah- 1972, 160 titles have been pub- come published by Ahsahta 2-3 sity,publications the athletic department, Boise State Ahsah- 160 titles stronghave wording. fear it published by Ahsahta 2-3 times. sue been Some published of the “Western Writers book,” Holmes said. ta Press, “cold-drill,” “The Idaho lished on topics ranging from times. the Boise ta Press,and “cold-drill,” “TheState Idahofootmay have a negative on topics ranging from impact noveliston “We try to support our authors Review” and the “Western Writ- novelist Zane Grey, desert liter“We try to support our auin the face of Review”ball andprogram the “Western Writofficials. ZaneBCS Grey, desert literature and through more than one book,” ers Series.” ature and Laura Ingalls Wilder. thors through more than one potential injustice.” ers Series.” “Phrases like a severe Laura Ingalls Wilder. Holmes said. Founded in 1970 by the late Lynn Lockhart, business book,” Holmes said. The havelate domi- Lynn Founded in Broncos 1970 by the breach in professional de- Ahsahta, founded by Trusky Lockhart, business manTom Trusky, "cold-drill" is a manager for the “Western WritAhsahta, founded by Trusky Tom Trusky, "cold-drill" is a ager for the “Western Writers in 1974, produces a wide range graduate-run literary magazine ers Series” and English Depart- in 1974, produces a wide range graduate-run literary magazine Series” and English Department of poetic styles. For instance, Rapublished by the Masters of ment account manager, found- of poetic styles. For instance, published by the Masters of Fine account manager, founded the chel Loden’s “Dick of the Dead” Fine Arts (MFA) Department. ed the event partly to promote Rachel Loden’s “Dick of the Arts (MFA) Department. Ac- event partly to promote aware- contains a both humorous and According to Jacob Powers, a awareness of the department’s Dead” contains a both humorcording to Jacob Powers, a third ness of the department’s activi- serious take on Richard Nixon. third year MFA student in fic- activities. ous and serious take on Richard year MFA student in fiction, ties. Grandmother of cover artist Jeff tion, “cold-drill” publishes a “I just thought this would be a Nixon. Grandmother of cover “cold-drill” publishes a combi“I just thought this would be a Clark provided the authentic COurtesy/brain cripe glenn landberg/THE ARBITER glenn landberg/THE ARBITER combination of fiction, poetry really good PR effort,” she said. artist Jeff Clark provided the aunation of fiction, poetry and cre- really good PR effort,” she said. “Dick” signature on the cover. and creative nonfiction from First documented by the Lewthentic “Dick” signature on the The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com ative nonfiction from local and First documented by the LewEdited by associate professor local and national authors. is and Clark expedition, Ahsah- cover. national authors. Normally $5- is and Clark expedition, Ahsahta of English, Mitch Weiland, “The Normally $5-$10, at the sale, ta is a Mandan word for “Rocky Edited by associate professor $10, at the sale, students could is a Mandan word for “Rocky Idaho Review” is an annual litstudents could purchase edi- Mountain bighorn sheep.” The of English, Mitch Weiland, “The purchase editions for $2. The Mountain bighorn sheep.” The erary journal founded in 1998.
Fiesta A Y E ABowl R I N R EBound VIEW
BSU prepares for rematch against Horned Frogs; This time for BCS bragging rights
5 B
May 10, 2010
1 The Broncos made history, once again, as an underdog on one of the largest stages in college football. In the first ever meeting of two non-automatic qualifying schools in BCS history, TCU and Boise State squared off in Glendale, Ariz. as two of the best offensive attacks in the country. But it was the defensive units who would set the tone started by an interception by the Broncos’ Brandon Thompson in the opening minutes for a touchdown and sealed with an interception by Winston Venable with 18 seconds left on the clock in the fourth quarter. The 17-10 victory over the Horned Frogs started the buzz of a possible national title run in the 2010-11 season.
2 The Broncos continued their climb toward the top tier of NCAA wrestling by sending seven athletes to the 2010 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships in Omaha, Neb. Juniors Kirk Smith and Adam Hall earned All-American stripes with top finishes in the country. Smith lost in the championship match (184 pounds) while Hall picked himself up in the consolation match to take home a third-place finish. Smith was named the Pacific-10 wrestler of the year by both d1collegewrestling.net and by the Pac-10 coaches.
3 Junior Hannah Redmon continued to make strides as BSU’s most talented gymnast by landing spots at the national meet in both the floor exercise and the vault. Redmon posted the nation’s top mark of 9.975 on the vault during Regionals weekend to set a new personal and school record in the event. Redmon went on to finish tied at No. 21 on the floor and No. 27 on the vault at the national meet in Gainesville, Fla.
Senior Pichittra Thongdach and junior Lauren Megale were invited as a pair to the NCAA Individual Championship tournament in Athens, Ga., May 26-31. The duo an overall record of 29-10 (7-1 WAC) during their 2010 outdoor season.
Women set for national spotlight Kirk Bell
Sports Editor
4 The Kyle Wilson era at Boise State was officially brought to an end with his No. 29 selection in the 2010 NFL Draft to the New York Jets, just a few miles away from where he played high school football in Piscataway, N.J. The selection made Wilson the second first-round pick by an NFL team just two years after offensive lineman Ryan Clady went to the Denver Broncos picked No. 12 overall in the 2008 draft. Wilson left BSU as one of the nation’s best shutdown cornerbacks in college football.
5 After just four seasons as a program at Boise State the swim and dive team climbed into the Western Athletic Conference driver’s seat with their first ever conference title. The Broncos dominated the competition with a score of 587, beating the second place San Jose Spartans by 93 points.
6 The women’s tennis team reached their first WAC title with a victory over conference rival Fresno State in Fresno, Calif. in dramatic fashion. Senior Bianca Jochimsen rallied back after dropping her first set and struggling to shut out the third. She eventually regained momentum to seal their victory and to set a new precedence in BSU women’s tennis. The Broncos finished with an unblemished in-conference record (11-0) through the WAC tournament.
7 The Broncos finished their sixth straight winning season with a WAC championship on their home field with a 1-0 victory over the Nevada Wolf Pack. BSU allowed just one goal scored against through the WAC tournament on their way to their first conference championship. The Broncos return 17 of 20 women including their top three point scorers and are primed for a run at a second consecutive title.
8 As one of the most anticipated games in college football, Oregon traveled to Bronco Stadium only to be sent back home having never beaten the BSU losing 19-8. From junior Billy Winn’s safety on the Duck’s LeGarrette Blount to no Oregon first downs in the first half to Blount’s overshadowing punch on Byron Hout, the showdown stands as one of the greatest games played on the blue.
After setting a new benchmark for the women's tennis program, the Boise State Broncos hope to continue their success. The No. 47 Broncos earned their first ever Western Athletic Conference title against rival Fresno State in Fresno, Calif. The victory earned BSU an automatic spot in the sea of 64 teams that is the NCAA Team Championship tournament where they're set to face No. 21 Iowa in South Bend, Ind. on May 15. The Broncos' road to their first conference championship went unblemished in the WAC, going 11-0 (including post season) inconference and earning top accolades in the process. "It has been a great season but we are not done yet," junior Lauren Megale said. "We look to play some great tennis down at Notre Dame and capitalize on our strengths of working well as a team." Senior Pichittra Thongdach was named WAC Player of the Year following a 30-13 overall record and a 5-7 record against nationally ranked opponents. Thongdach was also invited as one of 45 at-large selections for the NCAA Individual Cham-
pionships held in Athens, Ga. held May 26-31. Thongdach and Megale earned a bid as a pair to compete at the individual championship tournament in doubles play also in Athens. The two become only the second pair to move on to play for an individual title for the women's tennis team. "Pichittra and I are looking forward to the big dance down in Athens," Megale said. "The best of college tennis is waiting there and we can't wait to step foot on Georgia courts and go for it." Megale and Thong-
dach posted a 20-6 overall doubles record this season and earned first team All-WAC honors for their dominant play. Also recognized for his leadership, Broncos' head coach Mark Tichenor was name WAC Coach of the Year. Tichenor is in his 11th season as the skipper of women's tennis. He positioned the Broncos to a 162-76 (37-5 WAC) overall individual record and an 84-32 (21-2 WAC) record in doubles overall. If BSU wins against Iowa, the will play either No. 5 Notre Dame or IPFW. Wayne).
9 Former BSU sprinter Nick Cunningham made his international mark by becoming a member of the U.S. Olympic Bobsled team. Cunningham is a former captain for the BSU track and field team and has been asked to pilot his own sled entering the 2010 bobsled season. He went on to become an international athlete after a lifelong dream of becoming an Olympian just two years after graduating from BSU.
10 After a subpar season by the BSU men’s basketball team, the university decided to part ways with former head coach Greg Graham and get a top NCAA assistant coach from Gonzaga University in Leon Rice. Rice spent 11 seasons at Gonzaga under the highly acclaimed Mark Few and is known for his ability as a talented recruiter. Rice has been promoting the men’s basketball program tirelessly with hopes of bringing the Broncos to the top of the WAC.
for outside sales positions in: BAKERSFIELD, CA – LANCASTER, CA – VISALIA, CA – FRESNO, CA – SANTA CLARITA, CA.
CONTACT TEAM LEADER SHAUN GRIGG 208-227-4433 SHAUN_GRIGG@HOTMAIL.COM The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
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May 10, 2010
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
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the Online Editor and Online Coordinator to ensure website traffic optimization. This position is also focused on the development of freelance, contributed and otherwise usergenerated content and engaging and interacting with our audience online. The community manager is responsible to teach journalists how to bridge the gap between print and online audiences
and spring 2011. prefer sophomore or junior standing potential to be hired after internship. For more information e-mail jobs@ arbiteronline.com. COMMUNITY MANAGER
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For fall 2010. Add to your portfolio, work in a fun environment and gain valuable experience. For more information e-mail jobs@ arbiteronline.com. JOURNALIST duties of a journalist include covering news events, meetings, writing features, analysis and producing multi-media segments. we are looking for reporters who can and will work a variety of subjects and understand the value of community journalism. photography, audio, video, skills and comfort with wordpress and social media such as Twitter and Facebook are a plus. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing
your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline.com. students can also send a resume but it’s not required. ONLINE COORDINATOR The Online Coordinator for the BssMG will work with the Online Editor in managing a team charged with producing content and maximizing the potential of arbiteronline.com and universitypulse.com. They provide a key strategic role in website, multi-media and social media initiatives for the two websites. The Online Coordinator will help update and organize the sites daily with articles, multi-media, audio interviews and other content. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline. com. students can also send a resume but it’s not required. PHOTOJOURNALIST The position is responsible for capturing and editing images for Arbiter Media, produce soundslides (photo slide shows with audio) and collaborate with fellow journalists on creating media on a variety of platforms,
including in print. we will train you and give you the tools, support and encouragement you need to succeed. we are looking for students who can and will work a variety of subjects and understand the value of community journalism. Audio, video, skills and comfort with wordpress and social media such as Twitter and Facebook are a plus. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline.com. students can also send a resume but it’s not required.
ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Summer Work $15 Base/Appt. Positions in entry level sales/customer service. Flexible schedules, PT & FT available. No exper. nec., trainining provided. Conditions apply. 17+. Call (208) 344-3700 STUDENTPAYOUTS. COM paid survey Takers Needed In Boise. 100% FREE To join! Click On surveys.
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The Future BY NANCY BLACK AND STEPHANIE CLEMENT Tribune Media Services Today’s birthday (5/10/10).
Your inner wisdom will provide insights that you can test in practical ways. Your sense of where to make changes may move deeper into your subconscious, yet your efforts achieve practical, measurable results. Tune up the volume on intuition. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is a 7 -- Although today may feel stressful, energy will flow creatively if you remember to breathe. Results aren’t immediately apparent but are worth waiting for.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)Today is a 6 -- Every instruction you give seems like criticism. Actually, you’re excited by the possibilities but want to make detailed refinements. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 6 -- Ungrounded ideas have been floating around at work. As you draw them in, you see how they fit together. Take stock and share them with co-workers. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 5 -- On one hand, you want to be the leader and the life of the party. On the other, you’d be just as happy going your own way. You get to choose. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 7 -- You’re tempted to play those slot machines today. Not a good idea. Instead, wax enthusiastic at work. Take creative risks rather than financial ones.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 5 -- You hear things straight from the horse’s mouth. You also can gather information from dreams or meditation -- less direct, but equally revealing. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today
is a 5 -- The balance tilts in favor of careful spending. Everyone wants to get more stuff, but do you really need it all?
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 6 -- If you could charge money for all the love going around right now, you’d be wealthy. You understand the needs of others, and they respond in kind.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 -- The work you do today contributes greatly to a career goal. It seemed like something was missing, but now you’ve got it, and you make it yours.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 6 -- You’re aware that you’re ready to advance to the next stage. There are still nagging details to be resolved in order for you to move forward.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7 -- An investment in home and family today is worth the effort. An older person suggests a gift that satisfies practical needs and also provides pleasure. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 6 -- Count yourself among the fortunate. You find out early on what’s needed to please your boss. You have all day to figure out the logistics. ___ (c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc.
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 10, 2010
Monsters, talking toys make for exciting summer films Tony Rogers Journalist
Resident film critic and Arbiter journalist, Tony Rogers, counts down the most anticipated summer flicks.
Predators, July 9
V. Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead, "Live Free or Die Hard"). Little does he know that her seven ex-boyfriends are out to kill him.
Grown Ups, June 25
#8. The film focuses on a
A reboot of the original released in 1987, this film follows a group of elite soldiers and criminals who are hunted by an alien race. "Predators" is sure to satisfy with its updated innovations in movie technology and allstar cast, including Adrien Brody and Danny Trejo.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, August 13
#9. Based off the graphic
novel series by Bryan Lee O'Malley, this movie centers on Scott Pilgrim (Micheal Cera, "Youth in Revolt") and his new girlfriend Ramona
group of friends reuniting after 30 years. At their reunion, they introduce their families, and all hell breaks loose. The all star cast (Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, and Rob Schnieder to name a few), and the Sandler penned script makes this movie a contender for funniest of the summer.
Despicable Me, July 9
#7. Universal Pictures is still looking for its blockbuster animated movie and they may have found it. This story stars Gru (Steve Carell, "The Office"), an evil mastermind, who must look af-
ter three orphaned girls. But do they have what it takes to change his heart and stop him from stealing the moon?
Toy Story 3, June 18
#6. A sequel to the ever popular "Toy Story" series, this latest installment follows the toys as Andy goes off to college, and they are in turn donated to a local day care. Soon they realize the need to escape and get back to the person who needed them the most. The full cast, including Tom Hanks and Tim Allen as dynamic duo Woody and Buzz, returns. The A-Team, June 11
#5. "I pity the fool" who doesn't see this remake. Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper and Jessica Alba star in the story of a group of military elite fighters, framed for a crime, who
must clear their name. Based on the 1980s television action series, Neeson and Cooper give this film the bad-assery it needs to succeed. UFC champion Quinton Jackson stars as Sgt. B.A. "Bad Attitude" Baracus, a role that made the now World of Warcraft spokesman and gold chain pimping, Mr. T, a legend.
Knight and Day, June 25
#4. This film centers on a fugitive couple's "around the globe trek" to escape the authorities and discover whether they can even trust themselves. This Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz action comedy is a positive career choice for both, and it might be enough to boost the Scientology fanatic's career. Shrek Forever After, May 21
#3. Billed as the last in-
stallment in the blockbuster fairytale series, "Shrek Forever After" takes one last turn down fairytale lane with Shrek (Mike Myers) making a faulty deal with Rumpelstiltskin. After being sent to an alternate reality, Shrek must reunite his friends to stop Rumpelstiltskin from taking over Far Far Away forever. This flick seems to be the most energetic since the first and will undoubtedly end the series with a bang.
The Expendables, August 13
#2. This film gives "The ATeam's" bad-assery a run for its money. Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke portray a group of mercenaries sent to South America to overthrow a dictator. The cast appears to fit the roles perfectly and the action shots could be unparalleled to anything else released this year.
Inception, July 16
#1. Now for the movie that could define 2010. Director Christopher Nolan ("The Dark Knight") gives us "Inception," a psychological thriller like no other. The idea of inception, or infiltrating the mind through dream invasion to steal ideas, invades during the mind's most vulnerable state. Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is an expert at inception, but his expertise has cost him everything. In order to get his life back, he needs to do one last inception: instead of stealing an idea, he needs to plant one. The film screams blockbuster, and if "The Dark Knight" was any indication of the ability of Nolan as a director, then look forward to this movie shooting through the box office roof.
Semester in Review TOP 10 ALBUMS OF 2010 One of our resident music journalists, Stephen Foster, gives us his take on the best albums of Spring 2010: STEPHEN FOSTER
scope of sounds to chew on in "There Is Love In You."
One more week of grueling fervor and then it’s over! Summer is near, and it’s looking to be a fruitful three months for new music releases.
MGMT "Congratulations"
This summer we’ll be getting albums from Band of Horses, LCD Soundsystem, The Black Keys, Keller Williams, Beach Fossils, Jack Johnson, Grace Potter, and Miley Cyrus, to name a few. In the mean time, there’s plenty of great new tunes to keep you occupied. If you haven’t had the chance to keep up, that’s fine. We at the Arbiter have been keeping our eyes and ears open for the best new music so you don’t have to. Here’s a list of ten absolutely wonderfully fabulous albums from spring semester ’10. Four Tet "There Is Love In You"
“Death Rattles” are so beautiful it’d be a shame if you missed them.
mer bbq’s and keggers alike. Broken Bells –
the title track. Hearing Gruff Rhys and De La Soul trade verses on “Superfast Jellyfish” is reason alone to grab a copy.
Beach House – "Teen Dream"
The Besnard Lakes – "The Besnard Lakes Are The
Dr. Dog – "Shame Shame" Warning: This album does not contain club bangers! Where "Oracular Spectacular" featured finely layered production from Dave Fridmann, "Congratulations" is the album that MGMT wanted to make. Featuring psychedelic 60s pop and twelve minute long freak outs, this album’s a grower but with time, reveals its self to be one of the more fun releases of the year. Woods – "At Echo Lake"
What’s a band to do after releasing two great albums at the apex of their career? Release another great album of course! And Dr. Dog did just that. Right when most bands decide their creative peak is over and duck out of the critically acclaimed club, Dr. Dog put out one of their most rocking and interesting albums to date.
"Broken Bells" James Mercer is kind of a dick. He fired his band mates in The Shins then went along and made another Shins album with Danger Mouse. Except they call themselves Broken Bells and they sound a tad different from The Shins. Anyhow, it’s tough to hold a grudge after listening to this swooney, reverbous collection of California-inspired tunes.
Vampire Weekend – "Contra"
"Roaring Night" This assemblage of 90s inspired rock songs travels across a range of valleys and structures to reveal one of the more rougher, but sleekly produced albums of the semester. Full of spacious guitar jams (including no less than two, two-part epics) and three part vocal harmonies, this album’s a must have for any record collection. Yeasayer – "Odd Blood"
Gorillaz – "Plastic Beach"
Kieran Hebden returned from his residency as DJ in London’s Plastic People to release one of his most mindbending albums yet. Peppered with the usual heavy beats and fractal glitches, Four Tet provides a kaleido-
wards are there, and in many cases, buried deep.
Albums this thoughtful and well crafted are hard to come by these days. "At Echo Lake" is easily at the top of this album pile. Adopting a low-fi recording process and middle of the forest vibe, songs like “Time Fading Lines” and
The preppy quartet surprised us with their sophmore release, proving they aren’t just the flavor of the week. This mesh of surfrock guitar solos, frantic synth beats, chugging power chords, head-bobbing disco, and African polyrhythm’s makes a fun album for sum-
Plastic Beach has everything anyone would expect in a Gorillaz album. Laid back breezy tunes, club hits, quirky instrumentals, and catchy rap gems. The album has cameos from a number of stars including Lou Reed, Mos Def, Snopp Dogg, and the minireunion of The Clash’s Mick Jones and Paul Simonon on
Laced with delicate rhythms and subtle melodies, "Teen Dream" is Beach House’s most substantive and expansive album yet. From the opening chorus of “Zebra” to the closing sway of “Take Care,” each song exudes imagination and transports the listener to a gentler, more naïve time.
Visit arbiteronline. com to read The Arbiter's interview with Lisa Kelly of Celtic Woman. While you are there, listen to an audio interview with Sugarcult!
Yeasayer shamelessly combine the catchiest of pop with the most of avant-garde, and the result is at times incredible, at times questionable. If "Odd Blood" doesn’t register at first, stay persistent. The re-
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
May 10, 2010
Humanitarian and Harley-riding Dwight Murphy bids farewell to The Arbiter Jennifer Spencer Culture Editor
Dwight Murphy breaks records. During Murphy’s first year as account executive for The Arbiter, he won the Sales Rep-of-the-Year Award for 2005-2006 from the College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers (CNBAM). “I was working at the (Student Union Building) info desk and Hillary Roberts, office manager and bookkeeper at the time, thought I would be a good salesman for The Arbiter,” Murphy said. Murphy came to Boise State in 2004 to pursue a degree in business. “(I did this) so I could speak for the laborers who never seem to have a voice,” he said.
Dwight Murphy, known to some as ‘Man-Candy,’ will part with The Arbiter leaving behind a smoky legacy of exceptional service and burnt rubber. His first job on campus, building sets for Morrison Center productions, led to his job in the SUB. However, he unwillingly became the office troublemaker. “I had a straight forward mouth on me at that job (and I) got in trouble a lot, (people complained about me saying it like it was),” he said. Murphy’s humanitarianism first debuted at Boise State through his creation of the Armchair Football event. “This started as a way for the students who couldn’t afford to go to the games, to be able to come to a place in the SUB and watch the game,” he said. “(At) the first game we had about 15 people and handed out little goodies... I went around the community and rounded up other prizes;
from food certificates to haircuts. We even gave away an armchair at the end of one season.” When his wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2005, he left school to take care of her. He received the Account Executive position when he returned at the beginning of the fall semester. From there, he was promoted to advertising manager and then to business manager. During his tenure, he has been involved in numerous charities including his Race for the Cure team, “Flock of Boobs.” The team now boasts more than 60 members and have raised $2,461 for breast cancer research. Murphy’s charity does not stop there. “I have been involved in raising money for a family
at BSU whose son had cancer, plus, got him down on the field with the team for a game,” he said. He also raises money for military families who have lost loved ones in war conflicts and he has donated four times to Locks of Love -- an organization that provides hair to disadvantage children suffering from long term disease. Murphy’s time at The Arbiter has been filled with many ups and downs. “I have been through a battle with breast cancer with my wife, been in a major motorcycle wreck that had me in a wheel chair for a couple of months, seen umpteen babies born, marriages, engagements, breakups, etc,” he said. He now moves on to The Blue, the official BSU Athletics magazine. “They actually came after me, they saw my resume, contacted me for an interview, offered me the job,” he said. Murphy will still be around The Arbiter office to offer mentoring and advice to his successor, Matt Summers. Though he is moving on, he will always have a special place in his heart for student media. “So what do I enjoy most? The people and students who come and go through the doors,” he said. “My time here has been a great ride with a great lot of characters of whom I will never forget. They all helped in some way in my journey through that period in my life. Now it's time for me to move on; so now my saying to all is ‘Let's Ride.’”
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com