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October 2012
Volume 25
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Boise, Idaho
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Top Stories
Black Out
Boise State to unveil black uniforms for the first time in history.
Blue & Orange Tab
ASBSU aids students in the process of voting registration.
Town hall debate results in tensions running high
Wayne Hoseck Staff Writer
Love pumpkin? Look at our favorite fall flavors.
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On Tuesday night, President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts carried out their second presidential debate. This debate was “town hall” style, which means the questions were chosen by 82 uncommitted voters and asked to the presidential candidates by the voters themselves. A wide variety of topics were covered, from the sluggish economy to each candidate’s position on fuel. Unlike the last debate, Obama came out in full force, directly attacking Romney throughout the debate on his five-point plan and his fuel proposals. Romney, rather than defend himself, retorted with like-minded attacks, blaming Obama’s administration for the economic slump and the high unemployment rate. Boise State Political Science Professor Ross Burkhart, Ph.D. said, in an e-mail, “Governor Romney effectively critiqued the economic difficulties of the US over the past four years, implying that under a second Obama Administration there would be more of the same mediocre economic performance.” But, despite pointing out the flaws with Obama’s administration, many people are still arguing about who came out ahead once the debate was over. Kaitlyn Holstad, a freshman linguistics major, believes Obama took the lead, saying Romney handled the debate “poorly.” “I didn’t really like that he was kind of in Obama’s face. He stopped the debate to ask questions and he would get off topic so much,” Holstad said. There is no doubt at times debate moderator Candy Crowley had a hard time maintaining control with both candidates preferring to attack each other’s proposals in their answers rather
than explain their own. As Obama said, in relation to Romney’s tax proposal, “Governor Romney says he has a fivepoint plan. Governor Romney doesn’t have a five-point plan; he has a one-point plan. And that plan is to make sure that folks at the top play by a different set of rules.” Romney later negated this, saying “I am not going to have people at the high end pay less than they are paying now. The top five percent of taxpayers will continue to pay 60 percent of the income tax the nation collects, so that will stay the same.” When asked about the high unemployment rate in the country, Romney blamed the 7.8 percent unemployment rate on the policies Obama has instituted over the past four years, saying “We have fewer people working today than when the president took office. The unemployment rate was 7.8 percent when he took office. It’s 7.8 percent now, but if you calculated that unemployment rate taking back all the people who have dropped out of the work force, it would be 10.7 percent.” Obama retorted by saying the proposals Romney has are the same proposals that have gotten our job market into such a bad place over the last decade. The debate then turned to the energy crisis and the high cost of fuel. Obama offered no explanations for the cost, but went on to explain his interests were the economic future of the country, “That’s why we doubled fuel efficiency standards on cars. That means that in the middle of the next decade, any car you buy, you’re going to end up going twice as far on a gallon of gas. That’s why we’ve doubled clean energy production like wind and solar and bio-fuels.” While agreeing that renewable resources are very important, Romney also contended “what
we don’t need is to have the president keeping us from taking advantage of oil, coal and gas.” He said EPA policies and regulations have even harmed the country by making it almost impossible to mine for coal. Romney stressed the importance of thinking toward the future, but also on taking advantages of the resources America has now. Romney even went out in the open, blaming Obama for cutting oil drilling on federal lands, so Obama offered an explanation. “You had a whole bunch of oil companies who had leases on public lands that they weren’t using. So what we (the Obama administration) said was, you can’t just sit on this for 10, 20, 30 years, decide when you want to drill, when you want to produce, when it’s more profitable for you. These are public lands. So if you want to drill on public lands, you use it or you lose it,” Obama said. The next question was about the candidates’ focus on tax cuts and credits. Romney stated he wanted to “simplify the taxcode and to get middle-income taxpayers to have lower taxes.” He then went on to explain the reason he wanted to lower taxes specifically for the middleincome taxpayers was because, “middle-income taxpayers have been buried over the last four years.” He explained heavily that he in no way wants to lower the taxes for the top five percent income taxpayers in the country. Obama’s proposal was slightly different; he says the only tax increases will only come to people who make over $250,000 dollars a year, about two percent of the country. He then claimed he is ready to sign the bill, the only thing stopping it is “Governor Romney’s allies in Congress have held the (other) 98 percent hostage because they want tax breaks for the two percent.” When asked about the im-
migration system, Romney responded by explaining he welcomes legal immigrants to this country, but “there are four million people who are waiting in line to get here legally. Those who’ve come here illegally take their place. So I will not grant amnesty to those who’ve come here illegally.” “They both handled the debate well, I felt Romney showed a little more respect in some ways,” JJ Rasmussen, a freshman geoscience major said when asked about the candidate’s performance, “I just felt like, when Obama was talking, he was showing his points, but also in every sentence was blaming someone. It was never his fault until one time.” The “one time” was the heated question about who should take responsibility about not upping the defense at the Libyan embassy prior to terrorist attacks that resulted in the deaths of four American diplomats. Candy Crowley stated that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took full responsibility, but Obama came forward, taking the blame himself since “I’m the president, and I’m always responsible.” This didn’t hamper Obama in any way, in fact, it appeared to help him. Burkhart said, in his e-mail, “President Obama was able to craft a response to the recent tragic events in Libya that allowed him to look more presidential than did Governor Romney, who appeared to be confused.” Overall, it is still much “up in the air” as to who won the debate. The general consensus is that they should have spent more time answering questions about their own policies, rather than breaking down and attacking each other’s. The third and last presidential debate will be held Monday, Oct. 22, the topic under discussion being foreign policy.
What’s Inside News Briefs News Opinion Sports The Arbiter
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Illustration Dakota Wood/THE ARBITER
Page 2 Bike parking Talkin’ Broncos win on game day Portland tourney 2
October 18, 2012
Free, secure valet bicycle parking is being provided for the Bronco football game on Saturday, Oct. 20 from 10 a.m. until one hour after the game. Donations are appreciated for the valets efforts in securing bicycles near Christ Chapel on
Cesar Chavez Lane next to the greenbelt. Individuals are asked to hold onto their valet ticket in order to retrieve bicycles. Bikes that are not picked up will be available at the Transportation and Parking services on Monday.
Holocaust survivor shares stories of survival Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate Rose Beal will speak at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, in the Student Union Jordan Ballroom. Doors open at 4 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but donations will be accepted at the door to benefit the Rose Beal Legacy Garden at the Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial. Beal narrowly escaped execution in Germany as a Jew during the Holocaust. She grew up in Frankfurt, Germany, where the Nazis closed her school when she was in her early teens. She was one of 200 out of 17,000 Jews to survive a grueling deportation to Poland just
E ditor - in -C hief
before the outbreak of the war. Beal recounts how she survived harassment, raids and the infamous 1938 Krystallnacht, or “Night of Broken Glass,” and along with her mother and her younger brothers narrowly escaped death several times. The event is sponsored by Housing and Residence Life’s Living and Learning Communities (LLC), the Foundational Studies program and the Arts and Humanities Institute. In addition, LLC students will be on the Quad and other areas of campus promoting the event and selling roses to raise money for the Legacy Garden. Roses were donated by Boise at its Best florists.
The 2011-2012 PKD National Champions in speech and debate, the Boise State Talkin’ Broncos, continued their winning season with a nail-biting finish at the Steve Hunt Classic at
Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Ore., Oct. 12-14. The Talkin’ Broncos beat out 37 schools from nine states to take top awards in speech and debate to win the tournament championship.
The Talkin’ Broncos continue on to McMinnville, Ore., for the historic Mahaffey Tournament Nov. 9-11. The team is supported in part through the generosity of the Jeker Family Trust.
Workshop offered on avoiding plagiarism Students can avoid committing plagiarism by attending a workshop. “Writing and Citing: Helping Students Use Source Material and Avoid Plagiarism” will be offered on Friday, Oct. 19. The workshop will be held in the Center for Teaching and Learning
in the Interactive Learning Center, room 315 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Students can register at ctl.boisestate.edu/events/ workshops. The goal of the workshop is to help students use sources properly and teach them to avoid plagiarism in writing. Additionally the
workshop will address how assignments can be crafted in a way which can minimize the ability for a student to plagiarize as well as how “Safe Assign,” a Blackboard tool can be used to analyze written works for possible plagiarism to support student learning and class assignments.
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ter . . . . Trending on Twitter . . . . Tr These stories have been trending on Twitter: Read the headlines here to look smart, browse discussion points at arbiteronline.com to act smart, or be smart by following links to the full stories. Bailout CEOs: 7 gone, 2 left Google’s data mining raises questions of national security Tricksters Trying To Suppress Vote With Deceptive Phone Calls
Clubs & Orgs
Crossword FOR RELEASE OCTOBER 18, 2012
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
ACROSS 1 Browns’ org. 4 Twine material 9 Come-ons 14 SS supplement, for some 15 Golfer who was #1 when she retired in 2010 16 Missouri’s __ Mountains 17 TUMS target 18 Congregational divide 20 Modern address starter 22 Spirited mount 23 Do a hatchet job 24 “Inside the NBA” analyst Barkley, familiarly 28 Burning rubber sound 30 Decorous 34 Green hole 35 Wings it, musically 39 Heavenly bear 40 Fix-it guide 44 Like many eBay items 45 Tuscany city 46 Hum attachment? 47 Fable messages 50 Manually 52 Woolly garment 56 He voiced Elmer 59 Sweethearts maker 60 Leap in a tutu 63 Office purchase, and in a way, what can be seen in this puzzle’s sequence of circles 67 Fish lacking pelvic fins 68 Aptly named bug spray 69 New product div. 70 Holiday tuber 71 Surrogate 72 Out of port 73 “Strange Magic” rock gp. DOWN 1 Soon to happen 2 Its name usually has only two or three letters 3 Da Vinci masterpiece, with “The”
By Rich Mausser
4 Humanities maj. 5 Einstein’s “I” 6 Complaint about a library volume? 7 Primary artery 8 One working on a punch, perhaps 9 Dump truck adjunct 10 Israeli arms expert __ Gal 11 Diaper woe 12 Gardner who invented cases 13 Depict unfairly 19 Common menu option 21 À la mode serving 25 Sitarist Shankar 26 Woodwind instr. 27 Franklin’s genre 28 Rugby tussle 29 Mexican cheese 31 Magnum, for one 32 Krupp Works city 33 Did Ebert’s job 36 Roast hosts, for short 37 Part of PBK 38 Understand 41 First family member? 42 “Mad Money” channel
editor@ arbiteronline.com
M anaging E ditor
Tasha Adams
BY LINDA C. BLACK Tribune Media Services Today’s Birthday (10/18/12) Gain new power around money and values this year, as you realize that you don’t need as much as you thought. Focus on expanding skills, passions and talents by soaking up educational experience through travel, communication and the arts. Level up significantly this year. Celebrate!
Aries (Mar. 21-April 19)
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
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F eatures E ditor
Christina Marfice features@ arbiteronline.com
S ports E ditor
O pinion E ditor
Tabitha Bower arts@ arbiteronline.com
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Ro-
O nline E ditor
The Funnies
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Manage all that’s possible, and then some, with some help from innovations. There’s no time to complain, and it wouldn’t do you any good anyway. Adopt with grace.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Scratch out the things you can’t afford, or that you’re never going to complete. Romance is a definite possibility ... full speed ahead. Go for what you want most.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You get a head start, thanks
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You’re under pressure with
cus on work to tie up loose ends. Your energy may be scattered, so direct it toward priorities. Plan an outing.
A rts and E ntertainment E ditor
You’re entering a two-day domestic phase. Put a plan on paper to save time. You’re getting impatient to start. Don’t try it alone. A friend can put you in touch with the perfect partner.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Fo-
Zach Chastaine letters@ arbiteronline.com
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
to your focus and determination. Use your power for good. Give up something you don’t need and surge forward.
O nline S ports E ditor
Nikki Hanson sports@ arbiteronline.com
56 Amt. you don’t expect to pay 57 Wide-mouthed pourer 58 Slimming choice, briefly 61 Marsh duck 62 Sailor’s patron 64 Plague 65 Ending with fluor66 Nutritional stat
Too many circumstances threaten to get in the way, but you find inspiration and rise to the occasion. Balance idealism with realism. Costs may end up higher than expected.
Play well with others, compromise, and win on many levels. Previous plans come to fruition. Intuition illuminates career matters. Check and double-check the data. Accept an unusual request.
John Garretson sports@ arbiteronline.com
(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
43 Put on the canvas 48 Desolate 49 Poet Silverstein 51 Pilgrimage to Mecca 53 Ghana’s capital 54 Apple messaging tool 55 Horses with interspersed colored and white hairs
The Future
Check the big picture for the next few days, and take a leap into the next adventure. You don’t want to regret not having followed your heart. Resist the urge to splurge.
Haley Robinson
10/18/12 Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved Monday’s Puzzle Solved
mance, games and relaxation take priority. But continue to build your reserves and remain flexible. You have what you need. Dreams reveal a major change.
deadlines for the next few days. Big spending is not the correct answer. Let partners do the heavy lifting. Stay rested, and it flows.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) What you’ve learned comes in very handy during the temporary confusion. Listen carefully to one who doesn’t say much. Friends really help over the next few days.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Expect more from others and yourself. It’s not time to be slacking off ... every moment counts. Change the itinerary as needed. Do the job you’ve been thinking about.
Level: 1
Nicole Reither onlineeditor@ arbiteronline.com
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Contact Us arbiteronline.com 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554
Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content
decisions and bear © 2010 The Mepham Group. Distr responsibility forMedia those Tribune Services. All rights decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.
October 18, 2012
Zipcars, an alternative to owning a car, are available 24/7 for rent on campus for students who need transportation for a short period of time.
Sustainability on campus Sustainability series part two: There is no backup planet after Earth has been depleted Nicole Pineda Staff Writer
Morning is a busy time on campus; people are driving in search of parking, bicyclers traverse to get to class and pedestrians are everywhere. How do you get to school every day? More than likely, convenience rules the day. Most people with cars want to drive them. Others may prefer to bike, walk, carpool or take the bus. Typically these alternate forms of transportation are associated with not having a car but there are people on campus who use these forms of transportation with a car left behind in the driveway. It’s no secret carbon dioxide emitted from cars is bad for the environment, but it actually accounts for almost a third of the greenhouse gases. So, what’s a kid late for class to do? Students have several options. The first is to bike to school. Bicycle racks are scattered around campus and there are bicycle barns in Lincoln Garage. The bike barns are intended for long-term parking and hold up to 1,000 bicycles.
The Cycle Learning Center (CLC), located next to Lincoln Garage, is a wealth of resources for cyclists. Students can rent a bike, buy a helmet, get a flat fixed and sign up to take a class to learn how to fix a flat. The CLC also offers free compressed air in case tires are running a low. One of the reasons the CLC was built was to increase the number of people riding to campus. But what about ice and snow, common during an Idaho winter? “There is a percentage of the population that is not comfortable riding in inclimate weather,” said Casey Jones, executive director of Transportation & Parking Services. “There are a lot of misconceptions about riding bikes in the winter.” That is why the CLC is offering a class to educate people on how to safely handle weather while on a bike. Valley Transit, the local bus, offers services free to university students, faculty and staff year round. The bus routes include downtown Boise and the Nampa/Caldwell area. To ride the bus, all students need to do is get a sticker to affix to
student I.D. cards to present when boarding. Carpooling is also an option, whether it be an arrangement made between friends or something set up through the transportation department. One concern people have with carpooling is something will happen, leaving
of this program are very respectful and there is little abuse. Individuals do have participate in carpool, vanpool, ride a bus or walk in order to take advantage of this service. The university also offers Zipcars for rent. They are safe and fuel efficient and
You need to buy a greener car
If you need a new car, you could buy a smaller one with low carbon dioxide emissions. The production of a typical car generates roughly 8 tons of carbon dioxide, the equivalent of driving 23,000 miles. It may be more sustainable for you to keep your old car. them stranded. So ACHD and CommuterRide developed The Guaranteed Ride Home. Essentially, if an emergency comes up, individuals are guaranteed a ride home. Participants do have to call a taxi and pay for it initially and it has to be a valid emergency, but users are reimbursed. It’s a service people can use up to six times a year or $300 a year. Jones said the participants
renters are provided a card for purchasing fuel. Renters can drive up to 180 miles per day without owing additional money. Zipcar rentals are available for $7.50 an hour or $69 a day, with a $25 annual fee. Leaving cars at home just two days a week reduces 1,600 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. “My goal is to just get peo-
ple out of their car, driving by themselves, and just a little bit goes a long ways,” Jones said. The transportation department is also making available occasional use permits for the parking garages, for those who would like to drive sometimes and bike other times. The Lincoln Parking garage was also built with efficiency in mind. By installing LED lights into the garage, the university is saving $10,000 annually. The lights are more expensive, but the investment will be paid for in approximately five years. There are plans to retrofit the Brady Parking Garage with LED lights, slated to occur this coming summer. The transportation department is also looking into solar panels and wind generation, but those energy options may not be right for Boise State because of our climate. Jones, who has a graduate certificate in Sustainable Leadership, is very passionate about the environment. “Sustainability is so important; environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and the people part of it.
We are really working, not just in my department, but across the campus to improve our triple bottom line thinking,” Jones said. Triple Bottom Line Thinking has three components: the planet, profit and people. “You can’t achieve sustainability unless you address all three of those; people, planet and profit,” Jones said. Jones went on to explain Triple Bottom Line thinking means we have to think about our planet, we know our society is built on commerce and we have to be able to make profit, and we have to take care of our people. To be in harmony with this balance, we can’t have a business harming any one of these areas. Jones said we need to ask ourselves: are we supporting businesses who take care of the earth by not causing pollution? Are these businesses hurting our people by underpaying them? Are they somehow impeding economic growth and development? Jones said we need to make our decisions about everything paying attention to those three components.
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BRONCO MOBILE. Download for FREE on Google Play and iTunes The Arbiter
October 18, 2012
Dead 8 members dream in high def
Nicole Pineda Staff Writer
Need a distraction? Search for “Skeleton Does Gangnam” on YouTube. This entertaining short film is an example of the kind of shorts the Dead 8 Productions film club produces. And the skeleton is real. Two new club members helped produced this during their very first meeting with the club. “It was my first time coming to Dead 8. I wasn’t sure how it would turn out because I’d never done anything like that. But when I saw the finished product I thought it turned out really well,” senior said Ebenezer Makinde who helped move “Fred” the skeleton through the video. During a typical meeting members might participate in small workshops or hang out and talk about movies. By sharing opinions about movies they’ve seen, they are able to ponder the creativity behind the making of different
movies and these brainstorming sessions often lead to ideas for their own films. There are no prerequisites to join the club and participation in the club is not tied to Boise State enrollment, non-students can join too. By opening membership up to the public, the club felt they would be able to draw from a wider circle of expertise. There are currently between eight and 10 members who meet every Monday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in Room 115 of the Communication Building. “It’s a good place to network and meet people who want to be in the industry and aspire to be in the industry,” said Ben Molyneux, communication major with an emphasis in video production, president of the club. “Everyone comes in with a different set of skills and a different level of knowledge.” The open forum facilitates learning and hands-on knowl-
edge of industry equipment. The club’s goal is to help people interested in filming learn terminology and gear as well as hands-on application of shooting film. “This is a student-driven club and all of the projects are student-driven,” said Nathan Snyder, academic advisor for the club. “Dead 8 is also one of the few film clubs who still like to shoot film, the old fashioned way.” “The club has been great,” said freshman Kimberly Oswalt. “They’ve taught us tons of stuff from filming to lighting to after effects. It’s experience, more experience than you can get in class because of the hands-on nature of it.” Oswalt moved Fred’s mouth during the video. That shoot was also her first time at Dead 8. None of the films are longer than ten minutes. Some of the work is submitted to film festivals, such as i48 , a 48 hour film festival. The festival encompasses Idaho, but people
Broncos invited to spark blaze of creativity at ‘Ignite’ McKenzie Perkins Staff Writer
A number of Boise State students and even some faculty have been invited to speak at the ninth annual Ignite Boise on this Thursday, Oct. 18. Among those selected is James Gravatt, a junior expecting to graduate in 2016. Gravatt is no rookie to this type of forum, but this will be the first year he has spoken at an event of this caliber. “It’s nice to know that
people want to listen to me, even if they have nothing but a vague understanding of what I might be talking about,” Gravatt said. Of the 16 speakers, five were chosen by voters. Gravatt is one of those five. All interested parties filled out an online application earlier this year that was posted on Ignite Boise’s official website. It includes contact information and a short description of the topic
each candidate wanted to discuss on Oct. 18. Each candidate has five minutes and 20 Powerpoint slides to present his or her topic. Gravatt will be using Harry Potter as a gateway into social systems and what can be done with them. “It (the Harry Potter Series) has grown to be this absolutely crucial element in the way that I see the world and in the way that I live my life,” Gravatt said. The purpose of Ignite
Members of Dead 8 pose with the star of “Skeleton Does Ganganm.” also come from out-of-state to compete. There are generally two main categories people participate in; the i48 and the h48. They will not be competing this year in the h48 as a club, but they do have some individuals who will be competing on their own. Last year in the People’s
Choice Awards, their short film “Pizazz” made it into the “Best Of” category for I-48, and the actress from that film, Leta Neustaedter, won “Best Actress.” One of the hardest challenges for the amateur film makers is to find actors and actresses to perform in their films. They are hoping to
eventually work with the theater department to find aspiring talent that way. If a student dreams in high definition or just wants to shoot motion pictures, this may be the club for them. Interested students should simply show up on Monday afternoons, and learn how to turn their visions into film.
Boise is to focus the community on everything from politics and business to art and technology. The event will take place on Thursday in the Egyptian Theatre at 7 p.m. Admission is free.
• A Very Potter Intro to Social Systems and What We Can Do With Them—James Gravatt • So You Want to Learn the Web Design?— Ricky Lyman • Re-thinking Rats— Dawn Burke • A Stay at Home Dad in a Stay at Home Mom’s World—Michael Matson • A Road-Biker Story: My Gear Saved My Life—Stephanie Walker • How a Fictitious Mexican Fisherman Convinced Me to Quit My Job—Nathan Barry • I AM NOT ZACH GALIFIANAKIS—
Seth • The Internet Will Set Us Free? New Media and Democracy— Seth Ashley • When the Next America Idol Becomes U.S. President—Kathy Griesmyer • Ain’t Nothin’ But My Hammer Suckin’ Wind—Richard Newman • Why Your Ignite Speech Sucks—Josh Gross • The B+ Theory— Zachary Dorsch • Cultural Learnings Foreigners Have In America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of U.S. and A.—Jonas Estefanos
The individuals presenting and their topics are as follows: • Leave America, Come Back More Awesome—Erica Crockett • Sign Language— Brett Kennedy • Is that a Banana in Your Pocket or…?— Jesse Baker
Boise State launches New Public Affairs Journal Courtesy Boise State Update
Boise State University and the College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs are pleased to announce the launch of The Blue Review.
The Arbiter
The new journal of popular scholarship presents lively commentary, informed scholarship and critical conversation on politics, cities and the environment. The Blue Review is a webnative journal covering poli-
tics, cities and the environment, with articles written for a popular audience by scholars and other experts. It aims to deepen public involvement and understanding, to debate the ideas of our time and place, and to bridge
the worlds of academia, journalism and public interest. The magazine strives for independence, transparency and collaboration and sets high editorial standards. The website, thebluereview.org, is live and 32,000 print copies of the first edition, titled “The Presidency,” have been distributed as an editorial supplement in the Boise Weekly. “The Presidency” features articles on the 2012 contest for the White House and the role of the region, race, the Constitution, history, the media and the environment on national politics. Among the initial contributors are: David Gray Adler (Boise State) on Barack Obama and Mitt Romney’s similar disregard for the Constitution’s
war clause. Jill Gill (Boise State) on the continued significance of race in electoral politics. Ross Peterson (Utah State) on Mitt Romney’s identification with the Mormon Church. Seth Ashley (Boise State) on the knowledge gap of voters in non-swing states. Additional articles from Todd Shallat, Melissa Lavitt and Justin Vaughn (Boise State) and Rick Johnson (Idaho Conservation League). The Blue Review is a project of and is funded by the Publications Office in the College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, which embraces the university’s state-mandated public affairs mission.
The website features a public affairs blog and frequent articles on the topics of politics, cities, the environment, media, higher education, nonfiction book reviews and data visualizations. Melissa Lavitt, dean of the College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, is the executive editor of The Blue Review. Todd Shallat, director of the Center for Idaho History and Politics, serves as academic editor. Nathaniel Hoffman, an independent journalist with more than a decade of experience writing and editing for newspapers in Idaho and California, serves as the founding editor. An editorial board is being formed to help guide the direction of the publication.
October 18, 2012
Photo COURTESY PATRICK ORTON/ FACEBOOK.COM/ORTONPHOTO and www.patrickortonphotography.com
The Shook Twins will perform at the Centennial Amphitheater as part of the Fine Arts Student Union Performance Series.
SUPS contines with homecoming show is going to be folky, kind of said they look forward to catchy. I think their T-shirt art about them is that they’re country, indie scene,” Rajkov- their performances at Boise is hilarious.” kind of like the band nerds ich said. “Bring a blanket and State. Boise State 2010 alumna from high school that all got snuggle up because it might Dani Terhaar, junior geo- Quinn Perry said she is most together who really focused be chilly but it will be nice. It’s science major, said she is a excited about Buster Blue’s on music and so they’re all going to be a good show.” fan of Poke and is looking performance and might visit individually talented. My faThe three bands vorite part about all fall under the folk them is that their genre, but each one instruments The whole concert overall is going to be folky, kind of brings something aren’t as typical country, indie scene. Bring a blanket and snuggle up bedifferent to the stage. as you would cause it might be chilly but it will be nice. It’s going to be a Poke is known for think. They’re its hillbilly, country just one of those good show. influence, Buster bands that are —Amy Rajkovich Blue has been very capturing known to rock the to watch.” house and the Shook Twins forward to their performance Boise State just to see them While Perry said she bring an element of trance and their band T-shirts. perform. is more excited to hear and psychedelic tendencies “I love their sound,” Ter“I’ve seen Buster Blue a few Buster Blue, she said she is to their music. Students who haar said. “I love the funky times,” Perry said. “They’re also looking forward to the are familiar with these bands Americana sound, but it’s still pretty cool. The coolest part Shook Twins.
Matt Shelar & Alx Stickel
Arbiter Staff
Student Union Fine Arts Program Coordinator Amy Rajkovich said she has put together a great Student Union Performance Series show as part of Homecoming week. Rajkovich scheduled Poke, Buster Blue and the Shook Twins to put on a folksy concert in the Centennial Amphitheater. Rajkovich said the Student Union Performance Series has gone all out for this performance and students can expect it to be fun. “The whole concert overall
Though they are centralized in Portland, the Shook Twins are natives of Sandpoint, Idaho. They take pride in creating a “quirky folk” sound. Bringing it all together are identical twin sisters Katelyn Shook and Laurie Shook with Kyle Volkman. Between the two sisters, numerous instrumentals and more are covered, from the guitar, glockenspiel, mandolin and banjo to beatboxing, bass, looping, ocarina, djembe and
The Shook Twins
Buster Blue
vocals. Additional sound is provided by Volkman who provides the sound of upright and electric bass. If you dig everything from beatboxing to banjo to music that sounds like it was in the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack, don’t hesitate to come check this group out. They’ll be on at 4 p.m. Check out this band at www.shooktwins.com.
Originally from Nevada, Buster Blue will be making their way to Boise State University this Thursday. This five-piece, originating from the juxtaposition of a high school drum major and “hardcore screamer” has an incredibly diverse sound ranging everywhere from the simple soulful sound of Tom Waits to the beautiful melodies of The Arcade Fire. Buster Blue is made up of Jay Escamillo, Bryan Jones, Brendon Lund, Andrew
“The Shook Twins are awesome too,” Perry said “It’s definitely like that new age psychedelic folk where you’ve got the banjo, mandolin and up-right base, it’s not just metal guitars and stuff like that.” Rajkovich and Perry said they think all three of these bands will go well together. Folk holds them together and gives them something in common, but the three will also bring something unique and individual in their performances. Rajkovich and Perry also said this is a concert students will want to get up and dance to.
Martin, and Rachael McElhiney. “We are excited to play at Boise State,” Andrew Martin said. “We have a lot of friends that have gone to Boise State so we’re looking forward to performing. We love Boise. It’s going to be a good show. It’s going to have a good blend.” Make sure not to miss these guys at 3:10. Check out this band at www.busterblue.com.
Starting the show off at 2:00 p.m. this Thursday, Oct. 18 will be the rockabilly twang of Poke. Though the band’s members come from many a different place, they consider themselves to be a Boise band as this is where they originated. Comprising this sextet of performers are ‘B-Rad’ on guitar, Diesel on bass, ‘Bernie Reilly’ on the accordion, fiddle, and organ, ‘Johnny Shoes’ on guitar and mandolin, ‘Shakey Dave’ on steel guitar and ‘Smokin’ J’
on the drums. “I’m excited,” front man Brad Deteau said. “I’ve never been to a Boise State amphitheater performance. To be part of one is really special.” If you like bands that sound musically like Creedence Clearwater Revival and Chris Isaak, are similar vocally to Johnny Cash, and have a sound they can call their own, then come check these guys. Check out this band at countrypoke.com.
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The Arbiter
Sponsored by The John H. and Orah I. Brandt Foundation Boise State University College of Business & Economics
Arts & Entertainment
October 18, 2012
Everything Pumpkin Pumpkin beer reviews Jack Muirhead Staff Writer
Elysian Night owl Pumpkin Ale—Spicy smelling and dark in color with initial tastes of toasted pumpkin, nutmeg and cinnamon followed by a gingery dryness which is not totally unpleasant. Not to be consumed by the case but perfect after dinner with a warm bit of pie. Uinta Brewing Co. Punk’n Spiced Ale—A
caramel pumpkin color. Not overwhelming in flavor with a light crisp taste, just hints of pumpkin and spice. A good entry-level beer for those a little afraid of large orange vegetables in their beer. Beer Valley Jackalope Pumpkin and Spice Porter—A typical black porter with a thin creamy head. Pumpkin is not easily distinguishable and is mostly masked by cocoa, spice and treacle
overtones. Drink if you want to tell your friends you tried pumpkin beer but really hate the taste of pumpkins. Southern Tier Brewing Company Pumking—Smells and tastes like grandma’s pumpkin pies, inviting aromas and a spicy sugary warmth complete with caramelized pastry crust taste. Taste is sweeter than most beers.
Pumpkin cream cheese bars Lauren Hooker Staff Writer
Pinterest is a cornucopia for DIY, beauty tips and recipes; as soon as a hint of chill hit the air, pumpkin recipes were no exception. Here is an easy, cheap and somewhat “healthy” pumpkin pie alternative. Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bars What you need: 1 box angel food cake mix (I used spice cake)
1 15oz can of pumpkin 3/4 cup water 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice 1 8 oz package cream cheese a few tablespoons of water, to make the cream cheese runny What to do: 1. Preheat the oven to 375. 2. Mix the cream cheese and few table-
spoons of water until smooth and slightly runny. 3. Mix cake mix, pumpkin, water and cinnamon in a separate bowl. 4. Spray a glass baking dish with nonstick spray. Pour a layer of pumpkin mix, topped with a layer of cream cheese. Repeat until mixtures are out. Swirl a butter knife around the top layer to smooth things out. 5. Bake for 35 minutes.
The Best Pumpkin Latte Lauren Jacob Staff Writer
The pumpkin spice is a hard one to get just right. One cannot simply add pumpkin syrup to a latte to create this fall delicacy. There are a chosen few places which seem to have perfected the pumpkin latte. I traveled to many coffee destinations in Boise on my quest to answer the question—Who
makes the best pumpkin latte? After going to Moxie Java, Starbucks, Flying M, Java, Thomas Hammer, Dawsons, Dutch Bros, Capri, Alia’s Coffee House and a few others, a few things have become clear. For those of you that like chai tea, for the love of everything pumpkin, get a pumpkin chai from Thomas Hammer downtown. It is the perfect
blend of sweet and spicy and worth every penny. If you want to stick to the latte, choose wisely. My endeavors led me to the conclusion that if it is not done just right, the pumpkin latte can taste extremely unpleasant. My top choice was Java, where pumpkin, coffee and creamy deliciousness blends just right, perfecting the fall drink.
Pumpkin ice cream Ellie Parton Staff Writer
Fall is officially here and with that, the pumpkin craze in full swing. Now that summer is gone, popular warm weather treats begin to disappear from our favorite shops while fall comfort foods take the cake, but what happens when the best of both worlds is combined? Pumpkin flavored ice cream treats can be found
all over Boise during this time of year and not all pumpkin is created equal. Delsa’s Ice Cream Parlor offers a delicious pumpkin shake. The pumpkin flavor is mild and sweet. It is topped with nutmeg that adds spice to the pumpkin spoonful. Hawkin’s Pac Out is serving up a shake which packs a pumpkin punch. The pumpkin flavor is very pronounced. It is even topped with
whipped cream and pumpkin spice if you desire. Fanci Freez brings back their pumpkin shake. This shake is rich with not too much spice. This is one shake that can’t be sipped through a straw; be ready for an ice creamlike pumpkin treat. If you’re looking for something a little more nutritious, TCBY, Blue Cow and U-Swirl are offering pumpkin flavored frozen yogurt.
Easy fall pumpkin scones Danielle Davidson Staff Writer
College students are usually looking for quick and simple food choices and since fall is here pumpkins are in the air. Anything with pumpkin is gladly accepted during this time of year, including
pumpkin scones. The Pumpkin Spice Scones Premium Mix from The World Market is simple and it tastes good. Making the scones: Grease a pan. Pour the mix into a a bowl and add the specified amount of water. Stir the mixture.
Place spoon sized globs of dough, or bigger if a larger scone is wanted, onto the pan. Bake for a quarter hour. The mix is $3.99 at The World Market, and makes a fair amount of scones. For a quick fall party food, pumpkin scones are a must.
Fun with Pumpkin Seeds Matt Shelar Staff Writer
Looking to eat something other than candy this holiday season? Pumpkin seeds are savory, low in calories, and can be eaten by the The Arbiter
handful; making these treats is relatively easy. Once you’ve carved your pumpkins, grab some seeds, clean them, and let them lay out for about a day to dry. After that, preheat your
oven to 300 degrees. And from here, all you have to do is have fun with the seasonings. After this, just wait 45 minutes for these tasty treats to get ready for your pleasure.
One Ton Pumpkin Matt Shelar Staff Writer
Though pumpkin growing is not exactly the cornerstone of Boise’s pastime, in other places it seems to be a lifestyle. The largest pumpkin this year was one out of Rhode Island, weighing in at 2009 pounds. There are less than 100 pumpkins worldwide to have ever made it past 1,100 pounds. Undoubtedly, Charlie Brown would have been proud.
Arts & Entertainment
October 18, 2012
Senior recital features Anna Mullinaux Tabitha Bower
Arts and Entertainment Editor
Party patrol “You remember that, Johnson” is Katie Johnson’s survival guide to Boise State detailing her experiences last year as a first-year freshman from out of state. A couple of weekends ago, I got a panicked call from my freshman. She was at a party on Grant and Officer Galloway of BPD was knocking on the door. She’d had three beers and had come to the harsh reality she and her friends were now going to have to face Galloway. So I drove over there, in pink penguin pajamas and sleepy eyed. There were at least five cops in the front and a cop car parked in the alley behind the house. The kids in that house were sitting ducks. There were approximately 250 people at the party (or in the general area of it) when the cops arrived. They wrote a total of 89 minor in consumptions (MICs) that night. When I pulled up around the back of the house, a cop walked up to my car and asked who I was looking for. He went on to explain they were single-filling people out of the house and writing the ones who were underage and intoxicated MICs. He even went on to joke an MIC is sort of an initiation to Boise State. Here’s the deal, if the entire freshman class is at a party, it’s going to get rolled. BPD is not messing around. I don’t think they ever have been, nor do I think they ever will be. So please, be careful. I know you’re in college and you’re going to do whatever it is you’re going to do. But be careful doing it. In other words, be smart about your stupid decisions. I’m sure the Grant party was legendary. But now for 89 people, it comes with court fees and a date in front of the judge. I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t go out. I know that advice would go in one ear and out the other. I’m trying to get through to you there are better ways of having fun than parties asking to be rolled. Better ways as in hanging out with people who aren’t blaring the latest Macklemore songs as if they don’t have neighbors. So next time you walk into a party and can barely hear the person standing next to you and you have to push and shove just to move around a room, realize you are probably a sitting duck, and leaving the party of the year might save you a lot of cash, time and energy.
Anna Mullinaux, senior music education major, is a well-rounded musician with technical capabilities in playing all standard band and orchestra instruments. On Saturday, Oct. 20 Mullinaux will share her talents with Boise State as she performs her senior recital on the piano. The Arbiter’s Tabitha Bower caught up with Mullinaux and her piano professor, Del Parkinson, Ph.D. Here is what they had to say about her time at Boise State.
with Anna Mullinaux
Q: When did you first become interested in
music and was there any particular reason you picked up the piano?
My mother was always singing throughout my childhood. It was just implicit that you sang in church, sang with the radio and sang for the sake of singing. I learned to whistle by imitating my dad and so between singing and whistling I was always thinking musically. My family started homeschooling before I was old enough to join the band program and we had more resources available to learn piano from than anything else. I started receiving full lessons after I was 13, but before that I learned through John Thompson methods books and a keyboard that plugged into a computer program.
Q: Do you play other instruments? A:
As a music education major I technically know how to play all the standard band and orchestra instruments. That doesn’t mean that a sixth grader can’t play a few of those instruments better than myself. Upon going to college I wanted to join the marching band. Both my mom and older brother, who went to public high school, were band
nerds and I wanted to have the same experience they did. Piano translates very well into mallet percussion and so I played in the front ensemble. That required me to join percussion ensemble, so I chose percussion as a minor instrument to complete my AA. After accompanying the choir on piano one semester, I joined as a member and sang amongst the altos. This year, in Blue Thunder, I switched from the front ensemble to trombone and I’m loving it. I also take oboe lessons, but that’s as an elective to supplement my woodwind tech class.
What have you Q: learned in your time at Boise? How have you grown as a musician?
I’ve really learned that you can build your opportunities if you have a plan and are willing to work for it. I have some very caring and cooperative teachers in the music department. Also, I’ve really grown part of a musical community in college. Coming from my piano soloist background, playing with a group is a different musical experience. And outside of just creating music, creating friendships in the music department is rewarding. We can geek out over musical things amongst each other that are hard to share outside that community.
Why did you deQ: cide to make music your career and what advice would you give to music majors or people considering a music major?
Anna Mullinaux will perform her senior recital on Saturday, Sept. 20. the reverse, starting as majors and then backing away when they realize how intense it is. I’d advise incoming music majors to meet with prospective instructors first and gauge how demanding the expectations are.
Who have been your inspirations?
Instead of giving my inspirations, I’d rather thank my teachers here at Boise State and from my previous education. Particularly I’d like to thank my piano instructors Dr. Del Parkinson, Dr. Saundra Bishop, Dr. Svetlana Maddox, and Naimin XuPeppers for shaping my experience and skills as a pianist. Also I’d like to thank John Ungurait, Dr. John Baldwin, Professor Marcellus Brown, and Dr. David Rickels for actively helping me complete my degrees.
Initially I was a music minor. I was looking with del Parkinson, at two other degree pos- Ph.D. sibilities and biding my time in the music departWhat Mullinaux’s ment. But that developed strengths as a musician as soon as I found how deep and engaging a mu- and as a person? sic degree was. The time and work it took required She is a born musireal investment, and soon cian. She has tremendous I committed to the full program. Music education musical instincts. Her was the natural option for intuition about interpreme as I was especially at- tation is amazing. She is tracted to the concepts in music and I naturally like sharing. Many people do
Q: A:
one of the finest students I have ever taught. She is diligent, dependable, consistent, and motivated. She achieves tremendous results.
How has she grown as a musician since you have known her?
A: Since transferring to
BSU, she has grown as a performer. Although she played well when she arrived, she has honed her performance skills. She communicates beautifully with an audience. She conveys her love of music with the listener.
I remember one A: of her first performances
at BSU. Although she undoubtedly was a bit nervous, she kept it a secret. Her manner with the audience conveyed a sense of conviction and confidence.
What makes her stand out from other musicians, what does she personally bring to the world of music.
Integrity is one of A: Anna’s strong suits. She al-
ways wishes to delve into the meaning of each piece. As a result, her playing always represents the true intent of the composer. It is sheer joy to listen to Anna perform.
Have you learned anything in particular from working with her?
Teachers always learn from our students. Anna is a tremendous example of a person with tremendous passion about music. A strong work ethic has helped her to achieve incredible results.
Is there one moment in teaching Anna or watching her perform that stands out in your mind?
ONLINE Do you know a student deserving of a student spotlight? Email suggestions to arts@stumedia. boisestate.edu
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208.426.1242 finearts@boisestate.edu The Arbiter
Arts & Entertainment
October 18, 2012
Haunted World
will make you scream Eva Hart
Staff Writer
Bryan Talbot/THE ARBITER
With Halloween around the corner, Haunted World is ready to scare. in their eyes and causing them to scream and run. The Haunted World consists of a 48-minute haunted maze as well as Skullvania, a converted warehouse containing dozens of rooms filled with blood, masked actors and obstacles. It also has a 20-acre regular corn maze which takes 30 minutes from start to finish. Skullvania is a great way to mentally prepare for the horror that goes on in the haunted maze. “I love Skullvania,” said Angela Ross, freshman business major. “It has so many
and watching a scary film. Being there is like being a part of the movie and getting to experience the horror first hand. You will go through rooms filled with strobe lights and fog making it nearly impossible to see your hand in front of your face, let alone the guy in the mask about to shout in your ear. You will cross bridges that shake as water spouts up at you, walk through rooms that shrink as you go, fall down a hidden slide and be terrifyingly confused as you enter a spinning tunnel that makes you feel like you are upside down. Even the most cynical costumers will be startled at
least once as actors pop out of random places and chase down patrons. Daniel Johnson, an undeclared sophomore, said he was sure he wouldn’t get freaked out during his trip to The Haunted World but admitted to being wrong after experiencing it. “I’m not going to lie, I thought the girls were being babies as they ran around screaming and freaking out over everything,” Johnson said. “But there were a few times that we would be walking through a dark space and I wouldn’t be thinking about where we were and something would pop out and make my heart stop.”
Bangin’ Boise—a sexy city? Jack Muirhead Staff Writer
“LIKE” us on Facebook @ facebook.com/boisestatearbiter, then click the ‘GUESS THE SCORE’ tab to enter. And as if bragging the rights aren’t enough, the winner also gets
weird things going on and it tripped me out for sure. I loved when you had to walk through the refrigerator it was awesome.” After making your way through Skullvania, head over to the haunted maze prepared to be chased, followed and screamed at by your worst nightmares. “The guys with chainsaws are the absolute worst thing there,” said Carry Mason, sophomore political science major. “I know it isn’t a real chainsaw but it sure as hell looks like it in the dark as they chase you around with it.” This place is a great alternative to going to the theater
Boise is one of the most sexually satisfied cities in America. This information may come as a surprise presented in a typical fashion. Now imagine that information being yelled at you by a drunk female Packers fan as you walk through downtown Boise late on a Thursday night. Can’t be right, or can it? “Is that an actual statistic?” asked Phillip Grafft, a young Idahoan. “Way to be Boise, way to be.” Strictly speaking, it is not an actual statistic, no. But it isn’t entirely without basis. Boise ranked number 12 overall (dropping from ninth in 2008) in a list comprised of America’s most sexually satisfied cities. Based on birth rate, condom sales and sex toy sales per capita, the rankings were compiled by Men’s Health Magazine, the bestselling men’s health magazine in America whose website averages 38 million views a month. While Men’s Health Magazine is a huge publication, at first glance the authenticity of the study could be said to be a little suspect. Further research shows, however, the study is supported by data from accredited national agencies such as the Census Bureau and the sales data comes from multimillion dollar countrywide retail chains. Data provided by the Census Bureau’s website backs up the birth rate statistics, listing Idaho as the fourth highest birth rate per capita, only trailing Utah, Texas and Alaska. According to data gath-
ered by adult store Adam & Eve, Americans spend 15 billion dollars annually on sex toys, and Idahoans apparently enjoy their props in the bedroom, accounting for a fair chunk of this figure. A 2012 infographic published by Adam & Eve ranked Idaho as number nine in the nation in sales of sex toys per capita. “Support from local customers has helped to establish my company and keep the doors open since 1998,” said Caryn Thompson, proprietor of the O! Zone, Boise’s local condom store which also sells costumes and toys. When asked if the high sexuality statistics of Boise
and in good shape,” Søren Toft Kjelstrup, junior marketing major said. “It’s not hard to believe for me.” The statistics don’t lie either, when it comes to young people in Idaho sex is a popular pastime. Consider the average age of Boise State freshmen students is around 20, with most students studying for four to five years. According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, last year 27 percent (roughly 7,000) of new mothers were between the ages of 20 and 24. “Boise has a small town feel. People are ‘friendlier’ in small towns,” said Jerod, a senior political science major. Despite a high birth rate,
The Haunted World, a 30acre haunted maze, echoes with terrified screams, the buzzing of chainsaws and is lit up by strobe lights as people walk through. This maze is filled with dark pathways and monsters hiding within the corn, waiting to pop out and give customers a fright. Many times it’s hard to tell whether the villain is real or made of plastic, but when you walk by and they begin to chase you through the maze, you quickly realize, most of them are real. As many as 200 costumed actors do their best to scare the pants off of anyone who enters the maze. Eerily dressed men on stilts greet customers, following those who have fear
Boise has a small-town feel. People are ‘friendlier’ in small towns. —Jerod, Boise State senior
surprised her, Thompson said, “Not really. Access to information and education has put the topic of sexual health in the public eye. Sex is a healthy biological function to be enjoyed, and there are some fabulous products to support this personal intimacy.” How this relates to Boise State students is an interesting question. The student review website, College Prowler, grades college’s students on a range of opinion-based criteria from “attractiveness” and “hardworking” to “into partying” and “stuck-up”. Boise State’s boys and girls both rank a B. “The people here are hot
safe sex is popular practice for young people. Boise State consistently ranks in the top third of colleges surveyed annually by Trojan, the country’s largest condom manufacturer. The study looks at student opinion, contraceptive availability and sexual education in colleges across the nation. Students participate in an online survey answering questions about their sex life at college. The data is also supported by Thompson who said “Students make up a constant portion of my sales.” While the exactness of the study is disputable, the statistics still point to Boise being a pretty darn sexy city.
In a music slump? Listen to the
Radio for students, by students.
The Arbiter
October 18, 2012
Broncos get registered to vote
Dakota Castets Didier Staff Writer
With the second presidential debate over, it’s decision-making time. Both candidates are strong images of the parties they represent. For students who will be participating in the 2012 voting cycle and their first presidential election, checking the box beside Democrat or Republican is an intimidating, complicated and entirely new experience. This, perhaps, is why student registration in 2012 has seen diminishing numbers from years past, or perhaps, students simply do not know how to register, and because of the complexities of the system currently in place, they cannot be blamed. According to the United States Census Bureau, in the 2008 presidential election, six million Americans did not cast their vote solely due to confusion as to how to register. To combat this on campus, the Idaho Civic Engagement Project (ICEP) partnered with the student governing body, the Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU), have launched initiatives to get registration forms out to students by staking out on the quad in booths with the bundles forms on tables. “We’re excited to partner with the Idaho Civic
Engagement Project and give our fellow students the opportunity to register to vote,” ASBSU President Ryan Gregg said as he chipped in at the ICEP booths. “It’s important for all citizens to be engaged, and what better place to start than registering to vote on campus? Colleges and universities are uniquely positioned to be forums for discussion and models for civic engagement.” ICEP’s cause accomplishes much toward their goal, as simple observation of one of their events will see many students approaching and penning their names to cast a vote come November. Though, accessibility is only one facet of the issue and to assume it is the only issue would be incorrect. There are also questions about where to vote and when you are able to vote. Many students find themselves perplexed by the entire election cycle, attempting to compare what perhaps may be their parents’ beliefs to what they hear through the media to what politically active friends may say. Needless to say, the volatile nature of the political grand stage of 2012 is difficult to fathom if one does not possess a leather-lined political stomach and the candidates and campaigns themselves do very little to assist or accommodate students to learning their cause. The proof is in the polls, as the Pew Research Center
Courtesy Emily Walton
Tents were set up in the quad and students were offered information and access to registration. released details stating only half of the 18-29 year olds who voted in 2008 are even planning to vote in 2012. With attitudes such as those implied in the poll, how could any student be encouraged to register when such a landslide of peers are turning away? The partnership between ICEP and ASBSU states a noble cause and their presence on campus should be welcomed, their services embraced by all unregis-
tered students. As a bipartisan organization, the ICEP is keen on educating students how to register, and how to tune out the unwelcome noise of the typical political process. Students should care as a plethora of issues pertaining their financial aid programs and potential debts are on the table. No matter how volatile, it is an essential civic duty to vote.
ONLINE POLL Is being registered to vote important for you? A. Yes, very important B. No, not very important C. I don’t vote D. I don’t know how to register
Get involved with your school The Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) is not just some student group who sets up the occasional get-together to talk about fluffy nonsense. It is a serious organization tackling issues on campus ranging from clarifying potentially careercrippling wordage on the code of conduct plagiarism policy to making sure there are enough chairs for people to sit on during the daily grind. So why is there absolutely pathetic student participation in ASBSU? During the last ASBSU assembly meeting on Oct. 2 there were a total of eight guest chairs for students, which remained empty with the exception of one lonely reporter and guest speaker Carole Scott. The seating was totally devoid of students. There is no reason why the only people who are participating in our student government are already the ones running the whole thing. The students who are most involved are already the ones attending meetings and making things happen. It is sad that our assembly meetings are not packed with students. Students love to com-
plain about anything and everything from the temperature of the classrooms to the way one person takes up a four person table in the library. Well, issues such as these are addressed by ASBSU during these meetings. In some cases there are easy solutions and in other cases it is a matter of finding out who to talk with to make things happen. The point is the guys and girls who are running ASBSU are working hard to make sure the gears which keep the whole Boise State machine working are getting things done, no thanks to the students. The inexpensive food at football games, the golf carts for homecoming and the ongoing campaign for equitable higher-education funding are all thanks to the student government. More importantly, ASBSU sits on top of a lot of money meant for students, so students ought to be a little more involved when it comes to deciding what should be done with that money. In fact ASBSU has $300,000 to put toward student interests. That is enough money to buy the Recreation Center a new window, but odds are nobody has brought the idea forward to president, Ryan Gregg or vice
presid e n t I don’t think 20,000 students N i c k are just happy. —Nick Gaudioso Gaudioso, who are both highly accessible to stu- from the assembly. Let’s face it, if we don’t dents for the very purpose care about our school of bringing up issues. then why should anyone Involvement or even else? Including the Idaho participation with student Board of Education who government is unbelievgives us money which we ably poor at this school. need to keep this place During the Student Assembly election in April running and pay our 2011, a whopping 1.85 professors. It is easy to get involved percent of the student with student government population took the time and it is never too late to cast a vote. to make things happen A grand total of 286 and have a say in how the votes, and even then only school is run. 34 out of 46 assembly poTo the right are some sitions were filled. Judging by the vacancies ways you can start being during the assembly meet- involved with the management of your school. ing it is probably safe to assume they are still not all filled. These are our peers who represent our interests and provide feedback to make the things ASBSU does have any effect. These guys are here for students and nobody seems to have the time of Visit us at Arbiday to take part. teronline.com As Gaudioso put it during the October 2 assemand tell us if it bly meeting, “I don’t think is important to 20,000 students are just you to be inhappy.” Well he’s probably right volved in your and he said it out of interstudent est for fixing these things government. and possibly even frustration at the lack of feedback
The Arbiter
Call: 208-426-1223 Email: asbsu@boisestate.edu Go online: www.asbsu.boisestate.edu Facebook: www.facebook.com/asbsu Twitter: @ASBSU Go to a meeting: Executive meetings
Every Tuesday at 1:45 pm in the Student Union Building Forum Room
On Tuesdays from 4:45 to 5:45pm in the Student Union Building
October 23, November 6, November 27 and December 4
Assembly meetings
Assembly meeting dates
Kyle Bowers
The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff colum-
Visit: Student Involvement & Leadership Center inside the Student Union Building
Is voter registration important to you?
Guest opinions and Letters to the Editor (300 to 500 word limit each) can be emailed to letters@ arbiteronline.com
Get in touch with ASBSU:
nists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institution-
Brendan Gauld
Freshman - Health Sciences
Sophomore - Business
“I feel like it's important because that way you know what is going on in your government.”
“I think it is very, very important. I put a very high emphasis on that. Especially college kids. I believe college kids play a key role this year. It's going to be a big year.”
al opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such. The Arbiter cannot guarantee
submissions will make it to print due to time and space constraints. The content of the opinion does not affect its eligibility to be printed.
Staff Writer
Zachary Chastaine
Read unprinted opinions online.
October 18, 2012
x x x x x x The Game
o f G ar ret s o n o o o John Garretson Sports Editor
Redshirt Senior Scott Sears slices with a powerful strike at the mens tennis match.
International Bronco match A closer look at the men’s tennis team
Alessandra Cinfio Courtesy to The Arbiter
Boise State has become more and more diverse through its history, especially when it comes to its student athletes. There's one team in particular that holds a more unconventional platform for where its athletes come from. Filipp Pogostkin is a senior on the tennis team who hails from Moscow, Russia. Never having an injury to hold him back from playing a season, this will be his last season with
Boise State Tennis. The tennis team is filled with students from all around the world. Currently there are 10 people on their team, five of them being from out of the country, including England, Sweden, Russia and Australia. "I think it’s what makes our team who we are. Having so much diversity on the team actually brings us together and makes our team stronger,” Pogostkin said. The tennis season is year round, with the fall primarily playing individual matches. Head Coach Greg Patton is
Rabid for Rapids
the deciding factor on who goes to which matches according to the readiness of a player. This fall the men had an opportunity to play in seven tournament, improving individual play. The spring is officially when their team season begins and it will conclude in May. Their average schedule consists of practice for two hours Monday through Friday, followed by weight training three days a week. “Being a student-athlete is no walk in the park, it takes a
lot of time and discipline to handle school and tennis,” Pogostkin said. During their season in the spring, the men are always on the road, traveling almost every weekend. “Traveling all the time can be tough with school, but we’ve been used to traveling all our lives that by now we know how to handle it. The teachers are usually understanding when it comes to assignments and due dates,” Pogostkin said. Last year, the men's team were the Mountain West Champions and ended with
a final ranking of 39th nationally. The roster will increase in January with two new guys joining the team, one from Venezuela and the other from England. “With our full roster in the spring, our team can do a great deal of damage this year. We will have enough depth and heart to go up in the rankings,” Pogostkin said. Whether they're from out of the state or out of the country, Pogostkin and the men's team will be a team to reckon with at the commencement of the spring season in 2013.
Photo courtesy steve fisher
World-rennowned kayaker and filmmaker Steve Fisher will be premiering his film “Congo: The Grand Inga Project” at the Egyptian Theatre this Friday, which recounts his historic journey on the deadly Inga Rapids in the Congo River. Tickets are currently on sale at the theater and Idaho River Sports for $12 in advance and $15 day of admission.
Let’s take a trip to the eastern side of Idaho for this one, specifically in Pocatello, at Idaho State University. Idaho State Head Football Coach Jerry Kramer, a University of Idaho alum, was caught on film pushing senior wide receiver Derek Graves at practice on Oct. 3. The reason for the push: Graves wanted to match up against a veteran cornerback rather than a freshman to be tested on an equal level. Kramer’s response? A march across the field, shouting “He’s a f-----g varsity player!” to Graves and then with the force of his two hands, shoved Graves to the ground. Almost two weeks later, Graves continues to have spasms in his back and has yet to be cleared to play. The annoyance of this issue is that ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” picked this story up on a national level and yet nothing has been done to Kramer. Police reports have been filed, Kramer has not been available the past two games and the university has been relatively hush-hush about the situation, which is the headscratching part to this. The video has been viral for quite some time now and with evidence from the tape and witnesses from the countless Idaho State players, what is Kramer still doing in Pocatello? Coaches are meant to be fiery and aggressive, getting their players riled up or motivated, but this is a boundary no coach is meant to enter. This has not been Kramer’s first incident with a university that has caused a stir in the public’s eyes. As Montana State University’s head coach in 2007, he was dismissed as several of his players had been arrested for crimes involving drugs over a one-year span. Kramer sued, and somehow came away with a settlement outside of court. I understand the numerous Pro Bowls, the championships and illustrious career the man had with the Green Bay Packers, and that the entire state of Idaho was hard-pressed in campaigning for his NFL Hall of Fame ballot, but not every player has the transformation in the coach. Sure, keep Kramer in the hearts of his beloved fans and as a representative of an Idaho football product, but keep him out of coaching. It’ll be one less problem for the Idaho State do deal with and one less task Kramer will have on his retirement check list.
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Black out (Story inside)
Page design Chris barfuss/THE ARBITER
October 18, 2012
Boise State vs. UNLV
Here come the men in black
UNLV preview
Page DesiGn BRyan Talbot Photo Courtesy of BroncoSports
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Key players No.
Jamar Taylor
Boise State vs. UNLV
October 18, 2012
Lucio Prado Staff Writer
J.C. Percy
Demarcus Lawrence
he defense is lead by the former Helix High School stand out, East County League Defensive MVP redshirt senior Jamar Taylor. Last year Taylor stepped in as a starter when injures became a factor at the cornerback position for the broncos. Currently he is one of two Broncos with multiple interceptions and has contributed in the blitz package with a sack. Taylor terrorizes quarterbacks and is complimented by senior Jerrell Gavins to form one of the more dominating defensive backs corps in college football.
lso expected to contribute is last years co-winner of the Broncos’ special team player of the year award, redshirt senior linebacker J.C. Percy. The three year letterman is playing in his last homecoming game. The 6’0” 227 lb linebacker grew up in Blackfoot and is a local legend. He leads the team in tackles (56 total and 30 solo) and is expected to shut down UNLV running game. Percy had 14 total tackles against Fresno State last weekend, so look for him to close in on a number similar.
erhaps the biggest surprise on the defense has come out of El Dorado, Kan. in the form of redshirt sophomore defensive lineman Demarcus Lawrence. The 6’3” 242 lb. transfer signed with Boise State last December and enrolled in the spring to participate in practice. At Butler he earned first-team JC Gridwire and second-team NJCAA All-American Honors. Currently, Lawrence leads the team in sacks with five, Against Fresno State, Lawrence harassed Derek Carr and brought him down three times.
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October 18, 2012
Boise State vs. UNLV
UNLV Defense 1 28 Mark Hays
Kevin Thomas
Senior 5-10/190
Freshman 5-11/165
Jerrad Pietrucci
Randy Black
22 Senior 5-10/190
Ted Darnell
99 Senior 6-5/270
Charles Leno Jr.
Kirby Moore
Junior 6-4/294
Junior 6-3/203
61 Senior 6-3/305
Derrick Monroe
92 Senior 6-2/285
Matt Paradis
65 Junior 6-3/289
Senior 6-2/235
Robin Maile
91 Senior 6-1/290
Michael Ames
Sophomore 6-4/293
Andre Hilliard
26 Senior 5-8/155
Talance Sawyer
Senior 6-2/290
Jake Broyles
76 Junior 6-5/290
Gabe Linehan
87 Junior 6-4/241
Matt Miller
Sophomore 6-3/215
16 7 Bronco Offense
Boise State Roster
Junior 6-1/197
DJ Harper
Senior 5-9/193
No. NAME POS HT 1 Bryan Douglas CB 5-9 2 Matt Miller WR 6-3 3 Chris Potter WR 5-9 4 Jerrell Gavins CB 5-9 5 Jamar Taylor CB 5-11 6 Dextrell Simmons NT 5-11 7 D.J. Harper RB 5-9 8 Demarcus Lawrence DL 6-3 8 Nick Patti QB 5-10 9 Grant Hedrick QB 6-0 10 Jamel Hart RB 5-9 10 Jeremy Ioane S 5-10 11 Shane Williams-Rhodes WR 5-6 13 Blake Renaud LB 6-2 14 Trevor Harman P 6-3 14 Jimmy Laughrea QB 6-1 15 Chaz Anderson CB 5-10 15 Tyler Jackson WR 6-1 16 Deon’tae Florence CB 5-9 16 Joe Southwick QB 6-1 17 Geraldo Boldewijn WR 6-4 18 Aaron Burks WR 6-3 19 Josh Borgman CB 5-7 20 Mitch Burroughs WR 5-9 21 Jack Fields RB 5-9 22 Chanceller James S 6-1
Joe Kellogg
Greg Gales
Freshman 5-10/240
Joe Southwick
Mitch Burroughs
TheArbiter Arbiter The The Arbiter
James Sunia
Junior 6-2/225
Senior 5-9/205
WT CLASS 166 SO 215 SO 159 SR 169 SR 196 SR 200 SR 205 SR 242 SO 187 FR 192 SO 211 FR 197 SO 154 FR 239 SO 216 JR 200 FR 175 FR 193 SR 168 SO 197 JR 214 JR 200 JR 174 SR 193 SR 194 FR 194 FR
No. NAME 23 Eric Agbaroji 24 Hazen Moss 25 Christopher Santini 26 Jake Van Ginkel 27 Jay Ajayi 28 Dillon Lukehart 29 Lee Hightower 30 Donte Deayon 31 Andrew Pint 32 Jonathan Brown 33 Tommy Smith 34 Kirby Moore 35 Charles Bertoli 35 Darian Thompson 36 Tyler Gray 37 Ebenezer Makinde 38 Corey Bell 39 Drew Wright 40 Armand Nance 41 Dan Goodale 41 Kharyee Marshall 42 Hilton Richardson 43 Ricky Tjong-A-Tjoe 44 Chris Roberson 45 Travis Saxton 47 Dan Paul
POS HT DB 6-1 DB 6-0 NT 5-11 K 6-0 RB 6-0 LB 6-0 DB 6-2 CB 5-9 LB 6-1 NT 5-10 LB 6-1 WR 6-3 RB 5-11 DB 6-1 LB 6-4 CB 5-10 NT 5-11 RB 5-9 DL 6-0 K 5-10 DE 6-2 NT 6-2 DT 6-3 LS 6-0 LB 6-1 FB 6-1
WT CLASS 203 FR 201 SR 220 FR 186 SO 222 SO 199 SO 192 SO 143 FR 215 FR 211 JR 238 SR 203 JR 191 FR 197 FR 227 FR 181 JR 206 SO 203 JR 273 FR 191 FR 240 JR 217 SR 296 SO 228 SR 221 SO 262 SR
No. NAME 48 J.C. Percy 49 Darien Barrett 50 Jake Holsteen 51 Ben Weaver 52 Kevin Keane 53 Beau Martin 54 Michael Ames 56 Dustin Kamper 57 Shane Wickes 58 Robert Ash 60 Kellen Buhr 61 Joe Kellogg 62 Chris Tozer 63 Adam Sheffield 64 Brenel Myers 65 Matt Paradis 66 Mario Yakoo 67 Rees Odhiambo 68 David Cushing 69 Tyler Horn 70 Steven Baggett 71 Greg Dohmen 72 Marcus Henry 73 Travis Averill 75 Faraji Wright 76 Jake Broyles
POS HT LB 6-0 DE 6-2 LS 6-4 LB 6-0 LS 6-0 DL 6-2 OL 6-4 LB 6-1 OL 6-2 DL 6-3 OL 6-0 G 6-3 OL 6-4 OL 6-3 G 6-3 OL 6-3 OL 6-4 OL 6-4 DT 6-1 DE 6-5 OL 6-3 OL 6-3 OL 6-3 OL 6-3 OT 6-3 OL 6-5
WT CLASS 227 SR 222 FR 216 JR 226 FR 208 SO 250 SO 293 SR 217 JR 243 FR 283 FR 264 FR 305 SR 311 JR 326 FR 282 SR 289 JR 320 FR 297 FR 272 FR 265 SO 248 FR 291 SO 297 FR 278 FR 300 SR 290 JR
No. NAME 77 Spencer Gerke 78 Charles Leno Jr. 79 Avery Westendorf 80 Hayden Plinke 81 Dallas Burroughs 82 Samuel Ukwuachu 83 Troy Ware 84 Michael Frisina 85 Holden Huff 86 Kyle Sosnowski 87 Gabe Linehan 88 Chandler Koch 89 Connor Peters 90 Jamal Wilson 91 Greg Grimes 93 Brennyn Dunn 94 Sam McCaskill 95 Darren Koontz 96 Elliot Hoyte 98 Jeffrey Worthy 99 Michael Atkinson
POS HT OL 6-3 OL 6-4 OL 6-5 TE 6-4 WR 5-8 DE 6-4 WR 6-2 K 5-5 TE 6-5 TE 6-2 TE 6-4 TE 6-2 TE 6-4 FB 5-11 DT 6-0 TE 6-3 DE 6-3 DT 6-3 DL 6-4 DT 6-3 DT 6-0
WT CLASS 296 JR 294 JR 270 FR 255 FR 173 SO 222 FR 195 FR 153 JR 213 FR 247 SO 241 JR 246 SR 253 SO 227 FR 293 SR 201 FR 236 FR 274 SR 275 FR 285 FR 306 SR
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Boise State vs. UNLV
October 18, 2012
UNLV Key Players Three Rebels to watch Corey Morgan Staff Writer
Nick Sherry
Freshman Quarterback
UNLV starting freshmen quarterback Nick Sherry is having a very strong year this year. Currently, Sherry is 20 th in the nation in passing yards at 1,771 yards with 11 touchdowns. As a whole offensive unit, UNLV is 46th in the nation in passing yards with 253 yards per game. The one stat to watch this weekend vs. Boise State is his eight interceptions. Boise State is currently seventh in the nation in the turnover margin, in which they created 10 fumbles and 9 interceptions. In order for the Rebels to be successful against this turnover-machine of a defense of Boise State, Sherry will have to smart with the ball.
TheArbiter Arbiter The The Arbiter
Tim Cornett
Junior Running Back
Another player looking to have a strong impact in this game is UNLV junior running back, Tim Cornett. Cornett has been the consistency of this UNLV offense throughout the year, averaging 5.1 yards per carry. Last week against the University of Nevada, Reno, Cornett ran for 129 yards on 20 carries with 1 touchdown. Fun fact: in 7 games this year, Cornett has had no less than 17 carries each game. Boise State has allowed 986 yards on the ground this year with a total of 9 touchdowns. In week one vs. Michigan State, the Broncos were left complelty vulnerable and were unable to contain running back, Le’veon Bell. With all of the Boise State defensive backs creating interceptions, it would be wise if the Rebels to get the ball out of their freshmen quarterback’s hands, work the ground and pound and cover the ball up when running.
James Boyd
Junior Defensive End
Last week against Fresno State, the Boise State running backs ran for 215 yards and one touchdown. They finally found the 1-2 punch in the running game. For UNLV to stay in this game, junior defensive end, James Boyd needs to be a force in the defensive run stop. Boyd has 19 tackles, 2.5 tackles for loss, 2.5 sacks and 5 pass deflections on the year. History shows in this season, if a team can stop the Boise State running attack, the offense struggles. See week one against where Boise State went up against the Michigan State Spartans and their stingy defense only allowed DJ Harper to eight yards on 15 attempts. So, if James Boyd and the rest of the Rebel defensive line can stop the run, UNLV has a possible shot of pulling the massive upset over the Broncos.
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Boise State vs. UNLV
October 18, 2012
Bronco Defense 10 29 Lee Hightower
Jeremy Ioane
Sophomore 6-2/192
Dextrell Simmons
Tommy Smith
Senior 5-11/200
Jerrell Gavins
94 8 43
Demarcus Lawrence
36 99 82
Brent Boyko
Sophomore 6-7/295
Sophomore 6-3/200
Senior 6-0/227
Ricky Tjong-A-Tjoe
Sophomore 6-3/242
J.C. Percy
Senior 6-1/238
Senior 5-9/167
Devante Davis
Sophomore 5-10/197
Mike Atkinson
Junior 6-3/296
Cameron Jefferson
Sophomore 6-6/265
79 3
Sophomore 6-2/275
Freshman 6-4/222
Doug Zismann
64 Senior 6-2/300
Yuser Rodgers
77 Senior 6-2/260
Nick Sherry Freshman 6-5/25
Tim Cornett
Senior 5-11/196
Sam Ukwuachu
Senior 6-0/306
Robert Waterman
Jamar Taylor
Marcus Sullivan Jake Phillips
46 Freshman 6-6/245
Sophomore 5-9/195
William Vea
35 37 UNLV Offense UNLV Roster
Junior 6-0/205
No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 26 27
NAME Adonis Smith Nick Sherry Michael Thomas Jr. Dre Crawford Anthony Williams Marc Philippi Caleb Herring Eric Johnson Justice Sarcedo Troy Hawthorne Eric Tuiloma-Va’a Sean Reilly Taylor Barnhill Kenneth Penny Marcus Sullivan Kameron Rose Kenny Brown Taylor Spencer David Greene Prince Jeffery Hallion Matt Lea Fred Wilson Brandon Baker Jonathon James Eugene Johnson Nolan Kohorst
TheArbiter Arbiter The The Arbiter
HT 5-11 6-5 6-2 6-1 5-11 5-11 6-3 5-7 5-11 6-3 6-1 6-4 6-4 5-11 5-9 5-10 5-10 6-1 6-1 5-10 5-10 6-1 6-1 5-8 5-6 6-1
WT CLASS 200 JR 240 FR 175 FR 185 SR 190 FR 210 FR 200 JR 170 SR 180 FR 185 FR 200 JR 210 SR 240 SO 170 SO 195 SO 175 SR 175 SR 210 SO 195 FR 155 FR 200 FR 175 FR 180 FR 165 SO 140 SR 175 JR
No. NAME 28 Bradley Randle 29 Tajh Hasson 29 Logan Yunker 30 Imari Thompson 31 Jonavaughn Williams 32 Mike Horsey 33 Dionza Bradford 34 Andrew Casey 34 Tau Lotulelei 35 Tim Cornett 36 Sidney Hodge 37 Connor Benado 37 William Vea 38 Connor Afoa 39 Chase Lansford 40 Princeton Jackson 41 Tani Maka 42 Peni Vea 43 Tim Hasson 44 Kenny Keys 45 John Therrell 46 Jake Phillips 47 Trent Allmang-Wilder 48 Beau Brence 49 Nick Gstrein 50 Trent Langham
POS HT RB 5-7 DB 6-1 P 6-2 RB 5-9 WR 6-2 DB 6-1 RB 6-0 TE 6-4 LB 6-0 RB 6-1 DB 5-8 LB 6-0 FB 6-1 LB 6-1 P 6-2 LB 6-1 LB 6-1 DB 6-1 DB 6-2 DB 6-4 DB 6-2 TE 6-6 DL 6-6 DE 6-3 TE 6-4 LB 6-2
Sophomore 6-0/230
WT CLASS 190 JR 190 SO 215 SO 215 SR 200 FR 180 SO 230 SO 240 JR 200 FR 205 JR 175 JR 215 FR 230 SO 245 SR 195 SR 210 SR 240 JR 195 FR 215 JR 185 FR 170 JR 245 FR 290 SR 255 SR 275 FR 200 FR
No. NAME 51 Prince Oroke 52 Reggie Umuolo 54 Iggy Porchia 55 John Lotulelei 56 Perry Cooper 57 Gerry Norton 58 Brian Roth 59 Aareon Smith-Allen 60 Eric Noone 61 Afi Greig 62 David Green 64 Doug Zismann 65 Patrick Carroll 66 Bryson Mook 67 Brad Overand 69 Brett Boyko 70 Aleks Vekic 71 Tom Clarkson 72 Ron Scoggins 73 Andrew Oberg 74 Alex Novosel 75 Bobby Alvarez 76 Jason Koontz 77 Yusef Rodgers 78 Cameron Jefferson 79 Robert Waterman
POS HT LB 6-1 LB 5-11 LB 6-2 LB 6-1 LB 6-3 DL 5-9 OL 6-5 LB 6-2 OL 6-2 OL 5-10 DL 6-4 OL 6-2 OL 6-5 DL 0-0 OL 6-6 OL 6-7 OL 6-5 OL 6-6 OL 6-2 OL 6-7 OL 6-6 OL 6-6 OL 6-2 OL 6-2 OL 6-6 OL 6-2
WT CLASS 225 JR 195 SR 230 FR 235 SR 230 SO 240 JR 300 SO 0 JR 295 FR 310 FR 245 FR 300 SR 275 FR 0 FR 280 JR 310 SO 300 FR 275 FR 325 FR 280 FR 270 FR 330 FR 315 JR 260 SR 300 SO 290 SO
No. NAME 80 Maika Mataele 81 Devante Davis 82 Marcell Frazier 83 Max Johnson 84 Dominic Baldwin 85 Jordan Sparkman 86 Aaron Reed 87 Trey Mays 88 Andrew Price 89 Tyler Bergsten 90 Parker Holloway 91 Alvin Amilcar 92 Charles Howard 93 Sonny Sanitoa 94 Jeremiah Valoaga 95 Alex Klorman 96 James Boyd 98 Desmond Tautofi 99 Tyler Gaston
POS HT WR 5-10 WR 6-3 DL 6-5 TE 6-1 DL 6-6 DL 6-6 TE 6-4 WR 5-10 TE 6-6 TE 6-4 DL 6-3 DL 6-4 DL 6-4 DL 6-3 DL 6-5 DL 6-2 DE 6-5 DL 6-3 DL 6-3
WT CLASS 180 JR 200 SO 225 FR 235 JR 230 FR 250 SO 235 SR 175 SR 230 FR 240 FR 240 JR 245 JR 320 FR 235 FR 225 FR 270 JR 255 JR 300 SO 290 JR
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Boise State vs. UNLV
October 18, 2012
Boise State Football
Schedule Date Fri, Aug 31
esult/ Location/ Opponent RTime (MST) No. 13
Michigan State
@ East Lansing,Michigan
Miami (OH)
Sat, Sep 15
Thu, Sep 20
vs No. 25
Brigham Young
L (17-13) W (39-12) W (7-6)
Sat, Sep 29
W (32-29)
Sat, Oct 6
Southern Miss
W (40-14)
@ Albuquerque, New Mexico @ Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Sat, Oct 13
Fresno State
W (20-10)
Sat, Oct 20
1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
@ Laramie, Wyoming
San Diego State
Sat, Nov 3
Sat, Nov 10
Hawaii @ Honolulu, Hawaii
Sat, Nov 17
Sat, Dec 01 TheArbiter Arbiter The The Arbiter
Colorado State
@ Reno, Nevada
This Week’s Game:
Boise State
Chris barfuss/THE ARBITER
New mexico
Sat, Oct 27
8:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. TBA arbiteronline.com arbiteronline.com arbiteronline.com
October 18, 2012
Boise State vs. UNLV
Life with Joe has been A-OK Ty Hawkins Staff Writer
The murmurs of disappointment were apparent early this season about Bronco quarterback Joe Southwick. Bronco Nation had been spoiled, they wanted wins, immediately. Many wondered if and when Coach Pete would go with another quarterback, maybe get a glimpse of heralded freshman Nick Patti, after minimal offensive output. Rewind to Aug. 31, against the then-ranked
Michigan State Spartans. The offense was dismal on the ground and extra regular through the air. Southwick finished 15of-31 for 169 yards with no touchdowns or interceptions. A few misreads here accompanied by some questionable decision making and immediately fans were searching for answers behind center after the 17-13 loss. Fast forward to this Saturday’s homecoming game, where Southwick has completed 104-of-170 passes for 1,237 yards nine
touchdowns and four interceptions, leading the No. 24 Broncos to five consecutive wins. Saturday Boise State hosts the 1-6 UNLV Runnin’ Rebels in which he will look to extend the winning streak to six. Newsflash folks: not every quarterback is going to be a record setter or breaker. When they are awarded the starting job they’re asked to do a handful of things. Lead, take care of the ball and win. Granted, it hasn’t been
all puppy dogs and rainbows, but Southwick has done a decent job of all of those, mainly helping produce wins. Between the backlash of fans, having to replace you-know-who and fending off all of the young talent gunning for the No. 1 spot, he has proved he’s a thick-skinned individual. One could argue if it wasn’t for the defense Boise State would have lost against BYU at home. That argument could be countered by the defensive let down against New Mexico, when the Lobos made a game out of what should have been a blowout. It’s easy to blame one or the other, offense or defense, but in a losing scenario it comes down to who has the ball in their hands the most and control of the game: the
quarterback. I’ll admit I had my doubts, along with the masses, about Southwick, and some of those may still linger. Pete knows how to win games and up until now Southwick has delivered. When the kitchen was getting hot, Pete stuck by Joe, and with the back half of the season coming Boise State has good news on the way as the teams they’ll face have a combined 1426 as of now. The Broncos will be bowl bound again; where they go will depend on how they finish. Obviously fans will wonder what would have been with the victory over Michigan State, as far as the BCS is concerned, it’s just the nature of the beast as a mid-major supporter. His transition is still a
work in progress, but if this Joe can stay above average and win like he is now, then Bronco Nation should be cool with it. It doesn’t seem like he is going anywhere just yet.
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