Arbiter 10-29-12

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Issue no.

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Sin ce



October 2012

Volume 25

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Boise, Idaho


First issue free

Top Stories

Pumpkin fun

“Try it with Tabby” chronicles a pumpkin carving fiasco.



Bucked them Cowbows

All Steinway Boise State


Broncos defeated the Cowboys in a 45-14 victory on Saturday



Weather Today

Partly Cloudy

69º high


chance of precipitation


In 2008 Boise State’s Department of Music became recognized as an All-Steinway school.

The university is recognized as an All-Steinway school Lauren Jacob Staff Writer

A blue piano called “The Rhapsody” lives on the fourth floor of the Stueckle Sky Center. This isn’t any normal piano. Not only is it blue, but it is a Steinway piano and the first of many to come to Boise State starting in 2008 in an effort to make Boise State’s music department an All-Steinway department. At the Boise State vs. Hawaii football game on Oct. 17, 2008, the campaign was launched to add Boise State’s music department to this list of All-Steinway schools. The Blue Thunder Marching Band performed Rhapsody in Blue at the halftime show and got national recognition on ESPN for the stunning blue piano that accompa-

nied the band. From that day forward, a group effort was underway to raise the money necessary, one million dollars, to fund the switch to Steinway pianos. “At least half of the pianos that we had were junk,” said Mark Hansen, department chair of the music department. “The piano affects every single music student and having good pianos seriously affects the quality of their work.” With better pianos brings betters music. With better music brings a better department, and with a better department brings interest from prospective students and a growing department. “Ask anybody in any endeavor here,” said Mike Winters, Boise State alumnus and chairman of Boise State College of Arts and

Sciences Community Advisory Board. “They’ll tell you that the quality of the instruments you have to work on, research or science or athletics or anything, determines your limits of what you can do.” These pianos, made by Steinway and Sons, are handmade pianos known worldwide to be among the best instruments in the world. Becoming an AllSteinway School means being nationally recognized and having the highest quality pianos to foster the music department. The first piano, the blue Rhapsody, was donated to the music department by Keith and Catherine Stein, two people who have been active in donating funds to the music department over the years.

After their kick-off to the fundraising, University Advancement raised more than $145,000 over the next 15 months. After that, a volunteer committee took over who raised another $164,000 by putting on events for the community and specifically, influential members of the music community. These events featured music students who were able to share their talent and mingle with the community, putting a face to the project. “What made the campaign successful was that I wanted to make the students a focal point of what we were doing,” Winters said. “I think it’s the students that are why we are all in this.” Keith and Catherine Stein gave a generous gift of $700,000 to the music de-

partment to finish off their fundraising and the Boise State music department was given recognition for being an All-Steinway school in the late summer of 2012. “There isn’t any numerical data,” Hansen said. “But there has been a noticeable increase in interest and community because of the pianos. Schools are anxious to come here and have festivals because they know of the pianos.” Every piano used by the Boise State music department, both inside the Morrison Center and during performances elsewhere, is now a Steinway. After an almost four-year long journey, Boise State stands among schools like Juliard, Yale and the China Conservatory of Music as being a school with the best pianos in the world.

Partly Cloudy

70º high


chance of precipitation


Boise Firefighters extinguish Vermont blaze Amy Merrill News Editor


69º high


chance of precipitation

What’s Inside News Briefs








2 3 7 8

Boise Fire responded to a two alarm fire at the Vermont Avenue Apartment complex located on the 12000 block of South Vermont Avenue on Wednesday, Oct. 24. Zac Fisher, a Boise State sophomore studying pre-med, was returning from Jimmy John’s to his apartment also located in the complex, when he saw smoke coming out of the building. “I ran in there. I tried to open the door and then I banged on it for a little bit and then I called 911,” Fisher said. Multiple units responded to a total of 27 personnel and Boise City Fire Chief, Dennis Doan said firefighters broke the window of apartment

1203 to let out heat, smoke and gases so they could do a search. The door was forced open and a search and rescue was performed, no one was inside the apartment. The fire was contained to the single apartment. The unit was damaged in the kitchen and part of the living room, roughly 30 percent of the of the total unit was damaged by the fire. Doan said the fire department has a burn out fund in place which draws money monthly from each fire fighter’s paycheck which is later used to help people in need following a situation like the Vermont Apartment fire, or in instances where individuals do not have fire insurance. No one was injured in the fire. The cause of the fire was butter left unattended on the stove.


Firefighters work to extinguish the blaze on Wednesday, Oct. 16.

on the corner of

Cole and Franklin The Arbiter


Page 2

October 29, 2012

Try Us On For Size MFA reading series presents Catherine Wagner The MFA Reading Series presents poet Catherine Wagner at 8 p.m. Oct. 28 at Pengilly’s Saloon, 513 West Main St., in Boise. Wagner’s collections of poems include “Nervous Device” (2012), “My New Job” (2009), “Macular Hole” (2004), “Miss America” (2001); and a dozen chapbooks, including “Imitating” (Leafe Press 2004). She has performed widely in the U.S., England and Ireland; her poems and essays appear or are forthcoming in

Abraham Lincoln, Lana Turner, New American Writing, 1913, How2, Cambridge Literary Review, Soft Targets, Action, Yes and other magazines. An anthology she coedited with Rebecca Wolff title “Not for Mothers Only“ was published by Fence in 2007. She is associate professor of English at Miami University in Ohio. Free and open to the public, the MFA Reading Series brings nationally renowned authors and poets to campus.

Sign up now to sponsor a student for the holidays The Holiday Help program is an annual event where individuals and university departments sponsor a Boise State student who might need a little extra help providing for their families during the holiday season. Program organizers are now beginning the process of accepting applications from students who would benefit from this program

E ditor - in -C hief

and are looking for sponsors. Sponsors must be willing to assist in seeing that the needs of these students and their families are met this holiday season. If your department is interested in sponsoring a student, please complete the form and submit it by Nov. 12. For questions call 426-1942 or email

Annual football passing and kicking contest All Boise State staff, both men and women, are invited to participate in the third annual Football Passing and Kicking Contest from noon-1 p.m. Nov. 8 in the Caven-Williams Sports Complex. The contest is sponsored by the Professional Staff Association. Whether you want to someday tell the grandkids you threw the football or kicked

The Women’s Center will host a nontraditional student social from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 7 in the Women’s Center Lounge on the second floor of

the SUB. Students are invited to join the Women’s Center and Boise State Leadership Society in celebrating Nontraditional

Student Recognition Week. Come share your experiences, network with other nontraditional students and enjoy free cake and snacks.

These stories have been trending on Twitter: Read the headlines here to look smart, browse discussion points at to act smart, or be smart by following links to the full stories. Sandy Forming into a Rare Hybrid Storm Admin. rejects new claim about Libya attack How college students can prepare for the job market

Clubs & Orgs


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

ACROSS 1 Golf pros regularly break it 4 Gemologist’s weight 9 Force back 14 “__ had it up to here!” 15 Single-celled critter 16 Bo’s’n’s “Hold it!” 17 Blink of an eye 18 Rocky, for one 19 Midterms and finals 20 Do-or-die moment 23 “Para __, oprima numero dos”: customer service option 24 Woos 27 Crystal ball consulter 28 Bringing up the rear 31 Cut back 32 Offbeat 35 Cowboy’s footwear 37 Pieces on a board 38 When the Brontës wrote 43 Cannes crony 44 Arrow-shooting god 45 Prez before Jack 46 Prefix with second 48 Computer operator 50 Bottom-line concern 54 Hole for a shoelace 56 Heart, soul, or heart and soul 59 Precisely 62 Cheer for a diva 64 Fragrant compound 65 Game based on crazy eights 66 Seethed 67 Underground Railroad traveler 68 Fort Worth sch. 69 Stockpile 70 Repaired, as a shoe 71 “But then again ...” DOWN 1 The Fishes of the zodiac 2 Opposed (to)

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

3 Bon Appétit offering 4 Mountain retreat 5 BP merger partner 6 Drugstore name derived from the prescription symbol 7 Genesis sibling 8 Infield protection 9 Betting odds, e.g. 10 Bring into balance 11 Deli meat 12 Body shop quote: Abbr. 13 Many USMA grads 21 Card worth a fortune? 22 Squid relatives 25 Palm smartphone 26 Mail out 29 Belittle 30 Trinity member 33 Deer mom 34 “Sex for Dummies” author, familiarly 36 “__War”: Shatner novel 38 Rooftop rotator 39 Uncertain response

Tasha Adams


BY LINDA C. BLACK Tribune Media Services Aries (Mar. 21-April 19) For the next few days, work out the financial details and figure out ways to improve the bottom line. Get the word out.

Communication with your partner is more direct and helpful. Start by cleaning up old messes. An older person meets you halfway.

Amy Merrill news@

F eatures E ditor

Christina Marfice features@

Cancer (June 21-July 22) It’ll be easier to figure out the job, now and for the next few weeks. Your priorities evolve or drastically change. Keep everyone on the right track. Stash away the surplus.

S ports E ditor

John Garretson sports@

O nline S ports E ditor

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) It’s easier to make decisions now and to express your love. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, regardless. There’s a turning point regarding a boss or employee.

Nikki Hanson sports@

O pinion E ditor

Zach Chastaine letters@

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Concentrate on your studies. It’s time fix up your place and take it to the next level. No more procrastinating! Others look to you for

A rts and E ntertainment E ditor

The Funnies


53 Embark 55 “Holy moly!” 57 “Date Night” actor Carell 58 Destroy, as documents 60 Miss Trueheart of “Dick Tracy” 61 Nobel Peace Prize city 62 Painter’s deg. 63 Caribbean liquor

practical advice.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Deal

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

N ews E ditor

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

40 Wide-screen technique introduced in the ’50s 41 Island in the Aegean 42 CSA general 47 Antipasto tidbits 49 Beach house, maybe 51 At one’s post 52 Wall-mounted candleholder

The Future

Consider all possibilities. Now you’re a genius at everything that you commit yourself to. And for about nine weeks, you’re even good at financial planning.

M anaging E ditor

10/29/12 Thursday’s Solved Saturday’s Puzzle Puzzle Solved

By Don Gagliardo & C.C. Burnikel

Taurus (April 20-May 20)


P hoto E ditor

point away. Win the passing accuracy competition by hitting a target the most consecutive times from a short distance. Win the kicking contest by showing how far back you can go and still make it between the uprights. No registration is required.

Non-traditional student social set

Haley Robinson

Tabitha Bower arts@

a winning field goal in heated competition at Boise State, or you just need an excuse to get out of the office, this is your event. Not only will you have fun, you could win athletic tickets or one of several other great prizes from the Bronco Shop. Win the passing distance competition by hitting a target from the farthest



with financial obligations now, and consider higher values. Identify the potential for opportunity, and take action for success.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Your mind is less into work and more into enlightenment now. For three weeks, confident productivity leaves time for introspection. Keep your dollars, and study authors who inspire.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You’re out in public and open for love. Provide for others. Treat them as you’d like to be treated. Go ahead and try a new exotic dish.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Find balance between sensitivity and reason, without one overpowering the other. Enjoy romantic moments through most of tomorrow. The truth gets revealed.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You’re entering a three-week social phase. Use your imagination and connections for positive change. Communications could falter. Notice the bottleneck before you get stuck in it.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You’ll finally figure it out, and it will be easier to advance than you imagine. Work with others to avoid conflicts later. New evidence threatens complacency. Level: 1




Cody Finney photo@

C opy E ditors

Katie Johnson Taylor Newbold

P roduction / G raphics D pt . Bryan Talbot Chris Barfuss Dakota Wood

N otice :

The first copy of this paper is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.

Contact Us 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554



October 25, 2012


Bronco Abroad: Will work for food Last year’s Breaking News Editor Suzanne Craig chronicles her adventures while studying abroad in Sweden. Food is more expensive in Sweden than the U.S. It’s hard to notice at first due to the currency conversion rate being so high, but after a few weeks it gets noticeable. This leads to money-saving efforts. Walking instead of taking the bus, remembering to bring reusable bags instead of paying two kroner for a plastic bag when you shop. Another idea was to get a job. Getting a job in a foreign country where you don’t speak the native language is pretty difficult. Depending on skill set and what you want to get out of it, you could just be out of luck. Thankfully, my main concern was the high cost of food and boredom. On campus there were a few student-run options. Getting paid directly wasn’t in the cards with the work visa requirements being very strict for American citizens. Thankfully the student-run café needed volunteers for the evening shift and their incentives were free coffee and tea while working, as well as a free meal and some snacks. There were also discount cards given every time you took a shift. At first I signed up for a shift every other week or so, just to see if it was worth it. But the food and company were great so I signed up. I’m now usually signed up for two shifts a week. After around three days one of the supervisors said, Hey, you should be a shift leader. First, I made sure they knew my Swedish left a lot to be desired, but after they assured me it was no problem and told me the benefits, I was sold. Free coffee and tea whenever I wanted, and a 25 percent discount on every purchase. So this week was the first incarnation of Suzanne the Shift Leader and it went smoothly. It helped it was a Thursday night and there was a party going on at the student-run club, making the place pretty dead. I spent most of the time working on a crafts project and drinking hot chocolate since I couldn’t start cleaning until eight. Making it even more official, I got a set of keys today so I can lock up without stealing the spare key from its hiding place and then waking up early to return it the next day. The better part about being a shift leader? You’re in the front of the pack for covering day-shift jobs when workers can’t make it. Those are paid positions, below minimum wage so no work-visa required as long as you don’t cover more than 40 hours a week. The café day-shift doesn’t even hit 40 hours a week, so no worries there. Currently there’s a paid spot with my name on it Nov. 1 and a few more nights in October with free dinners earmarked. The quest to make balancing my checkbook a little less painful wasn’t entirely successful, but I still count it as a win.


Firefighters responded to the car fires in Lincoln Garage which occured in the early morning of Oct. 11.

Police ask for community help Ryan Thorne Staff Writer

Recent car and garbage can fires in the Lincoln parking garage have prompted police investigation and led detectives to believe the fires were an intentional act of arson. No witnesses have come forward with information regarding the fires and police have yet to produce a suspect or motive for the incidents, said Detective Jeff Dustin of the Boise Police Department.

“What we are asking here is that the public keep an eye out for suspicious activity on campus and report it to campus security or police,” Dustin said. “I could walk around campus personally, but that would keep me from my work, and I wouldn’t notice something suspicious happening like students who spend every day there could.” Police were first contacted about the fires by a parking employee who noticed smoke pouring out of the roof of the

Lincoln parking garage on Oct 11, around 6:45 a.m. Firefighters responded and extinguished two vehicles belonging to students on the top story of the complex. “We obviously suspected the fires were intentional since they were separated by fifteen or sixteen parking spaces,” Dustin said. Additionally, several garbage cans have been set ablaze prompting police to suspect serial arson in the area. “I have no evidence indi-

Disclosure and the Clery Emily Pehrson Staff Writer

The Nittany Lions. Linebacker U. JoePa’s boys. We are…PENN STATE. The Penn State football team was iconic. Now due to the biggest scandal in the history of collegiate sports the entire legacy is tarnished. Such a fall from grace was unprecedented. The sports world and universities stood in unmitigated shock wondering how this could happen. And deeper inside the question thrummed like the wailing of a barely contained nightmare. Could it happen here? Gerald “Jerry” Sandusky, former Offensive Coodinator for Penn State was arrested Nov. 5, 2011. He was subsequently tried and convicted of 45 counts tied to his abuse of underage boys. Louis Freeh, former FBI Director, was commissioned to conduct an investigation into what happened at Penn State University. The Freeh report concludes that Head Coach Joe Paterno, Atheletic Director Tim Curely, University President Graham Spanier and Head of Campus Security Gary Schultz were all aware of Sandusky’s actions since 1998 but continued to conceal it in order to, as Freeh said in his report, “avoid bad publicity.” “Nothing bothers me more than feeling like I don’t know what’s going on. After hearing about things like that it makes me wonder what they’re not telling us here, you know?” said senior anthropology major Brittany Sharp. Not only are students worried and mistrustful, universities all over the country have restructured

the way they handle crime reporting on their campuses. This includes Boise State. However what many students might not realize is they do have the right to know. There is a national law called the Jeanne Clery Act which was first passed in 1990. This law requires all institutions, both public and private, who participate in federal student financial aid programs disclose information about crimes on and around their campuses. As part of this, campuses must make a crime log available to students. Crimes must be added to the log within two business days of the initial crime report. The crime log is made available to the public during business hours at the Boise Police substation in University Village. Boise State also offers an online version of the crime log which is updated weekly. Along with the continuous crime long, each institution is required to publish an annual security report. This report must include crime statistics for the three previous years, and a complete disclosure of security policy and procedures at the campus. At Boise State the person responsible for collecting and publishing the annual report is Tana Monroe, security analyst here on campus. Each report is available on the Campus Security webpage. This is available to anyone who wishes to access it. A link on registrar’s page makes it readily available to parents and students who are considering Boise State as an option, and the information is provided to each person

who is hired on campus. As Monroe said, “The idea is to kind of inform people before they come to campus of how safe the campus is.” In addition to producing an annual report and collecting crime statistics the Clery Act compels universities to have emergency notification and evacuation procedures, issuing timely warnings about any threat to safety, keep a crimes and fire logs that are accessible to the public and have procedures for missing students. Authority figures on campus who are required to report crimes are campus police, campus security and any school official who has, as it says in the Clery Act “significant responsibility for student and campus activities.” This includes but is not limited to professors, coaches, club advisors and residence hall directors. Under the Clery Act, Paterno, McQueary and Curley of Penn State all should have filed a report with the University Police Department pertaining to what they knew about Sandusky. No such report was ever filed. Further

cating whether the acts are related, but it does seem a bit suspicious,” Dustin said. Police are left with little information about the fires, and help from the Boise State community is necessary to solve these crimes. “People can submit information anonymously through Crimestoppers,” Dustin said. “I understand some people may not want to get involved with the police, they are busy with work and school,

but a supportive community can really make things easier for us, and safer for everyone.” Police strongly urge anyone with information regarding these incidents to contact Crime Stoppers at 343-COPS, or log onto, or text CRIMES or 274637, subject: Tip236. Police are offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who can provide information leading to an arrest.

all three men denied knowing they had any obligation to file a report. As the Freeh Report told us, at Penn State from 1991 to 2007 Clery Act compliance was the responsibility of the University Police Department’s Crime Prevention Officer (CPO). The CPO put in charge of this received no formal training on how to institute the policy properly. While the Clery Act itself is only 8 pages, the Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting, the guidelines to help campus officials comply with Clery Statutes, is 285 pages. Previously at Boise State those with obligation to report were sent forms to read and sign saying they understood their duty. There was no training required. However when the issues are as weighty as campus safety and the standards are so detailed and nuanced is this this enough? With the tragedy at Penn State revealed, Boise State along with universities across the country, decided they were not doing enough to ensure their staff is properly educated. Starting next year, each mandated reporter will be required to view and complete a video training online where their progress is monitored. This video will train individuals on what type of

crimes they must report, the geographical area where they must report, the forms used to any crimes and other information they might to fulfill their responsibility. “It ensures that everyone has gotten the same training, that we’re all on the same page and that there’s proof that they actually took the training.” Monroe said. “The University has been fully supportive of (the training) and funded it.” Upon request Monroe is also available to provide further training to anyone person or group who feels they are not adequately prepared. This gives people a chance to ask any questions they might have and clarify any part of the training they did not understand. Law and legislation can only go so far when it comes to what people will do. Whether or not some earth shaking crisis of conscience will shake the foundations of Boise State is yet to be seen. It really is a question of the character and fortitude of the individuals here at Boise State. However, as Sharp said after seeing the reports issued and being informed of the training provided, “Well, at least they’re trying their best.”

In a music slump? Listen to the

Radio for students, by students.

The Arbiter



October 29, 2012

The underdog pumpkin

Try it with

Neurotic Novelling Welcome to NaNoWriMo Lauren Hooker Staff Writer

Tabitha Bower

Arts and Entertainment Editor

Pumpkin carving, it’s not only a Halloween pastime, but also happens to be one of my favorite things to do of all time. From picking the perfect pumpkin to choosing the perfect carving cutout, it just doesn’t feel like fall until I have carved one, or ten, of those bright orange gourds. While pumpkin carving has been a yearly tradition of mine for, well, too many years to mention, I found through this week’s “Try it with Tabby” my skill level does not meet up to my many years of practice. Additionally, under the careful self-observation of this year’s pumpkin expedition, I also noticed a few pumpkin-specific

quirks about myself. The quest for the perfect carving pumpkin seems commonplace at this time of year. While some judge their future jack-olanterns by shape, size and color, usually choosing the roundest, most brightly colored with the least amount of imperfections, I found my decision-making skills differed. Pumpkin purchasers, almost like Black Friday shoppers, hoover over and eye the best of the bunch, quick to fight over the perfect specimen, as I eye the half-rotted or warty pumpkins looked over by nearly everyone. I just can’t help but feel the need to save every unwanted underdog of a gourd, call it the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree syndrome if you must.

For the sake of trying something new, I fought my way into the masses of eager pumpkin hunters at the pumpkin patch this past rainy Saturday and came out with a fairly perfect pumpkin to call my own. Aside from my pumpkin, I also left with a hint of guilt about leaving behind those which would only make their way to the pie pile. In the grand scheme of things, however, I suppose death by baking far surpasses death by stabbing, painting and being filled with flames. Moving on, once the pumpkin choosing has been accomplished, nearly as important is your choice of carving tools. Keeping it current, this year I decided to ditch my traditional marker-and-knife approach of the past and get spendy with a pumpkin carving kit.

A few things on that note. One: pumpkin carving kits are useless without tape. Two: Tools included in such kits rarely last through the pumpkin carving process. Three: I am not quite as detail oriented as I thought I was and just don’t have the patience to work through even a level one pumpkin carving template. So, I returned for the most part to my traditional pumpkin carving ways and decided to carve my name into my pumpkin. Easier said than done. I stumbled for a while with the concept of positive and negative space, but in the end came out with something legible, somewhat attractive and, while not the underdog pumpkin of my dreams, still able to be lit up and displayed on my front porch. Bryan Talbot/THE ARBITER

Choral Concert Tim Atwell Staff Writer

In between songs at the annual fall choir concert, conductor C. Michael Porter rode his bike through the greenbelt around Boise watching the leaves change colors and fall to the ground as he thought about what songs best represented the changing of seasons. The songs he decided on were performed Sunday,

Oct. 21 when the Boise State Department of Music presented “A Fall Choral Collage”, a performance by three different choir groups at Boise State. The night began with a performance by Vox Angelis, the audition-only, allfemale choir. “Before the concert, I was nervous,” said Libby Stewart, freshman biology major who sang with Vox Angelis. “Afterward I was really pleased with the

performance. It was fun to listen to the other choirs.” Vox Angelis sang a wide variety of music, from their opener, Johann Michael Haydn’s “Dixit Dominus”, to their closer, the British Columbia Folk Song “Savory, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme”. “I was excited to get to sing and have fun, but I’m relieved it’s over,” said Aryssa Hutchinson, freshman music education major who sang with Vox

Angelis. “My favorite song that we sang was Te Quiero. It’s pretty and I connect with it. It’s got that whole forlorn love thing going on.” Vox Angelis were followed by University Singers, which featured 37 men and women of all different ages. “It came together well, I’ve never heard the other choirs before so that was fun,” said Sandy Walker, a freshman communications major who sang soprano with University Singers and had a solo in one of the pieces. “My favorite was Yo

m’enamori d’un aire; it was really fun to sing.” After a short intermission, Meistersingers took the stage and sang what Porter described as a “study of harmony”: three songs showcasing numerous vocal harmonies. Meistersingers closed the show with a rousing performance of “There is Sweet Music Here Song of the Laughing Wood”, featuring music professor Dr. Jeanne Belfy on the oboe. The next choral concert will be the “Family Holiday Concert” on Dec. 4 at the Morrison Center.

For the month of November, Lauren Hooker will participate in a writing challenge like none other. Every Monday, you have the chance to read about every moment of this quest. November is National Write a Novel Month, 30 days of unadulterated misery, joy, carpal-tunnel inducing, coffeeguzzling, writing fun. In other words, participants are required to write a 50,000 word novel, approximately 175 pages, between Nov. 1 and Nov. 30: about 1,667 words a day. Last year, 256,618 people tried to accomplish the literary marathon, and only 36,843 novelists emerged, forever bearing the title, and a year’s worth of bragging rights, of a NaNoWriMo winner. I was not one of them. In fact, I’ve lost for the past three consecutive years, barely managing to pass the 20,000 word hump. Last year, between classes and work, a cornucopia of coffee and Red Bull couldn’t save me from the impending loss. This year will be different. In the words of Barney Stinson: “challenge accepted”. Novels range in genres from children to adult, science fiction to mystery. A novel is defined as a “lengthy work of fiction”, according to the website. If you consider it a novel, so do they. It doesn’t have to be polished and ready to publish; editing it for December, after all. There are a handful of rules, including starting from scratch, being the sole author of a novel, and not writing “more than one word repeated 50,000 times”. Featuring pep talks from authors such as Nick Hornby, Scott Westerfield and Kate DiCamillo, support is readily available throughout the NaNoWriMo website. Forums include boards such as “NaNoWrMo Ate My Soul” for suffering writers, or “This Is Going Better Than I Thought” for those experiencing unexpected success. Support exists throughout the community, as well. Who even has time for this? According to most WriMos, the secret is to just do it. It won’t be easy, and it may not always be fun. But it will be worth it. If anything, the endof-the-month “Thank God It’s Over” parties will be a blast.

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The Arbiter

Information Session Wednesday, November 7 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Location: 501 West Front Street, Boise, ID 83702 RSVP NOW!


Arts & Entertainment

October 29, 2012


Czech Nonet visits campus Alx Stickel

Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editor

After a standing ovation, the Czech Republic musicians of Czech Nonet performed what students said to be a hilarious encore after their Student Union Performance Series (SUPS) concert last Thursday night in the Special Events Center. Students said the performance was masterful, with great sounds and technique. “Their musicianship was wonderful,” said Leah Pentland, music education graduate student. “They communicate so well with each other. They had such a warm, rich sound. You don’t hear that terribly often. That’s probably the best group I ever heard.” Students said the musicians played flawlessly as a unit. Each instrument was distinguishable, yet the nine players all came together to produce the warm rich sound Pentland described. Students said they were

amazed and inspired by the skill of Czech Nonet. “They’re all such wonderful soloists, but playing together they just blended so well,” said Baylee Proctor, music education and flute performance major. “It was amazing how well they sounded together. It was incredible and really inspiring to watch them play.” Czech Nonet played a variety of pieces from early classical to 20th century music. The music varied in sound, speed and overall performance. Students said they enjoyed the combination and arrangement of the pieces. “I like how they had a wide range of genres,” Pentland said. “The way they ordered their pieces in the program didn’t clash with each other and they were fun to listen to.” Nonets (composed of a wind quintet and a string quartet) are not common in the music world. Pentland said she was wondering how the nine


Czech Nonet performed twice in Boise this past week, including once at Boise State. performers composed themselves onstage. With the flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and French horn musicians forming a back semi-circle which framed the front violinist, violist, cellist and contra bassist, Jeremy Ruth, senior clarinet performance major, said the arrangement was successful. “It worked so well,” Ruth

said. “From the very first chord they played was just ‘Oh my god’. It was very high quality.” Of all the unique aspects of Czech Nonet, Pentland, Proctor and Ruth agreed the oboe player was the most entertaining to watch with his expressions and enthusiasm. “The oboe player was really expressive and dy-

namic,” Proctor said. “I was a fan of the oboe player, and I’m not even an oboe player.” As part of their visit to Boise State, Czech Nonet performed a second unique recital this past Friday as part of the Boise Chamber Music Series. Czech Nonet also helped coach master classes for wind and string instru-

ments this past Thursday and Friday that were available to both students and the general public (also a component of the Boise Chamber Music Series). For upcoming SUPS and Boise Chamber Music Series performances, students can check the Student Union Fine Art Facebook page and the Music Department’s website.

Holocaust survivor shares her story Danielle Davidson Staff Writer

The Holocaust was a horrific period in the history of the world and though many students learn about the Holocaust in school, not many of them get to hear a first-hand account from a Holocaust survivor. Boise resident Rose Beal, now 90 years of age, was 11 years old when Hitler became a notable power in Germany. She survived Nazi raids, markedly “The Night of Broken

Glass” and came to America from Frankfurt at the age of 17 with some of the few Jews that escaped before war broke out. She now sees it as her duty to inform the next generations of human rights and what it is like when those rights are taken away. Beal has spoken on campus before and will be telling her story again to the members of the student body on Tuesday, Oct. 30 in the Jordan Ballroom on the second floor of the Student Union Building. It will be a story that

includes accounts of death, harassment, evasion and survival by Beal and members of her family. “The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on a society,” Congressman Tim Holden said. “It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction.” This event is open to the public and will begin at 4:30 p.m. Rose Beal, Holocaust survivor, shares her story with Boise State.

Arbiter Archives

Celebrates Dia de Los Muertos Matt Shelar

November 15, 2012 9:30am - 12:30pm Boise State University SUB Simplot Ballroom

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The Arbiter

Staff Writer

Taking place from Oct. 29 through Nov. 2, the Multicultural Student Services will be celebrating Dia de Los Muertos. “We here at Multicultural Student Services (MSS) and the groups of BESO, SHPE, OELA, Sigma Lambda Beta, Alpha Pi Sigma are interested in educating people about this very special holiday,” Guillermo Munoz of the MSS said. This holiday, which typically takes place in Latin American countries, will be celebrated throughout the duration of the week

by the clubs. The groups plan on setting up altars for exhibition in honor of this special time. “The altar is considered the focal point and usually decorated to reflect the deceased’s favorite food, drink and other various items,” Munoz said. In addition to the altars, each group plans to host activities on the Brava Stage of the Student Union Building every day of the week from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kimber Medellin, freshman chemistry major, said she is, “excited to see that the university has so many versatile groups and is open to broadening its

horizons by not only celebrating Halloween this time of year.” “For La Dia de Los Muertos in Mexico, everyone gets excited and no one takes it lightly. It’s not a celebration for death, but one in honor of those who have fallen; and it’s a beautiful thing,” said Salvador Barba, freshman business major. “It is believed that the gates of heaven are opened on midnight Oct 31 and the spirits of all deceased children are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours,” Munoz said. This year the celebration lasts five days.

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October 29, 2012

A ghost adventure Zachary Chastaine Opinion Editor


alloween is a time for parties, pumpkins, costumes and of course, a ton of candy. While there are a number of events around Boise where you can go to partake in Halloween festivities, there are also a number of haunted landmarks on and near campus that are just a quick bicycle ride away. Some are famous spots that have been visited by nationally recognized ghost hunters, while others are known to a much lesser extent, but are no less haunted. So grab a flashlight, call your friends and get ready for some bona fide ghost-hunting fun.

Stop #1

Hannifins Cigar Shop

Stop #2

The Idanha Hotel

1024 W. Main Street The little cigar shop at the corner of Main and 11th Street has been around a long time. The building was constructed in 1905 and Hannifins has been in business ever since. The Boise Architecture Project pegs it as one of the oldest buildings in Boise, and structurally it has changed very little since 1905. Currently the shop is a destination for munchies, soda and cigars. At one point it was the state’s larg-

Zachary Chastaine/THE ARBITER

est purveyor of smut magazines and other periodicals. The stock is now more focused on groceries. In 1956, Hannifins was the site of one of Idaho’s most famous murders. Raymond Snowden, the “Jack the Ripper of Idaho,” stabbed Boise local Cora Dean 35 times. Now it is believed Snowden haunts the cigar shop, and locals have claimed to have heard footsteps.

Stop #3

The Old Idaho Penitentiary

928 W. Main Street A stone’s throw away from Hannifins is an easily recognized Boise landmark: the Idanha Hotel. Originally opened in 1901, the Idanha now serves as an apartment building. Its green and white turrets stick out of the increasingly modern architecture of the city and it’s a hard location to miss. While you can no longer book a room at Idanha, you can get dinner at the Bombay Grill located on the street level. For older students, the 10th Street Station is right around the corner offering beer in a fun sports-bar atmosphere. The building is also home to the Basement

Zachary Chastaine/THE ARBITER

Gallery. The Idanha is believed to be haunted by numerous spirits from different times in the building’s history. A bell boy shot dead by a guest in the 1970s is thought to sometimes move the elevator up and down, particularly to the fourth floor of the building where he was killed. A lesser-known ghost on the second floor of the building is believed to be the spirit of a woman who was murdered by her husband with a pair of scissors in the 1920s. It is said she roams the halls and prevents people from sleeping at night.

Stop #4

Boise State Communications Building

2445 Old Penitentiary Road Located on the eastern edge of town next to a plethora of popular hiking and cycling trails is a site that contains as much state history as it does legacies of notorious criminals and violence. The Penitentiary opened in 1870 and was home to hundreds of criminals. The prisoners were forced to work in nearby stone quarries, and the stone they mined was used to construct the very prison that housed them. The Penitentiary’s brutal history is highlighted in a Travel Channel episode of Ghost Adventures; the crew locked themselves into the

Zachary Chastaine/THE ARBITER

prison overnight in an attempt to document paranormal activity. Zak Bagans and his team managed to get spooky recordings of what is thought to be several different agitated criminal spirits, many of whom perished inside the prison. Today the Penitentiary is open for tours to the general public for a fee of $5 on most regular weekdays. Adjacent to the prison are the Idaho Botanical Gardens and Table Rock, which can both offer Penitentiary views that don’t require the faint of heart to set foot inside.

1910 University Drive

Many years ago, Boise State was very different from the university we know and love today, and the current communication building was actually the Student Union Building until 1967. The building is believed to be haunted by Dinah, a student who, according to legend, killed herself after being stood up by her homecoming date and seeing him leave to the dance with another girl. According to Bingo Barnes of the Boise Weekly, Dinah’s antics in the communication building are varied. She is said to occasion-


ally switch computers on and off and cause lights to flicker in the building. Perhaps most disturbing of all, the sound of eerie giggling has been heard in some classrooms. Dinah reportedly got her name when paranormal investigators asked for the ghost’s name and a piano started playing “Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dinah,” all by itself. So next time you have to meet a professor in the communication building, keep your eyes and ears open for Dinah’s tormented ghost.

Bryan Talbot/THE ARBITER

The Arbiter


October 29, 2012


Students on foreign policy issues Staff Writer

Beyond the simple similarities in foreign policy between the two presidential candidates, foreign policy fails to interest Boise State students despite being an important issue. Foreign policy can be a dividing line between political parties, but one of the reasons the third and final presidential debate was the least watched wasn’t hard to pin-point. Despite President Barack Obama’s mega-burns and Gov. Mitt Romney’s apparent floundering, the two candidates seemed to agree on nearly everything. And foreign policy is not something that is immediately important to students. The reality is armed conflict in the Middle East is not necessarily going to affect

students directly, unless they know someone who could be deployed overseas. So it is not as closely watched as debates regarding domestic issues which often pertain directly to students—issues such as student loans and rising tuition—which are a big deal students. And on some level the lack of interest makes sense, foreign policy is compli-

policy—or the reading levels of Massachusetts’ fourth-graders—definitely makes for some quality television. But still, while students seem to agree foreign policy is important, the general interest in it is dismal. The why of it is a little more difficult, and while understanding foreign policy can be hard it’s probably closer to one

Zoe Colburn

It’s interesting to listen to (politicians) discuss it, but I’m not one of those people who tries to get into it.

cated and something of a much more complicated version of our own social struggles. And while watching the politicians duke it out over foreign

—Amanda Oliverez

simple truth: foreign policy is boring. To put it into perspective, reading up on the foreign policies of the United States, and trying to under-

stand the intricacies of the relationships between allies and enemies, and how to keep allies while trying to make friends with other countries and not upsetting our enemies. It is like listening to your roommates gossip about people you couldn’t care less about and it can be downright exhausting. No one claimed politics was easy. “It’s interesting to listen to (politicians) discuss it, but I’m not one of those people who tries to get into it,” said Amanda Oliverez, a sophomore studying pre-med. And isn’t that just it? Hearing politicians and people who get foreign policy is excellent, because it makes it easier for us to understand their policies. While there is, and always will be question dodging by

candidates, in the end there was a greater understanding of the candidates’ policies. Foreign policy is still important, even if it’s boring or hard to understand we need to do our best to be educated on how our country is interacting with other nation. “There’s more out there than just the United States,” said Spencer Stacy, a freshman environmental studies major. And he’s right. It’s important for us as citizens to understand foreign policy so that we can know who will be better for the representation of the United States to the rest of the world. Maybe once someone understands everything behind foreign policy it manages to become interesting, but paying attention long enough to learn about for-

eign policy when the immediate relevance is not strong is kind of rough. Knowing who is representing us and how, that’s pretty important when choosing the next president. Our interest in foreign policy should be greater so that we can elect a president who will best represent the United States we as citizens want the world to see.

ONLINE How important are foriegn policy issues to you? Visit us at to take our poll.

Why would anyone want the job of president? MCT Campus

For months (and months and months), presidential candidates have subjected themselves to relentless stumping, repetitive fundraising and vicious public scrutiny. They’ve endured far too many fact-checks, eaten far too many swing-state delicacies, kissed far too many swing-state infants. They’ve made promises no one could keep and gaffes no one could believe. Even with the exit polls now in sight, it’s enough to make any sane person pause and wonder: Why would anyone run for president? On the record, at least, our candidates cite similar reasons: that this is the most important election in the past however many years—and that they, however unworthy, have the right ideas to make a difference. But what about the real reasons someone might decide to run? To find that kind of honesty, we must dig deep into the archives, where presidents have addressed the question either privately or long after the fact. Presidents run because they care about their legacies. John Quincy Adams, who had already served several presidents as am-

bassador or secretary of State, ran in an age when most candidates politely refused to campaign. Even in his private diary, which would eventually fill more than 50 volumes, he neglected to mention his motivation—except for one entry on May 8, 1824, just as the campaign was heating up. Whether I ought to wish for success is among the greatest uncertainties of the election. “Were it possible to look with philosophical indifference to the event, that is the temper of mind to which I should aspire.... (But) to suffer without feeling is not in human nature; and when I consider that to me alone, of all the candidates before the nation, failure of success would be equivalent to a vote of censure by the nation upon my past service, I cannot dissemble to myself that I have more at stake upon the result than any other individual in the Union.” Presidents run because they obsess over a particular issue. As the election of 1860 approached, Abraham Lincoln and his allies used letters to strategize and predict outcomes in various states. (“You know how it is in Ohio,” he sighed to one correspondent.) But while Lincoln

never explicitly said why he decided to run, we can infer at least one reason from the letters he wrote after losing the 1858 Senate election to his famous debating partner, Stephen Douglas. “The fight must go on. The cause of civil liberty must not be surrendered at the end of one, or even, one hundred defeats. Douglas had the ingenuity to be supported in the late contest both as the best means to break down, and to uphold the Slave interest. No ingenuity can keep those antagonistic elements in harmony long.... I am glad I made the late race. It gave me a hearing on the great and durable question of the age …(and) I believe I have made some marks which will tell for the cause of civil liberty long after I am gone.” Presidents run because they want power. Political watchers love to speculate on a candidate’s motives, something John F. Kennedy knew better than most. Did he end up in politics to please his father, or to measure up to his dead brother? For Kennedy, the answer was simpler, as he revealed at a D.C. dinner party shortly after announcing his run in 1960. The comments were

recorded not by a clandestine iPhone-wielding snoop but by a friendly reporter working on a book. “Well, look now, if (I) went to law school…and then I go and become a member of a big firm, and I’m dealing with some dead, deceased man’s estate, or I’m perhaps fighting in a divorce case… or let’s say more serious work, when you’re participating in a case against the DuPont Company in a general antitrust case, which takes two or three years, can you tell me that that compares in interest with being a member of Congress in trying to write a labor bill, or trying to make a speech on foreign policy? I just think that there’s no comparison....Most important is the fact that the president today is the seat of all power.” Presidents run because they want to see an agenda through. Many of our most respected presidents were vice presidents first, including John Adams, Theodore Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, who moved into the Oval Office when Franklin D. Roosevelt died in 1945. In the second volume of his “Memoirs,” Truman wrote about the transfer of power—and the transfer of obligation.

“If I had heeded the desire of my family, I would have made plans to leave the White House at the end of my first term....I had already been President of the United States for more than three and a half years. The compelling motive in my decision to run for the presidency in 1948 was the same as it had been in 1944. There was still “unfinished business” confronting the most successful fifteen years of Democratic administration in the history of the country. The hard-earned reforms of the years since 1933 which insured a better life for more people in every walk of American life were taking permanent root in the 1940’s. These benefits were still vulnerable to political attack by reactionaries and could be lost if not safeguarded by a vigilant Democratic administration.” Presidents run because of psychological motives. Truman wrote the first modern presidential memoir, and in their own books, his successors have addressed the decision to run. In “Decision Points,” George W. Bush devotes a full chapter to the matter—a chapter that keeps circling back to his father. “More than almost any

other candidate in history, I understood what running for president would entail. I had watched Dad endure grueling months on the campaign trail, under the constant scrutiny of a skeptical press…I had also seen the personal side of the presidency. For all the scrutiny and stress, Dad loved the job. He left office with his honor and values intact....I felt a drive to do more with my life, to push my potential and test my skills at the highest level. I had been inspired by the example of service my father and grandfather had set. I had watched Dad climb into the biggest arena and succeed. I wanted to find out if I had what it took to join him.” Of course, history can’t completely answer the question of why anyone would want to run the gantlet of U.S. presidential politics. But one thing is certain: It’s never an easy decision. In fact, the act of deciding can drive you crazy all by itself—unless you heed the advice of George W.’s other parent. In the midst of her son’s “to run or not to run” deliberations, Barbara Bush told him: “George, get over it. Make up your mind, and move on.”

ONLINE Hey Broncos! Do you have something to say? With presidential elections only occuring every four years and lots of issues invovling students, odds are you have beef. Share your beef with The Arbiter! Send us your letters between 300 to 500 words. Include your name, major, class standing and send it to Guest opinions and Letters to the Editor (300 to 500 word limit each) can be emailed to letters@

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October 29, 2012

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Redshirt freshman Jay Ajayi hurdles a Wyoming defender Saturday afternoon in the Broncos 45-14 win.

Broncos lasso up Cowboys

Boise State wins 45-14 in road victory over Wyoming Lucio Prado Staff Writer

As the snow piled up on the sideline and the kids built snow men decorated with blue and orange scarves it felt more like Christmas in October on Saturday. Boise State slogged through the fist half against

Wyoming, taking a 17-7 lead into the locker room. In the second half, scoring 21 unanswered points in the third quarter on a 28-yard run by true freshman wide receiver Shane WilliamsRhodes a 19-yard fumble return for a touchdown by sophomore nickel back Corey Bell and a 1-yard run by

redshirt sophomore quarterback Grant Hedrick, the Broncos pulled away to a 4514 final score. Boise State leaned on the ground game, rushing the ball 36 times for 214 yards averaging 5.9 yards a rush. The thoroughbred senior tailback from Texas D.J. Harper carried the offen-

totaled 437 yards of offense. Redshirt junior quarterback Joe Southwick completed 20 of 28 passes for 198 yards, zero touchdowns and one interception, which was enough to peddle the offense to victory. Boise State's defense held the Cowboys below their 25.6 scoring average, recorded four sacks and limited Wyoming to 106 yards

sive load, rushing the ball 19 times scoring on runs of 12 and three yards totaling 105 yards on the ground (his fourth straight game over 100 yards). The Bronco offense was efficient, going 12 of 14 on third down conversions and scored on all five its red zone opportunities. The Broncos

below its offensive average. Senior linebacker J.C. Percy led the team with 10 tackles, now at 70 total tackles on the year, which marks a career high for the Blackfoot native. Next week, the Broncos play host to future Big East rival San Diego State on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 8:30 p CBS Sports Network has the television coverage.

Senior Day success Women’s soccer defeats Nevada 1-0 at home Wayne Hoseck Staff Writer

On a chilly Friday afternoon, at the Boas soccer complex, the girls soccer team came out against a tough conference opponent Nevada. Before the game started, the team and fans wished a fond farewell to the senior players, as it was their last regular season game as Broncos. Ebie Harris, Megan Blanchard, Brianne Favatella, Erica Parks, Brandy Hickcox, Janelle Jin and Mandy Nader were the acknowledged seniors. The game started out slow, with both teams fighting for a foothold, or a chance to score. Boise State had more shots in the first half, at 11, but out of Nevada's seven shots, four of them were awarded corner kicks. The Wolfpack was unable to capitalize on these four opportunities, thanks to senior Bronco goal keeper

Megan Blanchard. The game was touch and go for most of the first half, until the 43rd minute, when, off of a dual-assist by sophomore Shannon Schueren and freshman Dominique Banks, junior player Ashley Hruby scored her first goal of the season, by arching the ball brilliantly from the midfield perfectly over the goal-keeps outstretched hands. This is the second season in a row Hruby has ended the season by scoring the game winning goal on senior day. This shot ended the half at 1-0. The next half began with the Wolfpack coming out strong offensively, forcing the Broncos to up their defensive play to maintain their lead. Nevada was also able to take advantage of their opportunities, and kept making the goal-keep work to block shots. Boise State tried to keep the ball on

Nevada's side of the field, but still ended up giving the Wolfpack four more corner kicks, all which resulted in nothing for Nevada, who could not seem to complete any offensive play. In the end, Hruby's goal was enough to win it for the Broncos. Statistically, the teams were about even: Boise State having 19 shots, compared to Nevada's 14, but, the Broncos had only two corner kicks, while Nevada had eight. Nevada dropped the ball on offensive play, unable to take any advantages out of what they were given. It was a good game, and if you missed it, do not worry. Boise State is scheduled against Nevada for a rematch in the first round of the Mountain West tournament, Wednesday in San Diego, Calif. Hopefully, the women can keep up the recent dominant trend into the postseason.

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Junior forward Ashley Hruby looks to strike Saturday against Nevada. The Arbiter

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