B oise
Issue no.
S tat e ’ s
I n d ep e nd e n t
S t u de nt
V o i c e
o f
B oise
S tat e
Sin ce
Volume 23
Check out the best sports photos from the spring semester.
Give me some more teases, i love teases because they are fantastic.
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7 great things to do with The Arbiter
(after you’ve read it cover-to-cover) by Suzanne Craig
1. Decoupage! Decoupage uses a lot of paper, makes some pretty cool looking trinkets and lets out your inner artist. You can even give ‘em away as really cheap gifts! Options include ankle boots, bracelets, earrings -anything that has a flat surface and doesn’t get washed really. If you want to add extra shine, use non-toxic varnish.
2. Make a hat (before you go back home and paint over your pink walls).
5. Make a shirt Hemingway would be proud of
Doll up your nails
Spring semester a blur? Here’s a reminder of what happened.
Cut your newspaper into small pieces in the shape of your nails, then apply a coat of clear nail polish to your nails and lightly press the newspaper fragments onto it. They should stick pretty easily. Then wait for the polish to dry and apply two or three coats of clear nail polish over that, with glitter thrown in if you want. Sometimes the ink could smear due to the polish depending on the paper, but The Arbiter has been tested and it works!
Got a closet full of boring white tees? Take The Arbiter, the t-shirt, and paint thinner. Press the paper to the shirt, then coat it with paint thinner and let it sit for a bit -- the ink should transfer to the shirt in a mirror image of the paper. Two things to remember -- make sure to do it outside or in a well ventilated area. Paint thinner fumes are not only nasty smelling, but toxic and highly flammable. Second, iron the shirt once it dries and the ink has transferred, this should help the ink sink in and the shirt retain it even after being washed.
4. Fold it up and make a sheath for a knife -- better than getting cut by accident. Cheaper than a butchers block.
7. Unleash the poet within
Black-out poetry is when you take a newspaper article (more fun if it’s random) and a black marker, then block out all the words you don’t want and get a poem with the words which remain. Make sure to be careful, there’s a tendency to accidentally black out the words you want to keep, given Dry out your shoes -- just crumple the paper up and how we are used to highlighting desired words or phrases. stick it into the shoes, then leave them overnight and And then it gets ten times more difficult. they’ll be dry.
The Arbiter picks up top honors in sports writing, investigative journalism
SHIP Coverage: A history on the mandatory health care program
Andrew Ford News Editor
Stephanie Casanova
The Arbiter picked up a big bucket of awards Saturday night at The Idaho Press Club banquet. The newspaper picked up second place for general newspaper excellence and first place for their smart, witty headlines. “I think it says a lot for the culture that’s being developed here,” said Editor in Chief Bob Beers. “(It’s important) for the students who are learning, the up and coming students, to see the type of leadership that’s in place.” Assistant News Editor Suzanne Craig grabbed first place for investigative reporting, Sports Editor Trent Lootens won top honors for sports writing and Producer Glenn Landberg took top honors for photographers. Ryan Johnson and Brendan Healey took home first place for Graphics. Landberg said he uses people as his main subject to
In the fall of 2010, 70 percent of Boise State’s full-time, full-fee paying students waived SHIP and reported an alternative health insurance. It’s required to have health insurance and attend Boise State as a full-time and full-fee paying student, though a fair number of students don’t extensively use their health coverage, and seem to be shelling out money for nothing. Why is it necessary? In 2003 the Idaho State Board of Education passed a policy requiring all full-fee paying students to have health insurance. Since then students have had to pay for health insurance offered through the university or provide proof of coverage. According to Kim Thomas, executive director of Campus Services, requiring health insurance was a mechanism to reduce the need for the state to fund uninsured students from the indigent healthcare fund, used to pay for medical expenses of unin-
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Suzanne Craig, Glenn Landberg, Trent Lootens and Brendan Healy took top spots Saturday in the Idaho Press Club. anchor his photos. “If it (an image) doesn’t have a person, then you’re missing your subject,” he said. “If you don’t have a good interaction with that person ... then your photos are going to be bad, it doesn’t matter how good of a photographer you are.”
Second place honors:
Robby Milo - Photographer The Arbiter - Website Bree Jones and Brendan Healy - Design
Assistant News Editor news@stumedia.boisestate.edu
58º high
See SHIP I page 2
News Editor
sured people in Idaho. Who needs it? The student health insurance plan (SHIP) is mandatory for all studentathletes, while full-fee paying undergraduates taking at least 12 credits, as well as full-fee paying graduate students taking at least nine credits, can get away with proof of coverage. Intercollegiate athletic graduate students, and international students qualify, but SHIP is not mandatory for them either. What do we get out of it? If a student visits University Health Services (UHS) they are for usually fully covered -- no deductible, no coinsurance payment. Of course there are few exceptions, such as a maximum amount of visits per certain service (i.e. chiropractic treatment or massage therapy). If a student visits a clinic or hospital outside of UHS but still in the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Network, SHIP covers 80 percent of the bill, leaving the student liable for the remaining 20 percent. If the provider is from outside
chance of precip: 40%
71º high
Mostly Sunny
chance of precip: 10%
75º high
Mostly Sunny
chance of precip: 10%
2 News
May 09, 2011
SHIP [from page 1] the PPO Network, SHIP pays 60 percent of the cost. Show me some alternatives In order to waiver SHIP, the alternative plan must include a maximum benefit of at least $100,000 per policy year. A maximum benefit means the insurance will not spend more than that amount on coverage. A deductible of $5,000 or less is also required, and one of $1,000 is highly recommended. The alternative insurance company must also be based in the United States. Blue Cross of Idaho offers a plan with a $1,000 deductible for $73.69 per month. This plan would cover 80 percent of expenses after the deductible amount is paid. Regence health insurance has a $94.09 per month plan which covers 50 percent of expenses after a $1,500 deductible has been paid. After a $1,500 deductible, Pacific Source offers a plan that’ll pay 80 percent for $106 per month. Blue Cross of Idaho’s plan would add up to $884.28 after a year, as opposed to SHIP’s $1574 total after a year. But this plan does offer less services than SHIP does. Basic services such as a primary doctor, a primary care physician, or any specialists aren’t covered with this Blue Cross plan. Their plan does take care of bigger health services, such as emergency room visits, maternity, lab/x-ray costs and hospital care. Plans offered by Pacific Source and Regence, though having a higher deductible, cover basic services such as a doctor or a specialist, but still only after the deductible has been paid. Through UHS, SHIP offers fully covered doctor’s visits, routine wellness exams, treatment for acne, allergies, chiro-
practor, lab tests and massage therapy. It also covers durable medical equipment and services for mental disorders or alcohol abuse. The list of covered services outside of UHS is much longer, since it includes things such as hospital, maternity/newborn and surgical expenses, among others, but these aren’t totally covered by SHIP. So yeah, SHIP is a bit more costly than other alternative health insurance plans, but they pay for anything from a regular doctor’s visit to therapy. So who’s in charge of this thing? Renaissance Corporation manages the student health insurance plan (SHIP) for Boise State. They were one of a handful of corporations that submitted bids after the State Board of Education made health insurance mandatory. The university teamed up with Lewis & Clark State College and Idaho State College and went through a consortium bid process. The schools released a request for proposal (RFP) to potential bidders. The RFP explained requirements they’d need to submit in order to submit a bid. What do other schools do? The requirements and expectations of health insurance in colleges vary by state and by school. The University of Montana has a similar system as Boise State’s. Students cannot enroll in classes without health insurance but can waive the school’s insurance if they provide proof of their own. Other schools such as Washington State University or the University of Oregon offer health insurance provided through the school but do not make it mandatory for students to have health insurance. Washington State’s student health insurance cost $485 for the Fall 2010 semester and $727 for the Spring/Summer.
May 14 is your day to grab the gown, toss your cap University News Boise State University’s spring Commencement will honor graduates with a traditional ceremony at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 14, in Taco Bell Arena. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. and no tickets are required. The ceremony will include a processional and recessional, individual recognition of graduates and the hooding of doctoral candidates. About 1,300 graduates are expected to participate in the ceremony. There are 2,118 students eligible for 2,281 degrees and certificates, and 467 students are eligible for honors: 273 cum laude, 162 magna cum laude and 32 summa cum laude. Widescreens will be set up so family and friends can see the graduates up close as they are individually recognized. For those who cannot attend, Boise State will broadcast the ceremony live online at http:// a c a d e m i c s . b o i s e s t ate.e d u / provost/commencement/. A reception for graduates and their families will be held immediately following the ceremony on the Intramural Field adjacent to Taco Bell Arena and the Appleton Tennis Center.
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Each college will have a designated area where graduates can meet family after the ceremony to take photos and introduce them to faculty. The student Commencement speaker is Tabatha Renz, who is graduating with highest honors with a bachelor of science degree in health science studies. Originally from Dillon, Mont., Renz is a first-generation college student and was recently named a Boise State University Top Ten Scholar for the Class of 2011. Renz was appointed by Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter to a three-year term as a commissioner for Serve Idaho, the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism. She received national exposure at conferences including the University Presidential Inaugural Conference and the Clinton Global Initiative University. She led a spring break alternative trip to New Orleans in 2009 to help rebuild the city, volunteers with Boise’s refugee population through the Agency for New Americans and has been selected for an internship with the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City. Upon her return to Boise in the fall,
she plans to commit to a term of service with AmeriCorps before attending graduate school, and to develop a program that utilizes volunteers to help returning combat soldiers reintegrate into their communities and families. The university also will award an honorary doctorate to John A. Elorriaga, an avid supporter of education in the Northwest and a past recipient of the university’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Elorriaga is the son of Basque immigrants who ran a boarding house in Jordan Valley, Ore. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, he became student body president of Boise Junior College (BJC) in 1948 and graduated in 1949. While at BJC, Elorriaga was strongly influenced by three professors, whom he later honored by establishing fellowships in each of their names. Parking for Commencement is free. Due to limited handicapped parking, those who cannot walk to the arena can be dropped off at entrances 1 and 2, where volunteers can assist them while their families find parking. For special accommodation information, visit http://academics.boisestate. edu/provost/commencement. In addition to the May 14 Commencement ceremony, Boise State deans and faculty will recognize recipients of bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Boise State’s Extended Studies programs in Twin Falls at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 11, at the College of Southern Idaho Fine Arts Auditorium, including 31 master of social work graduates and 18 bachelor’s degree graduates of accounting, general business and criminal justice. A reception to congratulate the graduates will follow the ceremony. For more information, contact Shari Stroud at (208) 732-6284 or sstroud@boisestate.edu.
Sponsored by the Boise State University Career Center
The Arbiter
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
May 09, 2011
Frozen in Time
The Arbiter sports section gathered its best photos from the 2011 sports semester and offer them for your viewing pleasure
Daniel Patchin/THE ARBITER
Daniel Patchin/THE ARBITER
Top left - Doug Martin hurdles Jamar Taylor at the Blue and Orange Spring Game April 16. Top right - Kurt Swartz prepares to slam Garrett Schaner of Stanford Jan 28. Bottom left - Chase Sexton throws a shot at the Idaho-Utah Border Clash April 30. Bottom right - Wes Perryman attempts a finger roll shot over Evansville defender Kenneth Harris during the CBI basketball tournament at Taco Bell Arena.
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The Arbiter
4 Sports
May 09, 2011
Triple Crown: Track and field looks to add missing jewel Justin Dalme Journalist
When the Boise State track and field team lands in Hawaii next week for the Western Athletic Conference Championships, it will be looking to add the final piece to its exceptional season. So far, the men have won the cross-country and indoor
track and field championships. A win at the outdoor championships would complete the Triple Crown for the Broncos. In the history of Boise State, the Triple Crown has never been achieved. “I think any time you can make history, it’s a big moment,” head coach J.W. Hardy said. “It’s a moment for our program, as we exit the Western Athletic
Conference and move into the Mountain West, which is another form of momentum. I think of people really respecting what you do as you move forward. It is something that these guys have worked hard for all season long, and it’s 10 days away from basically having a chance of that.” But, according to Hardy, Boise State will have an uphill battle if they want to win. The team will be without some key contributors, including indoor heptathlon champion Kurt Felix. Still, Hardy still feels confident that his team can get the job done. “The kids we do have are certainly pretty good. I think that we need to be great in some events, but we just need to pick it up in others that we haven’t been represented. I think a lot of it will really come down, on the men’s side, to events that we really haven’t seen,” Hardy said. “The distance events will be huge. Just our personnel and when you’re talking about battling Utah State and the depth that they have in the distance events, certainly we are going to have to step it up.” Some Broncos will even be competing in events outside their normal field. Long jumper Eetu Viitala will also take part in the javelin, and sprinter/hurdler Rolando Trammel will add the triple jump and high jump to his events. The Bronco women also have a chance at the championship, but their road will be much tougher.
“I think that our women’s team is young, and we are a team that is capable of going out and contending for a title, but it is going to take perfect execution,” Hardy said. “I certainly think that we have the studentathletes, these young ladies, that can go out and perform at a high level, and if they do that, if they do what I think they are capable of doing, I think our chances are good.” Both men’s and women’s teams will be looking forward to Hawaiian weather. After a spring of stormy track meets, warm and sunny weather in the 80’s will be refreshing. “I think that one of the things that will be great for us will be after competing in so many meets this season with poor conditions, or conditions where it is part sunny, rain, some snow, you get into an environment where you just don’t even think about it,” Hardy said. “You just kind of go ‘we’ve been through snow; we’ve had rain, let’s just go out and compete.’” The weather may be nice, but the competition will not roll over for Boise State. To bring home the Triple Crown, the Broncos will need to be on top of their game. “If we go out and compete with the type of intensity that we had this past weekend, I think that we are tough to beat, and that’s men’s or women’s,” Hardy said. “If we go out and think that someone is going to hand us the title, it is going to be a long weekend.”
Hot yoga burns fat, inches in Boise Genevieve Nutting Journalist
Think sitting in a sauna while wearing a sweat suit made you sweat buckets? Then you haven’t placed yourself in a room that’s more than 100 degrees for 90 minutes while focusing on holding poses you thought only someone with the flexibility of a contortionist could form. You may have heard it around town, the buzz about the upcoming rise of hot yoga. But have you ventured to try it yet? As intimidating and unbearable as it may seem, there’s a surprising soothing relaxation that many have found behind all the sweat and what may appear to be near impossible stretches and poses. “It’s for everyone. You’re never too old or too young to try it,” Donna Jackovich said. Jackovich is the owner of Sumits Yoga of Boise and has been practicing hot yoga for five years. “It’s a progression and a practice. I love seeing other people fall in love with it and watching them change from the inside out.” The most popular form of hot yoga is the style of Bikram. This practice takes place in a room of around 105 degrees where each yogi student will work towards 26 postures known as asanas for 90 minutes. Each pose is held for 10 to 60 seconds with a few short savasa-
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nas, otherwise known as moments where the body lays flat for a pose of relaxation. “I remember starting and my hands couldn’t even touch my feet, it was horrible,” Boise State student Zoltan Cserna said. Cserna has been practicing hot yoga for five months and has found yoga to be a constant state of progression for him. “When you’re finished with hot yoga, everything that has stressed you out before is gone. You’re just happy to be there.” Because the room is at an increased temperature, the heat helps the body to stretch further than it may be able to in a room temperature environment. The heat also helps with the flow of oxygen to the muscles and assists in the release of toxins. The increase in the bodies temperature and sweat can help boost the metabolism and build up immune system endurance. Many other benefits come from this practice and with more time and commitment, the reward is eternally satisfying. This includes helping with weight loss, relieving stress, improving flexibility, alleviating pain from joints and injuries, as well as an increased performance with athletics and fitness. “The yoga philosophy of teaching you to control your mind and thoughts is very, very powerful. It takes discipline and it’s healing,” hot yoga instructor Brad Pickett said. Pickett has been doing hot yoga for four years after initially looking for a way to become more flexible after years of working out. “I’m just one person and I’m helping 30-40 people at a time. It’s a very rewarding job where you can leave people in a positive way and to give that is amazing.” There are several places to practice hot yoga and most offer a trial deal so you can test it out to see if you will become the next yoga master. The two closest to BSU are Bikram Yoga located on 3200 North Lakeharbor Lane and Sumits Yoga at 2122 Broadway Ave.
The Arbiter
Textbook Exchange 8.23.10.pdf
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May 09, 2011
Located at 1265 S. Capital Blvd.
(Across the street from campus next to Papa Joes)
www.textbookexchange.com (208) 343-4229 The Arbiter
Opinion Editor
Assistant Opinion Editor
May 09, 2011
Defund national service, cripple the nation February 14 Tweet that inspired this week’s column: nylcorg Help prevent the largest funder for servicelearning from being cut from the federal budget: http://ny.lc/ hnoa2Q#saveamericorps House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers is ready to axe the Corporation for National and Community Service. CNCS engages Americans of all ages in national service through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America. The people who join CNCS programs are given the life chang-
ing opportunity to give back to the country and their local communities while working toward a better future. The fact that the committee is fully prepared to dismantle CNCS reaffirms that the crazies on Capitol Hill really have no idea how they are going to get us out of the red. They are also completely unaware of that which is inherently good for this country. Defunding CNCS is offensive on many levels. The people involved with CNCS programs work in schools, prisons, after-
school programs, non-profits and other organizations for little or no pay. Participants in CNCS programs stand in the gap. By stepping back and funding CNCS, the government can help soften the blow of cuts it has to make in other areas. By supporting CNCS, the United States will stand behind the notion that we all have something to contribute to this nation. This nation is ours, and we have the right and duty to make it better.
Survey course of world religions would allow tolerance, appreciation February 28 Tweet that inspired this week’s column: HuffingtonPost Glenn Beck apologizes: ‘I was wrong…I didn’t do enough homework’ http://huff.to/flpRuM Undergraduate students attending public universities across the country should be required to take a survey course on world religions. A survey released in 2010 by The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life revealed that Americans know about half as much as they should about the world’s major religions.
Religious intolerance is pervasive. Yet, the fact is many who claim to disagree or even hate certain religions never bother to take a closer look at what they teach. When young people enter the doors of universities, they are in the perfect position to examine, objectively question and learn what others may have to say about important issues. The United States needs diplomats. We need people who have a better understanding and compassion for the issues facing the world. Public institutions
must make adjustments to prepare this country to function as a leader in our globalized reality. Taking one survey class isn’t going to fix the problem, but it may open a door to something better. If students were required to gain even a minuscule awareness of the great many beliefs in our world, they could very well develop a deeper interest to even further expand their knowledge.
Guns on campus, bad idea March 07 Tweet that inspired this week’s column: mitchcoffman Erik Simpson says teachers and visitors are put at risk by not being able to carry firearms on campus. Rep. Erik Simpson, R-Idaho Falls, proposed a measure that would allow students, faculty and staff of Idaho public universities and community colleges to carry concealed weapons around campus, so long as they have a proper permit. Encouraging people to bring guns to school is ridiculous. Its passing won’t make colleges safer, and will most definitely cause students and faculty unnecessary stress. If Simpson is really concerned that guns are illegally mak-
ing their way onto Idaho campuses, he should propose a bill to mandate metal detectors at the doors. This country would quickly become an ugly place if every citizen felt the need to live life on the defensive. If everyone walked around waiting for tragedy to strike, it would be impossible to see the good in anyone. The best way to protect society from violence is to create a culture where individuals feel safe. We should all be taught to see the best in others — even those whose less than desirable attributes are dominant. Arming students at college campuses is not going to end gun
violence, in fact, it will feed the ignorance that ignites hatred and fear. College is about learning and participating in “reasoned discourse.” It should be a place where people can expect to have their ideas challenged by those of others, without being threatened.
Bree jones/THE ARBITER
E ditorial S taff E ditor - in -C hief Bob Beers
M anaging E ditor Kirk Bell
M edia M anager Zach Ganschow
P hoto E ditor
N ews
Andrew Ford Suzanne Craig
Editor Ast. ed
S ports Editor Ast. ed
O pinion
Robby Milo
Editor Ast. ed
O nline E ditor
C ulture
Megan Lloyd
V ideo E ditor Gray Battson
E ditorial A dvisor James Kelly
Editor Ast. ed
Trent Lootens Brittney Johnson Haley Robinson Karey Hoke Rebecca De León Lauren Hooker
C opy E ditors
Eden Engberg Stephanie Scheibe
B usiness J ournalists Christine Ritchie, Eva Hart, Megan Bronder, Tyler Kirkham, Tony Madonna, Jana Hoffman, Tony Rogers, Natalie Craig, Trevor Villagrana, Eden Engberg, David Gasch, Lindsey Hileman, Edina Macic, Sherry Horton, Tasha Adams, Stephanie Casanova, Kimberley O’Bryan, Wyatt Martin, Genevieve Nutting, Justin Dalme, Nikki Hanson, John Garretson, Ty Hawkins
D esign
D irector
P roduction M anager
B usiness /A d M anager
P roduction T eam
B ookkeeper
D esigner
Brad Arendt
Matthew Summers
Ashley Ackers
A ccount E xecutives Miguel Varela
O nline A st . O nline E ditor Jessica Swider
Bree Jones
Brendan Healy
Glenn Rummler Kelly Ward
V isuals P roducers
Cody Finney Nik Bjurstrom Glenn Landberg Joey McCoullough John Shinn
T o C ontact T he A rbiter www.arbiteronline.com 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554
The Arbiter
Guest opinions (500 word limit) and Letters to the Editor (300 word limit) can be e-mailed to letters@arbiteronline.com
The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.
Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.
Don’t get May 09, 2011
down Sleep, stress management vital for healthy students C hristine Ritchie Journalist
Most students have experienced the stresses of big tests and final exams, and have spent countless nights studying into the early hours of the morning. The next morning they wake up zombies, but if they’re good test takers or somehow remember all the information from cram sessions, they’ll pass. It turns out, sacrificing precious sleep can actually decrease academic performance. Sleep deprivation is defined by WebMD as getting fewer than the seven to eight hours of rest a night that adults require, usually several nights in a row. When students skip out on extremely beneficial sleep, their cognitive abilities can be as hindered as if they were drunk, or worse. Unfortunately, many students insist on staying up late, especially during dead and finals weeks, instead of getting some much-needed shut-eye. Procrastination and poor time-management skills leave many panicking about time. Senior political science major Ben Larsen bases his study habits on the time of the exam. “I usually have a hard time sleeping unless I feel prepared for a test, therefore, I would rather stay up later to study,” Larsen said. “Really it depends on what time of day the test is. If it is in the morning I will usually study the night before later, but if it is in the afternoon I will usually not stay up late because I have more time to study in the morning.” Of course, students feel more comfortable with different amounts of sleep, and most know when they’ve studied enough. But quite frankly, it’s still better to give up a couple hours of studying in exchange for a little extra rest. There’s no point in getting three hours the night
before a big test Sleep: when concentraSleep allows the body tion decreases sigto replenish energy nificantly. Stress also levels...Our brain comes hand-inorganizes information, hand with the end throws out useless of the semester information, reinforces and a lack of rest. Students will feel memory and solves much better and problems as we sleep. will lose some of the anxiety they feel if they allow themselves to get a few more hours of sleep at night. Josh Watkins, a junior political science major, prefers his sleep. “I do better on a test when I get more sleep the night before,” Watkins said. “When Monday rolls around and I have a final at 8 in the morning, I am scrambling around to get ready, look over notes and try to cram because I wasn’t able to get out of bed until 7:15. By forcing myself to go to bed earlier than normal, I’m able to get up earlier too, which allows my brain more time to wake up and be prepared.” According to Boise State’s University Health Services website, “sleep allows the body to replenish energy levels... Our brain organizes information, throws out useless information, reinforces memory and solves problems as we sleep.” If students don’t let their minds fall into the full cycles of sleep, it’s not doing as much for them as it could. Students should study the essentials of the material and then let good, solid slumber do the rest. Their bodies will thank them in the morning, as will their grades.
ollege students have a lot of sources of stress in their lives. Homework, lectures, social lives, financial constraints; it all can be overwhelming at times. It’s important, however, for college students to take a step back and make sure they are managing that stress before it manifests itself in more serious problems. Here are some ways stress can affect health and tips on how to reduce those risks and pressure.
Stress can affect your: Immune system: Constant stress can make you more likely to get sick more often. And if you have a chronic illness such as AIDS, stress can make your symptoms worse Heart: Stress is linked to high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia), blood clots, and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). It’s also linked to coronary artery disease, heart attack, and heart failure Muscles: Constant tension from stress can lead to neck, shoulder, and low back pain. Stress may make rheumatoid arthritis worse Stomach: If you have stomach problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or ulcerative colitis, stress can make your symptoms worse Reproductive organs: Stress is linked to low fertility, erection problems, problems during pregnancy, and painful menstrual periods Lungs: Stress can make symptoms of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) worse Skin: Skin problems such as acne and psoriasis are made worse by stress
How stress affects your thoughts and emotions You might notice signs of stress in the way you think, act, and feel. You may: Feel cranky and unable to deal with even small problems Feel frustrated, lose your temper more often, and yell at others for no reason Feel jumpy or tired all the time Find it hard to focus on tasks Worry too much about small things Feel that you are missing out on things because you can’t act quickly Imagine that bad things are happening or about to happen
Tips for reducing stress 1:Keep a positive attitude. 2:Accept that there are events that you cannot control. 3:Be assertive instead of aggressive. “Assert” your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive. 4:Learn and practice relaxation techniques. 5:Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit. 6:Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. 7:Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events. 8:Don’t rely on alcohol or drugs to reduce stress. 9:Seek out social support. 10:Learn to manage your time more effectively. (info from WebMD)
Bree jones/THE ARBITER
The Arbiter
May 09, 2011
By M. Mepham
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
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By Marti DuGuay-Carpenter
Horoscopes By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s Birthday (05/09/11). “I have financial abundance” would make a good mantra this year, even (or especially) if it doesn’t ring true for you yet. Your skills, teamed up with someone else’s know-how, make a potent blend. Follow your most creative passions. Begin to see your hidden wealth. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Love’s a comfort when money’s tight. Let your sweetheart set the schedule today, and incorporate friends and family. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is a 7 -- Resist spending on momentary pleasures. Discuss an upcoming purchase. Old friends offer great new ideas, including in the tech arena. Get their opinions before buying. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 7 -- Impulsiveness can cause accidents. Avoid an argument to maintain harmony. Later it won’t seem important anyway. Respect yourself by keeping your home clean. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Disruptions at home may cause chaos at work. You could be tempted to spend as new income comes in, but keep it practical. Pinch pennies for the fun of it. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Have fun without spending money. It’s all coming together, and you’ve got it: creativity, strength and good looks. New profits become available. Try again at something you failed at before.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is a 6 -- Entering a two-day pensive phase. Your best move may be a well thought out surprise. Insist upon what works for you. Keep all communications channels open. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Time to hang out with friends. Work with someone to support each other’s dreams and goals. It’s a good time for an intimate conversation. Your luck improves. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Give others and yourself some space so that tempers don’t get lost. Find a good friend and listener. Return the favor by listening back. Together you grow. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Dream big, and put in the research. Plan your next adventure as your wanderlust beckons. Don’t go quite yet, but book the tickets, maybe. There’s good news from far away. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 6 -- Travel is good later today. The difficult part is just about over. Soon you’ll find growth and expansion, much to your amazement. The overall outcome is brilliant. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Today is a 9 -- Go along with a decisive person who agrees with you. It’s easier to work in a team for the next couple of days. Romance is in the air, and partnership flowers. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is an 8 -- You’re entering a very busy phase. Ask yourself tough questions (and answer them), for maximum productivity. Somebody appreciates your wild and crazy side.
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The Arbiter
May 09, 2011
Culture Editor
Assistant Editor of Awesome
Taking a look at the big things this semester 6
Zach ganschow/THE ARBITER
glenn landberg/THE ARBITER
2 Courtesy Aiko Kuromori
john shinn/THE ARBITER glenn landberg/THE ARBITER
1. Boise’s Roller Girls combines hot
dames with bright skates in battle on a roller derby floor. 2. More than 164 people shaved their heads for children in need March 12. 3. Corbin Maxey, a 21-year-old biology major, is known as The Reptile Guy and has been featured on national media outlets . 4. A magnitude-9.0 earthquake rocked Japan March 11. Recent Boise State graduate and Arbiter employee
The Arbiter
Aiko Kuromori (pictured right) had just moved back to Japan and felt the big earthquake and aftershocks. 5. This semester had many big names come through but only one knight: Sir Elton John performed in Boise, April 9 at the Taco Bell Arena. 6. The 4th Annual Beat Pete Run/ Walk ran through Boise April 9. 7. Gregory Allen is a local inventor who specializes in modifying bikes into his own tricycles of fuel-efficient bad-ass vehicles.
‘Clay and Fire’
Artwork made by students on sale or just for viewing pleasure
Earley. Fresh from New Zealand, Earley heads the Journalist event in her second semester as full-time faculty. She’s excited to see the turnout this semester and Artists have furnished clay works of art from the the connections being made among students, fire burning in their kilns and their spirits. alumni and patrons. The ceramic department’s bi-annual wares sale, “There is a lot of new work from new people “Clay and Fire,” began Friday, May 7 and goes un- this semester, it’s really great,” said Earley. til Monday, May 9. The three-day event brings toFunds from the sale directly benefit students gether the work of students, beginner and upper and the visiting ceramics artist lecture and workdivision alike with their faculty and supporting shop series for the following semester. A 25 peralumni to present priced-to-sell pottery. cent cut is taken from the sale of a student’s work The sale, which started at least 40 years ago, is and donated to the lectures and workshops. The now coordinated by ceramics faculty member Jim rest is the students’ to keep. Budde. Budde has coordinated it since 1994 unAlumni and faculty participate in the event betil this semester, but then the reigns were handed cause the cut is so small. Compared to a typical down to the newest ceramics addition: Caroline gallery, taking home three quarters of your pie is a great deal. Beyond good deals for students, the interaction of all involved with the public is a unique opportunity in itself. The chances for sale of work is as limited as the exhibition of it. The event is free for students and all work is welcome. The lack of a juried process makes it less stressful on the artist and creates particularly valuable learning opportunities for self-promotion and networking. Jared Spicklemier, a senior visual arts major with a double emphasis in ceramics and photography, sold his wares for the first time at the end of the fall semester. “I sold 14 pieces and after the cut, made about $230. It’s the first time a lot of students get to interact with the public selling art and it’s great real world experience,” Spicklemier said. For all your unique and functional pottery needs, the bi-annual COURTESY/BOISE STATE COMMUNICATIONS “Clay and Fire Sale” is a Boise State art professor Jim Budde’s original piece, unique opportunity for Strawberry Fields Forever, is among the offerings at the bistudents, faculty, alumni and patrons alike. yearly “Clay & Fire” sale.
Eden Engberg
The Arbiter
May 09, 2011
English Department favorite retires Lindsey Hileman Journalist
After 14 years as an English professor, Devan Cook, Ph.D., is retiring from Boise State University. But just because this is her last week instructing students as a professor, it will not be the last time she sets foot in a classroom. In her retirement, Cook plans to return to Boise State as a student. “I really like the changes that have occurred at BSU since Dr. Kustra’s been here and I’m really excited about the opportunity to take advantage of what BSU has to offer,” Cook said. “I’m going to be like a weed seed.” Though some of her former students may find it intimidating to find her sitting among them, Cook promises to behave herself. Cook has a gentle, sing-song voice; she is down-to-earth and speaks from her heart. This may be why many of Cook’s students describe her as a friend.
A life-long learner, Cook is happy to share her adventures and experiences with her students, just as she enjoys hearing about her student’s lives and interests through their work in her nonfiction classes. Cook herself wore many hats before she came to Boise State University in 1997. “I never thought I wanted to be anything [when I grew up],” Cook said. “I was right on the cusp of or people—of women— who began to have careers.” But Cook has been a lot of things. She worked in an organic bakery, a health food store, and a plant nursery. After spending over 14 years at the post office, she went back to school to earn her Ph.D. “I thought: I’m going to get a job where I can sit,” Cook said. “And, you know, I like school.” Cook authored English 329: Grammar, Style, and Writing (Cook is a self-proclaimed grammar geek) and English 204: Writing Creative Nonfiction. She said these have been some of her favorite classes to teach. “I teach because it allows me to learn things,” Cook said. “I learn so much from my students.” “Description of Devan Cook— small stature, quiet voice, incredible talent, HUGE heart!”
-Valerie Burden, Senior English major; literature and writing emphasis
“I took Devan Cook’s non-fiction writing class my first semester at Boise State, after transferring from a college in the Portland area. Of course, you never know what kind
Devan Cook, Ph.D. is retiring this semester. of teachers you will get when starting coursework at a new university—it’s a lottery, in many ways. I struck pure professor gold with Devan. She knew I was pursuing a career in non-fiction writing, and her nuanced instruction greatly helped me to understand the evocative nature and power of narrative writing.”
-James P. Kelly, Adjunct faculty Department of Communication and Moon Idaho author
“Devan is so encouraging. For me, Devan is the ideal professor: encouraging, warm, intelligent, approachable and effective. I took [English]329 simply because she was teaching it and I knew she was retiring. Best of all, I consider Devan a friend. Big loss for the BSU English department.” -David Wuerth, Senior general studies major