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Boise, Idaho Issue no. 06, Volume 24
Techy nerds
2010: Fall 2010: Benoit enrolled in a class Bustamante taught.
Oct. 24: Bustamante was referenced as an exboyfriend in a report of a suicide attempt. He was never contacted or found Nov. 2: Bustamante to be involved in this rewas a victim of a battery ported incident. and a malicious injury to property. The suspect was cited and released for battery and malicious injury to property. The suspect Nov. 30: As a result of pled guilty to an amended the incident on Nov. 2, a charge of disturbing the protection order was ispeace. The battery charge sued identifying Ernesto was dismissed. Bustamante as the protected person. By the end of the fall semester, Benoit and Bustamante had entered into a 2011: sexual relationship.
Now you can get your doctorate from home.
Feeling under the weather
If you’re a healthy student, don’t buy SHIP
New stars
Multicultural dance crew The CoaliSion dances for diversity on the SUB patio.
Diversity Day Defined celebrates individulaity Natalie Craig Journalist
Broncos look to Jarrell Root for strong leadership this year.
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Diversity Day Defined (D3) rocked the SUB patio Friday. This event recognized the diversity between cultures and the individual lives of students on campus, with the message of “celebrate you,” brought to campus by Student Diversity and Inclusion, Disability Resource Center, International Student Services, Multicultural Student Services and the Women’s Center. Many students were involved in celebrating one another with live performances from a multicultural local dance crew, The CoaliSon. The crew performed for a couple of hours and grabbed the attention of many students passing by. Courtney Datu, member of The CoaliSion and freshman graphic design major, explains that her crew finds this kind of celebration important. “We are trying to bring a lot of diversity and culture to Boise,” Datu said. “We come from places that are really heavy with diversity so we trying to bring what we know here and expand the whole movement.” Along with crowd stopping performances, many groups had booths set up with information pamphlets and candy for students walking by. Sororities and frater-
nities also scouted for interested students to join their multicultural groups. “Alpha Pi Sigma is actually a multicultural sorority,” said Mary Espinoza, a junior social work major. “Diversity is our number one key. We want to bring diversity to campus in every way.” Other campus groups such as BGLAD reached out to students, offering a safe and welcoming place to be diverse. “We just want to promote that we are a safe space for everyone,” said Dan Morgan, a junior elementary education major. “No matter who you are, what you are, or where you come from, there is somewhere safe for you where you’re going to be loved and you’re going to be included no matter what.” The Women’s Center also teamed up with BGLAD to inform students on how they can make a difference on campus and in their community. “The Women’s Center is trying to promote inclusivity on campus,”said Mike Kirkpatrick, a senior majoring in general studies. “Micro-activism is our theme, small things you can do to change the world. Small gestures can make a big difference.” Gender Rights Network announced they would be diverting their group toward a new organiza-
tion called Safe. This new organization will not only promote gender equality but also teach students the politics of gender rights. “We want to get the legal and political process of gender equality onto our campus,” Christopher Dant, sophomore double business major, said. “People will know how to testify in courts and stand up for themselves in the community here on campus and also at large at the capitol.” The Student Diversity Center’s Tunnel of Oppression reached out to students and demonstrated the importance of seeing reality and life events from another person’s perspective. “The Tunnel of Oppression is a theatrical way of showing a glimpse of how people live,” said Nurudeen Ibrahim, senior pre-med and prenursing major. “Things you would usually pass, after tunnel of oppression, you will be able to question that because you will know how someone else feels and is affected. You will have a bi-standard intervention.” Diversity Day Defined instilled culture and diversity into its crowd, and provided inspiring energy for students to express themselves and share their diversity. More information about the participating campus groups can be found on the Student Involvement and Leadership page.
Please press 1 to give your financial information to con artist Kimberley O’Bryan Journalist
1 4 6
August 29, 2011
Katy Benoit timeline
Top Stories
First issue free
A new phone scam has descended on the Boise area -- one designed to fool people into giving out their account information. The caller is a computerized voice that claims to be from Wells Fargo Bank. It tells the potential victim their debit card has been canceled as a result of fraudulent activity. Then it asks the victim to enter their account number to reactivate their card. Banks refer to scams such as this one as “vishing.” Vishing is an attempt to gain sensitive information through telephone communication (while phishing is an attempt
Vishing is a new kind of scam targeting your cellphone. to gain sensitive information through electronic communication, such as email). It is typically used to gain access to bank accounts or credit cards.
Not only Wells Fargo customers or even adults that have been targeted -- a 15-year-old
See Local I page 03
June 10: University’s first contact with Benoit to discuss a complaint. Based on allegations, the university urged Benoit to take safety precautions and to contact the Moscow Police Department. The university provided Benoit with personal contact information for MPD and Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse (ATVP) for assistance beyond what the university could provide. University also contacted Moscow Police Department. June 13: Benoit sent an email indicating she had contacted MPD.
May: The relationship between Benoit and Bustamante is terminated.
June 12: University received details of Benoit’s complaint in writing.
June 13: University replied to Benoit again urging her to also contact June 14: Benoit sent ATVP. an email to the university saying she did not want Bustamante served with her complaint before discussing it further. She indicated she would come in the next day. June 16: When Benoit did not come in June 15, the university sent an email to her to encourage the follow-up meeting. June 30: University received an email from Benoit apologizing for being out of touch. Benoit wrote she had been out of town July 6: University inand would be gone again formed Benoit by email the next week. that her complaint had been sent to Bustamante along with a letter detailing the possible university policy violations. It had been held until this date at her request. The university also reiterated the importance of seeking more help, including calling police if Benoit ever felt the need. She was also told that Bustamante had been directed by the university to have no contact with her. Benoit was told to inform the university immediately if Bustamante July 9: Benoit emailed did attempt to contact her. the university to say she was out of town until July 13. July 14: University Threat Assessment Team, including Moscow Police Department representative, meet to assess the level of the safety risk for Benoit and others involved in the investigation. Later that day, university investigators met with Benoit to review Bustamante’s response and notify her that univerJuly 19: U of I notified sity investigators would the Moscow Police De- interview Bustamante on partment they were not July 19. This was conable to make contact with sidered a high-risk point Katy Benoit and asked so recommendation was police to conduct a check made she stay someof her welfare. U of I can- where other than her celed that welfare check apartment to avoid conrequest when they made tact. contact with Benoit via phone to confirm her welfare. July 22: University called Benoit to ask where Aug. 23: Moscow Po- she would be until the start lice find Ernesto Busta- of school. She said she mante dead in a hotel would be in Moscow. The room at around 7 a.m. Po- university encouraged her lice later searched hotel to continue to take safety room 213 of the University precautions, including conInn-Best Western where tacting MPD. the body was discovered. They found several guns and anti-anxiety, antidepressants and epilepsy medications.
August 29, 2011
Libya’s troubles far from over TRIPOLI, LIBYA --- Though Gadhafi is nowhere to be found and Tripoli is fully in the revolutionaries control, their work is not over. Gadhafi, similar to other authoritarian dictators, had no real form of functioning government. The government that did exist relied entirely on his own existence and power. Now that he is gone, there is a power vacuum as former rebels try to make something modern Libya never had -- an inclusive political system. The rebels formed a National Transitional Council to ease the transition of power, but it is hard to say if this will be enough to govern the country now that the civil war is over. “Don’t expect miracles. If you want miracles, look for them elsewhere,” a rebel spokesman, Mahmoud Shammam, warned Saturday.
al-Qaida number two killed by CIA drone
PAKISTAN --- Pakistani and American officials announced Saturday that a CIA drone killed al-Qaida’s number two man Monday Aug. 22. The man in question, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, took over as Al Qaida’s top operational planner last year and was in contact with the terrorist leader often in the months leading up to his death. Thousands of records were obtained from Osama bin Laden’s base in Pakistan and according to intelligence officials they showed bin Laden relied heavily on alRahman to convey messages to other al-Qaida leaders as well as ensuring his recorded messages were widely broadcast. This leads to hopes that al-Rahman’s death will have more of an effect on al-Qaida than the deaths of other high-ranking operatives.
Retired teacher prepares to head east for Irene relief
14 businesses caught selling booze to minors
CALDWELL --- Milon McBOISE --- This past week Daniel, a retired public school the Boise Police Department teacher from Caldwell, volun- conducted alcohol compliteers with the Red Cross and ance checks and found that 20 is currently waiting for the call percent of the businesses they that will send him across the checked were openly selling alcountry to help with disaster re- cohol to 18- or 19-year-olds. lief for hurricane, now tropical An example would be where a storm, Irene. server checked the ID photo and He is familiar with this type of disaster relief work, as he also completely ignored the date of went to help out with the after- birth. Each establishment cited faces math of Hurricane Katrina. a misdemeanor charge and could McDaniel says he has very little idea as to what work vol- pay a fine from $500 to $1,000. unteers will need to help out with after Irene hits. He needs mct campus to see the aftermath first, since the situation is always unique to the disaster and the storm in question. If someone is interested in helping, the Red Cross welcomes volunteers, but for disaster relief they need to be prepared to depart on a moment’s notice for weeks at a time. Visit redcross.org for volunlions of businesses and homes Locals who had not evacuated teering information. without power. In some places danced in the rain in Times mct campus flood waters were chest-high Square Saturday night before W TF and tornadoes were sighted in heading inside to stay indoors Virginia, Maryland and Dela- as the main body of the storm ware as Irene swept through. passed through. Some public Wall Street was flooded and transportation was reopened in according to eyewitnesses, you New York City Sunday mornLONG BEACH, NEW YORK the chaotic weather patterns will could see newsstands floating ing, including some of the sub- The world’s best surfers are gathspread out for days in all direcdown the road in New York. way tunnels. ering on the Long Beach coast of tions. New York, waiting for the QuickNew York has already shut silver Pro competition to start down its subway system and orSept. 1. One of the concerns is dered evacuations, mostly in the the waves won’t present a chalarea directly around Long Beach. this decision was challenged attorneys and Burns agreed with lenge to these world renowned Surfers are already practicing surfing dudes and dudettes. in an appeals case at the end the physicians’ decision. their moves. Surfing in a hurriHurricane Irene swept directly of June. The subsequent rulLoughner has been held in ing ordered doctors to cease a Missouri prison since May, over Long Beach yesterday, but cane. Brilliant. giving Loughner medication, when it was determined that he starting July 1. suffered from schizophrenia. Immediately after the appeal He will be tried in San Diego, Correction decision had been made, Lough- as that is where Burns is based. ner forced himself to stay awake Burns was selected to hear the In the Aug. 25 opinion article about the waitlist program, The Arfor 50 hours by pacing in his cell Loughner case after all fedbiter erroneously reported that the accompanying picture showed until his feet were badly blis- eral judges in Arizona rescued students standing in line at the Registrar’s office. The photograph is tered and then refusing treat- themselves. a picture of students standing outside of the Financial Aid office in ment for the sores. The prison One of the six people who the Administration building. doctors resumed forced medica-T:10”died was the chief federal judge tion over the objections of the for Arizona, John Roll.
Tropical storm Irene sweeps through NYC NEW YORK, NEW YORK --- Hurricane Irene hit the Carolinas on Saturday and as the storm swept up the coast, Irene slowly weakened from Hurricane Irene to Tropical Storm Irene. This does not make the storm any less dangerous. Irene has killed at least 11 and left mil-
Hurricane, shmurricane
Tucson shooter forced to take meds SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA --- United States District Judge Larry Burns supported physicians’ decision to resume forcing Jared L. Loughner to take medication. Loughner has plead not guilty to multiple charges regarding the January shooting in Tucson, Ariz., which killed six and injured fourteen. Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords was among the injured. He was forced to take medication by prison physicians and
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August 29, 2011
get unlost Why you will never find your ‘other half’ therese schwenkler
Brytini Huff takes a quiz on a computer. The new Doctorate of Educational Technology will integrate more technology in the classroom.
EdTech offers new onlineonly doctorate program Tasha Adams News Editor
In any classroom, laptops and tablets can be seen on desks in lieu of notebooks, discussions can be held online instead of in person and textbooks can be downloaded onto an e-reader as opposed to lugging stacks of books across
campus. It is a fact that learning is becoming more technological. A new online-only doctorate program is embracing these facts. Beginning fall 2012, the program will focus on online learning, integration of technology into the classroom as well as educational software and application development.
Kerry Rice, chair of Boise State’s Department of Educational Technology explains that the program won’t just concentrate on the technology available today. “This degree program will focus on the attributes of effective instructional tools in the context of emerging technologies, and on the impact of chang-
ing technologies in the classroom,” Rice said. The degree will be one of the only online-only degrees the university offers. Dr. Ross Perkins, associate professor in Educational Technology, warns that although people may be critical of online education, it has every bit the quality of traditional education. “People shouldn’t be dis-
Students migrate to Boise State Tasha Adams News Editor
There are approximately 135 new international students this semester from 28 countries. When the enrollment is finalized, the total number of international students at Boise State is projected to be around 400, with students from 62 different countries.
Please press
While Boise may not seems like the quintessential destination for students from other countries to study abroad, wordof-mouth is often the way students find out about Boise. Merrilou Burris, management assistant for International Student Services, explains that students enjoy their experience and want to share it with friends. Visitors write to friends back home urging them to study here.
Iara Fernal, 20 year-old senior majoring in civil engineering, was an exchange student at Timberlake High School in 2007. Originally from Belo Horizante, Brazil, she says she fell in love with Boise during her time here and decided she wanted to come to Boise State to get her degree. “I didn’t even know where [Boise] was on a map,” Fernal admits.
1 to give financial [Local page 1]
Middleton girl received the call too. Many people fall for scams like this. According to Dale Dixon of the Better Business Bureau, you shouldn’t respond in any way to this type of call. “Hit delete and hang up,”
Dixon said. “We see it come in waves, and it happens every three to four months. We will see a different wave come through with a different bank, but it is always a large group of people who start getting this message.” Most likely these scammers
are from overseas. They rig the phone numbers to seem local and generate the phone numbers randomly in hopes of finding their next victim. Amy McDevit, public relations specialist for Wells Fargo in Boise said most people responded well to the scam and
criminated for where they chose to live,” said Perkins. Online programs offer people in rural areas the opportunity to study programs that may not be available to them. The online-only feature “will bring new perspectives” from educators and professionals that may not otherwise be able to attend classes on campus.
He adds the university will benefit as much from the students as the students will benefit from the university. The program will also boost the university’s research profile. Having more students graduate from doctorate programs could allow for an increase in grants funding.
New international students: 135 Total international students: over 400 Number of different countries: 62, from Afghanistan to Zambia
just hung up. However, there are a few who’ve given out information to the automated calls. If you’ve made this mistake, she recommends calling your bank immediately and shutting down your accounts. “With any call like this you should immediately hang up and call your own bank’s secure phone numbers and ver-
ify anything they are saying,” McDevitt said. Remember, never give out account numbers to anyone over the phone. “If it really is the bank then they already know it, they usually only ask for the last four digits,” said Nick Thompson, another Treasure Valley resident who also received the fraudulent call.
Believe it or not, you are not a halfperson walking around looking for your other half. You are not a starving monkey in need of a banana. You are not a car without gas. And, unlike Jerry Maguire, you do not need another person in order to be complete. Thinking you need someone else to complete you is not only untrue, it’s dangerous – it implies that you are somehow inherently incomplete. This, my friend, could not be farther from the truth. As cheesy as it sounds, owning your wholeness can and will change your life. First of all, when you are whole, you have more to give. Ask yourself this: can you ever give someone love or respect or anything at all from an empty basket? Or can you only give it from a basket that is full? (I know, who the heck carries baskets these days? But you get the idea.) When you’re only a half-person, you’re needy, and you’re taking from another in order to feel complete. But when you’re whole, you have a basketful of awesomeness to give. This leads me into my next point. When you’re whole, you attract other people who are whole. Halfpeople like to whine to their friends about how every girl or guy they date is an idiot. They want to find someone who has the whole package, but they keep falling short. They don’t understand why they can’t find that person. Newsflash: the sort of person you’re looking for, the one with the “whole package,” isn’t looking for half-a-person who has little to give. Would you buy half a candy bar for the full price? How about half of a movie — would you pay to watch that? Of course not. So why would you imagine that there is someone out there looking for half-a-person — no matter how great the whole person may be? Can I tell you a secret? For most of my life I was half-a-person. In fact, sometimes I still am, especially when I’m feeling really alone or vulnerable or hurt. I’ve come to realize, though, that I’ve been looking at things all wrong– the purpose of a relationship isn’t to seek completion from another but to appreciate that wholeness that each of you already have. “You complete me,” cried Tom Cruise in the 1996 movie, “Jerry Maguire.” I’d venture to say that this is the greatest American lie that’s ever been told. No one can complete you, ever. No one can fill you up or give you what you need or provide you with the “missing piece.” No one can do this for you, not ever, because you are already whole. Visit Therese’s blog at www.theunlost.com for more sweet advice on relationships, work and life in general.
Hazare’s hunger strike successful International student from India talks about the Jan Lokpal Bill and its importance to Indians in Idaho. Breaking News Editor
Grad student Rashita Rathore discusses the bill. The Arbiter
More than 40 years after it was initially proposed, the Jan Lokpal Bill has reached the Indian Parliament. Proposed in the 1960s, the Jan Lokpal Bill, or the Citizens’ Ombudsman Bill, designs an independent agency devoted to investigating charges of corruption against politicians and other authorities. This agency would be removed from the political sphere and all investigations would be required to be concluded one year after being initiated which lessens the risk of problems getting brushed away. Recently, the movement to get this bill passed has been receiving international attention. The public face of this protest, Anna Hazare, used hunger strikes to show his dedication. In April of this year, thousands of people came out to support Hazare, well-known
social activist, when he went current session. Second, that on a hunger strike in order to similar anti-corruption agenconvince Parliament that they cies be set up for state level needed to put this bill on the organizations. Finally, Hazare table for vote once more. Af- demanded a transparent proter four days, Parliament gave cess be established for public in and formed a committee to grievances. Saturday Aug. 27, Parliament work with Hazare’s organizagave in to Hazare’s demands tion and write a unified bill. That didn’t work, and the and got the ball rolling on meeting them. two groups “It’s like a wound up It’s like a second free- second freewriting their own versions dom for India, a free- dom for India, a freedom with the dom from corruption. from corrupgovernment tion,” Roshita sanctioned —Roshita Rathore Rathore, Boise version beState graduate ing put up student in exercise science and for vote. Hazare was not pleased and sports studies, said. Rathore came to Boise a year as protests continued, he was arrested. Twelve days ago he ago from the city Indore in the began a hunger strike while in Madhya Pradesh region of Inprison, and then on Aug. 20 he dia, but has still been involved was released to continue his in the movement to get the hunger strike, making three de- Lokpal Bill passed. “Last April we had a march mands. First, he demanded the Lok- here to support Hazare ... we pal Bill be passed during the went from the University to the
Suzanne Craig
Capitol building, there were about fifty of us,” Rathore explained. She has also been using social media sites like Facebook to raise awareness of this issue. Now that the hunger strike is over and Parliament is giving in to the demands, she is waiting to see how the bill will be implemented and followed. Only then can the movement be considered a true success.
ONLINE Are you efficient, reliable and driven? Come and work for the breaking news section of the Arbiter! Check arbiteronline.com for more information. arbiteronline.com
August 29, 2011
Full of SHIP?
An advertisement to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan reminds students the deadline to fill out a SHIP waiver form is Sept. 2.
With other college expenses to worry about, Student Health Insurance Plan too expensive for many students Ben M ack
Opinion Editor As almost anyone who’s ever worn shoes knows, college budgets are often tight. Tuition, housing, textbooks, food, transportation – the list goes on and on. Anytime there’s an extra expense it hurts, and in the case of Boise State this extra expense can hurt quite a bit. $811 per semester to be exact. Students who attend Boise State are required to have health insurance, whether it’s the university-provided Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) or some other provider. While it’s important to have insurance, the process of deciding on what insurance plan to go with can be mindnumbing. SHIP may seem convenient, as students are automatically enrolled unless they fill out a lengthy waiver form on BroncoWeb.
But it’s not worth it. “The Student Health Insurance Plan does break down to about $135 a month while most individual policies are going to run about that much and their deductibles are going be about $1,000,” SHIP coordinator Marika Butler said in an interview with The Arbiter. SHIP’s deductible – the amount a person has to pay themselves before insurance will kick in – is $250, while other plans such as the popular “Waive that SHIP!” campaign from Blue Cross is $1,000. But, with Blue Cross, healthy students who don’t smoke typically pay just $70$95 per month, or between $350 and $475 a semester – meaning potential savings of up to $461. One SHIP alternative is the Essential Blue Plus plan from Blue Cross of Idaho, available on their website at shop. bcidaho.com. Under this plan, a 20- to 29-year-old male nonsmoker would pay about $70.22 a month. A female nonsmoker from the same age category would pay about
$95.65 per month. One advantage of SHIP, however, is that a student is covered regardless of whether or not they have a “pre-existing condition” (a chronic illness such as cancer or diabetes for which there is no cure) so long as they use University Health Services (the on-campus medical offices located inside the Norco Building). With many other insurance plans, people with pre-existing conditions are denied coverage. Yes, the high cost of health insurance in America may be seen by some as obscene when compared to other countries such as Canada or Sweden, where it’s free. And yes, it may seem all the more obscene given the svelte wallets of many college students. But like it or not, that’s the way it is. To waive SHIP, a Boise State student must have another insurance plan that covers them (in some cases, a parent’s insurance is OK if the student is covered). But in general, if the student is healthy, then the SHIP program is probably not the best option.
College students should act their age Ben Mack
Opinion Editor The fall semester is here. The long, hot Idaho summer is (almost) over, and folks are either returning to Boise State, or beginning the college odyssey for the very first time. It’s a time of hellos and goodbyes, a time of new friends and new challenges, a time of changes and perseverance. And it’s a time for students to act like adults. Last week, a trash can close to Driscoll Hall was set on fire and an emergency crew was called to the scene, alarming many. What were these jackoffs trying to accomplish? A good laugh? Street cred? Guess what, idiots: it accomplished nothing - except an estimated $1,000 in damages according to Campus Security’s Crime Log. Crime reports also indicate the week before, someone hot-
wired a John Deere Gator and decided to take it for a thrill ride around Bronco Stadium. Congratulations, moron. Your short drive has probably ended your college career. Believe it or not, Boise State is not “Animal House.” There is no Dean Wormer putting fraternities on double secret probation, no John Belushi to steal tests for students to cheat from, and certainly no horses being shot in the administration building. Rules on campus are in place for a reason – especially when living on campus. But if nothing else, think about this: you’re paying thousands upon thousands of dollars to go to school. Why waste it by getting kicked out (or worse, arrested) for doing something like setting a trash can on fire? As the Boise State Statement of Shared Values states, “Boise State University is committed
to personal and social development, educational excellence, and civic engagement ... Membership in the campus community is a privilege and requires its members to conduct themselves ethically with integrity and civility.” Translation: act mature. With Boise State enrollment likely to reach an all-time high and more students living on campus than ever before, following the rules becomes more important than ever. Students have already braved greater challenges than the university’s rules and policies -- challenges such as being accepted to a university. If you can brave that challenge, you’re already at least partly an adult. If nothing else, remember this: some people are actually at Boise State to learn. It’s not appropriate to hinder them from doing that. If people want photo from ARBITER archives to do that, then there’s plenty College is a place for students to further their education, not behave like children. of other places to go.
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Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.
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August 29, 2011
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By Nancy Black
Today’s Birthday (08/29/11). You get more than you give this year. New opportunities arise for career and for influencing opinion. Choose love, every time. If you lose, use that juice for fantastic art. If you win, savor it. Your work earns attention and respect.
offers pour in.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Cancer ( June 22-July 22) -Today is an 8 -- When this job gets completed, the space will be left wide open for creativity. Consider what to paint on this blank canvas. It’s easier than you expect.
Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is an 8 -- Make an emotional appeal for something you care about deeply. You gain more than expected. The end of one thing is the beginning of another. Love prevails. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is a 9 -- Advance to the next level. You make it look easy. Take your bearings, and then set an enticing goal. It’s an excellent time for romance, and
Gemini (May 21-June 21) -Today is an 8 -- A beautiful moment unwraps itself for you today, presenting truth, love and fortune. Later, get moving with lively conversation and physical action. Home nurtures.
Leo ( July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- A lucky break could come your way today. It’s a good time to get the word out. Take charge, and have fun with it. Reconnect with a long-distance friend. Love will find a way. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is a 9 -- It’s harvest time:
FOR RELEASE AUGUST 29, 2011 Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
The Arbiter
By Jennifer Nutt
DOWN 1 Come together 2 Astrological Ram 3 Opponent 4 “Get it?” 5 Spat 6 Quarterback Manning 7 __, amas, amat ... 8 Ways to get under the street 9 Army meal 10 *Ineffective executive 11 Look happy 12 Can’t stand 14 Rascal 17 Nile dam 22 Italian “a” 24 Brunch staple 25 Neckwear pin 26 Santa Clara chip maker 30 Central Washington city 31 Uncertainties 32 Actress Arthur
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -Today is an 8 -- Your recent education benefits many. Suggest an innovation, and cheer when it works! Contribute to your family. They need something that only you can give. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 7 -- It’s time to get the band back together and put your creative juices in the blender of infinite wisdom. Drink it up and top it off with a home-baked cookie. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- You’re being called to the bat. Remember that you’re part of a team. Take the necessary risks, and add up the home runs. Who’s on first
Monday, August 29 - 31 2011
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
66 Online business review site 67 Cut with acid 68 Medvedev’s “no”
Bring in the crops and set up stores for winter. Take time to notice the landscape. Abundance can be yours. It grows when you act in community.
Saturday’s Puzzle Solved
(All Day) Phi Eta Sigma has teamed up with Better World Books for the Phi Eta Sigma Book Drive for Invisible Children, a movement to stop the abduction of child soldiers and end conflict in Uganda. The book drive will last until the end of the semester. Collection bins are available on campus and throughout the community. College textbooks are in need, but any other books in resalable condition are also welcome. Stay up to date on idahobookdrive.com. Contact: Mary Hogan
Tuesday, 30, 2011 (c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
33 *Hunk or babe’s attribute 34 ’90s Russian president Yeltsin 36 Numbered hwy. 37 Barnyard brayer 39 Old buffalohunting tribe 43 Like a he-man 45 Kimono accessory 46 One of 50
2. E-mail ad requests to classifieds@arbiteronline.com. Include your name, phone number and ad text.
base? Keep score. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 6 -- You may be feeling especially sensitive to your spirituality today, to that which moves you and makes your clock tick. Indulge that craving.
Club Organization Contact classifieds@stumedia.boisestate.edu to place your club’s ad
Aquarius ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 6 -- Find a friend to help you solve a philosophical problem. It’s a good time to complete projects, deliver communications and take new territory. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is an 8 -- Take advantage of the wonderful conditions for friendship, partnership and even romance. Keep your chin high, but avoid arrogance. Let folks know what you appreciate about them.
For more information contact MIGUEL VARELA miguelvarela@u.boisestate.edu
Crossword ACROSS 1 Cookie holders 5 Baseball feature 9 What gears do 13 Lake into which Ohio’s Cuyahoga River empties 14 Alabama march site 15 Austen novel 16 *Not animated, in filmmaking 18 Rotating cooking rod 19 Grassland 20 Plunked oneself down 21 Disco dance 23 *Like replays that reveal bad calls 27 “Affirmative!” 28 Traveler’s guide 29 Dental fillings 31 “A Doll’s House” playwright 34 __ noire: literally, “black beast” 35 Enveloping glow 38 “I __ Pretty”: “West Side Story” song 39 Doves’ homes 40 Do-it-yourselfers’ buys 41 __-Coburg, Bavaria 42 Like speaking 43 Wee parasites 44 Word with power or reactor 46 “Casablanca” pianist 47 iPhone download 49 *One who can’t function under stress 53 Mealtime lap item 55 “That feels great!” 56 Org. issuing many refunds 58 Garden of Eden’s __ of life 59 Where the ends of the starred answers are filed 63 Emblem of authenticity 64 Proverbial waste maker 65 Movie lioness
47 Unable to sit still 48 City of Light, in a Porter song 50 Mars neighbor 51 Goofy 52 Wipe off the board 54 Brown seaweed 57 Whack 60 Cheerios grain 61 Trojans’ sch. 62 Quagmire
(10 a.m - 2 p.m.) Student Involvement & Leadership Center is holding a Student Organization fair August 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Quad. Come and meet all the different groups and organizations on campus, and learn about their activities
and how to get involved. This is a free event so be sure to bring a friend!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
(3:45 - 5:00 p.m.) The English department is hosting a Welcome Party for new English majors. All English majors, faculty and staff are invited. This is a free event, and will be held in the amphitheater between the Albertsons Library and Taylor Hall. (3:30 - 5:00 p.m.) Coffee & Conversation Description: Beverages and light snacks will be provided. Presented by: ISS & ISA. Location:The Student Diversity Center. Cost:Free Contact: Merrilou Burris
Email Matthew Summers at BSUEnt@gmail.com
August 29, 2011
Georgia on our minds Opening game preview
By Wyatt Martin, Sports Editor Looking ahead to next Saturday’s opening game against the Georgia Bulldogs in Atlanta, many questions arise for both teams. Will Boise State be able to maintain their stoic composure in bigtime, pressure filled games? Can Georgia bounce back from their worst season under head coach
Mark Richt? And most importantly, will the Broncos be able to redeem themselves from their last trip to Georgia? While these questions can only be answered after the game starts, The Arbiter put together a preview that will help breakdown the Bronco-Bulldog matchup.
Key matchup of the game, Boise State’s Defensive front vs. Georgia’s Offensive line
Aaron Murray So. QB #11 The Bulldogs have a gem in quarterback Aaron Murray. As a freshman, Murray threw for over 3,000 yards and finished the season with 28 TD’s (4 rushing) as opposed to only 8 interceptions. The Georgia faithful are expecting great things from their dualthreat QB. Alec Ogletree So. ILB #9 As a freshman the 6’3” 236-pound Ogletree started as a safety, but after losing two veterans at their inside linebacker positions, the Bulldog coaches decided to move him a little closer to the line of scrimmage. Watch for the athletic Ogletree to make plays inside and outside of the tackle box. Orson Charles Jr. TE #7 The Bulldogs have a long tradition of excellent tight-ends that have moved on to the NFL, and Charles is hoping to be the next in line. Quarterback Aaron Murray will have to rely heavily upon Charles with the loss of last year’s wide receivers A.J. Green and Kris Durham to the NFL. Watch for the 6’3” Charles to be targeted across the middle.
GEORGIA Points for 32.1(30)
Total Defense 328.5(23) Pass Offense 242.4(40)
Chick-fil-A Kickoff Game
Georgia Dome. Atlanta, Ga. Saturday, Sept. 3, 8 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. MT *Aired on ESPN
UofG Players to Watch
Total Offense 385(56)
The Bronco defensive line will have their hands full trying to penetrate against one of the bigger offensive lines in the country. With a line that averages 6’4” 330 pounds, the Bulldogs will try to establish themselves up front and overpower the smaller Boise State defense. The key to the Broncos’ success will rely on how well they can control the edge and establish a pass rush. Boise will hope to use their speed and blitzing packages to disrupt the Bulldogs offense.
Points Against 22.1(36)
#5 Boise State Broncos (Mountain West Conference) vs. #19 Georgia Bulldogs (South East Conference)
Boise State favored by 3
Boise State: Chris Petersen 61-5 (.924) over 5 years. Georgia: Mark Richt 96-34 (.738) over 10 years.
Last Season
Boise State 12-1, defeated Utah in the Las Vegas Bowl. Georgia 6-7, lost to UCF in the Liberty Bowl (worst season in Mark Richt’s 10 year career.)
BSU Players to Watch D.J. Harper Sr. RB #7 Harper is coming off his second season ending knee injury in the last two years. We’ve all witnessed Harper’s speed and elusiveness, which could make him an invaluable asset to the Bronco’s backfield. The key for Harper will be staying healthy in his final season. Jerrell Gavins Sr. CB #4 The 5’9” Gavins may indeed be the key to the secondary’s success this season. Gavins has had a good summer and fall camp and will be asked to use his speed and quickness to help shutdown opposing wide receivers. Geraldo Boldewijn So. WR #17 With the loss of their two starting wide-outs to the NFL in the offseason, the Broncos are desperate to find talent that can replicate the success of Austin Pettis and Titus Young from last year. Bouldewijn will get his shot early in trying to fill those shoes. At 6’4” 200 pounds, he has the size and athleticism to go up for jump balls, and the strength and speed to separate and elude tacklers.
Things to know:
Rush Offense 142.6(73)
BOISE STATE Points for 45.1(2) Points Against 12.8(2) Total Offense 521.3(2) Total Defense 254.7(2) Pass Offense 321.1(6) Rush Offense 200.2(21) Pass Defense 150.9(4) Rush Defense 103.8(7)
Georgia returns 13 of 24 starters. They run a pro-style offense and a 3-4 defense. The Bulldogs did not beat a single ranked opponent last season. Boise State will have 14 seniors starting for this year’s squad. Those seniors have only lost two games in their careers as Broncos. The Broncos have never beaten an SEC opponent.
Pass Defense 181.3(17) Rush Defense 147.2(56) Illustration Bree Jones/THE ARBITER
Welcome to Atlanta
Boise to Atlanta
2,172 miles
Athens to Atlanta
69 miles Georgia Dome
71,250 Boise State expected attendance
10,000 Georgia expected attendance
60,000 >>
There’s nothing neutral about the Broncos’ season opener
Ty Hawkins Journalist
For the second year in a row the Boise State Broncos will make the 2,000-plus mile trek to open their season against a BCS team at a “neutral site.” Last year the Broncos ventured to Landover, Md. to play the Virginia Tech Hokies of the Atlantic Coast Conference. VT is located in Blacksburg, Va., about 230 miles from Landover. Now, it would be agreed that it would have been a neutral site game if the in-state rival Virginia Cavaliers were involved, but Boise State hails from the great Northwest. The climate, time change and Hokie-heavy crowd still wasn’t enough as the Broncos prevailed in hostile territory taking home a 33-30 victory. This year their opening game looks to be very similar to last year’s season opener. The Broncos will face another BCS foe, the University of Georgia of the South Eastern Conference. They’ll be wearing a new line of Nike’s Pro Combat jerseys tailor made for the event. The game will be featured as part of ESPN’s College Football KickOff Weekend, and again the game will be played at a “neutral site.” I’m not a geography major, but I recognize playing a game in the Georgia Dome in Atlanta is far from neutral in terms of travel and fan support. Boise State will have around 10,000 fans while UGA will have around 60,000. I’m also not a math major either, but I know five is greater than one. Add a comma and some zeros and waa-laa, Georgia has a 50,000 person fan advantage. If you think Landover was loud last fall, imagine how noisy the dome will be with all of those inebri-
ated country bumpkins way deep down south. Whatever major sponsor for the game or NCAA employee that deemed this a neutral site contest must have struggled mightily with fourth grade Social Studies. A half-way point playing ground would have been Soldier Field in Chicago, or the Metrodome in Minnesota. How about the Edward Jones Dome, home of the St. Louis Rams? Even the Louisiana State vs. Oregon game being played at Dallas Cowboy Stadium is more neutral than Boise State facing the Bulldogs who play in Athens, about an hour and half drive down the I-20 according to MapQuest. A t least L S U has to cross t h e LouisianaTe x a s state border for their affair. The Broncos, however, will be asked to rise to the challenge again
Who’s going to win the opening game? Take the poll on arbiteronline.com
The Arbiter
on national television in a foreign environment. This isn’t Fresno State on a Thursday night that ESPN2 is running due to a contract. This is big time, a main event type of game. When the Broncos can beat Georgia and move to 2-0 in televised neutral site games then maybe, just maybe, they’ll be able to take down a BCS foe this side of the Mississippi River in 2012. But their chances aren’t looking too promising at the moment. Boise is slated to face Michigan State in East Lansing, MI to start the 2012 season, the University of Washington in Seattle to start the 2013 season, and Ole Miss in another “neutral” site game in Atlanta to begin the 2014 season.
Illustration Bree Jones/THE ARBITER
August 29, 2011
The game of Garretson
How to embrace Terrelle the Raider
John Garretson
Online Sports Editor
Online Poll What will the future hold for Terrelle Pryor? Take the poll online at arbiteronline.com
Special offer offer for for students! students! Special
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T:10 in T:10 in
Since the end of the 2011 Maaco Las Vegas bowl game, the Boise State Bronco defense has undergone a hoard of change: watching seniors depart, breaking in the new freshmen, but most importantly, trying to continue to dominate as one of the most proficient defenses in all of Division I football. Sure, there are seasoned play-makers such as defensive end Shea McClellin and safety George Illoka, but a name that does not receive as much attention, despite his unabashed personality, is defensive end Jarrell Root. Root, a Boise native, enters his final year as a Bronco with an interesting character complex: someone who at one moment is the loudest guy in the room while in the next moment he’s quietly observing, taking in what’s around him. This unique charisma the 6’3”, 262-pound Capital High alum has can be attributed to his time spent learning from ex-Broncos such as Ryan Winterswyk and Winston Venable. “The thing is, it’s not always they [Winterswyk and Venable] said but what they done. No one ever outworked them, no one worked as hard as them. To be a senior, I finally understood that. Really, there is no promise play. You only have the play you’re in,” Root said. Entering the college scene in 2007 as a redshirt freshman, Root earned Defensive Scout Player of the Year and only continued to climb the ladder of success. From then on, Root has recorded 31 tackles and 5.5 sacks in three seasons, but the stats do not truly attribute to what the defensive end has brought to this successful Bronco team. It’s the intangible vocal presence and strong character build that has paved the way for his success. With this new bed of freshmen taking part in their first college workouts, Root has been able to empathize and has taken a role as a mentor to the young Broncos. “The thing about being so very eloquent is being able to tell the freshmen exactly what I went through,” Root said. “And I see them doing the same things I did as a freshman. I always just tell them ‘just have fun with it.’ You’re coming to a defense that is eight times more complicated than a high school defense.” Growing up in the Treasure Valley has given Root a chance to connect with the community from the beginning, something not many college players can tout. If there’s one thing besides football that is important in Root’s life, it’s his family in the 208. “It’s a smaller city but a huge town. Everybody knows everybody. I’ve got family here that’s not really family, but I’ve just known them for that long because we grew up together. We go out and interact with the community. That’s where people really connect; they connect with us, and we connect with them,” Root said about the City of Trees. Continuing to be a key vocalic team leader, Root will do anything to aid this Bronco team as he prepares to dive into his final year wearing the blue and orange jersey. “I want to make more plays, that’s about it. Everybody wants to have their breakout senior year, and I’m no different. I want to help this team out the best way I can,” he said.
Buffalo Bills. If done right, Pryor can be a threat that will bring back the pride to the Bay Area, but if they are shaking that magic eight ball asking if he can lead their franchise, “don’t count on it.”
Art Director: Art Director: Project Leader: Project Leader: Producer: Producer: Premedia Artist: Artist: Premedia
John Garretson
Online Sports Editor
bell was going to lead from the bench, a player-coach tandem? Conspiracies can be a fickle concept. Let’s bring it back to America’s newfound homeboy, Terrelle Pryor, the “man of many tattoos and little memorabilia.” Taking up more media coverage than Kim Kardashian’s wedding is impressive enough but to watch him, of course after his five week suspension granted by Commissioner Roger Goodell (boy, did he think he was going to dodge that bullet), lead the Raiders from their still burning ashes post-Super Bowl XXXVIII, will be jaw-dropping. It’s nonsensical to deny Pryor of his athleticism and potential, but at the current rate of his previous predecessors, the odds are not in his favor. A more logical approach would be to use that speed and size he has and push him to the T:5 in outside as a T:5 receiver, a bigger in version of Brad Smith of the
Rachel Marshall Rachel Marshall Auditi Hussain Auditi Hussain Carolyn Petty Carolyn Petty Katy Clove Clove Katy
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Bringing light to Boise’s boisterous defensive end
approvals approvals
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Root celebrates after a big play against San Jose State last year. Boise State hopes Root will have plenty more to celebrate during his senior campaign.
With all the commotion and chaos caused by the NFL Lockout thrown in the mix with all of the NCAA infractions and allegations and stir in a back-burner selection known as the Supplemental Draft and you have the recipe for Terrelle Pryor’s stardom. And I thought the Challenge: Rivals was going to be our quench for unwarranted drama this summer. The ex-Ohio State quarterback was selected by the Oakland Raiders in the third round, contrary to agent Drew Rosenhaus’ beliefs, on Monday, giving up their 2012 third round pick for the 6’4”, 232-pound Buckeye. It seems almost too fitting for the controversial college phenom to transition from Columbus to Oakland. Pryor is a freak of an athlete, running a sub-4.40 40-yard time and can bomb the ball like a nuclear missile, but there’s one thing off about this soon-to-be “franchise” player: he’s not a quarterback. Mike Mayock, a correspondent for the NFL Network, said of Pryor’s workout in Pittsburgh that he “thrived in the fast break environment, where his legs do more damage than his arms,” but “rarely were his receivers able to run with the ball after the catch. It looks like he floats a lot of passes.” Hey, I’m sure Drew Brees started off as a scrambler too. And one time I saw Peyton Manning run in for a score. So far so good. Raiders owner Al Davis, along with the rest of his cronies, seem to have a hard-on for collegiate-savvy, black quarterbacks who have lightning speed but the leadership qualities of ex-FEMA director Michael Brown. And for all we know, that pick could turn into another hurricane for the organization itself, something even the “Black Hole” in the Coliseum could not handle. Take a look at JaMarcus Russell, a Louisiana State star who guided the Tigers in a 41-14 Sugar Bowl win over Notre Dame in 2007, decided to skip out of his remaining year at school, much like Pryor, to pursue his dream as an NFL phenom. Analysts such as John Clayton had said with the “size and speed of [Russell], it’d be hard to pass him at No. 1,” a piece of advice Oakland took to heart and took the quarterback first overall in the 2007 NFL draft. Complications with contract disputes arose, and before the public knew, Russell was one of the highest paid quarterbacks [$68 million over six years] without even taking a snap. The turmoil does not even end there. A three-year “stint” which resulted in 18 touchdowns, 23 interceptions, a little over 4,000 yards and quarterback rating of 65.2 [In 2008, Russell took home the crown for the lowest accumulated quarterback rating in the NFL,
bringing home the bacon with a 50.0 rating. Uh, what?], it has been generally accepted that Russell is the biggest bust in the NFL draft history. At least Ryan Leaf had some character about him. Continuing with the black and silver trend, in 2010 the Raiders impulsively traded for Washington Redskins quarterback Jason Campbell, an SEC Player of the Year, who led Auburn to an undefeated season in 2004. Campbell had somewhat qualified stats: 68 touchdowns, 46 interceptions, 82.6 overall rating but with one defect: he had no backbone, no winning capability in him. Campbell touts a 27-37 overall win record, no playoff appearances, and was benched in Week 2 by ex-Raider head coach Tom Cable in favor of backup Bruce Gradkowski. Maybe there was some sort of inside scheme where Camp-
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August 29, 2011
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The Arbiter