The Boise State Arbiter, June 2, 2010

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NEWS 1–3





The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933

Volume 22

First Issue

F R E E June 02, 2010


How real is the college experience?


BSU clinches Commissioners Cup!


Debbie Kaylor

Career Center Director Welcome to Boise State University! We are very excited that you made the decision to join us and want to offer you some career decision making and job search advice as you embark on your college career.

Explore your options!

The Career Center, advising and academic enhancement, and academic departments are all great resources for exploring different majors and careers. Take advantage of all of these resources and be open to different career paths. The Career Center provides career counseling and also offers several great career assessments that can help you with your career decision making process. Meet with one of our career counselors, who can help guide you through the process of self exploration, identifying options, establishing goals, and developing an action plan.

Get involved!

Involving yourself in cam-

Welcome new students Bob Kustra

Boise State President


Call the Career Center at 426-1747 to make an appointment with a counselor.

Take advantage...and be open to different career paths. pus life not only gives you the chance to meet new people and connect with your community, it provides you with an excellent opportunity to develop skills such as communication, leadership, and organizational skills that employers are looking for. Whether it be a campus organization, ASBSU, volunteering, service learning, or Greek life; get involved to meet new people, build new skills, and expand your network!

Get a job!

Whether you need a job or not, working around 15 hours a week is a good idea. Not only does it bring in “spending money,” it increases your skill set and helps you begin building your network. Boise State hires between 1,500 and 2,000 student employees each year. Surrounding businesses also hire for part-time positions. Employers consistently tell us that one of the things that impresses them most

about Boise State graduates is their work ethic, so get a job and be a part of this great tradition! The Student Employment Fair is Wednesday, Aug. 25 on the Quad. Additionally, check out BroncoJobs for student part-time job postings.

Begin building your network!

It is never too early to start building your network. These are people -- faculty, staff, other students, alumni, and employers -- who you will connect with throughout your college career and who will be very valuable to you when it is time to search for internships or jobs after you graduate. If you really want to get a head start, consider building your on-line presence with LinkedIn, a professional online networking site. The career center can provide you with information on how to effectively use LinkedIn for networking and your job search.

Participate in an internship!

You most likely will not engage in an internship your first year or two, but make sure it is something you plan on in the latter part of your college career. Employers are always looking for relevant work experience and an internship provides this along with connections to people within your field of interest. If you are interested in getting the most out of your college experience in preparation for an internship or your professional career, call the career center at (208) 4261747 to make an appointment with one of our career counselors or job search advisors. While there are many ways to go about planning your career and conducting a successful job search, the career center would encourage you to “begin with the end in mind.” Remember, everything that you do from the time you start college to the time you graduate will help prepare you and your resume for future career opportunities! Once again, welcome to Boise State University! Debbie Kaylor, Career Center Director

What is student affairs? Courtesy

Student Affairs The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs provides support and service to students who seek information and advice about a wide range of school related issues or challenges. Service is provided in an atmosphere of confidentiality and concern. They are located in the Administration Building. The Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Michael Laliberte, and his office staff, Lynn Humphrey and Stephanie Neighbors, are committed to providing proactive and comprehensive advocacy for students. They assist students with personalized referrals for on-campus resources and services to help work through student issues, personal concerns, and medical/family emergencies that can impact academic success. The staff can be reached at (208) 4261418 or by e-mail at vpsa@ Their website is located at In order to better assist students, Dr. Laliberte is available to meet with them during his open office hours in the Student Union Building on Fridays from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. If you are interested in talking with the Vice President, just look for the bright orange VP is In banner. No appointment is necessary. Students are welcome on a first-come basis to meet and discuss their ideas and concerns related to Boise State University. Drop by, even if you’d simply like to introduce yourself! The Vice President for Student Affairs oversees most student services at Boise State University. You can find their weblinks at http://www.


There are many other valuable resources and services

available to students. Make sure you check out the Student Handbook at http:// documents/StudentHandbook091123.pdf to find information ranging from academic advising to writing papers to important university policies and procedures.

Read the Bronco Student Update to find out what’s happening on campus. A handy source for knowing all the hot happenings on campus, the Bronco Student Update e-newsletter is sent to your student e-mail address every other Friday and is full of info about upcoming activities. It’s also a great way for student organizations to spread the word about their events.

BroncoWeb: your student financial

and academic records account

Boise State students are each given a BroncoWeb account to handle their

university finances, class registration, grades, transcripts, and majors/minors at http://

BroncoMail: your student e-mail

Check your BroncoMail frequently, not only to get campus news, but also to stay informed about important dates and deadlines (examples: deadlines to add and drop classes, waive student health insurance, submit financial aid information). Access through BroncoWeb at You can auto-forward BroncoMail messages to a personal e-mail account, but be sure to redirect it if you ever make changes to your personal e-mail.

Your enrollment at Boise State reflects your desire to attend a university of imagination and innovation. We are pleased that you have become a Bronco and welcome you to our thriving campus community. The university is committed to your success. We offer you support to face the academic rigors ahead and encourage you to get involved in campus life. Like starting a new job, the process of becoming a Boise State student is both exciting and daunting. We recognize that coming here is a new chapter in your life. Orientation will ensure that you know where to find important services and offices, how to get questions answered, and what the expectations are of you as a Boise State student. To help in a smooth transition, I urge you to take advantage of the services and opportunities that are available to you. Get better connected by signing up for a new student introductory course. Introduce yourself to your academic advisor and plan regular meetings. Rely on the people who are knowledgeable in housing, financial aid, job opportunities, and health and wellness. Join a student organization and meet new friends. Please let me call attention to two particular programs. Our Campus Read book selection is "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind." We are asking students to read it before

CAMPUS RECREATION • Aquatics Complex (opening during Fall 2010)

• Fitness Programs • Intramural and Club Sports • Outdoor Programs

CAMPUS SERVICES • Bookstore, BroncoShop and BroncoTec • Children’s Center • Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP)

• Student Union · Conference Services · Fine Arts & Gallery Store · Games Center · Information Desk · University Dining • Career Center and Student Employment

Emergency Notifications

If you want to receive cam pus emergency notifications, go to BroncoWeb and “Opt in” to the University’s emer- STUDENT INVOLVEMENT & gency notification system. LEADERSHIP CENTER • Leadership • Sorority & Fraternity Life • Student Boards • ASBSU (student gov.) • Martin Luther King Human Rights Committee (SPB)

• Volunteer Services Board (VSB)

• Student Organizations

Charlie Varland Assistant Director Student Involvement

Damoni Wright Program Coordinator Student Involvement

Jeremiah Shinn Director Student Involvement

BSU President, Bob Kustra starting classes this fall when the campus community will engage in a dialogue about the novel. The inspiration for the story, William Kamkwamba, is planning a trip to campus at the beginning of the fall semester to share more of his inspiring story. Another opportunity is our graduation guarantee program, Finish in Four. Now more than ever, staying on track academically can help you save money and accelerate your move into the job market or graduate studies. Signing up during your first semester is important to your success in this program, so please let your advisor know if you have interest. What an exciting new opportunity awaits you this year. We are so pleased that you have chosen Boise State University! Go Broncos! Sincerely, Bob Kustra Boise State President


• Student Programs Board

Michael Laberte Vice President Student Affairs


President Kustra:

Career Center: Begin with the end in mind

Take a look at BSU’s Greek Life

STUDENT RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES • Student Conduct Program • Student Legal Advisory Services (funded by ASBSU) • Student Mediation Program • Neighborhood Outreach Program

UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICES • Counseling Services • Medical Services • Student Health Insurance • Wellness Services UNIVERSITY HOUSING • Living-Learning Communities • Residence Halls, Apartments & Family Housing • Summer Conferences ENROLLMENT SERVICES • Admissions • Financial Aid • Registrar / BroncoWeb Help Center • New Student & Family Programs STUDENT LIFE • Student Diversity & Inclusion

· Cultural Center · Disability Resource Center · Women’s Center

The Arbiter •



June 02, 2010


THE BOISE STATE STUDENT MEDIA GROUP Expanding beyond conventions of tradition

Incoming Boise State students, Welcome to our campus and to our university. Hopefully your excitement is in bloom as your goal of a continued education is at hand. My name is Bob Beers and I am the Editor-in-chief of The Arbiter -- the independent student voice of Boise State. I would like to introduce you all to what Boise State has to offer in regard to student media production and dissemination. The contemporary media landscape is in a state of flux. Locally, we have approached this with eyes wide open. We recognize the value of multimedia, social media and traditional print media. Each component executes a valuable role in providing media consumers with as complete a picture as possible. To produce that picture, we created a media group. The Boise State student media group is comprised of a twice weekly newspaper (The Arbiter), an online radio station (The Pulse), two websites ( and and a video production team (Non-linear Productions). The group also utilizes a talented in-house business team for marketing purposes, graphic design and sales. The result of this collaborative effort has manifested itself in the form of innovative and dynamic content. As a media group we can more effectively provide you, the reader, with information that bends traditional forms and rules of media production. Between and (in addition to our print medium) the media group offers live radio broadcasts, original video sitcoms, podcasts and audio interviews, photo slideshows, feature articles and colorful columns, dynamic news and sports coverage, platforms for community involvement and so much more. We encourage you to interact with as much of what we have to offer as you can. And, whenever possible, provide us with feedback for what you would like to see in our articles, slideshows, videos or radio broadcasts. Sincerely,

The Arbiter

An award winning student newspaper, The Arbiter is published Mondays and Thursdays during the semester. There are approximately 80 to 100 students who work, in various capacities, for the organization. The print edition has four sections -- News, Opinion, Sports and Culture -- that convey stories to our readership via photography, the written word, infographics and more. There is fresh, original content published on everyday. The Arbiter produces videos, podcasts, audio interviews, slideshows and other multimedia for its website in addition to written work. The Arbiter maintains a strong presence within online communities using its own Facebook page and Twitter account.

The University Pulse is student run radio station from Boise State University. The radio is broadcasted on a live Internet stream 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Pulse offers event DJ services (a paid service) to the public at large and for students. The Pulse operates primarily by the work of its talented student producers. The producers design and administrate radio shows for broadcast on

Bob Beers Editor-in-chief, The Arbiter

The Boise State student media group offers internships for journalism, online marketing, audio production, video production, photography, graphic design and sales. For those interested, contact the student media group by e-mail ( or by phone (426-6300).

NON-LINEAR PRODUCTIONS The video team within the student media group offers an array of video production opportunities. Non-linear Productions can create marketing videos for the Boise State community and for the community at large. Also, Non-linear Productions provides independent, unique and innovative “shows” for arbiteronline. com. The shows include short clips that feature content produced by The Arbiter and narrative stories shot on campus, using actors and writers local to Boise State.

Catching up with ASBSU

Mission Statement


The mission of the Associated Students of Boise State University Senate is to lead, inspire, encourage and serve all students. To ensure that student needs are being met by serving as an outlet for student concerns, facilitating student participation in campus activities, and seeking solutions to issues and problems. By being a voice for students and constantly working toward the future, the ASBSU Senate can set an example of positive, enthusiastic leadership for Boise State University.

Changes made to ASBSU structure Student elections in April brought changes to the governing officials and constitution of ASBSU. ASBSU President Stephen Heleker and Vice President Zach Snoderly of the “New Attitude” party were elected to succeed Trevor Grigg and Joe Bunt who served for the past two years. Changes in the constitution were also approved in the election. According to the revised constitution, the legislative branch that is currently comprised of eight college senators and eight at-large senators will become a council with one president and seven vice presidents. The seven members of council vice presidents will be the vice president of equities, vice president of student life, vice president of clubs and organizations, vice president of academic affairs, vice president of legislative and governmental affairs, vice president of facilities, and executive vice president. Heleker and Snoderly are already preparing for the changes that will go into effect on Inauguration Day, 2011. “We will be building procedures and job descriptions for the following years,” Heleker said. “I will look at precedents from other universities to help build something a little more durable than we’ve had to work with so far at BSU.”

Benefits of changes Greater Student Representation In contrast to the current system, all positions will be elected by the general populous of students, which limit’s the possibility that student leaders can be elected by four votes or 10 votes, which happens regularly in our current election process. If one is to look at

Mission statement provided by ASBSU the structure of other prominent and effective student governments they will find a very similar structure, organized around duties as opposed to departments. With this new structure, all students, regardless of what they are involved in or what their wants and needs are, will have an elected vice president to which they can turn for advocacy and representation. Greater Efficiency There is a severe lack of clarity when it comes to the job description of student government. After discussing what is and isn’t done at ASBSU, current members came to this model as the conclusion. We felt it better to organize ASBSU’s duties properly among eight people than improperly among 20. Greater Accountability Because of the vague expectations placed on student leaders in the current model, the potential of creating stagnant representatives often becomes reality. Under the new model, elected officials will have clearly outlined job descriptions and responsibilities, which means there will be no question as to what a newly elected official should do when they walk in on day one, as well as whether or not they are fulfilling their responsibilities. Greater Communication within ASBSU

Student government should be a place for constructive discussion, with all individuals at the same table. A trifurcated model (the current system) of student government is not conducive to the level of efficiency of which ASBSU is capable. A relatable example is the university’s administration structure, which uses a variety of vice presidents, all acting under the mission goals of the president and applying that strategic vision to their given responsibility. Information provided by ASBSU and Kim King, The Arbiter

The Arbiter •

June 02, 2010


Make a splash in the new aquatic complex! Heather Carlson Campus Recreation Come check out the new aquatic complex at the student recreation center and experience a whole new way to work out at your favorite gym. With two new pools we have something for everyone whether you want to work out, learn a new skill, or just relax. Design your water workout the way that best fits you. Take it easy or work hard in the new six-lane lap pool. Step it up with our new water jets; you can either swim against the currents or take it up in one of our kayaks. Either way, the work out will leave you feeling amazing. Have you ever been interested in kayaking or canoeing but never had the chance to learn? Well


now is your chance. The outdoor program will be teaching courses in kayaking, canoeing, rafting, river rescuing and much more. Keep an eye out for all the exciting opportunities. You can now gather together a team and compete in our new water intramural sports. New sports will be offered such as water polo, underwater hockey, triathlons, swim meets and much more. But don’t find yourself getting caught up in too much work; make sure to find that time to relax. After a long day of hard work stop by the new spa hot tub. This is the perfect way to sooth your muscles after a hard work out. Once school starts up make sure to make it in to the grand opening Aug. 25, 2010. The fun begins at 3 p.m. where there will be free prizes, food, and music to entertain. This is an event you don’t want to miss, so grab all your friends and check out what the Rec has done for you. - Heather Carlson Promotion coordinator

Campus Read selects book for 2010 Chase johnson Campus Read

When choosing the book for the Campus Read at Boise State University, the Campus Read committee takes many things into consideration. It looks for a book with a message, one with which college students may identify and use to develop both personally and academically. The book must apply in the classroom and to the social experience of university students. Recognizing how important the book could be to students, the committee opened up the program to student nominations for 2010-2011. From the dozens of nominations it received, the committee and President Bob Kustra chose William Kamkwamba’s "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind." "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" is an incredible story of personal empowerment and the value that innovative thinking can have on one’s community. The story is

about William Kamkwamba, who in the face of famine and starvation, built windmills for his village. Kamkwamba’s windmills brought his village electricity, irrigation, and most importantly, stability. This book was chosen because of the multifaceted ways in which Boise State students can learn from his story. Students can expect the book to be incorporated into certain classes such as University 101 and other lower division courses. Other programming initiatives will be seen on campus throughout the year. The book has many themes from which students across all disciplines can learn. For example, engineers may look at the way in which Kamkwamba was able to provide so much for his village with rather rudimentary materials. Political science students may discuss the issues around African development. Kamkwamba is preparing to enter his freshman year at Dartmouth University, further adding to the

connections students may draw between their experience and his. While the details are still being resolved, students can expect him to visit campus in the fall to share his story and experience as a college freshman. Students are encouraged to pick up a copy of the book and apply its message and themes to their experience at Boise State university.

You May Be Eligible

All examinations, lab work & medications related to the study are provided. Paid participation is made to qualified volunteers for time & travel.

Current Studies Are

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The Arbiter •



June 02, 2010


The Real College Experience Haley Robinson Opinion Editor

Welcome to college: an awkward tightrope between adulthood and youth. Many college students enter their freshman year with an impression that higher education is just as it seems in the movies. The main idea being that each night will be a 500 person party where everyone is surprisingly good looking and rivers of beer (that no one ever is seen paying for) flow freely into millions of red cups. When I started college, I was baffled by the lack of people in togas hanging out of frat house windows and was caught off guard by the intensity of academics. Students who go to college e x p e c ting an “Animal House” scenario and who are not willing to adapt to the intense reality awaiting them have a higher chance of disliking their new atmosphere and failing. Boise State is an even more extreme example because it has so many commuting students. Campus life is even less like the Hollywood portrayal. And even though it would be nice, people don’t get degrees by getting trashed every weekend and sleeping through class. Certainly, college can be the best time of your life, but it’s not all fun. As a matter of fact, a lot of it is just hard work. It’s not emphasized enough that teachers have stopped holding students’ hands at this point. A student is just one person in a lecture hall of two hundred. At that point, the professor really stops caring that he or she “forgot” to do the assignment. Most instructors don’t constantly remind the class when something is due -- they tell them once or just put it on the syllabus. In some classes the entire grade is derived from only three tests. If one exam is failed, the grade could potentially be unrecoverable. Orientation coordinator for New Student and Family Programs, Zach Snoderly, found his new level of freedom to be a challenge his freshman year. “Not having someone looking over my shoulder kind of hurt me,” Snoderly said. “There are so many things to do on campus that it can pull your focus away from academics.” Social life is another thing that changes drastically. For most people, all of their high school buddies are suddenly dispersed and they are left to figure it out for themselves. Boise State sophomore Jenna Hunt found the change in her social structure difficult to adapt to as a freshman. “It can be a really harsh environment because your social support is gone and you don’t know anybody,” Hunt said. When it comes to college freshmen, here is the best advice: they should have fun, but not forget why they are here. This has the potential to be an amazing experience that changes one’s life in almost every way, or it can be a $10,000 failure. With the cost of college these days, there is no excuse for completely neglecting schoolwork. If partying is all someone wants to do then they should, but they should save themselves the money and the commitment by not enrolling in college first. In the end, there is more than one way to take on the college experience. It should be fun and rewarding, but it should also be taken seriously. There won’t be many chances for self discovery and fun in the adult world without having full responsibilities. All opportunities should be utilized to make this a life changing experience in the best possible way.

nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER


k c a t S the k c e D

Prof. Jeremy Ball

Pennie Seibert, Ph.D.

-Professor at BSU since 1990

-Professor at BSU since 2004

- Cognitive Neuroscience expert, Idaho Neurological Institute’s Director of Research at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, President Elect of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association.

-Various published works, expert in prosecutorial decisionmaking and sentencing. “Jeremy Ball was my favorite professor. I learned so much from him because his teaching style was so accessible. I felt like he really cared for the subject and the students. It was one of the most challenging classes I have taken, and also one of the most rewarding,” - Haley Robinson, Junior mass comm./journalism



Get ahead of the game next fall by enrolling with the prime professors at BSU before anyone else. We talked to students to find who their favorite instructors are and why. The Arbiter is acknowledging the best of the best to help students get the most out of their BSU experience.

“Her stories were hysterical. The first day of class she broke the monotony of syllabus reading with her explanation of penis envy. I laughed so hard I cried,” - Brindon Neires, sophomore, undeclared COURTESY BSU

Heidi Reeder, Ph.D.

-Professor at BSU since 2000

Prof. Sandra Schackel.

-Professor at BSU since 1989

-Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2007 Idaho Professor of the Year, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs teaching award in 2006, and Teaching Excellence Award from UNC-Greensboro.

-Expert in History of Women in America and the History of the American West, creator of the campus Women’s Center in 1993 and the developer of the Gender Studies Minor program in 1995. Various publications and performer in the Vagina Monologues in 2009.

“Dr. Reeder has been most influential in my college career. I have taken three classes from her and learned more in those three classes then all then all the rest combined. She has an obvious passion for interpersonal communications,” - Rochelle Overstreet, senior, secondary communication COURTESY BSU

b usiness

Editor-In-Chief Bob Beers

NEWS Editor

Kim King


Trent Lootens

Managing editor Kirk Bell


Mitch Esplin


Joey McCullough

Photo Editor Nik Bjurstrom online editor Josh Gamble Video editor Gray Battson Editorial advisor James Kelly

- Amy Tobiaz, junior, history of visual art and visual culture COURTESY BSU

e ditorial S taff

Media manager Zach Ganschow

“She’s fair and provides a lot of interesting text, and allows everyone to voice their opinion on a topic,”


Journalists Open

Journalists Open

production team Brendan Healy Bree Jones Audrey Swift

General Manager Brad Arendt business/ad manager Matthew Summers

Illustrator Ryan Johnson

Marketing Director Jennifer Orr Bookkeeper Shae Hanah




Haley Robinson


Rebecca De Leon


Jessica Swider


Glenn Landberg

Journalists Open

d esign

Journalists Open

account executives James Orr Miranda Forcier Jennifer Orr Miguel Varela

o nline t eam Assistant online editor Iko Vannoy

Community Managers Iko Vannoy Open

t o c ontact t he a rbiter 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554

Guest opinions (500 word limit) and Letters to the Editor (300 word limit) can be e-mailed to

The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.

Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.

The The Arbiter Arbiter ••



June 02, 2010

Top 5 things about BSU 1

EASY TO NAVIGATE — our small campus is easy to get familiar and feel at home with.

FOOTBALL CULTURE — our team 2 gives students something to be proud of. CAMPUS IS LOCATED NEAR BOISE — this pro3 DOWNTOWN vides a plethora of entertainment options. REASONABLE TUITION — despite 4 recent hikes, BSU tuition is still one of the most affordable options.


RELATIVELY SMALL POPULATION — fewer students makes it easier to get involved and stand out.

Bottom 5 things about BSU NON-TRADITIONAL CAMPUS — our campus demographic tends to make it harder to meet new people. — good luck finding an 2 PARKING open spot. CLASSES FILL UP FAST — be pre3 pared to be put on a wait list and beg for permission numbers. DRY CAMPUS — no alcohol al4 lowed diminishes party life on campus. STUDENT HOUSING — living on 5 campus can be competitive and expensive.



Top and Bottom There are ups and downs to every situation, here are some of BSU’s


Top 5 things about being a freshman

INITIAL FREEDOM — you can do just about whatever you want, whenever you want. NEW PEOPLE — being out of your zone provides ample op2 comfort portunity to meet new friends. EASY CLASSES — entry level classes to be less challenging than 3 tend higher level classes.


4 5

Bottom 5 things about being a freshman

Letter to the Editor:

REGISTER LAST — freshman are truly at the bottom of the food chain.

1 2


Every life experience provides good and bad opportunities from which to learn. Freshman year at Boise State is no different. This year can be one of the most exciting and challenging years of your life. It also could be one of the most frustrating and difficult. Here are some things to look forward to and watch out for these coming semesters.

SIMPLICITY — eat on campus, live on campus, play on campus. FREE FOOTBALL TICKETS — you finally don’t have to pay to see the Broncos play!

MEETING NEW PEOPLE — being out of your comfort zone makes some people uncomfortable.

3 4 5

REDUNDANCY — eat on campus, live on campus, play on campus.

RAs — you may not realize it at first, but you still have some rules. NO PRIVACY — you better hope you’re comfortable with showing it all in the dorms.


Boise State’s smoke free policy says its purpose is to, “maintain a healthy and safe environment conductive to learning for all students, faculty, staff and visitors.” That seems strange that visitors were also included in the statement since the Taco Bell Arena and Bronco Stadium now have smoking sections. So in other words Boise State can accommodate visitors but not their own smoking students who have helped pay to have the facility operate. The Boise State smoking policy also claims to have been put in place to allow an environment “conductive to learning for ALL students.” Does the word ALL exempt the students with ADHD? Nicotine has been shown by science to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD and allow a student to concentrate. In this situation shouldn’t smoking be considered a medication to these students that allows them to be in an environment that is conducive to learning? Prospective students from

all over Idaho who wish to further their education are now being told that if they are addicted to cigarettes, they will have to decide between a higher education and their smoking addiction. Don’t kid yourself; these students do not have the time between classes to run two miles in order to get their fix and be back to class on time. Also mind you, we are not talking about illegal drug addictions or alcohol addictions which modify behavior of students, we are talking about a substance that leaves its user in complete conciseness of their actions. So the question really is, who are being the beneficiaries of the promotion to “wellbeing,” is a higher education a pursuit of “well-being” for the non-smoking students exclusively? Let’s also consider the health risks smokers pose on others non-smokers. The only case study done that shows a link between second hand smoke and mortality is the EPA report of 1993, which was thrown out of court by

a district judge for “cherrypicking” their data. Their report was an investigation of non-smokers living indoors with a smoking spouse. This report didn’t even flirt with an idea of outdoor smoke being hazardous. Two other respectable and much larger investigations have been done by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on second hand smoke exposure and mortality, of which both denied finding any significant link between second hand smoke and mortality. The school and other antismoking campaigns always turn to the CDC or Lung Association for their facts, but wouldn’t that be about like turning to a car salesman and asking them if you should by a new car? Whether a link exists or not, the research was about indoor exposure, not outdoor exposure and the science linking indoor exposure to health risk is sketchy at best.

If you’d like to be an intern for The Arbiter, plea se send a letter of interest to jobs@arbiteronline. com.

If you’d like to send a letter to the editor, please e-mail letters@arbiteronl

If you have commen ts or questions, visit us online at

Thomas Gittins is a junior studying elec. engineering

The The Arbiter Arbiter ••

6 June 02, 2010



The Arbiter •



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June 02, 2010

Bronco Football: Ready for its dream season


Broncos’ offensive overload should excite in 2010 Women’s soccer faces high expectations

Kirk Bell

Managing Editor

josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER

Boise State running back Doug Martin slashes through an open lane against the San Jose State Spartans. Trent Lootens Sports Editor

DECADE OF DOMINANCE Boise State has accomplished more in a decade than most teams have in an entire century. Here’s a list of BSU’s top football successes between the 2000-2009 seasons: -Boise State owns the nation’s best home record at 63-2. No. 2 is Oklahoma at 60-2 and No. 3 Texas with a 56-4 record. -The Broncos have compiled the nation’s highest overall winning percentage at .868 percent with an overall record of 112-17. No. 2 Texas (.853 percent) with a 110-19 record and No. 3 Oklahoma (.821 percent) at 110-24 overall. -BSU scored more points than any team in the country during the past decade scoring 5,341 points for an average of 41.40 points per game. Texas is second scoring 5,071 points and Texas Teach is third with 4,732 points. -The Broncos dominated

the West Coast by winning 112 games across the span of the decade. That’s compared to USC (102 wins) and Oregon (87 wins).


The 2010 Boise State football team appears primed to embark on a path untraveled by any non-automatic qualifying school prior. Coming off its second Fiesta Bowl win in four years after defeating TCU 17-10, the Broncos are ideally positioned to compete for college football’s greatest prize -- the BCS National Championship. Make no mistake, playing for a championship is within BSU’s grasp. Boise State will start the season slated inside the Top-5 of every major poll, which gives the Broncos serious national respect. On the field, the Broncos are stacked at every position with veteran talent. BSU returns 23-of-24 starters from its 2010 Fiesta Bowl team. Cornerback Kyle Wilson is the only player not returning after being chosen No. 29 overall by the New York Jets

Boise State

reigns supreme in WAC athletics Broncos seize second Comissioner’s Cup Daniel Priddy Journalist

For those convinced Boise State’s athletic accomplishments begin and end with the football program, its recent Western Athletic Conference Commissioner’s Cup should make them think twice. The prestigious award, bestowed upon the athletic

program that performs at the highest level in each of the 19 men’s and women’s championships, has been awarded to the Broncos. After a series of tallies and calculations, BSU rounded out a victory with a total of 92.95 points to walk away with its second Commissioner’s Cup since the 2005-2006 season. The accomplishments of the football team propelled BSU’s victory, but was only one aspect to what amounted

Courtesy of

The women’s swimming and diving team celebrates its first WAC champioship.

Quarterback Kellen Moore, a junior from Prosser, Wash., has already been named to several Heisman Trophy watch lists for the upcoming season. Moore threw 39 touch-

downs to only three interceptions during the 2009 season and displayed one of the most accurate arms in WAC history. Making few mistakes has separated Moore from other quarterbacks throughout the nation and has become the staple of his play. The 2009 WAC Offensive Player of the Year led Boise State to its second consecutive undefeated regular season and ended the year 14-0 after defeating TCU. That mark put BSU into an elite class with Alabama (2009) and Ohio State (2002) as the only three teams to win 14 games in a single season. Throwing for 3,536 yards and compiling the nation’s second best passing efficiency at 161.65 in 2009, Moore has raised the bar for himself again. While it may be difficult for Moore to improve on his numbers from 2009, it’s still possible for him to develop into a better all-around quarterback and increase the efficiency of the Boise State offense.

to a much larger spectrum of athletic accomplishment. The women’s swim and dive team along with the women’s tennis team each earned the maximum 9.00 points for the Broncos with first place finishes. The women’s soccer team took home an added 7.75 with its postseason WAC championship. Because the Broncos do not field teams in sports such as baseball, winning the cup is a larger task than one might assume. The victory signifies BSU’s growth in all sports. “The Commissioner’s Cup is a testament to all of our sports, our coaches and our student athletes,” said Boise State Athletic Director Gene Bleymaire “It’s a great honor that speaks to the breadth of the athletic dept and it couldn’t happen without the support of the community, the university, the Bronco Athletic Association and the great job that our coaches and student athletes

have done.” With both men’s and women’s basketball teams struggling, the Broncos relied on up-and-coming programs to fill the void and complete the victory. The swim and dive team came through to bring home its first conference title, which contributed heavily to BSU’s victory. The state of BSU’s athletic program is in one of its strongest places in school history. Fresno State and New Mexico State each had strong finishes totaling 77.25 points, but fell short of the Broncos. BSU was projected to win by four points, but fans still waited anxiously for confirmation as the highly touted Fresno State men’s golf team hit the course for the WAC Championships. FSU’s golf team collapsed and finished sixth after it was projected to fall no lower than second. The sixth place finish dropped five huge Commissioner Cup points for the

in the 2010 NFL Draft. This sets the stage for the season-opening Labor Day showdown with Virginia Tech at Fed Ex Field in Landover, Md. on Sept. 6. What might as well be called a home game for the Hokies is being dubbed a neutral site showdown. Virginia Tech, also eying a preseason Top-5 ranking, must replace half of its defense and most of its offensive line. Offensively, the Hokies are stacked with three running backs who each have big play capability and return senior star quarterback and Heisman Trophy hopeful Tyrod “T-Mobile” Taylor. For the Broncos, any chance at the BCS National Championship essentially comes down to what happens against the Hokies.


Zach Ganschow/THE ARBITER

Former Broncos Kyle Wilson and Richie Brockel hold the WAC championship trophy.

The career of Steve Lucas, head coach of women’s soccer, was brought to its height last season when the Broncos claimed their first ever Western Athletic Conference title. BSU has marked five winning seasons in the past six years. Lucas moves into his 12th season, 10th as the head coach, with the Broncos. Despite his team’s successful 2009 campaign, he feels this year’s squad is the most unified of the teams he has coached. “This team is tighter as a family than any team that we’ve had since I’ve been here,” Lucas said. The importance of BSU’s 2009 championship didn’t rest in the victory, but the feeling brought on by the fact they had crept over the learning curve and tasted the flavor of a title meant a yearning that wasn’t there before. Former Bronco quarterback Bart Hendricks (19972000) explained to Lucas following the game that the most difficult championship is the first. Now, the team had a taste for it. “I sat outside our locker room for 20 minutes after we won (2009 WAC Championship). It was the coolest part of the whole gig,” Lucas said as he smiled. “I’ve been on some successful teams and done that stuff and it was just awesome to hear that. We just want to keep doing it the right way and it pays off and now they (Broncos) get it.” The Broncos work to win with an aggressive style of play. They attack their opponent’s zone and bombard the opposing goalie with

shots. The Broncos led the WAC last season with 393 shots, averaging 16.38 shots per game (third in WAC). Their aggression allowed 25 goals in 24 games, the second best goals allowed average in conference (1.04). Lucas expects the Broncos to continue their attacking style next season. He hopes their play last season during the WAC tournament was enough for fans to continue their support. The championship game drew the largest crowd of the season with 1,223 fans. “The thing about this season for people who want to come watch games I think is the style that we play is attractive,” Lucas said. “We want to score a lot of goals and we want to be going toward their goal a lot.”


The Broncos are returning their top players for 2010. Most notably are senior forward Shannon Saxton, junior goal keeper Liz Ruiz, junior defender Lindsay Roberts, junior middlefielder Brandy Hickcox and sophomore forward Erica Park. Saxton is one of BSU’s most decorated athletes. She holds records in goals in a match (4) and most points in a match (9). She earned second team All-WAC honors last season and led the team in both shots (73) and shots on goal (32) for a 43.8 percent shot on goal percentage. Ruiz started all 14 matches she played in during 2009. She had 63 saves as a sophomore and led the team in goal save percentage (86.3 percent). She posted a 103-1 record last season. Roberts was the lone See SOCCER I page 9

Rank School Points 1. Boise State 92.25 2. Fresno State 77.25 - New Mexico State 77.25 4. Utah State 74.00 5. Nevada 71.75 6. Idaho 68.00 7. Hawai’i 63.00 8. Louisiana Tech 55.00 9. San Jose State 47.50 Bulldogs. The lead for the Broncos was so insurmountable that BSU was named champions before the men’s baseball season was finished. With rumors of conference expansion in the Big-10, Big12 and the Pacific-10, the cup victory makes Boise State an attractive candidate for the Mountain West Conference. If the MWC decides to

expand, along with the possibility of Utah and TCU leaving for greener pastures, BSU is in place to take advantage of the MWC’s situation. The victory in many ways leads to even more questions than answers. With the athletic department excelling, the school seems internally prepared to make a huge jump away from the comfort zone provided by the WAC.

josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER

The BSU women’s soccer team celebrates its 2009 WAC championship.

The The Arbiter Arbiter ••



June 02, 2010


Join the Club!

Student involvement ignited with club sports Joey McCullough Sports Producer

It doesn’t take long for students, especially first year students, at Boise State University to be exposed to the athletics and school spirit it has. The national attention BSU has received during the past few years is a possible reason why students have made their decision to become a student. For other students, the athletic department or a specific program is the deciding factor. Not every student at BSU gets the pleasure and opportunity to play at the varsity level. For those who don’t, Boise State offers many different club sports as a secondary option. Not all the major and popular sports are represented. Instead, students can participate in other sports and activities that offer exercise, fun and competition while representing the Broncos. Most of the club sports on campus do not compete in organized leagues. The clubs that are involved in leagues tend to be very competitive


and prideful. “Men’s and women’s lacrosse, our baseball club, rugby, ice hockey, those to name a few, tend to be competitive,” assistant director of Rec Sports at Boise State Alain Rodrigue said. “They have a full home and away season, a full coaching staff. They fundraise a lot and are pretty competitive. Soccer (which begins its season in the fall), softball, women’s and men’s volleyball are on their way. The ones that seem to be more competitive seem to do better.” Rodrigue also added Cycling, Triathlon and Paintball to the list of clubs that are competitive and successful. Since Rodrigue’s arrival to BSU in 2003, the university has seen an increase in club sports and the number of students involved in them. “When I got here, we started with 16 clubs and now we’re at 29,” Rodrigue said. “We probably had 240-250 student athletes and now we’re around 400. I anticipate it to grow, especially with the building of the (new) pool.” The list of club sports at BSU includes a number of

sports that some might call obscure. There are more mainstream sports, but three that are missing from the list of mainstream are men’s and women’s basketball as well as football. Bronco football is a staple at Boise State, as is basketball, but the only way for students to play these sports are on the varsity team. “Football, like hockey, is expensive to make happen,” Rodrigue said. “(…) Potentially football could happen. But then whom would you play? You need other universities to have club teams.” As for basketball, Rodrigue talked about the many opportunities to play basketball, not only on the BSU campus, but also in other city leagues and intramural leagues. Those opportunities take away the demand for club basketball. “Intramural basketball is our number one intramural (sport),” Rodrigue said. Through out the summer months and the first weeks of the 2010 Fall Semester, there will be plenty of opportunities to find information and get connected with a club sport. Club sports are a great

way for students to be on a team that competes in the sport they enjoy. It promotes healthy activity, teamwork and community service, while representing Boise State University. If BSU doesn’t have a club sport that students wish to have, the process starts with an e-mail to Rodrigue. E-mail Rodrigue at More information on club sports can found at rec.boisestate. edu/clubsports/.

Courtesy of

Kip Edwards led club baseball from the mound last season

[from page 8]

Boise State’s Shannon Saxton fights for the ball with Fresno State’s Vanessa Gonzalez. Bronco to claim first team All-WAC honors last season. She helped BSU to two new regular season school records during 2009. BSU allowed 17 goals (0.81 goals against average) and seven shut outs, both regular season records. Hickcox was a key component to the Broncos’ offense, directing the attack to 32 total goals and a 10-6-4 regular season record. She was second team All-WAC, the first time she has been named an all-conference player. Last season showcased a new young player in Parks who led the team with 20 points and scored goals in four of BSU’s final five matches. She led the team in shotson-goal percentage, marking an accuracy rate of 51 percent (5-shot minimum). WINNING THE RIGHT WAY The process of building a strong program is one that comes with difficulty. A straight shot to the top is rare and BSU is no exception. Lucas strives to have his players be successful, but he adheres to the philosophy enacted by BSU Athletic Director Gene Bleymaier. A focus of sportsmanship and a blue collar mentality embodies the BSU athletic way of thinking. Leaving a solid impression on the people and athletes they encounter is an emphasis of Lucas. “We’re all competitive as hell. There’s no doubt about it,” Lucas said. “The best thing with Gene is that he wants us to win but he wants us to do that the right way. I think we all see that.” The bar has been set for BSU entering next season.

josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER

The Broncos return most of their talent and return the heart of their offense, Saxton, for her final season as a Bronco. Lucas views his first team conference title as something conceived from the work of previous programs. The next title the Broncos bring down will be for the team. “That one was 10 years of work,” Lucas said. “That’s 300 players through the program. That’s for you guys. That’s for everyone who ever lifted a weight, bled, sweat, whatever. That’s for you. Now we’re going to work on getting one for us.”

Where they play: Boas Tennis/Soccer Complex

2009 Record:

13-7-4 (8-2-3 Home)

2009 Preseason Ranking: No. 4

Class Breakdown: 3 Sr., 9 Jr., 6 So., 9 Fr.


Steve Lucas - Head Coach

Mark Hiemenz - Asst. Coach

Stephani Wieger - Asst. Coach

The The Arbiter Arbiter ••



June 02, 2010


Looking at BSU Sororities, Fraternities

ΑΚΛ ΑΞΔ Rebecca De León Culture Editor

There are many fraternities that have chapters at BSU, such as Alpha Kappa Lambda. ΑΚΛ’s goal is to “uphold the ideals and policies of the fraternity and maintain a home-like environment for its members while they are attending BSU,” according to its website. As do the rest of the fraternities, ΑΚΛ does not tolerate hazing. “It’s something that we take very seriously,” said Andrew Mitzel, vice president of ΑΚΛ. “We want to maintain a safe environment for everybody and we want everyone to feel welcome.” There are some fees associated with the fraternities, which vary depending on the fraternity and the status with the fraternity. It’s a good idea to explore all of the fraternities before joining and make the decision based on which one works best. Alpha Kappa Lambda goes to many sporting events, tailgating at football games in the fall, and attending basketball games in the spring. Members of this frat also tailgate at events such as gymnastics competitions to encourage attendance and support for all BSU athletes. ΑΚΛ is also involved in various philanthropic endeavors. "These Hands Don’t Hurt" is a week-long event that raises awareness for violence against women. Men are encouraged to outline their hand and sign their name, symbolizing a pledge to not assault women. All donations from this event are given to the Women and Children’s Center, which ΑΚΛ also volunteers to clean. ΑΚΛ attends every Service Saturday and actively participates on the Volunteer Service Board. “We offer students a good college experience and leadership positions,” Mitzel said. ΑΚΛ offers a leadership retreat and always encourages its members to pursue leadership opportunities. “Other than that, it’s just basically hanging out,” Mitzel said. “We want to make it a ‘home away from home.’ It’s great that guys can just call up their frat brothers on any night and we’ll always be there for each other.” To join, go online or call (208) 426-3753. Alpha Kappa Lambda President Andrew Mitzel

The basics of Greek life at BSU Many incoming freshman want to immerse themselves in college life right away, but aren’t sure what is the best way to get started. Boise State’s Greek life organizations are an excellent way to get involved in the community and meet some life-long friends. In movies, fraternities and sororities are portrayed as houses full of chaos, debauchery, alcohol and drama. In reality, they are quite different.


Although members have fun and often become close friends, incoming freshman don’t need to worry about painful or embarrassing hazing experiences. Idaho Code 18-917 defines hazing as subjecting a person to bodily danger or physical harm or a likelihood of bodily danger or physical harm, or requiring, encouraging, authorizing or permitting that the person be subjected to any of the following: • Total or substantial nudity on the part of the person;

• Compelled ingestion of any substance by the person; • Wearing or carrying of any obscene or physically burdensome article by the person; • Physical assaults upon or offensive physical contact with the person; • Participation by the person in boxing matches, excessive number of calisthenics, or other physical contests; • Transportation and abandonment of the person; • Confinement of the person to unreasonably small, unventilated, unsanitary or unlighted areas; • Sleep deprivation; or • Assignment of pranks to be performed by the person. Hazing, as defined by Idaho law, is limited to those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any group or organization. Further, the statute specifically excludes “customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions” and corporal punishment administered by officials or

employees of public schools when in accordance with policies adopted by local boards of education. Information furnished by

Greek life:

What parents need to know

Alcohol use

Alcohol is prohibited in any event or activity that the sororities and fraternities attend or sponsor.

How to Join

Joining a fraternity or sorority means becoming a member of that Greek-letter organization for life. Members can receive not only scholarships and leadership opportunities, but benefits that last until long after graduation. To find more information, go online to involvement. to see the different fraternities and sororities, or call the office of Sorority and Fraternity Life at (208) 426-3753. Also, parents and students can visit the Student Involvement and Leadership Center in the Student Union Building during regular business hours.

Top 5 best things to do in Boise for underage students

So you're too young to go drinking downtown. That doesn't mean you still can't have fun in Boise. Instead of risking a misdemeanor underage drinking citation (Boise police are pretty good at catching drunk minors around here) please consider these equally boisterous and legal alternatives. 1. Hookah Bar - Hookah is a long water pipe you use to smoke tobacco -- often in a variety of flavors as provided by the bar. Because there is no tar or nicotine added, smoking hookah is not as addicting as cigarettes and even non-smokers can enjoy it from time to time. Many underage students go to local hookah bars to smoke or just hang out in a chill environment. 2. Bowling in the SUB - Although it's smaller than most bowling institutions, the bowling alley in the SUB is still a fun destination for students. It is on campus, relatively cheap,

Unlike fraternities, sororities at Boise State have formal recruitment. During the first two to three weeks of each year’s fall semester, women who want to join a sorority will attend a series of events to determine if they want to become a part of sorority life. “There will be an information night where they can meet us, there will be an open house, and then there will be three parties where it’s a fun themed night,” said Mikayla Dorsey, president of Alpha Xi Delta. “(We can) just hang out, get to know each other. Sometimes we’ll do little activities to learn stuff about people.” Dorsey explained that last year, many girls applied to be in sororities, and her sorority hopes to be able to have another good turnout this year. Usually, there are around 80 girls who apply to be in a sorority, but due to financial or time constraints, the number of applicants willing to complete the formal recruitment drops to 60 or 40. “We (Alpha Xi Delta) try to go to many Boise State activities such as Spring Fling, football games, any sporting events,” Dorsey said. “We try to go as a group. We try to wear letters to promote ourselves.” "Autism Speaks" is Alpha Xi Delta’s national philanthropy. Every year, the sorority hosts an event on the Quad where the girls ask for donations from their fellow students. All of the proceeds are donated to Autism Speaks. "Break-up Boise" is another event this sorority participates in, often teaming up with a fraternity. During the fall, Break-up Boise volunteers go to the homes of elderly citizens and clean up their yards for them. Last year, Alpha Xi Delta teamed up with Alpha Kappa Lambda to do “Halloween Watch.” On Halloween, members went to Warm Springs Ave. to help young trick or treaters cross the street. “I joined the sorority because I’m from Boise and I had always planned on going to Boise State,” Dorsey said. “I’m a commuter. I don’t live on campus, so I joined to get that leadership experience and I would have a connection to Boise State. Many people just go to school and go to classes and they don’t really make the most of their college experience.” Alpha Xi Delta President Mikayla Dorsey

and offers fun things such as cosmic bowling and Monte Carlo. If bowling isn't your thing, you can play pool or arcade games instead. 3. Edwards Boise Downtown 9 - Of course, there is the old standby -- going to the movies. Edwards in downtown Boise is close to campus and it gives discounts to BSU students if they show their student ID. The discount doesn't really offset the cost of rising tuition, but it's better than paying full price. 4. Ice World - This is a good destination for hanging out with friends or for a nice date. The crappier you are at ice skating, the funner your friends/date will have with you. 5. Goldy's - Goldy's is a cozy breakfast bistro on Capitol Blvd. that offers some of the best breakfast items in town. It's a bit pricey for a college student, but it's a good place to eat every once in a while when you start missing Mom's home cooking.

mct campus

Parents don’t fret! The Boise State campus is “dry,” prohibiting the use of alcohol. Parents of freshmen who have never joined a frat before are often nervous about leaving the fruit of their loins in the hands of university students. BSU encourages parents to be an active role in helping their "shnookums" find a fraternity or sorority to join. Here are some frequently asked questions to calm the nerves of parents. Q: Will my student's academics be compromised by joining a Greek letter organization?

fraternities and sororities? A: Hazing has no place in any Greek-letter organization -- it is against the law in Idaho and BSU will not tolerate it. All fraternity and sorority members are educated about the consequences of participating in hazing. If it occurs, it needs to be brought to our attention immediately. Q: Does it cost a lot to join?

A: On the contrary, a central mission of all Greek letter organizations is academic excellence. Fraternities and sororities understand that their members are students first and foremost. All chapters have scholarship programs that may include required study hours, tutoring, scholarships, and other recognitions for academic success. Parents can view students’ academic progress online.

A: Joining a fraternity or sorority does carry a financial commitment. Each chapter is self-supporting with revenue coming from paying members. When students join a Greek-letter organization, they agree to pay dues and fees while enrolled at BSU in order to maintain membership. While membership is affordable, some chapters are able to make accommodations for special circumstances, but students should discuss the financial obligations with you before they join.

Q: Is hazing considered a tradition among Boise State

Q: Does being a member of a Greek-letter organi-

zation have benefits after graduation? A: Absolutely. Greek membership is a lifelong commitment. Once you are an initiated member, you remain a member for life. As such, each national organization has an extensive alumni network. As you know, in today's job market, it is not only important what you know, but who you know. Being a fraternity or sorority member means having an immediate connection with thousands of other members. There are many successful Greek alumni all over the country who are always looking to hire the best and the brightest that our Greek community has to offer. In addition, there are alumni groups or graduate chapters that operate in most cities and metropolitan areas across the country. If a graduate finds himself/herself in a new city, he or she can network with brothers or sisters in the local alumni group. Information supplied by the Student Involvement and Leadership Center.

The Arbiter •



June 02, 2010



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Community Manager

Community Managers for BSSMG collaborate with the Online Editor and Online Coordinator to ensure website traffic optimization. This position is also focused on the development of freelance, contributed and otherwise user-generated content and engaging and interacting with our audience online. The community manager is responsible to teach journalists how to bridge the gap between print and online audiences

Graphic Design Intern

For fall 2010. Add to your portfolio, work in a fun environment and gain valuable experience. For more information e-mail

Journalist Duties of a

journalist include covering news events, meetings, writing features, analysis and producing multimedia segments. We are looking for reporters who can and will work a variety of subjects and understand the value of community journalism. Photography, audio, video, skills and comfort with WordPress and social media such as Twitter and Facebook are a plus. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline. com. Students can also send a resume but it’s not required. Online Coordinator The Online Coordinator for the BSSMG will work with the Online Editor in managing a team charged with producing content and maximizing the potential of and universitypulse. com. They provide a key strategic role in website, multi-media and social media initiatives for the two websites. The Online Coordinator will help

update and organize the sites daily with articles, multi-media, audio interviews and other content. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to jobs@arbiteronline. com. Students can also send a resume but it’s not required. Photojournalist The position is responsible for capturing and editing images for Arbiter Media, produce Soundslides (photo slide shows with audio) and collaborate with fellow journalists on creating media on a variety of platforms, including in print. We will train you and give you the tools, support and encouragement you need to succeed. We are looking for students who can and will work a variety of subjects and understand the value of community journalism. Audio, video, skills and comfort with WordPress and social media such as Twitter and Facebook are a plus. To Apply e-mail a letter to Editor-in-Chief, Bob Beers, expressing your interest in the internship to Students can also send a resume but it’s not required.

Sunday A. M. assist with infants during 9-11 or noon worship in Sunday School. $7.75 per hour guaranteed 2 hours per week. Contact South Minister Presbyterian Church at 6500 West Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83709. Call 375-5330 or email

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The Future By N. Black and S. Clement

Tribune Media Services

Today’s birthday (6/2/10) Narrow your focus this year in order to achieve as much as you possibly can. Introspective moments illuminate the good fortune available to you now. As you gather optimism, address work issues with all the care and attention you can muster. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 7 - Some of your associates see themselves as free agents, which adds obstacles for you in handling the details. Luckily, a few words work it out. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 6 - Meditate or make a journal of your dreams today in order to mine for information to apply to practical work. Consider small details that you might typically overlook. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 6 - You notice what’s going on in group activities. Lucky circumstances put you in the right place to receive information and take appropriate action. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 5 - The closer you stay to home, the more you accomplish. A vacation day may be in order. You’ll see the wisdom of that decision later. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 5 - Your mind reaches out to the cosmos for inspiration. Others remain glued to material concerns. Skillful compromise includes pointing out details they may have overlooked.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 5 - Consider the details as you formulate a wild new plan. Nothing gets done without a concrete foundation of logic and practicality. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 5 - You may feel trapped between one person’s confusion and the excitement of another. Work moves forward when you have both look at practicalities. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 9 - It takes some effort to pull your creative ideas together. One possibility sticks out like a sore thumb and needs to be massaged. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 6 - You know in your heart that everything will work out for the best. Rein in imagination. Use skill to make small changes. This gets it all moving. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 - You feel an intense need to carry out your work without going public. This could be tricky, as a lot of people are involved. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 6 - If you want to travel soon, make reservations today, or at least plan the itinerary. Allow flexibility (as long as it’s not too expensive). Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 6 - Gather your thoughts before beginning any work. Your goal is to make sure others understand what’s needed. ___ (c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc.

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

The Arbiter •



June 02, 2010



Get Involved

examples of BSU clubs

There are more than 200 different clubs at BSU with more still to come. Here are four examples of clubs with which students can find themselves involved.

1 2


"Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians and Allies for Diversity (BGLAD) was formed at Boise State to fulfill the need for an increase in dialog and an enhancement of understanding among the members of the BSU community concerning gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) issues," according to its website. The club meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the Student Union Building, join the club online at You can also follow the organization on Facebook and Twitter.

Talking Broncos

The Talking Broncos, Boise State’s speech and debate team, has earned top awards for their school and name. This elite team is ranked one of the best in the country. By October 2009, the Talking Broncos had already won three championship tournaments for the 2009-10 school year. In March 2010, they won the Western Regional Championship, which qualified them for nationals later that month. In a field of 58 schools, the Broncos placed fourth. During the competition, two team members won individual national championships in their event. “We are particularly proud of our team’s accomplishments given the grueling physical and mental toll that competing ... especially that far from home, takes on our students,� said David Bailey, director of Boise State’s forensics program. For more information about the Boise State Forensics program contact David Bailey at (208) 426-1928 or e-mail him at


Black Students Alliance

"Black Students Alliance is a club dedicated to bringing together black students from all backgrounds and ethnicities. With a small minority of black students on campus, many black students may feel isolated and out-of-place. BSA’s goal is to provide opportunities through social gatherings and events where black students can socialize and get to know each other. We are also dedicated to giving back to the community through mentoring middle school and high school minority students and encouraging them to stay focused on their education. Black Students Alliance is not restricted to people of color -- it welcomes anyone and everyone who wants to be involved," according to its website. To join, e-mail


Boise State provides more than just academia

Religious clubs at BSU BSU hosts religious clubs for almost every kind of denomination. A few such organizations are: Muslim Student Orgnization 2719 Stewart Ave Boise, ID 83702. Phone: 429-1866. Online: Latter-Day Student Association 1929 University Drive Boise, ID, 83706. Phone: 344-8549. Online: Secular Student Alliance Meet: SUB Fridays at 6 p.m. Facebook page: Boise State University Secular Student Alliance Online: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Meet: SUB Fridays at 7 p.m. Facebook page: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Online:

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Charlie varland & Jeremiah shinn Student Involvement and Leadership Center

Students at Boise State University will hear the words “Get Involvedâ€? a lot at the beginning of the fall semester. The phrase will be stamped on giveaways, printed on fliers and posters and shouted from BSU websites, Twitter feeds, and Facebook. PHOTOS COURTESTY STUDENT INVOLVEMENT AND LEADERSHIP CENTER But why is it important to Contact the Leadership Center by calling 426-1223. “Get Involvedâ€? on campus? Aren’t we here to go to class, giving students the freedom nated by the Volunteer Serget decent grades and, one to identify the experiences vices Board or working with day, walk down the aisle at that best fit their interests, the Student Programs Board commencement? goals and needs. Campus to bring a concert or movie Actually, involvement on involvement can mean join- to campus. campus adds value to the ing one of the more than 180 For those hoping to advoclassroom experience. Re- student organizations on cate for their fellow students, search tells us that campus campus, which include aca- serving through the Associinvolvement is linked to demic and professional or- ated Students of Boise State persistence, achievement, ganizations, religious groups, University (ASBSU) is a great satisfaction, career advance- recreational and club sports, way to shape the policies ment and educational devel- cultural and ethnic organiza- that affect life at Boise State opment among college stu- tions, and many more. University. dents. By only going to class, It can also mean becomUltimately, Boise State it is possible that you will ing a member of a Sorority University is committed miss out on a very impor- or Fraternity, where students to the “Get Involvedâ€? idea tant part of the educational will have the opportunity to because it benefits the inexperience. build positive relationships dividual ‌ and it benefits So, what does campus in- while developing leadership the campus. volvement look like? skills and serving the comWhen students see the The answer to that de- munity. words “Get Involvedâ€? in the pends on what students want For some students, cam- fall, they are encouraged to get out of their college expe- pus involvement might do it. Students can find out rience. Boise State University mean participating in one of about all of the opportunities provides many diverse op- the many a community ser- to Get Involved at involveportunities for involvement, vice opportunities coordi-

Anime club

The anime club is a vibrant club with more than 100 members. Members of this club gather to discuss movies, television series and manga Japan produces. The club has parties, polls, discussion forums and cosplay events. Members also encourage each other to create artwork and fictional stories. To join, go online to(5.4).'4/.3 PDF

For a complete listing, visit and select “List of Student Orgs� under the Student Organizations tab. PHOTOS COURTESTY STUDENT INVOLVEMENT AND LEADERSHIP CENTER












173 E. Mallard Dr. Boise, ID 83706 • 386-9565 • The Arbiter •

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