The Arbiter 10/07/2010

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The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933

Volume 23

First Issue

F R E E OCtober 07, 2010

Broncos prepare for homecoming!


Tailgating is a culture all its own




Status check on gay rights in U.S.




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September 20, 2010

Mitch Esplin/THE ARBITER

September 30, 2010

Sept. 20 - A longboard was stolen at the Park Apartments. The board was outside the buildings on the landing. Report was taken.

Vice President of Student Affairs Michael Laliberte will be leaving Boise State at the end of October to take a position as Vice Chancelor of Student Affairs at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

Sept. 21 - A backpack was stolen from Albertsons Library.

Laliberte leaves for Milwaukee

Sept. 22 - A wallet was stolen near 1910 University Dr. A report was taken. A stolen wallet is Grand Theft.

Student Affairs VP developed student life, government Suzanne Craig Journalist

After four years of working at Boise State, Vice President of Student Affairs Michael Laliberte is leaving at the end of October for the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. “I came here because of the big challenge," Laliberte said. "President Kustra wanted to focus on changing student life, making it more invigorated. I feel I’ve accomplished that.” Laliberte developed relationships between students and administrators, too. “My biggest accomplishment here for me is that I feel I’ve been able to be an administrator but still maintain contact with the students. I hope that students like that they can

approach administrators with concerns more now than they did before,” he said. Laliberte started the tradition of Student Convocation, regular office hours and helping restructure student government and media. ASBSU President Stephen Heleker said losing Laliberte is disappointing. "He's been a fantastic asset for us and a really great friend. He's part of the family here and we wish him the best." “I had a professional plan, five years. I also have a child in the fifth grade, and I wanted consistency when it came to high school and junior high, so if I stayed here, I’d be staying for 10 more years, essentially,” Laliberte said. “Milwaukee just seemed the better

choice.” An East Coast native, Laliberte originally thought about moving back when he started looking for a new position. “I couldn’t think of why I would want to move back there specifically though, so I started looking more in the Midwest.” The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee presents a different lifestyle and a host of new challenges. “It is a larger campus, in a larger urban environment," Laliberte said. He said it will be challenging finding a team with an attitude like the one he has at Boise State. “My team here, we just get along so well it will be hard to get replacements with the

same synergy we had,” Laliberte said. “The Northwest is a beautiful place,” Laliberte said. “I’m really going to miss it." Laliberte said he has used Boise State as a place to "grow up" as an administrator, similar to how BSU has grown. According to Laliberte, the campus too has dramatically changed, with both the new construction and the increased diversity of the student body. Despite his departure, Laliberte has no concerns about Boise State not continuing to grow. “Boise State is like a train on a track, clearly going places. Boise State is moving forward, at warp-speed,” he said. “My leaving won’t affect that at all.”

Sept. 23 - A concert attendee was using narcotics and had Marijuana and paraphernalia in their possession. The attendee was cited and a report was taken. Sept. 23 - Illegal consumption of alcohol by a student. The student was drunk and causing problems to residents and staff. The student was arrested and a report was taken. Sept. 24 - A bike was stolen from University Square apartments. Sept. 26 - A student was found with Marijuana and paraphernalia in his possession at Taylor Hall. Sept. 26 - An individual hit a windshield with their fist and put out a cigarette on the same car's hood at University Park Apartments. There was no permanent damage, but a report was taken. Sept. 29 - "Medicine" was stolen from the Student Union Building. Police took a report. Sept. 30 - A student at Taylor Hall had and was using Marijuana, the student was cited and a report was taken.

Pre-Veterinary Club prepares students for careers with the furriest of clients Nikki Hanson Journalist

Boise State is the home of many clubs, but with so many options for student involvement multiple clubs can be overlooked, as can be the case for the Pre-Veterinary Club. The Pre-Veterinary Club gives students who are interested in the field of veterinary medicine opportunities to get involved. “At each meeting we talk about any job openings or clinics downtown, any opportunities for people to get the experience they need,” said Lauren Troy, president of the Pre-Veterinary Club. Troy said she's been involved with the club for two years. As president of the club, Lauren has many responsibilities and duties to keep the club running smoothly. Her job includes making sure everyone remains informed of what their position requires

of them and that events run smoothly. The club is always brainstorming new ideas in order to take the next step forward as an organization. The Pre-Veterinary Club is a good source for students applying to veterinary school. The club is involved in a residency program with Washington State University (WSU) that affords students the opportunity to get their foot in the door. “Also, WSU is big vet school for Idaho students because we do our residency with them for in state tuition,” Lauren said. “The dean of WSU came last spring and met with students one on one.” Many of the members of the Pre-Veterinary Club do not become involved with the club just because of the benefits that the are offered, but also because many wish to make a difference in the lives of animals. Lauren Troy, like many stu-

GREEN READ dents entering college, was not entirely sure of what career path to follow. Oddly enough, two events shaped her future toward the field of veterinary medicine. The first which helped her realize her future career path occurred in a ceramics class she was taking her freshman year of college. A cat got itself stuck in

Michael Branch, professor of literature and environment at the University of Nevada Reno, read pieces of his creative nonfiction at an EMA event in the Barnwell room in the SUB Oct. 5. The reading, called “Rants from the Hill: New Environmental Creative Nonfiction,” showcased Branch’s humorous approach to serious environmental issues.

an engine badly damaging its leg. The cat somehow managed to drag itself to the safety of the ceramics shop. It was there that Lauren and her fellow classmates found the mangled cat and took it for treatment immediately. “It was just really rewarding and I realized that even though I

had just helped it along the way, I really enjoyed playing that role in people and animals’ lives," she said. A second incident was the final turning point in Lauren’s decision to study the field of veterinary medicine. “I had to chase a dog around for two hours. It had been miss-

ing for two weeks and the family had thought it was gone, reuniting them made me realize that other people love animals as much as I do.” The club will soon be hosting a low-cost vaccination clinic. For information on the clinic or joining the club, contact

The Arbiter •



OCTOBER 07, 2010


HANGING BY A Hanging by A THREAD Thread Gay community still fighting prejudice Karey Hoke Journalist

Bullying is as hackneyed a subject as taxes or the weather. For years, the film industry has over-dramatized it with movies such as Back to the Future, The Karate Kid and Mean Girls. Our generation has taken the terrible habit to a new level. Instead of the juvenile, elementary school-esque torment of those who are smaller, nerdy or weaker, adults are now focusing their ill will on homosexuals. In the last month alone, more than six gay teenagers and adults have committed suicide as a result of harassment. The youngest was 13 years old. It is horrific that someone entering their teenage years -- who was most likely already struggling with high school and puberty -- felt so attacked by what his older brother described as "chronic, non-stop teasing," that the only solution he could find was to end his own life. Another young man, 18-yearold Tyler Clementi, jumped off the George Washington Bridge Sept. 22. Clementi’s roommate, along with a fellow classmate, secretly videotaped Clementi having a sexual encounter with another man and leaked it to the Internet. Two days later the roommate and classmate

invited anyone with iChat to watch as they again recorded Clementi’s sex life. Had it not been for these two thoughtless voyeurs, a person would still be alive. Thankfully, several celebrities are taking steps to educate the public about these tragedies. Perez Hilton is writing Twitter posts daily asking for support from celebrities, sending out encouragement and providing links to suicide hotlines and supportive videos. Ellen Degeneres said on her television show, “This needs to be a wakeup call to everyone that teenage bullying and teasing is an epidemic in this country and the death rate is climbing.” In addition, celebrities and citizens alike are making supportive videos with the theme of “It Gets Better.” The focus of the videos is to show members of the gay community support and although things can seem impossible, it will get better with time. While suicide is not a new concept in the gay community, the media is finally taking notice. It is wonderful how various celebrities and communities are reaching out to show the gay community they are not alone. This week is Diversity Week at BSU. The Women’s Center and members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning

(LGBTQ) group are hosting a variety of events throughout the week such as a panel discussion, seminars and the showing of a LGBTQ film. It is a great way to demonstrate to students that while a gay or lesbian lifestyle might be different from others, it doesn’t mean people should be judged as a result. Instead of people being afraid of what they don't understand, here's a thought -- go meet members of the gay community. Go talk to them. Ask them about their lives. If people opened their minds, they would realize a gay lifestyle isn't all that radically different from a straight one. Suicide is said to be the ultimate act of cowardice. But perhaps the cowardice lies in people bullying others to the point of killing themselves. The events leading to the recent string of gay suicides did not need to happen. Differences in sexual orientation should not matter -- we are all human. We all have emotions. We all have feelings. Being gay doesn’t change that. As BSU junior and health science major Merisa Tremewan said, “Be who you really are, gay or not, and it will be a one-of-a-kind gift to the world... change starts with you. Keep voicing your opinions and standing up for what you know is right and that’s best you can do.”

The Weekly Buzzkill

How not to impress that special boy josh gamble Online editor

Go to to listen to a discussion on current issues facing the gay community. Featuring Justin Baxter, BGLAD liaison to the Cultural Center and BSU College Republicans Vice President, Domenico Gelsomino.

Sometimes, when you meet a special someone, you just don’t know how to deal with it, right? A piece of advice: avoid stalking them, blogging about them and calling them “Satan’s representative of the student council.” It’s really unproductive. An assistant Attorney General from Michigan, Andrew Shirvell has set his sights on the recently elected student body president at the University of Michigan, Chris Armstrong. Shirvell even created a blog called Chris Armstrong Watch, (which is currently "invite-only") where he posts pictures of Armstrong that he modified, apparently using Microsoft Paint, as well as caustic diatribes against him. So why is this story getting national media attention? Armstrong is gay, and anything gay on television gets ratings lately. (Why else could “Glee” be so popular?) Shirvell was even interviewed by Anderson Cooper. The video is on Youtube, but be warned, it’s painful to watch. According to Shirvell, who has driven to Armstrong’s home to protest while video-taping himself, “This is a political campaign, it’s nothing personal.” Right... Shirvell claims that as a University of Michigan alumnus, he has the right to stalk Armstrong on Facebook and to harass him, his family, his friends and his friends’ families. To Shirvell, Armstrong is a dangerous homosexual activist with a “very deeply radical agenda.” Obviously he’s right; there’s nothing gayer than lowering tuition costs and lobbying for later cafeteria hours. Well, there’s one thing gayer: Co-ed housing zones, which is a “radical redefinition of gender norms.” Clearly men and women living together is a terrifying deviation from the men-showering-together gender norms Shirvell expects from a college campus. Of course, Shirvell doesn’t see anything wrong with his conduct. “I sense a lot of anger in your voice, Anderson, and I don’t understand where that’s coming from,” he told Cooper. Well, I think Cooper might be a bit miffed by the idea of a grown man, a government professional, harassing and stalking a college student. Shirvell later defended himself by saying “I’m a Christian citizen exercising my first amendment rights.” He thinks what he’s doing is perfectly legal, which is why Armstrong now has a lawyer. That’s what court is for, right? Things that are perfectly legal? Shirvell has called Armstrong a racist, a liar and a “Nazi-like recruiter for the cult that is homosexuality.” But of course, “The real bigot here is Chris Armstrong. I don’t have any hate in my body at all. I recognize that Chris is a child of God.” Child of God, representative of Satan; those are totally the same thing in Michigan. The sad part about this whole debacle is that Michigan is a blue state. Pretend for a moment that, hypothetically, that Stephen Heleker, Associated Students of Boise State University president, was in the closet. Now imagine if he came out tomorrow. Would we have government officials picketing outside of his front door? I can imagine the debates now. “Mr. Heleker is only concerned about furthering the homogay agenda by advocating holding student senators accountable! That’s so gay!” It’s hard to even be mad at Shirvell. Someone should put an arm around him and say “Look, Andrew, I know sometimes your feelings can be hard to understand. Why don’t you call up Larry Craig? He can help talk you through it over some ice cream and a 'Sex and The City' marathon.” This isn’t the third grade any more, flirting involves being nice now. When will public officials learn that when you like a boy, the best way to show it is through cute forward emails or chocolate and flowers, not viciously campaigning against them using thinly-veiled prejudices? I’ll be sure to drink an apple-tini for Shirvell’s coming-out party, even if I’m not invited.

Go to to reaD about gay rights in aMERICA from BSU College Republicans Vice President, Domenico Gelsomino.

glenn rummler/THE ARBITER

E ditorial S taff E ditor - in -C hief Bob Beers

M anaging E ditor Kirk Bell

M edia M anager Zach Ganschow

P hoto E ditor

N ews

Editor Producer

S ports

Trent Lootens Editor Producer Joey McCullough

O pinion

Nik Bjurstorm

Editor Producer

O nline E ditor

C ulture

Josh Gamble

V ideo E ditor Gray Battson

E ditorial A dvisor James Kelly

Andrew Ford Mitch Esplin

Haley Robinson Jessica Swider

Rebecca De León Editor Producer Glenn Landberg

C opy E ditors Megan Bronder Eden Enberg Laura Rogers

B usiness J ournalists Ben Mack, Christine Ritchie, Edina Macic, Eva Hart, Gabbi Brandini, Gabriel Iacoboni, Jana Hoffman, Joe Sook, Justin Dalme, Karey Hoke, Lance Moore, Lauren Hooker, Natalie Craig, Nikki Hanson, Rachel Cook, Sam Royce, Sherika Martinez, Stephanie Sheibe, Tony Madonna, Tony Rogers, Wyatt Martin

D esign

G eneral M anager

P roduction T eam

Brad Arendt

B usiness /A d M anager

Bree Jones Glenn Rummler Brendan Healy

Matthew Summers

M arketing D irector Jennifer Orr

O nline

B ookkeeper Shae Hanah

O nline C oordinator

A ccount E xecutives

C ommunity M anager

James Orr Jennifer Orr Miguel Varela Nicole Bell

Iko Vannoy

Megan Lloyd

O nline S ports E ditor Britney Johnson

T o C ontact T he A rbiter 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554

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The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.

Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.

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OCTOBER 07, 2010


Rankings don't make sense Ducks jump Broncos with weaker strength of schedule Joey McCullough Sports Producer

nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER

Sophomore running back Matt Kaiserman and junior running back Doug Martin will be asked to carry a much heavier load after the Broncos lost junior running back D.J. Harper for the season due to a knee injury.

Coming Home BSU faces Toledo to cap 2010 homecoming week Kirk Bell

Managing Editor A more suitable word than ‘homecoming’ would be hard to find to describe Boise State’s return to Bronco Stadium to face the Toledo Rockets (3-2, 2-0 Mid-American Conference) Saturday night. The No. 4 Broncos (4-0, 1-0 Western Athletic Conference) have played three of their last four games away from the comfort of their home field and look forward to making it back to the blue. “It’s just a whole different schedule,” sophomore running back Matt Kaiserman said. “At this point I’m kind of used to being on the road and I haven’t minded it. I don’t think it affects a lot of guys. But being at home in front of our home crowd, it’s easy as a fan to not think it makes a difference, but trust me, it does make a difference. It will be really nice.” The Rockets come to Boise with one of the best turnover margins in the FBS, ranked tenth in the nation at 1.4 turnovers per game. They recovered six fumbles and made 10 interceptions over a five game span. Toledo beat a Big 10 opponent two

weeks ago at Purdue, 31-20, for a big non-conference victory for their program. “They played good, clean football,” head coach Chris Petersen said. “They did a really good job with the turnover margin. That’s always going to give you a chance. You get this deep into the season and stats start to bear their heads accurately.” The Rockets are led by sophomore linebacker Dan Molls who has three interceptions this season. Toledo also brings a potent kickoff return game courtesy of sophomore wide receiver Eric Page who’s averaged 31.7 yards per return with one ran back for a touchdown. Page is also a potent wide out who has 29 receptions this year with a game high of 10 receptions in the Rocket’s win over the Boilermakers. “He’s a precise route-runner,” Petersen said. “Just a good solid player. He looks like he’s a sharp, intelligent player and they find ways to get him the ball.” The Rockets hope to slow BSU’s rushing attack that has averaged 229.3 yards per game over their four games this season led by junior running back

Broncos beat down Bengals John Garretson Journalist

Coming off a tough road loss to the Idaho Vandals Saturday, the Boise State Broncos volleyball team bounced back to defeat the Idaho State Bengals in four games (28-26, 14-25, 25-13, 25-14) Tuesday night. The first two games were uncharacteristically rough for the Broncos, even though they recorded a win

in the first game. Lack of communication and preparation, as well as missing key opportunities plagued the Broncos from the start. “The first two games we came out and thought they’d rollover,” junior libero Amanda Remy said. “We didn’t have much expectations of them to come out and bite. It was our home court, so we always feel like they’re inferior to us so we didn’t think that they

Doug Martin, who has averaged 7.2 yards per carry. Toledo has a top 15 rushing defense that has handed only 95.4 yards per game to their opponents. Much of their run stopping ability comes from Molls and senior linebacker Archie Donald. Both Molls and Donald average 10 tackles per game or better. Molls has two sacks for a loss of 27 yards this season. The Rockets also have a knack for getting to the quarterback. Among the top 25 teams in sacks this season, Toledo has 14 thus far and hope to put pressure on BSU’s junior quarterback Kellen Moore. It will be a job many teams have struggled to do against the Broncos who have given opponents just one sack this season. “They give you a lot of different looks,” Petersen said. “They’re a threeman front, they’re a four-man front. They’ve got all the blitzes and they use them and I think their (defensive-line) plays really hard. I was impressed with those guys.” The Broncos meet Toledo Saturday night at Bronco Stadium. The game starts at 6 p.m. MT.

It doesn’t make any sense, it’s illogical and if taken to a vote, probably unfair. Yet, it somehow comes as no surprise that the Oregon Ducks jumped the Boise State Broncos in the latest AP rankings. Allowing zero trips to the red zone, forcing three turnovers, gaining more than 600 yards of offense and having seven different players score eight touchdowns spells out a 59-0 win for the Broncos at New Mexico State. NMSU is a cupcake, and to say otherwise is foolish. Despite the contrast of talent between these two teams, 59 points and 600 yards of offense are stats that shouldn't be ignored. Stanford’s Stepfan Taylor ran the ball into the end zone Saturday to eventually give the Cardinals a 21-3 lead. The No. 4 Ducks looked as if they were lost. Stanford’s quarterback Andrew Luck was phenomenal in his passing and running in the first half. Something clicked for the Ducks because they went to the locker room down by one touchdown and then broke away from the Cardinal for a 52-31 win. It took longer than expected but the Oregon Ducks showed why they truly are one of the best teams in the nation. Now, the debate begins as to why Oregon jumped BSU in the rankings. The Broncos didn’t lose, they posted a shutout and did what everyone asked and expected them to do. The score of the Duck’s win doesn’t tell how close the game really was. Despite that, the Ducks beat the No. 9 Cardinals by almost three touchdowns. Headed into their games, BSU and Oregon were ranked No. 3 and No. 4, and it makes sense for both to stay that way. So why did the Ducks get a boost? Who knows why, because there is not a logical answer. The rankings and its voters are losing credibility, while the rankings themselves are losing strength. They’ve become so weak it makes NMSU look like a juggernaut. If it was the intention of voters to squeeze BSU out of the picture, they’re doing it in the least subtle way possible. It would have looked better if the Ducks made the jump late in the season after beating Stanford and assuming they’ll beat USC and Arizona. It’s not even funny anymore. The lack of respect for Boise State is so thick you couldn't cut it with a chainsaw. At the end of the season, when all the work has been done and Oregon has gone undefeated, the people who vote in the AP, who truly think that Oregon is a better team, will have all the reason and the right in the world to vote Oregon ahead of the Brocnos. Credit is deserved where credit is due. Oregon deserves credit for being No. 4 in the country only because credit is deserved to Boise State for being No. 3. It’s unknown what kinds of criteria poll voters use to make their decisions, but whatever it is, it has birthed a lot of questions. The quantity of questions might be the result of a flawed system other than the BCS. The only thing the Broncos can do is play football and win. We are all familiar with what the coaches and players look forward to each week. It’s not their ranking or what people are saying about them.

Remy leads women’s volleyball past Idaho State

were ready.” “Both the first two games were very poor effort on our part, even though we ended up winning game one,” head coach Shawn Garus said. “We were doing some things just really inconsistently.” A halftime spark due a position change in libero from Remy to sophomore defensive specialist Kersti Whitney, along with words of inspiration from Garus,

the Broncos were rejuvenated. “Game two, no matter how bad it was, it was only one game and that it’s one to one all tied up,” Garus said to his team. “Whatever team comes out of the locker room with the most momentum has the best chance to win the match” “Well I basically wasn’t doing my job,” Remy said about the change. “I should have been talking to the other passers more and defending better” Even with the position change, Remy stepped up and led the Broncos as they dominated the last two games, recording 12 digs and four points overall. Sophomore outside hitter Fiona Jones recorded 14 kills, junior setter Breann Nesselhuff captured 48 assists and 15 digs and senior middle blocker Sadie Maughan had eight assisted blocks for the Broncos. Remy demonstrated her leadership in the second half that rebounded the Broncos to victory, which she thanks to her communication skills. “I talk the most on the team and I’m probably actually the meanest on the team,” Remy said. “So in practices, I’m the one who really makes sure everyone


The Boise State women's volleyball team started off its busy week-long homestand with a win against the Idaho State Bengals Tuesday night. is up to standard, getting their job done and doing what they need to do.” Garus said Remy normally plays the libero position and from that back court position she controls the servicing and defense. He also said she’s great at understanding the strengths of the opponent and trying to help our team prepare for each point.

With hustling being the main focus of BSU's “never say die” defensive mentality, the Broncos sit with an impressive 15-4 record on the season and a 5-1 record in Bronco Gym. The week is not over for Boise State, as they head back to practice to prepare for Nevada Thursday night at 7 p.m. and Utah State on Saturday at 3 p.m.

The Arbiter •



OCTOBER 07, 2010

So you wanna place a classified ad? Boise State Men’s Basketball Walk-on Tr-outs When - Wednesday, October 13 at 4:00pm Where - Taco Bell Arena **If you are planning to attend the tryout, you MUST contact:Jared Swanson @ 426-1952

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This weeks videos Go to to watch these videos and more

The Future Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

By N. Black & S. Clement Tribune Media Services The Arbiters ‘Swede’ correspondent Ben Mack shows us how to make Swedish pancakes.

Tony of the Storms, The Arbiters resident meteorologist, gives a breakdown of the weather to expect over the weekend.



Today is a 7 - A close associate surprises you with ideas you never expected to hear from that direction. Take time to consider. What seems unworkable only needs a tweak.

Today’s birthday (10/7/10) Financial matters improve as you identify what you truly need, aside from what you merely desire. Work progresses well as you see possibilities in everything around you. Your optimism increases as you imagine new plans and execute them intelligently. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April19) Today is a 5 - Align minds and hearts to work closely with a partner. Take advantage of a shared dream. Money causes problems if you go in separate directions.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 5 - Anxiety increases if you focus too closely on what others are doing. Instead, try working with one partner for maximum productivity.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 6 - Almost everyone is on the same wavelength concerning a major social event. There’s plenty of love to go around and extra hands to make it happen.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 5 - Your attention divides between household matters and a lucky travel opportunity. You can only take one person with you, unless you pay personally.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 5 - You get important news from an unusual source. This person rarely sticks to the facts, so take what they say with a grain of salt. Sift for the gold.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 6 - There seems to be an increase in the internal chatter volume, like an oncoming train. Count to ten, then decide whether to board. You could just play the radio.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 5 - Your best ideas will emerge from the consideration of a recent dream or quiet contemplation. Share your visions with a favorite person and take notes.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec.21) Today is a 6 - Get together with one other person in secret to develop your plan. Make a group announcement to share your views only after both of you agree.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 5 - Career efforts move in your direction now. Wait until tomorrow to begin your next push. Group members come on board by then.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 6 - Even though others seem tense or worried, you can relax. Share your cheerfulness and optimism. It’s contagious, and they really need it now.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 6 - You get a bright idea that upsets the plans of others. At first, they fuss. But soon they relax into a new perspective. Aren’t you lucky? ___ (c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc.

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

Sudoku By M. Mepham

Level: 1


3 4

The Arbiter •



OCTOBER 07, 2010


The Saucy


The savvy girl’s

guide to: Pursuit of Perversion Sherika Martinez Columnist

Having a ball Lauren Hooker Journalist

Boise State football games aren’t taken lightly in the Treasure Valley. Regardless of whether one has a ticket to the game or not, the spirit of game day still lingers in the air. Fans gather at a variety of different venues in anticipation: house parties, the Student Union Building and various local sports bars. But for those who crave a more intimate and action-packed scene, tailgating is where the party is at. Music pumps and people dance in the stadium parking lot to tunes ranging from Lady Gaga to Billy Idol. Excited football chatter and the aromas of grilled steak, stir fry and hot

dogs fill the air as people prepare for a night of friends, football and fun. For the seasoned tailgater, home games are serious. Not only is it a way to support the Broncos, it’s like a family reunion. BSU alumni Ann Cox and Mary Liese have known each other since attending school together in ’72 and continue to support their alma mater together. “I love the camaraderie and seeing people we don’t get to see on a regular basis,” Cox said. “Our lives have gotten busy. It’s an opportunity to see people we haven’t seen in years and to see how BSU and the Broncos have changed.” The feeling of family isn’t uncommon -- the fact that tailgat-

Illustration By Ryan Johnson

The culture of tailgating

ing is all-inclusive has a large appeal for many people. The event allows alcohol as long as it’s contained in a cup and minors are allowed to hang out. “I love the people," junior marketing major Anali Rowley said. "Everyone comes together as one -- doesn’t matter if you’re a student, or a parent or an alumnus. You don’t have to drink. We’re Bronco Nation.” Tailgating is a great way to meet other BSU fans, but it’s also an opportunity to check out the rival team. “I love the people watching, especially watching how Broncos interact with visiting team’s fans,” junior early childhood education major Alicia Alonso said. “Maybe I’m biased, but we’re classy.”

The tailgate appeal doesn’t just affect the people of Boise. People from as far as Canada come to see what it’s all about. “People don’t get so excited for football in Canada, so we came here to see what it’s all about,” senior Erik Johnson said, a software engineering major at the University of Victoria, B.C. Gathering together isn’t the only way that fans support their team. Tailgating is a chance for Bronco Nation to dress in their finest spirit-wear -- blue and orange wigs, sequined capes, body paint, tutus and horse heads -- and show off their craziest fan outfits. “Tailgating is awesome,” Liese, a self-proclaimed ‘professional tailgater' said. “We look forward to going all year long.”

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Boise State’s student radio station has updated reviews every week. Visit for this week’s interview with Sully Erna, frontman for Godsmack. He has just released his first solo album, Avalon. As Sully puts it, “Avalon is NOT a Godsmack Record.” And Sully would be right: Avalon is far from a Godsmack album. Read more and listen to live streaming music on the Pulse's website.

Okay, I’ll just admit it -- I’m a total pervert. There, I said it. Don’t judge me, you are too. Before you get your naïve little panties in a bunch, you should consider the following question: what does it mean to be a pervert? Perversion, as defined in the dictionary, is “any of various means of obtaining sexual gratification that are generally regarded as being abnormal.” This sentence intrigues me, aside from the delicious implications of the words “various means,” it makes me wonder what is regarded as sexually normal? I mean, let’s be real people, do we even have a sexual norm at this point? Society’s sexual prudishness has slackened to a titillating degree -- everything from what you watch on the television to what you hear on the radio to what you read in your college newspaper has opened up a Pandora ’s Box of sexposure. One needs to look no further than the internet, where a single innocent misspelling in a search bar could lead you to a barrage of websites with a wide variety of shocking and highly inventive sexcapades. Not to mention dating websites, webcam “modeling,” and the always charming “casual encounters” section of your local Craigslist. Sexual deviance isn’t the exception anymore, people, it’s the rule. And frankly, I don’t see this as a bad thing. Now, before you misinterpret, I should clarify that when I talk about the perks of being a perv and the wonders of sexual deviance, I’m referring only to the sexual activities between two consenting adults. Sex offenders aren't my style, so don’t get confused. Gratifying sex means different things to different people. Much like food or clothing, each of us has our own individual preferences or style. Yes, I watch porn -- and gleefully so -- and I highly recommend it as an educational tool. But does that mean every woman out there feels the same way? Of course not. The point is to be open-minded. Especially when you’re in a committed relationship or if you’re married. Sure, passionate love-making is great but all too often sex can become stale, predictable and boring thus leading to relationship dissatisfaction and eventual infidelity. To avoid this, one needs to understand the fundamental human need for variety, newness and unpredictability. Any relationship that is going to last demands that both partners have an open mind and even more importantly open communication on what each finds sexually stimulating. In my opinion, that’s one of the best things about being in a monogamous relationship with one person. Ideally you get to the point where you’re comfortable enough to talk to about your freaky fantasies with your partner and you have the added bonus of established trust and mutual respect to carry them out without fear of judgment, social stigma or being arrested. Don’t be afraid to step outside of the boundaries of what is “sexually normal” because really, there’s no such thing. Don’t deny your inner perv and don’t be so quick to cast judgment on what others find sexually gratifying. After all, look at what a little camcorder voyeurism did for Paris Hilton. Hell, keep reading my column and you just might become famous.

The Arbiter •



OCTOBER 07, 2010


The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence says:

If you are in danger, call 911, your local hotline, the Idaho Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-669-3176, or the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE(7233).

Some lovers break hearts, some break other things Rebecca De LeÓn Culture Editor

For those who may not know, October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. One in four women in the United States will be a victim of domestic violence at some point in her life, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Thinking about the women in The Arbiter’s office, that means approximately four of us will have experienced abuse at the hands of a lover, while less than one man on our staff will experience the same. To think that even one woman in this office has ever been a victim of any kind of abuse makes me sick.


So complex is the psychology of the abuser and victim that police officers sometimes have a hard time distinguishing which is the offender and which is trying to protect their abuser. The Idaho State Police training manual lists a variety of ways both parties will lie to law enforcement to try and trick officers into arresting the wrong party or thinking the situation is not a big deal. The most common reason for this is the “beaten wife syndrome,” or Stockholm’s syndrome. Psychologists define Stockholm’s syndrome as the brain’s way of protecting itself from intense emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse by developing feelings of compassion for the offender. These










feelings allow the victim to cope with the situation and often prevent the victim from hurting himself or herself. Although this syndrome, often exacerbated by the abuser, is a common reaction to an abusive intimate partner relationship, it is also a fallacy victims often fail to recognize. If your partner has ever laid hands on you in an undesirable way, it is not your fault, and it is not OK. Tell someone right away. It is a pattern of abuse that never solves itself without outside interference. If you know someone who is involved in an abusive relationship, do not remain silent. When someone is in danger, step up becomes it then becomes your business.





DJ Snug the Joiner












Ocean Story Social


Frog Eyes, Le Fleur






Boy Eats Drum Machine













Red Hands Black Feet





The Arbiter •

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