The Arbiter 2-10-2014

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Signing Day results are in. See who Boise State got and who we lost.



Boise residents bike for love during Bikin’ for Lovin’.


The Softball team is looking forward to a strong season. The Arbiter Indepen d en t

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February 10, 2014 • Issue no. 37 Volume 26

Boise, Idaho

First issue free

Spring Fling

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what’s next?

With Spring Fling just around the corner, organizers and students work to decide who will perform @MaddaySunn

An event some students look forward to each year is the annual Spring Fling. The biggest question each year is whether the artist or artists Boise State has booked for the event are impressive. This year, however, the Student Involvement and Leadership Center (SILC) has something different in mind. “We’re going for a festival feel this year, so there will be multiple artists; we don’t have any specific artist in mind, but there’s definitely a group of artists that we’re looking into,” said Molly Valceschini, a programming assistant

with the SILC. SILC posted a survey on their website over the summer to find out what students wanted, and they began to figure out how to accommodate for that. “The results that we got this year showed that there’s a large variety of interests across the student body,” said Erin VanDenburgh, the SILC campus programs coordinator. “To get what the students wanted, which is a more festival feel with multiple genres of music, we decided for more regional and local bands, so that it’s engaging of the entire community instead of just one genre.” The programming as-

sistants are the ones who coordinate with agents to book artists. They look at what the student body is asking for, and try to come up with something that works. “It all just depends on artist availability and contracting. Sometimes the agents are easy to work with or difficult to work with,” Valceschini said. “It just depends on how smoothly that process goes. We’ve gotten a good start. We’re not behind on anything right now.” The process of booking the artists and getting the schedules set can be trickier and more time consuming than one might think. “The planning is year round. We do a lot of the

prep work, survey research and planning in the fall but the work really ramps up in the spring semester to make it all happen,” VanDenburgh said. “We start looking for artists typically towards the beginning of the spring semester. They’re pretty deep into it right now.” Getting the hottest act of the moment isn’t always an option for Boise State. “Obviously we can’t get Ke$ha if people say that’s what they want, our budget is limited. We try to take a general idea of what the student body wants,” VanDenburgh said. The student body will have to be patient while waiting for artist announcements.

Madison Killian

To get what the students wanted, which is a more festival feel with multiple genres of music, we decided for more regional and local bands. —Erin VanDenburgh

“As the contracts come through and are fully executed, that’s when we can start talking about the artists who are coming,” VanDenburgh said. “The hope is to have the bands announced at least a month in advance so that students can get excited about Spring Fling and learn more about the bands.” Whoever may be coming, students can rest assured SILC has put in a

lot time and effort into Spring Fling. “This is the last event. It’s pretty close to the end of the year. We want this to be an opportunity for students to come together, hangout and be excited to be at Boise State and to celebrate the end of the semester together,” Valceschini said. For more information on SILC and what they do, visit

Mallory Barker News Editor

Heather Littleton’s due date was Feb. 2. She’s hoping the baby comes sooner rather than later; things are beginning to get a little “uncomfortable” in there. “I don’t think she’s ready yet, but I’m crossing my fingers,” Littleton said. Littleton will be giving birth to a little girl named Halo any day now. Littleton wasn’t aware, but she has rights as a pregnant woman in college under Title IX. Title IX is the federal law requiring all schools and universities who receive federal funding not to exclude anyone on the basis of sex. Since women are the only ones who can become pregnant, if they are discriminated against due to pregnancy; it is on the basis of sex. Annie Kerrick, Title IX/ 504 coordinator, wants students to know and use


The Arbiter

their rights. “I wanted students to know that they cannot be excluded from participating in any part of the educational program or activities here on Boise State because of pregnancy,” Kerrick said. This means pregnant women have automatically excused pregnancy-related absences. This specifically covers pregnancy related illness, false pregnancy, pregnancy termination, childbirth and recovery. “We have to excuse absences because of pregnancy as long as is medically necessary,” Kerrick said. Kerrick encourages students to talk to her when they become pregnant so she can help them as much as possible. “If you are pregnant, or may become pregnant, come talk to me,” Kerrick said. “Students can come talk to me and I can keep documentation and work with the faculty member

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to make sure the student is given time to make up the work.” She went on to say sometimes simply making up the work isn’t enough. “Sometimes there are complications that cannot be resolved in a couple of days. It may not be reasonable for the student to make up that work but we can work with the student in other ways such as withdrawing from the class without penalty,” Kerrick said. Kerrick is not positive if Title IX covers fathers in any way. “That is an issue that has come up, but I’m not totally sure,” Kerrick said. “Just come talk to me. We want to do what’s best for our students.” Title IX also protects pregnant women from any kind of harassment that may happen because she is pregnant. Littleton had never heard of Title IX but plans on tak-


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Courtesy/ MCT Campus

Title IX protects pregnant women Students can not be discriminated against due to pregnancy. ing advantage of it soon. “It’s hard to be pregnant, in college and working hard time. It’s a lot. It’s exhausting,” Littleton said. Littleton has not yet had to miss school due to pregnancy but fears she might soon. “I’ve been very lucky. As I’ve been getting closer to giving birth, I’ve been stressing and worried about class,” Littleton said. In addition to the services Kerrick’s office provides, pregnant women can also seek help from the Women’s Center.

Arts & Entertainment

Helpful tips: Ask for help— contact Annie Kerrick or the Women’s Center. Keep notes— proper documentation can help with pregnancy related absences. If you feel discriminated against, file a complaint with Annie Kerrick.

pg 6


Know your rights The school must allow you to continue participating in classes and extracurricular activities and must excuse absences due to pregnancy and allow you to return to the same academic status as before medical leave. The school must allow you to make up any work missed while absent. The school must protect against harassment.

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ebruary 10, 2014


The Future

Aries (March 21- April 19): In the middle of the night, you will be awoken by a mystical vision of a giant hot dog. The hot dog will tell you about the plight of its race of fellow hot dogs and their fight for survival against the evil sauerkraut armies in a distant galaxy. The hot dog will plead for help from humanity. After the vision, you will get up and cook yourself a hot dog with extra sauerkraut.

For Release February 10, 2014 FOR RELEASE FEBRUARY 10, 2014

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

ACROSS 1 Class with numbers 5 One making a coffee run, say 10 Spot to shop 14 Lot measurement 15 Skip over, in speech 16 Reed to which an orchestra tunes 17 Bil Keane comic strip 20 Briny 21 Buzzing homes 22 Tree houses? 23 Journalist Sawyer 25 Chess pieces 26 Chess piece 28 Bygone Honda CR-V rival 34 Teacher’s Apple 35 Expansive 36 Gardner of Hollywood 37 Strip of latticework 38 Low card 40 “It’s Your Space” rental company 41 Gobbled up 42 “The Clan of the Cave Bear” author Jean 43 Diet label word 44 Flier’s upgrade 48 Fruity quenchers 49 It may be doffed 50 Backup strategy 52 Like an enthusiastic crowd 55 Guiding principle 57 Sub sandwich dressing item 60 Sondheim song, and a hint to the ends of 17-, 28and 44-Across 63 Wear a hole in the carpet 64 Dance studio rail 65 Actress Fey 66 Winter transport 67 Prints and threads, to detectives 68 __ in Show: dog prize


Taurus (April 20-May 20): You are probably fed up with local law enforcement officials who demand you follow “Idaho state law” or whatever they are calling it now. Who should be the judges and juries in society? Should you have to listen to the orders of some old person with a fancy dress on or some person with a gun and badge? Should you just do what The Man says? Probably.


By Bruce R. Sutphin

DOWN 1 Wrestling surfaces 2 Workout woe 3 Stay afloat in place 4 Pajamaed mogul, familiarly 5 Zodiac’s Twins 6 Martini garnishes 7 Store in a folder 8 Ice cream brand 9 TiVo button 10 Multitalented Rita 11 Basic lessons 12 Big oaf 13 Not as much 18 “Figured it out!” 19 Unmoving 24 Creep (along) 25 Source of inspiration 26 Rice dish 27 Vintage violin 29 Throat dangler 30 Tween heartthrob Efron 31 “Life on Mars?” singer 32 Online party notice 33 Desert retreats 38 Conduit for tears 39 Slippery swimmer

Saturday’s Puzzle Solved

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40 Oscar winner Arkin 42 Arcade pioneer 45 Out of the sun 46 Region of influence 47 Cuts for a sandwich 51 Commonly injured knee ligament, for short 52 Deadly snakes


53 Genuine 54 A single time 55 List finisher: Abbr. 56 No __ traffic 58 Travelers’ stops 59 Future D.A.’s hurdle 61 “The Voice” network 62 Gambling letters

January 17, 2014


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Each year you and your family head to some stupid theme park where everything is overpriced and the lines are too long. Try something new this year and begin to dig a huge hole in your backyard. As this hole gets deeper and deeper, you will eventually come out the other end of the world in China. Enjoy the free vacation! Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): RUN FOR THE HILLS! THE END IS NIGH! If you are reading this, it is already too late. All of the doomsday scenarios are about to take place; zombies, earthquakes, viruses and the popularity of Dubstep will threaten you and your family’s lives. Head for the hills and make sure to guard your cat food cache and tank top collection.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): After watching several nature survival shows on television, you decide you are ready to crash your parent’s car deep in the woods. After you roll your mother’s sedan, you will climb from the wreckage and start building a basic shelter. Soon you will be forced to eat squirrel. You will soon discover you are no more than a mile from town.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22): It’s time for you to get regular. I’m talking about your job, your love life and your relationship with your mother. Aren’t you tired of being an odd person? Aren’t you tired of all of the jokes made about your nerdy tendencies? Aren’t you tired of bowel movements that are all over the place? Why don’t you eat some fiber, ya big dummy?

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Congratulations on your recent baby! I am sure you will become the best parent in your freshman class! Make sure to use this wonderful news to get out of classes, work appointments and talks with your annoying roommates. Just clutch your belly and claim your water broke or, if you’re the father, say you can sense trouble with the baby.

Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 19): The president will call you personally this week in a misdial that will provide you with a great opportunity. First off, he will ask you to join the White House amateur basketball league. Soon you will be throwing up alley-oops to Joe Biden and talking trash to John Boehner every time you splash a three right in his face.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): After hanging around local coffee shops, you realize you are compelled to start an underground newspaper railing against The Man. The Man has clearly been keeping you down and you are going to get revolutionary. Make sure to list your grievances about the government’s lack of efforts to control the hobo population.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Your love of small rodents will motivate you to build a series of connected tubes throughout your neighborhood. These tubes will be like rat subways connecting rat families together and providing a cheap means of transportation unlike the city of Boise that still runs a small fleet of rickshaws only capable of holding two at a time.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your aunt will leave you a large fortune after her parachute fails to open in a jump over the Great Barrier Reef. After being contacted by the family lawyer, you will receive your aunt’s large collection of dinosaur bones and Cuban cigars. Also you will be given your aunts large collection of cigar smoking dinosaur paintings.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): I’VE HAD A MYSTIC VISION! I saw you there! We were on a great ship bound for riches and great adventure! This guy Columbus was there too! After a while, we got fed up with this Columbus character and threw him overboard and headed south to some kick-ass uninhabited tropical islands filled with delicious wine and cheeses.

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Devin Ferrell/THE ARBITER

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Editor’s Pic The Funnies

Boise State hosted rival and no. 5 ranked San Diego State on Wednesday, Feb. 5. The Broncos led the Aztecs in the first half with a nine point lead but the Aztecs would turn it around in the second with a gain of 11 points. With four seconds on the clock and the Broncos ahead by one point, the Aztecs would seize the opportunity for a win with a three point shot.

Ryan Thorne, Christian Spencer/THE ARBITER


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Contact Us 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554 the The arbiter Arbiter

Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content


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February 10, 2014


Robert McCoppin Chicago Tribune MCT Campus Wire

Catherine Sedun remembers binge drinking among students when she attended college about a decade ago. Despite an influx of programs to combat the problem in recent years, she says it remains a top concern on many campuses. “These students work so hard to get into these universities, and once they get here, a lot of them spiral out of control with their freedom,” she said. “It’s time to party.” In an attempt to save students from themselves, Sedun, a high school teacher and a graduate student at Northwestern University, headed the Red Watch Band program at the Evanston campus last year. The program teaches students to recognize the warning signs of alcohol poisoning: vomiting; cold, clammy skin; the inability to wake up and to call for medical help. It’s part of a wave of college initiatives meant to quell the chronic problem. The percentage of college students who binge drink, defined as five drinks for men and four drinks for women in two hours, has held steady at about 40 percent for most of the past decade, consistently more than non-college students, federal surveys show. Combining alcohol with energy drinks has fueled students’ ability to drink more and longer. One estimate, from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, blames binge drinking for more than 1,800 college student deaths a year, mostly from drunken driving. Research shows that frequent binge drinkers are more likely to miss classes, get hurt, engage in risky sex and have

problems in class. They’re also happier than nonbinge drinkers, according to a recent study at one school, but researchers say that seems to be because of their social status. Most often they’re white males involved in athletics and fraternities. Acknowledging that some students are going to drink no matter what, many schools are practicing “harm reduction,” trying to save students from their own worst behaviors. At Northwestern, the issue has particular resonance. Nineteen-year-old freshman Matthew Sunshine died of alcohol poisoning in 2008 after a party in his dorm hall. As part of a settlement with his family, the school agreed to review its alcohol policy. The next year, Northwestern started the Red Watch Band program, developed at Stony Brook University in New York, where Sunshine’s mother worked. NU also has joined the Learning Collaborative on High-Risk Drinking, in which 32 schools across the country are trying short-term changes to alcohol policy and monitoring the results. As part of its efforts, Northwestern employs BASICS, an assessment of students who get involved in alcohol-related medical or police incidents, and lowered the time for treatment from 30 to 20 days, according to Lisa Currie, director of health promotion and wellness. “There is no magic bullet,” she said. “It’s small improvements ... that work together.” Some freshman are subject to the new procedures even before they get to school. At DePaul University in Chicago, for example, students are required to take an online self-assessment to analyze their alcohol use before they get to campus. Loyola University Chicago

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Colleges continue to battle binge drinking

College students are sometimes known for their excessive drinking behaviors. and the University of Illinois at Chicago also use the online program, called e-CHUG, or electronic Check-Up to Go. Meanwhile, schools are working to offer alcohol-free events, like the Beer Free Zone at UIC, and NU Nights at Northwestern, which offered a showing of the movie “Chicago” with related dance lessons, or bingo with prizes such as iPods. Harper College in Palatine offers a new class about drug and alcohol abuse in college, taught by a teacher who admits drinking once affected her own performance in school. Some schools even offer alcohol-free spring breaks. At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, binge drinking has been notorious on dates such as Halloween and Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day, a daylong drunkfest

sponsored by bars that were losing money when March 17 fell within spring break. In response, the school and city have tried to crack down on such events, including steps to limit alcohol availability and installing surveillance cameras. All these efforts are a response to a study by the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism that identified binge drinking as a top problem on campuses across the country a decade ago. Since then, a survey of 747 college presidents reported by the Center for Science in the Public Interest found that nearly all colleges had implemented some form of alcohol education, with efforts targeting high-risk populations such as first-year students, sorority and fraternity members, and athletes. Thirty-four percent of colleges banned al-

cohol for all students, and 4 in 5 colleges offered an option for alcohol-free residences. Still, success has varied. At some colleges, nearly 70 percent of the students were identified as binge drinkers; at others there were none. It will take much harder work to make a dent in the problem, according to researchers such as Toben Nelson at the University of Minnesota, especially at big schools with an emphasis on sporting events, which had the most problems. Harm reduction and screening help, he said, but research shows that telling students why they shouldn’t drink does little to change their behaviors. He says colleges could do much more to limit the availability of alcohol, which saturates college culture. He points to a success story at the University of Nebraska

at Lincoln, which lowered its percentage of binge drinkers from the 60s to the 40s by limiting alcohol and requiring registration for parties so police could make sure they weren’t getting out of hand. Research by the Harvard School for Public Health found that underage students in states with extensive laws restricting underage and high-volume drinking _ such as keg registration, 0.08 driving laws and restrictions on happy hours, pitchers and advertising _ were less likely to binge drink. Schools may always have binge drinkers, Nelson said, but it’s defeatist to say nothing can be done to cut down on the severity and bad effects. “You’re not going to stop it,” Nelson said. “The idea is to reduce it and keep a lid on it.”

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ebruary 10, 2014

Be the change Lawrence Carter spoke on campus as part of the Martin Luther King Living Legacy Celebration Terra Chambers The words “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” by Mohandas K. Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, were echoed throughout Lawrence Carter’s speech Monday, Feb. 3. The Martin Luther King Living Legacy Committee at Boise State presented this speech as an opening to the Gandhi, King and Daisaku Ikeda art exhibit located on the second floor of the Student Union Building. Carter is currently the Chapel Dean at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. He became the first dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel in 1979. He also works with numerous religious denominations, and has led speeches and made appearances throughout the world. “Be the change. Don’t preach it, practice it. Don’t dream it, live it. Be the thing itself. Don’t give lip service, give life service. Don’t politic over non-violence download it into your bio data,” Carter said as he gave his call to action to the audience members. Carter presented Idaho Senator Cherie Buckner-Webb the Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award for all her achievements and hard work

Courstesy/National Archive

Staff Writer

Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech during the Civil Rights March on Washington Aug. 28, 1968. she has put in to bringing equality to all in Idaho. Buckner-Webb is a Democratic politician out of the 19th district. She is Idaho’s first elected African-American state legislator. She also holds the Democratic caucus chair. “It would be on this day

that we would go back and fight yet another day to make sure everyone in the state of Idaho can enjoy the human rights that can be affordable, that should be affordable to every single man, woman, and child,” Buckner-Webb said. Buckner-Webb was thankful to receive the

award and said there is still work to be done in Idaho. Carter gave 40 books to Boise State Library. These books were some works by Gandhi, King and Ikeda. These were gifts that Carter hopes will continue the movement of equality and non-violence for

Film reveals culture of aggression A caution sign reads, “Warning: this film contains scenes of graphic and extreme violence, coarse language and partial nudity” was displayed for moviegoers seeing “Tough Guise 2,” a film sponsored by the Boise State Women’s Center in partnership with the Gender Studies Club and Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society

last Thursday, Feb. 6. But the film was much more than a coarse display of provocation. Detailing the hyper-masculinity and aggression that has permeated American culture for the last century or so, “Tough Guise 2” recognized the role media plays in coverage of violent shootings, gun culture and political discourse. It illustrated how media portrayals factor into men’s real-life attitudes about violence and male

This just really made me stand back and look at what I want to teach my kids later on. I don’t want them to have this hypermasculinity. —Dan Morgan

identity. “It really changes the way I look at being a guy,” said Dan Morgan, peer educator at the Women’s Center. “This just really made me stand back and look at what I want to teach my kids later on. I don’t want them to have this hyper-masculinity.” Morgan explained that he fears media exposure creates unrealistic perceptions of reality that are harmful to young developing minds. “I don’t want them to live that life and be constantly surrounded by violence. I want them to be happier, more in-tune with who they truly are instead of (acquiring) that ‘tough guise,’” Morgan said. Graduate student Miguel

New water fountains installed

the arbiter The Arbiter

water fountains in major hubs on campus. “We’ll try to get them in the two C-stores on campus,” Vlok said. “Ultimately, our goal is before finals. We find that the library is obviously very busy during dead week and finals week, so hopefully (the filling stations) will be installed by then.”

men and women can do to reduce the effects of media influences that relay a message of fear and un-political correctness. “For me, it’s about starting the conversation when you’re watching movies or television shows, or when someone says, ‘That’s so gay’ or something to that effect,” Steven said. According to Steven, the conversations also include the effects of using the words “fag” or “pussy,” words that insinuate a notion of how ideal men should act. “It’s about saying, ‘That’s not OK,’” Steven said. Steven said “Tough Guise 2” is about looking deep within ourselves, man or woman, and finding the person we really want to be. “I think it’s really important to realize that the Women’s Center isn’t just

for women, it’s for everybody,” Steven said. “We want to talk about masculinity; we want to talk about pressures, not just violence against women perpetrated by men, but how men are affected by all these representations.”

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Treefort Preview

Hollow Wood & Calico

11:00 - 1:00 P.M. SUB Indoor Dining Stage

Through Feb. 23

Associated Students of Boise State (ASBSU) with the help of Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FOAM) is adding new refillable stations to existing water fountains on the first three floors of the Albertsons Library. “We’re trying to make campus more green by giving people the opportunity to refill their water bottles,” said Bryan Vlok, president of ASBSU. For the ones being installed in the library, Vlok’s office turned to Michael Sumpter, the new director at FOAM. “We were asked if we could increase the number in the library from one to three so we’re doing that,”

Sumpter offered in an email. Specifically, two new filling stations will be added to the first and third floors, with a third station on the first floor remaining a possibility. In addition to the stations themselves, new environmentally-friendly water bottles will be sold near existing soda and

want to happen has to happen within,” Danclar said. Danclar was honored to be able to help put on this event. The art exhibit will be up until Feb. 24. Danclar hopes Carter’s words and the words of Gandhi, King and Ikeda will continue to live on here at Boise State.

1/8 Arbiter ad

Mar. 20


Devin Ferrell/The Arbiter

Ryan Hoffman

Lopez of Alpha Phi Sigma also attended the screening. Lopez said he does his part to help make sure the current ideology surrounding masculinity is not propagated any further. “One of the things I’ve been specifically asked about is Robin Thicke’s song, ‘Blurred Lines,’” Lopez said. “The entire graduate program pretty much knows that it is a song that I pretty much won’t tolerate. One of the things we’re more focused on in the criminal justice system are misogynistic-type (cases), when you’re talking about sexual assault and rape culture.” Kate Steven, program coordinator at the Women’s Center, recognized what

Feb. 20


Ryan Hoffman

everyone. Milaun Danclar, a freshman and legacy delegate of the Martin Luther Living Legacy Committee, helped put on and orchestrate this event. Danclar hopes the audience and the student body will realize there needs to be a change. “The change that they

Gandhi, King, Ikeda

A Legacy of Building Peace

SUB Gallery

Treefort Kick Off

12:00 - 4:00 P.M. SUB Patio (inside if raining)

This is fill station in the SUB. 208. 426. 1242

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Boise State February 10, 2014


John Engel & Michael Steen

Sports Editor & Assistant Sports Editor

When former Boise State head football coach Chris Petersen jumped ship for Washington, Bronco Nation appeared to be experiencing the football equivalent of the apocalypse. However, since being hired as the Broncos head coach, Bryan Harsin has put together arguably the highest-profile recruiting class in Boise State football history. By hiring Texas A&M co-defensive coordinator Marcel Yates as defensive coordinator and Stanford wide receivers and quarterbacks coach Mike Sanford as offensive coordinator, Harsin has given Boise State football recruiting new life, and has allowed the Broncos to sign multiple four-star athletes.

Signing Day

Biggest gains Biggest losses Chase Blakley, tight end, Couer ‘d Alene High (Idaho) As of a week before signing day, former Boise State head football coach Chris Petersen had poached five new Bronco recruits in favor of his new Washington football program. The first to flip from purple and gold to blue and orange was the Coeur d’Alene High senior tight end. He committed to Washington in May, but reconsidered Boise State once former Washington head coach Steve Sarkisian jumped ship for Southern California.

Dylan Sumner-Gardner, safety, West Mesquite High (Texas) What did coach Harsin first do after taking over the Boise State football program? Well, he started by hiring Texas A&M co-defensive coordinator Marcel Yates, who then flipped one of the biggest recruits in Boise State football history from the Aggies to the Broncos. The 6-foot-1 West Mesquite High (Texas) safety was given a four-star rating by ESPN, and is No. 6 at the safety position according to the worldwide leader. He is already enrolled as a Boise State student.

David Moa, defensive end, Kearny High (California) One of the few pre-Harsin commits to not flip his commitment, the 6-foot-3 defensive end out of San Diego, Calif. entertained offers from Oregon, BYU, Colorado and Montana before committing to Boise State in November. Moa received a three-star rating from ESPN.

Jeremy McNichols, wide receiver, Santa Margarita Catholic High (California) The Santa Margarita Catholic High School senior committed to Boise State on Jan. 24 after looking at other offers from Utah, Colorado State and USC. The 5-foot-11 wide receiver received a threestar rating from and said he liked how young the Boise State coaching staff was and how they could relate to players. McNichols played wide receiver at Lakewood High as a sophomore and junior before transferring to Santa Margarita as a senior. McNichols said the Boise State coaching staff preached tradition and he wanted to be a part of it.

Alex Ogle, quarterback Jensen Beach High (Florida)

the The arbiter Arbiter

Five years ago, the likelihood of Boise State signing a top five high school quarterback was completely out of the question. However, head coach Bryan Harsin hasn’t backed away from any high-profile recruits since arriving in Boise, and this 6-foot-4, 213-pound quarterback could have been the crown jewel of his first recruiting class. He is ranked 112th in the ESPN 300 ranking of the Class of 2014, and is the fifth best player at his position in the country. On May 13, 2013, he committed to Miami (FL) on May 13, but left the door open for Boise State until signing week before signing with the Canes.

Don Hill, defensive end, Timberline High (Idaho) Boise State has become notorious with turning local, unscouted talent into three and four-star caliber collegiate athletes, but this year the Broncos lost out on a local defensive end. According to, the 6-foot-4 pass rusher is the only four-star football player coming out of Idaho. He was previously committed to Washington, but decided to follow new Southern California head coach Steve Sarkisian to Los Angeles following a Dec. 13 visit. Boise State offered, but never received a commitment from him.

Dimitri Flowers, tight end, Churchill High (Texas) The 6-foot-3, 219-pound tight end was one of Boise State’s first highprofile commitments last season. He received offers from Boise State, Houston, Nevada and Oklahoma and­—once his senior season was in full swing­—he decided to go with the Sooners. He is considered a threestar recruit by He runs a 4.83 40-yard dash, and has a vertical jump of 32.4 inches. The San Antonio, Texas native wasn’t a Bronco for very long, as he committed to Oklahoma on Nov. 6.

Jalen Greene, quarterback, Serra High (California) The 6-foot-2, 194-pound dualthreat quarterback went from being the savior of the struggling Boise State football program to public enemy No. 1. He first committed to Boise State. When former Boise State head coach Chris Petersen left for Washington, the quarterback quickly changed his commitment to Washington. He then changed his commitment in favor of USC and head coach Steve Sarkisian. The Serra High senior would have opened a recruiting pipeline for the Broncos for years to come.

Khalil Oliver, defensive back, Rocky Mountain High (Idaho) The local safety had been recruited heavily by new defensive coordinator Marcel Yates. He had shown a lot of interest in Boise State, as well as Washington and Oregon. The 6-foot-1 defensive back was given a three-star rating by ESPN and had visits with both Washington and Oregon earlier this month. He committed to Oregon on signing day.

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Page Design Tyeson anderson/THE ARBITER

When California star quarterback Jalen Greene flipped from Boise State to follow Chris Petersen to Washington, Bronco fans panicked as the future of the quarterback position was in doubt. Offensive coordinator Mike Sanford was aggressive in his recruitment of players during the signing period, and landed 6-foot-3, 205 pound quarterback Alex Ogle out of Palm City, Fla. Ogle entertained offers from Florida International, Southern Florida, Florida Atlantic, North Carolina State and Princeton before saying yes to the Broncos. At 6-foot-3, Ogle will be one of the tallest quarterbacks in recent memory for the Boise State faithful. Ogle received a three-star rating from ESPN and was rated the 38th quarterback in the nation.

Brad Kaaya, quarterback, Chaminade College Prep (California)


ebruary 10, 2014

Bikin’ for Lovin’ kicks off V-day early @MaddaySunn

On Feb. 7, 2014, many Boise residents rubbed their eyes in disbelief as they watched a parade of bikers brave the snow, decked out in pink and red for the annual Bikin’ For Lovin ride. The event is hosted by the Boise Bicycle Project (BBP). Bikin’ For Lovin’ just saw its fifth year. Despite the snowy and icy conditions, the cycling enthusiasts still managed to make it happen. At 7 p.m., riders met up at the BBP’s doorstep to hangout and drink a few beers before the big ride. At 8 p.m., bikers bundled up and went for a ride through Boise, making their final destination the Boise Brewing Co. “Last year’s Bikin’ for Lovin’ was the first social ride I participated in and I didn’t know many people in the bike community yet,” said Gracie Bingham, a BBP volunteer. “It was a wonderful way to connect with fellow bike-lovers.” All who attend the event year after year will only say how much fun it is. But how does an event like this get thought up? “Our executive director, Jimmy Hallyburton, created Bikin’ for Lovin’. He jokes that his dream is for two people to find a date for Valentine’s Day on this pre-V-Day ride,” said

Daniell Grubbs, the engagement coordinator at the BBP. “We also want to see more people use their bicycles during the winter months, and this is a fun way to celebrate riding bikes.” Although it isn’t for everyone, the event seems to kick off Valentine’s Day perfectly. “The best part about being involved with this event is seeing Boise’s cycling community come together, no matter the person’s background, to celebrate each other, bicycles and great beer,” Grubbs said. “We also play silent black and white films on the shop’s big screen. It creates this hauntingly romantic ambiance, which I love.” The way to look at something like Bikin’ For Lovin’, is don’t knock it till you try it. Many are surprised at just how much fun the ride through the cold can be. “Last year was my first Bikin’ for Lovin’. I stood around with my mouth on the floor because I didn’t really understand how so many people could be excited about riding together in the cold, cold weather,” Grubbs said. “It’s a powerful and tangible energy and very contagious. In general, everyone is supportive and welcoming.” For more information on the Boise Bicycle Project and other events they may be holding, visit

Public transportation

Photos courtesy/BBP

Madison Killian

Participants posed for the camera after their ride through Boise.

Stupid Cupid ^ Ashley Stout Staff Writer

For those of you who hate love, hearts or cheesy holidays, February 14th is probably one of the most dreaded days of the year for you. Also known as Singles Awareness Day,

not everybody loves to celebrate Valentine’s Day. In fact, most people despise it. The Student Involvement and Leadership Center (SILC) is setting out to make this day a little more bearable for those of you who have a hatred for this

commercial holiday. On Feb. 13 the SILC is hosting an event called “Stupid Cupid.” Estefany Vega the colead for the event said, “We are going to try and celebrate the idea of not celebrating the day of love.” If you’re single, taken,

dating around or whatever and you’re not into the mushy gushy love stuff, hearts, flowers or teddy bears then the Stupid Cupid event is for you. This is the first time SILC has hosted this event. The Stupid Cupid event will be free for all students. Activities will include smashing a heart shaped piñata, dart games where you can win prizes, free pizza, ice cream and cookies. I n addition to those activities and many more, SILC give away free tickets to the Lady Antebellum

concert at Taco Bell Arena. “Its kind of a fun thing to do instead of the typical Valentine’s Day stuff,” Vega said. The event starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Special Events Center lobby. Immediately following Stupid Cupid the blockbuster movie night will show “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.” The Blockbuster movie is free for students and $1 for non-students. Whether you hate to love, or love to hate, this event is a great way to celebrate with others who don’t want to celebrate the day of love.

Winter wedding tips Jasmine Maki

Grand Forks Herald MCT Campus Wire

Subzero temperatures may not be ideal for a wedding day, but a snowy scene can make a beautiful backdrop for those brides who choose to brave the cold. We talked to experts in the wedding industry in the Grand Forks, N.D., area and gathered some tips for couples who chose a chilly month to exchange vows.

Here’s their advice:




The North Face Boise 802 W Idaho Street Boise, ID 83702 (208) 331-9790 Mon - Sat 10AM - 8PM Sun 11AM - 5PM Like us on Facebook

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Anne Cusack/Mct Campus wire

Dress: When choosing a dress for a winter wedding, Nancy Zalewski, owner of Kristen’s Bridal, said luxurious satins and brocades are wonderful. She also recommended that brides buy a fur stole or cape to keep warm. For the entire bridal party, she recommended using a static guard. “The winter is so cold, and it keeps fabrics from sticking to you, especially for the guys.” Hair: Alyssa Kaye, a hair stylist at Regis Salons in Columbia Mall, said soft loose up-dos are in this winter,

along with simple down hairdo’s. But, whichever you choose, Kaye advises using a hair oil to tame static caused by cold, dry weather. “Right after you shower, use an oil and let your hair completely dry before you curl it,” she said. She also suggests using hair spray before curling to further help with static and hold the curls longer. Event styling: For centerpieces and other decoration details, Zalewski said metallic accents and jewel tones are perfect. She suggested buying metallic ribbon at a craft store and incorporating it into the centerpieces and bouquet. Photos: For winter wedding photos, photographer Shawna Widdel, owner of Shawna Noel Photography, suggests bringing accessories. “A lot of brides will wear winter boots, so their shoes don’t get destroyed in the snow,” Widdel said. Shawls, scarves, mittens and hats also make cute accessories and keep the bridal party warm during photos.

Tomi Dorsey tries on wedding dresses.

Danielle Davidson is a Boise State student studying abroad in Seoul, South Korea. When a complete stranger walked up to me after I got off the train as I headed to the transfer point, I was skeptical. He said “hello,” and I said “hi” back with what hopefully looked like a ‘why are you talking to me’ face while I scanned my card. The conversation went something like this: Salmon-colored shirt man (SCSM): “Hello.” Me: “Hi.” Please don’t be a creep. SCSM: “Do you speak Korean?” Me: “No.” True. SCSM: “Are you a teacher?” Me: “No.” True. SCSM: “Do you have KakaoTalk?” Me: “…no, why? Do you?” False. SCSM: “Yes, you should get it. Do you have a boyfriend?” Well that escalated quickly. Me: “No, and no thank you.” Run away, run away! He must have been too shocked to follow me, because he stopped in his tracks and I dove into a group of people going toward the transfer tunnel. Maybe he just wanted to be friends, or maybe not, but I wasn’t taking any chances. There aren’t always open seats on buses, so a lot of the time people have to stand, which isn’t very fun. It’s like riding a horse on a stair stepper on the high seas. Occasionally this results in falling over if you’re not careful to hold onto something or someone (a friend, do not hold onto strangers). Being a foreigner, people are already prone to look at me because I am tall and white, which is awkward sometimes. Occasionally children stare at me out of curiosity. ‘Mommy who’s that girl with big eyes?’ There are also those who hold back laughter as the foreigner falls and grabs onto her friend for dear life when the bus starts moving. Yes, I’m talking about you, man with the headphones, who tried desperately not to laugh at the bewildered girl on the bus. No harm done, but I usually stick to the subway lines now. No more sailing for me. The key to blending in, or trying as much as possible, is to act like you know what you’re doing. When I was in Japan I had to ride the train by myself one morning and I was a little nervous, because I don’t know Tokyo like I know Seoul. I got on the train, looked around, and everyone was on their phones (same as Seoul). So, I got my phone out, and paged through some messages quite seriously. Accidentally I ended up getting off a stop early, so I just played it cool and looked at my phone some more. Apparently my ‘I know what I’m doing’ act was convincing, because another foreigner came up to me and asked if they were headed in the right direction. I knew enough to say they were. They thanked me and said they were glad they ran into someone who spoke English living in Tokyo before heading on their jolly way. All and all, I miss my car, but I like public transportation too. arbiteronline .com

February 10, 2014


Softball ready for 2014 season Brandon Walton The Boise State softball team opened their season this past weekend and are expecting big things this year. “We are definitely getting that Mountain West ring,” senior outfielder Devon Bridges said. “That is our priority there and making it to the postseason and enjoying that ride of being the first team to make it to the postseason.” The Broncos didn’t have the best of seasons last year as they finished 2526 with a 9-9 record in the Mountain West and failed to move on to the postseason. “Last year was kind of our growing year trying to find that chemistry,” Bridges said. “It took us a little bit and not until halfway through conference did we find it and we are just hoping to carry that through.” The team feels that unlike like last season this season will be different. “I feel our communication is lot better this year and we just click a lot better,” senior pitcher Rebecca Patton said. “Everyone on the team just meshes and we understand each other and that makes a huge difference on and off the field.” The Broncos put a lot of work in during the offseason and are hoping it pays off. “This team really clicked this year and we practice so hard together,” Patton said. “We have been work-

Robby MIlo/Arbiter Archives

Staff Writer

Mackenzie Whyte throws to second in Boise State’s 7-5 win over UNLV April 15,2012. ing our butts off in the weight room and working so hard in the offseason; I just really feel this season is going to go well for us.” Boise State returns nearly all their starters from last year’s team and are led by seniors Bridge and Patton. “One of the best things we have going for us is the experience coming back,” head coach Erin Thorpe said. “We return nine starters and our two main

We always try to challenge ourselves in these early-season tournaments. We want to play against the best for so many reasons and a strong strength of schedule definitely helps prepare us for the Mountain West season.

—Erin Thorpe

pitchers from last season, so keep a strong chemistry and confidence throughout the season.” Bridges holds the school records for both home runs and runs batted in and is one of the top home run hitters in the country along with being a first team All-Mountain West player last season. Patton is a reigning second team All-Mountain West pitcher and will anchor the Broncos pitching rotation this season. “I can’t say enough about Rebecca and Devon,” Thorpe said. “They have already accomplished so much but they both know they have more they can achieve and both of them are what you want in a senior: great examples on and off the field.”

Boise State will begin their season with tough competition and will be on the road for nearly a month to start the season. “We always try to challenge ourselves in these early-season tournaments,” Thorpe said. “We want to play against the best for so many reasons and a strong strength of schedule definitely helps us prepare for the Mountain West season.” The Broncos know they have what it takes to have a truly great season and are hoping to get off to that good start they need. “We have that drive and desire,” Patton said. “All of us, every single one of us, we all want it so bad and I don’t know that any other team can say that about every single player.”

2014 Boise State Softball starting lineup # Name Position Class 9 Tara Glover OF 14 Lindsey Nicholson OF 1B 31 Devon Bridges 22 Mackenzie Whyte SS 2B 12 Jordan Kreiger 1 Ashley Palmer INF 8 Hailey Torrez C 3B 13 Libbie Jimenez 17 Izzy Serrano OF 7 Kenzie Cole P



Few things better announce the coming of spring more than teeing off on a par-5 and cruising around in a golf cart. Even though the weather around Boise State campus tells a different story, Bronco men’s golf will begin the spring season with the 10th Annual Pat Hicks Thunderbird Invitational in St. George, Utah. The 36-hole tournament begins today and runs through Tuesday. Boise State golfers will face off against nine other teams on the par-72, 6,781-yard Sunbrook Golf Club. Included in the field is tournament-host Southern Utah, Weber State, Utah State and Seattle. Boise State will send six golfers to the tournament, with Ty Travis, Jordan Skyles, Logan France, David Elliot and Kyle Mitsunaga competing for the team, and Mark Brassey playing as an individual. The teams will play 18 holes each day. Boise State head coach Kevin Burton sees this tournament as a great opportunity for his team to play against teams it rarely gets to compete against, as well as the usual cast of teams. “This is a good tournament. You have all of the usual locals from Utah and Colorado, but we also get some teams we don’t get the arbiter The Arbiter

to see a lot like Oral Roberts and Northern Illinois,” Burton said. “You get some teams in there that’s kind of fun to play against that you normally don’t get to see.” The Thunderbird Invitational is Boise State’s first competition of the season, and could be a strong indicator of how the season will play out based on the challenging field. The Broncos had the opportunity of practicing on the course leading up to the tournament, but there is still expected rust for the players coming out of the offseason. According to Burton, the Thunderbird Invitational is by no means a warm up for the season, and he believes his team has a strong opportunity to win. “We’re going for the win. This is a field that I think if we can shake the rust off in the first days of practice when we get down there

that we should be able to compete,” Burton said. “It’s definitely one that we’re looking at that we think we can win.” In order for the team to play well coming out of the offseason, it’s crucial for the returning veterans to guide what is a young Boise State roster. Three Broncos — Elliot, Mitsunaga and Brassey — are competing in their first spring tournament as collegiate golfers. “We need our leaders to play well,” Burton said. “Typically the younger guys will ride off that wafer and play solid. We don’t have to play our best to win, we just have to play smart.” The Broncos won’t compete in another tournament until March 10-11, when they travel south for the annual Sacramento State Invitational.

2014 Men’s Golf spring


Feb. 10-11 T hunderbird Invitational Mar. 10-11 Sacramento State Invite Mar. 24-25 Duck Invitational April 7-8 Redhawk Invitational April 18-20 Winchester Classic April 25-27 MW Championships

The Broncos open up their season in St. George, Utah on Feb. 10-11.

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John Engel


Broncos open spring season on the road

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