The Arbiter 3-14-11

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Give me some more teases, i love teases because they are fantastic.

Give me some more teases, i love teases because they are fantastic.



Issue no.


Give me some more teases, i love teases because they are fantastic.



Volume 23

First Issue


How March 14, 2011

The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933

This Whole



Thing Works

Every semester we sign our financial lives away to Boise State. Student loans, grants, scholarships and life savings go toward tuition so we can enroll in classes and hopefully earn degrees. If the University gets its way, in April the State Board of Education will approve a tuition bump of 9.9 percent in the Fall. Big, big money.



Why should we, as students, care how the university receives and spends money?

1. Tuition

Federal $92.7 million

Private Gifts & Grants $17.6 million

Private Gifts & Grants $17.6 million

Auxiliary $47.6 million

The cost of tuition depends on, among other things, the revenue Boise State is receiving. If funding from other areas decrease then our tuition will increase to compensate for the change. Our tuition almost always increases. (It rose 8.96 percent from ‘09 - ‘10.

Other $15.7 million


s et

ide v i d


Research & Public Service $27.8 million


Library & Student Services $19 million Auxiliary Enterprises $61.5 million

How it gets


Scholarships & Fellowships $75.9 million

Boise State has an annual planning process that scrutinizes the frequently shifting financial needs of each department and college. Executive leadership (the top dogs with the fanciest suits) evaluate requests for additional funds and suggestions for cuts. Budgets in the colleges and departments rely on what the Budget Office refers to as base-plus methodology. Each college has a base operating budget and the hope is that as long as its enrollment continues to grow, its base budget will stay the same.

What’s Inside

News Opinion Culture Sports

page page page page

1 2 3 6

Other $41.8 million Sources:, Chris Rosebaum of the Budget Office, Frank Zang of University Communications and Marketing Illustration by Bree Jones/THE ARBITER



News Editor Andrew Ford

Assistant News Editor


53º high




chance of precip: 30%


Total Revenue $330.2 million

Intruction & Academic support $107.6 million



school, increases in tuition mean an increase in debt. Who really wants to be paying off those loans when they’re 80?

3. Enrollment Cap

Auxiliary Total Revenue $47.6 million $330.2 million

Other $15.7 million

Owe money 2. Student Debt for eternity For those of us who take out student loans to pay for

Treasure Valley natives are familiar with the idea of Boise State as a backup school. There’s a sense of comfort knowing that when all else fails, Boise State will still accept you. However, an inability of the state to match more enrollment with new funds could result in a crippling cap on enrollment. Sorry underachievers and College of Western Idaho transfer students, there’s just no space.

State Funding $70.5 million

Federal $92.7 million

State, federal funding & concerts affect bottom line

Sorry 2.5 GPAs

Tuition & Fees $85.9 million

State Funding $70.5 million



Tuition & Fees

NUE COMES F$85.9 E ROM million V E R



By Tasha Adams Journalist Part 1

58º high


chance of precip: 30%

51º high


12 days

chance of precip:60%

Spring Break count down


Next Season Sale! Next Season $199


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Hurry sale ends

April 3rd

Open Everyday For Spring Break! March 24th-April 3rd No Lines / Great Skiing / Best Price The Arbiter





Month 14, 2011

Opinion Editor

Assistant Opinion Editor

There is no reality in the Real World Eva Hart Journalist

After hearing the Real World was holding auditions at Legends Sports Pub and Grill in Boise on March 9 many people were probably shocked to hear that the show was even still on the air. The Real World is entering its 26th season and has been on the air since 1992. Considering the Real World could possibly be one of the most ridiculous ways to waste an hour, it’s outrageous that more than 100 people in Boise showed up to audition to be on such a sexually explicit and dramatic show. The Real World seems to recruit eight of the most dramatic people in America to live in a house together so they can hook up and get in fist fights. As it entered the 25th season, the show was rated No. 1 cable telecast of the day and pulls in 2.26 million viewers aged 12 to 34. Freshman and radiology major Alex Hartwell was surprised the Real World has lasted this long. “The show is juvenile,” Hartwell said. “You have to be an immature person to go on that show. And you definitely have to love drama.” What the younger viewers may not realize is the real world is completely different from the Real World. The show has so much sex it could be rated as soft-core porn. However, the directors fail to show the consequences of the actions these men and women take. Recent statistics indicate that during the past year alone, up to 3 to 4 million teens have become infected with an sexually transmitted infection. Could it be they think in the “real world” sex comes with no penalties? If the Real World is so “real,” they should show what all the partying, sex and drugs does to the cast members. Pedro Zamora suffered from AIDS and died a day after the season finale of Real World: San Francisco. Paula Meronek from Real World: Key West suffered from an eating disorder, depression and a drinking problem. Ayiiia Elizarraras from Real World: Cancun, had a history of drug abuse and self mutilation. In an interview with AfterEllen, she said, “I feel very lucky

Jana Hoffman Columnist

Tweet that inspired this week’s column: flooraction Republicans push English-only bill requiring language tests On Friday, March 11 the house re-introduced H.R. 997 -- The English Language Unity Act -- a bill that has been introduced almost every year since 2003, but has never made it to the floor. The bill, sponsored by Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, seeks to make English the “official” language of the United States. A similar bill is under committee review in the Senate. As the bill stands, the measure would substantially decrease government multilingualism and mandate that government business and services be conducted in English. The bill pushes for English language acquisition for those seeking U.S. citizenship. It’s another one of those “if you want to be a citizen, you will talk like us” bills. It’s a slap in the face to Americans who prefer to speak their language of origin. The government’s job is to represent and serve the people of this country, and to do it well. The government has an obligation to ensure (to the best of it’s ability) that all American citizens have equal access to its services. It is not the government’s job to mandate how we speak and what language we use. The constitution protects all Americans --including those with limited English proficiency. Though it is advantageous for Americans to speak a common tongue in order to conduct business in an expeditious way, bills like H.R. 997 are divisive. They produce the exact opposite of their purported intent -which is to unify this nation. These measures reflect an archaic view of the world. They are introduced by elected officials who fear the encroachment of unAmerican ideals and lifestyles. There are many problems with this kind of thinking, but one issue needs to be addressed. This legislation is about denial. H.R. 997 and bills like it deny American heritage. They help us forget where Americans came from. We came from “over there” and many of our ancestors did not speak English when we got here. The United States definitely has immigration issues, and we’ve got people residing illegally utilizing services. That’s nothing new, and it is a problem that demands a solution. However, ignoring American heritage is most certainly not the solution. H.R. 997 is a complete waste of time. A better way to bring cohesiveness to the U.S. through language unity is education -- not close-minded bills that divide the country. The federal government should invest in English-language learning programs for children from pre-kindergarten through high school. Children should be encouraged to embrace their heritage while learning English. If the government would invest in the lives of those with limited English proficiency from an early age, they might solve the “problem” of unity they say exists. The English Language Unity Act is just another example of bad political behavior on the part of our representatives in Washington. Instead of working to achieve realistic solutions to the many problems we face, our representatives choose to introduce measures that do nothing more than send bad idealogical messages to the nation. How about this. Forget H.R. 997 and pass the Federal budget already.

glenn landberg/THE ARBITER

David Jensen looks over his application for the Real World on Wednesday. to have young girls look up to me.” It’s sad that these are the types of role models teens choose; the ones who will do anything to get on a show and hook up in front of cameras for more than 2 million people to see. Freshman marketing major Kendra Rich went to the auditions and chose not to conform to the promiscuous ways of the others in her audition group by refraining from talking about her


H.R. 997: English speakers only club

Go online to watch interviews with some of the people who auditioned.

New ASBSU constitution increases advocacy

Follow Jana on Twitter and she will follow you back!

Tyler Kirkham Journalist

After an overwhelmingly supportive student vote, the Associated Students will be restructuring their constitution come Fall 2011. The changes to the constitution required a special election, held March 1 to March 3. ASBSU President Stephen Heleker said the new constitution is meant to “realign the structure of ASBSU with our core purpose ... advocacy and facilitation.” Facilitation is a unique function of the Associated Students, where student clubs and organizations can get access to funds, assistance in running their organization, and planning and running events. The Associated Students use funds set aside to help clubs and organizations sponsor and run events, which is more beneficial than ASBSU just running the event. It gives students the opportunity to run it themselves. These opportunities are invaluable to students. The Student Senate will be replaced with a student assembly, composed of representatives from each academic college. According to Senator Pro Temp Mark Gerhke, this new assembly will perform many of the functions of Student Senate, like voicing student opinions, while distributing the workload. After attending a national conference, Gehrke said that Boise State’s senators are productive and have more responsibilities than their peers at other universities. “We’re not always at 100 percent,” said Gehrke. “So the assembly will have a much narrower focus, smaller time commitment and less responsibilities but dispersed over more people.” Getting more students involved on campus is critical for retaining students and establishing a long-lasting campus identity. And students’ desire for involvement is at an all-time high, according to Heleker. This outpouring of desire was a major contributor to forming the student assembly, which provides a chance for many more students to get involved.

Courtesy Associated Students

The constitution convention -- a gathering of students who offered opinions and ideas for the new constitution -- was an important part of crafting the new document. The support from the students in the process brought “a fresh perspective” according to Gehrke, and their contributions have kept it from becoming an ugly document. Not only is this constitution new to Boise State, the concepts are new around the country. Again, BSU has the chance to show it is a leader across multiple disciplines. The new constitution represents a major shift from the outdated concept of “student government” to the Associated Students’ core purposes. New bodies in the Associated Students will continue

E ditorial S taff E ditor - in -C hief Bob Beers

M anaging E ditor Kirk Bell

M edia M anager Zach Ganschow

P hoto E ditor

N ews

Andrew Ford Suzanne Craig

Editor Ast. ed

S ports Editor Ast. ed

O pinion

Robby Milo

Editor Ast. ed

O nline E ditor

C ulture

Megan Lloyd

V ideo E ditor Gray Battson

E ditorial A dvisor James Kelly

sexual life or her need to hook up. “A girl in my group said ‘I just got a boob job and I really want to hook up with some hot guys’. Just so she could get attention,” Rich said. If these are the kind of people trying to get on the show, it can only show how corrupt it is. People should stop being so interested in living life like it’s the Real World and realize that in the real world, there are consequences to their actions.

Editor Ast. ed

Trent Lootens Brittney Johnson Haley Robinson Karey Hoke Rebecca De León Lauren Hooker

C opy E ditors

Eden Engberg Stephanie Scheibe

this work, especially the student assembly and the funding board. With the funding board, student organizations will have a dedicated body to help them with planning and running events and obtaining funding. This board will be composed of highly-trained students who understand the needs of clubs and organizations and can provide the kind of specialized help that ensure success. The increase in advocacy, facilitation and involvement are vital to the objectives of the Associated Students and the rest of the student body. The changes to the constitution take the best aspects of the current configuration of ASBSU and add new features that make ASBSU much more effective.

B usiness J ournalists Christine Ritchie, Eva Hart, Megan Bronder, Tyler Kirkham, Tony Madonna, Jana Hoffman, Tony Rogers, Natalie Craig, Trevor Villagrana, Eden Engberg, David Gasch, Lindsey Hileman, Edina Macic, Sherry Horton, Tasha Adams, Stephanie Casanova, Kimberley O’Bryan, Wyatt Martin, Genevieve Nutting, Justin Dalme, Nikki Hanson, John Garretson, Ty Hawkins

D esign

D irector

P roduction M anager

B usiness /A d M anager

P roduction T eam

B ookkeeper

D esigner

Brad Arendt

Matthew Summers

Ashley Ackers

A ccount E xecutives Miguel Varela

O nline A st . O nline E ditor Jessica Swider

Bree Jones

Brendan Healy

Glenn Rummler Kelly Ward

V isuals P roducers

Cody Finney Nik Bjurstrom Glenn Landberg Joey McCoullough John Shinn

T o C ontact T he A rbiter 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554

The Arbiter

Guest opinions (500 word limit) and Letters to the Editor (300 word limit) can be e-mailed to

The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.

Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.



Culture Editor

Assistant Culture Editor


March 14, 2011


Heather Stephenson says goodbye to her locks in support of childhood cancer research. The event took place Saturday at the Knitting Factory.

Going bald for babes David Gasch Journalist

There are 164 new bald people in Boise. Their freshly shaved noggins produced more than $50,000 to fight childhood cancer. The St. Baldrick’s Foundation visited the Knitting Factory Concert House Saturday for its seventh year to raise money for the research of childhood cancer. Hundreds showed up to volunteer, participate or simply show their support to local chil-

dren with cancer and the event. Shavees encouraged their friends and family to donate to the foundation, then sat on the stage in the spotlight as their locks fell to the floor. Local organizer Tammie Eslinger hosted the event, standing on the stage with a microphone spouting encouragement and jokes to those in the hot seat. Others received face paintings, participated in a silent auction, or simply watched from the audience as people they knew had their hair chopped from their heads.

Though donations are accepted year-round, Boise raised slightly more than $50,000 in one day. The goal was set at $75,000, which was less than the amount raised last year at the same event and they are well on their way to reaching it. The program is volunteer-based, and people jumped at the chance to participate either by having their heads shaved or by being one of the people with the clippers. Volunteers Lindsay Vaughan and Jamie Dillon raised over $2,500, topping the list for money

raised by individuals. Though many raised less for the organization or nothing at all, plenty still showed up to show their support to the event and their local community. The foundation honored local children with various types of cancer. The money raised from the fundraiser went straight to the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, which is redistributed in the form of grants to places such as St. Luke’s Mountain States Tumor Institute. These grants will help expand pediatrics research and increase administra-

tion and pharmacy staff, ultimately sustaining a situation of research and care for children with cancer. The research itself benefits all children with cancer, looking for new cures all the time. Eslinger works in pediatric oncology there, and brought this event to Boise seven years ago. Though the event is over, donations can still be made to the foundation and are welcomed through January. To support the foundation, visit to find the numerous ways in which help can be given.

Rail Jam John Shinn/THE ARBITER

Crystal Stuvland smiles as she bears her soul in a personal work of art during the mixed genre reading Saturday. The reading was sponsored by the Boise State English Majors’ Association. The event took place at Rediscovered Bookshop on 8th Street.

Students spout poetry, laughter, inspiration Lindsey Hileman Journalist

The English Majors’ Association at Boise State held a mixed genre reading Saturday at Rediscovered Bookshop on 8th St. This was the third reading Rediscovered has hosted for the group. EMA president, Phil Bode, emceed the event and six Boise State students shared their original works of poetry and nonfiction. There were some veteran readers and a few first-timers among the six students who shared their work. Junior Eden Engberg had a lot of credentials: visual arts major, English minor, Writing Center consultant, Arbiter journalist and copy editor, but as a rookie reader she admitted she was pretty nervous. It didn’t show; everyone looked relatively at ease, sitting in a living room-like setting facing an audience of more than 20 fellow students, professors and supportive friends and family. Junior English teaching major Josh Haines, who has participated in many readings, kicked off the event with some of his original poetry. Senior English writing major Aaron Carr also read poetry. Though this was his first time at a Boise State reading, he was no beginner. Carr has been writing poetry since 2002 and participated in many readings when he was a student at Pacific Lutheran University in Washington State. His poem, “Sounds of Rain,” was packed with so much delightful alliteration that it probably took all that ex-

The Arbiter

perience to not trip over his own tongue! The first prose of the night was a personal essay by Lupita Rodriguez. Followed by senior English writing major Crystal Stuvland. Stuvland was sporting her totally rad pink and purple fanny pack in honor of International Fanny Pack Day and got the audience laughing with her memoir “On Becoming a Man.” Stuvland’s piece chronicles her journey as a small town girl eager to go hunting with her dad and brother, but along the way realizes that she is not a hunter but a vegetarian who is just really into violence. Also a first-time participant, sophomore Stephanie Couey read poems she wrote in various places ranging from her best friend’s house on her birthday to fully clothed in her bathtub. The audience was captivated by the vivid imagery. “I didn’t even like poetry until last semester,” Couey said after the reading. She credited this recently discovered love to two inspiring professors: Genna Kohlhardt and Adrian Kien. Engberg wrapped things up appropriately with an essay about technology’s role in our lives and relationships. Encouraging everyone to “unplug and find out what it means to be alive.” It seems that her audience was on the same page because during the entire hour-long event there was not a single ring or even audible vibration of a cell phone. And Rediscovered Bookshop was the perfect environment for exploring what Engberg describes as “the world outside our screens.”

cody finney/THE ARBITER


Sixty of the area’s best skiers and snowboarders hit the ramp in the Taco Ball Arena parking lot Saturday for the Boise State Campus Rail Jam tour. Approximately 25 tons of snow was transported from Bogus Basin and dumped on the setup. Competitors jumped, slid, spun and occasionally fell down the scaffolding in an attempt to win some cash money and sweet prizes. The event was sponsored by Boise State PRSSA.

4 Culture

March 14, 2010

Boise State professor makes movies AND movie makers Lindsey Hileman Journalist

Adjunct Professor Todd Lundbohm earned his bachelor’s degree from Boise State University, and now he’s back to teach undergrads the art of screenwriting. As an undergrad, Lundbohm majored in English but had never written a screenplay when he began graduate school for screenwriting. “I designed the class I wish I would have taken,” Lundbohm said. This is the first time screenwriting has been offered through the communication department at Boise State. “It’s really just trying to draw a strong connection between the written word, which is the screenplay, and the final production,” Lundbohm said. “You don’t write a screenplay to have it published and sit on a shelf somewhere -you write it so it gets made.” Junior mass media major Molly Miklos took Lunbohm’s class last

semester and agreed that it was beneficial “to see it transform from the paper to the screen.” Lundbohm traveled the globe soaking up experience in screenwriting and film making. While in graduate school, he studied abroad in Italy and Mexico during the summers and had the freedom to live anywhere he chose for the fall and spring semesters. “So I went and lived in L.A. for one, San Francisco for one, Manhattan for one, and just was trying to kick-start the muse in all these different places,” Lundbohm said. Recently, Lundbohm started his own production company, 828 Productions. He just shot a short film and is currently talking with investors about a threepicture deal. The first of these films, “Meridian,” is about Idaho and Lundbohm has every intention of shooting it in the state. “Idaho has never really been captured on screen,” Lundbohm said. “I definitely want to show-

Couldn’t make it to Jane Elliott’s Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes lecture? Check out the video interview and learn more by going to!

case the beauty that’s here.” Whenever Lundbohm shoots in the area, he offers his students the opportunity to get involved and act as production assistants. This encourages them to get in and start experiencing the world of film production first-hand. “Film is such a high aspiration but you have to get in and just start doing it,” Lundbohm said. Regardless of how bright a star Lundbohm becomes, he doesn’t want to stray too far from Idaho. “I’ve been to all the exotic places you can think about yet I keep coming back here,” Lundbohm said. Lundbohm identifies Boise State as his home university and credits Director of University Television Productions Peter Lutze, Ph.D with igniting his passion for film. “Dr. Lutze was my mentor when I was here and was the guy who put a camera in my hands and saw some talent. And without him I wouldn’t be here,” Lundbohm said.

glenn landberg/THE ARBITER

Todd Lundbohm (left) watches a monitor showing real-time footage from the film he is currently working on. Lundbohm has traveled the world learning about film. Lutze is looking forward to seeing Lundbohm’s project once it’s complete. “He has an incredible amount of energy and determination-which you need to complete ambitious projects like this,” Lutze said.

Miss your weekly shot of pop culture? Check out David Gasch’s Pop!Shots online at where he discusses Mel Gibson’s tarnished reputation.

photo courtesy mct campus

Mardi Gras has been home to many popular theme parties thrown by local DJs, including “Into the Jungle” and “Heaven and Hell.” As one of the few dance venues allowing people younger than 21, Mardi Gras is a dynamic weekend spot for students.

Freaks and geeks can party, too Natalie Craig Journalist

The crowd was vivacious. There was the bliss of the beats, the drift of the body and the suspense held by the dexterous DJ of what song he would mix in next. Boys Down South (BDS) hosted Freaks and Geeks, an 18-and-older event, March 4 from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m at the Mardi Gras lounge and bar on 9th Street. Donnell Jackson Jr., a 22-year-old US Air Force financial manager, held this event. An estimated 231 people were in attendance at Freaks and Geeks. Jackson and BDS also brought the community “Idaho’s Livest Party Ever” Feb. 4. “We usually have about 500 people attend,” Jackson said. “I think we had a little less because it was so close to (a separate) party last week. We have decided to make sure we

spread the rest out.” Even though the lounge was not completely packed, there is no denying that the crowd felt the high energy on the dance floor. “I enjoyed the party vibe,” said Kim Barrera, a sophomore psychology major. “The best thing about these events is the bumping of the bass. It just gets your blood pumping.” Though the student population is high in attendance at these events, Jackson and fellow students encourage more students to attend. There is a full bar for those 21 and older which creates a mixed-age group resulting in a unique setting for everyone. “I suggest that students do attend more of these parties,” said Alyssa Simon, a freshman marketing major. “These types of parties don’t include alcohol unless you’re 21 and can get into the bar. They are a really good influence for those who are under 21 to go to and can have a

good time without having to drink.” Jackson and BDS promote, plan and put on these shows at their own expense using money from their jobs and past events. The events are usually themed. Jackson and BDS encourage theme ideas from everyone for more diversity and a creative field for future event plans. “The themed parties are definitely more fun,” Simon said. “You get to dress up as something you normally wouldn’t.” The Mardi Gras is currently the only place BDS and Jackson host their events but they are looking to expand to other venues in Boise. “I appreciate everybody who came out and supported us,” Jackson said. “We do these events to allow people to have more fun out here in Idaho and to give everyone a chance to dress up, dance and enjoy themselves.” For invites to future events put on by BDS, add Donnell JaVon Jackson Jr. as a Facebook friend.

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March 14, 2010



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Horoscopes Today’s Birthday (03/14/11) If you haven’t noticed yet, pay closer attention. Love is knocking on your door. Open up, for an awesome year. Love any hate away. This could come handy in business, where you find new opportunities for collaboration. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 6 -- Yesterday’s challenges continue. You can overcome them. Focus on your roots. Make sure you’re properly grounded. It’s not a good day for financial decisions. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 6 -- There are contradictions in the communication. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s best to go work out and burn calories and frustrations. Think positive. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 7 -- Money may come unexpectedly, but it may also leave the same way. Be grateful for what you have. Make investment decisions another day. Enjoy good company. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is an 8 -- Write a haiku now. Notice springtime and word play. You can’t go wrong here. Find a new way to express your message. People want to hear what you have to say. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 6 -- To quote Monty Python, “Always look on the bright side of life. If life feels jolly rotten, there’s something you’ve forgotten, and that’s to smile and laugh and dance and sing.” Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 6 -- Career goals seem important today. After all, your reputation is at stake. Focus on goals, but think long term. Don’t get frustrated by challenges. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 -- Business as usual may be good, but don’t get so comfortable that you get caught off guard by rocky finances. It’s always good to save up for tomorrow. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 7 -- Today could present challenges. Accept them as a gift. After all, adventure has been knocking on your door, and it’s all related. Will you answer? Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 6 -- Sometimes it’s best to be quiet and just listen. Emotion and anxiety may fill the air. Your calm presence can make a difference, even if you don’t speak. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 -- Feeling like you’ll do well entering an exam can actually influence the results. Say, “I can do it.” Share this with a group to empower them. Get physical practice. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 6 -- Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Not you. You see him for who he is: a hungry animal, trying to survive, who’s more afraid of you. Go ahead and bring treats to Grandma. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 6 -- Do you surprise yourself with your own brightness sometimes? Get ready for that. You may discover a new artistic skill that you didn’t know you have.

Club Organization Contact to place your club’s ad

The Arbiter

6 Sports Wrestlers set to compete for national title March 14, 2011

Broncos send 10 wrestlers to NCAA Championships Nikki Hanson Journalist

The Broncos have 10 wrestlers who have qualified to compete at the 2011 NCAA National Championships in Philadelphia, Penn. March 17-19. This is a record-setting achievement for Boise State wrestling. The four wrestlers who received Top 12 seeds for their respective weight class include senior Adam Hall who is seeded as No. 1, senior Andrew Hochstrasser seeded at No. 2, junior Jason Chamberlain with the third highest seed at No. 6, and senior Kirk Smith at No. 11. The remaining six wrestlers for Boise State will be the large contributors for the Broncos in their hunt for a national title, specifically seniors Alan Bartelli, Kurt Swartz, Levi Jones and Matt Casperson. As seniors, this is their last chance to step up and prove themselves in the wrestling arena. “It’s like going to work. They have a job to do and it’s not something where you go there and enjoy yourself. You go there to get the job done and when it’s all over they can enjoy themselves,” head coach Greg Randall said. One impressive addition to the long list of qualified wrestlers is freshman J.T. Felix. Felix is competing at the national level as a true freshman, which is a major accomplishment for such a young athlete. “I’m sure that this will be the biggest tournament of his life, as to date,” Randall said. “Hopefully he can just stay focused and get in that zone so that when he is wrestling everything else just disappears.” A common misconception about wrestling is that it is looked at as a team sport. However, wrestling is an individual sport


Junior Jason Chamberlain throws John Cardenas of Cal State Bakersfield across the mat Feb. 2 at Taco Bell Arena. Chamberlain won the match 25-12 and will be the No. 6 seed at the NCAA Championships in Philadelphia, Penn. next week at 149 pounds.s and when each individual wrestler preforms at their peak, the team aspect will take care of itself. Hall is well aware that the time and effort he puts into wrestling will reflect in his overall performance. Hall finished the regular season with a 25-0 overall record and his top seed comes on the heels of capturing his second consecutive Pac-10 title. “This year I expect that much more and

by having the number one seed, you can say you have a big target on your back,” Hall said. “But I have had a big target on my back all year long. People are always asking you if that’s a lot of pressure. But like a I was saying earlier, at the same time that I have all this pressure on me I can tell you right back, that by being here for my fifth year, you get over the little things. That’s how you progress and you

take care of the little things at the national tournament and you’re going to come out on top.” The Broncos expect to be leading contenders at the NCAA Championship. After their disappointing finish against Oklahoma State, the team changed their routine. The Pac-10 performance displayed the success of these changes. Overall, Boise

State just needs to wrestle tough in every single match and not back down. “We have been pushing that everyday in the room. It’s not just about coming home with a trophy. Everyday when we wake up at 6 a.m. to get here and practice on time. We try to set that example for the younger classmates that this is stuff you have to do to be able to go and compete at that level,” Hochstrasser said.

Wide receiver positions up for grabs John Garretson Journalist

Men’s basketball loses in WAC Championship

Daniel Patchin/THE ARBITER

In games where senior Paul Noonan hits three or more three-point shots the Broncos are 27-4. In Las Vegas Saturday night at the Western Athletic Conference Championship against No. 17 Utah State (30-3, 15-1 WAC), Noonan went 0-6 from beyond the arc as Boise State lost a physical game to the Aggies 77-69.

The start of spring ball for the 2011-12 college football season means a few things: players are beginning to tweak and practice their positions against teammates, coaches are assessing where their team lacks and excels, and ultimately, filling the voids in positions from departed seniors. Losing 19 seniors from last year’s team is not something a team can easily digest, let alone the loss of two key play makers at the wide receiver position: Austin Pettis and Titus Young. While those two continue to chase their dreams in the upcoming NFL Draft, the task at hand for Boise State head coach Chris Petersen and the BSU staff is to fill the holes in the wide out spot. “There’s a lot of new guys obviously, especially with the wide receiver deal, and that’s exciting, working and playing with different guys,” senior quarterback Kellen Moore said. “There’s a lot of options and that’s how it’ll probably be for a while. We’ll see what everyone becomes pretty good at, we’ll probably specialize guys.” The leading candidate to become Moore’s “go-to guy” is incumbent receiver Tyler Shoemaker, the only senior in the receiving corps who has experience with the 2010 Heisman candidate. “Shoe,” as teammates call him, caught 32 passes for 582 yards and five touchdowns in 2010, only being overshadowed by Young and Pettis. After Shoemaker, it becomes a toss up. Nine BSU receivers had at least one touchdown last season and seven of those players were in double digits for receptions. One of those athletes is sophomore Geraldo Hiwat, who brought down 11 catches for 160 yards last year. Hiwat, who originates from the Netherlands, has been called the next Titus Young with his quick, bursting speed and

Broncos come up short against BYU 6-1

Men’s tennis fall prey to Cougars John Garretson Journalist

Despite the fact the score read 6-1, the No. 54 ranked Boise State men’s tennis team (6-9 overall, 1-0 Western Athletic Conference) played a much closer game in their home loss to the No. 39 Brigham Young Cougars (10-4) at the Appleton Tennis Center on Saturday. Boise State didn’t start off on the right

The Arbiter

foot, giving up its early momentum swing in the doubles portion to allow the Cougars to come back and win the point. Junior Damian Hume and sophomore Scott Sears lost to Patrick Kawka and Evan Urbina, 8-6, at No. 1 while freshman Nathan Sereke and sophomore Jeff Mullen were edged out by Georgy Batrakov and Thomas Shubert 6-3, 6-0 at No. 2. Preventing the sweep were freshman Andy Bettles and sophomore Fil-

lip Pogostkin, earning an 8-7 victory at No. 3 against Spencer Smith and Roman Warias. “I think we had the momentum in the doubles, then we took the pedal off the gas a bit and we won our one, but we lost the doubles point. I wish we finished them off sooner,” Bettles said. The trend didn’t end there as the match moved into the singles portion. The only Bronco to score a point was Hume in his 6-3, 6-1 victory against

ability to handle the deep ball. “I’m just trying to play faster just like Titus used to do, and focus on catching in traffic like Austin (Pettis),” Hiwat said. “I’m trying to create the trust with the quarterback that I don’t have to be open to catch the ball.” Someone who was off the radar last year was sophomore Kirby Moore, Kellen’s brother, who was redshirted last season and worked with the scout team due to nagging injuries and a logjam

at wide receiver. Moore was able to see time as a freshman in 2009, in which he finished the year with 21 catches for 242 yards and two touchdowns. However, it’s Moore’s ability to stay healthy that has been the coaches’ main concern on deciding to play the wide receiver. With those wide receivers, amongst others, competing for a chance at the top spot will mark this spring as a peculiar and interesting BSU spring camp.


Boise State senior wide receiver Tyler Shoemaker goes through drills during spring practice last week inside the Caven-Williams Sports Complex.

Urbina at the No. 1 spot. “I didn’t want to lose a single point against him (Urbina) in the singles match,” Hume said. Unlike Hume, the rest of the Broncos suffered a defeat. However, in those five losses, four of them went into three sets. Pogostkin fell early to Urbina 6-3, 6-1 at No. 2, but Sereke, Mullen, Bettles and Sears each went into three sets with their opponents. Each BSU player got a win in their set, but each dealt with disappointment from poor shot selection, unfavorable line calls and not performing at their best. Although things were not going their way, the Broncos were in high spirits the entire match, starting chants and

songs about their teammates that resembled a European soccer match, which brings a bit of light to the Broncos’ future. “That’s what we’re all about. Teammates, teamwork and we’re just going to stick together no matter what,” Hume said. “I think the team will come back more hungry. These guys hate losing and they’re going to bounce back even harder.” The Broncos look to bounce back from their first outdoor home loss this season as they host three home duals next weekend at Appleton against New Mexico and Idaho for a doubles match March 19. BSU will face Idaho to finish singles play then will battle San Francisco March 20.

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