The Arbiter- 9/7/2010

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The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933


07 Volume 23

First Issue

F R E E September 07, 2010

Illustration By Bree Jones/THE ARBITER


Photo By nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER



SEPTEMBER 07, 2010



First Quarter

harassers After all, Moore is better

Trent Lootens

BSU 03 VT 00

TD 09:48 Moore to Pettis for TD BSU 10 VT 00

TD 01:11 Moore pass to Gallarda 2 yd TD BSU 17 VT 00

Second Quarter

Sports Editor

LANDOVER, Md. - The Boise State Broncos aren’t out of lives yet. Junior quarterback Kellen Moore led the Broncos on a 56-yard drive using only five plays in a total of 38 seconds. The drive ended with Moore hooking up with senior wide receiver Austin Pettis on a 13-yard touchdown giving BSU a historic 33-30 victory against the Hokies. The Broncos, down 30-26 with 1:47 remaining in the game, retained possession after forcing a Hokie punt. Moore put the Broncos on his back and executed a perfect drive to increase his Heisman Trophy stock immensely. He also positioned the Broncos for a serious run at the BCS National Championship. The drive, as it will be called for years in Boise, Idaho, was ran perfectly by the BSU offense. Moore completed 4-of-5 passes for 43 yards and was helped by a questionable personal foul penalty after Pettis caught a 14-yard pass and was hit out of bounds by Virginia Tech sophomore linebacker Bruce Taylor.

FG 12:44 Brotzman good on a 44 yd FG

TD 11:44 Williams 1yd rush for TD BSU 17 VT 07

FG 10:23 Brotzman 47 yd FG BSU 20 VT 07

TD 00:57 Taylor to Williams for 12 yd TD BSU 20 VT 14

Third Quarter TD 11:47 Williams for a 1 yd TD BSU 20 VT 21

TD 05:50 Harper for a 71yd TD nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER

BSU 26 VT 21

Junior linebacker Byron Hout celebrates after stopping the Hokies run attack. The personal foul gave the Broncos the ball on VT’s 13-yard-line. Moore connected with Pettis two plays later to give BSU its biggest win in regular season history. As BSU celebrated on the sidelines, Moore, with his arms high in the air, ran to the center of the field and over to his team-

td 02:52 Taylor to Boykin for 28 yd TD

mates to receive congratulations. VT retained possession with 1:07 remaining in the game, but BSU’s defense held strong and forced a turnover on downs after only four VT offensive plays. The Broncos survived its toughest regular season test in the Chris Petersen era.

BSU 26 VT 27

Fourth Quarter FG 07:41 Hazley good on 34 yd FG BSU 26 VT 30

TD 01:14 Moore to Pettis for 13 yd TD BSU 33 VT 30

10 10 R The Arbiter's TOP


One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Alabama

Ohio State

Boise State Texas TCU




Miami (FL) Iowa

The Arbiter •



SEPTEMBER 07, 2010


The way we see it

Expansion of stadium and the students' interest In light of the announcement by Boise State Athletic Director Gene Bleymaier last Friday to expand Bronco Stadium capacity from 33,500 to 53,000 seats, it is time for students to address the topic of greed. Not on athletics' side, but on behalf of the students. Upon enrolling at BSU, students automatically agree to pay a fee -- $103 for full time graduate and undergraduate students; and $965 per credit for part time graduate and undergraduate students -to intercollegiate athletics that gives them partial cost or free access, depending on enrollment status, to revenue generating sports. This includes football and basketball games that have a student allotment of seats for those Bronco sports faithful to enjoy throughout the academic school year. According to the BSU athletics tickets office, Bronco Stadium currently has 5,000 seats for students spread across seven sections in the northeast corner of venue. The big question for any BSU student to ask is "When will I get mine?" A large portion of students were left out of the Broncos' largest in-demand home game to date last season when they faced the Oregon Ducks during the 2009 opener. As the football program grows with the stadium, students should be given additional seating to support BSU's favorite past time. The student allotment of tickets currently fills roughly 15 percent of Bronco Stadium's capacity. That ratio should continue as different phases of construction progress in the future. That means of the 53,000 desired seats upon completion of the ideal expansion, about 3,000 additional seats should become available. Oregon State's Reeser Stadium currently holds 45,674 at capacity. Approximately 6,000 of the tickets are distributed to students. They have direct sideline seating from end zone to end zone. A similar feel should be recreated at Bronco Stadium. This would create a desired home field advantage for the Broncos that they have boasted every season since 2001 when BSU experienced their last home defeat against Washington State. Upon finishing the track and field complex at Donna Larsen Park, BSU looks to lower the football field and insert seats encompassing the field to create a more intimate feel for fans and players. One option could be to open seating for students near the field, allowing them to stay in the ear of opposing teams. The Illinois Illini basketball program has a similar concept where students are strategically placed near the University of Illinois Assembly Hall, creating one of the most electric environments in college basketball. A similar feel could be created for games where students are right on opposing players, forcing them to put up with a rowdy student entity through the entire game. The students should demand an improved level of access. There is no reason to believe student enrollment should decline in the coming years. BSU has been put on the map by football and its faithful followers, many who are current or potential students. It is important for them to start speaking now and perpetuate the message of student access to these events they pay for through fees and not be left out of a unique opportunity to participate in one of the nation's premier football programs. The expansion is a long way off. Bleymaier stated there was not an official dime raised for the expansion prior to the Aug. 27 announcement to expand. That means now is the time to ensure quality and quantity when BSU breaks ground.

mct campus

Beck wants to be a political commentator and a spiritual leader simultaneously, but he fails at both. Concerning the former he is repulsive, and concerning the latter, he is spineless. His ambiguous revival-rally message exposes his cowardice.

Tweeting it like it is Don’t drink the Kool-Aid at Glenn Beck rallies jana hoffman Journalist

Tweet that inspired this week's column: HuffingtonPost : Glenn Beck's rally was more like a revival Glenn Beck’s Aug. 28 “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. is scary business. Held on the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I have a Dream” speech, Beck gathered approximately 87,000 of his followers for a revival meeting focused on turning Americans back to a generic god. Pass the Kool-Aid, please. Beck presents extremist political charades that promote po-

r e t t Le he t o t or t i d e

larized politics in this country. Beck, the very same guy who accused the first African-American president of the Unites State of being a racist, wants Americans to believe that he’s got a handle on civil rights and equality in this nation. What a crock. He aims his anti-government vomit at the very programs representing the goodness of America. About a year ago he dressed up in lederhosen and sang "Edelweiss" alluding that those serving in AmeriCorps programs are comparable to the Nazi youth. Asinine mockery of citizens engaged in community service is revolting. Beck’s "restored America" is one that worships a polysemous


Religion, sex not mutually exclusive

"It's all about where your mind is at." This is the final sentence of Sherika Martinez's Sept. 2 article on sex in contemporary America. Martinez's article led me to conclude that, if it is not under the spell of the social thought of the 1960s and 1970s, Martinez's mind is in the firm grip of her appetitive sexual instinct. Her article does not meet even the most modest standard of thoughtfulness. Martinez has written a self-assured, passionate screed. She

has not offered an argument based on careful reflection on human sexuality. Contrary to what Martinez says, religion and the "sexpectations of old" are more firmly grounded in human sexual experience than are the attitudes of those younger than 65 -- that is, the attitudes of the countercultural baby-boomers and their descendants. Look to Karol Wojtyla's (Pope JP II's) "Love and Responsibility" for proof that religion has the complete human good in mind when it proscribes certain sexual behaviors and attitudes. Religion and tradition are not on a power trip to ruin the joy of sex! To the contrary, they see sex as a good thing and want to optimize the pleasures inherent in it. This optimization entails limiting sex's place so that it does not expand at the expense of other human goods -- the family, childhood, emotional well-being, etc. -- and try to fulfill needs and desires that it cannot. Sex as understood by Martinez pleases the body, of course, but it does not guarantee that one's emotions will have a place to rest. Is sex an exclusively physical act? Don't we also seek emotional ecstasy through it? Be honest. The emotions of the most committed (but unmarried) couple are not nearly as secure or contented as those of a husband and wife in a healthy marriage. Martinez's article does not come as a surprise. It reaffirms the general nihilism of the 1960s that has spread beyond the realm of sex and into philosophy, art and our country's political discourse. It says nothing new,

E ditorial S taff E ditor - in -C hief Bob Beers

M anaging E ditor

N ews

Editor Producer

Andrew Ford Mitch Esplin

Kirk Bell

M edia M anager Zach Ganshow

P hoto E ditor Nik Bjurstorm

O nline E ditor Josh Gamble

S ports

Trent Lootens Editor Producer Joey McCullough

O pinion Editor Producer

Haley Robinson Jessica Swider

V ideo E ditor Gray Battson

E ditorial A dvisor James Kelly

god. His "restored America" is comprised of people willing to abandon their cultural and religious heritage to band together in a theocracy led by, none other than, himself. To follow Beck on a spiritual journey is akin to following him on a political one. He uses terms he can’t define and when called on such ignorance, Beck recants with another label he doesn’t understand. For instance, in a recent XM radio interview with Joe Madison, Beck admitted that President Obama isn’t a racist. President Obama has simply bought into liberation theology. According to Beck, he is still convinced the president hates white people, but that's because of the presi-

dent's religion -- not racism. Say what? During his message at his rally, Beck veiled his Mormon beliefs with a fluency in Christian lingo. He will admit that he is part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but he speaks of spirituality in universalist terms. After all, he has a lot of non-Mormon followers to please. Beck wants to be a political commentator and a spiritual leader simultaneously, but he fails at both. Concerning the former he is repulsive, and concerning the latter, he is spineless. The reason behind his wishwashy sermon is clear: openly discussing his true religious views would be like laying his super-sized paycheck on an altar, dousing it with gasoline and setting it ablaze. He’s got to keep his sermon diluted for the masses. The First Amendment of the Constitution provides an amazing protection for citizens of this country to worship whatever, whomever, and how ever they want, unless it brings harm to other human beings. The U.S. government cannot inhibit personal rights to religious beliefs. It also provides that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof … ,” in other words, that there should be a separation between church and state. When weighed against the Constitution, politicized religion is revealed as a worthless moral compass, intended to stir religious emotion. Beck’s offering of opaque religious doctrine is a digestible appeasement to his followers. His ambiguous revival-rally message exposes his cowardice. Get real. Man up, Beck. Follow Jana on Twitter and she will follow you back!

but repeats the tired complaints of a generation whose ideology promised much but gave little. Sam Kelley is a graduate student studying history.

You know what they say about opinions... everyone has one. Submit yours to letters@ with your name, major and class standing.

B usiness J ournalists Christine Ritchie, Daniel Priddy, Edina Macic, Eva Hart, Gabbi Brandini, Gabriel Iacoboni, Jana Hoffman, Jessica Copeland, Joe Sook, Justin Dalme, Lance Moore, Lauren Hooker, Marshell Martinez, Nikki Hanson, Sam Royce, Sherika Martinez, Stephanie Sheibe, Tony Madonna, Tony Rogers, Wyatt Martin

C ulture

Rebecca De Leon Editor Producer Glenn Landberg

D esign

G eneral M anager

P roduction M anager

B usiness /A d M anager

P roduction T eam

Brad Arendt

Bree Jones

Matthew Summers

Brendan Healy

M arketing D irector Jennifer Orr

B ookkeeper Shae Hanah

A ccount E xecutives James Orr Jennifer Orr

Miguel Varela

O nline A ssistant O nline E ditor Iko Vannoy

C ommunity M anagers Megan Lloyd

T o C ontact T he A rbiter 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554

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The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.

Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.

The Arbiter •



SEPTEMBER 07, 2010


From home to here International students seek Boise State Gabrielle Brandini Journalist

Boise State has had an eruption of diversity over the past few years. The amount of international students has gone from around 260 after 2001 to around 360 this year. The majority of the international students are here for Boise State's Intensive English Program (IEP) and are not seeking degrees. For example, Shizuka Soya, an international student from Tokyo, was sent to Boise State by her company just to learn English. "We have a training system," Soya said. "Within four years after you join my company, you have to go to another country to learn another language. We have many subsidiary companies all over the world so I have to study English." Soya's company decided to send her to Boise State. "Boise is a really nice place," she said. "People are kind and calm. I was born in a suburb too so it's maybe similar to here." International students are still represented by a variety of countries. The majority of the degree-seeking students this term are from Saudi Arabia, while others come from a variety of countries such as India, Canada and Japan.

"There's great diversity among our international students," said Ruth Prince, the international admissions counselor. "Over 64 countries are represented." Nearly 50 of the degree seeking students are from Saudi Arabia, which twice as much as any other country. The next largest group is about half that amount, which is from India. For a small town like Boise, what's the big pull for international students to come to Boise State? In Saudi Arabia, the government has chosen to send the majority of their students here. There's a National Guard hospital in Saudi Arabia that has strong ties with Boise State, so a lot of students decide to come to the respiratory care program here, according to Price. "That's a big pull for a lot of Saudi students," she said. After 9/11, obtaining a student visa was very difficult, causing a trend in lower international student enrollment. Eventually the U.S. government decided to make student visas a priority in embassies around the world, which brought the numbers of international students to the highest they have ever been. Safety is also an issue. A lot of students come from large

Mitch Esplin/THE ARBITER

Shizuka Soya came to BSU from Japan to take part in the Intensive English Program. Even though she is a non-degree seeking student, she feels comfortable here on campus. cities, which is a great contrast to Boise's relatively low crime rates. "It's safe here. When I walk at night in Boise, I feel like I'm in my city back home," said Zayed Alnefaie, a student from Saudi Arabia. "If you have a million dollars in your pocket and you're walking around at night, no one is going to say anything to you or touch you. Every time I walk back to my

house at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. from downtown, no one bothers me, no one says anything to me. I go home safe. That's one of the good advantages here." Alnefaie, who is pursuing his second bachelors degree in Pre-Med, remembers initially encountering some prejudice. "As a Middle Eastern and as a darker skin it's really hard to involve in Boise, especially in this area," Alnefaie said. "But

after the first three months, I started talking to people, and changed this idea. I started to be open to everyone." Most of the recruitment for international students happens as word-of-mouth. "We've talked with a number of international students on campus about what is particularly appealing to them at Boise State and nearly all of them know somebody who's been

to here and has a good experience and recommended it," Price said. "So most students have that kind of reason for coming here." "Right now I'm doing some advertising back home, to bring people to the IEP, I'm planning to bring more and more," Alnefaie said. "I love Boise right now, I love it so much. The river is near here, floating, rafting, having fun."

Even with risks, students continue to drink on campus Samantha Royce Journalist

Mitch Esplin/THE ARBITER

Even though alcohol is not allowed in campus housing, students still find ways to sneak in contraband.

Students say they drink to have fun with friends. Alcohol is not permitted in the Boise State residence halls, but students who have recently lived there say residents still find ways to sneak in the contraband. The residents hide it in their backpacks, in water bottles and in juice and soft drink containers. Students who have violated the alcohol-free policy are given the opportunity to meet with a resident director to discuss the situation and give their own perspective. “If the student is found to be responsible for a policy violation, any follow-up actions will be based on the individual circumstances,” Assistant Director of Residence Life Malinda Jensen said. Drinking alcohol can be a drain on students’ health, finances and academic careers. High risk drinking includes drinking games, drinking to get drunk, and going to parties where people drink so much it leads to alcohol poisoning. Jennifer Summers, a health educator in the Wellness Department, says University Health Services have several programs in place to decrease high risk drinking and

its negative consequences. "With alcohol education, Boise State has a harm reduction approach," Summers said. Fifty seven percent of the 560 Boise State students surveyed in a National College Health Assessment had consumed alcohol at least once in the past 30 days. One hundred fifty nine thousand of today’s freshman college students will drop out next year for reasons related to alcohol or drugs, according to the website Facts on Tap ( In August, all resident advisors and directors took part in the Red Watch Band Program, designed to provide campus community members with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent student drinking deaths. University Health Services provides workshops and training sessions like CHOICES, an alcohol abuse prevention program. Students can go to the University Health Services website ( and go to the Calendar of Events to sign up for different CHOICES workshops. "This brief alcohol abuse prevention program can have a significant impact on student health and well-being," Summers said.

Check out arbiteronline. com to watch a video interview of Zayed Alnefaie, an international student from Saudi Arabia.

The Arbiter •



SEPTEMBER 07, 2010


Author William Kamkwamba visits Boise State Stephanie SChiebe Journalist

The hot African winds were an enemy to most, but William Kamkwamba made the wind his ally in the fight against drought and poverty in Malawi, Africa. On Aug. 26, Kamkwamba visited Boise State and shared his story to students and supporters at the Morrison Center. Interviewed on stage by John Gardner, William shared his hopes and dreams for both himself and the future of his country. With ingenuity and persistence Kamkwamba built a windmill from spare parts retrieved from an old scrap yard. Using everything from blue gum trees to old bicycle parts he began to construct a new and more promising future for himself, his family and eventually his entire country. Kamkwamba, now 22 years old, had many things going against him. There was the famine that struck his country in 2001 and his family’s inability to pay his school fees. Rather than be a victim to circumstances, Kamkwamba saw it as an opportunity to seek change for his struggling country.

Spending his extra time at the local library, he discovered an American textbook, "Using Energy" that sparked his interest. "I saw the picture of the windmill in the book, so I decided to build it because I thought that the windmill would solve the problems that our country was facing," he said. Despite being teased and called “crazy” by his villagers while gathering the parts to build his windmill, he ignored the ridicule and instead focused on his end result. It was during these times that Kamkwamba would draw strength from his grandmother who offered words of encouragement. She herself was often the subject of ridicule in her village when she made bricks for her house, which was widely considered a “man's job." But they stuck to a saying that helped them both succeed. “When your jacket catches fire, you don’t wait for someone else to put it out, you put it out by yourself.” Kamkwamba said it means when you are in trouble, you don’t wait for somebody to get you out of the trouble, you try to solve

your own problems. William proved his villagers wrong when at 14 years old he finished constructing a windmill that could charge local villager’s mobile phones and could run electricity to his family’s home, eliminating the need for kerosene lamps, which not only were expensive, but caused smoke that often caused sickness and coughing, according to Kamkwamba. This windmill was followed by many other inventions, including a second windmill and a machine that provided Kamkwamba’s family what most of the world saw as necessity and only 2 percent of Malawians could afford at that time: electricity and running water. These inventions would allow his family to battle the famine and drought that would inevitably threaten his family’s survival. Today Kamkwamba is a freshman at Dartmouth college where he plans on majoring in mechanical engineering. His dreams aren’t completely reached but he hopes to travel back to his country and start a company for renewable energy to try and help others get access to power.

Though Kamkwamba grew up a half a world away, anybody, anywhere would benefit from this young man’s advice. “In life you will face some challenges, but those challenges should never stop you from achieving your dreams," he said. “Follow your passions until you achieve. Anything is possible.” For information on how to help William Kamkwamba in his efforts in Malawi, visit his website, http:// His book, “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind,” written in collaboration with Bryan Mealer, is available at most bookstores.

Jacob Weickum, a senior English major, prints his paper at a print station in the Albertsons Library. Students will be able to print here wirelessly from their own laptops.

Three buildings to get wireless printing Andrew Ford News Editor

William Kamkwamba

Boise State plans to extend the Bronco Print service to student owned Mac and PC laptops. Or heck, a desktop with a wireless card if you're feeling nostalgic. The wireless print program will begin service in the Multi-Purpose Building (lab room 121), the first floor of the library and the second floor of the Student Union Building near Berquist Lounge. Students will need to use the BSU login wireless network as well as download a wireless print software in order to use the service. The software can be downloaded from the Office of Information Technology (OIT) website, In the Multipurpose Building and the library, wireless printing will be done through Bronco Print laptop station. In the SUB students can use the existing network printer. Cost for printing will stay the same as wired. Five cents for single sided black and white prints and seven cents for double sided prints. The system can only print black and white, but is expected to be updated to color in the future according to Stephan Henderson, computer labs manager for OIT. Henderson said they wanted to get the system up and running as quickly as possible, so they chose to just use black and white initially. "It's a huge untapped market," he said. Once students send their job to the print system, they'll have two hours to print before the job is deleted from the system. As of Friday, the Multipurpose Building lab was already running with the Library and SUB to go live Tuesday morning, according to Henderson.

Go to arbiteronline. com for football updates, video, photo galleries and online daily content.


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Check out Bronco Mobile for More Applications The Arbiter •



SEPTEMBER 07, 2010


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age, warranty Sacrifice $99. Call 921-6643.

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Bed-Queen Pillow Top mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, warranty. Must sell $119. Can deliver. 9216643. Brand New Microfiber Couch & loveseat. Stain

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Queen Tempurpedic style visco memory foam mattress. Brand new in plastic. Must sell. $225. 9216643

Piano Lessons Beginner/Intermediate All ages welcome. Held at BSU. $45/ month for weekly1/2hr lessons. Contact Becca at (208) 316-

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There are four ways to do it: 1. Go to and click on the link to the classifieds section and place your ad online, 24-7. 2. E-mail ad requests to Include your name, phone number and ad text. 3. Stop by our office across the street from the SUB (the one with the big ramp in the front). 4. Yell really loud. Someone from our office may or may not hear you.

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By Michael Mepham

For classified display rates, contact an Arbiter ad rep at ads@ Please check your ad the first day it runs, and notify The Arbiter of any errors. We will only be responsible for first insertion. The Arbiter takes no responsibility if you get scammed out of your beer money. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.



The Future By N. Black & S. Clement Tribune Media Services

Today's birthday (9/7/10) Priorities involving a partner recede now as you take on a powerful new role in your career. This year you move forward toward your dreams of success and greater stature. Make your own luck by relying on intuition to find the best strategies.. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 6 -Today you do a circus-style balancing act between accepting responsibility and claiming independence. You can have both. Keep an open mind, and be willing to dance. Taurus (April 20--May 20) Today is a 7 -Close the door and work in silence to accomplish more in less time. Warn others off with a note: Do not interrupt. Then thrive. Gemini (May 21--June 21) Today is a 6 -Transform a romantic relationship with greater insight into the desires of another. You get what you need in return. Love flows both ways. Cancer (June 22--July 22) Today is a 5 - You probably don't want to adhere to family traditions now. You're more interested in making big changes as quickly as possible. Enlist help from a partner. Leo (July 23--Aug. 22) Today is a 7 - Take romance home with you if possible. Definitely don't leave it on the desk at work. Pick up flowers on the way home. Good news comes from far away.

Virgo (Aug. 23--Sept. 22) Today is a 6 -Your partner surprises you by throwing more money in the pot. Then you both need to spend time balancing the checkbook. Spend on basics. Libra (Sept. 23--Oct. 22) Today is a 9 -Life flows smoothly where family and household are concerned. You also get lots of work done -- if you maintain emotional perspective. Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) Today is a 6 -An older person recommends hiding your head in the sand. You appreciate the sentiment, but don't go there. Take the bull by the horns instead. Sagittarius (Nov. 22--Dec. 21) Today is a 7 - Express your optimism to inspire others early in the day. Others begin in a grumpy mood, and need motivation to be productive. Joy is contagious.

Capricorn (Dec. 22--Jan. 19) Today is a 6 -Pretend you're in charge of the world, just for today. Use intuition and apply logic to get people to think, instead of just blindly accepting. Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 18) Today is a 7 - A business problem requires active listening and logical skills. Keep conversations private for confidence and to respect people's feelings. Pisces (Feb. 19--March 20) Today is a 7 --You may wish you could shift attention away from yourself today. Although there are good targets out there, it keeps coming back to you anyway. ___ (c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

The Arbiter •


video of the celebration at the

Janmashtami Festival.

SEPTEMBER 07, 2010


A very merry Krsnas

glenn landberg/THE ARBITER

A young boy waits for his turn to perform during the Janmashtami Festival Wednesday. Jess Copeland Journalist

More than 100 memory candles glowed from the Hare Krsna Temple as Boise State University’s Bhakti Yoga Club and other members of the community gathered to celebrate the 5,000th birthday of Krsna Monday. It seems like the hums of

the Hare Krsna are finally beginning to be heard as Boise State students sealed the doors of the temple with eager bodies ready to hear about the Bhakti Yoga philosophy. Bhakti Yoga Club President Sakar Panta explained, “Physical yoga is done as a means to reach the transcendent state. It prepares the body and

aids in the purifying of the mind. Meditation is the next stage practiced as a channel to linking oneself to the supernatural. Beyond this stage is what we practice -- the devotional yoga, or the Bhakti Yoga.” The philosophy behind the Bhakti Yoga Club seeks to live life in a transcendent state; the ultimate hope is to attain complete

Fat girl, fit world The last temptation of Rita Rita Abraham Jourmalist

I am a fat girl. This has never been an issue for me. I can still buy cute clothes, wear nice makeup and I can still do fun things with my hair. I actually like myself better at this size. Where you see a fat girl, I see a normal girl. It's a condition diagnosed as Body Dysmorphic Disorder. The idea of being able to see my bones through my skin freaks me out. Growing up, my parents

placed no emphasis on how I looked beyond making sure I wasn’t trying to wear my ripped jeans out the door. Being nice, funny, smart, artistic and doing well in school were always more important. The only time I am aware of my size, shape and weight is when I'm at the gym. . The awareness starts when I walk through the doors. Observe: The side glance, under the lashes is usually the first look thrown my way. I hit the locker room to change and there, the looks become more

enlightenment. The club’s primary focus is the cultivation of the devotional methods that are utilized as a means to break the vicious cycle of the ends to the beginnings within the material world, according to the club’s president. Once this cycle is shattered, one can reach the supernatural world or enlightenment.

obvious. Heading out onto the floor, I am more acutely aware of how half of the people stare, while the other half are trying hard not to look. If someone giggles, it always feels directed at me. This may or may not be accurate, but it's my perception. It is hard enough to scratch together enough motivation to go to the gym, let alone face the reaction of people shocked to see a fat person there. I imagine it’s what zoo animals feel like. Two weeks ago, my father was diagnosed with severe high blood pressure. My mom was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last year. At the beginning of this semester, our family made a pact to lose weight together. It’s actually a contest. If my dad loses 20 pounds first, I have to pay to take him to a Bronco football game. If I win, we go to the movies together as a family, something we haven’t done for years. And so on and so forth until each of us loses 80 pounds. So now you’ll be seeing a lot more of me at the gym. Instead of staring, it would be nice if you’d just come up and say, "Hi." Having friends there always makes the experience easier and I promise you’ll find that I really do have a charming personality.


Visit to see a

Bhakti Yoga Club celebrates years of faith

Eat my shorts, but not the shoes, they're new

“I enjoy the philosophy, and I have been coming back to mend my Christian beliefs to what is mentioned in the Krsna scriptures,” Stewart Thines said, a junior in general studies at Boise State. The philosophy abides by a vegetarian diet, the belief is love and the goal is ultimate enlightenment. Chanting, meditation and concentration are major practices. Panta explained the foundations of the religion, “The foundation of our religion is based on Krsna, who is the embodiment of simultaneous and unlimited personality traits, he is all mighty. The Bhagavad Gita is one of our oldest Bibles about the Kurukshetra War, where brothers were the enemies of brothers. During this war, the strongest warrior Arjuna was unable to fight, and had many conversations with Krsna. It is through these conversations the deity leads Arjuna into enlightenment where he can make a decision. In the end, Arjuna resolves to join the battle and aids in winning the war.”

Jessica Swider Columnist

Take the time Health and Wellness Center offers students free HIV test Rebecca De LeÓn Culture editor

One in five Americans are unaware they have Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC)? The Boise State Health and Wellness Center wants to change how the sexually transmitted virus affects BSU students by offering a free HIV test in a new lab in the Norco building behind the Boise State Recreational Center. The disease is a concern nationally -- Boiseans should not

ignore the danger. Andrew Wingfield, a senior majoring in psychology with an addiction studies minor, works at the clinic where students can get tested with a painless swab of saliva and have results in 20 minutes. He administers the test and helps promote HIV awareness on campus along with Jodi Brawley, health educator at the Health and Wellness Center. The test is administered by swabbing the inside of the upper and lower lip,

See HIV I page 8

mct campus

Test tubes such as these contain buffer solution that when mixed with saliva can detect HIV.

As fall gets closer and closer, (did I mention I'm excited for that?) people hurry to pull sweaters out of the backs of closets, hunt for missing socks and are remembering what it feels like to wear pants, which brings me to my topic for this week -- jeans. If you only get one thing out of anything I ever write again, let it be the following: Please, for the love of God, just buy the bigger size. Muffin top is not your friend. It never has been, and I've got news for you -- it never will be. Ultimately, pants that fit you, but are a bigger size, are going to look so much better than pants that are a small size but don't fit you. Trust me, I know it's painful to have to go back to the rack for the next size up, but you cannot tell me that four inches of flab hanging over your waistband looks cute. If you really have a complex about numbers, cut the tag out of your pants. Then you can continue to lie to yourself and think you're a size 2. If you really are a size 2, then this information probably doesn't apply to you and the rest of us hate you. Let's go over a few other things that are super important to keep in mind when buying jeans, or cleaning out your closet: -Say it with me: Darker is better. Bleached jeans were cool when we were toddlers, but now they just look cheap. A dark rinse can do wonders for you. -Length is crucial, especially if you plan to wear different shoes. Highwaters are gross. On that note, if I see one more person wearing old school, too short, flared jeans with high heels, I will cry. -When you're in a dressing room trying on jeans, turn around and bend over. If you can see your you-know-what hanging out, go find a different pair. For all our sakes. No one wants to see someone else's undies, or worse, their... other youknow-what. -Back pockets. Make sure your jeans have them. Keep in mind that jeans don't have to actually be expensive to look expensive. Places like Forever 21, Old Navy and JC Penney's all have jeans that fit these criteria, but are about $20 or less! Forever 21 is my (not so) secret weapon. Follow these few simple guidelines and I promise you'll look like you lost 10 pounds. Then you can still eat those cookies and look great. Or at least, that's what I'd do.

The Arbiter •



SEPTEMBER 07, 2010


Boise State stormchasers

Curious students brave Mother Nature's violent vengeance, wrath Tony Rogers Journalist

An ominous roll of thunder is preceded by a brilliant flash of lightning. Most people with some wisp of common sense would automatically head inside at the slightest thought of a storm. However, a select few keep their eyes to the skies, and venture out in to the tumultuous atmosphere. Stormchasing isn’t exactly the first thing people think of when they look for activities in Idaho, but it can be quite shocking when they look at the statistics. Many people think severe weather such as hail, tornadoes and high winds happen only in the Midwest. However, an average of two tornadoes touch down in this state every year, with some causing damage. In 2006, a tornado touched down in the mountains 100 miles northwest of Boise, leveling miles of forest and severely damaging some cabins. Sizeable hail has pelted the Boise area multiple times in the past, and as made evident earlier this summer, damaging winds occur in the downtown core. Hence why fellow Boise State sophomore Mason George and I always look forward to the thunderstorm forecasts. Even though we anticipate what most likely will happen, we never actually know what the storm is capable of until arrival. It’s just another one of the hazards of chasing storms.

With storms in and around Boise, there are always some given hazards that need to be looked out for. The most serious of which is lightning. “Our friends call us the ‘human lightning rods,’ ” George said. It’s what he commonly tells people about stormchasing. In reality, it’s always a concern, especially when chasing on the back roads of the valley. Another danger is the driving itself. With other traffic on two lane roads, wet and/or windy conditions and even bystanders on the side of the road, losing focus is enough to get someone seriously hurt. In the plains, this is a serious problem, as those driving to the storm often have a hard time keeping their eyes off the storm and onto the road. However, the payoff of a good storm is always worthwhile, and since we are weather enthusiasts, even the occasional dud helps us learn more about the topic we love. Meteorology professor Jean Parker, a personal mentor, always pushed for the best, and I couldn’t have gone through chasing had she not told me to sign up for the spotter classes offered by the National Weather Service. “I told him it was a great way to start out,” Parker told The Arbiter. “He could learn principles of measurement and analysis of weather data and phenomenon.” Spotter classes are held several times a year all across the state, and usually

take place in Boise during early- to mid-spring, Parker said. The classes are a great way to get involved with reporting weather events, especially if chasers don’t want to travel all over the place looking for storms. A spotter simply reports what they see at their location. It’s a great way

to get involved, and the National Weather Service office welcomes volunteers, from Boise State’s campus all the way to the wildest parts of eastern Oregon. Chasing brings its difficulties, but the rewards of knowledge and fun far outweigh any factors of danger. It’s part of my passion.

mct campus

To confirm a positive result, a blood test is performed.

HIV [from Culture page 7] then mixing it with a buffer solution. "Kind of like a pregnancy test," Wingfield said with a chuckle. Within 20 minutes the test will give a preliminary result which is accurate within 99 percent, according to Wingfield. If the preliminary result is positive, then an HIV blood test must be administered to confirm. The Health and Wellness Center offers emotional counseling for those who receive a positive preliminary result, as well as medical options and referrals to organizations such as Allied Links for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS (ALPHA), if needed. HIV can be transmitted through any kind of unprotected sexual intercourse, whether it be heterosexual or homosexual. The only proven way to prevent spreading the infection is abstinence, the CDC said. The program is funded by the BSU Foundation, which receives its funding from the

Idaho AIDS Network. Brawley, who directly oversees the functionality of the free HIV testing clinic, said this program existed before but students had to pay. "We used to do it through Medical Services, and they still do the blood tests upstairs (second floor of the Norco building)," Brawley said. Although the program offering free HIV tests has been running since the fall semester began, as of Thursday, only three students have come in for a test. The clinic is very discreet, even going so far as to have a radio blaring white noise in certain areas to prevent eavesdropping. Brawley also addressed some common misconceptions about HIV. "One of them is that it's a death sentence. People think that if you get HIV, you're going to die, but that's not the case." "Early detection is the key," Wingfield said.

Get your test and be sure once and for all glenn landberg/THE ARBITER

A spectator during a football game shows his support, rain or shine.

The Swede Life

Lost &

found Benjamin Mack Columnist

The cold. That was the first thing I noticed. Permeating, penetrating, turning your breath frosty and encasing the marrow of your bones in ice. It was 10:30 pm, and I was lost. More lost than Matthew Fox and the cast of Lost. I had made one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and now was paying the price for my folly. But in the process, I learned something I’ll never forget, not only about myself, but about mankind as well. I had decided to explore Teleborgs Slott, the castle located on Linnaeus University’s campus in Växjö. My reasoning was simple: I didn’t have a lot going on

*When: Mondays and Thursdays 2 to 5 p.m. *Where: University Health Services, Norco Building *Cost: Free for students *When does it end: It's available as long as school is in session. *No registration necessary. Walk-ins are welcome.

that day, the weather was nice and I figured it would be a long time until I was in Europe again. Life’s an adventure, right? After walking for a couple of hours, I thought I should start heading back. Only I didn’t know how to get back. The sun began to set, and with the setting sun came the cold, the likes of which I’d only experienced a few times before. A simple sweatshirt was about as appropriate as wearing a swimsuit in an Idaho December. Despite my predicament, strangely enough, I didn’t feel the slightest bit frightened. The advice of Corrine Henke at BSU’s International Office kept repeating itself in my mind: “Every moment abroad is an experience. Just live in the moment, and take time to appreciate where you are.” So as I wandered about aimlessly through the woods, down innumerable dirt roads and past several pretty red cottages with white trim (typical of most Swedish homes), I viewed the whole debacle as an experience -- neither good nor bad. Eventually, though, I realized I did need to get back, otherwise risk a cold and shivering night in the woods (which, while it’s legal in Sweden to camp just about anywhere, would be rather uncomfortable). I saw my opportunity when a pair of headlights came into view around a bend in the road. A million questions swirled

in my mind. What if the driver didn’t speak English? Did I know enough Swedish to communicate? What if they wanted to rob me, or worse? Stepping out in front of the vehicle, I flagged the driver down. The car stopped, and a middle-aged man with a blond beard rolled down his window. “Hej,” (Hello) I told him. “Talar du engelska?” (Do you speak English?) “A little.” Hearing those words was like finding out I won the lottery. I explained the situation, and the man, who said his name was Steffan, and his wife Keisa were heading to Växjö anyway. After almost six hours, countless miles and numb fingers, I was finally back in the warmth of my IKEA-furnished dorm. I had learned that life is truly a journey, not a destination, and that any situation is as enjoyable or painful as you make it out to be. I also learned that mankind is inherently good by nature, with complete strangers offering to help a simple lost American. I had truly witnessed the best of humanity. This story is not without a warning, however: If you study abroad, don’t wander in a strange forest by yourself; always use the buddy system. Benjamin Mack is a 20-year-old journalism major from Portland, Ore. studying in Växjö, Sweden for his junior year. You can follow his adventures online at

The Arbiter •

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