The Arbiter - 10/04/2010

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News: Is Spice the new 'it' drug for students? Sports: The Broncos bring the hammer! Opinion: Why people shouldn't smoke Spice

October 04, 2010

First Issue Free

pg 7 pg 4 pg 3

Vol. 23, Issue 15

Pardon my French

Photos by glenn landberg/THE ARBITER

Two BSU students parkour their way to healthy minds and bodies

Lauren Hooker Journalist

The art of movement -- or, as the French say it, "parkour." As Chris Lloyd and Shaun Erlebach took turns scaling fences, jumping over rails and flipping off walls, it became clear parkour, also commonly known as free-running, is more than just a hobby. Developed in France between World War I and World War II as a way to maneuver from life-or-death situations, parkour has transformed throughout the years into a way to get from one location to another the quickest way possible. It involves a variety of different moves, including wall flips, jumping from wall to wall, ducking, rolling and vaulting over various obstacles. Moves vary depending on comfort level and physical abilities.

Core and arm strength are two of the most important muscle groups associated with parkour moves and can be conditioned with push-ups, crunches and lifting weights. Erlebach is a junior business major and Boise State cheerleader. For him, parkour is a way to stay in shape and help utilize his skills outside of practice. But Erlebach’s initial interest in parkour stems from his childhood. “The main reason that I do (parkour) is because I never got that (experience) of climbing trees when I was a kid, and I’ve always wanted to do that,” Erlebach said. “When you’re older, it looks funny climbing trees, so this is another way of kind of doing that.” But you don’t have to be a cheerleader or a ninja to practice parkour. “To be able to parkour, you need to be

able to walk and use your arms,” sophomore information technology management major Lloyd said. “It’s really great because anyone can really do it. If you can walk or run, you can parkour. You do what your body can do and that can be anything you use to get from one place to another.” However, Erlebach and Lloyd are no strangers to injury. Parkour is a dangerous sport and requires appropriate conditioning and stretching to help prevent harm. “The biggest thing you have to do is stretching… stretching, stretching, stretching. You need to stretch about 30 minutes a day,” Erlebach said. “But, I mean, when you’re jumping off of 30-foot buildings onto concrete, you’re guaranteed to get hurt. It’s only a matter of time.” If you want to learn more about how to get involved with Boise parkour, check out the "Team No Boundaries" Facebook page.

Parkour Video Christopher Lloyd and Shaun Erlebach show off some of their parkour moves around Boise State campus in an exclusive video. Watch them demonstrate their acrobatic skill at arbiteronline. com where they will also give three tips to anyone who wants to begin practicing parkour. Shaun Erlebach uses parkour to do a backflip off a tree at Boise State.

The Arbiter •



October 04, 2010

Bang, Bang! Lauren Hooker Journalist

“You’re moving like pond water!” Maj. Rick Storm shouted at cadets. Some blanch at the idea of waking up at 5 a.m., but for the members of the Bronco Battalion, it’s just another day at Fall FTX (Fall Field Training Exercise), which is a training session designed to help cadets practice land navigation, formations, squad tactics and various other skills necessary to excel in the ROTC program. BSU cadets joined forces with the Northwest Nazarene University ROTC in the mountains by Idaho City to carry out their training Friday. First- and second-year cadets kicked off the morning with a flight in a Black Hawk helicopter, which escorted them to a landing zone near the campsite. “I think I left my stomach at Lucky Peak,” said second year cadet Nick Bevers, a BSU freshman majoring in economics. Leadership was a paramount aspect of the session. Thirdyear cadets were evaluated by older cadets based on their leadership performances with their squads during Squad Tactical Exercise, or STX. During these exercises, squad leaders were issued orders from a higher command and were responsible for planning and carrying out a mission. They were then evaluated based on the strength of their leadership and communication skills. STX also gave other cadets a chance to learn to follow when necessary and prepare for crucial battle possibilities including assaults and ambushes. First- and second-year cadets had it a bit easier with a session

called Force on Force, which is essentially a paintball battle. Participants had an allotted amount of time to prepare a battle plan, then execute it. “I enjoyed paintballing until I got shot in the butt,” said Boise State sophomore Landon Micali, an economics and communication major. “It was very uncomfortable, but I still liked it after the pain went away.” With all of the physical expenditure cadets were doing,

hydration and meals were extremely important. Chow time consisted of MREs, or Meals Ready-to-Eat, which are composed of dehydrated and preserved meals that don’t require refrigeration -- an attribute that is crucial in the field where refrigeration is not an option. “MREs are like a microwaveable meal that they de-thaw and then shove in a bag,” said Cdt. Maj. Luke Detty, a senior majoring in criminal justice at

Boise State. Entrée choices include chicken and dumplings, veggie burger, sloppy joe and cheese tortellini. “Everything in an MRE is everything that your mom tries to keep you from eating growing up,” joked Cadet Capt. Joel Kloster, a Boise State senior majoring in criminal justice. “They all look for all-natural, organic stuff from the Co-op, but hand ‘em an MRE and it’s like,


Boise State ROTC geared up for weekend of training

radioactive.” MREs are also very portable, a useful quality when cadets are on the go. Cadets carry a large backpack called a rucksack, which weighs 60 to 70 pounds and carries everything from sleep systems to meals. Rucksacks aren’t easy to carry, but the cadets strapped them on and consummated their fall training by marching 3.2 miles to Idaho City High School. BSU ROTC alumni

Donna Woodby, class of ’84, and Battalion Commander John Broomhead, class of ’90, joined in on the march. “When you’re in charge, take charge. When it’s time to lead, you lead. When it’s time to follow, you follow,” advised Broomhead, who flew in from Virginia Beach to partake in the march. Lt. Col. John Tussing hopes to make it a tradition for alumni to participate in the fall training.


Cadets from BSU and NNU march away from the aircraft landing strip after arriving via Black Hawk helicopters to Idaho City Friday morning.


A squad leader practices copying mission objectives during a Squad Tactical Exercise Friday. It was one of four STXs evaluated during the weekend.

The Arbiter •


3 Still curious about Spice? Go to and listen to a first hand discussion about what Spice is really like.

October 04, 2010

Spice, Spice baby :


‘legal marijuana’ may soon get kicked to curb in Idaho

Karey Hoke Journalist

What makes the heart race, increases blood pressure, dilates pupils, can cause death and is insanely stupid to use? Cocaine? Yes. However, so can a special brand of incense called K2, more commonly known in today’s society as Spice. Spice is a new fad with teens and 20-somethings. Essentially, it is synthetic weed. It's sold in head shops and online throughout the United States. Every package of Spice is clearly labeled: "Not for human consumption." If a label specifically says don't consume this product, any sane person would think, "Hmm, I better not put this in my body in any way, shape or form. It is entirely possible that this product is dangerous." However, Spice is taking the U.S. by storm. One of the main reasons for the increased popularity is Spice will not show up on a drug test. Unlike marijuana, meth and the like, the only way to show a person has been smoking Spice is to test a urine sample. And like marijuana, Spice can give the feeling of being high. It sounds like an ideal situation, right? Wrong. Unlike marijuana, Spice can kill you. June 6 in Indianola, Iowa, 18-year-old David Rozga smoked Spice with his friends one night and had a terrible reaction to it. He told his friends he felt he was going to hell. Later that night, after going home, Rozga shot himself. In Dallas, Texas, 19-year-old Dominique Darrell Tate died Aug. 6. He posted a status update on his Facebook page early Friday morning, and by 11:30 p.m., several RIP messages had been posted to his wall by friends, saying they didn’t understand why he had to die. The medical examiner won't rule on a cause of death until toxicology results are back. However, he did confirm Tate had a history of Spice use. Though no Spice-related deaths have been reported in Boise, several BSU students have tried the new drug. A few have said they enjoy it and get high from smoking it, but other students such as such as junior communication major Michael Johnson find Spice disgusting.

Good grief Janna Hoffman Columnist

mct campus

Spice can be smoked similarly to marijuana but is considerably more dangerous. “I’m not going to smoke some herbs that have synthetic crap sprayed on them,” Johnson said, adding that he didn’t like the taste or feeling he got after he smoked Spice. Spice contains a mixture of herbs which, by themselves, wouldn't be harmful to the user. However, Spice is sprayed with a mixture of chemicals. It also is not regulated by the FDA, so each package of Spice, whether it is the same brand or not, may have a different amount of a different combination of ingredients. There is absolutely no way to know how big a dose is contained in each package. Even the inventor of the main drug in Spice advocates it was never designed to be a 'superTHC' and should not be used for recreational purposes. John W. Huffman created Spice's main ingredient, JWH-018, to study the relationship between chemical structure and biological activity. “It is like Russian roulette to use these drugs," he said. "We don’t know a darn thing about them.” As appealing as it sounds to bombard the body with a mixture of chemicals and herbs scientists

have yet to fully study, why risk smoking something that is unregulated, untested and comes with a death warrant attached to it? Spice originated in Europe in 2004. Now, however, Spice is banned through most of Europe, Asia and South America. Several states have made it illegal, and other states, including Idaho, are in the process of making Spice illegal. In addition, Spice is banned in the U.S Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. The people who created Spice have outlawed it in their continent. Some of the most respected branches of the U.S. military have banned it. Obviously, Spice isn’t a casual, once-in-awhile habit to indulge in. It’s dangerous. It has caused deaths, and even the inventor of the main ingredient in spice urges it is not to be used as a recreational drug. Consider this -- ammonia is legal. Bleach is legal. Windex is legal. These items are for sale in almost every convenience store in America. Yet, people don't rush to buy them and dump these cleaners into their bodies to get some psychedelic feeling. Ingredients in ammonia, bleach and Windex can kill, and they, just like Spice, clearly state not for human consumption.

The Way We See It Kick smoking in the butt Boise State University officially became a smokefree campus Aug. 17, 2009. To help reinforce the ban on tobacco smoke, a group called the Fresh Air Advocates was created to help spread the word and encourage tobacco smokers to kick the habit. Every now and then, the Fresh Air Advocates will set up a table on the Boise State Quad, complete with a water-cooler jug full of cigarette butts, free prizes and a trivia wheel. Their ambition is admirable. The goal of the program is to provide everyone on campus with cleaner air and grounds clear of cigarette butts. However, in practice the policy isn’t terribly effective. There are a few locations now where Boise State’s smoking population congregates, such as at the foot of the muchused Friendship Bridge

and other locations along the Green Belt that students frequent to relax. Another popular spot is the area outside of the College of Western Idaho Culinary Arts Building. The smoking ban causes a pooling effect. Because students cannot smoke on their way to class or outside the building of their choice, they congregate in areas that are convenient and accessible -- where they think they can get away with it. This effect causes a higher concentration of second-hand smoke along the Green Belt, which used to be one of the nicest spots on campus. Now non-smokers cannot cross Friendship Bridge to get to the other side of the Boise River or pass behind the residence halls or the Education Building without inhaling a lung full of smoke.

The Fresh Air Policy does not provide designated smoking areas, nor does it provide ashtrays. Because there are no ashtrays, cigarette butts are dropped on the ground, making the river bank less pleasant for everyone. There are a few possible solutions to the problem. The first is for smokers at BSU to quit smoking. However, this is not a reasonable expectation. Studies have shown that nicotine can be harder to kick than cocaine or heroin. While quitting smoking is doable, it’s not fair to expect it from all fee-paying Boise State students and faculty who partake in the perfectly legal habit. The other solution is to start enforcing the ban. The current problem is the policy lacks teeth. The official Smoke-Free Campus frequently asked questions sheet states “Indi-

viduals observed smoking are to be reminded in a professional and courteous manner of the university policy. Boise State reserves the right to initiate disciplinary procedures against any individual found to be in continuous violation of this policy.” The policy guidelines rely on students to police each other, which evidently is not very effective. In order to promote real, rapid change, the university is going to have to lay out some sort of standard punishment for smoking on campus, such as issuing citations. Perhaps a better option is a compromise. The university should set up a few designated smoking areas in convenient locations, but out of the main thoroughfares. Smokers are going to smoke, so it seems pertinent to give them a place

to do so where they won’t trash the prettiest area of campus. The desire to partake in this unhealthy habit doesn't make smokers second-class citizens. However, it is also not fair to Boise State students who are bothered or made ill by cigarette smoke. University policy should strive to meet the needs of the whole Boise State community, including smokers. Hopefully students will soon see cigarette butts in designated ash-trays instead of on the ground. "The way we see it" is based on the majority opinions of The Arbiter editorial board. Members of the board are Bob Beers, editor in chief; Kirk Bell, managing editor; Haley Robinson, opinion editor; Josh Gable, online editor; Andrew Ford, news editor; and Rebecca De Leon, culture editor.

E ditorial S taff E ditor - in -C hief Bob Beers

M anaging E ditor Kirk Bell

M edia M anager Zach Ganschow

P hoto E ditor

N ews

Editor Producer

S ports

Trent Lootens Editor Producer Joey McCullough

O pinion

Nik Bjurstorm

Editor Producer

O nline E ditor

C ulture

Josh Gamble

V ideo E ditor Gray Battson

E ditorial A dvisor James Kelly

Andrew Ford Mitch Esplin

Haley Robinson Jessica Swider

Rebecca De León Editor Producer Glenn Landberg

C opy E ditors

Tweet that inspired this week's column: TeaBoat Good Grief My Arse! According to a recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10 percent of American women and 4 percent of men are on anti-depressant drugs. As the definition of treatable emotional pain expands, so will reliance on anti-depressant medication. The American Psychiatric Association is considering re-classifying grief as a treatable form of emotional pain. Grief is a human response to loss. Death is not an injustice or any sort of transgression. It is inherent to life. Grief serves a purpose and should be experienced naturally. Each grief experience is very personal, and every person has a right to the process. Anti-depressants have their place in society and should be prescribed to people suffering from depression and anxiety disorders. The only time they should be prescribed to individuals dealing with grief is when it mutates into some sort of a depressive disorder. Like physical pain, emotional pain serves a purpose. Firstly, it reminds its sufferers there is an optimal form of life; that something beyond the present state exists and must be attained. Pain is the catalyst for transformation. Secondly, it signals that something is awry. An injury has just occurred and needs attention before the wound becomes infected. To treat grief simply as pain, however, would rob people of experiencing immense illumination. Grief clarifies relationships in a unique way. It unearths memories often buried by the triviality of day-to-day life. Things pushed aside or minimized take on new meaning amidst the pain. Grief gives us an opportunity to realize what is most important and helps us let go of the things that hold us back. Without the pain of grief, ingratitude would abound. In grief’s midst, the world darkens and “normal” is obscured. Belongings and principles once held in high esteem depreciate to nothing. The loyalist of friends and family are available as scheduling allows, but their presence never touches the unbearable ache of loss. Great pain reveals that each person is responsible to live and deal with life and the implicated consequences therein. It reminds us that it’s the little things that count and that every moment matters. The American Psychiatric Association should focus its efforts on studying crosscultural grief experiences. Rather than researching whether grief-related pain is necessary, it should focus on why it exists, and why no human is immune to it. Grief is an equalizer, and therefore is something that can bring people together. American culture's easy access to material goods makes this a daunting task. U.S. citizens are taught "the dream" is to live comfortably. The truth is the majority of citizens are well aware that dreams of uninterrupted security are nothing but a mirage. Challenging pain avoidance opens the door to healing and acceptance. The finality of death forces people to take account and refocus. The grief experience reveals that life itself is more than enough reason to press on. Grief is good. Follow Jana on Twitter and she will follow you back! @hoffmansfield

B usiness J ournalists Christine Ritchie, Edina Macic, Eva Hart, Gabbi Brandini, Gabriel Iacoboni, Jana Hoffman, Jessica Copeland, Joe Sook, Justin Dalme, Karey Hoke, Lance Moore, Lauren Hooker, Marshell Martinez, Nikki Hanson, Sam Royce, Sherika Martinez, Stephanie Sheibe, Tony Madonna, Tony Rogers, Wyatt Martin,

Megan Bronder Eden Enberg Laura Rogers

D esign

G eneral M anager

P roduction T eam

Brad Arendt

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M arketing D irector Jennifer Orr

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O nline C oordinator

A ccount E xecutives

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James Orr Jennifer Orr Miguel Varela Nicole Bell

Iko Vannoy

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T o C ontact T he A rbiter 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554

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The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.

Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.

The Arbiter •



October 04, 2010


Boise State is

“that guy”

Broncos enjoy being uninvited attendees at the BCS Party Trent Lootens Sports Editor

nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER

Hunter White carries out the hammer before Boise State's 37-24 win against Oregon State on Sept. 25.

Bringing the hammer Broncos use sledge to represent their physical mentality Justin Dalme Journalist

“There are two types of people in this world, there’s hammers and there’s nails.” Truer words have never spoken than those of special teams and linebackers coach Jeff Choate, and in the world of football, it’s much better to be the hammer. Each week, a Boise State player leads the team onto the field with the hammer

I think it symbolizes physical hard nose play and the bluecollar work ethic that we have here.

It’s something that is definitely coveted. -Jeff Choate, Special Teams and Linebacker Coach

held high. That hammer represents the physical dominance of the player, their work ethic and how Boise State plays the game. “I think it symbolizes physical hard nose play and the blue-collar work ethic that we have here. It’s something that is definitely coveted,” Choate said. A coveted trophy made of steel and wood that is. According to Choate, the player who gets to carry out the hammer is the one who has the biggest hit on the field. The most dominant player gets the hammer. Even offensive lineman with a high number of pancake blocks can hold the hammer high. “When you get to carry that (hammer) out you’re really representing this team, the players and what this program stands for. It represents the collective force of everyone who plays here now and has in the past,” head coach Chris Petersen said. One of those dominating players is junior linebacker Hunter White. White had the privilege of being awarded the hammer for the first game against Virginia Tech and also for the Oregon State game. White was the special teams player of the year last year and was given the opportunity to carry it out for

the first game. White has had the chance to carry the hammer out for the two biggest games of the year for the Broncos. “It’s awesome. Especially the week before when I get the hit of the game, knowing that I’m going to carry it (hammer) out,” White said. “Especially for College GameDay before Oregon State. It was awesome. I couldn’t be happier.” The Broncos truly are a blue collar team (no pun intended), grinding it out against their opponents. To physically dominate your opponent, it begins on the practice field and in the film room, and White has done both so far. “When I go in there (film room) he is always watching kicking in game film,” Choate said. “He doesn’t just watch the defensive film. He watches the special teams film, too. He views himself as a special teams starter. If he’s not starting on a punt return or kickoff return he’s in my ears about it. 'Coach what am I doing wrong?' I think he takes a lot of pride in that phase of the game.” That is the dedication that goes into being a sledgehammer out on the field. But where did the hammer start? Where did it come from? The answer is mostly steeped in mythological lore,

but Choate was the one who brought the hammer to Boise State from Eastern Illinois. “It was kind of one of those deals at one of the places I worked at before (EIU) when we were sitting around one night and a sledgehammer was laying there,” Choate said. “They were doing a remodel on the coaches' office and there was this sledgehammer. We were watching game film at 11:30 at night and we started talking about the sledgehammer with our players. How the sledgehammer symbolized the kind of play that we wanted to have. If you’re going to be a hammer you may as well be a sledge.” If the hammer could go to a coach, who would it go to then? “If a coach were to get the hammer it would definitely be (Choate) every week,” White said. “He’s so in your face and so positive at the same time. I love his enthusiasm and we build off it, I think the special teams coordinator is perfect for what he is as a coach.” The next time you see a Bronco coming out of the tunnel, with hammer held high, remember all the hard work and preparation they and the team went through. All the hours preparing to hammer the nail into the coffin of their opponent.

Everyone’s been to a social event where “that guy” shows up uninvited with nothing to offer other than his unique personality and personable characteristics. What happens next usually leaves the invited men in disbelief when “that guy” ends up being the biggest hit at the party with the women. Why is this guy killing it with the ladies? Because he provides mystery and isn’t afraid of rejection or what people say about him because he has nothing to lose. In the eyes of the Bowl Championship Series, Boise State is “that guy”. With that said, let’s take a closer look at what set the stage for this analogy. When “that guy” proved his worth to the other males he was allowed to come to the next gathering, but was told to come alone and leave his friends at home. For his friends, who are equally as threatening as “that guy,” would also take the glory and the female attention. But “that guy” doesn’t care, he brings his friends anyway, and sure enough, they too thrive in the new environment. Nearing the end of last season, BSU and Texas Christian were locked in a heated sprint for style points and an automatic bid into to the BCS. When the season finished TCU’s body of work was, supposedly, better than BSU’s, giving TCU the automatic bid and leaving BSU hoping for the at-large bid. BSU received the at-large bid, and TCU and BSU, both non-BCS teams, qualified for the BCS. BSU and TCU proved their worth, which obviously upset the BCS conferences because they didn’t want change, but had no argument. BSU and TCU were clearly better than any other automatic qualifying team left to choose from. To maintain credibility, the BCS extended invitations to the Broncos and Horned Frogs. When the BCS forced TCU and BSU to play each other the cat was out of the bag. The BCS played its last card by ensuring either TCU or BSU would lose by making the two schools face themselves. This was the BCS’s way of getting back at the two school’s for showing up to its party, stealing its glory and taking its piece of the pie that it had claimed without being able to backup accordingly. With the exception of Hawai’i, BSU, Utah and TCU backed up the talk in recent years and pushed their way into party without caring what anyone said. Now, the BCS is getting extra nervous. BSU and TCU are in the top 5 and in position to steal something more than ever imagined - the BCS National Championship. It’s the equivalent to rolling into a party uninvited with all of your buddies and stealing the hottest girls. It’s just not going to sit well with the other guys, whom you completely disobeyed and conquered. Because these guys know that, they will do everything in their power to keep you from obtaining the power you rightfully deserve and earned. These guys will fight tooth and nail to make sure any chance of you looking better than them will be sabotaged. A situation like this leaves BSU with only one option. To win every game decisively, but with integrity and confidence. Because in the end it doesn’t matter how you got there, but what you did once you were there.

bats boom in home-opener

Broncos sweep double-header from CSI Wyatt Martin Journalist

The Boise State woman's softball team came away with a pair of victories on Saturday in the home-opener of its fall season. The Broncos swept the double-header, beating the College of Southern Idaho Golden Eagles 9-3 and 8-4. The Broncos' bats were alive throughout both games, giving head coach Erin Thorpe plenty to smile about. “We came out really strong, making solid contact. We were really pleased with the offense,” Thorpe said. “This was the first time we've been tested in a double-header, having to keep energy for fourteen innings.” BSU jumped out to an early lead in the second inning of their first game after back to

back suicide squeezes with the bases loaded. Unfortunately, the Broncos were unable to capitalize further on the situation, ending the inning with the bases loaded. Broncos' pitcher Allie Crump didn't allow a run until the fourth inning when the Eagles got three runs across. Crump got out of trouble, striking out the final batter of the inning with runners on second and third. Aggressive base-running and patience at the plate allowed the Broncos to take back the lead in the bottom of the fourth, scoring three runs. BSU infielder Christina Capobianco finished things off in the sixth inning with a three-run homer to solidify the win. That same aggressiveness showed in the second inning of the second game when the Broncos jumped

out to an early 4-0 start. CSI fought back in the fourth inning after hitting a pair a two run home runs to tie things up 4-4. The game didn't stay tied for long thanks to Boise State's Natalie Kelly hitting an RBI double in the bottom of the fifth inning. Georgia Behne and Lela Work each added home runs in the same inning to give the Broncos an 8-4 lead, which would be the final score. The Broncos will play two more double-header's this Sunday (Oct. 3) against Northern Idaho College and the following Sunday (Oct. 10) vs. College of Idaho to finish off their fall season. Thorpe is using the fall season to figure out her strongest lineups and to give the girls a chance to go out and perform away from the practice field. “You're going to see a lot


The Boise State softball team got its bats rolling this weekend thanks to a barrage of home runs against the College of Southern Idaho. of versatility from us in the fall, just in playing people in all different positions. We're going to put the best team on the field come spring,” Thorpe said. When spring does arrive the Broncos will have their

hands full with a schedule that puts them up against 12 teams that finished ranked in the top 50 last season. BSU finished third in the WAC last year and hopes to continue its success with veteran leadership returning

from last year's squad and new freshman talent ready to explode onto the scene. If this fall's current success continues through their winter training, then Bronco softball fans will have plenty to cheer about come spring.

The Arbiter •


5 B

October 04, 2010


BSU 59, NMSU 0 1st

2nd 3rd 4th

TD 11:13 Mike Coughlin 15 Yd Run (Kyle Brotzman Kick)


TD 8:16

Martin 1 Yd Run (Kyle Brotzman Kick)


FG 4:56

Kyle Brotzman 35 Yd


TD 2:19

Jeremy Avery 18 Yd Run (Kyle Brotzman Kick)


TD 14:52 Kyle Efaw 41 Yd Pass From Kellen Moore (Kyle


TD 4:22


Brotzman Kick) Doug Martin 28 Yd Pass From Kellen Moore (Kyle Brotzman Kick)

TD 12:45 Kyle Efaw 26 Yd Pass From Kellen Moore (Kyle


TD 2:00

Brotzman Kick) Chris Potter 78 Yd Pass From Joe Southwick (Kyle Brotzman Kick)


TD 1:19

Jarvis Hodge 54 Yd Run (Trevor Harman Kick)


1st Downs 3rd down efficiency 4th down efficiency Total Yards Passing Comp-Att Yards Per Pass Rushing Rushing Attempts Yards Per Rush Penalties Turnovers Fumbles Lost Interceptions Thrown Possession

26 3-9 1-2 608 309 18-24 12.9 299 39 7.7 7-65 0 0 0 29:37

11 6-17 0-1 208 90 8-22 4.1 118 41 2.9 5-61 3 2 1 30:20

The Arbiter •



October 04, 2010

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This weeks videos

By M. Mepham

Wyatt Martin talks to Kung Fu Club President Shaun White about the club. Then Wyatt is at the receiving end of a scissor kick.


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The Future By N. Black & S. Clement Tribune Media Services

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today is a 7 - A problem could arise if you become overly anxious about tomorrow’s business. Stick to tasks that must be completed today and use your talents.

Today’s birthday (10/4/10)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) The universe challenges you this Today is a 7 - You question the year to fulfill your mission at work group’s mindset. Clarify your reserand to develop your inspirational vations with visual aids. Then see capacity. Make stress your internal barometer that measures how close if you can connect the dots. If so, then move forward. you come to the mark with every activity youTO deem ofPUZZLE atten8/15/10 SOLUTION LASTworthy WEEK’S tion. To get the advantage, check Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) the grid the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest Complete Today is a 7 - Finalize one more so each row, day, 0 the most challenging. question before you present your column and ideas to the group. Consider the 3-by-3 box of others as you add the Aries (March 21-April 19) (in boldfeelings borders) finishing Today is a 7 - Your favorite personcontains every touch. suggests a plan to test your excite-digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on ment level. Handle responsibilities Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) how toToday solve is a 7 - Time gets away from first, then devote yourself to private Sudoku, visitas you’re having fun. Everytime later. you one wants to share ideas and stir © 2010 The Mepham Group. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Distributed bythings up. Don’t plan on finalizing Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved. Today is a 7 - You need personal anything just yet. attention today. Others recognize this and contribute, but possibly Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) not how you imagined. Clarify your Today is a 7 - You want everyneeds to get them met. thing to be perfect. You get more done if you relax a bit and accept Gemini (May 21-June 21) excellence. Very little is lost in the Today is a 6 - You need to express process. your views concerning core values. Associates may see things quite Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) differently and could suggest viable Today is an 8 - Find out what new solutions. delights your partner. Then adapt today’s plan to accomplish as much Cancer (June 22-July 22) of that as possible. You make stunToday is a 6 - What would you really ning progress. want, if you could have anything, be anything or do anything? ImagPisces (Feb. 19-March 20) ine that this is all accomplished. Today is a 7 - Your need for recogniThen what would you create for tion can wait until you’ve completothers? ed the project. There’s still plenty to do to make this the wonderful piece Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) you envisioned. Today is a 5 - An outsider raises questions concerning your goals. A creative plan goes on hold while ___ you sort out the implications. Fam(c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune ily members provide key informaInformation Services. tion.

The Arbiter •


October 04, 2010




What do you know about Spice?


Dave Anderson

K imber Scharf

Marina Hunley Journalist

Nick Ellisor

Mountain Home public relations Where you can buy it? “Probably anywhere you find progressive hippies and their stores.”

Boise human resource s Do you think it’ s dangerous? “Yes its really dangerous. My dad works at a hospital and says there are a lot of case s from allergic re actions.”

Nampa business marke ting Have you tried it? “Yes. One tim e I tried it when it first came out and thought it was awful. I hated it and felt like I was trapped somewhere.”


Austin Clark

business administration Did you know it has been made illegal? “Does that mean I can buy it from out of state and sell it here?”

Eagle, music Do you think it’s dangerous? “Yeah, the side eff ects are way worse than smok ing weed. I heard yo u can die from it.”

Sydnie McClure

Nampa communication sciences Do you think it’s dangerous? “I can imagine it’s dangerous, your lungs aren’t supposed to inhale any kind of smoke.” cody finney/THE ARBITER

HOMECOMING WEEK Alumni Association brings flag football, dancin' this week david reed Journalist

decided in the coming days. To register, contact the Campus Recreation center at 426-2447.

dorms, decorations Alumni Association t kick off spirit week to honor class of The Alumni Association 1960 kicks off the annual Homecoming celebration Oct. 4. Boise State’s Homecoming week starts with the decorating contest. Both administrators and students can participate. Students are encouraged to get their dorm halls together to show which hall has the most Bronco spirit. Applications can be picked up in the Student Involvement and Leadership center. For questions, For finished products, students should take pictures and send them along with names and phone numbers of participants and an address to

Campus Recreation to host co-ed flag football tournament Following that, the annual co-ed flag football tournament will kick off at 3:30 p.m. at Bronco Stadium. There is no application, but there are only 16 reserved spots for teams. The size of the teams will be

As the week begins to speed up, two events honoring alumni will take place on campus. The class of 1960 will be honored Oct. 6. Previous alumni are encouraged to attend and can contact Donna Conner at 426-1959. The event is followed up by presenting the Presidential Alumni Recognition Gala. Tickets to the event are $50 and can be purchased by calling the Alumni Association at 4261698.The event will be held at Stueckle Sky Center inside the Double R Ranch Room.

Homecoming sports include digs, dives Sporting events for Bronco homecoming kick off Oct. 7 when the volleyball team hosts the Nevada Wolfpack at 7 p.m. at Bronco Gym. The Bronco pep rally kicks off Friday at 4 p.m. on campus and proceeds to the intramural field. Saturday kicks off in a wave of action as the swim and dive team hosts Rice University at noon at the West YMCA.

Saturday marks Homecoming parade

At 2 p.m. Saturday, the annual Homecoming parade starts on University Drive. Students who want to participate can fill out an application at The volleyball team will add another wave of action as they take on Utah State inside Bronco Gym at 3 p.m. Bronco Bash also kicks off at 3 p.m. in Taco Bell Arena in anticipation of the Homecoming football game. Gameday lounge will kick-off the pregame rituals in preparation of the Toledo Rockets at 6 p.m.

Heck ya we're there's dancing in the sub Following the game, the Public Relations Student Society of American will be sponsoring a Homecoming after party along with a dance inside the Simplot Ballroom in the Student Union Building. Pizza and refreshments will be provided. The cost is $3 for students and $5 for non-students. For questions about Homecoming, call Director of the Alumni Association Sonja Cartermni and homecoming coordinator at 426-1831 or visit


According to a survey taken by USA Today, half of the 5.4 million college students polled admit to have smoked at least one joint. The student consensus is spice is a cheap replacement to marijuana, and most importantly it’s legal which makes it readily accessible at local tobacco shops along with select gas stations. Students said one of the undesirable side effects is the horrid after-taste. "The couple times I've tried spice I’ve not really experienced any side effects, unless you count a horrible after-taste from consistently smoking it," Stephanie Casanova, a 19-year-old sophomore communication major from

Tucson, Ariz, said. "The couple times that I did smoke spice was in the form of a cigarette." Just like marijuana, the effects spice has on the body can range to include heightened awareness which can raise a sense of euphoria and depending on any known medical conditions can make you more irritable, or more subtle. "From what I hear smoking spice is just like marijuana in terms of how you smoke it and there are noticeable differences that are hard to explain," said Kelsey Meyers, a 22-year-old sophomore. "I tried spice a couple times while I was visiting a friend who's in the military. For me, the effects were pretty subtle both times I tried it, just made me feel like I was

walking on air." Spice is usually ingested the same way as marijuana, by inhaling the smoke produced by burning the substance. It can be smoked in a joint, or in a pipe, which requires a drier form of spice.

nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER

Students buying into 'Power Balance,' probably shouldn't edina macic Journalist

Increasingly, students are using Power Balance bracelets to improve strength and balance. After talking to a doctor, they might be better off getting more sleep. Power Balance brand of bracelets has three claims: the rubber bracelets can help with balance, strength and flexibility. The Power Balance bracelets run $30 to $60 each. Dr. Vincent J. Serio, director of medical services for University Health Services, said the best way to test if the bracelet works is by doing a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with a large sample group.

“From a medicine stand point, we believe in results, evidence," Serio said. "We want to know where this evidence comes from. You can’t ask the maker because then there is bias there.” Serio said it's likely the bracelet doesn't work through holograms, but through the users mind. He also said celebrity endorsements could be what has made the time so popular. According to PB's company, the bracelet is designed to work with the body’s "natural energy field" to optimize energy flow. Two holograms, one on top of the rubber bracelet and one on bottom to get the most effective feel of

energy, help strengthen the three claims. Not only are these holograms available on bracelets, it can be made on necklaces and with different materials. “I heard about them (PB bracelets) through a teammate," said Boise State defensive tackle Billy Winn, Winn is a 21-year-old junior from Las Vegas. "I saw him wearing one so I decided to try one out,” Winn said. Winn said he tried the bracelet and didn't have a change in balance, strength or flexibility. “I believe its all in the athletes' head," he said. "I don’t believe in them anymore."

The Arbiter •



October 04, 2010


Spice ingestion takes 80 users to Idaho hospitals Gabrielle Brandini & Samantha Royce Journalists

In an effort to reduce the availability of synthetic cannabis, also know as spice, the Idaho Board of Pharmacy attempted to temporarily classify seven substances in the drug as highly dangerous. By putting them into the same schedule as heroin and LSD, the board hopes to gain control of the distribution of a drug that formally had limited regulation in the state. Synthetic cannabis has been sold under many different names, with the most common brand being spice, and is packaged and labeled as therapeutic incense, and is not intended for smoking. However, it's commonly smoked in the same way that marijuana would be, but does not test positive for THC. Until Sept. 30 , it was legal to sell or purchase. The Board of Pharmacy opted for emergency scheduling of substances found in synthetic cannabis, meaning that until the legislature meets again, the components of spice will be classified in the same way as marijuana, peyote and heroin. These drugs have "limited medical use and a high potential for abuse," according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. "It's better for public safety to have these substances controlled," Executive Director of the Board of Pharmacy Mark Johnston said. The emergency ban isn't expected to last forever, but it's a way to prevent abuse of the drug before the legislature will be able to regulate it. Spice is considered to be to be "legal weed," but it poses a large risk to consumers who don't know what's in the drug. There have been 80 emergency room visits this year in

Idaho from people who have ingested spice, according to Johnston. “They had problems with seizures and low body temperature and really life-threatening illnesses,” he said. “So it’s definitely a high concern for public safety.” No formal toxicity examinations of spice and similar products have been made. One German study found that a young man suffered withdrawal symptoms after smoking three grams of "Spice Gold" per day for eight months. This included drug craving, nausea, tremors and headaches. Other studies have found some spice users suffer from elevated blood pressure, vomiting and increased heart rate. It can also cause severe, potentially fatal hallucinations as well as seizures, according to Anthony Scalzo, a professor of toxicology at Saint Louis University. He has seen almost 30 cases of teenagers with these symptoms after smoking the drug. John Huffman, a Clemson University organic chemist, created JWH-018 while studying cannabinoid receptors in the mid-1990s. JWH-018 produces an effect that is similar to THC. Huffman compared smoking the drug to playing

"People who use it are idiots." - John Huffman, Clemson Univ. organic chemist Russian roulette. "People who use it are idiots," he said. The Board of Pharmacy is still looking for Gov. Otter's approval on the ban, but tobacco stores have already stopped selling it. According to Johnston, manufacturers have said nothing of the increasing amount of bans being made, but vendors of spice are upset. Tobacco stores who formerly sold it such as Big Smoke declined to comment. JWH-018 is currently banned in 11 states. Like Idaho, many more are in the process of having a ban go through the legislature. Although the Idaho Board of Pharmacy has placed JWH-018 and other chemicals on the controlled substance list, the governor has been out of town and has not yet signed off on the ban. If he does, the ban will go into effect immediately until the legislature passes a permanent ruling.

nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER

Billy Rolof buys a pack of Camel lights at Tobacco Connection Sunday afternoon. Rolof has been smoking cigarettes for 10 years, but suggests no one smokes "Spice." He became paranoid and got a headache after trying a free sample from Smiley's Tobacco. "It's probably the dumbest thing (that is ) legalized right now."

The Arbiter •

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