NEWS 1–2
The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933
Volume 23
First Issue
F R E E August 26, 2010
Broncos game plan for the Hokies!
Cha-Ching University cashes $1.25 million grant to boost sciences
Gabrielle Brandini Journalist
Mitch Esplin/THE ARBITER
Mo Nguyen, a mechanical engineering major, spent this past summer interning at NASA testing a freeform fabrication system. She is one student who will benefit from a $1.25 million dollar grant received by the STEM program.
Boise State plans to build a future with science, technology, engineering and mathematics education (STEM), starting with the STEM Central STATION (Strategic Transformation Aligning Teaching, Immersion, Outreach and Knowledge) program. “Enhancing STEM education is a central focus in our national dialogue about U.S. technological leadership in the 21st century global economy,” said Sona Andrews, vice president for Academic Affairs. The STEM Central STATION will also become a literal central science station, an office for coordinating NSF and other STEM-related programs on campus and throughout Idaho, according to Andrews. “Boise State will now be one
Benefit concert to fund funeral
of 15 labs in the nation that will research and improve how technology, science and math will be taught," said Boise State University President, Bob Kustra. To top off a large list of other NSF grants and programs, STATION will act as an umbrella over other STEM initiatives. Such as Louis Stoke Alliance for Minority Participation Program (LSAMP), which researches academic enhancement to encourage degree completion among minority students. Thus, tying all of the university’s other science and math education initiatives together. The grant will be spread out over five years, with $750,000 being provided for the first three. Half a million is planned in the fourth and fifth years, estimating a total $1.25 million for the initiative. “A lot of people are intimidated by mathematics and science,” said Mo Nguyen, a mechanical engineering major. “I think that with this program, more students will want to go into this department. " Nguyen spent the summer doing an internship with NASA at the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. She helped assemble and test a
Are you a slave to technology?
portable system that will be used for electron beam freeform fabrication in space, a process that uses a laser-like device and solid wire to create metallic structures virtually out of thin air. The research on improved teaching methods will also make math and science a lot more enjoyable for students to learn, according to Nguyen. Barbara Morgan, Boise State’s Distinguished Educator in Residence and former elementary school teacher, said the increasing focus on helping teachers master new thinking about STEM education should be at the core of the nation’s response. “Teachers hold the key in creating our nation’s next generation of scientists and engineers,” she said. “Only by giving them the tools they need to do their job will we be successful in this crucial effort.” “I think this will help more students get into studying STEM fields,” said Martika Flores, a civil engineering major. Flores has been involved with various NSF programs already, including the LSAMP and hopes that the STATION will help other minority students approach STEM education programs.
Beards, Subarus and Psychics A holistic journey to Boise State Andrew Ford News Editor
Zach Ganschow/THE ARBITER
Bronco Mobile A must have app for students The Arbiter has released its very own Bronco Mobile app to the iTunes app store. The totally free application includes access to a campus map, complete with photos of every building, two different live streams from The Pulse campus radio station and access to Boise State news and sports. For kicks, there is built-in Sudoku with three different settings and an emergency link to campus security. Find it in the app Store under "Bronco Mobile" or through iTunes. Download it at the iTunes website here: http://Tinyurl.com/broncomobile
glenn landberg/THE ARBITER
Boise State students transformed the Gamekeeper Den of the Owyhee Plaza Hotel to resemble a fortune teller's lair within a canvas tent they constructed during production of their featured short film.
August 15, 2010
Aug. 15 11:44 a.m.: Vandalism occurred between June 1 and Aug. 16 at the Micron Engineering Center. Equipment turned off between the two buildings. Aug. 17 8:00 a.m.: Vehicle burglarized at Bronco Stadium. Vehicle broken into and stereo equipment and books taken. Aug. 17 1:33 p.m.: Bike theft between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. at SUB. The bike was taken from the bike rack.
It's not too often you find dusty bearded, tarot-card reading psychics, Subarus and an unsure freshman on one screen, but that's exactly what Non-Linear Productions juxtaposed in its recently released video, "Journey to Boise State." The video was crafted after the the university decided it needed something innovative to begin the annual State of the University Address. Good call. The seven-minute video walks you through the process "young Billy" takes to decide on attending Boise State. Spoiler: Billy begins by driving his trusty, though rusty, Subaru wagon into a seemingly super-far-away desert. There he finds a white tent with a psychic inside prepared to help him decide his university path. After avoiding death (for now) the psychic confirms that Boise State is the school for him. Boise. State. Boise... It's really funny. You can watch the movie,
along with the rest of Boise State University President Bob Kustra's speech at his website, http://Boisestate. edu/president or you can visit our link at http://Tinyurl. com/Journey2BSU.
Video project specs
Start to Deadline: Two weeks Raw Digital Film: 10-12 hours Equipment: Canon 7D, Zoom Four-Channel voice recorder
Non-Linear Productions team:
Zach Ganschow, junior majoring in Illustration Gray Battson, junior majoring in mass communication Glenn Landberg, junior majoring in communication Steven Cody Gittings, senior majoring in business and communication
Boise State actors:
Aaron Kiefer, senior majoring in theatre arts/performance Evan Sesek, senior majoring in theatre arts/performance and dramatic writing Disclaimer: Non-Linear Productions is a subsidiary of Student Media. Viewing: Go to arbiteronline. com to watch the short film.
August 22, 2010
Aug. 18 11:15 a.m.: Shoes stolen from the Mechanical and Technical center Aug. 11 or
Aug. 21 8:20 p.m.: Bike theft outside the Varsity Center. Aug. 22 10:00 p.m.: Marijuana violation at Chaffee Hall. Students smoked marijuana in their dorm room and citations issued.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
August 26, 2010
We Need You The Arbiter is hiring news journalists. Send an e-mail to news@arbiteronline.com if you are interested.
Muslims already pray on sacred Sept. 11 ground: the Pentagon McClatchy News Inside the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial Chapel, a female Air Force sergeant unlaced her combat boots, set them under the pews and slipped her black veil around her hair and over her camouflaged uniform. The men pushed back the altar for Christian services to make room for their large green prayer rugs; then moved the podium from one side of the room to the other so that the congregation would be facing Mecca. "Allah Akhbar," called out Ali Mohammed, a contractor who works at the Pentagon, raising his hands to his face as he chanted the call to prayer. "Allah Akhbar." While politicians across the country in an election year may be debating the propriety of building a Muslim center, including a mosque, two blocks from the World Trade Center site in New York, there's no such debate at the Pentagon. Instead, roughly 400 worshipers, including Muslims, attend prayer services every week in the chapel, a nondenominational facility built over the rubble left behind when American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon. Opponents of the New York mosque, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, say it would be disrespectful of those killed on Sept. 11, 2001, to allow Muslims to pray near the World Trade Center site. That's never been an issue at the Pentagon, where 125 people who worked there died that day. Muslims have
been praying at the Pentagon's chapel since 2002, gathering every day at 2 p.m. around the time of the second of five prayers Muslims are supposed to offer daily. In the chapel, it's impossible not to think of the terrorist attack. A memorial leading to it lists the names of the victims. Light streaming through a stained glass memorial illuminates the congregation. The memorial reads, "United in memory, September 11, 2001." A poster of a flag with the names of all those killed on Sept. 11 hangs on the wall on the other side of the room." The chapel's windows look out over a much larger Sept.
11 memorial outside. Worshippers trickle in, placing their Pentagon badges in their shirt pockets as they walk toward the front, open the palms of their hands and begin to pray. According to Army statistics, of the more than 1 million serving in the Army, there are 1,977 active duty Muslims, 603 Muslim reservists and 464 National Muslim Guardsmen. But there are only six Muslim chaplains to serve them. To provide an imam on Friday, Islam's holy day, the Army Chaplain's office contracts an imam to speak to worshippers. On this Friday, it was Imam Ghayth Nur Kashif, leading 17 worshippers
during the 40-minute service. "We are challenged to do the best we can during Ramadan," Kashif told the congregation, referring to criticism of the proposed New York Islamic center. "It's not pleasant, but listen to some of the complaints." The chapel, which was dedicated in November 2002, allots time for nine faiths to worship, including Muslims, Jews, Christians and Hindus. Army officials said no one has ever objected to Muslims worshipping at the Pentagon chapel. Before the chapel was dedicated, those of any faith who wanted to pray at the Pentagon gathered in various conference rooms because there was no chapel.
mct campus
The Pentagon is one place where there's no discussion of whether it's appropriate for Muslims to pray near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Every Friday, Muslims gather to worship in a chapel built in the very space where a hijacked jetliner plunged into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
August 26, 2010
Plugging in and tuning out The downside to technology in the classroom Christine Ritchie Journalist
Over the past few years, college students have become key players in a startling technological phenomenon by accessing social networking sites via their multiple digital devices. Cellular phones, laptops and music players are increasingly abundant on the campus scene. Students constantly text, e-mail and listen to music. This is not particularly problematic outside the classroom, however, it is alarming how much classroom time students spend on mobile devices. They are always plugged in, and it is not conducive to learning. Despite the fact most professors enforce policies banning cell phones, students usually find a sneaky way to stay connected. “I typically teach smaller, discussion-style classes,” Heidi Reeder, Ph.D., communication professor said. “In this style of class, the use of personal technology is distracting and takes away from the learning community.” Her policy bans the use of personal technologies in the classroom, unless students receive prior permission based on an emergency or learning necessity. Reeder also said that if a student constantly violated the policy, they would be asked to leave for the day. Students find these policies frustrating, but texts from
friends are not more valuable than learning. Just a heads-up: changing a Facebook status actually can wait 50 minutes! More time should be spent paying attention and learning rather than hearing about the latest gossip. Reeder recalled the moment in which she realized a policy on this issue was needed. “I was teaching a small senior seminar class and two male students, brothers, were texting each other their thoughts and comments rather than participating in the class discussion,” Reeder said. “I thought, ‘Hey, they can talk to each other any time. Right now, the 18 other students want to hear what they have to say.’” True participation can hardly be possible when a student is distracted by a text. “Unfortunately, the empirical research on this is clear,” Reeder said. “Our ability to do something well declines when we are engaged in another activity.” In larger lecture classes, one might wonder how a professor could enforce any policy about cell phones and laptops. It is nearly impossible for a professor to storm up the stairs and catch a student in the act. There are multiple students who take notes on their laptops, but at the same time check Facebook and e-mail. These attempts to multitask
mitch esplin/THE ARBITER
Many professors at Boise State have strict no-cell phone policies in the classroom. take away from the real goal: to learn. Boise State senior Amanda Fuhriman, a communication major, discussed a particular moment in a class when a student arranged his books to attempt to conceal his phone. “He could sit there and text the whole time,” Fuhriman said. “I always chose to sit in the front, (but) in dim lecture halls, any lights distract.” Some students may not see this as an issue at all, though they should. Students should not pay money to sit in class
and chat with their friends. They should pay money to learn valuable information. They can text their time away for free at home and spare the distraction for other students who are there to learn. So, new and old students alike, I challenge you -- go unplugged for a day, or even a few hours. Keep your phone out of sight during class, and even during your homework breaks. If you have to take notes on your laptop, disable Internet access. Maybe you will find that your boring lecture class
is actually interesting. When you really pay attention, the material makes sense and you really learn. Without the constant interruptions of checking Facebook or sending texts, homework takes less time, leaving you with more freedom to do something meaningful. We live in a culture where everything from socializing to homework is done easier with computers and smart phones, however, a little time away can help you realize how great it is to be here, personal, and in the moment.
New drop fee puts more pressure on students Jessica Swider Opinion Producer
This semester, Boise State has implemented a new policy to charge students a fee for each class dropped after Aug. 29. This means that students now have to finalize their schedule immediately after the semester begins or cough up $10 per dropped class. According to the Aug. 17 issue of the Boise State Update Newsletter, these changes were implemented, "In order to provide the best possible selection of course offerings to students." This policy seems like a thinly-veiled attempt to wrangle even more money from students. It's unclear at this point what the $10 fee collected will fund, which makes some students angry. It's ridiculous that it hasn't been articulated where exactly student money is going. If students are required to pay the university even more money, they should be told why. BSU junior and microbiology major, Jessica Armstrong said, "I think it's going to help people make decisions faster and get everyone into the classes they need, but really?
Taking more money from already poor college students? Give me a break already." At the time the fee was voted on by the BSU Enrollment Committee, the student representative position was vacant. The student body had little voice in this inadequately explained fee. Julie Kirk, a BSU junior and political science major, questioned where the student opinion in such matters came into play. "I'm not a huge fan (of the fees)," Kirk said. "I think if maybe they gave us more time, it would be more reasonable ... but where was the student say in this?" ASBSU President, Stephen Heleker, expressed his thoughts on the new fee. "I'm sure that those involved with this decision have good intentions," Heleker said. "But we need to be very, very careful when we impose new fees on students, especially in a year of tuition increase. This fee in particular appears to harm new students who are juggling classes in an attempt to put a reasonable schedule together as well as penalizing students who may be 'testdriving' an excessive number
nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER
Boise State’s new drop fee policy sucks more money from students’ wallets. of classes, which seems to be the intent of the fee. I hope that with student input now part of the equation we can provide a better solution. " The new fee has caused such an uproar among students that Heleker created a Facebook group in order to allow students a place to voice their opinions. Students are encouraged to speak out, in
order to amplify the student body's voice. On the page, Heleker wrote, "I would like to see students post reasons that they think the drop fee is positive or negative for students overall in a rational manner. I will put together a presentation of these statements and present them to the provost and the rest of the enrollment board."
e ditorial S taff NEWS Editor
Andrew Ford
Trent Lootens
Managing editor Kirk Bell
Mitch Esplin
Joey McCullough
Photo Editor Nik Bjurstrom online editor Josh Gamble Video editor Gray Battson Editorial advisor James Kelly
Journalists Gabbrielle Brandini
Journalists Wyatt Martin
1st Amendment Josh Gamble Online Editor
Man, has it been a busy summer, with quite a few high-profile events. In the fervor, it’s possible you missed the resignation of radio advice-fountain Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Why did she resign? She wanted her First Amendment rights back. Let’s back up a bit to get a view of what happened. Earlier this month, Dr. Laura received a call on her radio program from an African-American woman whose husband is Caucasian. According to the caller, her husband has friends who apply stereotypes to her and sometimes make racist comments. Dr. Laura then spoke at length about how the caller was being hypersensitive, a trait “bred by black activists.” During the course of this rant, she used “the n-word” 11 times in five minutes, referring to its use on HBO and by black comedians. She finished by saying “You know what? If you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor, don't marry out of your race.” This incident left a few folks around the country a little peeved. People, such as the organization Media Matters, were angry enough to start boycotting Dr. Laura’s sponsors in an effort to get her off the radio, to which Dr. Laura responded, on Larry King Live, “And for that to say I should be silenced is the reason that I'm saying to you, I obviously am losing First Amendment rights.” Except, you know, not. The First Amendment says this: “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press….” Here’s what Dr. Laura claims the First Amendment says: “I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry, some special-interest group deciding this is the time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates, attack sponsors.” This phenomenon crops up a lot when personalities receive backlash for an intellectual misstep. Let’s put it in terms of another bit of news. The First Amendment protects the builders of the Park 51 community center, a.k.a. the Ground Zero Mosque, from being shut down by the government. It does not protect them from angry protesters and Fox News. It does, however, protect those protesters and Fox News, so long as they aren’t lying. There are plenty of nuances to First Amendment Law, but there is not a “Oh no, I poked a hornets’ nest, someone save me!” clause. Dr. Laura stepped in it and she’s facing the consequences.
d esign
General Manager Brad Arendt
production team Brendan Healy
business/ad manager Matthew Summers
Bree Jones
Marketing Director Jennifer Orr
Illustrator Ryan Johnson
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Haley Robinson
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Glenn Landberg
Journalists Jana Hoffman
The Weekly Buzzkill:
b usiness
Editor-In-Chief Bob Beers
Media manager Zach Ganschow
Creating new fees during an already difficult financial time is impractical and will ultimately cause more irritation than needed. It creates even more hardship on students than before, and it's difficult to support something as frustrating as yet another fee, even if there were good intentions.
Journalists Tony Rogers
account executives James Orr Miranda Forcier Jennifer Orr Miguel Varela
o nline t eam Assistant online editor Iko Vannoy
Community Managers Megan Lloyd Brittney Johnson
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Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.
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The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
AUGUST 26, 2010
josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER
Derrell Acrey joins several seniors who will lead the Bronco defense against one of the most potent offensive attacks in college football.
Broncos shift focus toward Virginia Tech Trent Lootens Sports Editor
fter months of preparation, the Boise State Broncos are beginning to implement their game plan to defeat the Virginia Tech Hokies. With less than two weeks until BSU’s much-anticipated showdown with VT, the Broncos are crunching film and getting a close-up view of what they're facing. “They’re pretty impressive,” linebacker coach Bob Gregory said. “Frank Beamer’s been there a long time and his coordinators have been
there a long time. They know what they’re doing and they have a great football team. It will be a good challenge for us.” The Broncos have a plan in mind to help the defense adjust to the Hokies' downhill running game and senior quarterback Tyrod “TMobile” Taylor’s ability to scramble outside the pocket. BSU senior linebacker, Derrell Acrey, said it’s like preparing for Nevada and Colin Kaepernick only with much better athletes. The scout team offense will use mobile quarterbacks in most of its looks to help the
starting defense adjust to playing fast. Senior Michael Coughlin and true freshman Grant Hedrick are the fastest quarterbacks on the Bronco team, so they’ll most likely be told to scramble and force the defense to react quickly. “They present athletes that we’ve never seen before, but we’ve got the mobile quarterbacks who can give us some good looks,” Acrey said. “It’s like playing 12 men on the field with that mobile quarterback (Tyrod Taylor). He’s dynamic out there. A lot of film work needs to be done from now until then.”
It’s no secret what VT likes to do. The Hokies will try to control the clock with their power run game and grind out first downs. That's what VT fans like to call “Beamerball” because it’s always been Beamer’s approach to physical games. If the Broncos don’t get nasty in the trenches VT will own the line of scrimmage and accomplish its mission. “He (Taylor) reminds me kind of a Michael Vick type of quarterback,” sophomore linebacker Tommy Smith said. “Ryan Williams has both power and speed. They’re going to be a force to be
josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER
Sophomore linebacker Tommy Smith wraps up a San Jose State running back last season at Bronco Stadium.
Linebackers prepared for test Kirk Bell
Managing Editor In 10 days the Boise State ship will set sail to Washington, D.C., embarking on what many believe to be the biggest game in Bronco football history. Their foe, a highly rated Virginia Tech team commanded by a skipper, Frank Beamer, who has guided his team for the past 22 years. The Hokies lay claim to a group of backfield brutes -- senior quarterback, Tyrod
Taylor, junior tailback, Darren Evans, and sophomore tailback, Ryan Williams -- who are believed to be some of the most powerful in college football. The Broncos are expected to produce one of the best
defenses they have ever seen to stop the tandem of backs which Virginia Tech possesses. BSU is anchored by their linebackers who hope to keep the Hokie rushing attack honest come game day. “We’re still rotating our guys
All of these guys really respect Virginia Tech a ton, but it’s not like they haven’t been in this type of game before. -Coach Gregory
to get a feel for it, but we’re going to need all of those guys,” linebacker coach Bob Gregory said. “We have about five or six guys.” Those guys are centered around senior linebacker, Darrell Acrey; junior linebackers, Aaron Tevis and Byron Hout; and sophomore linebackers, J.C. Percy and Tommy Smith. Depending on how they are paired together, the group has the ability to bring multiple looks to a Hokie offense that has prided itself on
reckoned with.” For Boise State, preparation has always been the key to success, but Gregory has a concern with over-preparation, a problem he said every coach has committed and hopefully learned from. “Sometimes I think coaches get into a deal where the longer you have, you might have a tendency to put more into the package than you need to,” Gregory said. “I think we’re fine. I don’t think that’s going to happen.” With so much attention on one game, it’s hard for BSU to ignore the expectations outside the locker room. The
players and coaches know what’s on the line, but that’s not going to force them away from what has worked in the past. “I think our guys have done a really good job of blocking out all the external expectations,” Gregory said of the Broncos. “They’ve got enough pressures on their own. They just have to block out the expectations and play, and I think they’re doing that.” Boise State has made its living on simple fundamentals: coaching and technique, but this time it might need a bit more to keep the dream season alive.
making something when they are given nothing. With every major player returning to the linebacker position, there is a lot of experience to keep the group grounded come kickoff. “Anytime you have a bunch of seniors like we have who’ve been through lots of these types of games,” Gregory said. “All of these guys really respect Virginia Tech a ton, but it’s not like they haven’t been in this type of game before. The experience and leadership certainly helps.” Gregory believes the linebackers will have to play assignment football but be prepared to “pull the trigger” when they see Taylor or the Hokie runningbacks make a move down field. Acrey knows there will be tired legs on the field because of the athleticism possessed by the Virginia Tech offensive attack. Plugging rested men after a series or a few plays has made a big difference in past games against Nevada and Oregon. It will be no different this time around. “Especially with the rotation thing. It keeps our fresh legs,” Acrey said. “There are going to be plays where we have to drop 20 yards or run back 20 yards to go catch that guy.” Though their Fiesta Bowl victory and the Kickoff at the Capital are eight months apart, the momentum carried through summer workouts into the early days of fall almost feels like back-to-back games for the Broncos. It has helped to drive the team to
better prepare for the task at hand. “It makes your summer workouts great,” Gregory said. “When you have Virginia Tech on the board with this many days to go it’s exciting.” With a No. 3 AP ranking and a No. 5 Coaches’ poll ranking, the Broncos have earned the respect of the nation. But that means nothing to head coach Chris Petersen. The proof of their ability will be shown on the field Sept. 6 in Landover, M.D. “It means nothing… it’s week one,” Petersen said, following their final fall scrimmage. “It will mean absolutely nothing. We’ve still got to go play. Rankings are nothing.” Follow Kirk Bell on Twitter @KirkBellArbiter.
PODCAST Listen to Arbiter sports talk every Sunday and Wednesday for the latest on Boise State sports
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
7 B
AUGUST 26, 2010
2010 Women's Soccer Schedule Date / Opponent / Location / Time Aug 15. North Idaho College @ Walla Walla, WA - 1:00 p.m. Aug 20. Oregon @ Eugene, OR - 8:00 p.m. Aug 22. Portland State @ Portland, OR - 12:00 p.m. Aug 27. Air Force @ US Air Force Academy, CO - 7:00 p.m. Aug 29. Colorado College, @ US Air Force Academy, CO - 12:00 p.m. Sep 3. Utah Valley @ Pocatello, ID - 2:30 p.m. Sep 5. Idaho State @ Pocatello, ID - 2:00 p.m. Sep 12. Seattle @ Boise, ID, - 1:00 pm Sep 17. Montana @ Missoula, MT - 6:00 p.m. Sep 19. New Mexico @ Missoula, MT - 11:00 a.m. Sep 24. Wyoming @ Laramie, WY - 4:00 p.m. Sep 26. Northern Colorado @ Greeley, CO - 12:00 p.m. Oct 1. Hawaii @ Honolulu, HI - 7:00 p.m.
Roster 1. Liz Ruiz, Jr
josh rasmussen/THE ARBITER
Senior captain Shannon Saxton will try to guide the Broncos to a consecutive WAC championship.
Sports Producer
The 2009 season was arguably the best season in Boise State soccer history. The Broncos hosted the 2009 Western Athletic Conference Soccer Tournament and were crowned conference champs on their home field. With all the hard work from last season in the rearview mirror, the women on the BSU soccer team have their sights set on 2010. In preparation for this season, the Broncos are returning to what brought them success.. “A lot of the summer is strength and conditioning,” head coach, Steve Lucas, said. The strength and conditioning of the offseason has done its job. Lucas, and senior captain Shannon Saxton both agree that speed is one of the obvious strengths of this year’s team. “We are fast everywhere, we’re athletic everywhere,” Lu-
cas said. “We have good size and good speed and we have good athleticism.” Saxton added that speed is definitely a strong point on both the Broncos' offense and defense. Unique to the 2010 season is the unity of this team. “I think the chemistry, especially this year, is really good,” Saxton said. Junior Kati Lucas added that the team does a lot of things to keep team unity high. “When we all travel, we keep our cell phones away so that we all are interacting,” she said. Communication is also a big part of the team’s unified spirit. “I could be sitting at home and think of something that came to my head that I forgot and I’d text them or we would have a chat on the phone,” coach Lucas said. “I think our team is pretty loose ... (communication) is one thing that we are constantly working to
get better at.” Winning the 2009 WAC Championship was a big deal for last year’s team. “The one thing that we have talked about is that we won that (WAC championship) for everybody who has put on one of our jerseys, who have sweat and bled for us and our program,” coach Lucas said. “Now we want to go and get one for the team we have now.” The Broncos see the 2009 season as being a long time ago, and to repeat as champs, going back to work is the only thing to do. The Broncos season began last Friday with a 0-2 loss to the University of Oregon. BSU rebounded with a 2-1 win against Portland State Sunday. Kati Lucas, who transferred to BSU from Walla Walla Community College, scored Sunday’s first goal. “I was really excited. It felt really good when it happened,”
Nampa, ID
2. Ashley Walsh, Jr
17. Katy Oehring, Fr
Vancouver, WA
Broncos look for repeat as WAC champs Joey McCullough
16. Erica Parks, So
Boise, ID
Kati Lucas said. “We connected really well with the team to make it happen. It was really kind of a relief.” The Broncos head to Colorado Springs, Colo. to face the Air Force Academy Falcons Friday. “We will breakdown some film and go over it with them and then fix the things we didn’t do well,” coach Lucas said. “We just want to do everything the right way.” The Broncos' first home game is Oct. 8, when they face the New Mexico State Aggies at the Boas Tennis/Soccer Complex. Arbiter sports journalist Nikki Hanson helped obtain the information in this article.
Littleton, CO
3. Lindsay Roberts, Jr
18. Tiffany Hall-Johnson, Jr
Richland, WA
Boise, ID
5. Tylyn Hughes, Fr
19. Serena Montoya, Jr
Portland, OR
Greenwood Village, CO
6. Gabby Garcia, Fr
20. Chelsea Robinson, Jr
Murietta, CA
Portland, OR
7. Brandy Hickcox, Jr
21. Ali Clarkson, Fr
Boise, ID
Auburn, WA
Calgary, Alberta
Federal Way, WA
Bozeman, MT
Fresno, CA
Orange, CA
Boise, ID
Aloha, OR
Colorado Springs, CO
Portland, OR
Richland, WA
Beaverton, OR
Modesto, CA
Portland, OR
Edmonds, WA
Castro Valley, CA
Vancouver, WA
8. Jayne Murray, Sr
22. Mackenzie Hickel, Fr
9. Lauren Hickok, So
23. Megan Blanchard, So
10. Mandy Nader, So
24. Malia Hendrix, Sr
11. Cheyenne Jones, Sr
25. Brianne Favatella, So
12. Rebe Wolverton, Fr
26. Kati Lucas, Jr
13. Shannon Saxton, Sr
27. Ebie Harris, So
14. Kallie Neimann, Fr
28. Maddy McDevitt, Fr
15. Janelle Jin, So
29. Ashley Hruby, Fr
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AUGUST 26, 2010
Classy Room for Rent Room for rent in cute bench home. Share with 1 female. Backyard, furnished. Flexible terms. $420/mo. Pets neg. (208) 313-9001 Roommate wanted! Female adult looking to share Southeast Boise home. Comes with own quarters- bdrm, br, ofc, & gar. Furnished and private. $600/monthincludes utilities. Call Teresa at (208) 866-5222
Brand New Microfiber Couch & loveseat. Stain Resistant. Lifetime warranty. Still in boxes. Retail $1395. Must sell! $425. 888-1464. Bed-Queen Pillow Top mattress set. Brand new,still in plastic, warranty. Must sell $119. Can deliver. 921-6643. Full size orthopedic mattress Brand new in package, warranty Sacrifice $99. Call 921-6643. 7-Piece Cherry Bedroom set. Brand-new in box. Retail $2250, sacrifice $450. Call 888-1464
2007 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4X4, Automatic, Low miles, Black/Gray, Price $5750, details and pics at susnf2@msn.com / 208-209-2379.
Cherry Sleigh Bed Solid wood. Brand new w/ matress set. Retail $1199. Sacrifice $299. Call 888-1464. King size pillowtop mattress set brand new in bag. Must sell, $199. Can Deliver. 921-6643.
Must be enrolled in at lease 12 credits at BSU. Responsible for helping the IT manager with projects including but not limited to: iphone development, web development, and desktop application development/ support. Preferably comfortable with HTML, PHP, CSS and Mysql. Experience with Java, C, C++, Objective C 2.0, and Mac OS/XCode is strong a plus. Apply at Jobs@ arbiteronline.com
Responsible for promote special issues, sections and events for Student Media. Activities include creating in-house ads for all events, posters, banners and any other promotional items. Also includes coordinating and planning special events. Must be creative and self-motivated. Flexible schedule. Must be enrolled in at least 12 credits at BSU. Apply at jobs@arbiteronline.com
Responsible for designing creative ads for clients and The Arbiter Newspaper. Also works with layout and graphics for the paper. Minimum 20 hours per week. Must be motivated to push the limits of design, and able to create cutting-edge work under a deadline. Must be taking at least 12 credits from BSU. Apply at jobs@ arbiteronline.com
vvReadyU Ambassadors Wanted Build your resume, gain marketing experience and get paid representing a top brand on your campus. Visit http://www.repnation. com/readyu or send your resume to readyu@ mryouth.com to apply.
STAND Queen Tempurpedic style visco memory foam mattress. Brand new in plastic. Must sell. $225. 921-6643
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The Future Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
By N. Black & S. Clement Tribune Media Services
Today is a 5 - You want to center all your efforts on personal matters. Intelligent activity involves thinking about each step and conserving money or resources.
Today’s birthday (8/26/2010)
Libra (Sept. 23--Oct. 22) Older, wiser people challenge you Today is a 7 - Dress up today. It’s to take charge of your life this year. not Friday yet. You want to look like You’ve followed their advice, and the more powerful leader that you now it’s time to lead. Consider the 8/23/09 SOLUTION TO LAST WEEK’S PUZZLE data gathered by coworkers or fam- will become. Apply secret talents to the this. grid ily members. Then use your skillsComplete so each row, to convince yourself and encourage (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) columnScorpio and others. To get the advantage, check box is a 6 - Others examine each the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest 3-by-3 Today (in boldpart borders) of your appearance and acday, 0 the most challenging. containstions. everyYou feel like a bug under a digit, 1 microscope. to 9. You’ll get through this Aries (March 21-April 19) For strategies on inspection. necessary Today is a 7 - Draw inspiration from how to solve Sudoku, visit a powerful public figure. You don’t Sagittarius (Nov. 22--Dec.21) want to mimic them, but identifywww.sudoku.org.uk Today is a 7 - An older group the tools©and they use that by 2009qualities The Mepham Group. Distributed Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved. member is stuck at step one in a work. planning process. Money seems to Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 7 - Hard work now gets much better results than earlier this month. Your original plan is vindicated now as the votes are counted.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 6 - Family members need to agree before spending large sums. Otherwise, you face a lot of work to raise cash for basic expenses.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 5 - An older family member demands changes at home. You and a partner have practical solutions for most of it. One issue remains unsolved at day’s end.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 7 - Test new concepts by sharing them with an established authority. Sometimes older really is wiser. Especially when you’re entering unexplored territory.
be the biggest obstacle. Ask how much it will take.
Capricorn (Dec. 22--Jan. 19) Today is a 6 - Sometimes the best defense is a proactive offense. An older person thinks they have all the answers, but you understand nuances that they’ve missed.
Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 18) Today is a 5 - Important changes are in the air. You want to keep everything on a practical basis, while others spend too freely. Hold your ground.
Pisces (Feb. 19--March 20) Today is a 5 - An older person lets you know that it’s okay to play today. There’s work to do, but plenty of time to complete it. ___ (c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc.
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
AUGUST 26, 2010
The Saucy Misadventures
Finding a Friend in Failure Sherika Martinez Columnist
young breezy/dpg graphics
A funeral for Cassie
In wake of tragic accident, local artists will perform in benefit concert for family Tony Rogers Journalist
hen a loved one passes away, lives can change in an instant. But at the same time, it can bring a community together in support and awareness. Cassie Rae Conley, a 20-year-old Garden City resident, passed away Aug. 5 after an accident while floating the Boise River. Now, Hustle Hard Full Time Records has partnered with the University Pulse to make sure her memory is never forgotten. Together, they will put on a benefit concert Aug. 29 in the Special Events Center. It started out as a normal day on the Boise river Aug. 1. Conley was floating on an inner tube with her friends and fiancé. Everything was fine until they reached the diversion dam just past Ann Morrison Park. As she tried to navigate the rushing water, her tube flipped, and the dam undertow pulled her beneath the water. It was more than three minutes before she surfaced. When she did, a passer-by spotted her and dragged her to the shore. She was rushed to St.
Alphonsus Medical Center in critical condition. She died four days later. “I was performing when I heard about what happened,” a local recording artist and friend of Conley who calls himself Dynasty, said. “I was devastated. I broke down. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t think it could happen.” Dynasty had been a Conley's friend for many years. “She was the strongest person I ever met," Dynasty said. "She had such a happy-go-lucky personality, and she was a good mother, a good sister.” Cassie left behind a 3-year-old son and a 4-month-old son, as well as a loving fiancé. In the wake of Conley's passing, her fiancé and children have lost their independence and are being supported by her immediate family. That’s why Dynasty got together with his record label and decided to try and make a difference. In a casual conversation with fellow artist "Poppa Joe," a non-traditional Boise State student, an idea to help raise community awareness for safety on the Boise River arose. With the help of Jeremiah Gilbert,
president of Hustle Hard Full Time Records, the trio came up with the idea of throwing a benefit concert. “It was really casual. We got together and said ‘Yeah, let's do this,’ ” Gilbert said. The plan was simple: A concert will be given by local artists who would gather donations for Conley's family. According to the University Pulse, 100 percent of the donations will go to the family to help cover funeral costs and put her homeless fiancé and children in a house. Gilbert, Poppa Joe and Dynasty trusted the community to rally together to help, which it did. Before they secured artists, they had to secure a venue. That’s where the Pulse came in to help. "Poppa Joe is one of our producers and has been one of our producers for a while, so anything they do, we (the Pulse) are behind them 100 percent," Dustin Verburg, general manager of the Pulse, said. Seemingly in a flash, the Special Events Center on campus was booked. In a matter of weeks, artists were lined up. Verburg said the genre of music for
the artists is hip-hop and rhythm and blues. Still, more community members were chipping in to help. “I personally contacted Lucky the DJ at 103.3 KISS FM, and after he talked to Peak Broadcasting, he confirmed that he would be there,” Gilbert said. Also, the Pulse has been doing its part to spread the word. "We've put promo spots on web stream," Verburg said. "We put out fliers and we've done a lot of promotion outside campus.” Verburg said BSU students would greatly benefit from the concert's message. “The incident happened on the Boise River, and that's right near campus. It flows right behind Kaiser and Taylor and Chaffee." Not only would concert goers be supporting a family in need, but they also have a chance to learn about how to stay safe while participating in one of Boise’s most enjoyable, yet deceptively dangerous activities: Floating the Boise River. “There are a lot of people out there that don’t think there are many risks floating the river," Gilbert said.
"Tragedies like this prove that there are.” “If one person walks out of that concert and it changes their life, then the whole thing would be a success,” Dynasty said. “I think she (Conley) would be very proud and grateful that the community has been brought together to show support.” Those unable to attend the benefit concert Aug. 29 can still donate. A special fund has been opened at area Wells Fargo branches.
The Cassie Rae Conley Benefit Concert When: Sunday, Aug. 29 Where: Boise State University Special Events Center (SPEC) Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Performances by local artists include: Poppa Joe Iselda Gonzalez J-Hustle Dynasty The Congregation
For more information or to make donations, call 208-577-8587.
I scream! You scream! Free ice cream?! Lauren Hooker Journalist
glenn landberg/THE ARBITER
An eager volunteer distributes free Blue Bunny ice cream sandwiches to students passing by the quad the first day of school.
“Ice cream! FREE ice cream!" The volunteers, which included staff from student leadership, housing and various other departments, filled the sides of the Quad handing out frozen treats and shouted encouraging first day of school greetings. “I like seeing everybody and new faces,” said senior Matt Geller, a communication major. “And it’s nice outside.” However, with most students in a rush to get to classes, grabbing an ice cream may not have been the highest thing on their priority list, so volunteers rose to the challenge. “I like to give it to the guys
on the bikes and yell, ‘On the go!’ ” said John Lloyd, associate director of Campus Recreation and University Health Services. “And they won’t take it unless you put it in their hands.” With music pumping and ice cream flying left and right, it was difficult to avoid the good energy flowing through the heart of campus. “It’s a great opportunity for students to meet Dr. Michael Laliberte, vice president of Student Affairs, as well as other Student Affair members from across the divisions,” said Erin Lewis, program coordinator for Student Organizations. “And they get a cool treat.” The event was hosted by Laliberte and the Student Involvement and Leadership Center.
You may be wondering why I, a shameless goof-ball if ever there was one, would choose to dedicate the first of my wacky, yet oddly endearing columns to such a seemingly non-saucy subject. I mean, who brings up the subject of failure at the beginning of a fresh college semester? But more importantly, who brings up the subject of failure at all? Philip Schultz, a dyslexic Pulitzer Prize winning author, called failure “the great American taboo” because nobody ever openly talks about their personal failures unless they are in therapy, AA meetings or if they happen to be a cheeky college columnist with no dignity left to lose. Failure means many things to many people, but often in our culture, one’s success or failure is measured in the superficial. So, it’s no surprise that many people feel as though they are on the precipice of complete and abject failure. Especially when you consider that since the recession began, more than 4.4 million people have lost their jobs. When you live in a culture such as ours where money and physicality is everything, people are not only sinking in debt but they’re not telling anyone. While the middle class struggles to eke out an honest living, the gap grows wider between the insanely rich and the tragically poor. Every time we open a magazine, listen to mainstream hip hop or -- God forbid -- subject ourselves to one of those celebrity reality shows (MTV Cribs, anyone?) we see those people living in opulence, surrounded by fine things with perfect bodies and clothes that cost more than we make in a year. We look at these images and manically follow these peoples’ excesses, comparing our lifestyle to theirs and wondering how some could be so lucky, so happy, so successful. That, my friends, is where I come in as your savvy savior of sanity to slap you upside the head with my saucy sensibility until you begin to see reason. Setbacks, obstacles and moments of “my bad” are as inevitable as your addiction to this column. It simply will be. Psychologist Jonathan Haidt of the University of Virginia puts it well, “Adversity, setbacks and even trauma may actually be necessary for people to be happy, successful and fulfilled.” Wait, what ... ? Failure brings happiness? Perhaps not directly, but failure brings learning and learning, dear reader, is what will keep you happy as a clam rather than queen (or king) of the damned. This way of looking at failure as a blessing in disguise is most imperative in regard to one’s love life. To date is to experience a number of failures. Whether the failures be your own or the failures of your lover. In fact, when people experience sexual or relationship failures, they often fail to see it as a growing or learning opportunity and instead develop a ridiculously unhealthy complex that breeds insecurities. The number one killer of sexy good times is insecurities. So make a friend of failure because to love is to put yourself out there, to make yourself vulnerable. As long as you’re learning, it doesn’t matter what you’re earning.
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com
The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com