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The Bistro Goes Local
Food & BeverageThe Bistrogoes local
We love where we live, so we've made an effort to support local businesses in The Bistro. Our local partners allow for a more sustainable approach, nurtures a sense of community, and invests in local entrepreneurship. Check out some of the Vancouver-based suppliers below:
Hoochy Booch
Before Kristin Zerbin aka Booch Mama, found kombucha, she was tired, bloated and “allergic to everything.” Kombucha was the catalyst and the one thing that has brought the most impact for her. When Kirstin made Vancouver her home, she was looking to build a community to teach people how to brew their own kombucha and take care of their health. Hoochy Booch, it’s kombucha brewed and bottled in Vancouver and available in The Bistro.
► hoochybooch.com
Rebel Foods
They got their name by taking a stance against unhealthy and unethical food practices. Their gluten free, vegan, ready to eat foods are in line with their values: building long-term relationships and sharing knowledge that supports sustainable farming, supply chain, importing and business practices. We are delighted to have Rebel Foods healthy products available in The Bistro.
► rebelfoodcompany.com
ACVeveryday ™
The Bistro recently introduced ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) shots. Gut health is the foundation for overall health, and apple cider vinegar is a gut friendly product with many other benefits. As founder Rhoda Chilcott realized that the taste of apple cider vinegar is a lot to take, she created ACVeveryday ™ shots as an easier way to achieve better health. ACV is part of Lula Natural Foods, a women-owned business that is proud to be able to give back to the community as well; they support the Canucks Autism Network, Supa Society, Heads Up Guys (managing and preventing depression in men), the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre and Feast of Fields.
► acveveryday.com
The Good Stuff
“Great days start with great mornings”, this is “The Good Stuff” motto. The company was founded by Michael Steele and Graeme Taylor, both big smoothie fans. Vancouver is in The Good Stuff’s DNA and they believe that there is no better place in the world to be running a business that focuses on helping people lead healthy lives with nutrition, convenience, and sustainability. You can find The Good Stuff product at The Bistro’s cappuccino bar.
► thegoodstuffco.com