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Grapes & Hops
“What an amazing event! Of all my years as a member at the club, this was the best Grapes & Hops to date”, says an enthusiastic Christine Hu, of this year’s revamped event. “It was on a totally different level.” After a two year hiatus due to government mandated gathering restrictions and social distancing precautions, Grapes & Hops returned refreshed and full of spirit. With an eclectic crowd of wine connoisseurs, brew buffs, and libation lovers alike, the energy in the room was positively electric. Members, guests, staff, and vendors were thrilled to be back together again, ushering in the Club’s first major event since the end of 2019. Although Grapes & Hops has been a fixture on the autumn event calendar, this year felt extra special as it provided some semblance of "normalcy" on our path through the pandemic. Planning Grapes & Hops was no easy task. Food & Beverage Director, Don Robinson, alongside his astonishingly adaptable team, began planning at the height of summer to ensure that the event was not only safe, but to also provide guests with an evening of ease, entertainment, and most importantly, community. “We wanted to have a
bigger event than in the past, with more space to roam and socialize safely, all while sampling delectable drinks,” explains Robinson. Provincial Health Orders were meticulously reviewed and the broad uptake for proof of vaccination allowed for the Club’s biggest event to come to fruition. The persnickety attention to detail and the sheer joy felt in the room was not lost on member Amanda Solinas, “Grapes and Hops exceeded our expectations this year.” “After the long months of limitations due to COVID, it was great to come together at such a well planned event”, she added. “Having the event in the South Gymnasium was
What an amazing event! Of all my years as a member at the club, this was the best Grapes & Hops to date. It was on a totally different level.
- christine hu, member
Grapes & Hops

Grapes & Hops

brilliant - great flow and much easier to navigate than in previous years.” 24 wineries, breweries, and distributors lined the draped perimeter of the South Gym, while fire haired, DJ Barron S of GirlOnWax presided over the crowd, spinning uptempo beats from contemporary and classic musicians. The well curated selection of vendors included samples
from near and far. From savouring the endless, granular idiosyncrasies of Italian pinots to the tantalizing tannins often associated with homegrown Okanagan vintners, guests were taken on an exclusive, round-the-world wine tasting tour. Renowned, local craft brewers, such as Strange Fellows and Persephone, proved just as popular with their diverse array of flavors and aromas, ranging from stone fruit to barrel oak – and one must not forget the trendy namesake of the event, hops. The delectable and bodied tasting notes weren’t alone in awakening the senses of the Grapes & Hops attendees. “We wanted to create visual and aural play from arrival to departure – all the ingredients of a rollicking, engaging atmosphere”, explains Don Robinson.
A spectacular and grandiose show, it was. With an expanded footprint, the event featured a charming After Lounge in The Fireside. Complete with the sophisticated Russian Standard Martini Bar, members and guests basked in a more intimate setting with liquid elixirs within arms reach. Although Grapes & Hops was the cheerful toast of the holiday season, the event made its initial debut in a modest fashion. Inspired by events such as the
Grapes & Hops exceeded our expectations this year. After long months of COVID it was great to come together. Congratulations to the Club for coming back with a bang! Thank you so much.
It's such a nice opportunity to connect with familiar faces around the club while tasting such a wide array of wines.
- amanda solinas, member
- tegan moss, member
Grapes & Hops

Grapes & Hops

Vancouver Wine Festival, former Food & Beverage Manager Kim McBurney held the first Grapes & Hops on a weekday in October of 2003. “I was unsure how our very first Grapes & Hops would be attended, so I told the Chef that we just needed a few cheese platters, as you would at a traditional wine tasting event”, reminisces Kim. In its humble inception, Grapes & Hops was inaugurated with 150 members in attendance, though the palatable fun produced a thirst for more. “Ultimately, we needed more food and our members had come to expect an exceptional time, so ‘more’ is where
we are today“, laughs Kim. It was foreshadowing year-toyear exponential growth. “We went from no music to a string quartet to two rooms with DJ’s and from 12 vendors to 24 vendors”, concludes Kim in proud disbelief. The evolution of Grapes & Hops and the special significance it has as our first major event to bring members back together after months apart was sentimental for CEO, Brent Elkington. "It was definitely a night to remember," he says gleefully. "Chef Michael, Don Robinson, and their team put on an event like no other I have seen at the Club." The jubilation and smiles by all those who attended make us take pause to see the rainbow despite the storm. ♦
Best word to describe this year’s Grapes & Hops? WOW! It was a night to remember.
- brent elkington, ceo
Grapes & Hops