2024 – 2025 Wedding Ceremony & Cocktail Package

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時間 Period

���� 年� 月-�� 月

Jul to Oct ����

���� 年�� 月-�� 月

Nov to Dec ����

���� 年� 月-� 月

Jan to Jun ����

·上午��:�� 至下午�:�� 期間� 小時獨家使用Arca Assembly

週一至週五 Mon ‒ Fri

Exclusive use of Arca Assembly for � hours between ��:�� a.m. to �:�� p.m.


One hour free set up before event for host’s self-arranged venue decoration

·婚禮儀式結束後,��� 人可免費享用紅酒和白酒、精選啤酒、軟性飲料、柳橙汁、咖啡和茶

Free flow of house red & white wines, selected beer, soft drinks, orange juice, coffee & tea after wedding ceremony for ��� persons


One bottle of sparkling wine for bride & groom toasting


Theatre seating with seat covers

·婚禮桌配有羽毛筆和戒指枕 Wedding ceremony table set up with feather pen & ring pillow


Dummy wedding cake for photo taking

選用附加專案 Optional Enhancements:

·點心選擇(需提前預訂。) Canape selection (pre-order is required.)

週六、日及法定假日 Sat, Sun, Public Holidays

·嘉賓簽名冊 Guest signature book

·婚禮肖像展示畫架 Easel stand for wedding portrait display

·免費使用室內投影機和螢幕 Complimentary use of in-house projectors and screens

·免費使用無線手持麥克風(�組) Complimentary use of wireless handheld mics (� sets)

·使用新娘更衣室 Use of bridal dressing room

·活動當天免費� 個停車位,最多� 小時 Complimentary � parking spaces on event date for maximum � hours

·入住the Arca 的家人和朋友可享有特別折扣房價 Special discounted room rates for family and friends staying at the Arca

·升級飲品選擇,含特選普羅塞克氣泡酒,每位港幣�� 元,另加��% 服務費 Upgrade drinks selection to include house prosecco at HK$�� plus ��% service charge per person

條款與條件 Terms & Conditions::

�. 價格另加收��%服務費 Prices are subject to ��% service charge �. 套餐適用於���人,每增加一位需另加港幣���元及��%服務費

The package is applied to ��� persons. Each additional person at HK$��� plus ��% service charge �. 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知 Offers are subject to change without prior notice

�. 活動結束後,主辦單位需負責拆除場地並於一小時內移交場地,否則需支付場地租賃費

Host has to be responsible for venue dismantle and handover the venue within one hour upon event end time, or else room rental charge to apply �. 如有任何爭議,the Arca 保留最終決定權

In case of any disputes, the decision of the Arca shall be final

如需查詢或預訂,請隨時聯絡the Arca 銷售部門。

電話:+��� ���� ���� 邮箱:events@thearca.com

HK$ ��,��� HK$ ��,��� HK$ ��,��� HK$ ��,��� HK$ ��,��� HK$ ��,���

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