Community Services Affordable
Piano Tuning Cleaning & Repairs
in Orem, Utah
Complete Auto Repair Since 1977
Piano Bench Sales & Repairs
Larry Cheatham: (480) 316-0060 Expert evaluation on used pianos
623 W. Commerce, Gilbert, AZ 85233
AC Service ■ Brakes ■ Check Engine Light Diagnostics Tune Ups ■ Cooling Systems ■ Foreign & Domestic
Over 20 Yrs Experience
Call for Appointment
Dave Hagan
Music Unlimited Plus Background Music For Parties, Weddings, Receptions, Funerals
Now Accepting New Students 20-Month Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Dental Hygiene
Huntington FuneralGary Flowers
Property Management,
- Small Special Event Sales,Catering Leasing - Personalized Wreaths Apartment Hunters - Funeral Flowers & Rental Sets Property Management - Affordable, 1660budget-friendly S. Alma School #205
Ron Sirrine - 480-241-2907
Experienced Certified Teacher Bachelors in Education, Masters in German German Language Tutoring | Piano & Organ Lessons
Mesa, AZ 85210 Mobile: 480-228-7109 Office: 480-353-2680 (call or text)
Cougar Cactus Classic
Golf Scramble Photo courtesy of BYUMS Phoenix Chapter
ore! Look out for the Third Annual BYU Management Society Phoenix Cougar Cactus Classic Golf Tournament at the Papago Golf Course Friday, September 18th. Team up with our BYU and ASU celebrities and local golf pros as money is raised for the BYU Management Society Phoenix Chapter.
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Join former BYU athletes Heisman Trophy Winner Ty Detmer, Max Hall, David Nixon, Dennis Pitta, and former ASU athlete and NFL TE Todd Heap along with other celebrity athletes in this premier golf event! Proceeds from this premier golf event support local chapter scholarships awarded to deserving students attending BYU, BYU-Hawaii, BYU-
Idaho, BYU-Pathway, or Arizona State University. Because of events like this, BYUMS is able to provide their resources to help deserving students pursue their educational goals. Every registered golf participant will receive a valuable variety gift package for their personal enjoyment. With amazing food, fantastic prizes, an incredible golf course venue, and a
worthwhile mission, this is fast becoming one of the most sought after BYU Management Society annual events. Come golf and support the BYU Management Society Phoenix Chapter! For more info, visit: https://