The Arizona Beehive Magazine August September 2020 Issue

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VALLEY TEMPLE SCHEDULES Mesa Arizona Temple 101 S. LeSueur, Mesa, AZ, 852014 (480) 833-1211

Temple Closed During Renovation For an excellent source of updated info regarding renovation work, visit Mesa Temple Construction on Facebook.

Operation School Bell

Gilbert Arizona Temple

Turning Back-to-School Stresses Into Student Successes

3301 S. Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85297 (480) 822-5000

By Hillary Jade Fevrier



hile our should inquire panat volunteer@ A inspired back volunteer can to school hustle expect, among in 2020 might other things, include extra to assist the quantities of hand students on sanitizer and face the Delivering masks, there is Dreams Bus in no suppressing finding approprithe excitement ate styles and Image courtesy of the Assistance League of Phoenix of the impending sizes to suit their The Delivering Dreams Bus serves over 8,000 children annually. academic year. needs, as well Students from as to see plenty preschoolers to seniors look forward of smiling faces and grateful hearts. mately 8,500 students every year, and to that first day of school outfit, the Donations are always accepted and the numbers are growing. smell of the unmarred spiral notecan be directed to If the support in the form of clothbooks, and the stiffness of the zippers ing and supplies wasn’t enough, donate. School administrators who on a brand new backpack. Unforwish to offer the benefits of the DelivOperation School Bell has more up its tunately, in the background of most sleeves. The Delivering Dreams Buses, ering Dreams Buses to their students people’s shopping excitement, there should contact the Assistance League mobile units that bring the services are some families for whom this time of Operation School Bell right to the of Phoenix directly. of year is more a cause of stress than The Savior said, “Suffer little chilschools of the recipients, are the best celebration. dren, and forbid them not, to come part of the operation. Herbert Hoover said, “Children Selected students board the Bus and unto me: for of such is the kingdom are our most valuable resource.” If of heaven.” There is no work more are assisted by volunteers in the selecwe really agree with that, then we important than the work we do to care tion and fitting of a bundle of items, must take an interest in the children for and protect our children. The Asincluding: two bottoms, three tops, six in our community. The Assistance sistance League of Phoenix is a true pairs of socks, six pairs of underwear, League of Phoenix is a nonprofit advocate for the success of the rising a sweatshirt, a belt, a pair of shoes and organization that truly invests in generation. The Assistance League of a personalized health kit full of hyyouth in this valley. The Assistance giene items. Three well-known patrons Phoenix and the Delivering Dreams League’s Operation School Bell proBuses invites children to come to sponsor the three Buses: The Arizona vides children in need of assistance them, showing true Christian dedicaDiamondbacks, Fiesta Bowl Charities with clothing and supplies, helping tion to success of these little ones. and Phoenix Rotary 100. Operation relieve some of the pressure at this School Bell also has a brick and mortar particularly busy time of year. Opera- location in Sunnyslope. east-valley/philanthropic-programs/ tion School Bell reaches approxioperation-school-bell/ Volunteers are always needed and

One of the Operation School Bell Delivering Dreams Buses with happy volunteers.

Phase 1: Temple Open For Living Sealings Only— Based on First Presidency direction, this temple has resumed limited operations. At this time, only husband-and-wife living sealings are being performed for members who have already received their endowment. Sealings will be performed by appointment only and limited to couples residing in a designated geographic area. For these sealings, the temple will have minimal staff and the number of guests will be limited. At this time, appointments may only be scheduled several weeks in advance. To schedule an appointment, please send an email to the temple using the link below and include the names of the couple, desired sealing date, phone numbers, and the best time to contact you. All government guidelines will be observed, including regulations related to travel, gatherings, sanitization, and safety. All patron housing, cafeteria, and clothing services remain closed. Please check regularly for updates.

Phoenix Arizona Temple 5220 W. Pinnacle Peak Road, Phoenix, AZ 85310 (623) 474-9500 LIMITED OPERATIONS AS OF MAY 18: Phase 1: Temple Open For Living Sealings Only— Based on First Presidency direction, this temple has resumed limited operations. At this time, only husband-and-wife living sealings are being performed for members who have already received their endowment. Sealings will be performed by appointment only and limited to couples residing in a designated geographic area. For these sealings, the temple will have minimal staff and the number of guests will be limited. At this time, appointments may only be scheduled several weeks in advance. To schedule an appointment, please send an email to the temple using the link below and include the names of the couple, desired sealing date, phone numbers, and the best time to contact you. All government guidelines will be observed, including regulations related to travel, gatherings, sanitization, and safety. All patron housing, cafeteria, and clothing services remain closed. Please check regularly for updates.Thursday, 31 December (Limited Hours)

Image courtesy of the Assistance League of Phoenix •

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