1 minute read
Come Follow Me
This original song by Robin Finlinson supports the readings assigned in the manual titled Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families for January and February, 2022. The readings include the books of Moses and Abraham in The Pearl of Great Price, and much of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible.
By Robin Finlinson
SONG: “Tell Me, Lord, of Thy Creation”
The prophet Moses avidly sought to know of the beginning of the world and its first inhabitants, how the earth was made, its purpose, and what work the Lord would ask of him specifically, though he was one of seemingly innumerable inhabitants. (See the first chapter of Moses.) Though the Lord is glorious beyond our eyes’ ability to behold Him unless transfigured as Moses was, He is a loving Father who delights in teaching each of His children all that we are ready to receive. Like Moses, we too may ask these things of God. Reading sacred writings delivered to us by the prophets is another significant way the Lord pours out vast knowledge upon us.