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Choosing Glory Podcast

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Choosing glory

Dr. Lili De Hoyos Anderson’s Podcast Helps Create Old Testament Study Success

The Come Follow Me study of the Old Testament often presents material difficult to relate to. With the compounded challenge of history, cultural differences, mistranslations, and conflicting interpretations from religions that accept the Old Testament as scripture, it’s often a challenge to follow Nephi’s advice to liken all scriptures to our modern lives.

Dr. Lili De Hoyos Anderson’s podcast Choosing Glory offers a valuable resource to create Old Testament study success.

One thing that helps us understand this ancient text is a solid knowledge of Old Testament-era context. Dr. Anderson paints in the background of these curated stories with an easy and compassionate hand. Scholars have been adding to the body of knowledge of history and doctrines in these books for generations, and Dr. Anderson shares what she and her connections have pulled from this field, focusing her knowledge through the lens of the restoration and modern revelation.

One of my favorite parts of Choosing Glory is how Dr. Anderson recalls and reflects on the humanity of the ancient people in both the famous stories and in the less popular stories. The patriarchs, and the famous families of the Bible have often been glorified when simplified. But the lessons we can learn from them, and their oftenrocky relationships with the covenant path, grow both more complex and relatable when their imperfect humanity is front and center.

In many ways, Dr. Anderson’s perspective of the choices made in these stories is far clearer than most. With her 25-plus years of speaking and presenting on gospel topics, combined with her experience in counseling, she pulls no punches. She illuminates the concept of choices having consequences. Poor choices are not excused just because these people are in a holy book. Repentant moves made are highlighted and put into social context. What a lesson to have highlighted, that God works even through the troubled, and often the decidedly rebellious to bring about His plan!

There are several resource choices for anyone wanting additional insight into the Come Follow Me Old Testament study. Some, especially those for an adult audience, can be quite heavy. Some take themselves very seriously, and some are specifically marketed toward the lighter side. Choosing Glory is a happy medium. Dr. Anderson carries the research of the material lightly in her delivery and is so conversational in her tone that each episode feels more like sitting with an informed friend than listening to a prepared talk or formal lesson. While it helps to spend time in the material first, it is far from necessary in order to extract special insights from each weekly episode. Listening to this podcast prior to reading the lesson material can give color to your personal study and make what can often be difficult reading more accessible.

Choosing Glory is available on all podcast services including Apple Play and Spotify. New episodes release Wednesdays covering that week’s chapters. Visit Dr. Anderson’s website for events, speaking engagements, and other appearances.

Photo provided by Dr Anderson Dr. Anderson and her husband, Chris Anderson.

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Pre-registration required, after which you will receive an email detailing information regarding T-shirts, program, camping and/or hotel accommodations. Find us on FB @ Edmund Ellsworth Family Or email: edmundellsworthreunion2022@gmail.com

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