The Arizona Beehive Magazine September October 2021 Issue

Page 16

Prep Your Missionary

By Allison Beckert

Opportunities to Serve as a Senior Missionary Couple


issionary work has changed rapidly in the When considering a formal call to serve in a full-time missionary status, there are some criteria last ten years and continues to change with to consider. The most updated requirements can be each year to match the needs of the world found on the website; they include a minimum availand the Lord’s message. One call has continued to resonate: the call for senior couples to serve as mis- able hours, age, employment status, considerations regarding dependents and worthiness to serve. Cousionaries. While the narrative of missionary work ples can request different terms of service, including often revolves around the youth and their prepara6-, 12-, 18-, or 23-month assignments. Since couples tion, what can potential couple missionaries do to looking to serve have a wider variety of concerns— prepare to serve? Service for couples is substantially different from including financial questions, family concerns or health worries—SeniorMissionary.churchofjesuswhat’s expected of youth, and it’s also changed from what service has looked like for couples in has an extensive ‘About Serving’ page that addresses these weighty issues with clear direction. the past. In fact, the diversity of service options has led to the creation of a website specifically for Any concerns can be reviewed in more detail with couples that want to serve your bishop and stake president before submitting your but aren’t sure what kind of paperwork. mission or role will be the With the rapidly changbest fit. SeniorMissionary. is a ing conditions in domestic and international service, site made to show potential allow your experience to missionaries answers to be its own journey. Brother frequently asked questions, wide ranging options for Dana Willis and his wife, Sister Brenda Willis, have service opportunities at recently received their call home or abroad and assisto serve in the Spain Matance in recognizing where Photo by Church Media Library their talents can be used in drid Mission and graciously Your unique talents and experience can help reach the service of the Lord’s shared their experience and members, non-members and investigators in ways a call to gather Israel. insight for this article. Their companionship of elders or sisters might not.

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instruction and training included preparing to support members and ward/stake leaders, music instruction and language courses. When asked for their advice to couples considering a mission, they shared three points: First, follow President Nelson’s admonition to increase your faith and review recent teachings from the prophet and the apostles. Second, if you wish to serve overseas, study other languages. Third, physically prepare. Exercise and work on your health—including digging out those immunization records! Most importantly, recognize your unique talents, the value of your experience as a member of the church and as a professional, parent and human being in the world, and move forward with faith when prompted to serve the Lord as a missionary.

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