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Need Inspiration?
Read More Inspirational Stories for Young Women!
This newly released book has 50 true stories by Latter-day Saint women from around the world. These stories include life experiences to inspire, strengthen testimonies and create understanding and encouragement to help readers see “your limitless potential as a daughter of God.”
Read about “Kiss the Frog”, “Find a Different Way”, “I Look for Butterflies,” “Don’t Give Up”, “My Biggest Bully”, “I Didn’t See Any Ogres” and others.

In “I Look for Butterflies,” Avery Foulger of West Jordan, Utah says that while at camp, the girls ran an obstacle course that grew in difficulty. One of the leaders shared that “Whenever you see a butterfly it means that Jesus loves you.” Foulger continues, “We saw a lot of butterflies at camp! That simple reminder made it easier to understand how much Jesus loves us personally. Every time I see a butterfly now, I feel closer to God. I feel that He is my Friend.”
Foulger also quotes, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatever I command you. —John 15:1314.”
Another story “Walk Away”, by Sally O’Keefe of Pocatello, Idaho, shares how while at work checking for a leak in a deep fryer, she heard a voice, warning her. “Sally, stand up and walk away.” After looking around and not seeing anyone nearby, the voice repeated, “Sally, stand up and walk away.” This time she thought someone was hiding and pranking her. Sally stood up and walked away to search for the owner of the voice. Looking back, she saw