4 minute read

Just Serve

Mesa Arizona Temple

101 S. LeSueur, Mesa, AZ, 852014

(480) 833-1211

Suffer the Little Children

Child Crisis Arizona Heals Hearts

By Hillary Jade Fevrier

When four-year-old Sarah (names have been changed to protect identity) and her even younger brother, Matt, were found wandering the streets, it was shocking. However, a bigger surprise than seeing the two children alone was learning that there was another even younger baby sister still at their home. The three young children were taken into foster care through a non-profit organization, Child Crisis Arizona. Eventually, all three were adopted and today they are receiving therapy and love to help them move forward.

It’s no secret that children play a special role in the world, their bright influence reaching even the darkest places. The Savior said, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Child Crisis Arizona takes this message seriously. Primarily functioning as a foster care organization, Child Crisis Arizona has been helping the most vulnerable children in the Valley, like Sarah and Matt, for decades. The organization is the product of the merging of two longstanding institutions, Crisis Nursery and Child Crisis Center.

Child Crisis Arizona provides a broad range of services, including prevention, intervention and education programs. They offer emergency children’s shelters, group homes, counseling services, early childhood education courses, training for foster/ adoptive parents and more, all with the aim of creating safe places for children and youth.

People looking to serve during the pandemic are in luck! Child Crisis Arizona offers many ways to get involved. Opportunities include hosting donation drives, linking Child Crisis Arizona to Amazon or Fry’s rewards programs, or donating your Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit.

There is no better way to get to know an organization than by seeing inside it. While that’s not physically possible now, anyone who is interested in learning more about Child Crisis Arizona can take a virtual tour. They offer individual or group scheduling.

If any readers have ever considered changing the world for a child in need, May is National Foster Care Awareness Month, and there has never been a better time to get involved with Child Crisis Arizona than now. Perhaps this could be the year you are finally able to foster a child in your home. There is a great need for help at this time.

When the Savior visited the Nephites in the ancient Americas, He gathered the children around Him. After praying with them, He blessed them, and He wept. His love for children shows the important role they can have in the world and in our homes. As we follow His example, we will be receptive to and protective of the children and youth in our lives. Some of us may even include another child who may be in want of help and guidance. Child Crisis Arizona has been bringing the sweet influence of these little ones to families for many years, and with support of the Valley, they will be able to do so for years to come.

For more information, visit childcrisisaz.org.

Photo courtesy of Child Crisis Center Children are an heritage of the Lord.

Temple Closed During Renovation

For excellent sources of updated info regarding renovation work, find Mesa Temple Construction on Facebook, and visit https://churchofjesuschristtemples. org/mesa-arizona-temple/news/

Gilbert Arizona and Phoenix Arizona Temples are Now in Phase 2-B: TEMPLES

OPEN FOR LIVING ORDINANCES AND LIMITED PROXY BAPTISMS—Based on First Presidency direction, these temples have resumed limited operations. At this time, all living ordinances and limited proxy baptisms are being scheduled. Ordinances will be performed by appointment only and limited to members residing in a designated geographic area. For these ordinances, the temples will have reduced staff and the number of guests will be limited. To schedule a proxy baptism appointment, please click the “Schedule Now” link below. When the temple for your area is ready to receive appointments, clicking this link will direct you to the scheduling system. To schedule a living ordinance appointment, please send an email to the temple using the link below and include the names of the members, desired ordinance, desired ordinance date, phone numbers, and the best time to contact you. All government guidelines will be observed, including regulations related to travel, gatherings, sanitization, and safety. All patron housing, cafeteria, and clothing services remain closed. Please check the following webpages regularly for updates: Gilbert AZ Temple: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/details/gilbert-arizonatemple?lang=eng&cid=email-$cid_1 Phoenix AZ Temple: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/details/phoenix-arizonatemple?lang=eng&cid=email-$cid_2

Gilbert Arizona Temple

3301 S. Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85297

(480) 822-5000 LIMITED OPERATIONS AS OF NOV 9, 2020: 2021 Temple Closures

Saturday, 2 October Monday, 4 October - Monday, 15 November Wednesday, 24 November - Thursday, 25 November Friday, 24 December - Saturday, 25 December Friday, 31 December

Please check https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples regularly for updates.

Phoenix Arizona Temple

5220 W. Pinnacle Peak Road, Phoenix, AZ 85310

(623) 474-9500 LIMITED OPERATIONS AS OF NOV 9, 2020: 2021 Temple Closures

Monday, 17 May 2021 - Monday, 31 May Saturday, 2 October Monday, 1 November - Monday, 15 November Wednesday, 24 November (Limited Operations) Thursday, 25 November Friday, 24 December - Saturday, 25 December Friday, 31 December

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