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By Robin Finlinson

A Bicentennial Song

In President Russell M. Nelson’s message published January 1, 2020, he described our day as a time of “ongoing restoration of the Savior’s gospel.” Here’s a song to commemorate 200 years since the prophet Joseph Smith’s first vision of heavenly beings that began the restoration. The song is meant to be a lively, fun challenge. It employs two different melodies—one suited for higher voices, the other for lower ones. Some family members might sing sections of the song down an octave or join in with the lower melody or the harmony part.

Family History Continued from pg. 24

“When the youth are immersed in family history, they feel good, they leave the activity lifted and happier, they feel they have done something of substance with their time,” said

Sister Fillerup.

The map was displayed in the foyer before and after sacrament meeting and the block, with many people stopping to look and commenting on what a great visual it was.

Part two of the activity involved the youth taking 15 minutes to look


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up information about their ancestral country—a famous person, currency, language, cost of living, population, cuisine, etc.

John Lane recognizes promised blessings. “I’ve found that when I do temple and family history work that it is a lot easier to resist the temptations of Satan and I’m really grateful for that.”

Parents want for themselves and their children the promised blessings associated with family history and temple work. Ancestor mapping can easily be done as a Family Home Evening activity.

10-Day Church History Tour

> Thr ee Pageants, including the last ever Hill Cumorah Pageant > Stops include Harmony, Fayette, Palmyra, Kirtland, Nauvoo, Independence and more.


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