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With Deanna Musgrave / January 2023
Astrology for Creators
With Deanna Musgrave
General New Year’s Overview:
You will recall from my December 2022 column that I mentioned that I pulled the tarot card of Death Reversed for January 2023. I feel this to be aligned with what I see in the astrology and feel within my body. The Death card showcases a grim reaper sort of character riding on top a white horse welcomed by children on the journey. While the Death Card is often falsely depicted as a feared outcome, it is about transformation. The children and sunrise welcome Death to symbolize the light coming on the new path. This card embodies the energy of a phoenix rising out of the ashes. When it is reversed (meaning it is pulled upsidedown out of the deck) it means that the transformation may be sluggish, difficult, there is resistance to change, internal transformation and/or emotional purging.
When I consider this in context of the astrology for January 2023, the meaning of Death Reversed lines up. The entire month will be flavored with both Mars and Mercury in Retrograde which would indicate internal reflections upon passions, thoughts, and communications. I’ve written extensively about these Retrogrades in the October, November, and December 2022 columns. I mentioned in these columns that the best use of your creative efforts will be internal work within your studio. I would recommend going back to see what has been happening for you during these periods as we will be coming out of the Mars Retrograde on January 12, 2023 (with a shadow period until March 16, 2023). Mercury will come out of Retrograde on January 17th, 2023 (with a two-week post-shadow period until January 31st, 2023). What this translates into is a month of confused communication, passionate debates going nowhere, confusion and a feeling of lethargy. The Mars and Mercury Retrograde will add even more emotions to the Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th 2023. Full moons are endings, closure, and culmination points. With this being in the sign of Cancer, this may bring up emotional topics, creativity, intuition, the home, family issues, or aspects around motherhood. Intuitively, I feel what is most significant about this month is on January 1st, 2023, when we have a Conjunction of Venus meeting Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. Venus is the planet of love, money, abundance, relationships, beauty, aesthetics, and pleasure. It is meeting Pluto the planet of death/rebirth, transformation, and power. This conjunction feels like it is setting the tone for 2023, as it will bring up deep, and maybe unknown, emotions when it comes to Venusian themes for the purpose of transformation into the next phase. The next day on January 2nd, 2023, Venus quickly moves into Aquarius which feels to me like a hint at a new way forward after what came up on New Year’s Day. I raise an eyebrow when I realize that this processing of Venus Conjunct Pluto is happening alongside the Mars and Mercury Retrogrades for the entire month which spells out a lot of deep processing and internal reflection. Perhaps now you can see why Death Reversed is such an appropriate Tarot card for this month? Don’t be surprized if emotions are a bit more intense on New Year’s Day. It may bring something up that you will be processing throughout the year, as Pluto makes very important shifts this year. For creatives, pay attention to anything happening on this day that transforms your perspectives on your creative practice given that Venus rules the arts and Pluto is here to bring something unseen up to be acknowledged.
I feel that whatever came into awareness around January 1-2nd 2023 with the Venus-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn, as well as, Venus’ quick movement into Aquarius afterward, will be revisited in some way on the New Moon in Aquarius on January 21st. New Moons are about planting seeds and new direction. It may simply be that you have an idea of where you want to go with this new knowledge brought forth by Venus and Pluto. The next day on January 22nd, 2023, Uranus goes Direct after being Retrograde since August 24, 2022. Uranus, which is associated with Aquarius, is also about new ideas and moving forward in shocking ways. I feel that with it combined with that Aquarius New Moon there is a lot of power to give insight and direction as to what to do with that deep Plutonic awareness that is coming in for January. You may even want to do some New Moon Rituals around that theme to assist you to discover how to process it.
Pluto in 2023 and beyond:
Pluto is one of the planets I am paying the most attention to for 2023. It is a slow-moving planet and when it changes signs it heralds new generational shifts. From 2023 – 2024 it will begin shifting back and forth between Capricorn (where it has been since 2008) into Aquarius. The period to watch out for is when Pluto will make the first shift into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 – June 11, 2023, and then afterward it will shift back into Capricorn for the remainder of the year. Pluto will shift back into Aquarius on January 20, 2024- September 1, 2024. Be aware that while these times are peaks of the energy, the intense Plutonic energy shifts might be already starting for you. I can speak that from personal experiencing, I am journaling the changes according to my Natal Chart and already seeing Pluto’s new influence coming into my life as I write this article in November 2022. With big changes like Pluto shifting signs, the groundwork is already happening.
When Pluto finally settles into Aquarius to stay on November 19th, 2024, it will be there for 20 years! When I think of what this means for the collective, a shift from Capricorn to Aquarius might mean a shift in power from top-down control to more “from the ground up” and local movements. Capricorn represents institution, government, authority, and Capitalism whereas Aquarius is associated with humanitarian causes, visionary action, and the people. As we approach this two-decade transit, be prepared for Pluto to give that final birthing death push on that for the collective. We will likely witness many moments where power is shifting to that which is associated with Aquarius. This will not be without a struggle and will play out over this 20-year period. This matters to creatives as the way the institution of the “art world” works will be collapsing and rebirthing too.
It is also important to mention that Aquarius has to do with advancements in technology and that this 20-year period will likely see extreme developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Last year we already witnessed an AI winning first place at the Colorado State Fair’s fine arts competition. Be prepared for more debates around AI’s place in the art world. It will be a time, for everyone, to be questioning what it means to be human and what a human can do that a robot cannot. What will define human made art versus robotically made? You may want to start thinking about how this impacts your art practice now. On the positive side, the loss of jobs to AI will mean that the population will turn towards exploring their creativity which is good news for creatives.
This 20-year transit of Pluto will also be working with you on a personal level. For the next few months, be prepared to have Pluto bring up lessons, if you haven’t learned them yet, within the natal house Pluto has been sitting in for the past 14-15 years. If you haven’t fully transformed that area of your life, Pluto is going to give you a final kick in the pants. While it may not be fun, it is an action that is for the purpose of your growth into an empowered being. Knowing where Pluto will be transiting back and forth between 20232024 can bring context and purpose to the changes you will be experiencing. For my creatives reading this, it may even be a good idea to intentionally create around the themes of your Pluto transits for the purpose of integration. Speaking on personal experience, I am already working on my future Plutonic transformations in hopes to soften the extreme rebalancing that could occur if I am not already developed in those areas in my life.
Rising Sign Forecast for Pluto in 2023-2024:
So now I would like to get a bit more specific as to how Pluto may affect you in 2023 – 2024 based on your RISING SIGN. Please DO NOT read your Sun Sign for this forecast! When someone says “I’m an Aries” most people are talking about their Sun Sign. This is not what you want and you should always look at your Rising Sign for forecasting. To find out your Rising Sign you need your exact time and location of birth. There are many free online Rising Sign calculators that can give this information to you.
Aries Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14–15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your career, public image or legacy. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In a more dramatic manifestations this could look like a complete career change or change of status in the public eye. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve groups of people, your community, future dreams, or humanitarian projects. As an example, you may have noticed how Pluto has transformed your career and public image in such a way that you are ready to move that power into humanitarian causes.
Taurus Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your beliefs, philosophy of life, higher learning, long distance travel, foreign lands or teachers. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a new shift in perspective in belief systems, new study in education, or a sudden long-distance trip of significance. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your legacy, career or how you are perceived by the public. As an example, Pluto may have transformed your belief systems in such a way that you are very clear as to the public image and career path you wish to create moving forward.
Gemini Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to the way you share with others, intimacy, sexuality, inheritance, psychic experiences or mysterious happenings that could be described as connected to the occult. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a new level of intimacy achieved with a partner, receiving an inheritance, or an insatiable interest in all things mysterious. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your belief system, higher learning, long distance travel or foreign lands. As an example, Pluto may have transformed your interest in the occult in such a way that you are ready to take it on in the form of serious study. Another example could be that your intimacy and shared resources have been solidified with a partner and this allows for you to now travel or take up a new educational pursuit.
Cancer Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your relationships and partnerships. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a new romance, divorce, creation of a business partnership or awareness of your enemies. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve how you share resources, are intimate with others and/or are psychic or occult in nature. As an example, Pluto may have shown you who to trust and, as a result, you are ready to invest and share resources with the right business partner. This could also apply to romantic relationships. Maybe you have had a rough series of transformation when it comes to romance but, this journey will all pay off with the perfect life partner to begin building a life together.
Leo Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your health, daily routine, job, organization, coworkers or pets. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a health issue coming into closure or a realization that you are better off as your own boss given conflicts that occur with coworkers. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your relationships and partnerships. As an example, Pluto may have transformed your perspectives on coworkers in such a way that you now know who is best to partner with in terms of work. Another example might be a transformation in your Virgo Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your creativity, children, romance, pleasure and fun. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a new shift in how you create, the birth of a child, a new perspective on romance or how you find pleasure/fun. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your health, routine, daily job, coworkers and/or pets. As an example, Pluto may have transformed your creative style and, as a result, you are transitioning into a selfemployed artist! Another example is that you have discovered something about yourself through your creativity and are ready for a change of job. Another example may be that you are starting to experience health related issues and must make wellbeing a daily routine to support your creativity and fun.
Libra Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your home, private life, family, mother and ancestry. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a move into a new home or something significant happening within your family. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your creativity, fun, pleasure, romance, and/or children. As an example, Pluto may have transformed you into a new home for the purpose of growing a family. Another example might be processing childhood trauma having to do with your mother, family, or ancestry. This processing of trauma might impact the way you create, your children or how you have fun.
Scorpio Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your siblings, neighbours, communication style, learning and thinking. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense dramatic transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a new shift in your relationships with your siblings or neighbors. As another example, you could be transforming the way you communicate or think! Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your home, private life, mother, family, or ancestry. As an example, Pluto may have transformed your relationships with your siblings, and you are ready to move into a home to be closer with family. Another manifestation could be you’ve been working to improve how you communicate and, as a result, your relationships with your family and local community improve.
Sagittarius Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your values, how you earn money, what you own and how you enjoy the sweetness of life. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a new awareness as to what you value or how you make money. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your siblings, neighbors, education, local community, communication and/or thinking process. As an example, Pluto may have transformed your values in such a way that you come to a deep realization around your siblings or neighbors. You may also come into a great insight about your relationship with money and this could affect the way you think about things or communicate.
Capricorn Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14–15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to who you are, your identity, your appearance, your attitude and approach to life. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a completely new look, identity, or life philosophy. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your values, how you make money and what you own. As an example, Pluto may have transformed you at such a core level that you realize you have a completely different perspective on what money is or what you value in life.
Aquarius Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your spirituality, the unseen, mental health, subconscious or anything associated with a locational retreat (from the spa to prisons). Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of a spiritual awakening or transformational crisis around your mental health. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve who you are at your core, your identity or appearance. As an example, Pluto may have transformed your spiritual beliefs in such a way that you are a new person. As another example, you may have made great strides with your mental health which have shifted the way you interact with the world.
Pisces Rising I invite you to reflect on the past 14-15 year period and what transformational moments were connected to your relationships with groups, community, humanitarian causes or future dreams. Be aware that in the next two years Pluto might make a final intense transformation in these areas of your life. In its more dramatic manifestations this might take the shape of becoming part of a new community, becoming involved in a humanitarian cause or a big shift in what your goals are. Become open to how new experiences are coming into your life that involve your spirituality or mental health. As an example, Pluto may have transformed you in such a way that you have shifted your community into a more spiritual one. Another example is that your future goals have changed in such a way that it has affected your mental health.
Deanna Musgrave is an artist, astrologer, hypnotist, energy worker and intuitive guide. You can contact her through her websites at: www.deannamusgrave.com www.artisthehealer.com
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. —Henry David Thoreau