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With Deanna Musgrave / November 2022
Astrology for Creatives with Deanna Musgrave
(November 2022) I am expecting the entrance into November to be intense given it will be right in the middle of the fall eclipse season. At the beginning of the month, we will still be in the effects of the Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 24-25th in Scorpio and starting to feel the build-up to the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 7-8th in Taurus. With these series of eclipses, we should expect a time of transformational change, unveiling of secrets or shocking revelations, as well as changes in shared resources with Scorpio’s influence. The Taurus energy will bring forward issues around food, security, money, land, and the environment. As a creative who always works with the moons to goal set and magnetize what resonates towards me, let me first say that I don’t advise rituals on Eclipse Moons. I do feel very positive about the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd, 2022 for creators and manifesting. On that day, Jupiter, the planet associated with abundance, will also be going direct in Pisces after many months of Retrograde. Venus will have also just moved into Sagittarius on September 16th and followed by Mercury on the 17th. I feel Mercury conjunct Venus on September 21st to be a very beneficial conjunction for the arts as it will blend communications, intellect and logic with beauty, wealth, and love. Given that Sagittarius is a fire sign, I would recommend a fire ritual, like blowing out a candle with visualization. Make sure when you blow out that candle that you are in the experience of what you wish to manifest by seeing, smelling, feeling, and experiencing it. Don’t blow out the candle with a wish but, instead be that energy while you extinguish the flame. Make sure you say “in the highest good of all and with respect to the free will of others” to protect yourself. In my experience the ritual will be more potent if you align it with the house Sagittarius is in for you. If you know your Rising Sign, I will outline it for you below.
Rising Sign Forecast So now I would like to get a bit more specific as to how November’s astrological aspects may affect you based on your RISING SIGN, as well as what area of your life might be best focused on for your New Moon ritual. Please DO NOT read your Sun Sign for this forecast! When someone says “I’m an Aries” most people are talking about their Sun Sign. This is not what you want and you should always look at your Rising Sign for forecasting. To find out your Rising Sign you need your exact time and location of birth. There are many free online Rising Sign calculators that can give this information to you.
Aries Rising Be aware that the Eclipses will be affecting your 2nd house of values and money, as well as your 8th house of shared resources, secrets, sexuality, intimacy, death/rebirths and transformations. With the Sagittarius New Moon, it would be good to focus your manifesting ritual on life purpose/philosophy, higher learning or long-distance travel. Be aware that there is a lot of energy around the unseen/spiritual, intense emotions or mental health.
Taurus Rising The universe is calling you to explore yourself deeply since the new year and these eclipses will be bringing you a lot of examinations of self-versus-relationships. Be aware that the Taurus Eclipse on November 7-8th could also impact the physical body. With the Sagittarius New Moon happening in your 8th house there is power behind manifesting for transformation, shared resources, intimacy, sex, secrets, death/rebirths, transformations, and anything occult. Be aware that there is a lot of energy focused on community and future goals that may be expansive or illusionary/fanciful.
Gemini Rising Gemini Risings are likely going deep within to examine the unseen parts of themselves and mental health in relations to work, routines, jobs, health, and pets. You may also be exploring your spirituality at this time and incorporating it into your routine. For the Sagittarius New Moon, I recommend focusing your manifesting magic towards relationships and partnerships. Around this time there is a lot of energy that is both expansive, but also illusionary or fantastical, when it comes to career, public life, or legacy.
Cancer Rising Cancer Risings are likely dealing with a lot of change when it comes to community or future goals. You may be trying to integrate this with your joys, romance, children, or creativity. This Sagittarius New Moon will be great for manifesting rituals that are focused on routines, physical health, your job, or pets. Be aware that there is a lot of expansion and fanciful illusion around this time when it comes to exploring your life purpose/philosophy, higher learning, long distance travel or anything foreign.
Leo Rising You’ve likely been dealing with a lot to do with your public image, career, authorities, or legacy throughout this year, as well as, how that all balances with family, private life, or your mother. Be ready for that to get highlighted during this eclipse season. For this Sagittarius New Moon, I advise using your manifesting magic towards your joys, play, children, creations, or romance. Be aware you have a lot going on that is expansive and illusionary when it comes to shared resources, intimacy, sexuality, transformation, death/rebirth, or the occult.
Virgo Rising This year you may be examining your life purpose at a deeper level while also considering more higher learning or long-distance travel. You also might be experiencing a lot of revelations and transformations when it comes to your relationships with siblings, local community, or the way you communicate. For you, this Sagittarius New Moon energy is best used towards manifestations having to do with your home and private life. Be aware that relationships and partnerships are expanding while also bringing fantasies, deception, illusion, or even unexpected revelations.
Libra Rising The Eclipse season is going to bring you a lot of energy around shared resources, intimacy, sex, transformation, death/rebirth, or the occult. This may also be affecting your values and money. For this Sagittarius New Moon, I advise focusing your energy on manifesting things around siblings, local community or how you communicate. With Pisces ruling your 6th house, be aware that there is expanding but, also fantastic/illusionary energy around your routines, job, pets, and physical health. Scorpio Rising You’ve likely had a lot of revelations and shocking developments when it comes to relationships lately. You may feel like relationships are taking up a lot of space and you have less time to explore yourself. Be aware this will get more intense during eclipse season. For this Sagittarius New Moon focus your manifesting energy on your values and money. With Pisces in your 5th house, you have likely had a lot more expansion in the areas of joy, romance, creativity, and children but, be aware there could be an illusory or fantastical energy at play there too. It might be very useful to play in the fantasies but, just be careful not to be deceived.
Sagittarius Rising This eclipse season will bring highlights to areas around routine, job, pets, or physical health, as well as, mental health, spirituality, and the unseen parts of you. You may be trying to integrate things like your job into your needs around mental health and/or spirituality. With the Sagittarius New Moon, I advise focusing your manifesting energy on the self (both who you are but, also your physical body). With Pisces in the 4th be aware of expansions and illusions/fantasies when it comes to the home, family, private life, or maternal figures.
Capricorn Rising For Capricorn, the energy is supporting a journey with your 5th house of play, romance, children, and creativity. You may be trying to balance this with community or future dreams. With Sagittarius ruling your 12th house, I recommend exploring your spirituality, retreats, subconscious, or mental health in your manifestations. With Pisces ruling your 3rd house, be aware you have a lot going on with your local neighbourhood, siblings and how you communicate that is both expansive with a touch of illusion or fantasy. As an example, maybe you have had new neighbors move in next door and they seem to fit perfectly into your fantasy life but, there may be something deceptive about it.
Aquarius Rising The Eclipses are going to bring a focus to your home, private life, family or maybe even your mother. You may be trying to balance this with your career and public life. With Sagittarius in your 11th house, your energy is best used towards large public communities and future dreams for manifestations. With Pisces in your 2nd house be aware there is a lot going on for you around money and values that will feel expansive but, has a touch of illusion or fantasy. As an example, be very careful and skeptical of any financial schemes that seem too good to be true.
Pisces Rising This eclipse is going to bring forth a lot of energy towards your siblings, neighborhood, or the way you communicate. It might also highlight new awareness with your life purpose/philosophy, higher learning, long distance travel or anything foreign. For this Sagittarius New Moon, I recommend using your manifesting energy towards your career, public life, or legacy. With Pisces in your 1st house, be aware that you are likely experiencing an expansion of the self but, there could be an element of illusion or fantasy. As an example, you may be spending a lot of time with self-improvement lately but maybe missing something very important that is just underneath the surface of awareness. Sometimes involvement in the wellness community can be a distraction from examining the piece of you that really needs your attention.
Deanna Musgrave is an artist, astrologer, hypnotist, energy worker and intuitive guide. You can contact her through her websites at: www.deannamusgrave.com www.artisthehealer.com F