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With Deanna Musgrave / October 2022
Astrology for Creators
with Deanna Musgrave
October 2022
Things are currently building towards a “grand finale” of this year’s issues and it’s going to start escalating in late October. It may be chaotic at times with world events in late October into November but, I also feel there will be opportunities for creators if we focus our attention to utilize the planetary energies towards our creativity in the right ways. As a visual artist, I am specifically focusing my attention on how to work with the Mercury and Mars Retrograde in October.
First off, what is a planetary Retrograde? People often falsely assume that astrologers think that the planets move backwards when there is a Retrograde but, this is impossible. A Retrograde is an illusion that makes it appear that the planet is reversing when closest to earth in orbit. My concern is that this proximity intensifies the energy, and it becomes chaotic.
We will be finishing off a Mercury in Retrograde on October 2nd but, be aware that we will still be in its Post-Retrograde shadow period until October 16. We can still feel the effects of a Retrograde during a shadow period but they tend to be diminishing. Many assume that astrology is for a specific time, and it is true that events often happen on the exacting of a planetary aspect however, I see the energy more like waves with a fade in, peak and fade out. While exact dates and times matter, it is also important to consider the days before and leading up to a planetary movement or aspect.
You have likely heard that Mercury Retrogrades cause chaos when it comes to communications and technology, however this experience is different for everyone depending on your natal chart. If you are born in a Mercury Retrograde, it could affect you in a positive way, according to astrology. If Mercury strongly influences your chart, you may feel the Retrograde in a more negative way. For instance, I’m a Virgo Rising so, Mercury rules my chart and Mercury Retrogrades are always chaotic with the most embarrassing email typos. I think the universe must have a sense of humour to give me an offer to write my first astrology column for “The Artful Mind” right in the thick of a Mercury Retrograde but, you can’t allow it to control your life. Mercury Retrogrades should not be feared but, awareness is key. For someone like me, I need to check emails and contracts at least three times, as well as have some compassionate humour towards myself when I make a mistake. In an ideal world, I would shut down communication and use this time for introspection in my art studio. Retrogrades are powerful for creators if you know how to use them.
Others might think about the past weeks as a completely opposite experience to what I have just described, and you wouldn’t be wrong. As I stated previously, the Mercury Retrograde will influence you differently depending on your chart. For instance, if you were born in a Mercury Retrograde, you might find that those weeks give you a boost with communications. In that case, a Mercury Retrograde is a perfect time for you to start an art project or publicly debut it! So, which one are you? You can look this up in your natal chart or you can simply take note of how communications have been for you since September 9th, 2022 when the Retrograde started.
Knowing how Mercury Retrogrades impact you matters as an artist given that Mercury is the ruler of communications. While most astrologers attribute artistic ability to Venus and Neptune, and often overlook the importance of Mercury, they are not always involved in the arts to know why it would be important. I am both an artist and an astrologer and I can tell you that Mercury also has a huge influence on visual arts! I attribute this to 20th century postmodernism where conceptual art took center stage and an idea (which is in the domain of Mercury) could be an artwork. I would go so far to say that Mercury can, in some cases, have even more influence than Venus and Neptune on contemporary art. It is also important to consider the impact of writing ability, which is in the domain of Mercury, for gallery or grant applications.
The other planetary motion I’m focusing on this month is when Mars goes into Retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023 (with a pre-Retrograde shadow from September 3, 2022). I anticipate this Retrograde to be more pronounced as it is right in the middle of our next eclipse season with a Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 25th in Scorpio and the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th in Taurus. Mars is another planet that astrologers don’t often connect with artists however, according to astrology, it is our fire and passion! Mars moved into Gemini on August 20th, 2022 and will be there for an unusual seven months. How it will influence you will depend on which house Gemini rules in your chart however, you can simply take note of what became “fired up” around August 20th in your life. For me, Gemini is in my 10th house of public life and career which is interesting when you consider that I just had two major art shows and multiple offers! When Mars goes Retrograde on the 30th, I expect this to shift and for that fire to turn into more internal reflection on my passion. Wouldn’t you know it but one of my shows comes down on October 24th and I expect to have a long reflection period to sort out my future art projects! So, for you, whatever fired up on August 20th, expect it to shift around October 30th given that the Mars energy will go Retrograde and be more internal until January 12, 2023. Mars will move out of Gemini completely on March 25th, 2023.
As an artist, I am also paying attention to how world events may affect my art production. We are living in an unusually apocalyptic time, and I expect that the Mars Retrograde combined with the fall eclipses will create some intensity. Knowing what is coming can help artists to better prepare. Mars in Gemini (August 20, 2022 to March 25th, 2023) will often create “your truth and my truth” battles. Gemini is symbolized by the twins and represents communication, conversations, opposites, and polarity. When Mars moved into Gemini, I expected there to be more passionate debate in the media about world events until it moves out of it in March 2023. If you are an artist who makes politically charged work, this might fire you up and inspire you however, for an empath like me, the intense polarization can be debilitating at times and negatively affect art production. I carefully watch how my body responds when I watch the news. If I feel at all emotionally dysregulated or ungrounded in my body, I take a break. I would advise having a grounding or protection ritual when you watch the news from now until Mars is out of Gemini. Know thyself as an artist and respect your boundaries with Mars in Gemini regarding debates. A positive way to use this energy is to figure out what Mars is firing up in your life and focus your attention on that one thing, especially when you need to take a break from the chaotic news. Gemini energy can also create a lot of distractions so, combined with Mars, it is like a fiery tornado that we could get swept up in. My advice is to choose one or two passions and hold onto them like a rope that is keeping you from getting swept up in the storm.
Venus and Neptune usually take center stage when talking about art, but all planets can have an impact on it. As you can see by my personal experience, Mars in my career house perfectly aligned with significant changes with my art. Knowing how to work with Retrogrades also has an impact on how to work with your artistic rhythms. If you want more specifics on how the planets will impact you in the coming year, you can book an online consultation with me.
Deanna Musgrave is an artist, astrologer, hypnotist, energy worker and intuitive guide. You can contact her through her websites at: www.deannamusgrave.com www.artisthehealer.com