Common Knowledge #20: The stage is yours

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stage is yours

#20 The

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Spinning Wheels audiovisuele communicatie I would like to create a MultiMediaMobile. The idea is to equip a 4x4 car with electricity, screens, sound and wifi so you can have an instant party or have meetings in different places, off-road or in urban environments. It could bring people together drinking some coffee & tea, to chat about their lives, tell their stories and even work (most freelancers just need electricity, coffee and wifi), student parties, pop-up presentations or kids with an outdoor sports event. The roof could become a stage, so even bigger events are possible.

.......................................................................................................... Contact: Edward van Kempen +31 621205888

INFINITY DANCE, MUSIC & VISUAL ART I am working with composer/musician Marc Alberto and with dancer/choreographer Uri Eugenio on a theatral performance with dance, music and visual art. We are researching the subject of infinity and we try to personify this abstract matter. A theatre performance that embraces cutting edge technology, philosophy, science and art. Solo dance performance by Uri Eugenio with live music performed by Marc Alberto & ensemble, with visual art by Marie van Vollenhoven.

.......................................................................................................... Contact: Marie van Vollenhoven

connect Connecting makes us feel comfortable. My designs are not glued together but their parts litterally support eachother. I deliberately chose to share a working space with a fashion designer. With a purpose, together in Limburg. Why? Because of my connection with this ground. My studies in Milan made me aware of the differences in Italian and Dutch design cultures. So my challenge was to fuse them. My designs are crafted in cooperation with Limburgian companies. Literally by connecting wooden panels. Raw and pure, without a sucating layer of paint. Raw and pure, so it will clearly display the physical connection. The edges blackened by laser cutting, the burn marks refer to the age of the coalmine industry of the Euregion. Where my Italian grandfather found his new home. Do not forget that this is the year of the mines. This is what makes your euregion strong. ALEXANDER CLAESSEN MAASTRICHT





.......................................................................................................... Contact: Alexander Claessen +31 648655051

sera solution for animal shelters After studies about situation of animals kept in the shelters I pointed one of the issues that could be improved with the design. New cat that is arriving to the shelter, needs to be separated and investigated for infectious disease. Depends from shelters, this period can last from few days up to few months. Stress, low hygiene and lack of comfort can cause problem with healing or even lead to death. There is also another side of the coin - the personnel working in the shelters, due to inappropriate equipment their work is risky, uncomfortable and time-consuming. Thanks to the new solutions used in Sera cage the product I have designed is user friendly, easy to clean, easy in use and it improves the living conditions of the cat staying in quarantine.

.......................................................................................................... Contact: Iwona Lisiecka +31 685287725

The process of making between sustainability & luxury stuff

.......................................................................................................... Contact: Marco Iannicelli +49 (0)1632148463

On a horse with no name It’s a state between awareness and imaginary, between the quest and the feeling of already knowing these spaces where the environment forges the people, where the borders are as entangled as the mountain ranges that define them.

.......................................................................................................... Contact: Matthieu Litt +32 498628783

Full Stack Collective The current scenario for creative entrepreneurs consists in either being part of a creative agency or working as a ZZP. What is less common is a collective of ZZP’s that work together as a fluid agency. This is what the ‚Full Stack Collective’ is about, a flexible joint force of awesome designers, 2d animator and web and data developer that provide a range of individual and integrated custom solutions to present and display your work. We’re located at Collective Workspace Maastricht. Individually we can design products and spaces, communicate complex ideas with animations, make your web presence elegant on all devices or make data visualisation and interaction clear and intuitive. Together we can integrate all of our specialities in one solid, elegant, user-friendly and dynamic package.

.......................................................................................................... Contact: Manu: Arthur: Jonathan: Jeroen:

Ebby Port Ebby Port is a young Dutch fashion designer who lives and works in Geleen (Netherlands). “ In a way it is like giving someone a little home around their body. In which someone can feel free. ” Ebby Port uses her own unique visual language based on her love for materials, fine art, photography, philosophy and her own personal styling.” In try to make everything as much local as possible, but is it possible? How can a designer have a local production and where can I present my collection in the Euregion?

.......................................................................................................... Contact: Ebby Port

Common Knowledge is a monthly series that offers a space of exchange for ideas, knowledge and experience supporting your creative entrepreneurship. It connects you to other creative and cultural professionals and boosts your professional skills through workshops, discussions, lectures and presentation evenings. Common Knowlage is a project organized by The Artist and the Others.

Designed by Iwona Lisiecka

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