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TAW Sponsored Hawken Tournament The Art of Warfare has been in the gaming community for over 13 years now with more than 2500 members worldwide playing over 35 supported games. Events like this tournament are just one of the many activities which TAW members get to participate in on a regular basis. Built by gamers for gamers, TAW Hawken has teams in North America, Europe, Oceanic and Competitive play! Take your Hawken experience to that next level by joining TAW now, apply at The HAWK Division would like to extend an open invitation to all TAW members to participate in their Hawken Community Tournament. Hawken is a Free-to-Play FPS Mech shooter game that you can download through Steam. The HAWK Division runs Battalions worldwide in North America, Europe and Oceanic regions so drop by and grab at game at one of the mandatory or show up to an optional training event and learn to be a better player. Looking forward to seeing many non HAWK Division players help represent TAW in this community Tournament so grab your free copy of the game and see you out their on the battlefield pilot! The links for full details and registration are below Gumby HAWK

TAW on the Social Media Scene The community of TAW has been expanding outward by means of social media. We are involved in, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and also Twitch. (If you do not know what twitch TV is. it is a free place for people to stream games as they play them.) Currently there are 1,531 members on TAW’s Facebook page. If you are interested in checking out any of these exciting progressions for TAW; all you need to do is click on the appropriate link on the TAW website. They are located on the top left corner of the TAW website.


VG — Wargame Red Dragon First and foremost I want to thank the VG staff for giving me the chance to show and shine and that I can lead the WRD team and do it well, I have run my own clan for 3 years in WoT that TAW has a Division in. I was recruited into TAW via WarThunder by PWRR. I reached the CO level in WarThunder and once I found out this game was coming out I jumped at a chance to prove that I was more than capable to do it. I have under me a great team and the full backing of my 2 SO’s and in the future a lot more members. I look forward to the many updates and late nights that will go into making this a fantastic game something that TAW can be proud to have in the list of games it currently has.

Vanguard short news MAJ MrHeadShot Grim was put on leave 4/15/2014 and Xelance has been assigned acting SUL for Titanfall

all 3 staff of Vanguard is now put to place and being trained MrHeadshot VG DO, Bamsen VG DC and NavyChief VG CLC

Bamsen the VG DC is also working as an SUL on the new game of Rust

Wargame: Red Dragon is a fast action paced online multiplayer game with upto 10 vs 10 battles on very large maps, which are based upon real area’s around the world and all the units serving around the world from Canada to Australia with everything in-between. WRD has just over 1500 units including but not limited to Inf, Tanks, Airplanes, Helicopters, MLRS, naval units and supply vehicles including chinooks and trucks. 1LT EricLock- WRD Commanding officer

In Wargame: Red Dragon our time has been full of good memories that we can tell you about because we have had so much fun recently, Many of you here in TAW might not know much about us and we would like to rectify that right away. Wargame: Red dragon is based around the cold war in Asia, it features many realistic representations of the vehicles used during this time for main countries involved and some other countries that were not involved for me this makes the game more fun as I am interested in the Tanks and aircraft of this time period, Red Dragon has a mixture of different elements and tactics to its gameplay so there are different ways to beat your opponents every time, Wargame begins to take the micromanagement way of playing and pushes it past its limits because in wargame there are ways to set up to hold a town or to push you always have to try to think of the best way possible and stay 2 steps ahead of your opponent if you dont want to stalemate at an un-useful town. 2LT Mwilson– WRD Staff Officer

Many of you play games focused around Infantry and the power of a single soldier or a squad, though you have a lot of gear that you can call on from the mighty M1A2 Abrams MBT on the ground to the F-117 NightHawk in the sky, the power of the infantryman and everything they can carry into battle has the ability to change the course of a single battle. The infantry are broken up into 6 types; Regular or standard infantry, your main line soldiers, your Anti Air infantry, with the ability to take down helicopters and planes at short range, Anti Tank Infantry which can knock out tanks at close the three kilometers. Then you have you shoot first ask questions later Special Forces. From Spetsnaz to, SEALS, Delta Force and SAS, you can use these infantry to take on almost any unit thrown in front of them and win. Like fire? So do the Combat Engineers with their Flame Throwers and Napalm Launchers. Want to see what the enemy is doing while they have no idea you are watching (Most of the time). Then you will like Recon Infantry, who using Sniper Rifles can kill a target at over a Kilometer away. While you may have the ability to bring in some of the most powerful weapons in the world onto the battlefield, it all still comes down to an infantryman and his rifle. 2LT TheMarshal– WRD Staff Officer


The Law of Diminishing Players—Part 1 Maxim #44 - Recruiting new members raises a unit's morale. Recruiting members is a basic & critical activity of all 3 phases of the Game-Cycle. Maxim #49 - One should wage war with the soldiers that are here and now. Not the ones that have been and are gone, nor who have yet to be. There is a reality to running online gaming teams that I have called The Law of Diminishing Players. This law may not be obvious if you are fairly new, or if you’ve been around online gaming teams for a while you may already have experienced this phenomenon. The law is pretty simple to understand but the effects, if not dealt with properly, can be devastating, and while its effects are consistent, the diminishing rate of your players is not consistent. What the heck am I talking about? I first "discovered" this law about a year after I started up one of my earliest teams back in 2003. People who had joined my team a week previous, or even a month previous would have some type of conflict with school, work, spouse, (you name it) and they would say to me, "I have this thing to take care of…" or "I have to concentrate on school right now…" and they left the team. 95% of the time they say, "I'll be back just as soon as I take care of this thing." Over time you will hear some colorful "reasons" people leave the team. I wish I would have recorded some to get a laugh! Did I believe them? Of course I believed them. I do-what-I-say and hold myself accountable to my word, doesn't everyone else? After about a year or so I started to get the picture: MOST PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO FEEL LIKE THEY'RE LETTING YOU OR THE TEAM DOWN, SO THEY TELL THEMSELVES, AND YOU, THEY WILL BE BACK. But, that is just not reality; most will not come back to the team. Only a very small percentage, 1%-3%, will actually rejoin your team, and that assumes you have an excellent environment with no drama or very little drama among a host of other challenges. I don't believe they want to lie to us. It's just that we typically don't like letting others down. Of course some will be straight and tell you they don't like your team, or your team is not what they are looking for, but these types are rare. There are still others that want to take your team from you and strike out on their own, but this is a topic for a separate article. So what's the point to this? If you're interested in keeping a team going you need people. The Law of Diminishing Players is this: THE AVERAGE PLAYER WILL REMAIN A TEAM MEMBER FOR APPROXIMATELY NINETY DAYS AND WILL LEAVE FOR GOOD AFTER THIS TIME. This means if you stop recruiting new members, you will eventually end up back at square one with only yourself on your team. I don't make this up. I wish this wasn't true! But, unfortunately it is the reality of online gaming teams. You may have the perfect mix of players formed over the last six months, but unfortunately, the chances are that someone or several players will be leaving your perfect team. Note that I speak of the average length of time of membership. Reality is that players will come all across the spectrum of commitment levels. You will talk to people who will ask to join your team and you will never hear from them again before they ever officially join, and at the other end of the spectrum you will find the opposite; you will find people who will remain steadfast and be a supportive team member for many years, but these last types are rare. The good news is that once we embrace this law we can choose to operate in reality instead of living a fantasy. Whether you choose to ignore or heed this governing principle you will get what you sew. We can decide to take positive action and maintain a team that is moving forward and not stagnating, or we can ignore it and end up with ourselves and maybe one or two other players. Like gravity, taxes, and death, we cannot wish away nor ignore The Law of Diminishing Players and expect a positive result. The Law of Diminishing Players logically leads to the following mode of thought:

WE SHOULD PLAN OUR VIRTUAL CAMPAIGNS WITH THE TEAM THAT IS IN PLACE RIGHT NOW AND EXPECT SOME "CASUALTIES" ALONG THE WAY. There is no point in developing plans that includes former (or missing) members and those who have yet to join the team. Plan in the now. If you have been a part of a team for any length of time you probably recognize this principle I've been talking about. In fact, you may have recognized it before but didn't think about it until now. So now that you recognize it and are willing to take positive action, what's next? If you've made it this far into the article I will assume you are interested in building a lasting team. Regardless of the game-type, you can build a team that not only survives all the way through a game's maintenance phase, but one that also moves on to greater accomplishments. THE SIMPLE ANSWER OF WHAT TO DO IS: RECRUIT! RECRUIT! RECRUIT! The most important thing you can do right now besides inviting someone to join your team is to think about and write down the perfect potential member of your team. Here's some items to jog your brain and get it flowing, and I encourage you to consider additional criteria: What experience level are you looking for? New players? Hard-core elite players? Are you looking to compete against other teams? Or form internal competitions? Both? What kind of availability? Be realistic. 2 evenings per week? 5 nights per week? What expansion packs should they have if applicable? Should they be ready to donate to support a server? Does attitude matter? If so, what kind of attitude should they have? What else? You need to answer these things for yourself and your team. There is no one perfect answer for all. There is a perfect answer for your team and it is up to you to figure that out. The answer for what type of player you want to recruit is closely linked to the mission or direction for your team. In fact, they go hand-inhand. In part two, I will discuss the importance and application of this brain-jogging exercise. Fox


Getting to Know MexicoBob The DC of Ghost Reacon Advanced Warfighter 2 I'm Ryomea And I'm talking about that mayhem-filled massacre known as Dom-Fort! Now, for those who aren't familiar with how this epic competition of epic-ly epic proportions works. The starting dates are as follows: DATES Pre-season: 4/27/2014 & 4/30/2014 Session 1: 5/7, 5/11, 5/13 Session 2: 5/21, 5/25, 5/28 For more information contact Ryomea. SCORING: Standard Points: Teams earn three points for every map in which they win. Teams earn two points for every map in which they tie. Teams earn one point for every map in which they do not win.

I have been involved with computers since the 60’s, and a lot has happened in that time. Also from the days of glass bottle milk delivery at home and the ice man delivering blocks of ice for the ice box, out houses and no indoor plumbing, taking baths in a wash tub on the kitchen floor. War bonds, gas rationing, stamps to buy sugar and all that good war time stuff. WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cuban missile crisis and assassination of a president. The introduction of television replacing radio as the main form of entertainment. Black and white movies morphing into color. Then TV changing from small round black and white screens to giant color screens. The invention of the VCR and 8 track tape becoming cassette tape players, then to laser disks CD’s then DVD’s replacing 33 1/3, 78 and 45 rpm records. The very first calculators with the red led displays that only had the 4 basic functions and cost over $70.00. I bought my first computer in 1975 (which I still have), a Commodore Pet with 1 cassette tape and a 7 inch screen and 5KB of ram with Basic built in on the Motorola processor chip. Paid $795.00 for that one. The first IBM computer in conjunction with Microsoft that cost approx. $1600.00 with 2 175 KB disk drives and 4 MHZ processor with 64 KB of RAM. Add a 5 MB Hard Drive for $500.00. If you had a 10 MB hard drive it had to be formatted as 2 5 MB partitions, since the operating system could not see anything above 8 MB.

MexicoBob’s thoughts on Society When I was growing up, we did not know what drugs were, never even heard of them. We did not even have keys to the house and never locked the doors, even when we went on vacation for 2 weeks. We cannot do that today. Civil rights marches, segregation and McCarthy Hearings on TV all day long. Civil Defense drills during the cold war. Duck and Cover in the class rooms. I did volunteer duty in the Ground Observer Corps in the 50’s. I received my driver’s license at 14 without having to take drivers ed. Cars did not have seat belts. Gas was as low as $0.18 a gallon, and one gallon of gas in my first motorcycle would take me 100 miles or last all week of commuting back and forth to school plus just running around. Went to the movies on Saturday afternoon for $0.10 and paid 25 cents for popcorn and a coke. Haircuts were also only 25 cents. Mowed lawns for $2 a yard. Minimum wage was $0.75 /HR.

Bonus Points: 1 Point to each team with perfect attendance for each match. 7 Points to each team with perfect attendance for the entire campaign. Time Limits: 25 minutes: Capture Points, King of the Hill, Payload Race, and Capture the Flag. 50 minutes: Attack/Defend, Payload, and Territorial Control.


Getting to Know Currahee The CO of War Thunder EU I'm from austria vienna middle europe, born in 1988. I was born with a handicap, i have no arms and no hands. I also have a disability from my feet, my left leg is a little bit shorter than my right leg and i have only 9 toes. I went to a normal school. I played with a lot of different stuff as a kid but not lego because my micromanagement with my feet is not as good as with hands and when I was 12 I desperately wanted to play some computer and video games. I had a long discussion with my parents but after that they bought me a playstation one which was a really happy day as you can see. I played playstation 1 for about 2 years. But at the same time my brother that is 6 years older than me played starcraft one on a family computer and I watched him during this. I played some starcraft at this time but computer games were not very good as with my feet i could not control the keyboard as i wanted, and controllers were just better for me. I got every playstation console that was released and enjoyed it very much, but when I was 18 I got my first own computer and I started playing Half Life 2 and I played pretty well but not very competitive. Then a friend of mine got me into Company of Hereos 1, both against AI and online against other players. I was not bad but I wasn't good either. At the moment I'm studying history, and on my career side I'm doing quite well. What I love about the internet is that my handicap is anonymous, I have a disability when I'm on the street. Its not like other handicap like people with 9 fingers, it was always a problem for me when i did not have a lot of friends because people saw that i was handicapped. On the internet everybody treated me as normal, so it was is always funny when I tell them I play with my feet. As I'm not a complete noob anymore and i play pretty well they are always very astonished how i can play that well. When I got recruited I was very happy about getting a clan. But at that moment I was a little bit that because of my handicap i would be considered not good enough so i told my DI that and he said it was not a problem and that they would deal with it. What i love about TAW is that its very professional, what i wanted when i was recruited was to be treated like everyone else. This is not at all times possible as due to my handicap I often have pain in my shoulders or back so on some Sundays mandatories I could not attend. My CO at the time was very understanding and helped me a lot. I play mostly with my right foot because it is the strongest one, my left foot is not so strong and if I use the left one to much it can start to hurt a lot. That's why i mainly play games that only require mouse and not much FPS. I play a lot of Company of Heroes on the computer as its my favorite game but i also play war thunder. I discovered about 3 weeks ago that you can use a xbox controller on the PC and that is how i normally play now.

Battlefield America Competition Battalion Ranked as Top Team in TWL The Battlefield America Competition Battalion (BF 7) recently climbed the ranks to the top of the TWL conquest leaderboards (at one point, taking the #1 spot). They currently boast an 8–3 record. Members of BF 7 come from a strong background playing the Conquest game mode through TAW-organized campaigns from previous Battlefield games, but it is an entirely different experience in competition matches. The BF division offers internal events that run as high as 50 – 60 players on average in a match. TWL in comparison has a 20-player max (10 per team). Our play style had to evolve to higher player efficiency and advanced tactics. At the same time, BF 7 players were also engaged playing other TWL ladders, including Domination and Defuse. This required better organization within mandatory practices and planning for events to continue in the right direction. BF 7 has developed a better, smarter method of practicing for future Conquest events. Prior to a TWL match, the team will run through the initial breakout plan (i.e., what the team does at the start of a match), map callouts, squad breakdown and any strategic positions or routes. This method has allowed BF 7 to play as a more cohesive team and has resulted in becoming a top team in TWL. Looking forward, BF 7 will transition out of TWL and participate fulltime in Cevo events.

Mercenary BF


In the Scope P.I.O. Interview with MAJ SageSmith

Let's get to know you - can you describe yourself in five words? Devoted, Analytical, Helper, Lighthearted and Patient . Tell us about your history in TAW. I came to TAW through Path of Exile. Unfortunately, the game did not take off in TAW. So, my future in TAW perhaps started best in Neverwinter while it was still in vanguard. I started out as a Training Specialist, working on the wiki and developing classes outlines for TIs. Once the game was pushed out of Vanguard I was promoted to Division Officer, serving under Shindig. As a DO I was giving a new perspective on how divisions operate at a higher level. It was in this role that I developed a stronger since of leadership and drive to make TAW and a division a better place. When TAW ESO was launched Shindig was set up as the SUL. I had already developed a great working relationship with Shindig and was therefore happy to do what I could to help out with ESO. I moved in as a TS once again with the new division and continued my work creating a wiki. As time went on and the wiki needed less of my attention, I moved up into an XO position to help round out the officer team that shindig had already established for the division. What was your initial impression of TAW? I would have to say it was a bit over whelming at first. I was used to large communities, but not to the structure of leadership that TAW had in place. Regardless, I was very impressed. The Code of Conduct, TAW Ethics, and Chain of Command fit will with my play style and personality. Tell us about your current division, and what you do there. My current division is for Elder Scrolls Online. The division has a strong group of core members that keep TS and the guild running smoothly. Each Officer was at least one project that they are working on for the guild and everyone works well together to accomplish these goals. I work on the wiki, assist the CO in daily activities, contributing past experience and try to incorporate everyone in large projects. What would you like someone considering joining TAW to know? TAW has something for everyone. If you're a natural leader or want to learn, TAW has a setup that will help you work on your strengths and weaknesses. If you enjoy planning large activities in any game you play, TAW definitely has the community for it. If however you simple want to make friends and play your game, we're designed just for it.

Do you have any special hobbies or activities outside of TAW? I like to go shooting about every other weekend. I'm not a hunter but enjoy the skill and patience needed to be a good shot. A good friend of mine is a retired sheriff and usually knows a good place to practice and relax. I also enjoy getting away from the computer once a month or so and explore a part of Arizona that I've never been before. So if I'm out I usually have a camera with me taking pictures, something I also enjoy doing. If you could change one thing about TAW, what would it be? I find few opportunities to meet those that make TAW run. Having a meet and greet with these individuals would be nice every once and a while. Tell us about some of the people you've met during your time in TAW. I've meet a lot of great people in TAW. It would be impossible to list all of them. However, the first person that comes to mind would be Shindig. I meet Shindig while he was running the Neverwinter Division. He did such an amazing job there, that I've stuck with him ever since. Every game has hundreds of people at the head of guilds. However, few have great level headed leadership. That is one thing that stood out with him. He sees the talent in others and has a knack for developing it. Another Individual that stands out for me would be CreepyOne. Creepy has a way about him that can turn just about anyone's day around and make them laugh. He's down to earth and knows how to take command of a situation. He's one of those guys you can count on to always have your back. Meglomania would be another memorable member of TAW. She is actually my replacement as TS, and one I think will do 10 times the job I was able to do. The first impression you get from meg as friendship. Regardless of your faults or walk in life, she always has something positive to say. Meg also has great leadership skills. I have a feeling she will excel in whatever she chooses to do in TAW. What's your favorite thing about TAW? The structure. Without which the community would not be as large as it is. As I've said before, there is something for everyone on TAW. Because of this structure, a lot of great things are possible.



In the Scope P.I.O. Interview with 2lt Necrocoil Let's get to know you - can you describe yourself in five words? Incorruptible, Opinionated, Loyal, Friendly, Creative Tell us about your history in TAW. When I joined the Arma division in TAW, I was amazed by the badges. So I made it my own personal quest to get all of them. Along the way I got to know the TI's more personally and actually liked the idea of doing it myself, so when I got asked to become a TI I didn't hestitate! From there on I fell in for our fireteam leader when he wasn't around, and eventually got the chance to become one myself. There I stayed for the remainder of my time with Arma, untill after many hours of conversations and thoughts I moved to OSM (Which is now known as Graphics). After having been in OSM for a while, I got asked if I wanted to step up, I took the oportunity.

If you could change one thing about TAW, what would it be? To have more creative people find their way to the Graphics Division! Tell us about some of the people you've met during your time in TAW. All of the old Foxtrot squad left really big impression on me and just about every person I met there I still keep up with. Mostaman, Yonose, Almerra, Dackey and Eggz were great to work with in the TI office. After foxtrot closed and we got moved to Bravo, we also kept moral and teamwork up very high, all of these guys were great to work with. Marc and Calico have quickly made me feel at home in Graphics and are a great bunch to work with. What's your favorite thing about TAW?

What was your initial impression of TAW? Definately in awe. My first real TAW experience was my first Arma practice, before then I had never played Arma on that scale. It was confusing, overwhelming but absolutely amazing. Tell us about your current division, and what you do there. Graphics might be a small division, but we're a productive bunch, the fact that we all get along just fine makes a nice environment. As the XO of Graphics I converse a lot with Marc and Calico about the changes that are made within the division, guide people coming into the division, assist Calico when he needs it and do graphics that are requested of us. What would you like someone considering joining TAW to know? TAW is a very lively place to be. TAW is continuesly evolving, games are added to the array of games we already play regularly , people move around, people come and go all the time. And even if you want to do something completely different after a while you can as well. Do you have any special hobbies or activities outside of TAW? I love music, I can literally appreciate just about anything and I like to mix music (e.g. Drum n Bass) as well.


It's diversity, you meet so many people and there are so many people doing different tasks within TAW. It's hard to get bored. What's your favorite retro video game? Why? Dune II, because its one of the first games I played on pc and it sparked the start of a brilliant series.

If you could choose any TAW member to be stranded on a desert island with, who would it be and why? Almerra, because together we'd have figured out how to get OFF the island pretty quickly ;) Do you admire any celebrities? Why or why not? Only people who have achieved something amazing. Who do you believe is going to be the most influential figure in gaming in the next three years? Most likely Chris Roberts because his succes or failure will probably dictate the pace at which crowd funded games will be growing. Which could get really big as the game market is dominated by big corperations.

Review of Panzer tactics Panzer Tactics is the translated version of Schneider’s Panzertaktik and tells in a detailed way the small unit tactics that made the blitzkrieg work. Schneider has great insight in the matter due to being a retired armor commander from the Bundeswehr as well as having interviewed several officers that served during the second world war. It is important to note that small unit tactics means everything up to battalion level but in particular the company and platoon level. Schneider goes into great lengths explaining the tactical situations of attack, defense and reconnaissance as well as the art of command. He also has made an entire chapter on the complications and joys of living in a tank as well as the difficulties of maintenance and logistics. He rounds out the book with a shorter piece on armor tactics today and tomorrow. Each part of the book is filled with black and white archive photographs, maps and sketches and includes some never seen before outside archives. In my opinion the book is a must read for anyone interested in the second world war or armored vehicles in general even if just for the photos and thus I highly recommend it. Panzer Tactics fetches for around twenty US Dollars on Amazon but for you Germans out there you can always look for the original titled Panzertaktik

ChiaphasCaine WT6

Oath to IT Nvidia releases Geforce DTX Titan Z The new flagship from Nvidia is to be released after 1 week delay. This, to say the least, Titan is a very costly beast that was supposed to hit the shelves April 29th but they delayed the release until May 8th, possibly to meet the performance of Radeon R9 295X2 Whatever reason they might have had it will come, but it won’t be cheap. If you want this monster you have to be prepared to spend at least around $3000 to be able to bask in it’s glory. It is a big price tag but you do get some bang for your bucks, the technical performance got released as well and it looks promising: That means a dual GK110 GPU with a total of 5760 CUDA core and 12 GB GDDR-5 memory on two 384-bits memory busses. The Memory stands at 7,0 GHz as the normal Titan, but the base Stream 2 x 2880 and boost Memory clock is lower 705 MHz (889 MHz standard Titan) and 876 MHz (980 MHz standard Titan). Processors Dual GK110 Texture Units

2 x 240


2 x 48

One question that still remains is the power consumption. Titan Black is rated for 250W and NVIDIA has managed to push a pair or 200W GTX 680 into a 300W GTX 690, so it is not impossible that the speculations about 375W on Titan Z is correct, and that would be alot less than the 500W the Radeon R9 295X2 uses. At any rate, next week we will know more.

Core Clock


3 Fast short news!

Boost Clock


Memory Clock


Memory Bus Width

2 x 384-bit

1. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare includes Kevin Spacey and will release in November 2. Google Nexus will be scrapped according to rumour, and replaced by Android Silver 3. Zenimax to sue Oculus. Claims Carmack stole their codes to use on Oculus Rift


2 x 6GB


1/3 FP32

Transistor Count

2 x 7.1B

Manufacturing Process

TSMC 28nm

Freeoath NEWS


Sentinel Sentinel is most recently focusing on becoming the ideal post-launch training center for all of TAW's divisions, which is comparable to Vanguard as the pre-launch training center. The focus will be basic TAW-wide training and each division may still have their own training specific to their game. On top of their current TAW University classes, SN is aiming to provide a more in-depth approach to training staff and standardized guides to prevent policies and procedures from being misinterpreted and then those misunderstandings being passed along, which is an ongoing challenge within TAW and the focus of Army command to correct.

TAW University will launch two leadership academies: Officer and NCO that both staff experts on every position within those areas. Those that teach in the academies will be some of the most motivated and talented leaders we have. Upon launch out of VG, a division's leadership will go through Basic Leadership Training in the Academy and upon completion they'll be awarded the Academy Tab and the Basic Leadership Badge. If a division is already out of VG before these changes are implemented, the Basic Leadership Training will be purely voluntary. Corps can, however, send their divisions to the training and can even make it mandatory if they wish. Individual members may also request the training on demand, they don't have to hold any position, but they must let their CO, DC, and CC know.

Advanced and expert leadership training levels will be developed at a later date, but will be taught on demand. You can expect TAW-wide guides, Basic Leadership Training in the academies and more TAW University classes this year. If you have any questions feel free to contact Tazmanian and Terror through email or TS.

To apply to a SN staff position use this link: To apply for training use this link: d/1YfrABRY7vZ3p_eDZLlbJdnl2fT3lCY9XuqUI3VNCamE/viewform

Kinare SOCOP


User Statistics TAWcraft UHC Roll up, roll up and take up arms in another of our TAWcraft UHC’s. If you missed the game last time, this is your chance to challenge your skills against our very best PVP players, in one of the hardest games minecraft has to offer. The UHC will be held on Saturday 17th May, at 7:00 pm BST and will last 2 hours. Within that time you must mine resource’s, prepare weapons and armor and get ready to face each other battle. Version: 1.7.2, 1.7.4, 1.7.5 Slots: 40 Scenario: Vanilla Nether: Off Length: 2hr PvP/iPvP: 20 Mins in Heads: On Absorpation: On Map size: 2000x2000


TAW PAX East Roundup Almost a month ago now, the famous PAX East was held in Boston, Massachusetts. Pax covers everything from companies showing off their newest tech and games to regular gamers, like myself and you guys reading this, to get to meet new friends, play games and generally have fun! With over 70,000 attendees to PAX in 2011, the events worldwide have steadily grown in size, the network of PAX events includes PAX East (Boston), PAX Prime (Seattle), PAX Dev (Seattle), PAX Aus (Melbourne) and now confirmed, PAX South premiering in San Antinio, Texas 2015. As usual, PAX wouldn’t be PAX without a surprise or two. This time round we were treated to a wonderful new game, some of you may have heard about it on the TAW Facebook page, Sid Meier's Civilisation: Beyond Earth. The world as we know it has collapsed, As a sponsor of a colony, you are thrust into command on your new alien world, working your way through quests and a new technology web, do you choose to assert your dominance by destroying all other life on the planet, or do you work with and living with the indigenous population of the planet or give it all up and turn everyone into robots? Only you can decide! Set to to give a new beginning to mankind in Autumn of 2014, I can say for certain that a lot of us in TAW (Including myself) are already looking forwards to the game, and I for one, Can't wait! A big theme at PAX this year was indie games, many of which followed a similar roguelike dungeoneering theme. The game that got everyone excited however was “Below” A huge multi-level, single life game, and every time you die? Go back and start again. This idea isn’t new, but it’s uniqueness comes in the form that every time you restart, the map, monsters and equipment changes, keeping the replay element almost infinite. While playing the game however, the more you progress the more you get to see your past lives as bones and dust with weapons scattered about them. Unfortunately we won't hear from the game again until E3 in the summer of this year. Following on from the theme of death above, the RobotLovesKitty company has a crazy and rather, rare, idea for it’s next game. Perma-Permadeath. Thats right folks, You have one life, and that’s it, you can never play the game again. I bring you, Upsilon Circuit. Right now the game is in an early inhouse alpha state, but some of the ideas for the future of the game and how it will be played were given out at PAX East. A lone server will host the game, which only eight people can log into at one time; while on the server you have a chance of playing the game, fighting through puzzles and challenges while being helped out by your fellow server users. Once you die you take the place of an observer and an observer plays the game, taking some experience from you to fill their skills and abilities to give them a little help getting started. Once you play you are assigned a number which the server stores, using a list of number it then pseudo-randomly generates a number, making it almost mathematically impossible for the same player to play twice. I’d like to finish off with a game some of us already know about. Evolve. A team of four player controlled hunters have to fight and kill one single giant monster, who is also controlled by a human. Brought to us by Turtle Rock Studios, makers of the Left 4 Dead franchise, the game has underwent massive changes since the initial press demo in February, granting the monster a trio of skill trees to customise the monster. Each hunter also has a role and a skill tree, all in the aim of killing the monster to win the game. In this unfair 4 Vs 1 multiplayer game, the hunters have to use teamwork and communication to trap and kill the monster while the monster is to use his cunning and skill to kill the hunters. With the results from the PAX games being published, you would expect the monster player winning a lot more games than they would lose, but with a 60/40 split in games won by the monster, with a little balancing from the developer the game could be a very fun challenge for everyone involved in the game. While PAX is seen a a big gaming show with hundreds of booths and develops trying to entice us to buy the next big game, there is also a charitable side to the event. Set up in 2005, the AbleGamers foundation is a not-for profit organisation helping gamers who have disabling injuries to continue playing games. At PAX East alone, over $33,000 were raised for the foundation. Now as a community we all look forward to E3, 10-12 June 2014, wondering what amazing games and toys we need in our lives. Monohell NEWS


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