Faculty Ale
Hank Gans Mentee of Ernst Haas. Online: hankgans.com; art.com; allposters.com.
Find our complete faculty biographies online, visit www.tasoc.org click on ’Faculty’ under ’About’
Maud Guilfoyle BFA, Syracuse Univ. Studied: Art Students League, NY Studio School, Spring Studio, New School. Online: maudguilfoyle.com.
Bill Angresano BS, Cook College Rutgers Univ. Studied with Richard Botto, Louis De Donato, and Cesare Borgia. Alex Austin MAT, Tufts Univ.; BFA, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Online: AlexandraAustin.weebly.com Brian Bailey BFA, University of the Arts; studied at NY Academy of Art, Art Students League. Gallery in Washington D.C. Online: brianbaileyartist.com. Jill Cliffer Baratta MFA, New York Univ.; BPh, Grand Valley State Univ. Studied: Art Inst. of Chicago, School of Visual Arts, College of New Rochelle, Denise Collins, Dorothy Cochran. Online: jcbarattasart.com. Ruth Borgenicht MFA, Montclair Univ; BA, Rutgers Univ. Online: ruthborgenicht.com. Megan Carli BFA, Academy of Art Univ., focus on Ceramic Sculpture. Jane Chang MBA, Long Island Univ. Studied with Madame Aixinjueluo Hinyi, descendant of the imperial Qing Dynasty, China. Ellen Cohen BS, University of Maryland. Online: ellencohendesign.com. Pooja Dhawan Parson’s School of Design. Wilton Cake Decorating certificate. Online: madewithsugarandlove. tumblr.com. 24
Alex Austin
Donna Dolby MFA, Canterbury Christ Church Univ., England; BA, Montclair State Univ. Add’l studies: NJ City Univ. Online: donnamarieart.com. Kathryn Eddy MFA, Vermont College of Fine Arts. Online: kathryneddy.com
Alisen Herman BFA, Rhode Island School of Design. Studied: Instituto Allende; Peter's Valley School of Craft, Sugar Maples Center for Creative Arts, TASOC. Online: facebook.com/alisenherman. Christine (Yuhuei) Hsiao MA, NY Inst. of Technology. Online: woollypets.com. Miranda Jang MAT, School of Visual Arts; BFA, School of Visual Arts. NYS Initial teaching certificate. NJ Certified educator. Online: mirandajang.com
Kathy Eisler BA, Rutgers Univ. Studied: School of Visual Arts; TASOC. Online: kathyeislerart.com. Karen Elder BS, Iowa State Univ. Also studied: Ramapo & Bergen Community colleges, TASOC, Art Center of Northern NJ. Eileen Ferara MFA, School of Visual Arts; BFA, Rhode Island School of Design. Online: eileenferara.com Harriet Finck MArch, Harvard Univ.; BA, Barnard College. Online: harrietfinck.com.
Jane Chang
Naho Kambayashi BA, Sophia Univ. Tokyo Japan. Online: facebook.com/mudandgems. Sandra Kehoe BS, NJ Institute of Technology. Studied at John C. Campbell Folk School. Online: sandra-kehoe.squarespace.com.