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\u8868\u6F14\u5834\u96D9\u9031\u520A\u7B2C\u4E09\u671F - 2019\u5E744\u670811\u65E5 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 003 - April 11, 2019



你們要休息。要自資出版表演藝術雜 誌 , 實在是一件非常不容易的事。因 為本身有其他工作 , 而我是認真工作 的人 , 所以要兼顧兩者 , 有時候會忘 記了休息 , 腦袋不斷在思考工作。

談到休息 , 今期封面故事的主人翁便是 一位很講求 Work-Life Balance( 平衡 生活 ) 的人。場主跟他認識十多年 , 他 是港台著名的舞台攝影師 – 張志偉。

Be still. It has not been easy to run this self-financed performing arts magazine. For I have other jobs and am committed to everyone of them. Hence, my mind is busy all the time without much rest.

Cheung Chi Wai, a renowned stage photographer, on the other hand, treasures work-life balance. I am delighted to have Cheung in the cover story this time.

大家有看過電影《金枝玉葉》嗎 ? 其 中 , 選拔新人面試的一幕 , 可以說是 電影經典場景之一。電影取景拍攝的 地方 , 是三十多年前由奶庫活化而成 的藝穗會。擔任今期《「明」人飯局》 的嘉賓 , 就是藝穗會的創辦人及總監 謝俊興先生 Benny 。我們在藝穗會的 Colette’s, 享受新推出的下午茶點 , 談 談藝文發展。

The Fringe Club is a famous location for film shooting, Leslie Cheung, Moses Chan, Tsang Chi Wai, etc are among those whose movies were filmed there. The Fringe Club, used to be a Dairy Farm depot, was revitalised as a contemporary art space around 35 years ago. It is my honour to have Mr Benny Chia, the Founder and Director of The Fringe Club as my guest in the Win.Guest.Food.


表演場 創辦人及主編

Winona Chan

Founder & Editor-in-Chief The Art Venue

Cover photo: From <Action Fingers> 封面照片 : 取自《 Action Fingers 》

作為港台最有名的年輕舞台攝影師之一 , 他一直在思考生活 , 亦在不同人生階段推 出新的計劃。《表演場》場主 Winona 加 入藝術界不久 , 便已經認識張志偉。多年 來 , 場主在工作上不斷有跟志偉合作 , 亦 見證著他一直都在探索新發展。場主今次 特地去到現在忙於照顧孩子的志偉家中 , 為他進行訪問。

Cheung Chi Wai,

“I belong to the theatre.”

Cheung Chi Wai began his stage photography and video documentation since 1993 and is one of the most celebrated young stage photographers in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Cheung continues to challenge himself by launching new projects and rethinking lifestyle.

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