The Asian Angler - April 2014 Digital Issue - Malaysia - English

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The Asian Angler

Asia’s Angling Lifestyle Magazine

April 2014 English Edition

Pesca Grande The Rod For Monster Fishing

Squid Season Is Back

Squid Fishing With Ikasumi Jig

Jungle Adventure Pouch

VFOX Pouch And Multi Utility Belt

Mini Tackle Fair Down Under

Golden Grove Amature Fishing Swap Meet And Fete

Angler’s Havens

Marion Bay And Innes National Park

Skill Enhancers

Soft Plastic Trailer Baits

Skill Enhancers

The Return Of The Classics

Fishing with soft plastics Presentation styles that helps you catch fish

Abu Garcia Ambassadeur Classic C3





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Contents Pesca Grande

By Kewl Monsters Be Aware 18

The Ikasumi Jig

Its Squiding Season

The Return Of The Classic

Abu Garcia Ambassadeur Classic C3 40

Made For Jungle Adventures


VFOX Waist Pouch And Multi Utility Belt 86

Abu Garcia

VFOX Leg Bag

Ambassadeur Classic C4


Fortytwo Osprey, Marion Bay, South Australia (Angler’s Havens) 118

Fishing With Soft Plastics: Part 10 Tips and tricks Trailer Baits 188

Down Under (In Action)


Understanding Fishing Rods

Part 11: Ceramic Rod Guides 168

Timex Intelligent Quartz

Time Temp Compass

SPY + Optics Touring

Euro Sport Plastic Belts





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Engineered to Excel

Abu Garcia Reels & Rods

Golden Grove Fishing Fete

The Orra Inshore is an exception to the rule. Engineered from the ground up to excel in harsh saltwater environments, the new Orra Inshore offers anglers a cost-conscious option


208 With its X-Cräftic™ alloy frame and graphite sideplate construction, the newest edition of the Orra Inshore boasts an 8% reduction in weight over the previous model. The easy to adjust MagTrax™ brake system delivers responsive casting control with the turn of a dial while the Carbon Matrix™ hybrid drag system delivers smooth, reliable drag pressure across the entire drag range.

Sea Tackle Section

Six stainless steel High Performance Corrosion Resistant (HPCR®) ball bearings plus one roller bearing provide Twenty pounds of max drag, along with the addition of an extended bent handle with Deuthlon large knobs, giveReel anglers Lube increased power and leverage to handle the

& Grease

The Orra Inshore is available in a right hand version with a gear ratio of 7.1:1 that retrieves 29 inches of line per




VFOX Bags & Jigs (Featuring)


Garcia, visit .


8.1 ounces

Gear Ratio 7.1:1

Frame X-Cräftic™ alloyframe and graphite sideplates

Drag Carbon Matrix™ hybrid Brake System MagTrax™

X-Cräftic™ alloy frame and graphite sideplates Carbon Matrix™ drag system MagTrax™ brake system Duragear™ brass gear Extended bent handle Titanium coated line guide

For Life™

Like Us On Facebook (Official Page) 11

My fellow anglers and friends, Welcome to the April 2014 issue. These past months have been a rollercoaster ride with lots of things happening like the missing MH370, political unrests in Thailand, bikie gang wars in Australia, and more. We too have been on the rollercoaster having lost a member in our family who was a hardcore angler andhave fished the seas and rivers around Malaysia and Singapore. All these are timely reminders that life should be lived and we should fish more. In this issue we bring you some news from across the oceans (sea) where we visited Australia’s little tackle fair, did some fishing, etc. Also in this issue we tested the secretive Kewl Pesca Grande rod; a unique mixture of American muscle and Japanese designs. Another thing that I enjoyed writing about (and playing with) are the classic reels by Abu Garcia. They have revived (thank God) some of thei conventional (round) reels the like of the C3 & C4. They are more than what they appear. There are a lot more interesting articles inside this issue of which are written both to share some knowledge with all anglers and help yournger (greener) anglers improve their sport of fishing. To help us keep our cost and bandwith low, please register (very easy to do) your email address at our main page to received your monthly copy via email. This helps us to reduce bandwith and costs of which we would prefer to put into projects to give you more reading pleasure. Thank you for your support and tight lines. Cheers, Phil Editor In Chief


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Test Drives

Pesca Grande

Lookout Monsters, The Pesc By Philemon Foo

e By Kewl

ca Grande Is Here

I have been hearing talks about

the Pesca Grande for a few months but never got to see it. I have been told to wait every time I asked to see it. The Pesca Grande seems like a secret military weapon that people outside the circle must not know anything about. Recently, after much pestering I was given the opportunity to play with what has been eluding me for a few months. Imagine being a kid running into a huge candy store; that is what I felt like (the kid and not the candy store). 19

What’s Behind The Name?

I am not sure what runs through your mind when you hear the words Pesca Grande. Well, in Portuguese Pesca means Fish and Grande means Big. Pesca Grande would then mean Big Fish. Reading the tagline further confirms this. *Tagline: Ultimate Monster Hunting Rod




The Kewl Pesca Grande looks very much like an American fishing rod. It has a muscular butt section that is adorned with carbon fibre (American – Japanese hybrid?) of which tappers down all the way to the tip. Such a look does fit well with the concept of which is “a rod made to fish monster fishes.”


Enhanced Blank Performance

The tip section of the blank has been enhanced to give the rod more lifting power and better brute management. As this is a rod made to fish monster fishes such an enhancement is needed. Imagine an enhanced backbone; that is what the guys at Kewl are talking about.




The Handles feel very much like Hypalon (nothing to do with beings from another galaxy) of which feels more compact as compared to normal EVA. Hypalon handles actually feels tighter or rather more solid and they do not twist much under load.


Fuji K-Guide System

The Pesca Grande comes with the Fuji SiC K-Guide System of which is lighter, stronger, dissipates heat faster, and reduces line tangles and twists when cast. I hear that there will be a series (limited edition) that comes with Fuji’s new Torzite Guide System of which is better, stronger, and lighter than the Fuji SiC guides.


New Fuji Reel Seat

Here is another exciting thing about the Pesca Grande. Fuji Recently launched its new Tight V (TSVT) reel seat of which has more holes and looks really good considering that the older Fuji reel seat designs especially the spinning ones look somewhat boring and dated. This new series bring life to Fuji Reel seats and it is available on the Pesca Grande.




When it comes to balance, Kewl has done a great job. Hold the rod parallel to the ground and it feels really light. It is that magical spot that many rod makers want to achieve. The Pesca Grande certainly is well balanced.


Pressure Test

Back at our lab we put these rods to fight against the “Linetestmeterinator” or line test meter. Have I been watching too much Phineas And Ferb? Anyway, this is to learn how much pressure these rods can handle or if they meet the manufacturer’s claims.

The light jigging managed to reach almost 13lb (not told what the max is) before we heard some crackling sounds. The casting rod managed to reach 16.5lb before we stopped the pressure doing slightly more than the specified 16lb.


Verdict The Kewl Pesca Grande has a slightly longer than usual rear grip of which is something that I have mixed feeling for but for such a rod it makes sense. Speaking to the rod designer he said the reason for having such a rear handle length is because the Pesca Grandes are made to manage big fishes.

The Pesca Grande rods are made to handle brutes and has been enhanced in sections of the blank of which all adds up to better power. It looks sporty and I love carbon fibre. Overall the rod performed well. It is like an American rod but with a Japanese feel of which is great.

Personally I find it to be a nice rod, a good performer, but look wise although I like it; you will have to be the judge. 37


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Test Drives

The Return Of The C

Abu Garcia Ambassadeur C By Philemon Foo

Classics The Classics Are Classic C3 Have Arrived

When we talk about Abu Garcia

round reels what comes to mind is the Volkswagen Beetle. There are the classic Beetles from 1938 to the advanced Beetles sold currently. They may have gone through some subtle design changes but with the same base designs and that turned it into an icon. Abu Garcia round reels such as the Ambassadeur C3 are fishing icons with classic or older models as well as current models that retain the base designs but have gone through vast improvements especially the materials used. Here’s a look at the new 2014 Ambassadeur Classic C3. 41

Connoisseur’s Take Note Reel collectors know that these reels not only hold value but increases it with time especially those made by Abu Garcia’s factory in Sweden. Reel connoisseurs will want to take a look at the Ambassadeur Classic C3.


Classic But Current These reels may be called Classic but they are far from that. They are Abu Garcia’s latest but why call them Classic? In terms of design they replicate (with minor changes) the earlier C3 models of which are classics today and thus these new ones are called Classic. Let’s do a comparison between the old and the new.


Abu Garcia Ambassad Classic C3 / 6501 C3

deur Classic 6501

I was handed the 2014 Ambassadeur Classic 6501 Classic C3 (long name), of which I will call the 6501 Classic C3 (2014) from here on, to test. I was excited as I do have the older Ambassadeur 6501 C3 in my collection and that gave me an opportunity to check out what’s new.


Spoting The Diffe


The 6501 Classic C3 (2014) comes with black handles, handle bar, thumb rest, spool, star drag, side plate, line out alarm switch, and line-guide holder. The older 6501 C3 comes in grey. The crest of the Swedish Royal Courts comes in black as well for the new one while the older one is chrome. 49

A Difference In Pr


The Abu Garcia 6501 C3 printed on the side plate of the new model is in bold while the older one is not. The new model has the gear ratio printed on it while the older does not. Are these important? Oh yes, especially if you are a collector and will need to know how to spot the new from the old. 51

Modern Handle The new 6501 Classic C3 (2014) comes with a more modern swept handle design following some of the newer reel handle designs whilst the older model comes with a flat handle design. The swept handle gives better balance when reeling.


More Bearings Less Weight The new 6501 Classic C3 (2014) has 4 stainless steel ball bearings as compared to 3 in the older model yet it weighs lesser. The new weighs in at 305 grams while the older one weighs in at 321 grams. Where did they trim the fat?


Weight Savings Abu Garcia trimmed the fat off the 6501 Classic C3 (2014)’s spool, plates, and gears making it lighter by 16 grams. Not much of a difference you may say but the fact of the matter is that it is lighter.


Performance With my collection model sitting pretty in a case for so long I gave it a good service in hopes that it will perform on par with the new 2014 model or better. However, the new model still felt smoother. Could be because of the additional bearing or maybe because it is newer with lighter parts.


Casting Ability The 6501 Classic C3 (2014) and its older sibling are great for surfcasting as they carry lots of lines (225 yards of 17lb lines). We tested them out at an empty field casting a 4oz (about 113 grams) sinker. The new one out casted the older model by an average of 6 feet. *Spools were filled halfway with 20lb braided lines. Rods used for the test are 9 feet Medium Heavy casting rod.


Pressure Test Abu Garcia Ambassadeur Classic 6501 classic C3 (2014) In our lab we tortured the drag of both these reels. The new 6501 Classic C3 (2014) had a maximum drag specification of 15lb (7kg). This blew our minds. The drag remained smooth until 16lb and it was still going. It didn’t make sense for us to stop. We managed to tightened it up all the way to a whopping 27.6lb (12.5kg)


Pressure Test Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 6501 C3 The older model’s drag remained smooth until 16.5lb (7.4kg) outperforming the new one by 0.5lb and from here on in its smoothness deteriorated until we maxed out at 23.4lb (10.6kg), 4.2lb short of the new model. Amazingly awesome! *Spools were filled to half spool with 50lb monofilament lines for the pressure test.


Verdict I like my older Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 6501 C3 just because it is older and it is a collectible but in terms of performance the new Abu Garcia Ambassadeur Classic 6501 Classic C3 reel did fair better. If you are into surf casting, the Ambassadeur Classic 6501 Classic C3 reel is something to consider. If you are thinking of starting a reel collection, the Abu Garcia Ambassadeur Classic 6501 Classic C3 reel will be a good start.



Features 3 stainless steel ball bearings + 1 roller bearing provides smooth operation Carbon Matrix™ drag system gives smooth drag performance Compact bent handle and star provide a more ergonomic design 6 pin centrifugal brake gives consistent brake pressure throughout the cast Synchronized level wind system improves line lay and castability Made in Sweden


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Test Drives

Its “Squiding” Se With The Ikasumi Jig By Philemon Foo


With squid season around it is

time to go have some fun with these little swimming torpedoes. Recently I had the opportunity to test out the Ikasumi jig or rather squid jig distributed by Juro OZ Pro Tackle and I jumped at it. 73

Hey! Good Lo


The Ikasumi Jigs are good looking lures with luminous strips at the bottom that makes them attractive especially during lowlight. They also comes with large eyes that glitter giving them a livelier look.


Personality These jigs are perfectly well balanced with good swim action diving at a 45 degree angle towards the bottom. They come with super sharp and strong barbs that will easily penetrate the flesh of the targeted predator (or prey).


Squiding Time I had with me two jigs a size 2.5 and a size 3.5. I took them to the Jetty of Port Vincent, Adelaide to see if they are any good and they certainly proved themselves worthy.


Effective Within minutes I was on to my first squid and in only half an hour I have reached my bag limit for the day (not including those released of which were not of legal size). I had zero hooked yet escaped squids (self unhooked). Am I satisfied, hell yeah!


Verdict These jigs are great. They are well built, comes with really sharp and strong barbs that do not bend easily. They are effective in catching squid and I will be testing catching more squid with them in the near future.


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Made For Jungl

VFOX Waist Pouch And Multi U By Philemon Foo

The VFOX Waist Pouch And Multi

Utility Belt is one accessory made for the adventurer. I do know of many anglers who fantasise being part of the military and going on fishing missions in the jungle. This pouch is like the perfect pouch for them.

le Adventures

Utility Belt (VC-3055)


Padded Compartme


This VFOX waist pouch comes with padded main compartment of which makes a great place to keep things that are a little fragile like a mobile phone or a camera safe. It is the largest compartment of the pouch. Then there are other smaller compartments and they have pockets inside them to make organizing better.


Multi Utility Be

elt The pouch comes with a multi utility belt which is really quite awesome. It looks like one of those military type belts with tough aluminium D rings of which could be used to secure things to via a carabineer or snaps. It also comes with elastic bands to hold on to things like flash lights, etc.

The thickness of the belt suites most knife clips and makes securing a knife easy. It is also padded of which gives added comfort. This is great especially since we spend hours walking about with them on our waist.



One good thing about this pouch is that the pouch and the utility belt can both be separated. There are buckles of which allow one to secure the pouch to other things like a strap of a backpack, or the handle bar of a bicycle.


Fantastic Belt

The multi utility belt alone without the pouch is fantastic. I actually used it to secure my camera bag, and various lens compartments to. What’s better is that the belt sits comfortably on my waist and is certainly more comfortable instead of having the whole thing on my shoulder.



The VFOX Waist Pouch and Multi Utility Belt VC-3055 is fantastic. I love especially the multi utility belt. It is simply the best belts to have of which allows me to configure it according to what olr how I want to use it. So, if you frequently fantasise of being in the military and going on adventures, this is indeed for you.


VFOX Reel P The Protection Your Reel Needs

Fully padded for extra protection. Quality Velcro straps to keep your reel secure. Reflective logo to make locating your reel in the dark easier. Comes in various sizes to fit most reels. Models available: Spinning reels, conventional reels, baitcasting Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia. T: +606-3344555 F: +606-3362211 M: +6012-6313561


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Abu Garcia Ambassadeur By Abu Garcia

Classic C4

The tradition continues.

With silky-smooth operation and power to spare, the new line of C4 round reels embodies trusted durability and engineering that generations of anglers have come to expect.


Features: 4 stainless steel ball bearings + 1 roller bearing provides smooth operation Carbon Matrix™ drag system gives smooth drag performance Compact bent handle and star provide a more ergonomic design 6 pin centrifugal brake gives consistent brake pressure throughout the cast Synchronized level wind system improves line lay and castability Duragear 2 gear system provides increased gear strength for all fishing situations Made in Sweden


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In Action

VFOX Leg Bag Do By Philemon Foo

In Action is a new column

where we continue to use some of the products that we have tested to see how they perform on the field coming face to face with the elements. In this month’s in action we take a look at how the VFOX Leg Bag that was featured a month or two ago, did when it came face to face with the ocean.

own Under


Recently I went to Australia for business and to do some fishing by the beach. Knowing how the terrain is like and having limited check-in luggage allowance, I was torn between bringing the VFOX Leg Bag or my usual much larger tackle bag. I decided to take the VFOX Leg Bag as the walk down to the beaches that I intended to fish at took a lot of walking from the parking area. I am glad I chose the VFOX Leg Bag as it allowed me to climb down without having a heavy bag hanging on my shoulders. I felt lighter.


Small Worthy Carrier The VFOX Leg Bag may be much smaller as compared to my usual tackle bag but it packed a lot of stuffs. Although not as much as my usual bag, I managed to take all the essentials that I needed of which included a box jig heads, sinkers, and hooks, packets of soft baits, spoons, spinners, 3 hard bodied lures, one spool of leader (pony spool), scissors, knife, and a plier.


Safe From Rust Fishing at an Ocean also meant getting wet. I stood in waters below my knees but I was hit a few times by waves that reached my thighs. That got the VFOX Leg Bag wet but thanks to its water resistant qualities of which includes the zippers, my fishing tools remained safe from rust (except for the pliers and stuffs in the netted pockets).


Superb Convenience The convenience and ease of fishing with the VFOX Leg Bag is simply magnificent. When I needed to change a lure (soft plastic minnow in this case), all I have to do is to reach for the Leg Bag and take what I want. Sure feels liberating.


Satisfaction Gra

F li th th m

Should I take this or the my usual bag?

Hey! It fits what I need for the trip

aph Rating: 8/10

Yay! Everything inside remains dry. No rusty hooks and rings.

Feels so light and iberating climbing his hill without anyhing hanging from my shoulder.

Oh crap! The ocean got the Leg Bag. Its wer and salty. Back To Content


Angler ’s Havens

Fortytwo Osprey, Marion Bay, South Australia By Philemon Foo

Australia is a superb place to go

for a holiday and do some fishing. However, it is not an easy trip to plan especially if you’ve not been there before and only rely on information available on the internet. Furthermore the cost of such a holiday is not low and thus you may not get your money’s worth. Anyway, this article may help. 119

Beautiful Paradise Recently we visited South Australia and decided to spend some time in the Yorke Peninsular some three and half hour’s drive from Adelaide city. The place I wanted to go to was the Innes National Park where I can fish the Investigator Straits.


Marion Bay Staying inside the Innes National Park cost somewhat more and we decided to book into a holiday home some three or so minutes away and that piece of paradise is Marion Bay of which is blessed with beautiful white sandy flats, super clear seawater, and good fishing.


Fortytwo Osprey Quite a few Aussies own holiday homes and when they are not using them they rent them out at reasonable prices. We were recommended to stay at Fortytwo Osprey which is actually house number 42, on Osprey Drive.


Home Away From Home The second I opened the door I had this feeling that I was walking into someone’s home. It looks like a family actually lives there with books, DVDs, toys, etc. all placed neatly just like someone would place them in their home. The place is also clean and very comfortable.


Cooking And All The kitchen comes with all the utensils you need such as plates, bowls, forks, spoons, knives, as well as ovens, stove, refrigerator, sandwich maker, toaster, etc. All you need to do is to bring your own food and you can cook up a sumptuous meal as you would do at home.


Comfortable Beds The beds are really comfortable and I personally had a very good night’s sleep and didn’t want to get out of them in the morning. The pillows are a bit shallow though and I had to stack two up. If you prefer higher pillows, my recommendation is to bring your own.


Movie Magic Should you be a movie addict you could go on a movie marathon while you relax on a comfortable sofa made just right for couch potatoes. A DVD player and a television set is available with quite a few DVD titles for you to watch or you could bring your own and dive into the surreal world of movie magic.


Brain Food Should you prefer instead to drown yourself in books, you could take a look at the books available on the bookshelves; choose one that you like, and chill out on the couch or alternatively you could relax on the hammock outside enjoying the cool breeze while you stimulate your some grey cells.


Kids Just Wanna Have Fun There are toys and puzzles for children to play with as well as this wooden rocking horse that earned my daughter’s affection somehow (she likes horses). This rocking horse is built with quality wood and that caught my eye. Now where can I buy one?


Cubby House Wondering about outside (backyard) we saw a cubby house and decided to check it out. This cute looking house was a fine place for kids to play in and we actually threw a tea party there for some soft toy friends.


Things To Do Nearby About 5 minutes drive from Fortytwo Osprey is a beautiful beach with white sandy flats and crystal clear waters that is relatively safe to swim in. The water is cool and simply amazing and this comes from me, someone who lived for two years on a beach with crystal clear waters, and a white sandy beach on a paradise island in Malaysia. Marion Bay is magical.


Fishing Marion Bay Fishing at Marion Bay is also quite good. I didn’t fish at Marion Bay but I spoke to an angler who was about to go out for some kayak fishing and he says that you can catch fish casting about in the flats and the weeds. Of course for biggies, it is best done out at sea by boat and there are a few fishing charter services available.


Innes National Park About 3 minutes drive away and you are at Innes National Park. The park charges AUD 10.00 per car and different charges for campers (click link for more info at the end of the article). Innes is beautiful with natural crystal formations and beautiful salt lakes. There are also a few shipwrecks around and the views from the various view points are simply magnificent.


Fishing In Innes Fishing is allowed in Innes National Park. You can opt to fish from a jetty or at the many beaches available. I fished at one of the beaches and although I didn’t catch any fish although I lost one. As the story goes... the big one that got away.


Bird And Wildlife Watching Innes has lots of wild animals roaming about such as kangaroos, wallabies, various bird species, lizards, etc. We actually came face to face with some wild emus that were wondering around scouring the ground for food.


Bush Walking If you enjoy bush walking, Innes is a safe and lovely place to do so. You will come across wildlife, salt flats and lakes (this picture), as well as other geological wonders such as crystal formations, sand dunes, etc. However, remember to take only pictures and leave only footprints.


Beach Play There are a few very beautiful beaches around the Innes National Park although the walk down to them will take a fair bit of energy and a good workout; they are certainly worth the effort. Those beaches are a fantastic place to cast out a line or just to sit back and relax.


Other Activities In Innes There are other activities and places to see within Innes National Park. You could camp at the many camping areas, visit the historical sites, lighthouses, etc. There are people living within the Park and you could talk to them to find out about the Innes National Park’s rich history.



Things To Note Water comes mainly from rainwater tanks and conservation or controlled usage of water is advised. There may be dangerous animals and insects in the park and bush areas such as brown snakes, funnel web spiders, etc. Refrain from feeding wildlife. Refrain from removing anything from the park including rocks, plants, insects, reptiles, etc. Bring along insect spray just in case. Do not go into the dunes. Be careful of strong undercurrents when swimming. Always supervise your children.



Things To Bring Sun Protection: suntan lotion, sunglasses, & hat. Winter clothing during winter and cooler months. Beachwear and tools like snorkel, swim shorts (board shorts), etc. Camera with fully charged batteries. Recommended lenses macro, wide angle, and telephoto (zoom). Binoculars. Enough drinking water. Food. Hiking shoes and slippers. Towels


Verdict If you’re looking for a cosy home away from home, Fortytwo Osprey will be the place to spend your holiday in. It is conveniently close to the beautiful white sandy beach at Marion Bay and a very short drive to Innes National Park. On my next trip to the Yorke Peninsular I will certainly check into Fortytwo Osprey again.


If you’re planning a trip to South Australia, my recommendation is to rent a car or a jeep and head down to the Yorke Peninsular. Spend at least 3 days at Marion Bay and Innes National Park. It will be a fun and educating trip for all in the family.

Fortytwo Osprey 42 osprey drive, Marion Bay, South Australia 5575 +61 447 224 003

Click To Go To National Parks South Australia (Website)

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Knowledge Wise Understanding Fishing Rods Part 11 Rod Guides: Ceramic Rod Guides By Philemon Foo

Fishing will not be as much fun if rods did

not have guides. Come to think of it some rod manufacturer did try to make rods without guides (still needed two) with the line running inside the rod blank. It didn’t catch on as it also came with certain nightmares. In this series we look at ceramic rod guides of which I believe are the most common types of rod guides around. Most of the rods these days use ceramic guide as they are tough, smooth, and more able to handle today’s braided fishing lines. Here’s the family...


Not CommonOxid An Aluminium

nymore de Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) is the base of ceramic guides or guide inserts. You may have probably heard of guides such as “hardloy,” or “hard ring,” as well as Alconite (bare with me) by Fuji, Hialoy guides or rings by Pacific Bay, etc. While most anglers just call them ceramic guides there are various types of ceramic guides and aluminium oxide is one of the more widely used ones. In fact there are even different levels of aluminium oxide guides depending on the mix and processes of which results in different qualities and ultimately, costs. Let’s not get into the boring science of it or I may lose most of you quarter way.


The Stainless St Alconite

teel Advantage You’ve probably heard of Fuji Alconite guides. Over the years there have been arguments here and there about Alconite guides not having to anything with aluminium oxide. How can it? It cost a lot more, performs better, is lighter, and is tougher than aluminium oxide guides, etc. Please allow me to make one thing clear now. While Alconite may cost more, is more durable, is indeed lighter, and gives better performance as compared to aluminium oxide guides; in reality, Alconite contains aluminium oxide too and is part of the family.


SiC (Silicon Carb

bide) The SiC guides by Fuji have been the standard of high quality rod guides for quite some time now (since 1981). SiC guides have one of the best heat dissipation qualities making them great for lines including braided lines. They are also tougher and lighter than other guides with the exception of the new Torzite guides. SiC guides are used with rods at the higher price levels. The Fuji SiC guides alone can easily double the price of the rod blank and components used. However, many anglers who have used these rods tend to stick with them for the quality and performance. They may cost more but they are worth every penny.


Silicon Nitride (II

I) Silicon Nitride and Silicon Nitride II is used mainly on heavy duty rods. It is really hard and can withstand wear and tear better. It could very well be one of the stronger rod guides available and is said to be able to handle wire type line. This makes Silicon Nitride guides one of the favourite guides for heavy saltwater rods.


Torzite Guides

Torzite is the latest ceramic type guide to hit the market. Launched by Fuji Kogyo Co., Ltd recently, the Torzite guide is said to be the thinnest ceramic guide around (63% thinner than SiC), lighter (about 40% lighter than SiC), stronger than SiC, 25% to 40% smoother than SiC, and dissipates heat faster than SiC. All these mean that it helps fishing lines live longer. This make the Torzite guide the ultimate ceramic guides available today. With that in mind Fuji Torzite guides are also right up there sitting pretty above all the other ceramic guide systems. However, with these qualities, Torzite guides are indeed super impressive.


Advantages Of C

Ceramic Guides Ceramic guides are one of the toughest guides about. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages making them one of the most sort after guides. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages.


Dissipates Heat W

Well Ceramic guides dissipates heat well. Yes, there is heat when your line rubs against the guides of your fishing rod. This friction creates heat and it is most intense during the battle with a monster fish. Heat damages lines as well as the guides and thus ceramic guides are preferred for their heat dissipating qualities. Different ceramic guides dissipate heat at different speeds.


Withstands Braid

ded lines Better Braided line is a line that cuts and after a while of fishing, you may sometimes find grooves on your fishing rod guides. Ceramic guides are better at withstanding such damages and thus last longer.



There is only one main disadvantage and that is cracking and chipping. Although ceramic guides are tough they can crack and chip on impact. Thus it is always recommended to treat your fishing rods with care. There you go, some of the ceramic guides used on fishing rods. Keep in mind that these guides do have a large impact on the prices of fishing rods. They could very well be the most expensive items sitting on the rod.

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Skill Enhancers

Fishing With Soft Plastics: Part 10 Soft Plastics Tips & Tricks: Trailer Baits By Philemon Foo

Using soft baits as trailers on

Spinnerbaits and spoons has been a proven technique. Adding a soft plastic trailer to a spoon or a spinner adds to the character of the spoon with hopes of making it look livelier and thus more appetising. Imagine a sexy wavy tail swimming behind a spoon.



Suitable Soft Plastic

c Baits Not all soft plastic baits are suitable to be used as trailers. What we recommend are grubs (both single or double tail), worms with curly tails, crayfish type, etc. or anything that would turn piece of metal or a hairy clump of ball into an exotic dancer.


Attaching Your Tra

ailer So, you’ve decided on a soft plastic bait as your trailer and are now staring at both the spinnerbait and the soft bait thinking how to put them together. It is really simple. Note that you can either use a trailer hook (attaching another hook to the hook on your spinner bait) or rig your bait directly to the hook on the spinnerbait.


How About Spoon

ns? Well, it is quite the same. My recommendation is to replace the treble hook that usually comes attached to spoons with single hooks. Best to use a long shank type hook.


When To Use A Tra

ailer? Sometimes when you are casting out your spoons or your spinnerbaits and you notice that the action in the water has gone from riot crazy to ghostly quiet; it is probably time to try adding a trailer. Or when everyone else seems to be catching nothing on spoons and spinnerbaits yet there are fish swimming about, attach a trailer and be different.


Quiet Time?

Sometimes changing the offering or offering something different is all it takes to entice fish to take your bait and give you some thrills. So, if you next hit some quiet time during your fishing trip, perhaps you could try adding a trailer to your spinnerbaits or spoons.

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Stuffs And Goodies

Timex Intelligent Quartz™ Tide Temp Compass

With multiple functions including a tide tracker, temperature

sensor and electronic compass all driven by a dedicated fourth hand, the Timex Adventure Series™ Tide Temperature Compass is the ultimate accessory for the tech savvy professional with a love for adventure.

Features: INDIGLO速 Night-Light with Night-Mode Distinct Fourth Indicator Hand Tide Tracker Counts Down to High or Low Tide Digital Thermometer with Analog Display Measures Air and Water Temperature Accurate Digitial Compass with Analog Display Attachment Buckle/Clasp Type: Clasp (Deployment) Attachment Color: Gray Attachment Material: Stainless Steel Attachment Type: Bracelet Battery Type: CR2016 Case Color: Gray Case Finish: Brushed/Polished Case Height: 13 mm Case Lug Width: 16 mm Case Material: Stainless Steel Case Shape: Round Case Size: Full-Size


To Watch Video Go To:

Case Width: 45 mm Crystal/Lens: Mineral Glass Dial Color: Gray Dial Luminant Hands: Luminant Hands Dial Markings: Markers (Full) Top Ring Color: Gray Top Ring Material: Stainless Steel Warranty: 1 Year Limited (U.S. Only) Watch Movement: Quartz Analog Water Resist: 100 meters Note: May not be available in certain markets.


Stuffs And Goodies

SPY + Optics Touring Polarized

Polarized sunglasses are superb tools for anglers. They not only comfort the eyes but also cuts out glare allowing us to look beneath the surface of the water allowing us to spot fish, Large and in charge, the Touring has gone beyond Thunderdome and back. Custom-built from high quality Propionate Polarized 8 X 4 Base Toric ARC lenses 100% UV protection Huge temples with spoiler and metal details MM hinge Frame measures: 64-14.5-122

Note: May not be available in certain markets


Stuffs And Goodies

Euro Sport Plastic Belts

One thing about us anglers is that we tend to get

drenched sometimes and when we do everything on us gets wet. This here is a belt that looks nice, made of plastic, and does not look cheap. It actually looks really quite good on an angler and it makes sense too. No more hanging belts out to dry. No more worrying about belts getting wet. No more removing belts at airport security. No more beeping from metal detectors. Holds plier holsters, knives, etc. better.

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The Golden Grove Fishing Fete & Boating Swap Meet & Fete) By Philemon Foo


You’ve heard of huge fishing tackle

shows in USA, China, Thailand, and Malaysia. We paid a visit to a small tackle show or what is called a fete held in Adelaide recently that was organized by Golden Grove Amateur Fishing. Do forgive us for the low quality photos as we were advised to be discreet with photo-shooting. The Fishing Fete brings together tackle dealers and pretty much anyone who wants to sell stuffs both new and used. Small booths are organized in the parking area of the Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School.


There are boats on sale, fishing tackle of which are sold cheap, books, food stuffs, clothing, etc. Other than sales of products; fishing charter operators took the opportunity to promote their services as well. What’s unique is that anyone can some and sell their goods and the booths or rather stalls are free but one has to be fast to book.


Being an angler I too bought a 12 feet Okuma surf rod designed by Rob Paxevanos who is and 7 squid jigs, all of which are brand new. The total amount I spent on these items came to AUD21.00. * Rob Paxevanos is a fishing journalist, photographer and the host of Fishing Australia.


To Watch Video Go To:

Here is something I found interesting; the Squidezy squid cleaning device. This few plastic pieces cleans squid so easily I believe the squid nations below the surface of the sea will tremble at the very mention of it. Website:

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ABU GARCIA® ORRA® INSHORE Engineered to Excel

Inshore is an exception to the rule. Engineered from the grou saltwater environments, the new Orra Inshore offers anglers

With its X-Cräftic™ alloy frame and graphite sideplate constru edition of the Orra Inshore boasts an 8% reduction in weight model. The easy to adjust MagTrax™ brake system delivers re the Carbon Matrix™ hybrid drag system delivers smooth, relia

Six stainless steel High Performance Corrosion Resistant (HPC

the addition of an extended bent handle with large knobs, gi

The Orra Inshore is available in a right hand version with a ge braid.

Garcia, visit For More Information:


Pure Fishing Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Tel : +603 7832 3380 Weight: Email



The Orra und up to excel in harsh a cost-conscious option

uction, the newest t over the previous esponsive casting control with the turn of a dial while able drag pressure across the entire drag range.

CR®) ball bearings plus one roller bearing provide Twenty pounds of max drag, along with ive anglers increased power and leverage to handle the

ear ratio of 7.1:1 that retrieves 29 inches of line per

X-Cräftic™ alloy frame and




The Perfect Blend of Performance and S

Inspired by the Revo lineup, the Orra series of reels from Abu Ga proven performance and durability in a compact package. Adva precision components make the Orra series a perfect choice for the most from their equipment.

The Orra SX weighs in at just 7.3 ounces with an X-Cräftic alloy f sideplates. For anglers, this means a more corrosion resistant re

With the MagTrax™ brake system the Orra SX gives anglers a sm anglers better control.

Other features include seven stainless steel ball bearings plus on The ergonomic, compact design of the Orra SX is available in sta ratio retrieves 26 inches of line per turn and is also available in a retrieves 29 inches per turn.

visit .

For More Information:

Pure Fishing Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Tel : +603 7832 3380 Email :



arcia速 deliver anced engineering and r anglers that demand

frame and graphite eel.

mooth, consistent reel that holds drag pressure

ne roller bearing and compact bent handle and star. andard and high-speed gear ratios. The 6.4:1 gear a left hand retreive. The high-speed 7.1:1 gear ratio




Powerful Low-End Torque for Effortles

PVC knobs work together with the low gear ratio to deliver th

On the exterior, the Orra Winch’s compact design is comprised alloy frame and graphite sideplates for strength and corrosion

Seven stainless steel ball bearings plus one roller bearing ens

with a turn of the external dial. The Orra Winch’s powerful Dur extended gear life.

The lightweight 7.6-ounce Orra Winch is available in right and braid. Garcia, visit For More Information: Pure Fishing Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Tel : +603 7832 3380 Weight 7.6 ounces Email :

Drag Power Disk™


ss Cranking

he perfect cranking reel.

d of an X-Cräftic™ n resistance without

sure smooth operation and reliability. Casting

ragear™ brass gear is engineered for durability and

d left hand models with a 5.4:1 gear ratio that retrieves

X-Cräftic™ alloy frame and graphite sideplates 221



The Abu Garcia Hornet Killer Bee is a limited series of the Hornet series. The blank is engineered with precise triple-carbon wrapping that enhances the sensitivity and lightweight for all-day comfort casting.This performance based rod is fully engineered and customised to meet every angler’s need. It is equipped with Fuji SiC K-Guides, Fuji ACS reel seat and premium cork fore-grip and handle. CASTING MODEL



Length (ft)

6’2” 6’7”


2 2

For More Information: Pure Fishing Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Tel : +603 7832 3380 Email :

Lure wt (oz)

1/8 - 1/2 3/8 - 1

Line wt (lb)

8-16 8-20

Carbon X-Wrap

Trademark Emblem


The latest Hornet Stinger MGS is an upgraded model that has a carbon X-wrap finish that absorbs and fix the twist when fighting the fish. It is also equipped with micro guide system (MGS) that enhances better casting distance with its smaller diameter guides. CASTING MODEL



Length (ft)

6’5” 6’6” 6’7”


2 2 2

Lure wt (oz)

1/16 - 1/4 3/16 - 3/4 3/8 - 1

Line wt (lb)

6-12 8-20 8-20

1 1


Deuthlon Reel Lube

And Grease It is never fun fishing with a squeaky roughed up reel. What’s worse is fishing with a reel that feels rough and has a sticky drag. While a squeaky and rough reel may just be annoying, a sticky drag actually has an effect on your fishing. A sticky drag could lead to lines breaking and thus losing the fish. Use Deuthlon Reel Lube and Reel Grease on your reels. The Teflon technology keeps reels smooth and working efficiently longer. Features Non toxic (biogredable), non tainting, not oily, and not sticky Clean dry lubrication Excellent water resistant Does not wash out Protection against corrosion and oxidation Keeps moisture out Try out Deuthlon Reel Lube and Reel Grease to keep you reel working well and working great. For more information please contact: Sea Tackle Sdn. Bhd.: +603 7875 9888 Email: 225

VFOX EVA Fishing Bag • Extra Thick EVA (2mm) • Reinforced handle to support greater weight and secure grip • Fold-in-half top cover • Adjustable shoulder strap • Side pockets • Anti-slip base • Water Resistant Color: Orange / Blue / Yellow Size: 30CM Dimension: Size: 33CM Dimension: Size: 36CM Dimension: Size: 40CM Dimension:

21 x 32 x 21cm 23 x 35 x 23cm 25 x 38 x 25cm 27 x 42 x 27cm

For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia. Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website:


VFOX VD-230 Series Cool Bag Carry and protect your fishing gears with VFOX bag. This VD-230 features a glossy carbon fiber inspired design for a sleek and sophisticated look, zipper pockets, removable top compartment, padded shoulder strap, water resistant, special stain resistant surface, thus easy to clean and maintain. 4 Sizes to choose from: Capacity Dimension (HxWxD) 15 Liters 26 x 38 x 29 cm 20 Liters 28 x 43 x 30 cm 25 Liters 30 x 48 x 30 cm 35 Liters 30 x 52 x 37 cm For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia. Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website:


VFOX Luminous Pick Jig We are going into the east coast (Malaysia) squid season and one of the most effective jigs luminous squid jigs such as the VFOX Luminous Pick Jig. The VFOX Luminous Pick Jig is visible from far attracting squids from further distances to investigate. The hooks on the VFOX Luminous Pick Jigs are also strong and extremely sharp of which ensures a secure hookup. Hook: 1.0mm x 2 layer or 3 layer For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.

Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website:


VFOX Luminous Eight Engles Jig The VFOX Luminous Eight Engles Jig has eight sides of which gives it a unique glow of different colors that emerges from inside of the jig. This squid jig has been proven effective wth catching squid.

For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.

Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook:


VFOX Yarika Jig The VFOX Yarika Jig is a luminous jig wrapped in to give a luminous glow but one that is not too bright should the targetted squid species be unwilling to take jigs with a bright glow. For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.

Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook:


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