The Asian Angler
Asia’s Angling Lifestyle Magazine
May 2014 English Edition
From A Galaxy Far Away Ryobi Slam
Knowledge Wise
Understanding Rod Handles
Skill Enhancers
Lots More Inside
Fishing Weightless With Soft Plastics New Launches: Fenwick Aetos RodsSkill & RyobiEnhancers Ecusima Reel Soft Plastic Expert Graphite Abu Garcia Orra Tortured This Tips Butterfly Extreme Inshore AKnowledge Value Month Lions High Skill Enhancers Wise A Gentle Jigging For MoneyUnderstanding Power- fishing rods Carbon Japanese Fishing with soft plastics Rod?
Presentation styles that helps you catch fish
Super Sharp Hooks 1
Making sense of fishing rod terms...
Night O
Your Don’t Have
Or Day
e To Stop Fishing
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Contents Ryobi Slam
Look What Darth Vader Left Behind
Abu Garcia Orra Inshore (2014) Robocopish Reel
Penn Conquer
Expert Graphite Butterfly Extreme
The Conqueror’s Reel
VFOX Reflector
High Carbon Sharp Point Hooks
Stickers Refurbish Your Lures 178
VFOX Excalibur Zoom Pole
Fenwick Aetos New Launching
New Ryobi Icusima Reel New Launching
Fishing With Soft Plastics: Part 11 Tips and tricks Weightless Fishing 256
Understanding Fishing Rods
Part 12: Rod Handles
Rod Ford Spartan In Action
Click on the icons to go directly to your preferred article... Airflo Pitbull Polaroid
VFOX Bottle Holder
Freestyle Shark Classic Tide
Berkley Fireline New
The Next Generation of the Smooth Handling Superline™ Fireline® and Fireline® Crystal
FireLine = Superline! The term “Superline” was rst used when FireLine was introduced in 1996 – and it has remained the world’s true Superline ever since! Not a conventional braid and not a mono – Thermally Fused FireLine changed shing forever. Now we are re-launching the Next Generation of FireLine. Smoother and tougher than ever with the same powerful strength, smooth handling and fast-casting you know and love!
Improved Formula, New Package! • Smoother than Ever - Right out of the package! • Better Castability!
Brilliant Tackle Product Info Section
TOUGH AND ABRASION RESISTANT Slices through vegetation
Sea Tackle Product Info
Keith Kavajecz, The Next Bite TV
“Fireline is my ”Go to” line for trolling crankbaits on structure. It is durable-for those rocky, snaggy, zebra mussel situations. It has no stretch, so I can monitor the lure for debris and bites, and it is thin to let cranks dive deeper. Give me a Fireline and I’ll show you fish!”
Tommy Skarlis, 2009 FLQ Walleye Tour Champ: “Fireline is my ”Go to” line for casting baits...The smoother new formula really allows me to wing the baits out. Fireline’s strength makes it an awesome line for ripping baits through weeds, and more importantly, pulling fish out of heavy cover and getting them into the boat!”
L O- V I S
Optimized for Spinning Reels
INCREDIBLY STRONG Three times stronger than mono
M G, T HI N, S
Abu Garcia Vektor Rod
• Tougher than ever - more colorfast, less wear! • Blaze Orange and Flame Green are brighter than ever!
INCREDIBLE SENSITIVITY Telegraphic feel for structure and strikes
LONG AND FAST CASTING Better than ever before!
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My fellow anglers and friends, With the blink of an eye we are now in May 2014. Time certainly waits for no one. This also means that after a few more blinks it will be a new year, and age takes on a new meaning. Recently we have been doing a lot of traveling meeting up anglers, testing products, and everything else for work. On one of our flights we landed so fast and hard, I swear we had an F1 driver in the cockpit. I looked at my business partner, he looked at me, the lady on the other seat looked at us, everyone was looking at each other. That was scarier than watching a very scary movie. Of course they plane stopped and taxied all the way to its parking bay and we all came out alive. That got me thinking. That is exactly how some people drive. In fact driving these days don’t just rely on skill. Luck plays a role too. We’ve got people texting while driving, shooting out of junctions without looking, not stopping at red, queue cutting, etc. It all comes down to ethics, civic mindedness, being responsible, and sparing a thought for fellow men and women of which seems to have diminished. To make this country a better place, a better home, a better everything we all need to start caring. When that happens we will not only have a better place to call home but better as well as safer fishing. After all isn’t that what we all want? Anyway, there are lots to read inside. Back to time... Life is short, do waht you love most and keep on fishing as it is living your passion that makes life worth living. Thank you for your support and tight lines. Cheers, Phil Editor In Chief
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Test Drives
Ryobi Slam By Philemon Foo
From A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Darth Vader, yes the dark lord of Star
Wars, visited us and left something behind; his fishing tackle. While we simply cannot figure out how the heck one rigs up a light sabre rod we decided to toy a bit with his sci-fi, other planetary, and alien built (I don’t seriously think) spinning reel called the Ryobi Slam.
A New Kind Of Slam
We’ve messed about and tortured the older Slam but this one looks more sinister, more powerful, with a very dark side. Unsure of what forces we will be conjuring up, we decided to approach the reel with caution taking in the design cues of this interplanetary reel.
Fighter Perhaps
As we approach the Slam, an image of the dreaded TIE fighter emerges on our 3D image “projecteron.” Piece by piece the Slam is disassembled and the similarities emerge. The top of the spool matches the cockpit with carbon fibre taken from the wings of the TIE. It’s design so hot it melted our lava rock collection and now we have a miniature Hawaiian island on our table.
Spool & Rotor
The spool and rotor of the Slam matches the afterburners of the TIE. The more modern Slam is leaner with unwanted pieces of fat removed from its rotor of which helps to reduce the weight of the reel and increases its “hot� level. The teardrop inserted logo adds to the sci-fi effect of the Slam.
SpooL Built Light The holes in the spool look like air intake holes where air is sucked in to cool down the afterburners. It also makes the spool lighter of which ultimately reduces the weight of the reel. The spool is built tough perhaps a requisite for managing the gangster fishes at Alderaan, the home planet of Princess Leia Organa.
I am not sure if the TIE Fighters were made of high tech graphite but the Slam sure is. Using NCRT, a new composite material (technology - kept a secret); parts such as the body or frame, and the rotor where this material is used gets a weight saving of 20% with strength enhancements of about 40%.
Alien Pawn Handle
The handle of the Slam looks like a pawn from an intergalactic chessboard. It probably does not come as a surprise that it comes in solid black color, a color similar to that of the dark lord’s mask and helmet.
Quality EVA Knob
The handle knob on the Slam is made of high quality EVA and is interchangeable. Nothing more but the highest of qualities for Darth Vader right? The knob is also contoured to fit fingers and thumbs well providing a better grip.
Test Time
Finally I gained enough courage to touch the reel and instantly a cold chill shoots down my spine. I shiver a little while other TAA officers look on. The Slam certainly has a lot of characteristics similar to that of its owner, Darth Vader. It looks powerful, feels cold, and other worldly. They also share similar colors.
Cranking up the reel, the Slam feels smooth, not as silk, but with minimal feeling of gears. I will not fault a reel for that. Well, at least the feeling of connectivity is there instead of the awkward vacuum like feeling of emptiness.
Put Into
Battle We took the Ryobi Slam to the Exotic Fishing Pond in Rawang (a town in Malaysia) to learn of its otherworldly prowess. While it may be able to take on fishes from other planets and galaxies, how would it stand up to fishes from our planet, Earth?
Smooth Drag
After a short wait, the Slam screamed maturely (not loud) as an ugly fish took the bait. It ran hard and fast stealing lots of 20lb braided lines off the Slam. I could feel the drag working and the rotor arm flexing a little. The spool spun smoothly without feeling sticky, testimony of a smooth drag, and we landed a few fishes with it.
LAB Test Back at our lab we put the Ryobi Slam to our pressure test to see how it performed. The model that Darth Vader left behind is the Slam 4000 of which has a max drag of 5kg. The fishes we landed were all above 5kgs but to be sure we just had to put it through the pressure chamber.
The drag remained smooth until our meter touched closed to 14lb (6.3kg), thereafter the drag started to deteriorate. We then continued increasing the drag until the line burst at close to 19.5lb (8.8kg) and we stopped. 8.8kgs is 3.8kgs above claimed. In our books, it passed with flying colors.
It looks great and it performed well. My only grouse is with the slight flexing of the rotor arm but otherwise a superb reel. It also has a hell of a drag that will bring tears to a lot of brutes in our waters. In short, the Ryobi Slam is a reel worth considering.
I am not sure when Darth Vader will return for his reel. Meanwhile, I will be playing with it more bringing up fishes from within our planet’s waters before it goes on to fight otherworldly creatures in unknown worlds.
Gear Ratio
Max Drag
2.5kg 5.0kg
Ball Bearings
5.0kg 249g 6
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Test Drives
Abu Garcia Orra I By Philemon Foo
Inshore The New Inshore (2014)
For years Abu Garcia has paid attention to its fans and users and has products for everyone at different levels of fishing as well as price preferences. When it comes to Abu Garcia, reels can be broken down into three main categories being the budget category, the mid range (affordable) category, and the advanced higher end category. The Orra sits right in the middle.
The latest Orra Inshore has grown out of the old rugged design (past model) adopting a more “Robocopish� design (looking form an angle) of which seems tamed. This new design is by no means a lesser hunk of a looker. It is just different or perhaps more mature. Looks after all lie in the eyes of the beholder.
X-Cräftic™ Alloy Frame X-Cräftic™ alloy has been a mainstay at Abu Garcia. It turns lighter steel into corrosion resistant armour while maintaining light weightiness. Being a saltwater reel the Orra Inshore most certainly need this or the surface of its frame will soon look like part of the moon’s surface.
Graphite Side Plates Graphite is pretty awesome a material to use especially on saltwater intended reels as graphite can most certainly remain free of corrosion. However, it seems to give reels a bad rep lowering its image as graphite is usually associated with cheap reels. Well, time to change that mind set. Graphite technology has increased and so has its cost.
Of Geniuses And Grey Matter With science, mathematics, grey matter and ability to think as space aliens, reel designers have for sometime decided that bent handles make cranking in your lures feel better. It makes for better balance and a bent line looks more exciting than a straight one. Thus the Orra Inshore comes with a bent handle.
Speed By Physics The physics of fishing reel engineering states that a longer handle rotates the spool more per turn which increases the speed of the reel. Genius! In car terms the new Orra Inshore has higher horse power as compared to the older one or in our language; higher inch per turn. This reel comes with a 95 millimetre handle.
Larger Gears Larger gears in its proven Dura Gear System also mean better durability and cranking power unless they put the gears the other way round of which would then make a circus monkey on a bicycle look like it is running on rocket fuel. Anyhow, with a larger main gear (and a longer handle) the gear ratio is now 7.1:1 as compared to 6.4:1 on the older model.
Brakes Of Magnet The braking system in the Orra Inshore is the MagTrax™ brake system of which is a proven magnetic type brake system that works well. I however prefer the Pitch Centrifugal Brakes on the previous model as it allows for better for a punchier cast, but hey, this works too and gentleness serves a purpose.
Stopping Power The Orra Inshore has gone hybrid and no, it does not come with an electric motor. The drag system here uses the Carbon Matrix drag system of which is carbon type drag washer + felt washers. This system allows for a smooth drag but of course, like all drags, they do have limits.
Casting Performance I was casting spoons, spinners, lures from 12 grams spoons to 20 odd grams lures and the Orra Inshore does cast well. Of course brake setting is important especially with winds coming from various directions and the magnetic brake does the job well.
Fishing Performance One of the reels that I took to Australia is this Orra Inshore with the hopes of catching a shark or two but only managed to catch some Murray trout of which was no match for the prowess of the reel. They managed to strip out some line but not long later gave up the fight.
Fishing Performance Back at home ground we ran more tests at our usual testing spot this time playing with the rough and tough swimming kitties of the Exotic Pond in Rawang (a small town in Malaysia). This time the Orra Inshore had to work hard.
Fishing Performance Fishing with a reasonably high drag I noticed that the drag remain smooth even after increasing it fish after fish. I am impressed with this reel. There was no sticky drag feel and the drag remained smooth. It also has enough cranking power to reel in the fish.
Back at our lab we put it through the pressure test to see just how much it would take before giving up the ghost. The drag remained smooth all the way till about 19lb and maxed out at slightly over 21lb. No wonder it handled the field test brutes so well. Hats off to this little sibling of the Revos.
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Verdict The Abu Garcia Orra Inshore is hands down one heck of a performer especially at a mid range price point. Even after putting this impressive reel through the torture mill it still remains as smooth as the time it first landed in my hands. “Robocopish� and tame looking; don’t believe it. It is still very much a wolf inside.
Specifications / Features 6 stainless steel HPCR™ bearings + 1 roller bearing provides increased corrosion protection X-Cräftic™ alloy frame for increased corrosion resistance Graphite sideplates Carbon Matrix™ hybrid drag system for super smooth reliable drag performance MagTrax™ brake system gives consistent brake pressure throughout the cast Duragear™ brass gear for extended gear life Extended bent handle for increased cranking power Large PVC knobs provide greater grip Ti coated line guide reduces friction and improves durability
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Test Drives
Penn Conquer By Philemon Foo
The Conqueror’s Reel When it comes to saltwater fishing
reels, Penn has a long standing heritage. In a number of countries Penn reels have become synonymous with saltwater fishing. Recently we had the opportunity to “test drive” some of them and one of them is the Penn Conquer.
Small Wonder The Penn Conquer we were given to test drive is the Conquer 2000 or size 2000. A size 2000 reel is a small reel and putting them against the brutes out at sea will certainly destroy lesser reels of similar size. Will the Conquer be able to make it home in one piece?
Designing Power The Penn Conquer is not a fancy looking reel. The design of the Conquer shouts out power, toughness, and ruggedness. After all you wouldn’t drive a REVAi (electric car make of India) known as G-Wiz which doesn’t look fancy either, to the Demolition Derby where toughness is important and fanciness gets buried in the mud.
Tough Body The body of the Conquer is solid, somewhat built like a little tank; and will not flex under pressure. The stem is the weakest link of most spinning reels as that is the flex normally happens of which convinces anglers to go buy something else after the trip.
Bail Wire Of Muscles The bail wire on the Conquer is thick and strong another powerful message to the bullies that the Conquer is no girl scout but a warrior; tough, strong, and fearless. Being tough it will be able to take a beating especially by the corrosive elements of seawater.
Super Tough Spool The forged, machined, and anodized aluminum spool is super tough built to take a beating. It will take a lot of strength to crush this spool. The spool also comes braid ready, which means that a backup monocline will not be needed an anti slips for braided lines.
Super Tough Spool The spool lip is made up of a revolutionary material called Eternal Alloy. It is said to be tougher and harder than titanium alloy (two times harder), steel (three times harder), and aluminium (six times harder). It is made tough to withstand corrosion, scratches, nicks, and dings.
Handle Of Power The Conquer’s handle is really tough and solid. It gives confidence to the angler during any battle with the brutes of the sea. The rubber is also ergonomically designed to for a comfortable and good grip reducing the possibilities of slipping.
EAS System EAS allows for easy and convenient servicing or maintenance of reel. By just the removal of a screw, the hatch at the bottom of the Conquer opens giving full access to the gearbox for easy oiling. All parts are also contained and will not fall off.
Bring On The Brutes Ok, so far we know that the Conquer is a super tough reel but how will it fair out at sea? To test drive the Penn Conquer we took it to the battle grounds in Pekan where gladiator fishes lie in wait for a battle. We were jigging the waters of Pekan when gladiator diamond trevallies decided to do battle. Despite their power and strength, the Penn Conquer proved too much for them to take down. The Conquer handled them well remaining smooth and composed on every battle.
Lab Test Having done well out at sea the Conquer had to do well in our lab too. In terms of performance it is a smooth reel thanks in part, to its 10 + 1 ball bearings, gearbox engineering, and well balanced rotor system called Techno-Balanced. Will it achieve its 12lb max drag specification?
Lab Test The Conquer did really well in the pressure test. It remained smooth till about 14.9lb and it maxed out at 18lb of which is 6lb above specification. Somehow I was expecting such a result as the few Penn reels we tested also achieved results above what was specified.
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Verdict The Penn Conquer was indeed made to conquer battles. They are tough, powerful, and will not bend under pressure. They are also value for money reels sitting comfortably just about mid range prices (or lower) but they perform like reels costing twice as much. Design wise, you be the judge.
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Test Drives
Expert Graphite
Butterfly Extreme M By Philemon Foo
The Gentle Jigging Rod? There are the big brands and then
there are the “underdogs.” It’s like almost everyone knows Ferrari but few would have heard of a sports car brand such as Pagani. With no F1 advertising, expensive marketing campaigns, and even fewer ever seen, these lesser known brands remain under the radar. We at The Asian Angler will never underestimate any one of these brands. We have seen enough to be convinced that good things don’t always get the publicity they deserve. The Expert Graphite is one of the Paganis in a world of sporty exotic ... fishing rods.
The Butterfly Of Graphite The Expert Graphite Butterfly Extreme Mission jigging rod is one sleek looking rod designed with Japanese rod design ques. Adorned with metallic purple and pearl white colors, the butterfly threads a very thin line between like and dislike. You’ll probably not find many saying that it is well, ok. They will either really find it cool or don’t like it at all. Such strong colors make a bold statement. Like the Paganis of which comes with bold designs, not everyone will like them but those that do, get to immerse in a spa of power made for the Gods. The Butterfly Extreme Mission is just like that. It is a beautiful rod in the eyes of the beholder.
Elegant Slim Design The Butterfly Extreme Mission comes in a slim elegant profile with clean lines. This gives it a stylish, sporty, and sleek look (profile). Slimmer EVA handles at the rear not only looks good but it allows for a more comfortable grip sitting between the angler’s inner arm and body.
Performace Rod Like high performance cars, weight is always something that is unwanted. The weight of the Butterfly Extreme Mission meets those criteria. I doubt it will be flying further and faster than any other rod should you decide to use it as a javelin but it sure as hell will be less tiring to jig with. Being well balanced the weight disappears in your hands as you get into your natural jigging position. This is one of those characteristics that get extra points when we rate fishing rods. Comfort plus lightness equals fishing nirvana. Next is to reach the bonus stage and that is to land a fish.
It Has Got To Be Fuji
To complete the package, the Butterfly Extreme Mission is given quality performance parts from Fuji. It comes with Fuji’s cool K-R Concept guides of which are lightweight and disperses heat well, and a Fuji reel seat. Makes sense as I am sure you wouldn’t want a stock Kancil engine in your Ferrari or any other high performance car.
This rod comes with a mid powered tip and with that I mean not fast and not too slow to rebound to its original position. It also has a strong enough butt section with a backbone of about 75% the length of the blank. In layman terms; this rod may need more effort setting the hook but has enough power to help you manage the fish (to a certain limit of course).
Field Testing The Butterfly
To field test the Butterfly Extreme Mission we decided to head out to our regular testing pond, The Exotic Fishing Pond, in Rawang (a town in Selangor, Malaysia) where large fishes are brought in to entertain anglers. Yes, the Butterfly Extreme Mission rod is a jigging rod and while we won’t be doing any jigging at the Exotic Pond, we will be testing its casting abilities, fish managing abilities, and feel or rather how the rod actually feels in real time.
Casting Ability
For our test we used a 20lb test braided line spooled into a baitcasting reel, and we used 4 inch long lampam fish (Silver barb) as live bait. The rod casts really well thanks to its medium powered tip of which shoots the bait out to pretty good distances.
Fish Management
We bottom fished this rod as we want to know how it handles, leaving it on a rod holder. When the brute took the bait, dropped two gears and accelerated, the Butterfly Extreme Mission jigging rod did a bend better than Beckham but soon regained form and the battle ensued. This rod did pretty well in handling the brutes. Its backbone helped with managing the runs and although being light, it had enough power to control the fish, in an arena where many players bring out the big guns leaving the pistols at home.
Back At The Lab
Being satisfied with the field test it is now time to see if it will make through the lab test where we put the rod in a room and let a 100 over angry Labradors at it. No, of course not but that would be fun. Anyway, we want to see if it meets the specs that it came with.
Pressure Test
The Butterfly Extreme Mission claims that it has a butt section that will be able to take a load amounting to PE3 or thereabout 30lb. Well, on our test we managed to get it to 27lb of which is 3lb shy of 30lb but I am satisfied with the results as the rating PE3, is really more of a range within 30lb instead of accurately 30lb. You can blame Japanese line manufacturers for that.
The color scheme of the Butterfly Extreme Mission Jigging rod may not tickle everyone’s fancy but I am ok with it. It does have well thought of design lines that bring about an air of elegance. It is light and comfortable to use and it performed well during our field test with acceptable results back at our lab. It is a good rod and just like the Paganis, will give big brands a run for their money.
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Test Drives
Abu Garcia Vek By Philemon Foo
The “V” Heritage A few years ago Abu Garcia went all
crazy about the alphabet “V.” I am not sure if it’s caused by an over indulgence in a TV programme called Sesame Street, but since then we have seen sub brands the likes of Vengeance, Vendetta, Veritas, Verdict, and Veracity (am I missing any?). The craze lives on with the Vektor.
Old School Design Adorned mainly in metallic blue and black, the Vektor looks somewhat “fibreglassish� but with a more modern design. It is certainly not a fibreglass rod but I think the designers at Abu Garcia were not really looking to build a pretty rod. Perhaps they wanted something old school with a tough look. If that is the objective, they certainly achieved it.
Compact EVA Handles The Vektor comes with compact EVA handles which are great especially when it is used for the sole purpose of battling the gangster fishes out at sea. What’s so great is that the grip feels solid and the EVA doesn’t twist. This gives better confidence during the battle.
24 Ton Graphite The Vektor comes with a 24 Ton graphite blank of which simply means that it is a softer rod with higher contents of glass in its blank giving it the flexibility. The benefits of such a blank is that is better at absorbing the sudden burst of a fishes run, it is less brittle, and it can take a beating. Disadvantages include reduced power, a shorter backbone, weight, etc. but it is more affordable.
Nice Curve The backbone of the Vektor stretches out to about 55% of the blank from the butt and it has a moderate action tip which helps with casting out lures and jigs. The Vektor is a two piece rod with an offset configuration also known as butt joint rod. This gives the Vektor a clean and nice curve.
Testing With Brutes We tested the Vektor out at sea at a place called Pekan (State of Pahang, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia) jigging for Diamond Trevallies, the gangsters of these waters that would not hesitate to take your jig and flex your muscles.
Casting &
Jigging Qualities
The Vektor proved to be a good caster thanks to its moderate tip sending jigs a good distance off our boat with just a simple flick. It also jigs well with enough power at the tip to lift the jig and rebound to its original position as long as the jigs are within its specs of 8g to 18g.
Fish Management The Vektor took on a few diamond trevallies and managed the fight well. The initial runs saw the Vektor flexing passed its limits with short loss of power but it was still doing its job of tiring out the fish, and soon regained composure. After that the Vektor kept the fights within its power range until the fish(es) were landed. Impressive for a thin tough looking rod.
Fish Management We also had testers torture the Vektor at our usual testing pond and they, the testers, were all impressed at the strength and power of the rod. One thing that every tester remarked is that despite its thin and light look, it is a tough and powerful rod. We even had an angler abuse the rod flexing it more than the usual fighting range and yet the Vektor remained unharmed. It is like a sports car with a limit imposed on its engine. When the speed limiter is removed, it lashes out a lot more horses.
Back At The Lab Back at our lab we put the Vektor through our lie detector to see if it spoke the truth. Using our line break test meter we measured how much pressure the Vektor can take. The target is 18lb at the butt. Flexing its muscles the Vektor managed an impressive 20.4lb scoring almost 2.4lb more than claimed.
Another “V,� Verdict The Vektor certainly can carry its own. It may not have movie star good looks, nor does it come with branded components. In fact it even has a butt a tad bit short for a jigging rod. But when it comes time to lash out at the brutes, the Abu Garcia Vektor most certainly throws some heavy punches knocking them out.
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Test Drives
Lions Sharp Point Hoo By Philemon Foo
oks “Unique Japanese Hooks...� Hooks are one very important tool in fishing which will
actually make the difference between catching or cursing at the wind. This time we test the Lions Cs-84+ Sharp Point hooks of which are made in Japan and are somewhat unique.
Sharp Point Hooks To penetrate into the lips and perhaps jaws of the fish, a sharp hook will do a better job than a blunt hook. Thus the Lions Sharp Point hooks are made with a knife like point at the bite section for easy penetration. This design arguably makes for an easier strike.
Against The Elements We know that the Lions Sharp Point hooks are sharp after running them on the fingernails but how would they take to water both fresh and salt? We ran a test drowning one in freshwater and one in saltwater for a period of 24 hours +.
After 24 Over Hours After 24 hours both hooks were wiped dry and inspected. Again I am surprised by the results. Both hooks remained sharp with no sign of rust, even the one that sat in very salty water. I believe these hooks are coated to resist rusting for longer hours as compared to hooks of old.
Sharpness Test We know that the hooks will easily latch onto fingernails but will they latch on to a plastic spoon? They both did and even did a cliff hanger on the slope section of the spoon. Impressive hooks especially having been drowned for 24 hours with salty water that is supposed to corrode.
Field Test Since we had reels and rods to test, we decided to only use the Lions Sharp Point hooks to see how they perform in the real world. What we found out is that having such a sharp point with a knife like bite section does help with penetration especially important when softer tip rods are used. No fishes were lost because of the hook.
Verdict The Lions Cs-84+ Sharp Point hooks are sharp with a unique knife like design of which is perhaps gives better penetration when setting the hook. These hooks also do not corrode easily making them good hooks to be used for all sorts of fishing. There are lots of hooks out there and this one stands out at the bite section.
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VFOX Reflector S By Philemon Foo
Reflector stickers, how great. I can think of so many ways to use these stickers. As an angler I can stick them to my tackle boxes allowing me to locate them easily in the dark. I can stick them to the blade of my machete, stick them on water bottles, etc. to help me locate them easily.
Giving Spoons New Life One of the things that reflector stickers can be used for is to give old lures and spoons a new lease of life. Since spoons and most lures use a combination of colors and reflection of light to attract fish; old faithful who has lost its shine can be brought back to life with some new clothes. But are these stickers waterproof?
Water Resistant Test To test how well they do in water I cut a piece out and stick it on to one of my spoons. Next I drown them in water to see if the sticker disintegrates or drops off the spoon. After a period of 24 hours the sticker remained intact still stuck to the spoon.
After Over 24 Hours In Water However, after the 24 hours water test very tiny bits of reflective material / print had gone missing. Too little in fact to notice at a glance. Only upon close investigation will you notice the missing print. This means that it will last in water but next I will have to catch a fish with it.
Verdict A great way to spruce up your lures and spoons and you can also stick it on anything that you need to locate easily in the dark. Furthermore it is resistant and is relatively cheap. Why not get some yourself.
At Night Or
Your Don’t Have
r At Day
e To Stop Fishing
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VFOX Excalibur Zoom P By Philemon Foo
There are many fishing styles and one
of them is pole fishing. Even pole fishing has a few types from the European pole to the more traditional Chinese pole rods. Each has their own types of equipment and capabilities. The VFOX Excalibur Zoom is a closer related to the Chinese traditional pole rods.
By Philemon Foo
Telescopic Ciggie Those that enjoy a puff of smoke will instantly notice that the Excalibur Zoom resembles a cigarette. It comes with a dark yellow butt section and white blank. It is telescopic like most pole rods and you have two lengths of 6 feet and 7 feet. Note: there is also a model with 3 lengths to choose from being 6 feet, 7 feet, and 8 feet.
2 Butt Covers There are two types of covers at the butt section. One is stainless steel and is heavier to help with balancing the pole on a pole stand, whereas the other is plastic of which is light. The angler can choose between the two depending on his or her style of fishing (prawning).
Soft Tip Like most prawning poles, the Excalibur Zoom has a slow action tip with light - Medium powered blank. This allows for good absorption of force when the prawn or fish takes the bait giving time to the angler to react while the light-medium powered butt allows for some lifting power.
IM8 Blank? I do not know which section of the Excalibur Zoom is IM8. It is probably printed there more to impress onlookers and nothing more as it certainly has no qualities of an IM8 blank. However, it is still a good pole rod and it will catch fish or prawns.
Verdict The VFOX Excalibur Zoom is a nice looking pole. I like its color scheme of dark yellow and bright white. It is also a good pole rod to use having a soft tip and a light-medium action butt. Price wise it is affordable. IM8 I guarantee you not as IM8 traditional poles feel very different and could easily reach price points of higher hundreds to a few thousand Ringgits. The Excalibur Zoom although one of the better poles in our market will not even create a dent in your pocket.
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Fenwick Aetos By Philemon Foo
Pearl Blue Magic Fenwick may not be a big name in
most markets but they are the founders or inventors of graphite rods. Fenwick is also known for making high quality rods and is one of the big American rod brands that have been making rods for Japanese rod brands within their markets. This month Fenwick will be launching the new Fenwick Aetos rod, a cool looking rod with color changing effect or pearl effect. At a glance, the Aetos looks dark blue but then again could it be a lighter blue? With such color effects I should perhaps just call it pearl dark blue.
Quality Blank The Aetos comes with good quality blanks that feel light and strong with backbone averaging 65% the length of the rod. This gives the Aetos enough power to help manage most fishes in our lakes, ponds, and rivers.
Fuji Skeleton Reel Seat
The Aetos comes with the Fuji SKSS reel seat which is light weight as allows for a direct feel of the rod blank. This reel seat is modern looking. Having shown the rod to a few anglers, most like the minimalist design of the reel seat while few remained quite reserved.
Fuji Guides The Aetos comes with quality Fuji guides (Titanium guides for USA markets) that are tough and lightweight. These guides are secured to the rod blank with carbon fibre wraps of which gives the Aetos a modern and sporty look.
TAC™ Cork Handle The TAC™ cork handle of the Aetos is actually artificial cork that is made compact and last longer than real cork. Another benefit to the TAC™ cork is that it still provides you reasonable amounts of grip when it is wet as compared to real cork.
Verdict While I have not fished with it yet, what I can say is that the Fenwick Aetos is a good looking rod to me, is well balanced, and from I what I was told, is reasonably priced. It is a good rod with good amounts of backbone and power. The Fenwick Aetos is certainly a rod to consider.
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New Ryobi Icusima Reel By Philemon Foo
Monster Truck Reel Monster truckers don’t want their
trucks to look pretty. They prefer a menacing look as compared to a pretty look. The design of a monster truck is to conjure up images of power and perhaps to a certain extent, fear, especially to the eyes of the opponent.
Language Of Power Just like the monster truck, Ryobi’s new Ecusima reel speaks the language of power. One look at it and you know that this reel means business. It doesn’t look pretty. In fact its colors don’t quite come together nicely. Well, it is not meant to look good and sit sexy. It is made to leash out brutality at sea. It is the monster truck of fishing reels.
8000Vi We were recently entrusted with a Ryobi Ecusima 8000Vi, the largest size of the Ryobi Ecusima series. This monster of a reel comes with a solid body painted in silver and darker silver spool with gold trims and gold bail arm wire
Solid But Weighty Its stem is so solid it has no flex. We tried bending it but still we did not feel any flex. The Ecusima is indeed solid muscle and is one tough reel made to handle heavy pressure. However, muscles are heavier than fats right? With so much muscle the Ecusima is also quite a heavy reel weighing 555g.
Power Handle The Ecusima 8000Vi comes with a power handle made of rubber as well as a solid and tough handle further enhancing the image of this monster truck of a reel. Turn the handle and the feeling of solid gears working with one another is instantly felt.
Gear Smoothness The gear runs smooth and you feel the connectedness at all time. It is not as smooth as other reels that cost a lot more and for the same purpose, angry brute fishing. Do also note that the gears feel chunky and tough as would be expected of a monster reel.
Huge Bailwire The bail wire of the Ecusima 8000Vi is so thick and strong that if reels were to have bull-bars or kangaroo-bars, this bail wire would be the perfect example. The language of toughness is extremely clear here.
Drag Of Madness When it comes to drag the Ecusima could pull the jaw off fishes if you wanted too. The box states 8kg max drag. Our lab test shows slightly over 27lb (12kg) and we decided to stop. It could still go on but drag smoothness had deteriorated. Drag remained smooth till slightly over 19lb 8.6kg.
Weaker Muscless There are some parts that are not as tough such as the rotor and bail arm that flexes slightly under high pressure. The main shaft is also not as tough and flexes slightly under pressure. However, we did not register any issues during the test.
Verdict Strong and tough reel made to manage brutes, the Ryobi Ecusima will probably go on longer than most anglers arms can manage especially at such high drag pressure. Want a budget level monster truck of a reel, this is the reel to go with but like all reels do note its limitations.
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Knowledge Wise Understanding Fishing Rods Part 12 Rod Handles By Philemon Foo
Almost every fishing rod comes with
handles or as some would call them, grips. These handles are not just things to hold on to but have a few other functions. In this issue we explore some of these functions.
Types There are many types of handles available in the market some of which are custom made by creative geniuses using all sorts of things like lures, roots, wood, etc. Let us just look at the fishing industry’s normal handles of which are EVA, Hypalon, natural cork, synthetic cork, and heat shrink rubber. We will go into details later.
Functions Rod handles do provide better grip to anglers but there is more to it. In fact the functions of rod handles warrants more thinking on the rod designer’s part as it does have quite an impact on the rod.
Outlook Rod handles do define how well a rod looks. Many anglers tend to relate the cost of a fishing rod to the way it looks. Rod handles plays a big part here. I have noticed anglers paying a lot of attention to the handle section before looking at the rod as a whole. They do that for good reasons and one of them is the way they look. Looks sell and there is no denying this. This is also one of the reasons why you see things like different colored handles, hybrid handles (EVA+Cork which also has a good reason), split handles, etc. These designs or mixture of materials and colors do add to the cosmetics of a rod.
Comfort Rod handles add to the comfort of anglers. Ergonomics and feel of the rod handle pushes emotional buttons of anglers subconsciously. When an angler picks up a fishing rod and takes hold of the rod handle, how comfortable it sits in his or her hands sends sparks flying the his or her brains. This is when comfort levels are being evaluated by the angler subconsciously. A comfortable grip provides the angler with long hours of comfortable fishing with better grip of which also adds to the angler’s confidence level. All these are evaluated when an angler picks up a fishing rod for the first time in the tackle shop although he or she may not necessary realize it. 243
Handles According To fishing Not all fishing rod handles perform the same and should not be treated as the same. A fishing rod handle is not just a fishing rod handle. Some handle materials are more suited for certain types of fishing. An example will be cork handles being more suitable with rods used for cold weather fishing as they tend to store heat longer than EVA and are less slippery when wet. However, if not cleaned well they become a big cookie to insects such as ants and cockroaches.
Handles According To fishing On the other hand, Hypalon handles are one of the mainstays in saltwater fishing rods especially big game fishing. One of the reasons is its toughness. Hypalon handles are very compact and they do not flex of twist under pressure thus do not damage easily especially when a brute of a fish bends a rod placed in a rod holder. Cork handles would have broken with such pressure.
The Balanci
This may come as a surprise to many of you. Yes, rod handles play a part in the balancing or distribution of weight on a fishing rod. Having designed many series of rods for some of the world’s biggest brands, I learnt this the hard way. It is not easy putting function to design and matching cost targets. Different rod handle materials come with different weights. Sometimes a change of material or redesigning of the rod handles help to fine tune the balance of a rod. Using heavier material such as synthetic cork bring the weight backwards as it is heavier while genuine cork is lighter pushing more weight forward towards the tip.
ing Act
Magic Of Balancing
With split rear handles gaining popularity over the years rod balancing has taken a twist. Designing rods using a split handle configuration brings up the cosmetic value of the rod if it is designed well. It also reduces quite significantly the total weight of the rod (rod held vertical). However, it affects balance (rod held horizontal).
Magic Of Balancing
To balance a rod with split rear handles of which is to bring the weight backwards most of the time, two things can be done. They are either to use lighter materials forward towards the tip such as lighter guides, lighter graphite grades, or increase the weight at the rear using washers, or a heavier type of handle. Of course which to go with depends on the targeted cost.
More Next Issue Well, there you have it some of the secrets to rod designing and building. We will go further and explore deeper into realms of the different handle types in future issues. Meanwhile when you visit the tackle stores looking for a rod, use what you’ve learnt, and use this information to help you make a wiser decision.
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Skill Enhancers
Fishing With Soft Plastics: Part 11 Soft Plastics Tips & Tricks: Weightless By Philemon Foo
We have come quite a long way
with fishing soft baits and quite a number of readers have emailed their satisfaction of finally catching fish on soft baits of which is also a satisfaction for the team and me. Here is another little secret that not many know about; fishing soft baits weightless.
Fishing Weightless
s??? Why fish weightless? Well, we know that fish are opportunist. Predators prey on the weak when in search of food. A reason for them attacking the strong will be to protect its territory. Other than that, the strong escapes and the weak get eaten. Weightless soft baits drop slowly and naturally closely resembling fishes or bugs on the brink of death.
Recommended Tac
ckle When it comes to fishing weightless, the weight of the bait you are casting out does have an impact on your tackle. To cast out your bait there has to be enough weight to carry it out to a desired distance. Thus the importance of matching your tackle, soft baits, and targeted fish. You may have to down size your tackle if you’re fishing with lighter soft baits to the tune of perhaps 2lb lines – 6lb lines, ultra-light to light rods, spinning reels, etc. For heavy or weightier soft baits tackle use may not be so much of a problem but you still need to match them well.
Fast Sinking Main
Lines An important tool is your lines. If like me you prefer to use braided lines, my recommendation will be to with fast sinking braided lines such as Korda Supernatural Sinking Braid, Sufix 832 Advanced Carp Superline Sinking Braid, Sufix Gravity 2, Spiderwire UltraCast Fluoro Braid, Stren Sinking Braid, etc. for your main lines.
Fluorocarbon Lead
ders As for leaders my recommendation will be to use fluorocarbon leaders such as Sufix Fluorocarbon Invisiline and my favourite, Berkley Vanish fluorocarbon leader. Fluorocarbon leaders sink faster than monoclines and will help with getting your soft bait down to the bottom.
Fishing Conditions Fishing conditions does affect your fishing, more so when you are fishing weightless. Windy condition will make casting impossible and strong currents will keep your baits a float of which is great if you’re not targeting bottom feeders.
Suitable Soft Baits
s Soft baits are not made equal. Just like hard lures there are soft baits that float and there are those that sink. Certain soft baits have more appendages and some of them have few. While all of them can be fished weightless, some will be more productive than others. Let’s take a look as some of the productive ones and how to use them.
Fish Type Baits
Fish type soft baits such as minnows and pogies are fish, and fishes do get injured or sick and die. This makes fishing them weightless in still waters productive. All you have to do is to cast out your line and wait for it to sink to the bottom. After a while (like about 30 seconds) give it a twitch and allow it drop again.
Crawfish & Shrimp
p Type Baits Crawfish and shrimps by nature tend to dart about and drop. To use them well it is best to use a worm hook or Texas rig hook and rig it weedless. This will give better balance to the bait by moving the gravity point down allowing the shrimp or crawfish to remain upright as it falls. To use them just cast them out and allow to sink to the bottom. At the bottom give it about 15 seconds then give it a twitch. Allow it to drop again to the bottom and repeat. You can also drag them slowly at the bottom. Try hooking via the tail for different effects.
Crab Type Baits
Crabs are pretty unique soft baits and easy to use. Just remember that crabs move sideways and thus we recommend you to hook it at its side. Use a worm hook or Texas rig hook and ensure that the hook goes past the halfway point of the body. This brings the center of gravity downwards. Cast out your crab and allow it to touch the bottom. Next slowly drag it about a foot and stop for about a minute or more before repeating the drag movement. You can also twitch them upwards and allow them to fall back to the bottom and wait for a fish to take the bait.
Maggot Type Baits
Maggots are cool soft baits for freshwater fishing. They are easy to use but my recommendation it to use as thin a line as possible. Best used for coarse fishing or bottom fishing where you don’t have to cast far. In still waters allow the maggot to drop to the bottom slowly. Pause and wait for a few minutes before bringing it up and letting it drop again. Feeding will definitely increase your chances of a hook up.
Maggot Type Baits
If there are currents, just allow the maggot to go with the flow. Bring back after a certain distance and let it go again. It may get caught in certain eddies and get sucked to the bottom where fishes hide out.
Patience Is A Virtue
e When you fish soft baits weightless, you will have to fish them very slowly. Patience is a must and you will be rewarded for your patience. As for me, I am not a very patient person and will only go weightless when all else fails and situations allow for. Do give it a try.
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In Action
Rod Ford Spartan By Philemon Foo
Looking at rods of which we had
featured earlier, the Rod Ford Spartan was one of them that we decided to take out and play with to see how it handled against newer rods during our Test Drive at the Exotic Pond.
Goes Exotic
Oh What A Curve...
. I cast out the bait and left the Spartan on the rod holder waiting for a fish to hit. The wait wasn’t long and soon the Spartan bowed towards the direction of the fish and the battle was on. I picked up the rod and could feel the pressure asserted by the as I assert some forearm muscles to remove the rod from the holder. Oh what a curve it made.
Power Indeed
The Spartan flexed its muscles and before long a tail splashed water near the banks of the pond where I stood while a net gently scooped it up for a quick round of photography. The Spartan did well and got the thumbs up from anglers invited to the test.
Satisfaction Graph
Suddenly Spartan takes bow.
Superb cast 10 minutes passed & still no fish
h Photo time Fish gives up and is landed
Spartan flexes muscles
Photos not good. Cameraman needs training
Strike and a solid hook up
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Stuffs And Goodies
VFOX Bottle Holde
er Water is important especially when spending time out in the enjoying your favourite sports. As anglers we carry lots of things to our fishing spots and having to clip our water bottle somewhere without having to use our hands will help, after all we need our hands to carry other stuffs.
Looking Good
VFOX has just that, a bottle holder with a carabineer that can be clipped to perhaps the handle of a tackle box, a belt, a backpack, etc. freeing your hands to carry all the other tools and equipment that you need.
Easy To Use
The VFOX bottle holder is easy to use. Just remove the plastic buckle insert and secure it to the neck of your water bottle. Next just reinsert the plastic buckle insert with the water bottle attached into the buckle and it’s done. It is so easy to use and is a great help when you have not enough hands to carry all that you need to carry.
Stuffs And Goodies
Airflo Pit bull Polar
roid Sunglasses Pit Bull Polaroid Sunglasses are great for the less careful angler featuring a super robust frame. Ideal for cutting harsh glare from the surface of the water, these solid frames also cut side glare which can also affect your eye sight in bright conditions.
Available in two lens colour options, you can choose between sandstone and smoke grey lens to suit your fishing. Our stunning range of polarized fishing glasses have been designed to meet the needs of the game angler in a multitude of differing light conditions. no/90173 Note: May not be available in all markets
Stuffs And Goodies
Freestyle Shark Cla
assic Tide Watch The mothership has landed. Our most popluar style, The Shark Classic, is now available with Tide Data and sunrise / sunset times for 150 beaches worldwide. The Shark Classic Tide also features a durable and fade resistant silicone band which also offers increased flexibility for an improved fit. Like all Shark Watches, the Shark Classic Tide is water resistant to 100 meters and backed by our limited lifetime warranty. Note: May not be available in some markets
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Improved HighlightingFormula, New
The N Smoo
FireLine = S introduced i Not a conve shing forev Smoother an handling an
Improved Formula, New Tommy Skarlis, 2009 FLQ Walleye Tour Champ:
“Fireline is my ”Go to” line for casting baits...The smoother new formula really allows me to wing the baits out. Fireline’s strength makes it an awesome line for ripping baits through weeds, and more importantly, pulling fish out of heavy cover and getting them into the boat!”
Package! • Smoother than Ever - Right out of the package! • Better Castability! • Tougher than ever - more colorfast, less wear! • Blaze Orange and Flame Green are brighter than ever!
and Fireline® Crystal G, SM ON
Next Generation of the ™ oth Handling Superline MALLY FUS R E
T HI N, L O- V I S Superline! The term “Superline” was rst used when FireLine was in 1996 – and it has remained the world’s true Superline ever since! entional braid and not a mono – Thermally Fused FireLine changed ver. Now we are re-launching the Next Generation of FireLine. Optimizedsmooth for nd tougher than ever with the same powerful strength, Spinning Reels nd fast-casting you know and love!
w Package! Keith Kavajecz, The Next Bite TV
• Smoother than Ever - Right out of the package! “Fireline is my ”Go to” line for trolling crankbaits • Better Castability! on structure. It is durable-for those rocky, snaggy, • Tougher than ever - more colorfast, wear! zebra mussel situations. It has no less stretch, so I can monitor the and lureFlame for debris and and than it is thin • Blaze Orange Green arebites, brighter ever! to let cranks dive deeper. Give me a Fireline and LLY Ffish!” I’ll show US MAyou UCENT SUPE R L E S 303
Improved Formula, New
Tommy Skarlis, 2009 FLQ Walleye Tour Champ:
“Fireline is my ”Go to” line for casting baits...The smoother new formula really allows me to wing the baits out. Fireline’s strength makes it an awesome line for ripping baits through weeds, and more importantly, pulling fish out of heavy cover and getting them into the boat!”
Tommy Skarlis, 2009 FLQ Y STRONG Walleye Tour Champ:
“Fireline is my ”Go to” line for casting baits...The INCREDIBLY STRONG TOUGH AND smoother new formula really allows me to wing ABRASION RESISTANT the baits out. Fireline’s strength makes it an Three times stronger awesome line forSlices ripping baits through weeds, than mono through vegetation and more importantly, pulling fish out of heavy cover and getting them into the boat!”
M - Right out of the package! • Smoother G, than Ever T HI N, S L O- V I S • Better Castability!
Optimized for NT SUP Reels E UCSpinning E L S
• Tougher than ever - more colorfast, less wear! • Blaze Orange and Flame Green are brighter than ever!
w Package!
M G, T HI N, S
L O- V I S
Keith Kavajecz, The Next Bite TV “Fireline is my ”Go to” line for trolling crankbaits on structure. It is durable-for those rocky, snaggy, zebra mussel situations. It has no stretch, for so I can Optimized monitor the lure for debris and Spinning bites, and it is thin Reels to let cranks dive deeper. Give me a Fireline and I’ll show you fish!”
Keith Kavajecz, The Next Bite TV “Fireline is my ”Go to” line for trolling crankbaits on structure. It is durable-for those rocky, snaggy, INCREDIBLE SENSITIVITY LONG AND FAST CASTING zebra mussel situations. It has noever stretch, so I can Telegraphic feel for structure Better than before! monitor the lure for debris and bites, and it is thin and strikes to let cranks dive deeper. Give me a Fireline and I’ll show you fish!”
Featuring PRODUCT FEATURE (April 2014)
THE BERKLEY CHERRYWOOD JIG • Double wall high modulus graphite scrim for unparalleled strength and durability • Full graphite / exposed reel seat for ultimate lightweight and sensitivity • Super high-density EVA grip handle • Split-grip section for better control and lightweight application • Corrosion-proof lightweight wind check and reel seat trim pieces
5’8” 6’3”
Butt-Joint Butt-Joint
Max. 200g Max. 120g
Max. PE#4 Max. PE#2.5
5’8” 6’3”
Butt-Joint Butt-Joint
Max. 200g Max. 120g
Max. PE#4 Max. PE#2.5
For More Information: Pure Fishing Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Tel : +603 7832 3380 Email :
PRECISION LINE MANAGEMENT HAS NEVER BEEN SIMPLER The Abu Garcia Alphamar LC Syncro incorporates a highly adjustable syncro drag system. By cranking the handle 1/3 of a turn in a counterclockwise motion, a 50% decrease in drag pressure is achieved. This feature is especially useful when using downriggers as it allows baits to be dropped easily without having to disengage the reel. THE ABU ADVANTAGE
• 2 stainless steel ball bearings provides smooth operation • Carbon Matrix™ drag system provides smooth, consistent drag pressure across the entire drag range • Syncro™ drag allows drag pressure to be quickly reduced without changing the drag setting • Machined aluminum spool provides strength without adding excess weight • Extended throw paddle handle for increased power • Duragear™ brass gear for extended gear life • Line Counter • Graphite frame and sideplates MODEL # SAP # ALPHAMARLCSYN-16 1292740 Box ALPHAMARLCSYN-20 1292741 Box
MONO BRAID CAPACITY CAPACITY 15 lb/370 yd 40 lb/415 yd 17 lb/410 yd 40 lb/530 yd
MAX GEAR INCHES HAND DRAG RATIO PER TURN WEIGHT BEARINGS RETRIEVE 20 lb 4.7:1 29 17.2 oz 2 Right 20 lb 4.7:1 29 17.6 oz 2 Right
Ryobi Warrior Spoon
ns Ryobi Warrior spoons are specially tunes spoons to swim in a way underwater of which creates vibrations. These vibrations and flutter of the spoon attracts fishes to bite. Most fish will take the spoon on the drop while the vibration attracts fishes during the retrieve. Every Ryobi Warrior spoon comes with a 2 times strong swivel for added strength.
For more information please contact Sea Tackle Sdn. Bhd.: +603 7875 9888 Email:
Ryobi Knight Spoon
ns Ryobi Knight spoons are designed slender with curves made just right to vibrations in the water that attracts fish. These spoons are specially tuned and they have a unique flutter that gets fishes angry and induces them to bite. The shiny colors of the Knight spoons create fluttering lights underwater that further attracts fish especially from a distance. Every Ryobi Knight spoon comes with a 2 times strong swivel for added strength. For more information please contact Sea Tackle Sdn. Bhd.: +603 7875 9888 Email:
VFOX New Eight Eng
gles Jig Transparent and reflective case with luminous tube inside. The VFOX Luminous Eight Engles Jig has eight sides of which gives it a unique glow of different colors that emerges from inside of the jig. This squid jig has been proven effective wth catching squid. Size: 4 inch Color Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.
Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook: 313
New Eight E
Engles Jig
VFOX New Pick Jig
The VFOX Pick Jig is visible from far attracting squids from further distances to investigate. The hooks on the VFOX Luminous Pick Jigs are also strong and extremely sharp of which ensures a secure hookup. Size: 3.5inch Double layer hook Bendable neck
Color: Luminous body, Blue, Green
For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.
Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook:
New Pick Jig
VFOX Triple Pick Jig
g The VFOX Pick Jig is visible from far attracting squids from further distances to investigate. The hooks on the VFOX Luminous Pick Jigs are also strong and extremely sharp of which ensures a secure hookup. Size: 3.5inch Triple Layer Hook Bendable neck Color: Luminous body, Blue, Green
For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.
Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook:
VFOX New Yarika Jig
g The VFOX Yarika Jig is a luminous jig wrapped in to give a luminous glow but one that is not too bright should the targetted squid species be unwilling to take jigs with a bright glow. Size: 2.5 inch / 4.0 inch For more information please call Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.
Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook:
New Yarika Jig
VFOX VC-922 Squid
Jig Waist Bag Specially design to store and organize up to 30 squid jigs, suitable for 2.5 to 3.5 inch squid jigs, adjustable waist belt, rust proof zippers. For more information please contact Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.
Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook:
VFOX VC-5083 Squid
d Jig Bag Specially design to store and organize up to 30 squid jigs, suitable for 2.5 to 3.5 inch squid jigs, padded sling strap, waist belt, rust proof zippers, bottle holder For more information please contact Brilliant Tackle Sdn. Bhd. at: No. 27, Jalan IMJ 4, Taman Perindustrian Malim Jaya, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia.
Tel: +606-334 4555 Fax: +606 336 2211 Mobile: +6012 631 3561 (Whatsapp available) Email: Website: Facebook:
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