The Asian Angler
Asia’s Angling Lifestyle Magazine
November 2015 Issue
Pflueger Patriarch XT The Light & The Sexy
Ajiking Pro Box
Not New But Still Darn Relevant
Mongering War
Bring The Warmonger To The Torture
Abu Garcia Ultracast Double Strike The Continuation Of Heritage
Knowledge Wise
What You Need To Know About Hooks
Skill Enhancers
Lure Fishing Basics: Part 1
Angler’s Haven
A Weekend At Kuala Selangor, Malaysia 1
• Machined and anodized aluminum • Machined spool and anodized aluminum spool FIERCE II SPINNING • Stainless steel main shaft • Stainless steel main shaft
• Full Metal Body® and sideplate keep • Fullprecise Metal Body gearand alignment sideplate under keep heavy precise loads gear alignment • 4 Shielded understainless heavy loads steel ball bearings • 4 Shielded stainless steel ball bearings • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing • Machined and anodized aluminum • Machined handle with and anodized soft touchaluminum knob handle with soft touc
Product SAP ModelMono Cap. (yds/lb) Product SAP Braid MonoCap. Cap.(yds/lb) (yds/lb) Bearings Braid Max Cap.Drag (yds/lb)Gear Ratio Bearings Line Retrieve Max Drag (in) Gear Weight Ratio(oz) Line Retrie Full MetalMetal Body and sideplate keepand precise gear alignment under heavy loads precise • 4 Shieldedgear stainless steel ball bearings - •Model Full Body sideplate keep alignment under heavy loads22 FRCII1000 1364031 FRCII1000 275/2 • 135/4 • 1364031 105/6 160/6 275/2 • 130/8 • 135/4 • 110/10 • 105/6 4+1 160/6 • 130/8 7 • 110/10 5.2:1 4+1 22 7 5.2:1 7.8 • Machined and anodized aluminum spool • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing FRCII2000 1364032 FRCII2000 240/4 • 180/6 • 1364032 125/8aluminium 210/8 240/4 • 180/10 • 180/6 • 165/15 • 125/8 210/8 • 180/10 7 aluminum • 165/15 6.2:1 30 7 knob 6.2:19.3 30 Stainless steel main shaft • Machined4+1 and anodized handle4+1 with soft touch - •FRCII2500 Machined and FRCII2500 anodized spool 1364034 255/6 • 175/8 • 140/10 1364034 240/10 255/6 • 220/15 • 175/8••160/20 140/10 4+1240/10 • 220/15 7 • 160/20 6.2:1 4+1 33 7 6.2:19.7 33 FRCII2500LL 1364046 255/6 • Cap. 175/8 • 140/10 1364046 240/10 255/6 •Cap. 220/15 • 175/8 ••160/20 140/10 4+1240/10 •Max 220/15 7Drag • 160/20 6.2:1 33 7 (in) Weight 6.2:110 (oz) 33 Model Product SAP FRCII2500LL Mono (yds/lb) Braid (yds/lb) Bearings Gear Ratio 4+1Line Retrieve - FRCII3000 Stainless steel main shaft 1364036 FRCII3000 200/8 120/12 250/15 200/8•• 180/20 •130/8 165/10 130/30 • 120/12 4+1 10 35 6.2:1 11.7 35 FRCII1000 1364031 275/2• •165/10 135/4 •• 1364036 105/6 160/6 • •110/10 4+1250/15 • 180/20 7 • 130/30 6.2:1 5.2:1 4+1 2210 7.8 1364038 FRCII4000 270/8 •• 1364038 165/12 270/8 260/20 • 220/10 185/30 • 165/12 4+1 13 37 6.2:1 12.3 37 FRCII2000 1364032 240/4• •220/10 180/6 125/8 ball 360/15 210/8 ••180/10 ••165/15 4+1360/15 • 260/20 7 • 185/30 6.2:1 6.2:1 4+1 3013 9.3 - FRCII4000 4 shielded stainless steel bearings FRCII4000LL 1364048 FRCII4000LL 270/8 1364048 165/12 360/15 270/8•• 260/20 • 220/10•• 185/30 • 165/12 4+1 13 37 6.2:1 14.8 37 FRCII2500 1364034 255/6••220/10 175/8 ••140/10 240/10 220/15 160/20 4+1360/15 • 260/20 7 • 185/30 6.2:1 6.2:1 4+1 3313 9.7 FRCII5000 1364040 FRCII5000 225/12 • 200/15 • 1364040 135/20 420/20 225/12 • 300/30 • 200/15 • 240/40 • 135/20 4+1 420/20 • 300/30 20 • 240/40 5.6:1 4+1 36 20 5.6:1 19.6 36 FRCII2500LL 1364046 255/6 • 175/8 • 140/10 240/10 • 220/15 • 160/20 4+1 7 6.2:1 33 10 - FRCII6000 Instant Anti-Reverse bearing 1364042 FRCII6000 335/15 230/20••1364042 210/25 490/30 335/15 •• 390/40 • 230/20 •• 335/50 • 210/25 4+1 20 41 5.6:1 21.2 41 FRCII3000 1364036 200/8 ••165/10 120/12 250/15 180/20 130/30 4+1490/30 • 390/40 10 • 335/50 5.6:1 6.2:1 4+1 3520 11.7 FRCII6000LL 1364050 FRCII6000LL 335/15 • 230/20 • 1364050 210/25 490/30 335/15 • 390/40 • 230/20 • 335/50 • 210/25 4+1 490/30 • 390/40 20 • 335/50 5.6:1 4+1 41 20 5.6:1 24.2 41 FRCII4000 1364038 270/8 • 220/10 • 165/12 360/15 • 260/20 • 185/30 4+1 13 6.2:1 37 12.3 - FRCII8000 Machined & anodized aluminium handle with soft 25touch knob 4425 1364044 FRCII8000 340/20 • 310/25 •1364044 230/30 475/50 340/20 • 390/65 • 310/25 • 345/80 • 230/30 4+1475/50 • 390/65 • 345/80 5.3:1 4+1 5.3:1 28.4 44 FRCII4000LL FRCII8000LL FRCII5000 FRCII6000 FRCII6000LL FRCII8000 FRCII8000LL
1364048 1364052 1364040 1364042 1364050 1364044 1364052
270/8 • 220/10 • 165/12 FRCII8000LL 340/20 230/30 225/12 •• 310/25 200/15 ••1364052 135/20 335/15 • 230/20 • 210/25 335/15 • 230/20 • 210/25 340/20 • 310/25 • 230/30 340/20 • 310/25 • 230/30
360/15 • 260/20 • 185/30 475/50 340/20 •• 390/65 • 310/25 •• 345/80 • 230/30 420/20 300/30 240/40 490/30 • 390/40 • 335/50 490/30 • 390/40 • 335/50 475/50 • 390/65 • 345/80 475/50 • 390/65 • 345/80
4+1 13 6.2:1 4+1 25 5.3:1 4+1475/50 • 390/65 20 • 345/80 5.6:1 4+1 20 5.6:1 4+1 20 5.6:1 4+1 25 5.3:1 4+1 25 5.3:1
37 44 3625 41 41 44 44
14.8 5.3:1 32.1 19.6 21.2 24.2 28.4 32.1
Body and sideplate •4 ads • Full Metal • 4 Shielded stainless steelkeep ball precise bearingsgear alignment under heavy loads • Full Metal Body and sideplate keep • Fullprecise Metal Body gearand alignment sideplate under keep heavy precise loads gear alignment • 4 Shielded understainless heavy loads steel ball bearings • 4 Shielded stainless steel ball bearings Machined and aluminum •I • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing ••Machined and anodized aluminum •anodized Machined spool and anodized aluminum spoolspool • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing FIERCE II SPINNING ch knob • Stainless steel main shaft Stainless steel main shaft • Machined and anodized aluminum • Machined handle with and anodized soft touchaluminum knob handle with soft touc • Stainless steel• main •M • Machined and shaft anodized aluminum handle with soft touch knob ®
eve (in) Model Weight (oz) Product SAP ModelMono Cap. (yds/lb) Product SAP Braid MonoCap. Cap.(yds/lb) (yds/lb) Bearings Braid Max Cap.Drag (yds/lb)Gear Ratio Bearings Line Retrieve Max Drag (in) Gear Weight Ratio(oz) Line Retrie • Full Metal Body and sideplate keep precise gear alignment under heavy loads • 4 Shielded stainless steel ball bearings 7.8 FRCII1000 1364031 FRCII1000 275/2 • 135/4 • 1364031 105/6 160/6 275/2 • 130/8 • 135/4 • 110/10 • 105/6 4+1 160/6 • 130/8 7 • 110/10 5.2:1 4+1 22 7 5.2:1 7.8 22 • Machined and anodized aluminum spool • Instant Anti-Reverse bearing 9.3 steel main 1364032 FRCII2000 240/4 • 180/6 • 1364032 125/8 210/8 240/4 • 180/10 • 180/6 • 165/15 • 125/8 210/8 • 180/10 7 aluminum • 165/15 6.2:1 30 7 knob 6.2:19.3 30 •FRCII2000 Stainless shaft • Machined4+1 and anodized handle4+1 with soft touch
Model ap. (yds/lb) 9.7 FRCII2500
Product SAP Mono Cap. 4+1(yds/lb) Cap. (yds/lb) Bearings Max Drag Gear Ratio Line7 •Retrieve (in)Braid Weight (oz) 33 FRCII2500 255/6 • 175/8 • 140/10 1364034 240/10 255/6 • 220/15 • 175/8••160/20 140/10 240/10 • 220/15 160/20 6.2:1 4+1 33 7 6.2:19.7
1364034 1364046SAP Product 1364036 1364031 1364038 1364032 1364048 1364034 1364040 1364046 1364042 1364036 1364050 1364038 1364044 1364048 1364052 1364040
FRCII2500LL Model10 FRCII1000 30/8 •FRCII3000 110/10 11.7 FRCII1000 12.3 FRCII4000 FRCII2000 80/10 FRCII4000LL •FRCII2000 165/15 14.8 FRCII2500 19.6 FRCII5000 FRCII2500LL FRCII2500 20/15FRCII6000 • 160/20 21.2 FRCII3000 24.2 FRCII6000LL FRCII4000 FRCII2500LL 20/15FRCII8000 • 160/20 28.4 FRCII4000LL 32.1 FRCII8000LL FRCII5000 FRCII3000 80/20FRCII6000 • 130/30 1364042 1364050 FRCII4000 60/20FRCII6000LL • 185/30 FRCII8000 1364044 FRCII4000LL 60/20FRCII8000LL • 185/30 1364052 00/30FRCII5000 • 240/40 ® FRCII6000 90/40 • 335/50 90/40FRCII6000LL • 335/50 90/65FRCII8000 • 345/80 90/65FRCII8000LL • 345/80
1364031 4+1 7 1364032 4+1 7 1364034 4+1 7 1364046 4+1 7 1364036 10 4+1 335/15 • 230/20 • 210/25 335/15 • 230/20 • 210/25 13 1364038 4+1 340/20 • 310/25 • 230/30 340/20 • 310/25 • 230/30 13 1364048 4+1 1364040 20 4+1 ® 1364042 20 4+1 1364050 20 4+1 1364044 25 4+1 1364052 25 4+1
FRCII2500LL 255/6 • Cap. 175/8 (yds/lb) • 140/10 1364046 Mono FRCII3000 200/8 120/12 275/2• •165/10 135/4 •• 1364036 105/6 FRCII4000 270/8 165/12 240/4• •220/10 180/6 •• 1364038 125/8 FRCII4000LL 270/8 1364048 165/12 255/6••220/10 175/8 ••140/10 FRCII5000 225/12 1364040 135/20 255/6 •• 200/15 175/8 • •140/10 FRCII6000 335/15 230/20••1364042 210/25 200/8 ••165/10 120/12 FRCII6000LL 335/15 230/20••1364050 210/25 270/8 ••220/10 165/12 FRCII8000 340/20 310/25••1364044 230/30 270/8 ••220/10 165/12 FRCII8000LL 340/20 •• 200/15 310/25 ••1364052 230/30 225/12 135/20
4+1240/10 •Max 220/15 7Drag • 160/20 33 7 (in) Weight 6.2:110 (oz) Bearings Gear Ratio 4+1Line Retrieve 275/2 • 135/4 • 105/6 160/6 • 130/8 • 110/103533 5.2:1 226.2:1 7.8 4+1 10 35 6.2:1 11.7 4+1250/15 • 180/20 7 • 130/30 6.2:1 5.2:1 4+1 2210 7.8 • 260/20 13 37 6.2:1 12.3 37 4+1360/15 7 • 185/30 6.2:1 4+1 210/8 3013 • 180/10 9.3 • 165/15 240/4 • 180/64+1 • 125/8 6.2:1 306.2:1 9.3 4+1 13 37 6.2:1 14.8 37 4+1360/15 • 260/20 7 • 185/30 6.2:1 6.2:1 4+1 3313 9.7 4+1 420/20 • 300/30 20 • 240/40 5.6:1 4+1 36 20 5.6:1 19.6 36 4+1 7 6.2:1 33 10 255/66.2:1 • 175/84+1 • 140/10 • 220/15 • 160/20 336.2:1 4+1 240/10 9.7 20 41 5.6:1 21.2 41 4+1490/30 • 390/40 10 • 335/50 5.6:1 3520 11.7 4+1490/30 • 390/40 20 • 335/50 6.2:1 5.6:1 4+1 4120 5.6:1 24.2 41 4+1 13 37 12.3 255/66.2:1 • 175/84+1 • 140/10 • 220/15 • 160/20 335.3:1 4+1 240/10 1028.4 4+1475/50 • 390/65 25 • 345/80 6.2:1 4425 5.3:1 44 13 37 14.8 4+1 475/50 • 390/65 25 • 345/80 5.3:1 4+1 44 25 5.3:1 32.1 44 4+1 20 5.6:1 36 19.6 200/86.2:1 • 165/104+1• 120/12 250/15 • 180/20 • 130/30 355.6:1 11.7 490/30 • 390/40 • 335/50 20 41 21.2 490/30 •270/8 390/40 • 335/50 20 41 24.2 • 185/30 • 220/104+1 • 165/12 360/15 • 260/20 6.2:1 375.6:1 12.3 475/50 • 390/65 • 345/80 4+1 25 5.3:1 44 28.4 475/50 •270/8 390/65 • 345/80 25 44 32.1 • 185/30 • 220/104+1• 165/12 360/15 • 260/20 6.2:1 375.3:1 14.8 225/125.6:1 • 200/15 • 135/20 36 420/20 • 300/30 19.6 • 240/40 335/155.6:1 • 230/20 • 210/25 41 490/30 • 390/40 21.2 • 335/50 335/155.6:1 • 230/20 • 210/25 41 490/30 • 390/40 24.2 • 335/50 340/205.3:1 • 310/25 • 230/30 44 475/50 • 390/65 28.4 • 345/80 340/205.3:1 • 310/25 • 230/30 44 475/50 • 390/65 32.1 • 345/80
240/10 255/6 •Cap. 220/15 • 175/8 ••160/20 140/10 Braid (yds/lb) 250/15 200/8•• 180/20 •130/8 165/10 130/30 • 120/12 160/6 • •110/10 360/15 270/8 260/20 • 220/10 185/30 • 165/12 210/8 ••180/10 ••165/15 360/15 270/8•• 260/20 • 220/10•• 185/30 • 165/12 240/10 220/15 160/20 420/20 225/12 •• 300/30 • 200/15 •• 240/40 • 135/20 240/10 220/15 160/20 490/30 335/15 •• 390/40 • 230/20 •• 335/50 • 210/25 250/15 180/20 130/30 490/30 335/15 390/40 • 230/20 335/50 • 210/25 360/15 •• 260/20 •• 185/30 475/50 340/20 390/65 • 310/25 345/80 • 230/30 360/15 •• 260/20 •• 185/30 475/50 340/20 390/65 • 310/25 345/80 • 230/30 420/20 •• 300/30 •• 240/40
dy and• Full sideplate Metal keep Body precise and sideplate gear alignment keep precise undergear heavy alignment loads under• 4heavy Shielded loadsstainless •4 anodized • Machined aluminum and anodized spool aluminum spool • Instant Anti-Reverse •I l main • Stainless shaft steel main shaft • Machined and anodi •M Product ModelSAP 1364031 FRCII1000 FRCII2000 1364032 FRCII2500 1364034 FRCII2500LL 1364046 FRCII3000 1364036 FRCII4000 1364038 FRCII4000LL 1364048 FRCII5000 1364040 FRCII6000 1364042 FRCII6000LL 1364050 FRCII8000 1364044 FRCII8000LL 1364052
Product Mono Cap. SAP(yds/lb) Mono Cap.Braid (yds/lb) Cap. (yds/lb) Braid Cap. Bearings (yds/lb)Ma
275/2 1364031 • 135/4 • 105/6 275/2 • 135/4 160/6 • 105/6 • 130/8 • 110/10 160/6 • 130/8 4+1• 110/10 240/4 1364032 • 180/6 • 125/8 240/4 • 180/6 210/8 • 125/8 • 180/10 • 165/15 210/8 • 180/10 4+1 • 165/15 255/6 1364034 • 175/8 • 140/10 255/6 • 175/8 240/10 • 140/10 • 220/15 • 160/20240/10 • 220/15 4+1 • 160/20 255/6 1364046 • 175/8 • 140/10 255/6 • 175/8 240/10 • 140/10 • 220/15 • 160/20240/10 • 220/15 4+1 • 160/20 200/8 1364036 • 165/10 • 120/12 200/8 • 165/10 250/15 • 120/12 • 180/20 • 130/30250/15 • 180/20 4+1 • 130/30 270/8 1364038 • 220/10 • 165/12 270/8 • 220/10 360/15 • 165/12 • 260/20 • 185/30360/15 • 260/20 4+1 • 185/30 270/8 1364048 • 220/10 • 165/12 270/8 • 220/10 360/15 • 165/12 • 260/20 • 185/30360/15 • 260/20 4+1 • 185/30 225/12 1364040 • 200/15 • 135/20225/12 • 200/15 420/20 • 135/20 • 300/30 • 240/40420/20 • 300/30 4+1 • 240/40 335/15 1364042 • 230/20 • 210/25335/15 • 230/20 490/30 • 210/25 • 390/40 • 335/50490/30 • 390/40 4+1 • 335/50 335/15 1364050 • 230/20 • 210/25335/15 • 230/20 490/30 • 210/25 • 390/40 • 335/50490/30 • 390/40 4+1 • 335/50 340/20 1364044 • 310/25 • 230/30340/20 • 310/25 475/50 • 230/30 • 390/65 • 345/80475/50 • 390/65 4+1 • 345/80 340/20 1364052 • 310/25 • 230/30340/20 • 310/25 475/50 • 230/30 • 390/65 • 345/80475/50 • 390/65 4+1 • 345/80
OAG Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.
No. 5-1, Jalan Setia Dagang U13/AJ, Setia Alam, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.Emaill: 5
My fellow anglers and friends, Greetings to all. We are going through some changes as we we grow for a fishing magazine to a publishing house. We will remove and all our magazines will be available at This is done to streamline all our magazines into one website instead of having to go to different websites depending on magazine titles. This makes things more convenient for you our readers. As of 27th November 2015 all magazines will be available on our new website. We have gone from choking haze to heavy rains. The good news is that we can breathe finally (cleaner air). It is also time to head out for some sebarau (Hampala macrolepidota) fishing. Bad news is that it is flooding in many places. We also have landslides and thus driving up to the hills can be risky. Well, have fun fishing. Don’t spare the rod. Reels need to be used. Lures need to swim. Lines need to get wet. Not doing so could cause depression, especially if you are a hardcore angler. Thank you and happy fishing. Remember to ensure that safety is always first especially during the monsoons.
Cheers, Phil Editor In Chief
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Test Drives
Philemon Foo
The Light And The Sexy Pflueger Patriarch XT
Test Information Model Tested Brand: Pflueger Series: Patriarch XT Model: PATXTSP35 Line Cap. (yd/ lb): 180/6 140/8 110/10 (Mono) Max Drag: 14lb Gear Ratio: 5.2:1
f you love cars, you would have probably realized that sexy exotic cars are in a league of their own. It is not always about how fast they go but also how light they are, and how sexy they look. Of course heritage and technology behind these cars holds a lot of water too, probably more than the reservoirs that feed water to whole neighbourhoods. 11
Level Of Sexiness
Well, Porsches are exotics but Ferraris are sexier exotics. Lamborghinis are sexy too on the more extreme side. Where does the Patriarch XT fall into? Perhaps somewhere about the Paganis. Paganis are sexy and come with very extreme designs, so does the Patriarch XT.
Like all exotic cars, weight reduction seems to be the race. Pflueger is running this race too trying to reduce weight on their reels. The new Patriarch XT weighs only 183g. The previous one of which was the lightest one during its time of launch, weighed about 210g. This new one is lighter by 27g. 13
Sporty In White
You seldom see white sports cars. They normally come in hot colours such as red or yellow. Some have gone with the extreme including florescent colour of orange or green. This reel comes in white, with gun metal silver, and black carbon fibre. In a way it looks like a Star Wars space trooper. Anyhow, it is one sporty looking reel.
Lots Of Holes
One thing that will not go unnoticed are the large holes that have been cut out at the spool. They look like huge air intakes. The rotor also has cut outs with carbon fibre inserted in place. The main body near the foot of the reel has two holes too. All these help reduce the weight of the reel and add on to the outlook giving it that extreme sporty image. 15
Getting Light
Of course to achieve a lower weight, porting holes alone does help but the main materials have got to be lightweight too. The Patriarch XT’s body and rotor are made using magnesium that has been treated to be able to handle saltwater, and the spool is made of aircraft grade aluminium. These materials are lightweight and tough.
More Weight Loss
The carbon handle helps trim the weight by about 21% if comparing to a handle of the same design and configuration but made using aluminium. The main shaft is made of titanium of which adds to the weight reduction plus it gives better rigidity and toughness.
Smooth Operator
The Patriarch XT is a very smooth performer. However, I have to clarify this. When I first got the reel it felt a bit rough. I decided to open it, wipe away the grease, and give it a simple service. With that the reel performed as smooth as silk. This seems to be the thing with reels these days, even very high end Japanese reels. They need to be given a basic service before use.
Lab Test
Equipment Used
Rod: Abu Garcia Ultracast Line: Berkley Fireline Braid Poundage: 20lb
We started the drag pressure at 80%. The drag was smooth and we gave the rod a pull with the rod being horizontal to give the least resistance from the rod guides; meaning the resistance will come from the drag. We managed to touch about 10.4lb.
Drag At 100%
Next we maxed up the drag to 100%. We secured the line back into our drag checker and piled on the pressure. The drag remained smooth without feeling sticky or jerky. At maximum drag the Patriarch XT touched 17.8lb of which is 3.8lb above the claimed 14lb. 21
Rigid Main Shaft
The titanium main shaft is tough and rigid. At maximum pressure there is zero wobbly feeling when cranking the reel. This means that the stiffness of the main shaft allows the rotor and spool to stay aligned to each other even at maximum drag.
The Rotor
The rotor may not be rigid. It flexes slightly under pressure. However, the slight flexing did not have an effect on the cranking (at 17.8lb) although we pushed it over its limit of 14lb. No wobbly feel, nor was there any difficulty in cranking. The Patriarch XT performed as normal. I didn’t feel any flexing. 23
Lovely lovely lovely looking reel. Can I say lovely again? Also a good performer and is one of the lightest spinning reels around. Of course it does have some cons but as long as you don’t stray too far off its limits, it will perform well without issues.
10 Bearing System - Corrosion resistant stainless steel ball bearings Magnesium Body and Rotor - Feather light design Skeletonized Spool - Extremely ported aircraft grade aluminum Sealed Carbon Drag - Sealed system, always lubricated, always smooth Carbon Handle - 21% lighter than aluminum Titanium Main Shaft - Reduces weight and improves performance Carbon Inlay Rotor - Ultimate in lightweight rotor construction Carbon Arbor - Lightweight spool design that combines carbon and aluminum
Designed from the inside out for the technical
durability, and smoothness. Other features
angler, the Clash reels feature a fully machined CNC
include a full metal body, HT-100 drag system,
gear train for the perfect combination of precision,
and our new Leveline slow oscillation system.
Model CLA2000 CLA2500 CLA3000AU CLA4000AU CLA5000 CLA6000 CLA8000
Material # 1366178 1366179 1375195 1375196 1366182 1366183 1366184
Mono Cap. (yds/lb) 240/4 • 180/6 • 125/8 255/6 • 175/8 • 140/10 200/8 • 165/10 • 120/12 270/8 • 220/10 • 165/12 225/12 • 200/15 • 135/20 335/15 • 230/20 • 210/25 340/20 • 310/25 • 230/30
Braid Cap. (yds/lb) 210/8 • 180/10 • 165/15 240/10 • 220/15 • 160/20 250/15 • 180/20 • 130/30 360/15 • 260/20 • 185/30 420/20 • 300/30 • 240/40 490/30 • 390/40 • 335/50 465/50 390/65 345/80
Bearings Max Drag Gear Ratio 8+1 10 lbs 6.2:1 8+1 12 lbs 6.2:1 8+1 15 lbs 6.2:1 8+1 15 lbs 6.2:1 8+1 20 lbs 5.6:1 8+1 25 lbs 5.6:1 8+1 30 lbs 4.7:1
Durability , Smoothness, and Precision is what CNCGear™ Technology delivers. By using state of the art software and CNC machinery the drive, pinion and oscillation gear are cut to exact tolerances using premium metals. 2000-5000 utilize a machined brass pinion and machined aluminum drive gear. 6000 and 8000 utilize a machined brass pinion and drive gear.
Line Retrieve (in) 30 33 35 37 36 41 40
Weight (oz) 8.2 8.5 10.2 10.7 16.9 20.7 27.2
Test Drives
Philemon Foo
Mongering War Penn Warmonger Jigging Test Information Testing Grounds: Natural Exotic Pond Series: Pop GT Model: PGT 702S Length: 7’ Lure Wt.: 100-180g Line Wt.: PE 3-5 Configuration: 2 pieces Offset (butt joint) Opponents: Amazon Redtail Catfish
armonger. A person that encourages, urges, or tries to stir up war. Has Penn been doing so, urging anglers to go to war with the finned warriors that call the seas, oceans, lakes, dams, rivers, and even streams home? Yes or no, we anglers have been searching for a fight with these warriors since a few millenniums ago. Now Penn has made it official with the Warmonger.
Weapon: Jigging Rod
Recently Penn sent us a not so secret weapon to test. This is the Penn Warmonger Jigging rod. The Warmonger is by no means a weapon of mass destruction as so many warlords seem to want these days. It is a weapon to hunt down warriors and battle them one at a time.
Section: Blank
The Warmonger comes in a black blank coated with clear epoxy of which gives it the ability to easily go into hiding in shops as it blends into the surroundings hiding amongst rods of similar based colour of which is quite common. To spot the Warmonger you will have to look for metallic blue and silver thread winding, and a metallic candy blue windcheck.
Section: EVA Handle
The Warmonger comes with black high quality EVA of which is another colour that is commonly used but what makes it stand out from the crowd is its design. The fore EVA grip is designed like a flash bomb or a modernize grenade; while its rear is thicker at the reel seat area and contours down to a slim cylinder all the way to the butt cap section where it contours back into a thicker section. 33
Components: Fuji
The Warmonger comes with Fuji guides which are tough and offers less friction as compared to normal guides. Not forgetting its heat dissipating qualities of which helps to lengthen the lifespan of fishing lines being used. The Warmonger also comes with Fuji reel seat of which offers a secure hold on the reel.
Config: 2 piece Offset
Many like the consistent curve of one piece rods but prefer two piece rods when it comes to convenience of transporting. To closer the gap between these two types of configurations, rod manufacturers created the offset or commonly known as the butt joint configuration. The Warmonger comes with this configuration for consistent curve and power, yet added convenience of transporting. 35
Lab Test:
Equipment Used
Rod: Abu Garcia Ultracast Line: Berkley Fireline Braid Poundage: 20lb
At the lab we put the Warmonger through the pressure test. With a rating of PE 2-4 we tried to reach the 4 as the target; or about 40lb. We pushed the rod until it bent very close to the fore EVA. The rod started playing a scary acoustic tune and we decided to stop. The meter registered 22lb.I am sure we could push a little more but we risk breaking the rod and I doubt we could touch 40lb.
Lab Test:
Equipment Used
Reel: Penn Clash 3000 Line: Berkley Fireline Braid Poundage: 30lb Leader: Berkley Vanish Poundage: 40lb
Casting baits with the Warmonger is pretty decent, a good thing since it is essentially a jigging rod. We got our baits reasonably far. We were casting baits of about 100g (half a palm size tilapia fish) and were able to reach into the areas where the Amazon red tail catfishes hid without issues.
Fish Management
When it comes to fighting the fish or rather managing the fight, the Warmonger performed decently. It isn’t too stiff till one has to fight both rod and fish, nor is it too soft. It has enough backbone power to manage the fish and provide leverage during the fight.
Verdict Fishing Rods Built Quality Finishing Ergonomics (Feel) Balance Weight Components (quality) Castability Sensitivity Power Rating
The Penn Warmonger Jigging is a decent rod with good quality components, a decent blank with a decent backbone. Looks wise it will probably blend into the crowd but should you look for it, you will find it to be a decent performer that will not burn a hole in your pocket.
Email your videos to oagwsb@gmail. com together with your name, contact number, and addresss. Open to all citizens of Malaysia & Brunei.
OAG Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.
The Fastest Growing Lure Brand In America
Want A Reward For Catching Fish? Shoot a video of you catching a fish on any ZMAN Lure saying “Yeah! ZMAN!“ and we’ll send you packet of ZMAN lures for free.
No. 5-1, Jalan Setia Dagang U13/AJ, Setia Alam, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.Emaill:
Test Drives
Philemon Foo
Ajiking Pro Box
very angler uses a tackle box making them an integral part of fishing. From the simple use of keeping things to being a multipurpose box of which acts as a floatation device to a seat, I have never met an angler without a tackle box. In fact most anglers own more than one.
Solid Box
The Ajiking Pro Box is a box where you can keep your essential fishing items such as hooks, sinkers, lures, & more (I will explain later). It is one solid Box made up of good quality plastic. 43
Built Tough
The Pro Box is tough. How tough? I am a heavy weighted person who takes extra care when sitting on plastic chairs after breaking a few of which I am sure isn’t my fault. After all I cannot be blamed for the poor quality of these chairs. The Pro Box however makes a decent seat on fishing trips. Being able to take my weight I give it the thumbs up.
Keeps Dry
The Pro Box is not waterproof but what I do know from experience is that it keeps what you put inside dry in the rain. And if like me you do not like putting your stuff on wet grass or muddy grounds, the Pro Box is a blessing. I don’t care if the outside of the box gets dirty and wet, just as long as it doesn’t soak through and wet my things inside. 45
Offers Protection
Being a tough box that keeps water out quite effectively, the lower compartment of the Pro Box will keep precious reels safe in their pouch, away from the elements especially if you are fishing on a boat out at sea. It also keeps them safe in the fully stuffed boot of a car.
Convenient Storage Areas
Easy and well thought off storage for smaller items such as hooks, sinkers, spoons, small cutters, scissors, spool of lines, etc. on top where the cover is. This makes reaching for them easy and convenient.
Large Storage
The large storage space at the bottom is great for keeping large items such as reels, 1lb spool of lines, larger lures such as big poppers, and even mobile phones, or anything you want to keep dry should it rain. Such convenience in a box.
Easy To Carry
Well, not as easy to carry as nylon bags but for a solid tackle box, it certainly is. The Pro Box comes with a strap and can be carried like a sling bag around one’s shoulder thus freeing hands to hold other things such as fishing rods, nets, etc.
The Downside
My only qualms with the Pro Box is its weight. Being a sturdy and tough box also means that it will weigh more as compared to a nylon type bag of the same dimensions. It is not very heavy but should one have to walk a long distance to one’s favourite fishing spot, the weight of the Pro Box will very certainly be felt.
The Ajiking Pro Box is not a new thing and has been around for some time. I on the other hand must admit that I never liked such boxes as they look bulky and not something cool like the nylon bags that I am used to. This has now changed. I have found a new favourite tackle box. Tough, convenient, practical, and with good amounts of storage space. I like it. 51
The Asian Angler
Abu Garcia Ultracast Double Strike
Note: Products in this section have not been tested by The Asian Angler magazine
bu Garcia Ultracast rods have long been a favourite amongst snakehead and pond anglers. Abu Garcia has made some changes to the Ultracast rod series and have come out with the new Ultracast Double Strike.
Carrying On The Ultracast Heritage
The Ultracast Double Strike carries with it the Ultracast heritage of which are power, toughness and being a very capable rod at very reasonable prices. These are the very essence that brought it to fame amongst snake head anglers.
24 Tons Graphite
The Ultracast Double Strike comes with a 24 ton graphite blank of which suits the type of fishing it is meant to handle. The blank is both forgiving at the tip for a good cast and powerful enough at the button section to manage the fish, especially when there is a need to pull it out of cover or weeds.
Red And black
The new Ultracast Double Strike comes in red and black colours of which are the core colours of Abu Garcia. They come also with black carbon fibre wrap at the branding section.
The Ultracast Double Strike comes with quality Fuji reel seats that will hold on to reels securely. The guides are standard K-guides (non Fuji). The EVA used on the Double Strike is good quality EVA that is slim all the way to the button where it enlarges slightly ending with a rubber black cap.
The Ultracast Double Strike rods are a bit tip heavy without a reel on but balances out well with a reel on, as the weight of the reel shifts the weight back towards the rear of the rod.
Good and capable rod that is friendly to the pocket. That is what Abu Garcia Ultracast rods have been to anglers all these years. The Double Strike is no exception.
The Asian Angler
Minnows Inc Beito Original
ure fishing has been a sport that has grown large and is still growing. The demands for different types of lures continues to grow. One of these demands is for a lure that sinks fast and reaches a certain depth fast. This means that sinking lures need to sink to depths faster.
Versatile Lure
Minnows Inc Beito Original lures are the answer. These ultra fast sinking minnow lures are extremely versatile. They can be used in many ways for both saltwater applications for fishes such as mackerels, tunas, trevallies, and sailfish; as well as freshwater application for fishes like the giant snakeheads, Mekong catfish, etc. 63
Weight Transfer System
The weight transfer system also gives the Beito Original lures a live like swim action during the retrieve and superb stability attracting nearby predators to attack. Using a system called the “Full Connect System� (FCS) the Beito Original uses a wire through lure system. This means that should the a strong toothy predator take and break the lure, chances are you will still land it.
Superb Castability
The Beito Original cast really well as it is weighted and well balanced. This allows it to be cast tail first being more aerodynamic of which also means greater casting distance as friction against the air is reduced.
Many Colours
The Beito Original comes in many colours giving you choices especially during days when the fish seems to be choosy. Another thing about colours is that the Beito Original also has lures with dual colour schemes in one lure. These “twin face� lures could be your next secret weapon.
Skill Enhancers
Philemon Foo
Lure Fishing Basics: Part 1
ure fishing. Some call it a transition from bottom fishing. Some call it going up the grades. Some call it moving from the amateurs to the advanced. To me it is just a different type of sport. Not an upgrade. Not growth. Just indulging in a different sort of fishing. So if you have been bottom fishing and want to try lure fishing, this series is for you.
Fishing Lures
There are many types of fishing lures. Some people confuse lures as only hard lures of which could be plastic or wood. In fact lures are anything artificial whether they are soft baits, metal spoons, metal jigs, or hard plastic or wooden lures.
Why Do Lure Fishing?
Well, there are many reasons why an angler would decide to do lure fishing. But I believe a general reason is to up the ante and make fishing a little more challenging. After all natural baits are really food that fishes eat. Plastics, metals, rubbers, and wood are not food that a fish would eat. Tricking a fish to take your artificial bait is thus more challenging that handing them real food.
What Is Involved?
When it comes to lure fishing, a whole new learning process begins. There are many things to learn. Amongst them are the various types of lures, what these lures do or how they swim, manipulating them, fishing them at different depths, the sort of tackle to use, and so much more. My advice for beginners to lure fishing... be prepared to learn and experience a whole new world of fishing. 95
Types Of Lures
As stated earlier, there are many types of lures available. All these lures have got their own distinct features and methods of use. Different fishing areas or environments will call for different types of lures. As such, lures come in so many forms and colours. You could very well fill up an entire shop with lures of various types and colours.
Hard Lures
Since we have covered soft baits (or soft plastics) and spoons (please refer to previous issues); we will focus on hard lures the likes of crankbaits and poppers beginning with this issue. The objective is to help you understand hard lures better and that you will be able to use them effectively.
Crankbaits are artificial baits that are cast out and that retrieved back using various types of retrieval techniques depending on the action of the lure. They are called crankbaits perhaps because they are baits that you cast out and crank back. They are called other things in different places.
How Are They Made?
In days of old crank baits were made out of wood the likes of balsa wood of which is made famous by Rapala and selected timbers in Halco’s case of which is still used till this very day. They were carved and sanded to their intended designs, painted with various colours, and then covered with a clear coating.
Plastic Moulded
Most lures these days are made of moulded plastics and polymers. These lures are then coloured with a mixture of colours and designs, some with intricate 3D designs to resemble the scales of an actual fish. The lure will then look like the real thing at the end of the painting process.
Balancing The Lures
Balance is very important. Weights are placed inside the lures to balance them according to the action that the lure is supposed to present at various times of use such as during the crank and the pause; both of which will have a certain specific action depending on the lure.
Balancing is also important for the cast where the angle of the lure during the flight until it touches the water must be well controlled. For better aerodynamics of which will also mean better distances, the lure should glide through the sky with its narrowest point (rear) first. Some manufacturers use a weight transferring system to achieve this by using a free rolling ball bearing.
Making Noises
Noises in the water attracts fishes. To create noise beads are placed inside the lures. This causes a rattling sound somewhat like a baby’s rattler. As the lure swims and vibrates underwater these beads roll about knocking onto each other and onto the body of the lure creating a rattling sound.
Pissing Off Predators
So much is put into the manufacturing of crankbaits with one objective in mind that is to piss of predators (fish) with flashes, colours, vibrations, movements, noises, etc. causing it to strike. All these factors work on the fishes instinct and that instinct in return creates what we anglers call a “reaction strike.�
More Next Issue
We will discuss further in the next issue touching on body designs. For now, should you visit tackle shops, do pay attention to some of the lures you see there. Notice the different designs and colours that they come in. This will be of help when you read the next issue.
Knowledge Wise
All About Hooks: Part 1
Philemon Foo
eing an angler you would have realized that the humble hook is one of the most important accessory in one’s tackle box. Without hooks it will be impossible to “hook-up” a fish, go through a respectful battle, and claim victory.
How Much Do You Know About Hooks?
I dare say all of us know hooks but there are a certain things about hooks that we don’t bother getting to know and thus do not know. Let us be honest, there are anglers who do not know all the parts of a hook. But knowing all is not important. What is important is that they are sharp and we catch fish with them right? Well, a little more knowledge will do no harm. 107
The Anatomy Of A Hook Eye
Barb Bend
For a start let us familiarize ourselves with the parts of a hook, or the anatomy of a hook. It is good to know this as it not only makes you look smarter when you are in a conversation with other anglers who do not know hooks and try to explain to you that they prefer a hook with a wider gap but do not know how to. It also helps you make informed buying and usage decisions.
Every hook has a point without which you will not be able to penetrate the fishes mouth. Imagine using a hook without a point, how on earth would you ever hook up a fish? Event with a point, hooking up a fish is not guaranteed.
The barb is a reversed point that points back into the hook. The barb has got two main uses. One of them is to prevent baits from slipping out of the hook. The other reason is to make it difficult for the fish to unhook itself.
The Eye
The eye is where you secure your fishing lines too. The eye is the ring that makes it easy for you to tie your lines too. Guess what... not all hooks have eyes. There is a reason why some hooks do not have eyes and it is not to make the lives of anglers difficult. We will go into it further into the topic.
The Shank
After eye comes the shank, the area between the eye and the bend. It is worth noting that not all shanks are the same. Some hooks have long shanks while some have short shanks. They each play a role in hooking up the fish of which effectiveness of the hook-up sometimes depends on the angle of the hook during the penetration.
The Bend
From the shank we come to the bend, the section of the hook that is bent creating a curve as it reaches towards the barb and then to the point. The bend is important too. Some bends are wider or longer, while some are shorter. They each serves a purpose.
The Gap
The gap is the distance between the point and the shank. Notice that some hooks have got a wider gap and some hooks have narrow gaps. The width of the gap has a role to play too. Using the wrong one could mean a bad hook-up.
The Hook
All these parts come together to make the hook. Configuring them differently makes different hook types for different types of fishing. Knowing these individual parts can help you understand the type of hook you need for a certain type of fishing. Stay tuned for our next issue where we go deeper into the realm of hooks.
Anglers’ Paradise
By Philemon Foo
A Weekend In Kuala Selangor
s anglers, when we bring our family for a holiday somewhere, we tend to want to do some fishing as well. Kuala Selangor offers you this. You could take your family to historical sites and attractions, and do some fishing too.
Gateway To Saltwater Bottom Fishing
Most anglers especially those from Selangor (Malaysia) and surrounding areas would have come across this historical town called Kuala Selangor. It was one of the earliest places where I went fishing out at sea with my uncle and a few of his friends. It has been many years since I fished here and decided to pay this town a visit. 117
Snappers, Groupers, & More
The waters off Kuala Selangor are known for red snappers, mangrove jacks, groupers, triple tails, various catfish species, as well as smaller fishes the likes of silver whiting & various species of croakers.
Not Just For Saltwater Anglers
Kuala Selangor is not just for saltwater anglers. The main river (Selangor River) that flows through it is a good fishing ground for the blue pincer prawn. Should you decide to fish in the river do keep in mind that saltwater crocodiles call the river home too. 119
Historical Sites
Kuala Selangor is rich in history. Being the administrative centre of the Selangor Sultanate back in the late 18th century to the early 19th century, it was a place where battles were fought, and a palace.
Melawati Hill
You could visit Melawati Hill (Bukit Melawati) of which used to be a fort during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim and was taken by the Dutch in 1784 and renamed “Altingsburd Fort� after the then Dutch governor-general. Sultan Ibrahim later managed to regain control of the fort. 121
Lighthouse & Museum
On top of Melawati Hill sits a lighthouse right at the entrance of the Historical Museum of the Kuala Selangor District. The Museum houses relics of the past including stories of how Kuala Selangor came to be.
Poison Well
In the past, torture was of a very different form. The poison well is where torture took place. Traitors were placed in the well with the water level reaching up to their chin. Doesn’t sound like torture does it? Well, the water was laced with latex from a bamboo shoot that causes intense itching. How’s that for torture. 123
The Royal Mausoleum
The Royal Mausoleum is the burial ground of the first three Sultans of Selangor. They are Sultan Salahuddin, Sultan Ibrahim, and Sultan Mahmud. On the grounds of the Royal Mausoleum sits a canon wrapped in yellow cloth. This canon is called Penggawa Canon or Chief Canon.
The Chief Canon
The Chief Canon was found at the edge of Buluh River some 12 kilometres to the south of Kuala Selangor on 23rd September 1966. It was then called Petoi Boga which means white princess. The Chief Canon is said to fire on its own when a calamity is about to befall the Selangor Royals. It is wrapped in yellow cloth to prevent it from firing on its own. 125
Panoramic View
The summit of Melawati Hill is also the home of the silvered leaf monkeys and long tail macaques. Long tail macaques are especially notorious for viciously attacking other monkeys as well as humans. However, they seem to be calm and relaxed here coexisting happily with the silvered leaf monkeys and humans.
Monkey Sanctuary
These monkeys hang out on canon that are pointed at the river mouth below probably an entry point of invaders back in the old days of war. You can purchase food and feed these monkeys. They are also not camera shy.
Other Things
The other relics that you can visit on Melawati Hill include the Seven Wells of which is said to never run dry, the Execution Rock where enemies and traitors were beheaded, and the Museum of Traditional Games.
Eagle Feeding
Langkawi Island is well known for eagle feeding activity of which is an “eco tourism� activity that has become a topic of controversies amongst animal rights groups and activity operators. Kuala Selangor too has its fair share of eagles that will gladly swoop down from the sky and feed on the meat offered by the operators. Other than eagles, other predators too come to the river mouth to feed creating a splendid show. 129
Firefly Watching
Firefly watching was the most popular tourist attraction in Kuala Selangor. You could board a boat at night and go visit the fireflies that fly about the trees that line the banks of the Selangor River. These little beauties can only be seen in total darkness. Just a little light and they are gone.
Nearby Town Of Sekinchan
Some twenty minutes away lies the little town called Sekinchan. While Kedah (Northern State on the Malaysian Peninsular) is the rice bowl of Malaysia, Sekinchan is the rice bowl of Selangor. There are numerous paddy fields in Sekinchan and you can visit them. You can also visit the paddy processing plants within the area. 131
Fishermen’s Wharf
Apart from paddy fields, Sekinchan has a big fishermen’s wharf where you can see fishing boats head out to sea in the morning and back again in the evening. This wharf is at the river mouth of Redang Beach (Pantai Redang).
Redang Beach
Not to be mistaken with the beautiful beaches of Redang Island where the waters are crystal clear and the sand is white and powdery; Redang Beach is popular but not for its waters and sandy beaches. This beach is popular with its activities such as kite flying, soap bubble blowing, loud music, etc. Many couples come here to have their wedding photos taken. 133
What About Fishing?
You could fish along the Selangor River for blue pincer prawns, catfish, croakers, etc. You could hire a boat and head out to sea for some bottom fishing. Alternatively you could cast for snakehead around the irrigation systems that line the side of the paddy fields in Sekinchan. Another popular fishing spot is the river mouth at Redang Beach where I saw a good numbers of catfish being caught over the span of an hour.
Where To Stay
There are many small hotels in Kuala Selangor. My recommendation is Apps Hotel of which is about a few minutes’ drive to the historical sites. It is also conveniently located near a Giant hypermarket should you need any essential items or just in the mood for snacks and titbits. 135
Apps Hotel
Apps Hotel is a boutique hotel that is reasonably priced and is quite new. It has a hundred rooms of various configurations. The rooms are designed with a modest yet modern theme, have comfortable beds, air-conditioning, and more importantly, they are clean.
Food & Beverage
What I like most about Apps Hotel is its food. They have some of the best local cuisines available. The Nyonya styled barramundi is superb. The Coconut Prawn dish is the best I have ever tasted. I love the pandan chicken where one actually gets the rich aroma of pandan leaves. My favourite green dish here is the fried kangkung (water spinach). These are dishes not to be missed. 137
The Apps Hotel offers eagle feeding tours, firefly watching, and sea fishing right at its backdoor. They also have karaoke should you want to flex your voice box, extreme ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) rides, bicycle rentals, and team building (for corporate events). In fact, they are promoting “training tourism� where one can learn new things while on holiday.
In Short
No idea where to go for your next holiday? Why not give Kuala Selangor a try. Savour the seafood of which the town is famous for. Go do some fishing while the family relaxes in the hotel or when you take them to the paddy fields of Sekinchan, or the the Redang Beach. Stay at the Apps Hotel and savour the deli0cious food from their menu. 143
Lucky Draw Contest In just four steps and you could win yourself any of the prizes below 1st Prize
- Accurate Fury Reel -1pc
2nd Prize - Pflueger 7450 Arbor Reel -1pc 3rd Prize
- Pflueger 4735 Trion Reel -1pc
4th to 20th - Special Prize - 10 pkt Y300 Decoy Hooks
All you need to do is to: 1. Take a photo of your catch using anyDecoy & ZMAN products (must be clearly seen). 2. Download the Lucky Draw Contest Form. 3. Answer 3 simple questions, place the photo of your catch, and the proof of purchase. 4. Send your entrant to OAG Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. No. 5-1, Jalan Setia Dagang U13/AJ, Setia Alam, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: +603-3358 6003
1st 3rd
2nd 4th
Terms & Conditions 1. This lucky draw contest is open to all citizens of Malaysia and Brunei, except for employees / staffs or OAG Worldwide Sdn. Bhd., immediate family members, and other parties involved in this contest. 2. This lucky draw contest will be held two months once starting1st June 2015 to 31st July 2016. 3. Participants can send in multiple entries. All entries must include a OAG Halogen Sticker that comes on the packaging of all Decoy & ZMAN products including ZMAN soft baits, ZMAN DieZel Spin, Chatterbait, JigheadZ, Shaky HeadZ packaging as proof of purchase. All entries are accumulative. 4. All entries must include personal details. * The organizer will not be responsible should prizes sent out not reach the winner of the said prize. Terms & Conditions continues on the next page.
5. All entries must be complete with photo, answers, OAG Hologram Sticker, Pflueger or Accurate waranty card, and personal details. 6. All entries must reach OAG Worldwide by the 30th of each contest month. 7. Any incomplete entry and late entries will automatically be disqualified. 8. All photos submitted will be the property of OAG Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. and participating in this lucky draw automatically consents the used of said photographs to be used in any legal way by OAG Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. 9. The organizer reserves the rights to substitute prizes with any other prizes of same value should the need arise. 10. The organizer reserves the rights to change or amend any rules, terms, and regulations at any time without prior notice. 11. Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable for cash. 12. All decisions made by the organizer are final and no correspondence will be entertained.
Hologram Sticker As Proof Of Purchase
Lucky Draw Contest Form Product Details Brands Accurate
Type___________________ Model ____________________ Personal Information: Name (as in NRIC/IC): _________________________________________ IC (Identification Card) number: __________________________________ Contact Number: _____________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________ Correspondence Address: ______________________________________
Dealer Chop 147
The Asian Angler
Winners Of The ZMAN, Accurate, Decoy, Pflueger Lucky Draw Contest 2015
ood news to all participants of the ZMAN, Accurate, Decoy, and Pflueger Lucky Draw Contest. The draw for October 2015 was recently done at the OAG Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. office at Setia Alam.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Junior Anglers
Get Your Kids Fishing An Initiative By The Asian Angler Magazine
Fishing is a very healthy sport.
As anglers we enjoy fresh air, we experience nature, we improve our analytical skills, we absorb vitamins from the sun, we expend our minds, we learn about the environment, etc. There are so many benefits to fishing and we should reduce our kids addiction to video games, computer games, playing with mobile devices, etc. We should get them to interact more with our environment and teach them a thing or two about life and living life. With this in mind we hope to encourage you to take your kid(s) fishing and have dedicated a section of our magazine to Junior Anglers.
* Picture courtesy of Pure Fishing
Junior Anglers
By Amirul Irfan
Softbaiting Snakeheads
I love fishing with soft plastics as they are incredibly effective especially for snakeheads like the Megabass Sparkshad that caught this decent snakehead. It was a tough session for me as the day was very hot and the snakeheads were passive. I noticed this snakehead hitting baitfish quickly and diving down into weeds again. A quick accurate cast with a fast topwater retrieve managed to fool it.
My younger brother scored this juvenile on the Zman MinnowZ. The flakes on the MinnowZ seem to be good at triggering bites especially from aggressive juvenile snakeheads.
This solid snakehead was barely hooked on the Zman MinnowZ. The barbless hooked popped out right after this photo was taken.
Here’s another aggressive snakehead on the Zman MinnowZ. The baitfish profile is great for fooling snakeheads.
Aggressive snakehead which hit the 4� Berkley Powerbait Ripple Shad beside weeds. I took advantage of the early morning aggression of snakeheads as they were feeding on baitfish. This snakehead chased the Ripple Shad and gave it a subtle bite. The sensitivity of the Surecatch D-Legend helped to detect the bite allowing me to make a hook set at the right time.
A decent Striped Snakehead by my younger brother at a pressured urban spot. Many anglers were fishing with frogs, but they did not catch anything. Me and my younger brothers noticed a lot of baitfish, so we fished minnow style soft plastics.
My youngest brother managed to catch his first snakehead right before we packed up. He caught it on the Berkley 2� Powergrub.
Healthy and solid snakehead caught on the Berkley Powerbait Double Hawg. I had no problem to reel in this fish before it could run into cover as I was using the Abu Garcia Tournament K along with the Abu Garcia Promax spooled with 20lb Berkley Whiplash.
The Double Hawg works great for snakeheads of all sizes. This decent snakehead hit the Double Hawg in open water which surprised me. I had no problem to cast the Berkley Powerbait Double Hawg weightless with 20lb Berkley Whiplash braid.
Aggressive heavy cover snakehead that could not resist the scent and action of the Double Hawg. I prefer fishing the Double Hawg fast like a buzzbait, but slowing down and fishing it like a frog can produce fish too. I have caught countless snakeheads on the Double Hawg. Why not give soft plastics a try? They are versatile and they work great. Have fun fishing during this school holidays and tightlines! 167
Stuffs And Goodies
By The Asian Angler
Mako Escape Polarized Sunglasses
he Escape is a fishing focused frame with a range of lenses in polycarbonate and glass. The frame sits comfortably blocking light from all angles.
Website: Note: May not be available in some markets.
Stuffs And Goodies
By The Asian Angler
Bear Grylls Survival Tools
hether you are fishing, camping, or out for an adventure in the jungle; survival tools can save your life in time of need. Bear Grylls bring you some of the best high quality tools you can call friend when you go deep into the jungle.
Video: Note: May not be available in some markets. 169
Stuffs And Goodies
By The Asian Angler
he Quickboat is the ideal boat for your next escape. Forget the hassle of trailers or the cost of traditional boats, the Quickboat is perfect for all ages to use and enjoy. Get yours today! Seven Easy Steps Step 1. Unzip the bags and remove the parts Step 2. Unfold the hull and hold it open with the pole Step 3. Lock and swing the transom into place Step 4. Click the seats into place Step 5. Attach the nose cone and foredeck Step 6. Add the motor and fuel tank Step 7. Start the engine and start Quickboating! Video:
Site: Note: May not be available in some markets
Stuffs And Goodies
By The Asian Angler
Zeko Shoes
he Ultimate Performance Deck, Boating, and Fishing shoe that have a ventilated sole that drains both air and water. Zeko Shoes are water resistant and have a quick-drying microfiber wicking mesh upper. The velcro strap makes these shoes easy to put on and take off. The sturdy ventilated EVA sole keeps your feet cool and dry on the deck of your bass boat and allows even the most active person to enjoy all their activities from boating, sailing, jogging to relaxing on the beach. Best of all these shoes are feather light, making it the most comfortable shoe you will ever put on your feet. An All-Terrain Vehicle for your feet.
Site: Note: May not be available in some markets
Fun Things
By The Asian Angler
The Most Unlucky Angler B
ill Dance is probably the most unlucky angler this world has ever produced. However, his antics will have you laughing and should you hurt yourself rolling on the floor laughing, we will not be held responsible. Here is volume 1 of his videos. Have a good laugh and enjoy yourself.
Video: Videos courtesy of billdancefishing >>>Video available on the next page<<<
Penn Warhorse II Brand: PENN Product Name: WARHORSE II Fully improvised version Warhorse II reel made with 3 stainless steel ball bearings, with a one way clutch system. Dual anodized aluminum spool with stainless steel main shaft, thick bail wire and comes with CNC aluminum handle with rubber knob.
For more information please visit Pure Fishing at:
Abu Garcia Veracity Pro Brand: Abu Garcia Product Name: Veracity Pro â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Next Generation A strong, versatile and reliable rod to suit our local fishing condition. Tangle free stainless Fuji K-guides for smooth casting every time. Made from 30 ton graphite blank for a lightweight balanced design. Fuji reel seats in both casting and spinning variance. High density EVA handles provides a comfortable grip and more durable. Made in convenient 2 pieces mid-joint rod for easy packing and portability.
For more information please visit Pure Fishing at:
Action Type
VERPC 562 MA (15)
Length 5’6” - Lure 1/6-1/2oz Medium Casting
Line 6-14lb - Braid 8-17lb VERPC 602 MHA (15)
Length 6’0” - Lure 1/4-3/4oz Medium Casting
Line 8-17lb - Braid 10-25lb Heavy VERPC 662 MHA (15)
Length 6’6” - Lure 1/4-1oz
Medium Casting
Line 10-20lb - Braid 12-30lb Heavy
VERPS 602 MHA (15)
Length 6’0” - Lure 1/4-3/4oz Medium Spinning
Line 8-17lb - Braid 10-25lb Heavy VERPS 702 MHA (15)
Length 7’0” - Lure 1/4-1oz
Medium Spinning
Line 10-20lb - Braid 12-30lb Heavy VERPS 802 HA (15)
Length 8’0”- Lure 1/2-1 1/4oz Heavy
Line 12-25lb - Braid 15-40lb VERPS 902 HA (15)
Length 9’0”- Lure 1/2-1 1/4oz Heavy
Line 12-25lb - Braid 15-40lb VERPS 1002 HA (15)
Length 10’0”-Lure 1/2-1 1/4oz Heavy
Line 12-25lb - Braid 15-40lb
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