Best Boarding School In India
INTRODUCTION The School is situated on a 16 acre campus, 'Asian Acres' , in tranquil and verdant environs. The academic building is an impressive structure designed by a well-known group of architects from New Delhi. The residential area is set amidst greenery with students being provided their own recreational area. We have 4 hostels, 2 for senior boys, 1 for junior boys and 1 separate hostel for girls. A housemaster, tutors and a matron live within the Student House providing round the clock supervision. The students are housed in three separate hostels one each for junior boys, senior boys and girls. The hostels are so located that the senior boys do not have easy access to the girls, hostels. A 25m swimming pool, table tennis and badminton halls, gymnasium, three larger sports fields, dining hall, activity rooms and a gymnasium provide activity-based experiences and leisure pursuits for the children in their spare time.
EDUCATION The Learning Resource Center Add a little bit of body textis the hub of all intellectual and academic activities of the School. The library has a large pool of resources viz. latest literature in fields as diverse as information technology, science, general knowledge and the like. Besides, periodicals, journals and reference keep the students up-todate with the latest. Students are encouraged to use the facilities for reference, studying and borrowing. The Learning Resource Center is also equipped with a Computer and curriculum based CDs on all subjects for ready reference.
A pr o gramme is designe d t o a w a k e n cult u r a l aw areness and t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of t h e aesth etic senses, t h r o u g h A r t , M u s i c , D rama,Quiz, Deba t e e t c .
Part i c i pation in various i n t e r - s c h o o l / i n t e rdis t r i ct, inte r-state comp e t i t i o n s s u c h as d e bates, elocution co n t e s t s , quiz z i n g, dra matics is en c o u r a g e d .
LIBRARY A mo d ern and appropria t e l y s t a f f e d libr a r y is loc ated in the a c a d e m i c comp l ex. The growing c o l l e c t i o n o f book s and periodical sub s c r i p t i o n s a t our l i b rary h elp maintain t h e c h i l d ' s inte r e s t in s upplementary k n o w l e d g e and r eference work.The A s i a n S c h o o l libr a r y has a ll what it tak e s t o b e a t o p notc h . It has more than w h a t a s t u d e n t w i l l e xpect a nd to encour a g e r e a d i n g habi t s among pupil, a wi d e r a n g e o f book s , magazines, journa l s a r e prov i ded in the library.
There are scheduled outings every alternate weekend, which is led by a member of staff. The girls are allowed to have a day out on ten Sundays in one academic year. They are also entitled to have one night out with their guardians once in a month. The recreation program also provides for practical pursuits that support a boarder’s transition to the world beyond. The cost involved with outings is closely monitored to inculcate respect and value for money amongst students. A series of low cost activities are always included in the module, at the same time they are planned to provide children the exposure to newer environments.
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