A few years ago, Lora and I had the privilege of walking our daughter down the aisle. It was a flash flood of emotions. Was there a twinge of sadness saying goodbye to a season of life? There always is. But there was way more joy! We didn’t lose a daughter. We gained a son-in-law. And that’s our job as parents—to help our children grow up, step into their identity and destiny, and live the life God has called them to.
National Community Church is a dream factory. You can’t be part of this church and not dream a little bigger. We’re going to keep going after God-sized dreams and helping others do the same! We want to walk those dreams down the aisle, so to speak. Legacy isn’t what we accomplish. Legacy is what others accomplish because of us. Discipleship is growing fruit on other people’s trees.
In 2022, we felt like God spoke in no uncertain terms: “Do more things that don’t have your name on it.” We want to give a birthright and a blessing to dreamers. To that end, this coming September, our NoVA campus will become a new, independent network church, part of NCC’s Dream Collective.
Pastor Marion and I have spent hours together—talking, praying, dreaming. I believe his vision for this new church is a God-sized idea that will bring hundreds of Northern Virginians closer to Jesus.
What a JOY to see another unique expression of the kingdom of God launched out from NCC.
I know you’ll be praying with and for Pastor Marion, Tamika, Mia, Makayah, and Mykal as they step out into this new season.
new things will God do in and through us in 2025?
Bless the LORD
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!”
–Psalm 103:1
• Sunday worship gatherings
• House of Prayer • Thursdays at 7:14pm
• Easter Sunrise at the Lincoln Memorial • April 20, 2025
• Revival • January 16–19, 2025
• Upper Zoom • Wednesdays at 7:14am
• Summer Prayer Walks
Bless the CITY
“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city. . .” –Jeremiah 29:7
• 17 local missions partners
• 4 homegrown missions initiatives
• Through the Dream Fund, we have given over $1,000,000 to church plants and missional ventures
• Our DC Dream Center offers 60+ programs
• Common Fund
• Marketplace Expressions
• Renew conference
Bless the NATIONS
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all creation.” –Mark 16:15
• We’ll go on 17 missions trips this year.
• We partner with 93+ local and global missions organizations
• Our goal is to give $3 million to missions in 2025
• Our online campus reaches 50+ countries
“Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord." –Psalm 102:18
• Eggstravaganza and Christmas Village
• Kids Ministry
• NCC Youth
• Youth missions initiatives
• Young Adult ministry
Show me the size of your dreams, and I’ll show you the size of your God.
Dr. Mark Batterson Lead Pastor, National Community Church
When I get in my car in the morning and head from Northern Virginia onto the beltway, here’s what I see out my window:
Other moms and dads with mind-bendingly long commutes. Kids in multiple sports, music, and extracurriculars. Military families. HOAs. School buses. Cul-de-sac barbecues. Retirees living in the home where they raised their kids. People moving in from all over the world (27.7% of Northern Virginians were born in another country).
NCC has been serving the Northern Virginia area since we first opened our Ballston campus in 2003. Most recently, we merged three campuses into NCC NoVA. During that time, the NoVA staff team has worked tirelessly together. They have brought their unique skills and passions to every facet of this new church community. The result has been a thriving community of people following Jesus and serving in our neighborhoods.
My wife, Tamika, and I grew up here in Northern Virginia. And we’re raising our three girls here. These are my people. And my heart burns for every one of them to have a life-changing encounter with Jesus.
I love our community so very much. And over the last year or so, I have felt a “holy discontent” rising in my spirit. What has God been doing at NCC NoVA? Is it time for a new wineskin?
So this past summer, Pastor Mark and NCC graciously presented me and Tamika with the opportunity for a sabbatical. After 22 years in ministry, it was a welcome time of personal reflection. Tamika and I got some good, quality time to rest and be together, then we entered into a time of prayer and fasting.
Out of that sabbatical came a clear vision for a new church, with the blessing and full support of Pastor Mark and NCC leadership. This church will be part NCC DNA and part brand-new DNA that is deeply rooted in the culture and rhythms unique to Northern Virginia.
A ministry of presence, where we’re in our community 24/7, is key to this vision. I’m very excited about what God has put on my heart. God has given us favor not only in Fairfax, Arlington, and Alexandria, but also in PG County, Maryland, and as far west as Loudon County. We continue to serve with Fairfax county schools, military support organizations, and local ministry partners like Carpenter’s Shelter.
Will you join me and the NoVA staff as we pray and plan? And if you’re interested, come and see me about joining our launch team.
–Pastor Marion Mason
This new NCC network church launches September 2025.
We are a company of prophets, called to bless the LORD, bless the CITY, bless the NATIONS, and bless the GENERATIONS. Those seeds are planted every weekend as we worship together and every Thursday night at House of Prayer.
100+ nationalities represented 284 average attendance at House of Prayer in 2024
852 participants in summer Prayer Walk Challenge
“After seeking God for guidance and following His leading, I moved to the United States to pursue an advanced degree. One of the most important things for me was finding a Bible-teaching and believing church where I could serve and continue to grow in faith alongside a community of believers in Jesus Christ.
I prayed for guidance and asked God to lead me.
A few weeks after praying, I met a friend who is a member of NCC and through her, I was invited to Alpha. I loved how warm and welcoming the whole group was on the first day I attended and how we all shared and learned from each other’s experiences. One evening after Alpha, one of the members of another table offered to give me a ride home. She then invited me to attend a service at NCC, and from the first day I attended service, it felt like home. Looking back now, all I can do is thank God for leading me in the most unexpected way to a much needed community of believers.”
– Immaculate A.
April 14–June 9
’ 24 January 7–24 FAN INTO FLAME August 25–September 15
AM I. October 20–November 10
GOOD LIFE June 16–August 18
February 4–March 24 STAND IN THE GAP September 22–October 13
17–December 8
Sundays: 9am • 11am Pastor Robb Schmidgall
Chat and pray with others during the live service.
Live stream or watch on demand via YouTube or Roku.
Listen to messages on Spotify or any streaming service.
2,841,622 views on YouTube
110,400 hours viewed on YouTube
3,440 NCC App downloads
“What took my healing and faith to the next level was small groups! As you know, there is healing in community.
“Over my time at NCC, I’ve seen the progression in the types of small group offerings, and I commend NCC leadership for shepherding this process. Although I didn’t have the physical and mental capacity to jump into small groups with enthusiasm at times, God met me where I was. Innovative popup small groups that were offered virtually as well as in-person after the start of the pandemic all helped plant little seeds. I especially commend your vision and faithfulness in creating small groups based upon our calling as children in Christ, such as the Beloved series and the Commissioned series, which leans into our calling to be and make disciples.”
231 small group leaders across campuses 48 Alpha participants
50 participants in Basic Training of the Prophetic
The Crochet Love small group donates everything they make to nursing homes and our friends experiencing homelessness.
We believe the best decisions are the most informed decisions. At Alpha, you can explore the Christian faith in the context of conversation, questions, and community. All are welcome. ncc.re/alpha
This Christ-centered 12-step program is for those dealing with any sort of hurt, hang-up, or habit. We meet weekly and all are welcome.
Prayer small groups are a vital part of our DNA. Prayer groups grow together communing with God and interceding over nations and generations. You’re invited to join a prayer group. Learn more about how to pray or serve with our intercession or prophetic teams. prayer@national.cc ncc.re/upperzoom
We want to see every NCCer live ON MISSION EVERY DAY. Our missions strategy is to collaborate with missionaries and organizations across the globe. This way, we can combine the can-do attitude and passion of NCCers with the solid expertise of a missions partner. That’s a pretty powerful combination!
53 participated in Partner Teams
719 people served locally across campuses
$2.1M given to missions in 2024
$3M goal for missions giving in 2025
Are you in? Let us know. ncc.re/faithpromise
1,300 lunches passed out during InService to those experiencing homelessness
3,220 meals served at The Living Room
More information at ncc.re/localmissions
Inservice is our NCC ministry to those experiencing homelessness.
A Wednesday evening small group for our friends experiencing homelessness to fellowship and study the scriptures over a meal.
Minister to our brothers and sisters in prison, those re-entering society, and families experiencing the incarceration of a loved one.
Assist refugee families with doctor appointments, tutoring, language support, job hunting, and meals around the table.
“The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.”
–Zechariah 8:5
Partnering with parents to help kids know how much God loves them.
Kids experience a fun and exciting environment during our service where they learn to worship God, love His word, and grow in Christian community.
367 average NCC Kids weekly attendance across campuses (17% increase from 2023)
February 7-9, 2025 ncc.re/escape25
Intimacy with God, community with believers, and influence in their worlds.
Each week, students in grades 6 through 12 experience live worship led by our NCC worship team and a TED-style message followed by discussions for middle school and high school small groups.
We have a committed core of incredible trained adult leaders who have committed for the entire school year to invest in students and families.
Essentials is an opportunity to dive deeper into questions like, “Who is God?” and “What does it mean to be saved?” Students studied the words, ways, and mission of Jesus. They talked about big questions of faith, like how God is three-in-one, and they tackled practical, everyday things like how to read the Bible, how to pray, and how to talk about what we believe with our friends.
friendships, grow existing ones, and be challenged in
NCC is pleased to be starting its tenth year hosting Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery is a nationwide Christ-centered ministry that gives people the resources and relationships to help find a new way of living. This ministry is for anyone struggling with past or current hurts, habits, or hang-ups, whether they are affecting their own life or the lives of those around them.
NCC Pastoral Care also hosts many other care-oriented groups, including groups supporting those dealing with cancer, trauma, loss, and divorce. We also provide marriage support groups and engaged couples marriage prep.
“Before I joined the Celebrate Recovery step study, I knew that I needed to deal with some deep issues, but I wasn’t sure exactly what my root problems were or how to go about addressing them. The step study provided a structured approach to think through what was happening in my life and begin to take steps to deal with it, in a safe and supportive setting with relationships that kept me coming back. I now have a much clearer sense of some of the areas I need to work on and a set of relationships and tools that I am relying on to assist in my recovery and growth process.
“There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for dealing with your problems, but if you are struggling to know where to start, step study can be a really powerful tool for structuring and directing your recovery work. I would really recommend it.”
–Shared with Pastor Ryan, 12/2024
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We want to be more known for what we’re for than what we’re against. The church is called to criticize by creating. We believe that the people of God should tell better stories, produce better movies, write better books, compose better music, start better businesses, draft better legislation. How? With the help of the Holy Spirit.
There never has been and never will be anyone like you. That isn’t a testament to you, it’s a testament to the God who created you. No one can worship God like you or for you, but we are better together! God has called us to become a beloved community–one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all.
A church that stays within its four walls isn’t a church at all. We aren’t just trying to build a church, we’re trying to bless our city to the third and fourth generation. God has planted us at a crossroads of politics, commerce, and influence—just like Paul at the Areopagus in Athens. God has positioned us and called us to shine his light and to be his representatives at the heart of the nation’s capital.
A church is not measured by its seating capacity, but rather by its sending capacity. Mission is our heartbeat at NCC—we have taken more than 300 missions trips and have given more than $25 million to missions. The mission field is wherever we live, wherever we work, wherever we go. We are on mission every day, in every way.
Dream Collective is a community of pastors, entrepreneurs, and artists who long for revival in the church, reformation in the kingdom, and renaissance in culture.
• Dream Revival
• Al Gordon, “Sustained Revival”
• One Days: Church Planters, Building for Mission, Idea Activation
• Two Creative Salons
• Renew Conference
• Lead Pastor Cohort
• Church Planter Collective
• Parallel Society Group
• $260,000 to church plants and missional ventures
• Published Redemptive Spaces lookbook
443 pastors, artists, and entrepreneurs connected to Dream Collective
250 church planters and culture leaders attended Renew 2024
Our Dream Collective network is made up of churches launched by National Community Church as well as other partner churches who are closely connected to us relationally and through ongoing investment. We are proud to collaborate in supporting pastors alongside the Urban Church Planting Network, Crete Collective (serving black and brown churches in underserved areas), Association of Related Churches (ARC), Auxilio, Stadia Church Planting, Church Ministry Network, and many others.
Baltimore, MD
Joshua & Ericka
Chattanooga, TN
David & Missy Russell
Chicago, IL
Steve & Jessi Andres
Cumming, GA
Josh & Monica Mayo
Gainesville, VA
Rick & Nia Sarmiento
Nashville, TN
Adonis & Heather Lenzy
Sacramento, CA
Caleb & Michelle
Truckee, CA
Terrence & Kate Sutton
Washington, DC
Jimeka Jones Setzer & Gene Setzer
Easton, MD
Sam & Jordan Cassese
Hopewell, VA
Bryan & Kelly Briggs
Laurel, MD
Omari & Natalie Hughes
Pensecola, FL
Joe & Suzannah Driver
Princeton, NJ
Tim & Colleen Lucas
Shallotte, NC
Lucas & Davine Grainger
Southeast VA & St. Louis, MO
Michael & Megan Bruesekke
South Portland, ME
Keenan & Ashley Eaton
Springfield, OH
Jeremy & Julie Hudson
Prince George’s County, MD
Sam & Lu Akin
Springfield, VA
Marion & Tamika Mason
We can’t make revival happen, but we can set the table for it. That’s what we do every January during our Dream Revivals.
What do we hope and pray will happen?
• Deepening hunger for the voice of God
• Reawakening hunger for wonder
• Sharpened vision to see supernatural demonstrations of God’s love and power
• Reigniting missional impulse, carried out practically
Dr. Donna Pisani • Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.
Dr. Anita Phillips • Pastor Robert Madu
“What joy some churches start in heaven,” said W.B. Riley. “They keep heaven happy all the time.”
We’re honored to be able to carry on the tradition of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the National Mall. This is one of the nation’s largest Easter services and attracts more than 10,000 people from around the world.
JOIN US IN 2025! • SUNDAY, APRIL 20 • 6:30AM
We kick off the Christmas season in grand style for our community with our annual Christmas Village, a family-focused celebration that includes indoor train rides, pictures with Santa, and Christmas crafts and movies. In 2024, we hosted more than 2,000 people.
Exuberant live worship kicks off our annual Christmas Eve celebrations. The Christmas story is reenacted by our NCC Kids. Then a beautiful hush falls over the crowd as the light from the Christ candle is passed from person to person, illuminating the darkness.
1,566 children and adults participated in 60 programs in 2024
87 children attended summer camps, including STEM programming, museum visits, sailing, cooking classes, and career exposure camps
The DC|DC encompasses a spectrum of programs from low-barrier after-school activities and tutoring, to programs that offer deeper encouragement such as one-on-one mentoring. We are dedicated to serving the needs of the community through a holistic approach. One person at a time, the DC|DC inspires youth and adults to dare to dream and learn to lead, so that they reach their God-given potential.
500 children served at our Back to School Giveaway
217 families served with a Thanksgiving dinner basket
“A. is an 11-year-old who has been part of our children’s cooking class for a year. As we built a relationship with him, he felt comfortable to come to our Vacation Bible School. Last fall he was baptized! A. is also a part of our young men’s group, Sons of God, that meets on Thursday evenings and focuses on encouraging, mentoring and equipping boys and young men in the community to grow into knowing what it truly means to be a son of God.”
174 job seekers at our job fair, resulting in 50 new job offers
For nearly a century, the Navy Yard Car Barn served as the last stop on the Red Line, repairing and rerouting streetcars across the nation’s capital. The historic car barn is now Capital Turnaround, the headquarters for NCC’s DC Campus, prayer room, and offices. It is also one of our marketplace expressions: a state-of-the-art event venue with a variety of versatile spaces for hosting concerts, corporate meetings, conferences, weddings, parties and other social events.
130+ organizations rented our space
45,000 people gathered at the Turnaround in 2024 for concerts, corporate meetings, trade shows, weddings, and more
After a decade as an NCC church location, the Miracle Theatre now operates as a venue for hosting films, live performances, parties, and conferences. It is the oldest movie theater in Washington, DC. The Miracle Theatre also serves as a home for multiple church plants while they seek a permanent location.
8,600 bags of popcorn sold
Film Festivals hosted at Miracle Theatre:
• DC Black Film Festival // since 2017
• International Film Fest
• DC Independent Film Fest // since 2015
• Wild and Scenic Film Fest
216 special events (private, live events, movie parties)
125 movies shown
In ancient culture, wells were the natural gathering places for the community. Ebenezers is a postmodern well that has served its neighbors, nearby businesses, our friends experiencing homelessness, and members of Congress alike.
Ever since it opened, Ebenezers has sourced fair-trade coffee. In 2023, Ebenezers extended its relationship with partner farmers by launching coffee roasting. The coffee served and sold at Ebenezers Coffeehouse is now roasted in-house.
The final phase of Capital Turnaround construction will include an open-hall marketplace where visionaries and entrepreneurs can launch and grow businesses with purpose.
One of the first things we do when God gives us a building is hand out Sharpie markers. We invite people to spend concentrated time inscribing prayers onto the walls and floors before construction even begins.
This prayerful foundation, stronger than any steel beams, undergirds the vision and will ultimately outlast the building itself.
Buildout of additional gathering spaces, as well as a second Ebenezers Coffeehouse to anchor the southeast corner of the Capital Turnaround, will commence in 2025.
Architect rendering of the new Ebenezers Coffeehouse location, opening in Capital Turnaround
Please keep our Facilities and Operations teams in your prayers as they complete the final buildout. Pray for favor over every phase of the construction.
NCC leaders gather for prayer over construction spaces at Capital Turnaround