4 minute read
NCC Network Churches
Nashville, TN
Bridges Nashville
bridgesnashville.com // Kurtis and Sarah Parks
Who we are
A house church movement where God's people and presence connect. Our prayer is that the people of Music City would be transformed one life at a time by an encounter with Jesus, through relationship, discipleship, and worship. We have four house churches currently meeting on different nights of the week.
What God has done in 2021
As a house church movement, we see people who won't typically show up in a church service. One of those people is Leah. She had run away from home, living out of her car. One of our house church leaders invited her to come and talk about faith. She showed up a couple weeks later. Then again. And again. Then she met with me to give her life fully to Jesus. She was baptized the following Sunday and is now discipling a couple other younger girls, and working in a mission-minded coffeehouse much like Ebenezers. A life changed, by the power of a gospel-centered community!
Baltimore, MD
Hope Baltimore/Blu_Print
wearebluprint.com // wearehopebaltimore.com Joshua and Ericka Symonette
Who we are
Hope:Baltimore is a community of hope that is Jesus-centered, justice-seeking, and cross-cultural. Blu_Print provides resources and support to teachers and school leaders to help close the achievement gap, create learning journeys for students to be exposed to new experiences that will better prepare them for the future.
What God has done in 2021
Our church services launched Sunday, October 31, 2021, with 110 people in attendance. The fact that we actually pulled off launching a church while still dealing with a pandemic is quite a feat. We have seen God work through people as they generously gave of their time, talent, and treasure. And I think the biggest encouragement might be the number of churches in Baltimore that have reached out and actually helped us launch. At least eight churches have sent people, resources, and helped promote the launch of Hope Baltimore. That's what unity looks like!
Chicago, IL
New City Church
newcity.life // Steve and Jessica Andres
Who we are
We exist to love God and serve the city. Jesus is our message, People are our heart, Hope is our foundation, Honor is our way, Generosity is our privilege.
What God has done in 2021
We had our first Sunday morning in-person worship service on Easter Sunday, and welcomed over 600 people in person and 1,500 unique online profiles. This past summer, we hosted our first Chicago PEACE Week, partnering with businesses, schools and churches to serve at three Chicago Public School hubs, with hundreds of volunteers supporting students going back to school.
Gainesville, VA
New Season Community Church
newseason.life // Rick Sarmiento
Who we are
We strive to be great at the Great Commandment and great at the Great Commission: Love God. Love people. Make disciples of Jesus Christ.
What God has done in 2021
Since our transition from NCC - Gainesville, a healthy team of kingdom builders continues to love each other and care for longtime family members and new additions, too. Nearly 80% of attendees are plugged into group life. Missions is in our DNA. We are committed to the mission of God both home and abroad. A New Season missions team led a mission trip to Waynetown, IN this summer. We are partnering with US and world missions missionaries with monthly financial support.
Sacramento, CA
The Hope Community
thehope.cc // Caleb and Michelle Crenshaw
Who we are
We are a new church community centered on Jesus where people find hope, live hope, and give hope. We are launching in Fall 2022.
What God has done in 2021
Caleb and Michelle Crenshaw invested the last year in training and relationships as they moved from CA to the DMV to partner with NCC in launching the NoVA Campus as "church planters in residence." During this time, team members moved to Sacramento while Caleb and Michelle continued to develop the plan for launching The Hope Community Sacramento in 2022.