The Athenaeum 77.6

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Acadia’s Student Newspaper since 1874 January 22nd , 2015 Issue 77.6

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Collective bargaining and the politicization of student unions The Editorial Team The Athenaeum

With 2015 underway and collective bargaining agreement (CBA) talks still at a deadlock, time is running out for the Board of Governors and the Acadia University Faculty Union (AUFA) to reach some sort of agreement. At the The Athenaeum Acadia University’s Student News Paper Issue 77.5 ASU Box 6002, Acadia University Wolfville, NS, Canada B4P 2R5 Editor In Chief: Stephanie Bethune email: SUB room 512 EIC Office Hours: Sunday 2:00-5:00 Advertising Enquiries: Business Enquiries: Editor In Chief Staff Writers Jocelyn Wilkie Stephanie Bethune Jalen Sabean Section Editors Art: Riley MacKinnon Will Cann News: Alex Quesnel Andrew Haskett Opinions: Tess Pooran Christian Vail Contributors Sport: Laura Jeha Jess Saroli Production Manager Megan Stanton Don Corkum Dan Aurell Photo Manager Robin Lawson Chris Caruthers Copy Editor Jon Smith Lydia Jones Trevor Braxton-Barto Online Manager Jalen Sabean Cameron Davidson Deirdre Campbell Taylor Brown Advertising Manager Mark Pound Ceileigh Mangalan Business Manager Cover Art: Robyn McMillan Chase McRobie

The Athenaeum is the official student newspaper of Acadia University and is published in print and online year-round at The opinions expressed herein do not represent the Acadia Students Union or the staff of the Athenaeum, they are held by the individuals who contribute to the Athenaeum as essential members of our completely studentrun newspaper Articles submitted will be published at the discretion of the editorial board. If there is content that we feel will not add to the philosophy, dialogue, or tone of our newspaper, it will not be published. That being said, all of our staff members look forward to working together with writers to improve their quality of writing, and to make sure the Athenaeum remains professional and well-rounded. The Athenaeum may accept submissions from any student or member of our campus, present and past, and is always looking for more writers and photographers. If you are looking for coverage of an event or story, would like to notify us of a complaint or correction, or would like to submit a letter to the editor, contact Stephanie Bethune at There are open story meetings every Saturday at 6pm in the Athenaeum office, room 512 in the SUB—all are welcome, and we encourage you to come!


January 22nd, 2015

close of last semester both sides had agreed to conciliation. This latest phase in the negotiations is quickly approaching and any decision will greatly affect Acadia students. We believe the ASU executive could be doing more to support Acadia students in regards to the CBA deadlock. Remaining neutral on the issue and presenting unbiased accounts of both sides’ views seems counterproductive to the process. Simply put, an apolitical approach is not warranted given the highstakes nature of the negotiations. Students are heavily invested in the current CBA talks, whether or not they actually have a seat at the table (which, of course, they

do not). They ought to have a politicized body lobbying in their favour during important times like these. In March 2014, the Editorial Board of The McGill Daily published a similar call to re-politicize the Student’s Society of McGill University: “Student politicians wield an enormous amount of power in representing McGill’s 22,000 undergraduates. Each SSMU executive is paid a salary of approximately $28,000 a year, funded by student fees. That the positions are legitimized by the administration also gives them power, making it even more deplorable that they make no attempt to assert a political stance or to use their power to its greatest advantage.”

Lectures celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day Alex Quesnel News Editor

In honour of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Acadia University will host a pair of lectures focused on the civil rights leader’s legacy, as well as his connection to Canadian history. Acadia’s Harrison McCain Visiting Professor Dr. Karolyn Smardz Frost will join Dalhousie University’s Dr. Wanda Thomas Bernard in commemorating King’s life and work. The talks, sponsored by Women’s and Gender Studies and the Faculty of Arts, will shed light on an important date and figure in contemporary society. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is observed every year on the third Monday of January. This is meant to coincide with King’s birthday on January 15. Following King’s death in 1968, his supporters advocated for a national holiday in

his honour. After several failed attempts in Congress, President Ronald Reagan successfully signed the holiday into law in 1983. Since then it has come to be observed in all fifty American states and has even been recognized in other countries such as Canada, Japan and Israel. Beginning at noon on Martin Luther King Day, Dr. Karolyn Smardz Frost will present her lecture titled “Conscience for Change: Dr. Martin Luther King & Canada’s Massey Lectures.” Prior to her position in the Department of History and Classics at Acadia, Dr. Frost held the position of Bicentennial Visiting Professor for Canadian Studies at Yale University. She is also currently the Senior Research Fellow for African Canadian History at the Harriet Tubman Insti-

Although the Acadia Students’ Union salaries are not equal to that of larger universities, their representative responsibility remains the same. Moreover, Josh Dehaas of Maclean’s presented the following analysis of the 2012 Quebec’s student protests: “Quebec’s highlypoliticized student unions tend to do what they like. In organizing the strike votes, they’ve promoted the idea that higher tuition is a human rights violation and that skipping class is an effective tool for overturning the law. Governments have caved in the past, they note.” Still, Dehaas is conscious of the pitfalls of a highly politicized student union: “The problem is that many students don’t support that agenda. Others simply want to go to class.” An overly activist student union is not the answer to Acadia University’s CBA woes. But the ASU might benefit by heeding the actions of these fellow student unions. A politicized, pro-student approach is in order.

tute, York University. Her work in the fields of history and archaeology has gained her considerable acclaim, including a Governor General’s Literary Award for Non-Fiction in 2007 for her brilliant book titled I’ve Got a Home in Glory Land: A Lost Tale of the Underground Railroad. Dr. Frost’s scholarly interests include primary research methods, public history, urban and cultural history, and the creation of public memory. Her current research focuses on African-American and Canadian trans-nationalism during the era of the New England Planter migrations to Maritime Canada. Dr. Frost’s lecture will entail a thoughtful discussion on the series of Massey Lectures delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1967. These speeches were significant not only for the fact that they occurred several months prior to King’s death, but because they coincided with the one hundredth anniversary of Canada’s confederation. Moreover, given the media coverage of the Expo ’67 celcontinued on page 3

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Bernard has received many accoebrations, many Canadians did lades for her work, including the not take the time to recognize, let Order of Canada in 2005 for her alone appreciate, the significance efforts to combat racism. of King’s lectures. With this in mind, Dr. Frost seeks to address Dr. Bernard’s talk will use Marthis neglected chapter of Cana- tin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a dian history. She will investigate platform “to reflect on the current the significance of King’s Massey state of racism and race relations Lectures and place them within in our society.” King’s vision for the wider socio-historical context African Americans and Canadians will set the context for this of the period. discussion. Following her speech, In the evening, Dr. Wanda Thom- Dr. Bernard will open the floor as Bernard will deliver her lecture for attendees to participate in the titled “Looking Back to Move For- conversation. The goal is to foster ward: Reflections on Martin Lu- meaningful discourse and delibther King’s Dream and Contem- eration on the legacy of Martin porary Experiences of Racism in Luther King Jr. and his teachings. Today’s Society.” Dr. Bernard has been a professor at the Dalhousie The talks will be hosted in the School of Social Work since 1990 Fountain Commons Room on Janand served as Director of that in- uary 19. The first lecture, given stitution from 2001- 2011. Her re- by Dr. Frost, will be from 12:00search focuses on African Cana- 1:00 pm. Dr. Bernard will close dians and the violence of racism, the event with her talk from 6:30particularly in the criminal justice 8:30pm. All Acadia students and system. In addition, she is actively Wolfville residents are encourengaged in community work. Dr. aged to attend. for the outdoors into friends. We would like to extend an invitation for all Acadia students to join us for another semester of outdoor adventures.

PhotoCredit: Taylor Brown

Get your hiking boots ready: exciting future ahead for Acadia Outdoors club Jesse Saroli Contributor

Acadia Outdoors is one of Acadia University’s newest ASUratified clubs. We are a group of students from all athletic abilities who like to get outside, meet new people, and have fun. We meet bi-weekly to plan activities, constantly keeping students’ budgets in mind. We aim to organize an activity every

weekend, in which all members will be invited to participate. In between the club’s inception in October and the winter break in December, Acadia Outdoors organized eight events. In that amount of time, we have grown from just a diverse group of people with a similar appreciation

A recent winter camping trip demonstrated the spirit of Acadia Outdoors. It had been a hard hike down some very muddy trails to the campsite. The torrential downpour the night before had left everything wet and slippery, and the sun was rapidly setting. We needed to get a fire lit and set up camp before it got dark and the temperature dropped. With luck, the clouds would break, and we would get a spectacular show from the Gemenid meteor shower. Some time later, with all the camp tasks complete, we were able to relax. Sitting around the campfire, coyotes howling in the distance, we had a chance to talk about all the activities we had done with the Acadia Outdoors Club so far this term, as well as plans for the future. Hiking, ziplining, horseback riding, bouldering and winter camping had all been crossed off the list; we

needed new plans for the New Year. The wet wood hissed in the fire as we threw around possibilities. “How about archery?” someone suggested. “Once we get some snow we can go skiing,” chimed in another. “Canoeing and kayaking when it gets warm again,” one member said wistfully as she dried her socks by the fire. “I much prefer it when it is warm…” A short pause in the discussion naturally drew our gaze up and away from the fire. The clouds had broken! A blanket of stars lay overhead, just in time for us to witness a barrage of shooting stars. “I may not like the cold,” said the girl with the soggy socks, “but I love this club!” Our next meeting will be Monday, January 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Michener Lounge (upper level of the Students’ Union Building). You can keep up to date on all of the club’s upcoming plans by joining our Facebook group called “Acadia Outdoors”. So get your hiking boots ready and we will see you on the trail!

January 22nd, 2015


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tained themselves and had no use for money or corporation, where the Pistols had the punk fashion poster-boy that was the awfulness of Sid Vicious (I have only bashed him in two articles so far which is a massive feat of restraint). On top of all of this, Crass were one of the main things that punks were supposed to hate: hippies. They wanted to overthrow the government as much as any other political punk band has since, but they wanted to do it without violence and with the ultimate goal of world peace. Quite possibly the most important of many of the bands slogans/lyrics was “Fight war, not wars. Destroy power, not people.” What is more punk than world peace? PhotoCredit:

hardcore amour:

Crass’ “The Feeding of the 5000” Christian Vail Staff Writer

“They said that we were trash, well edge. the name is CRASS, not CLASH.” When Crass released The FeedNo better way to start a new year ing of the 5000 in 1978, they esthan with a history lesson. We are tablished two major factors that going back into the pre-hardcore would become the essence of days to see the band that shaped hardcore punk: a strong DIY eththe greatest scene (biased) in the ic, and really, really bad produchistory of music that did not in- tion. You would not usually hear clude Prince (not biased). I know this from someone recommendwhat you are thinking: “but His ing an album to you, but Crass Royal Punkiness, how is that hard- sounds terrible. The very reason core? Was it even a song?” Well, I consider them to be one of the minions, not every punk band fea- most important, if not one of the tures the smooth, soulful voice best, punk band is because they of Henry Rollins. In this case, the are hard to listen to. As much as I band instead features the spewing love the Clash, and as important of a wolf that sounds like a foot- as they were to the very creation ball hooligan from one Steve Igno- of Crass, how punk do you feel rant. Crass is less associated with while singing along to “Should I the hardcore punk movement as Stay or Should I Go”? I want my they are the crust punk subgenre. punk bands gritty and impossible I refuse to refer to Crass as crust to understand. If you want to lisfor two reasons: one, crust is the ten to Crass, look elsewhere for most disgusting subgenre name I their tune “Big A, Little a” which have ever heard; two, just because is a catchy classic jam. If you want you inspire a scene does not make to experience Crass, pick up The you part of it. Ryan Adams may Feeding of the 5000. Crass folhave inspired Taylor Swift, but that lowed the Sex Pistols in estabdoes not make him the founder lishing an anarchist approach of breakup-themed pop music. to punk music, but managed to Just ask Ian MacKaye, the appar- come across as far more genuine ent head dude of “straight edge” than the Pistols. This could be who was really just the head dude because Crass lived together in a of hating that he created straight house where they completely sus-

4 January 22nd, 2015

Right from the get go, you know this album is going to be a bit of a problem. Side A opens with the track “Asylum” which is less of a song and more of a rant by another of the band’s vocalists over some noise. However, this track was deemed so offensive that companies handling the record refused to put the record out if the track remained on it, prompting several re-releases and versions of the album. I do not want to spoil it for you (meaning I do not think this will ever get printed if I include anything from it) so that is one you will definitely have to check out yourself. While you are reeling from that, before you can figure out what you have just heard, the record will jump to “Do They Owe Us A Living?” This song is to Crass what “Rise Above” is to Black Flag. Even though you will be mumbling to the verses, you cannot help but chant along with the chorus of “Do they owe us a living? Of course they do! Of course they do!” That brings us to another obstacle with Crass: what the hell are they saying? You can get books of the bands lyrics from their store written by drummer and author Penny Rimbaud, and they are very necessary. On top of that, the music is not often very coherent either. The drum and bass parts are fantastic, but the guitar is often just noise. In some cases it is perfect, such as with “Big A, Little a” and “Do They Owe Us A Living?”, but sometimes it can be

headache inducing. I want to take a second to say that I actually am a massive fan of Crass, and I know I am probably not selling them very well right now. They are a band whose appeal is very hard to get across. I am being as straightforward as I possibly can and giving enough warning so that if you decide to listen to this album you do not say “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? That Christian Bale fellow has led me astray for the last time!” How often do you hand an album to a friend and say “you’ll love this, it’s terrible”? If after all this you are still interested in listening to this album, try out “Banned From the Roxy.” This song details the time the band was, you guessed it, banned from performing at the Roxy. Although not quite as anthemic as “Do They Owe Us A Living?”, it is just as listenable and is a good gateway song into some of their more challenging material. After you have listened to these and “So What”, another song challenging religion, you have just scratched the surface of the musical mystery that is Crass, and are ready to dive deeper into their following albums: “Stations of the Crass,” “Penis Envy,” and my favourite, “Christ - The Album”. They are definitely a band you want in your library if you, like me, like to think of yourself as a sort of punk historian and want to see all the different angles of the genre at all times and how they relate to later movement. Being into hardcore myself, Crass to me epitomizes the hardcore movement years before it truly got underway. They are a band that are either adored or despised, there is no in between. Like the other albums I have recommended, I truly believe this to be an absolute classic, but I fully understand and acknowledge that it is not for everyone. If you came up to me and told me that you listened to it because of this article and that it is completely garbage, all I could say is “yup,” and that is why I love it. TOP 3 TRACKS: - Do They Owe Us A Living? - Banned From the Roxy - So What

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The Origins of Emo Don Corkum Contributor

Ah, emo. The term alone makes most of the people in our age group cringe, probably because in the early-to-mid 2000’s you could not escape from it, like it or not. When people our age think of emo, most think first of the whiny scene kids. Next, we might think of the awful bands that scene kids listened to, like My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Panic At The Disco. The image of emo these days is not a very good one, which is unfortunate, as this negative caricature is only part of the story. But, I get it. I hated emo at one point, too. That all changed one day in high school when I first heard Sunny Day Real Estate’s Diary, due to its connection to Seattle’s alternative scene. Needless to say, I was blown away. Diary got me curious about emo for the first time. Where did emo come from? Were there other equally good emo albums? My search into the origins of emo caused me to completely change my mind about the genre. The following is a very brief history of this often-misunderstood subgenre of music, and a look in to some of its more accomplished artists. For my money, emo started around 1985 in Washington, DC with a group of bands emerging from the hardcore scene. While I am in no way a hardcore expert, it was becoming apparent by the mid-80’s that hardcore was stagnating due to the attitudes of increasingly close-minded fans and needed to evolve beyond its limited formula of fast, aggressive punk with yelled vocals if it was going to survive and stay relevant. Obviously, in hindsight, posthardcore was the answer to this problem, but it seemed much less obvious in 1985. In came Guy Picciotto and his band Rites of Spring. Rites of Spring combined the directness and power of hardcore with melodic guitar lines and confessional, emotive lyrics, exemplified on a track like “For Want Of.” This song features

an incessant melodic guitar figure and Picciotto shouting lyrics like “I woke up this morning/with a piece of the past caught in my throat/and then I choked.” The style was soon dubbed “emocore” (short for “emotional hardcore”), which is where the term emo really started. Rites of Spring quickly became a locally popular band, with their emotionally powerful live shows causing some to weep.

ally credited with pioneering the style. Their debut album Diary is certainly a landmark release in the subgenre. The lyrics, like the title of the album suggests, are so personal that they read like a diary, with my favorite line from “In Circles” (“I dream to heal your wounds / but I bleed myself”) epitomizing this perfectly. In fact, in many ways “In Circles” is the defining indie emo song. It features the simple melodic motifs and muscular post-hardcore sound inherited from emocore in the choruses, and twinkling arpeggios in the verses, which quickly became a hallmark of the indie emo sound. Singer/guitarist Jeremy Enigk’s voice goes from a frail falsetto to a cathartic yell. In fact, his frail vocal style introduced the whiny vocal sounds we often associate with emo, but come from an area of raw emotional expression rather than the insincere angst of later emo.

One of Rites of Spring’s biggest fans was DC hardcore figurehead Ian MacKaye, who released Rites of Spring’s self-titled album on his own Dischord Records. He also formed his own emocore band, Embrace, and many other DC bands followed suit. While many of the bands detested the term emocore, they were now free to Two other particularly notable, but explore other avenues of sound short lived, indie emo bands are without being called sellouts by Cap’n Jazz and American Footfans. ball, both formed by the incredibly talented Mike Kinsella. Cap’n Jazz Unfortunately, the original emowas formed with his brother Tim, core scene was short lived, as Emand released the landmark Burbrace and Rites of Spring broke up ritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balwithin a year, each only delivering loon Sports, Cards In The Spokes, one album. Fortunately for the muAutomatic Biographies, Kites, sic world, MacKaye and Picciotto Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels had much more in store for us (FuWe've Slipped On and Egg Shells gazi anyone?). Still, the emocore We've Tippy Toed Over (commonscene was massively influential on ly referred to as Shmap’n Shmazz what was to come, and represents for brevity’s sake – clearly it gave some of the first inklings of what emo its penchant for insanely would become post-hardcore. long titles) in 1995, and broke up not long after. Cap’n Jazz still reAfter emocore’s death, the trail lied heavily on the post-hardcore went cold until the early-to-mid template, as seen in Tim’s yelled 90’s, when a second wave of vocals on highlights like “Little bands influenced by the original League” and the anthemic “Oh emocore scene emerged. These Messy Life”. bands sought to combine emocore’s emotionally honest lyrics In contrast, Mike’s next project, and post-hardcore sound with the American Football, completely remore melodic side of indie rock, moved all traces of post-hardcore taking emo further from its hardfrom their sound, replacing it with core roots and closer to the sound math rock and making the guimost of us would recognize as tars even more melodic. This is emo. For this reason, this second perfectly exemplified by “Never wave is often referred to as “indie Meant” from their 1999 self-titled emo.” album. The song is primarily in 5/4, and features a beautiful arSunny Day Real Estate, who I peggiated guitar melody. “Never mentioned earlier, falls under the Meant” also vies for the position indie emo category and is gener-

of best breakup song ever, keeping with the thread of emotionally expressive lyrics. The death of American Football brings us to the 2000’s, where bands influenced by indie emo started injecting pop punk into their sound. This gave us the “emo-pop” most of us are familiar with, bringing with it the distinctive look that emocore and indie emo lacked, and most of the other negative trappings associated with the genre. Although I have only briefly touched upon some of emo’s most important bands in its long history, hopefully I have given you a reason to reconsider your opinion of emo music as a whole and do some searching of your own. There is a lot of exploring to do if you are down for emotionally honest music that is not exaggerated to the point of comedy. Recommended Albums: Rites of Spring’s self-titled album, Embrace’s self-titled album, Sunny Day Real Estate’s Diary, Cap’n Jazz’s Shmap’n Shmazz and American Football’s self-titled album.

Acadia Dance Collective has classes starting this week! We offer classes in many different dance styles, such as: heels, ballroom, ballet, jazz, contemporary, tap, hawaiiano, lyrical, and hip hop. Our classes are offered at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels and are only $10 per class, per semester. So anyone can join a class, even if they’ve never danced before! Have questions, comments, or concerns? Please email Madison and Jenny at acadiadance@ Like us on facebook or look for our posters around campus for a complete class schedule!

January 22nd, 2015



I prefer to die standing, than to live on my knees Andrew Haskett Staff Writer

Vive le Presse. Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, this is a phrase often repeated. Seventeen people are dead in what many recognize as a futile and barbaric attempt at stifling the freedoms of expression, speech, and association. The assailants, who practiced an ultra-orthodox and violent offshoot of Islam, committed this violent act in hope of destroying a platform of public satire and free press. Seventeen people perished in the attacks, including twelve journalists, cartoonists, and writers. Among them was Stéphane “Charb” Charbonnier, a journalist, advocate of free speech, and the former editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine. As free speech tightens itself in Europe and beyond, questions must be asked. What are the limits of free speech and freedom of press? What can and cannot be said as a matter of opinion? How do the attacks in Paris affect our rights to freedom of speech and association? This publication, the Athenaeum, operates and is able

to function due in part to Acadia University’s belief in free press and speech. In these tiny, cramped, and often sweaty offices we, as editors and writers, (somewhat) strive away at providing you, the students of Acadia, with information regarding present, past, and future issues to the best of our abilities. Nearly three-thousand years ago, Socrates of Athens was sentenced to death for “corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety.” His trial, in which he accepted death over a life of oppression, is a major influence in the basis of Western philosophy and free speech. Socrates, speaking to a crowd of jurors and members of Athens nobility, says: “… If I were let off this one time on condition that I do not speak my mind, I say to you ‘Men of Athens, I shall obey the Gods rather than you …’” Following this exclamation, Socrates was convicted of both accusations. His death represents his undying loyalty to the patterns of freedom of speech and association, and how

Do not miss the second half of the PAS Riley MacKinnon Arts Editor

Photo Credit: Chase McRobie


January 22nd, 2015

the ability to teach and influence I attempt to make my writing faca love of critical thought is so es- tual, true to heart, and informative, everything I write should be sential in the modern world. taken with more than a grain of Freedom of speech lies not in al- salt. This is the case for all inforlowing the thoughts of ideas you mation being processed in our agree with to flow freely, but to day and age. Critical thought and allow the ideals you hate to be ability to reason are the two maspoken without retribution. This jor aspects that separate the huidea is paraphrased from Noam man race from simpler matter, and Chomsky, an American philoso- practicing the techniques associpher and lifelong advocator for ated with these functions makes the powers of free speech inside us better, more compassionate and outside of the press. The gov- people. ernmental systems that we all live and abide by protect and encour- This is what makes freedom of age our usage of the freedoms of speech so important. The ability speech we are given at birth. The to think for ourselves and make case of Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969, judgement on important issues is granted all students the ability of a right we should not be taking for free speech in classrooms during granted. And access to information school hours. The fact that you, as from all sides of an issue is a critia student, can argue a professor’s cal part of the right. This is what ideas in a class or lecture, whether makes the shootings in France so or not they are correct or agree- important for us all. Charlie Hebable, is a profound expression of do utilized speech and illustration the freedom of speech. People as weapons against ignorance, are naturally biased towards their authority, and general stupidity. If own opinions, but this is not a bad we allow the offended to be put thing. It allows us as humans to to death while exercising a right to challenge each other intellectually bear pens, then we will slide back and to formulate new ideas based into the dark ages, and not undeservedly. And while we may not on our own faults. be shouting “Je Suis Charlie” from Thousands of articles have been the rooftops, we should be taking written following the horrific at- every opportunity to exercise our tacks that plagued the streets of right to free speech and ensuring Paris a week and a half ago, and that that right is protected. mine is just one of them. Although

The first half of this year’s Performing Arts Series was a fantastic success. With the opening of this half’s series beginning Saturday, January 24th, it is not too late to get tickets and prepare for another fantastic series of concerts.

ning of the school year, all the upcoming concerts are listed on the Series’ website (http://artsacadia.acadiau. ca/acadia-performing-artsseries.html), with information on how to purchase the tickets. Please also note that some of these concerts contain a lecture/concert performance during the School of Music’s weekly lecture series on Thursday mornings. Stay tuned for upcoming information on when these special lectures are scheduled.

Saturday, January 24th kicks off the series with the annual Tom Regan Memorial Concert. Acadia faulty and students of the School of Music will present a few special pieces they have been working on in the celebration of Tom Regan’s life. It is sure to be another Here is to a great second half fantastic concert, and you will of the concert series. I myself not want to miss it! cannot wait to take in what the Series has to offer. As mentioned at the begin-

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24th Annual Acadia Art Exhibition Dan Aurell Contributor

There is a fresh new exhibition on display at the campus art gallery the annual Acadia Art Exhibition will remain up until February 14. It is meant to "celebrate the visual creativity of alumni, students, staff, and community." I enjoyed visiting the gallery this week, as a half hour's breather and for the simple delight of seeing some nice pieces of art. I will mention a few of the pieces that were highlights of my visit there.

land and water - all done with a Dali-esque palette. These were representative of a celebration of the typical landscapes of the area, a common thread connecting many pieces in the exhibition.

Of course, everyone's preference will be different: exploring what There were also less conspicuous resonated with me was certainly gems: Peter Martocchio's row of part of the fun! lavender in watercolour presented such a feeling of movement that When I walked into the gallery, I you could easily imagine it was was first drawn to Steven Rhude's seen from the perspective of a painting of a beekeeper (nearly bee swooping over it. Static on the life-size) holding a smoker, and other hand, was the view inside whose white suit stood in stark the Mosque of Cordoba, Spain, in contrast to a dark background. a print by Diana Baldwin. It was Other favourites of mine were Ter- nice to see that and a few other rence Joyce's renderings of Fundy pieces that represented a crossmudflats and other meetings of pollination of cultural influences.

The black and white photographs taken by Diana Church were among the pieces that brought a very human element to the exhibition. The series follows the course of a night of dancing, perhaps at a wedding. The rawest painting of the exhibition was one by Paul Syme - was it pain, disgust, or horror written on the man's face? The title was "Pucks Cut". Pain, then. Even more variety came from the sculptural works in clay, steel, wood, and fabric, that brought the art out into the room, and from a number pieces depicting animals in a non-traditional way. I imagine there is something for everyone's tastes down at the gallery!

Shattering the Silence has something for everyone Riley MacKinnon Arts Editor

Back for the 8th year in a row, The Acadia New Music Society is pleased to host its new music festival, Shattering the Silence. Over the past eight years, the ANMS has hosted over 40 concerts for the festival, had a CBC broadcast, released a couple albums, and has presented tons of new compositions, performers, and composers. Wolfville is certainly lucky to be a part of such a fantastic festival.

night’s concert: Late Night at the Anvil. The event should be an interesting one – who would have thought that classical music would ever be played at the ‘Vil? The juxtaposition of the location should provide a good start to the night!

Friday night wraps up the entire festival with a recital from Jeffrey Zeigler on cello. He will be performing a wide variety of pieces, including a world premiere of a new piece from Acadia’s own Dr. Derek This year, the event has as wide a scope Charke. as it has in the past. Listeners can look forward to all types of music being per- The festival has numerous events every formed, such as string quartets, sym- day, so please check out the event postphony orchestras, and even a Pierot- ers across town and campus, and visit the link below for the full schedule. Ticket style group! prices vary, so please check each event for The event runs from February 2nd further details. to February 6th. One particular event to pay attention to would be Tuesday

broken leg theater


Broken Leg Theatre is an awesome theatrical variety show that happens three times a year. Next show is Sat, Feb 21, 8pm at Acadia Cinema’s Al Whittle Theatre (450 Main St., Wolfville). Tickets are $10 at Door or available from Donna Holmes by contacting her at The Feb 21 line up so far includes: Dead Sheep Scrolls, Andy Flinn, Donna Holmes, Dorian Dance, Caravan Theatre, Micaela Comeau’s Tap Dancers and more! Watch for further updates at

January 22nd, 2015


ath athopinions

I Do Not Care About Your Diet Tess Pooran Opinions Editor

I do not care about your diet. Or your cleanse, or how often you go to the gym. Actually, that is a lie. As a writer and editor I aim to be honest and I started my first article of 2015 with a blatant lie! Well, I can fix that. I do care about your diet. I care about your diet for two reasons: the first being that as someone recovering from Anorexia Nervosa, diet talk is extremely difficult to hear. When my doctors, friends, family and treatment team tell me I need to eat, to avoid the gym and continue with my recovery, it is hard to believe. But I try my best to do so. Every year I return to Acadia for the New Year, I am (along with everyone else) bombarded with diet talk. I have been invited to go to the gym or try a juice cleanse so many times in the passed few weeks, I may scream. I know first-hand how a diet can turn deadly, which brings me to my second concern:

diets area unhealthy. Depriving your body of vital nutrients and engaging in over-exercising leads to health problems. “Yo-yo dieting” – the process of trying fad diets in an attempt to lose weight or change one’s shape and then returning to normal eating habits - is known to cause lowered white blood cell count (these are the blood cells that protect you from cancer, colds and flus). Dieting also increases emotional distress, lowers overall life satisfaction and can lead to full-blown Eating Disorders. I went on my first diet around age 12. I read somewhere that carbs were “bad”, a completely false claim still believed by many. Carbohydrates are needed for proper body function and do not cause excess weight gain. I decided to cut out carbs and only ate salads for about a week. Of course, this kind of diet is unsustainable. My self-esteem dropped

even lower as I felt I had “failed” at this diet. I did notice something else though – and that was the number on the scale got slightly lower. I still remember the feeling of my heart racing. I had lost weight! After years of bullying by members of my family about my weight and seeing hundreds of advertisements encouraging weight loss, I felt I had finally found something I was good at. This was the beginning of my struggle with Anorexia. A struggle I still deal with every day, 12 years later. Spending half my life trying every diet imaginable (I did the Master Cleanse before it was cool), I know how dangerous diets are. Not every person who diets will develop an Eating Disorder. Just like not every person who tries cocaine will end up a life-long addict. But why take the risk? Why do we insist on damaging our bodies every time the calendar year changes? Dieting and losing weight will not magically improve your life. You will not love your body more, you will not be happier. You will not get a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Your grades will not improve. Prolonged dieting and engaging in Eating Disorder behaviour will, in fact, deprive you of all these things. Losing weight has never improved my life. It has caused me life-long health problems, affected my grades, put my parents and myself in debt, and caused me to damage or lose important relationships. Instead of thinking what is wrong with your body and how you can change it, how about thinking of how you can change your thoughts? Hating your body is not normal, despite what magazine, advertisements and even friends and family tell you. Learn to love yourself in 2015. It has taken my over a decade to even begin the process of self-acceptance, do not let all that time pass you by. If you or anyone you know is struggling with dieting, an Eating Disorder, exercise addition or simply has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Women’s Centre (located in the SUB) or by email at

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8 January 22nd, 2015

ath athopinions

Why you should run in an ASU Election Chris Carruthers Contribtor

February is right around the corner, which means that it is almost time for the 2015 ASU General Election. This is the time of year when those who are politically inclined begin to plan strategically and prepare for a ten-day campaign that will be one of the most stressful and rewarding experiences of their time at Acadia. I have run in the last two general elections and been heavily involved in campaigning for the two prior to that, and I would like to share my feelings on why, if you are considering it at all, you should run in an ASU election. The biggest benefit by far is the ability to learn and immerse yourself in the world of student government, and the many issues and problems facing students on this campus and across Nova Scotia. You should attend at least one meeting of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) before the campaign to really get a sense of this world. If you have ever wanted to make a difference for the lives of students at Acadia, this is the place to start. The SRC is made up of the ASU Executive, the Chairperson, Faculty and Board of Governors Representatives, the Equity Officer, and ASU Councillors, which means you have

something everyone should do if they want to get involved, I would like to point out a few things you should be doing before the campaign to help you be better prepared for that first day of campaigning.

1. SRC Meetings Hands down the most valuable thing you can do before an election is to start going to SRC meetings. They have been held at 5:30 every Tuesday this year and these are the people you are going to want to know your face coming into the campaign. Like I have already mentioned, SRC is a good way to learn what issues are important to students which can There is some real value to being help you formulate a platform and able to talk about the things the give you an idea of what to expect SRC votes on, even if you do not in a debate scenario. end up winning the election. Having some knowledge about issues 2. Talk to Current Council and how they can be reasonably People frequently suggest that you dealt with helps you develop an should talk to the person who informed opinion and keeps you a currently has the job you want, part of the discourse of the uni- and that is a very good idea, but versity. You will make connections I suggest talking to as many peowith people who are able to make ple on council as you can about decisions and be able to have ra- what they expect from someone tional discussions to help deal in the role that you are looking to with real problems. Just this sim- fill. The SRC operates as a team, ple act makes something as ma- which means that you need to be a jor as the election debate so much team player to be successful. This easier to deal with. When these will also give a heads up to people are the conversations you are hav- on council that you are interested ing on a daily basis already, dis- in what they do and that you are tilling your thoughts to express in eager to work with them. front of fifty to a hundred people 3. The Student Life Summit stops being so scary. I have been fortunate enough to Now that I have expressed why attend the Student Life Summit I think running in an election is every year since its conception many different voices offering their thoughts on the issues. All of these people have been in the position you are in, which means that they are more than happy to talk with you about their responsibilities and those of the SRC as a whole. This kind of insight can be really valuable if you have any intention of taking part in the discourse surrounding students.

and I cannot stress the value of what is discussed on that day. The ASU takes all of the information collected during the discussions and in many cases it is used to formulate a game plan for what SRC should focus on for the upcoming year. This means that you can learn about not just what SRC is working on, but areas students are identifying as important which is even more valuable when crafting your platform. This year, the Student Life Summit is happening at the end of Winter Carnival on January 24th from 12-3 in the Michener Lounge. 4. Get Your Campaign in Order I started out with a calendar that highlighted everything I wanted to do during the campaign to reach out to students. Make sure you have read the elections section of the ASU Constitution so you have a decent idea of how elections run, helping you out with your planning. Remember, you are on a budget so planning is important if you do not want to find yourself with nothing to do at the end of the campaign. Things like posters, banners, buttons, stickers, etc. should all be prepared before the All Candidates Meeting so you can hit the ground running. I would also suggest having a written platform so you will be able to easily stay on message and communicate with students better during the campaign itself. This will also be important to the debate where it is important that you Continued on Page 10

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January 22nd, 2015


ath athopinions

Roommate From Hell Jocelyn Wilkie Staff Writer

From roommates who will not clean the dishes to roommates who will not pay the rent, we all have a personal “roommate from hell” story that makes us hesitant to sign a lease. The majority of roommates have small tiffs, resulting from different upbringings and varying emphasis placed on each roommate’s responsibilities; however, some roommate experiences result in the destruction or stealing of personal items, withheld money, or obscure and obnoxious behaviour beyond the normal and tolerable rate. In the following article you will find and example of a more appalling roommate experience. When I moved to Ontario for school, my late enrollment and the small residence building on campus meant I had to find a place to live. I was able to connect with another student online and signed a four month lease. Surprisingly, this was not the bad roommate. He, I and the third roommate got along well, but all went our separate ways after the lease was up. I moved in with a girl in my program with whom I had become close friends with, but it was only Continued from Page 9

days after signing the lease that the problems started. She and her boyfriend broke up, and although they were not living together, this drastically affected her personality. She became very depressed, skipping classes and never venturing out of her room. She resorted to alcohol, which she had acknowledged using heavily in a previous breakup. She was seeing a therapist, which I applauded, but it did not seem to have any effect on her personal life. After bitterly complaining to me about how unclean her old roommates were, particularly in the kitchen, she refused to do dishes or empty the trash. This would not have been awful if she did not regularly use dishes and then hide them in her room because she was too lazy to bring them down (note that she had to come downstairs to leave the house and use the kitchen and bathroom; essentially only her bedroom was upstairs). This began transferring over to her use of the laundry machine and dryer: clothes were left in both machines for literally weeks, but I was not allowed to remove her clothes to use the devices. I was told she would be down in a few minutes to move them, only for week two to continue into week three.

come across as genuine as possible while also knowing what you are talking about. Wanting a companion to replace her boyfriend, she simultaneousAt the end of the day, the results ly created an account on a dating of the election do not matter near- website and adopted two pet rats. ly as much as the experience of A couple of guys flowed in through being involved in an election cam- the back door, many of which she paign. You will improve your time found interesting enough to date, management, public speaking, only to lead to a poor, exceptionand critical thinking skills while ally vocal sexual encounter a few also making connections and hours in and be escorted out the building friendships with people door, never to be seen again. The that will last throughout your time rats were easier to handle. Most at Acadia. I have been at here for people have issues with their six years now and I can honestly tails, but I loved animals, and the say that election time has always rats were cute enough. She had a been one of the most stressful, clear-cut rule that they were not but most rewarding experiences I allowed on her computer when have had at this university. Elec- they were out and being played tions are a lot of hard work, but I with. A fine enough rule, if only it hope that you will find that they applied to my electronics as well. can be totally worth it in the end. They and their leaky rat testicles

10 January 22nd, 2015

had free reign over anything she did not expressly prohibit them from. This included our dinnerware, Tupperware, and silverware, which was regularly used to feed them - on our kitchen table. When I made the request she use her dishes and silverware to feed her rats, she replied with the fact that she only had a few pieces of silverware, which was somehow my problem.

completely switching her days and nights around so we never saw each other. I was thankful enough for that, and only more thankful on the day that she moved out, taking with her any of her things that might be useful and putting them into storage an hour away from me, and a full 24 hours away from herself. A class act, this one.

Unfortunately, it is clear I am not the only one who has had an awWe had signed a 12 month lease to- ful roommate, nor do I think I will gether, assuming we could handle be the last: a year together. Wrong. By Christmas I was so relieved to go home “I moved in with a girl I became and not deal with her anymore I good friends with my first few was considering finding a bach- year at University. She, her boyelor apartment to live in. How- friend, another friend, and I had ever money, as well as time spent become quite close, so she and I apart, made me reconsider my decided to move in together. She options for the final four months. had never been an anti-social perWhen I returned, we were friendly son, but soon after we moved in enough and there did not seem to together she began hiding out in be many issues. Until she looked at her room with the door closed all her marks. Exam marks and fully day. I understand needing some completed course marks were giv- space, but I never saw or heard en back very early into Christmas her unless she was complaining break, and so these marks had about something. She also got anbeen available online for weeks. gry whenever I had anyone over: She did not bother to check them she needed to know exactly who before flying back to school, even it was and when they would be though school had never been there, and generalizations were a strong passion or easy accom- not good enough. She really wantplishment for her. Needless to say ed complete solitude, and someshe did not receive passing marks how thought signing a lease with in many of her courses due to her another person was the easiest tendency for skipping classes, as- way to get it. Note to those seeksignments, field trips, and even ing roommates: if you do not want final exams. Our college diploma to talk to anyone, do not live with program required many of our anyone. The kicker was when she previous courses to be passed be- asked me to stop using the interfore continuing in to the next se- net so she could Skype with her mester, and so she was faced with boyfriend. I will tell you that quesretaking most of her courses, or tion was only asked once.” – Sam dropping out. She dropped out, and I thought that was going to be “I lived with two girls that were the end of her. petty and jealous the whole time we lived together. When I went on Our landlords, whom both of us vacation during Spring Break one had issues with from day one, were year, I returned to find my entire painful to deal with. My room- room wallpapered with newspamate knew this, and so I was left per. Also, one of the girls conwith the task of informing them stantly cheated on her boyfriend their tenant would be leaving. the whole time we were living toThe phone conversation was com- gether. Not only did I have to not prised of me relaying information say anything to her boyfriend, I between the two parties, basically also had to put up with the awkarguing each side with them. That ward sex noises she and whatever experience was one I would nev- fling she had in bed that night er want to experience again, nor make. The worst part was she wish anyone else to ever experi- would deny it the next morning, ence. After that, she continued her like nothing happened.” - Anonyobnoxious roommate behaviour, mous Continued on Page 11

athopinions Continued from Page 10 “Like any roommate drama, it did not start out bad. Two girls and I signed a lease and were set to move in until one decided she would not be returning to school. We frantically searched for another girl, and found one in our classes whom we were familiar with. The first semester went well, but the winter semester definitely did NOT. We had different schedules, with two of us being Music majors, and Roommate #3 in Education. Education programs tend to have more homework than classes, so she was at home much of the day and therefore dealt with any messes more often than anyone else. It started with my thenfiancé acknowledging her haircut. Nothing rude or derogatory was said about it, but she took it otherwise. Thus began our descent into Roommate-Hell. Roommate #3 started hiding out in her room, not bothering to tell us she was offended. By the time we had figured it out, it was too late. After letting it wallow, she told me my fiancé was no longer welcome in the house. At this point, she had a boyfriend too, and my fiancé and I were busy planning our upcoming wedding, with him visiting maybe twice a month. We were confined to my room to do this, as she hated him and soon me by extension. Our second roommate did not want to be stuck in the middle and so chose the side of Roommate #3

to avoid her wrath. This left me a prisoner in my own home. I stayed on campus every day, showering at the gym at the end of 14 hour days before beginning the long walk home to the apartment on Fowler. Keep in mind this was the winter semester, as well as being my first year living off campus, and most nights I could not safely come home before 11 P.M. I finally decided I had enough on one of my fiancé’s visits. Backing each other up, we decided to watch T.V. in the main living area, only for her to come out of the kitchen and spray Febreeze. This would have been fine, had she not asked what that horrid smell was as she sprayed Febreeze on us. She also resorted to leaving passive-aggressive notes in the bathroom, complete with spelling errors. For an Education major, we thought this was unacceptable, so we fixed the errors, but she was not impressed. I was also accused of multiple things in that apartment: not washing my hands after using the toilet (the flush masked the sink’s noise); of not correctly washing my own dishes that only I used; and of stealing her things upon packing up to leave. Once I was called a thief I left for a friend’s house, calling my parents to move me out that night. I waited at my friend’s house until my father arrived, not daring to enter the premises again without back-

Brew Review: Propellor Pale Ale Jon Smith Contribtor

Propellor’s Pale Ale pours with to be a bad thing. Hint of carbontwo finger light head reminiscent ation. of a root beer float, laces down the glass. Aftertaste has a subtly fruity hoppiness to it, quite sweet, although Light amber color, filtered. that could also be coming from the sour keys I ate right before Decent scent, very sweet and drinking the beer. malty, hint of caramel. I love the craft beer scene, but Light biscuity feel, very easy on will be among the first to admit the tongue. Very light hoppiness that it does get pretty hoity-toity coming through, overshadowed about itself every now and then. by maltiness. Not as bitter as some Nowhere is this more prevalent pale ales, but that does not have than with overly hoppy beers. For

up. I have had some disenjoyable living experience since then, but nothing like the wrath of Random Roommate #3.” - Anonymous Even though having an awful roommate is an experience most people try to avoid, it can teach you valuable lessons. You learn quite a bit about yourself, including what you can and cannot put up with. For instance, I learned that having a dusty bathroom does not bother me a bit, but having a few dirty dishes in the kitchen drives me crazy. The experience also teaches you how to compromise, and may well help you to understand that what bothers you might not be that important in the long run. Crazy roommates also show you what to look for in new roommates, as well as what not to. Someone you are close friends with might not be ideal, as the houses you were raised in might have had extraordinarily different priorities, with neither necessarily more important nor correct than the other. As well, roommates in the same program as you might not be the greatest, just because general interests in studies are the same does not mean study methods will be: some study best with loud music, and others in complete silence. That being said, someone with a wildly different major than you may have a completely different schedule: one could have all morning classes anybody not familiar with the ingredient, hops are the flowers of a plant which are added to beer to balance the sweetness of the malts with their bitterness. However, hops have become some kind of weird staple of the craft beer community, with everybody losing their mind over beer that often tastes like alcoholic grass. I honestly do not even remember if I actually like IPA’s, or if I have just been conditioned to think that making it through a pint of beer that is actually kind of painful is a good thing. I do like to appreciate a difficult beer every now and then, and not only because I am a masochist who loves it when it hurts so good. However, sometimes you just have to drink an entire six-pack of beer

and the other almost all afternoon or night classes. Having different class schedules can emphasize tensions when an annoying roommate is never around to talk about the issues. It also can make for extremely different sleep patterns, meaning someone could be getting ready for their day at 6 am, while someone else might be doing laundry or dishes before going to bed at 3 am. In the long run, leases are short, although terrible roommates can make them feel incredibly long. Most people can compromise on almost anything, but when one person does not, it can make spending time in the house a living hell. Leases can also be broken, should things get that bad, and, if necessary, police are available for support. While it is not normal for roommate disagreements to end in disaster, there are certainly some that would have benefited from external intervention, and these instances should never be swept under the rug. The fictional movie The Roommate, starring Leighton Meister, shows what can happen when a roommate has an unhealthy obsession with the other, but the horror movie of what happens when roommates do not care for each other at all is not one I am interested in living again.

in a night, and two litres of Double Unfiltered Imperial God of Hops India Pale Stout is not going down without a fight. This is where Propeller’s Pale Ale comes in. This is a great smooth session ale with no crazy bells and whistles or wacky flavors. The pale ale is like the hotter, younger easy-going sibling of the India Pale Ale – less likely to beat the crap out of you, and easier to bring to parties. The beer pours with a white oneand-a-half finger head that laces down the glass as you drink it. The beer shines with a light filtered amber color. The scent is very sweet and malty, with a hint of caramel. The mouthfeel is nice and smooth, with a medium body and a biscuity taste. Nothing exContinued on Page 12

January 22nd, 2015


athhealth and wellness ath

The beauty of the slow cooker Lidia Jones Contribtor

When you are first living on your own after being catered to at home, or at Wheelock Dining Hall, having the comfort of your own kitchen may not seem that comforting. In fact, the thought of learning to cook and prepare meals other than Kraft Dinner may seem rather daunting. The Slow Cooker (also commonly known as a “Crock Pot”) is a fantastic tool, especially for a busy person who appreciates a home cooked meal. The slow cooker allows you to prepare the ingredients before hand, toss them in the cooker, and turn it on. The first recipe, which I will share with you, is my 5 Ingredient Chili. This is a good recipe for a cold day, NFL Sunday’s, or as a “freezer meal”. I do realize that not everyone might own a

Slow Cooker, so I have included instructions for Slow Cooker as well as stovetop. For anyone who does not have a Slow Cooker, but is interested in purchasing one, I would suggest going by Home Hardware here in Wolfville or at Wal-Mart in New Minas. The 4 QT variety that I use in this recipe starts at about $30 at Home Hardware.

Lidia’s 5 Ingredient Chili: Kitchen tools you will need: A large pot, or a 4 quart slow cooker (if using a smaller Slow-Cooker, adjust the recipe accordingly) A pan A can opener A cutting board A Chef's Knife to dice the onion A wooden spoon (or something similar for stirring) Olive oil (or cooking oil of choice) Salt and pepper Ingredients: 1 large can of seasoned ready diced or crushed tomatoes 1 can of beans (ex: Kidney, Navy or Cannelli) 1LB of Extra lean ground meat of your choice (the leaner the better, I would suggest Beef, Chicken or Turkey) 1 large diced onion 1 TBSP ground cumin (or, to taste) For added flavor, you may consider adding ingredients such as: Chili powder to kick up the heat Ground oregano Your preferred hot sauce, for added flavor Mushrooms Combining meats, ground beef with some ground pork is known to be a favorite A bell pepper Beer Garnishes: Sometimes served over rice or with tortilla chips Topped with sour cream Topped with grated cheddar cheese

It is important to note that this chili will keep in the fridge for a few days, however it will freeze really well also. So, if you would like to put it in some containers, and freeze for later, this is a good dish to do that with. For those who are adventurous in altering my recipe, I applaud you. However, I encour- Slow Cooker Instructions: age that you use 1:1 ratio with the Place the ground meet in a pan on the stove, and cook on medium heat first 4 ingredients that are listed. until brown (or until the meat is not pink in the center). When cooked, drain Continued from Page 11 If you are not a meat eater, remove the meat. tremely remarkable, but very easy ground meat from the ingredients Place all 5 ingredients as well as any additional desired ingredients in the to drink. As is generally the case list and substitute with your fa- Slow-Cooker and cook on high for 15 minutes, and then on low for 4-6 hours, stirring every hour or so. Add salt and pepper to taste. with a pale ale, there is a hint of vorite vegetable! Enjoy! Garnish if you desire, and serve. hops, but not overwhelming; it is For stovetop cooking instructions check out less hoppy than many other pale ales. There is a subtle tingle of carpm, and Sunday from 3:15-5:15 pm. bonation, and I admit I wrote this There is also an Acadia Student sentence because I like the phrase shinny (informal hockey game) ‘subtle tingle’. The aftertaste has scheduled from 1:15 – 2:15, MonLaura Jeha a very fruity character, with a linday-Friday. Sports Editor gering light bitterness. It is quite less likely to run into your meal Get crafty sweet, and is just an overall pleas- Work it Out ant experience, like Toy Story or Most people’s resolutions tend to hall crush in an Aquafit class. If While the cold weather has you fall under health-related catego- you prefer not to dip into your cooped up inside, embrace your cheesecake. ries. Maybe you want to get active, beer-money fund to shell out for creative side. This is the perfect If you ever wonder why your friend but the gym in January is your exercise classes there are some time of year to take on a new that wears too much H&M is so own personal hell. Perhaps sweat- free options. Gather some friends project. A great one is knitting, obsessed with expensive beer, ing like you are trekking through and join an intermural team, or try because you can actually wear this is a good place to start under- the sub-Saharan desert in a crowd- the Acadia Yoga club, who has free what you have made! Check out standing. Propeller Pale Ale is a ed gym then emerging into -15 C classes most days of the week. the Wool&Tart on Main Street for reliable, basic, smooth beer that I air is not your favorite activity. If inspiration. The store stocks cozy would literally recommend to any- this is you, do not give up just yet, If yoga is your thing there is also hand-dyed wool and all the other the inner Sun yoga studio on Main tools you need to get started, and body. In fact, I just poured myself there are some other options. Street. They offer classes for a va- the staff are happy to answer your a second glass of the stuff. Sitting at thirteen bucks for a six-pack, it Try one of the fitness classes of- riety of levels, from drop-in begin- questions and offer knitting assiswill not break the bank either. If fered by the athletics centre. They ners' classes, to faster-paced Vin- tance when you hit a snag. you just do not drink beer because have a variety to choose from like yasa flow sessions. you say it is ‘too-filling’, put down Zumba, cycling and step classes. Now may also be the time to get your dollar store shot glass and Sometimes a group environment Alternatively, you could embrace working on some household projcan be more motivating and sign- winter and go skating on the Aca- ects. Hit up Pinterest for some snag some Halifax brews. ing up for a class makes you feel dia arena rink. They have a pub- DIY inspiration. Try giving your Summary: Solid, well-rounded obligated to go. Also, you are far lic skate Monday-Friday from 12-1 Continued on Page 13

New year, new me?

12 January 22nd, 2015

athhealth and wellness ath Continued from Page 12 furniture a fresh coat of paint, craft yourself a new headboard for your bed, or try your hand at some new recipes in the kitchen. Lastly, try writing for the Ath! Have your voice heard, and get the chance to investigate and talk about topics that you are passionate about. Seeing your words or photos in print never ceases to be exciting. Good for the Soul 2015 might be the year to start upon your philanthropic efforts. A new year means new opportunities to volunteer. Helping those that are disadvantaged can help you to appreciate your circumstances. Some local charities to become involved in include: the

Wolfville Food Bank, L’arche Homefires, or the Acadia S.M.I.LE program. If these are not up your alley, think outside the box. Helping others does not necessarily have to be through the form of charity. Sign up to help students with their work in the library writing centre, start tutoring students in your favorite subject, or spend you Saturday mornings volunteering for the Wolfville Farmer’s Market. If you have access to a car volunteer with Meal on Wheels. This program, run by the Victorian Order of Nurses, delivers nutritious meals to clients who are unable to make their own.

your university experience, is to connect with the community in which you are living. This could be through sports, volunteering, or clubs. Trying new things forces you to socialize with people you may not have otherwise met, and might end up really liking. Take me for example, I transferred to Acadia last year and started writing for the Athenaeum in my second semester. I grew to love the quirky, sarcastic, and funny people I worked with and look forward to our meetings each week. I also gained invaluable writing experience that can only benefit me in the long-term.

but do not view these rejected activities as failures. Maybe your New Years resolution was to run a half marathon, but 2 weeks in you have shin splints, you are sore, tired, and cranky. Turns out, you hate running. You quit, and you end up feeling like you failed because you broke your resolution.

a missed pass interference call on the Cowboys in their game against the Lions. It is impossible to know what would have happened had the penalty actually been called, but the absence of the call effectively sealed the game for the Cowboys. The second round went more or less as it was expected as well: Seattle easily beat Carolina, and New England beat Baltimore in what ended up being a closer game than most people thought it would. The Colts upset the Broncos, which came as a surprise to most people, until it was announced after the game that Peyton Manning had been playing with a torn quadriceps. Aaron Rodgers led the Packers over the Cowboys in a game that could have ended very differently had the Cowboys been able to convert on fourth down late in the game. The play, a deep pass to Dez Bryant, which would have set up the Cowboys very close to the Green Bay endzone to potentially take the lead with a touchdown, was reviewed, and eventually ruled an incomplete pass, effectively winning the game for Green Bay. The conference championship games, Seattle at home against Green Bay, and New England at home against Indianapolis, should be entertaining matchups. Green Bay and Seattle is particularly intriguing due to the fact that Aaron Rodgers, arguably the MVP of the league, is playing with a partially torn calf

muscle in one of the loudest stadiums in the NFL.

I think it would do us all some good to abandon this mindset. Sometimes finding out what you do not like or are not good at is just as important. You do not have to change who you are to make progress. Leave the idea of total mind/body transformations behind and focus on what you love. Just do it You may find your niche in the Work on doing more of the things Do not pass up opportunities to most expected of places. It may that make you happy. It will be the get involved. One of the best ways take some exploration to find same you, only better. to enjoy, and get the most out of what you are passionate about,

The winter in sports Will Cann Staff Writer

While you were writing exams, eating holiday dinners, and meeting with family and friends, the sports world continued on. For most Canadian sports fans, the biggest sporting event of the holiday season is the World Junior Hockey Championship, which was held in Toronto and Montreal this year. Second on the list for most would be the beginning of the NFL playoffs, followed by the continuation of the NBA and NHL regular seasons.

close game than a blowout; I think most people would feel the same way). At the outset, it looked like it would be just that – Canada scored twenty-three seconds into the game, and eventually built a 5-1 lead. Russia would chip away at the lead, scoring with about three minutes left in the second period to make the score 5-4. That would be the end of the game’s scoring, but it set up a very exciting, and rather tense, third period. It ended up being a close game, like I hoped it would, but I think The World Juniors ended with a it ended up being a closer game Canadian victory over the Rus- than people expected after seeing sians in an exciting 5-4 victory on the first period. the night before second semester’s classes began. This team was the In the NFL, the playoff picture was first in the past few years where largely decided two weeks before they looked completely dominant the playoffs actually started. On over the teams they played. There the last week of the season, the were a few games they played, only thing that was left to be denotably against Finland and the cided was whether it would be US, where the games were close, the Panthers or Falcons playing but while watching it never really out of the NFC South, along with felt like Canada was in danger of the seeding of a few teams, which losing. The championship game would decide match-ups in the against Russia was the only game first and second rounds. The first where it really felt like Canada had round went largely as planned, a legitimate chance to be beaten. with the exception of Baltimore Going into the game I was worried beating Pittsburgh, sending the that it would end up being a very Ravens to play New England at lopsided game in favor of Cana- home. The only other major stoda (I would much rather watch a ry line from the first round was

In other sports, there was a flurry of free agent signings in the MLB, most notably, Jon Lester signing with the Chicago Cubs over the Boston Red Sox. This will set up the Cubs to be legitimate contenders in the upcoming season, something that has not really been the case since 2003. In the NHL, the Toronto Maple Leafs recently fired their head coach, Randy Carlyle, even though Toronto is still around the middle of the conference standings. In the NBA, one of the major story lines in the middle of December was Boston trading Rajon Rondo to Dallas. LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers continue to struggle, flirting with a record around .500. With the Super Bowl right around the corner, NBA and NHL teams will begin their push towards the playoffs. The basketball and hockey regular seasons will end around the beginning of April, pretty much the same time as the beginning of the baseball season. March Madness for NCAA basketball will begin around the middle of March, with the championship game being held on Easter Monday, April 6. For most students, trying to juggle their studying with watching playoff hockey and or basketball will be a struggle – have fun with that.

January 22nd, 2015 13

athhealth and wellness ath won another CIS title. Burns was initially drawn to Acadia to pursue a teaching career, and knew that the town of Wolfville was the right place to be. “I wanted to go where hockey was still important and was a big part of the community and school,” said Burns. “A place that followed hockey like a junior team, and Acadia definitely had that, and still does.” Photo Credit: Acadia Athletics

Coach profile: Darren Burns Cameron Davidson Contributor

Now in his 14th season as Head Coach of the hockey Axemen, Darren Burns has brought the team to ten consecutive playoff appearances, as well as two AUS Championships, the most recent coming last season, in 2013/14. The Axemen also notched an AUS Championship win with Burns at the helm back in 2005/06.

While still living in the Annapolis Valley, Burns coached elsewhere for four years after the 1995/96 season, before then taking over as Head Coach of the Axemen. In his fourteen seasons, the Axemen have only missed the playoffs three times, in Burns first three years. After rebuilding the team and program, Burns’ Axemen have made the playoffs ten straight years, a spectacular accomplishment in one of the toughest hockey conferences in the country. In 2005, Burns was recognized as both the AUS Coach of the Year and the CIS Coach of the Year. Outside of Acadia, Burns has also coached as an assistant with Team Canada in the 2006 World University Games, capturing Gold in Turin, Italy. “My coaching career can be summed up so far as extremely rewarding. This is a great level to coach and having the chance to do so while representing Acadia is something that I do not take for granted,” said Burns.

Originally recruited to Acadia to play for the Axemen, Brockville, Ontario native Burns led a successful 5-year career from 19901995. He won a CIS Championship with the team in 1992/93, and then later captained the team in his senior season. After his playing career, Burns acted as an Assistant Coach of the Axemen for the 1995/96 season, when the team Last year the Axemen defeated

Update: Acadia Athletics and AVRSB partnership Jalen Sabean Contributor

When Everett McPherson and the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board came to Acadia early in October, and educated the Acadia student-athletes on the AVRSB school visits they would be going on, there was a lot of excitement about where this partnership was headed. Despite the busy schedules of the student-athletes during first semester, the school visits have been highly successful thus

14 January 22nd, 2015

far and we have many more to look forward to in 2015. The school visits kicked off on November 13th when Acadia athletes, including members of the Axemen hockey team, spent the day at Central Kings Rural High School in Cambridge Station. Central Kings is a grade 6-12 middle/high school, which gave athletes the opportunity to engage with students of all dif-

Saint Mary’s in a best-of-five playoff series to win the AUS Championship. This garnered the team a trip to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to compete in the CIS National Championship tournament, the University Cup. Acadia dropped tight games to Windsor 4-2, and Saskatchewan 3-2 and was eliminated from the tournament. Saskatchewan eventually lost in the final to champion Alberta. Last season's AUS Championship win was huge for Axemen hockey, as well as the surrounding community. “It was important for the program to win the AUS Championship for sure,” reflected Burns. “It was a great experience. It is something that we cannot take for granted and we need to strive for higher achievements.” Burns also added, “The thing that meant the most to me was seeing the sense of accomplishment for the players and seeing how excited the community was. Anytime something good happens for Acadia and the surrounding area, I am happy.” Axemen hockey truly has a diehard fan base in Wolfville and the surrounding community, which has stuck with the team through thick and thin. “It is vital for our program to have the support it does. There is no hockey team in the CIS that gets the support our players and team does. It’s not even describable how important it is. It’s very motivating for me as a coach and for the players.”

Giving back to the community that supports his team so much, Burns was a vital contributor in the creation of the Annapolis Valley’s minor hockey program, the Acadia Minor Hockey Association. Acadia University’s summer hockey camps also play a vital role in the development of young hockey players. “My advice for youth hockey players is follow your dreams wherever they may lead you in hockey. It's a fantastic game and don't get down [on yourself] if you don't make a team that you want to early in your playing days. I see so many kids continue to work hard and get better. Coaching young kids is a passion of mine and it is great to see kids at a young age improve. Lastly, be proud to be from the Valley and realize that our players can compete with any in this province.” Through nineteen games of the twenty-eight-game 2014/15 regular season, the nationally ranked #3 Axemen have a 14-4-1 record, trailing UNB by a single point for the lead of the AUS Conference. Both UNB and Acadia have clinched a playoff berth. In Burns’ career at Acadia he has led the team to a 190-134-31-8 overall record in both the playoffs and the post-season. Reflecting on his time with the Axemen so far, true Axemen Darren Burns said, “Acadia University is second to none in what a university should be; it reaches out much further than in the classroom.”

their day in Berwick the Axemen and Axewomen spent time going into classrooms to answer any questions the students had about being a university student-athlete, the time commitment involved, and how they are able to manage their athletic and academic schedA second school visit took place ules. on December 12th when rugby’s Veronique Russell, football’s Sulei- These school visits are undoubtman Semalulu and Bobby Troop, edly having an impact not only on basketball’s Brett Dickie, and soc- the AVRSB students involved, but cer’s Alana Fairfax took a trip to also for the Acadia student-athBerwick and District School. These letes getting to interact with them. athletes making time for this visit When asked about his experience despite it taking place in the mid- thus far Brett Dickie said “it’s very dle of exams is a true testament to humbling how much the kids look their commitment to giving back up to you.” Dickie also pointed Continued on Page 15 to the community. Throughout ferent ages. The activities involved in the visit were very broad, and the athletes were highly engaged, with hockey’s Brett Thompson even being spotted playing a game of tag with some of the younger students during recess.

athhealth and wellness ath

Federal election may come sooner than expected Alex Quesnel News Editor

In recent months there has been growing speculation about the prospect of Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling an early spring election. Although the official date for Canada’s 2015 federal election is set for October 19, Harper technically still has the power to call one sooner than anticipated. With Harper and the Conservative Party doing well in recent polls, many political pundits are beginning to consider an early trip to the ballot box inevitable.

over, the event allowed Harper to emit the impression that he could “keep the countr y safe.” Harper will likely tr y and capitalize on the fact that many Canadians find comfort in anti-terrorist initiatives when the threat level is elevated. Chantal Hébert offers a similar opinion in a Januar y 13 article written for The Chronicle Herald: “When it comes to crises of international magnitude, even the most unloved government leader is, by virtue of his or her function, invested with more gravitas than his opposition rivals.” She justifies this assertion by pointing to French President François Hollande. Thanks to the unifying effect of the recent attacks in Paris, Hollande seems to have rejuvenated a presidency that had been plagued by numerous scandals. Likewise, Harper may also use the national security issue to distract the public from his own follies.

At the moment, the setting seems favourable for the Conservatives. The issue of national security, for instance, is working to the party’s advantage. In the aftermath of several high profile terrorist attacks at home and abroad, Harper’s hawkish and defiant rhetoric has seemed to affirm the Canadian public’s faith in its leader. In a Januar y 14 article, Jordan Press of The Ottawa Citizen notes how the prime minister “looked statesmanlike” following the attacks Furthermore the prime minister in Ottawa in last year. More- is reportedly confident that his Continued from Page 14 out that going on these visits has made it very apparent just how much support the community has for Acadia Athletics. The comments made by Dickie echo those made by Everett McPherson back in October, as university athletes do not always see themselves as superstars, but in the eyes of these students that is exactly what they are. It is great to see that Acadia Athletics and AVRSB have found a way to take advantage of this and allow the athletes to be true role models for the young students.

see where this partnership goes in 2015 and onward. There are already a number of visits scheduled for second semester, and with those who have already been on visits telling their teammates about the experience it will only be a matter of time before even more athletes are joining the initiative along with the 54 who originally signed up. Look forward to more articles regarding future school visits.

Follow @AxesForChange on Twitter for more Acadia Athletics community involvement updates and With such a strong foundation laid tweet us with #BecAUSeWeCare if for these school visits during first there’s a story you would like to semester it will be very exciting to see covered.

main opponent, Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau, is not up to the task of leading an antiterror campaign. This perception originates from Trudeau’s comments on the Boston Marathon bombings of 2013. His call to focus on the underlying causes of the tragedy was criticized by Harper, who advocated harsh punishment for the offenders. Foreign policy remains one of Trudeau’s most obvious weaknesses. Writing for The Hamilton Spectator on Januar y 11, Tim Harper explains: “Trudeau's major vulnerability may have been on display on the streets of Paris […] and in our own capital last autumn. There is a hole in Trudeau's foreign affairs and national security bona fides and they will be expertly exploited by Harper.” With Trudeau exhibiting these kinds of shortcomings, Stephen Harper’s confidence may not be unwarranted. Stephen Harper’s firm stance on foreign policy issues is also leaving a positive impression on many voters. According to an Abacus Data study published by Bruce Anderson and David Coletto on Januar y 2, Stephen Harper’s vocal criticism of Vladimir Putin has been well received amongst Canadians. Following Russia’s incursion into Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian rebels, the Harper government expressed its distaste towards the Putin regime. Harper's private comments to the Russian leader even generated significant media attention. As Anderson and Coletto’s research confirms, Harper’s stance “has proven politically popular, as 61% approve of his actions, compared to 18% who disapprove. Support for his stance cuts across party lines including 58% of Liberal and NDP voters and 59% of BQ voters.” This support from outside of the Conservative Party certainly helps enhance the argument for an early election as well.

early election. While low fees at the pumps may keep the consumer happy, such a development may cause adverse effects on the Canadian economy in the near future. For example job cuts are expected to increase in Alberta and British Columbia. Moreover, as Jordan Press explains, “the decreasing value of the loonie, and lost federal revenues, could push the Canadian economy into a bad position by the fall.” With this negligible economic grow th expected later in the year, Harper might be tempted to call an election as soon as possible. Another factor that may influence Harper’s decision is the upcoming criminal trial of disgraced Senator Mike Duffy. R. Michael Warren explains in his November 9, 2014 article for The Toronto Star that the event will generate unwanted publicity for Harper before an election campaign: “Harper may be called to testify. Duffy will take ever y opportunity to embarrass and undermine his former Tor y puppet masters. The proceedings will be magnified by a prolonged media feeding frenzy.” This kind of flak could be rather detrimental to the Harper government during election season. Therefore an early trip to the polls would be a way to avoid this inconvenience.

In light of these reasons in favour of a spring election, Prime Minister Stephen Harper may still opt to wait until the fall. After all, the legislation that stipulates the fixed date of October 19 was passed under his own watch. He may not want to break any promises before the Canadian voters take to the polls. What is more, Harper might simply wish to play it safe and wait until the fall. A lot is at stake in this election and Harper may not want to take any risks with an early campaign. The original fixed date would allow his team enough time to adequately prepare. All things considered, the possibility of an early election The plummeting oil prices may ought to be taken seriously. Paralso entice Harper to call an liament resumes on Januar y 26.

January 22nd, 2015


rape culture in 2014 Ceileigh Mangalan Contributor

Last year, global news feasted on a glut of sex scandals, most of which involved issues of assault and various forms of nonconsensual sex. It is my hope that the wounds (both created and reopened) in 2014 will be healed by people’s worldwide proactive litigation and social responsibility in 2015. The following is a general overview of events related to sexual assault that occurred in or continued through 2014.

SMU student leaders performing an offensive chant is posted to instagram. Certain lines of the chant trivialize non-consensual and underage sex, revealing the jocularity with which many students regard sexual assault. • September 6 2013: Jared Perry, the St. Mary’s Students Association president, steps down after the video garners national outrage.

Rehtaeh Parsons

• February 10, 2014: Anne-Marie Roy, a student-union leader at the University of Ottawa, receives photos of a facebook conversation in which she is the target of sexually aggressive slurs. • February 28, 2014: Photos of the facebook conversation are published on The Belle Jar, a feminist commentary website. • February 24, 2014: The University of Ottawa’s men’s varsity hockey team is suspended due to the report of a sexual assault by players Guillaume Gatineau and David Foucher. The two were in Thunder Bay to play against a local university when they assaulted a 21-year-old woman at a hotel. • January 13, 2015: members of the same hockey team file a $6 million lawsuit against Allan Rock, the president of the University responsible for the suspension of the entire hockey team. The players say that suspending the entire team has jeopardized the careers of the players innocent of sexual assault.

• November 2011: Rehtaeh Parsons, 15, attends a party with friends, during which pornographic photos of her are taken by two boys who allegedly had sex with Parsons while she was intoxicated. The photos are widely distributed throughout their Cole Harbour District High School within three days. RCMP deem the photos non-criminal. • April 7, 2013: Rehtaeh Parsons hangs herself, unable to cope with the social harassment and bullying that resulted from the sharing of those photos. Rehtaeh’s case is repoened by the RCMP, citing new information. • November 2014: the two involved boys plead guilty to the creation and distribution of child pornography. University rape culture Saint Mary’s University • September 4 2013: a video of 80

University of Ottawa

students from clinical activities. Columbia University Bill Cosby • September, 2014: Emma Sulkowicz begins to carry her mattress everywhere she goes on campus, as a performance art piece for her thesis, titled Carry That Weight. The piece is also a form of protest against Columbia University’s failure to expel her alleged rapist, Paul Nungessar. University of Virginia • November 19, 2014: Rolling Stone publishes “A Rape On Campus,” by Sabrina Rubin Erdely, which tells the graphic story of ‘Jackie,’ who claims that she was brutally raped by seven men on September 28, 2012. • December 5, 2014: The Washington Post publishes results of an investigation into Jackie’s story that casts doubt on many details of the original article. Though an assault or rape may indeed have occurred, who committed the attack and when is murky. Dalhousie Dental School • December 8, 2014: Dalhousie administration is made aware of statements made on the facebook page of Dal’s 2015 dental students. The statements are suggestive of violence against women, and make sexist slurs against female competence. • December 17, 2014: Dal President Richard Florizone announces that members of the Dalhousie Dental School have come forward, and have elected to undergo the process of restorative justice. • January 5, 2014: Florizone announces the suspension of 13

• October 16, 2014: comedian Hannibal Buress jokes about Bill Cosby’s hypocrisy in shaming black youth culture, saying, “yeah, but you rape women.” The recorded performance renewed public interest in rape allegations against Bill Cosby. • January: 24 women in total have come forward with allegations of sexual abuse against Cosby, who continues to deny the allegations. India rape crises • May 29, 2014: two teenage girls are found hanging from a tree in a village West of New Delhi. Initially assumed to have been raped and murdered, the discovery reignited outrage about the level of police action against sexual assault in India. Jian Ghomeshi • October 26, 2014: Jian Ghomeshi posts facebook status saying that the CBC had fired him because of the controversial nature of his personal sex life. Later that evening, the Toronto Star publishes the allegations of sexual assault by three women against Ghomeshi. • January 8, 2014: a total of seven charges of sexual misconduct and assault have been laid against Ghomeshi, who has surrendered to Toronto police.

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