9 minute read

Lifestyle Dr. Joy discusses her novel "Sisterhood Heals"


"Dr. Joy has done something that we need. It is very clear this is a labor of love and comes from a real place. I started the book two and a half weeks ago and wept. Every chapter makes me want to tell everyone about it. I messaged my college friends and my sorority sisters telling them we have to do the activities in the book," said Kimberland Jackson, moderator of the event.

This is one of many reactions of the women who read Sisterhood Heals. A book about the transformative power of healing in the community and how to nurture and grow friendships. Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, a licensed psychologist and host of the award-winning podcast Therapy for Black Girls, wrote the book. Dr. Joy came to South Florida to discuss the book and share how the audience can develop friendships to replenish rather than drain.

"In the book, there is a sisterhood health survey. I love a good assessment because you can't figure out what's happening without a baseline. This assessment you can take with your friends to find out what type of sister they are and explore how people are showing up for you" said Dr. Joy.

An evening with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford happened on Tuesday, July 11, at Book and Books in Coral Gables, Florida. Dr. Joy publicly discussed the book with Kimberland Jackson, a melanated life coach and mental health advocate. The women discussed how Dr. Joy created the book and the concepts readers can use to evaluate their friendships.

"As much as the book is a celebration of sisterhood, it's also a challenge for us to do better with each other. We need to handle each other more gently. There was much rewriting to ensure this wasn't a tough love read. I wanted the book to translate care rather than tough love because I don't think we ever change or get better with tough handling," said Dr. Joy.

Sisterhood Heals was released on June 27. The book caters to Black women, but the ideas within the novel are so good that anyone can use them to gauge their relationships. Sisterhood Heals is Dr. Joy’s first book. She shared that Sisterhood Heals was originally supposed to be a women's retreat in Atlanta, GA, but the pandemic changed those plans. Dr. Joy conversed with her literary agent and transformed the subject of that retreat into the book. Sisterhood Heals dives into what we learned from the women in our families, what type of sister you are, and how to show up for sisters who are having a hard time.

"A lot of us want to show up but don't know what to do. We often say, "Call me if you need something." While that may be helpful and well-intentioned, people who are struggling with depression or anxiety most of the time don't know what they need, and that becomes an additional burden. What can be done at those moments is to think of some- thing they need but wouldn't ask for. That could be Getting food delivered, handling laundry, even helping them find a therapist," said Dr. Joy.

Dr.Joy and Jackson's conversation got into the subject of dissolving friendships. Dr. Joy explains that a friendship usually dissolves when one of three things happen. Someone gets engaged or married, becomes pregnant or has a baby, or gets a career promotion. Dr. Joy breaks down that in each of those scenarios; people are grieving at the idea of their relationship not being the same as it used to be. Instead of people expressing happiness for one another, people tend to act out in passive-aggressive ways.

"Tough Conversation can unlock a new level of intimacy within a friendship. People grieve when major transitions happen. We don't have the language to express grief. In the book, I have scripts that can start those conversations. People appreciate it when you bring it to the table," said Dr. Joy.

"What often happens in engagements and marriage is it reactivates childhood wounds of the abdomen. Like those early feelings of not getting picked first. They come back, and we don't even recognize it." said Dr. Joy.

Sisterhood Heals has more on this material and other methods anyone can use to evaluate and strengthen friendships. Dr. Joy has created a book with concepts everybody can apply to be a better friend and have better bonds. Sisterhood Heals is available everywhere books are sold.

Find out what type of sister you are at https://www.sisterhoodheals.com/#sister-quiz.

Fulton County Advertisement For Bid

Sealed bids for 23ITB139493BPS - Evolv Weapons Detection System for the Fulton County Police Department, will be accepted by the Fulton County Department of Purchasing & Contract Compliance electronically through BidNet Direct at https://www.bidnetdirect. com/georgia/fultoncounty, on Thursday, August 17, 2023. All bids submitted must be received no later than 11:00 a.m. local (Eastern) time on the stated date. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 11:05 a.m. on the stated due date via zoom. Bid Bond: N/A Scope of Work: Fulton County, Georgia (“County”) Fulton County Police department is seeking to purchase and the installation of 6 Evolv Weapons Detection System. A 5-year subscription for each lane is required. The detailed scope of work and technical specifications is outlined in the Scope of Work of this bid document. In order to obtain complete information about this solicitation, please click the link below where this document and supporting documents can be downloaded, https://www. bidnetdirect.com/georgia/fultoncounty. Fee: N/A Term of Contract: This is a one-time procurement. A Pre-Bid Conference, will be held on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., local time, via Zoom to provide bidders with information regarding the project and to address any questions. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom. us/j/94898969748 Meeting ID: 948 9896 9748 One tap mobile

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Fulton County Advertisement For Bid

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Fulton Countyadvertisement For Bid

Term of Contract: ONE (1) YEAR with two (2) one year renewable years. A Pre-Bid Conference, will be held via zoom on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., local time, to provide bidders with information regarding the project and to address any questions. Register in advance for this webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PDPTDg2FSCyF5gFof1v4Yw

Or an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 955 4190 8418 Site Visit: N/A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT

Sealed bids for 23ITBC139448A-JWT, Truck Mounted

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MANDATORY SITE VISIT: August 3, 2023, 10:00 a.m. 141 Pryor Street, Atlanta, GA 30303 If you have any questions regarding this project please contact Phyllis Stewart, Assistant Purchasing Agent, at Email: phyllis.stewart@fultoncountyga.gov or (404) 612-4215

Fulton County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities.


Keysight Technologies, Inc. has an opening in Atlanta, GA for R&D Engineer 3, Software (RDES06): Ongoing development, improvement, and maintenance of Keysight/EEsof’s Electronic Design Automation products (ADS and IC‐CAP) for the Power Electronics (PE) market segment. Position may require up to 25% domestic and/or international travel. Email resume & reference job code to: Chrc.us@keysight.com.

Sealed bids for 23ITB138778C-MH - Boiler Inspection and Preventive Maintenance for the Fulton Real Estate and Asset Management Department, will be accepted by the Fulton County Department of Purchasing & Contract Compliance electronically through BidNet Direct at https:// www.bidnetdirect.com/georgia/ fultoncounty, on Monday, August 21, 2023. All bids submitted must be received no later than 11:00 a.m. local (Eastern) time on the stated date. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 11:05 a.m. on the stated due date via zoom Bid Bond: N/A Scope of Work: Fulton County Government (“County”) The purpose of this Invitation to Bid is to solicit for a standby on site boiler inspection and preventive maintenance services vendor. In order to obtain complete information about this solicitation, please go to the link below where this document and supporting documents can be downloaded,

Fulton Countyadvertisement For Bid

Sealed bids for 23ITB073123C-MH - ITB Elevator and Escalator Maintenance Services FY 24 for the Fulton Real Estate and Asset Management Department, will be accepted by the Fulton County Department of Purchasing & Contract Compliance electronically through BidNet Direct at https://www. bidnetdirect.com/georgia/fultoncounty, on Monday, August 21, 2023. All bids submitted must be received no later than 11:00 a.m. local (Eastern) time on the stated date. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 11:05 a.m. on the stated due date via zoom.

Bid Bond: N/A

Scope of Work: Fulton County Government (“County”) seeks to contract with a vendor to provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment and appurtenances necessary for the maintenance and servicing of Elevators and Escalators. The detailed scope of work and technical specifications are outlined in the Scope of Work of this bid document. In order to obtain complete information about this solicitation, please go to the link below where this document and supporting documents can be downloaded, https://www.bidnetdirect.com/ georgia/fultoncounty.

INFORMATION: The selected vendor(s) must have the capacity to provide such services in a facility located within Fulton County. If you have any questions regarding this project please contact Mark Hawks, Chief Assistant Purchasing Agent, at Email: mark.hawks@ fultoncountyga.gov. Fulton County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities.

Fee: N/A. Term of Contract: 1 Year with 2 Renewal Options. A Pre-Bid Conference, will be held via zoom on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., local time, to provide bidders with information regarding the project and to address any questions. Please click this URL to join. https://zoom.us/s/97574001093

Or One tap mobile: +14703812552,,97574001093# US (Atlanta) +14702509358,,97574001093# US (Atlanta) Site Visit: N/A If you have any questions regarding this project please contact Mark Hawks, Chief Assistant Purchasing Agent, at Email: mark.hawks@fultoncountyga. gov. Fulton County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities.

CCTV Sewer Pipe Inspection System for the Fulton County Public Works Department, will be accepted by the Fulton County Department of Purchasing & Contract Compliance electronically through BidNet Direct at https://www.bidnetdirect.com/georgia/ fultoncounty, on Thursday, August 17, 2023. All bids submitted must be received no later than 11:00 a.m. local (Eastern) time on the stated date. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 11:05 a.m. on the stated due date via zoom Join Zoom Meeting https:// zoom.us/j/97636195326 Meeting ID: 976 3619 5326 One tap mobile +14702509358,,97636195326# US (Atlanta)

+14703812552,,97636195326# US

(Atlanta) Dial by your location +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta) +1 470 381

0140 US (Phoenix) +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 976 3619 5326 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ agwReUqyO Bid Bond: N/A Scope of Work: Fulton County, Georgia (“County) is seeking a CCTV Sewer pipe inspection system mounted in a truck for mobility to different locations through out the county. In order to obtain complete information about this solicitation, please click the link below where this document and supporting documents can be downloaded, https://www.bidnetdirect.com/ georgia/fultoncounty. Fee: N/A Term of Contract: One Time Purchase.

DocuSign Envelope ID: D284E779191B-4D8E-A905-61144DF40E66

Pre-Bid Conference: N/A If you have any questions regarding this project please contact Janelle Tanner, Assistant Purchasing Agent, at Email: janelle.tanner@fultoncountyga.gov or 404-612-7969. Fulton County reserves he right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities


Cooper Lighting LLC seeks a Development Engineer in Peachtree City, GA to devise & excte test strtgy & anlyz rslts in a systmc mnnr with an emphss on automtn. Reqrs a Bach deg in CS, Sftwr Eng, or a rltd fld of study (frgn deg eqvlnt accptd) & 5 yrs of rltd exp. Exp must invlv the fllwng: revwing prdct reqs to plan Release Test Strtgy; exctng test scnrios; Atlassian Tools incldng JIRA, Confluence, & Xray; SQL queries; API vldtn using Postman; trblshtng using Linux cmmnds; MobileApp Tstng; Cllbrting with crss functional team in onsite/offshore model; Agile mthdlgs; Python scrptng & Autmtn Test Frmwrks; Web app tstng & Brwsr cmptblty; Tstng networking protocols as BLEMesh, Zigbee3.0, & iCAN bus; Embddd Frmwr Tsting; & 5 yrs of exp in Hrdwre/Sftwre tstng. 10% domestic trvl reqd. Telecommuting permitted up to 1 day per wk. Email resume to taamericas@signify.com. Resume must include Ref. #24-GA, full name, email address & mailing address.

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